Magnesium for strong nerves. Vitamin B6 and magnesium help fight stress What are the options

In "these days" a woman experiences nervousness, fatigue, anxiety, frequent headaches, aching muscles and joints, swelling of the limbs. The treatment of increased irritability can be carried out with the help of magnesium, which reduces the intensity of the manifestation of PMS.


A feeling of anxiety and psychological instability can occur as a result of stress, the development of various diseases, and chronic fatigue. May be accompanied by shortness of breath or palpitations. Often, such conditions are associated with a deficiency of important minerals in the diet, including a lack of magnesium, which regulates excitation processes in the brain and helps maintain psychological balance and balance throughout the day.


Stress can "burn" the daily intake of magnesium in 10 minutes. A bad temper and irritability are inseparable from such a state. Therefore, in the treatment of irritability and nervousness, the doctor often prescribes medications containing magnesium.


Increased irritability is often caused by the fact that everything falls out of hand in a person, there is not enough strength for anything. In turn, magnesium is the main element for the synthesis of ATP - an energy source for all cells of the body. In addition, it regulates the processes of excitation in the brain, promotes muscle relaxation, is necessary for the production of serotonin - the hormone of pleasure, has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, which generally increases efficiency.


Often, internal accumulated stresses and overexertion have physical manifestations, such as tics, trembling, heart palpitations. Along with the direct treatment of the problem, it is important to think about a balanced diet, because. similar physical manifestations may be associated with a lack of magnesium. Therefore, in the treatment of physical manifestations, the doctor often prescribes the intake of drugs containing magnesium.


A.S. Kadykov
S.N. Busheneva

The name "magnesia" is already found in the Leiden Papyrus X (3rd century AD). It probably comes from the name of the city of Magnesia in the mountainous region of Thessaly. Magnesian stone in ancient times was called magnetic iron oxide, and magnes - a magnet. It is interesting that the original name "magnesium" was preserved only in Russian thanks to Hess's textbook, and at the beginning of the 19th century, other names were proposed in a number of manuals - magnesia, magnesia, bitter earth.

The total content of magnesium in the human body is about 25 grams. It plays an important role in the formation of more than three hundred enzymes. Magnesium takes part in energy and electrolyte metabolism, acts as a regulator of cell growth, and is necessary at all stages of the synthesis of protein molecules. The role of magnesium in the processes of membrane transport is especially important. Magnesium helps to relax muscle fibers (musculature of blood vessels and internal organs). The most important value of magnesium is that it serves as a natural anti-stress factor, inhibits the processes of excitation in the central nervous system and reduces the body's sensitivity to external influences.

It is believed that 25-30% of the population does not get enough magnesium from food. This may be due to modern processing technologies and the use of mineral fertilizers in growing vegetables, leading to a deficiency of magnesium in the soil.

Chronic magnesium deficiency is often observed in patients with diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, epilepsy, osteoporosis, etc. A number of physiological conditions are known that are accompanied by an increased need for magnesium: pregnancy, breastfeeding, a period of intensive growth and maturation, elderly and senile age, heavy physical labor and physical activity in athletes, emotional stress, frequent and prolonged (more than 30-40 minutes per day). session) stay in the sauna, insufficient sleep, air travel and crossing time zones. Magnesium deficiency occurs when taking caffeine, alcohol, drugs, and certain drugs, such as diuretics, which help remove magnesium in the urine.

Our nervous system is sensitive to the level of magnesium in the body. Its reduced content can cause anxiety, nervousness, fear, as well as insomnia and fatigue, decreased attention and memory, in some cases, seizures, tremors and other symptoms. Often people complain of "causeless" headaches.

Magnesium (especially in combination with vitamin B6) has a normalizing effect on the state of the higher parts of the nervous system during emotional stress, depression, and neurosis. This is no coincidence. Stress (physical, mental) increases the need for magnesium, which causes intracellular magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium deficiency worsens with age, reaching a maximum in people over 70 years of age. According to the European Epidemiological Study of Cardiovascular Diseases, plasma magnesium levels below 0.76 mmol / l are considered as an additional (for example, arterial hypertension) risk factor for stroke and heart attack. Imbalance of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions is one of the serious reasons for the formation of blood clots in the vessels. The use of magnesium preparations helps to reduce the tendency to form a blood clot. Magnesium, for example, enhances the antithrombotic effect of aspirin.

It is believed that magnesium plays a positive role, inhibiting the process of atherosclerosis.
Taking into account the latest data on the prevalence of magnesium deficiency in residents of large cities, its content in the blood is determined in neurological patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as depression and asthenia. Normally, the content of magnesium in the blood serum in children varies from 0.66 to 1.03 mmol / l, in adults from 0.7 to 1.05 mmol / l.

In healthy people, the daily requirement for magnesium is 350-800 mg. With magnesium deficiency, its additional administration is required at the rate of 10-30 mg per kilogram of body weight per day. In addition to dietary correction, medicinal preparations are also used. The saturation time of tissue depots during magnesium therapy is 2 months or more. The choice of preparations for correction is well known - these are inorganic and organic magnesium salts. The first generation of magnesium preparations included inorganic salts. However, in this form, magnesium is absorbed by no more than 5%, stimulates intestinal motility, which often leads to diarrhea. Magnesium absorption in the gastrointestinal tract is increased by lactic, pidolic and orotic acids, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), and some amino acids.

The second generation of magnesium-containing preparations is much better absorbed and does not cause dyspepsia and diarrhea. Modern combined preparations include Magne-B6.

The anti-anxiety effect of Magne-B6 allows it to be included in the complex therapy of depression (together with antidepressants), convulsive conditions (in combination with anticonvulsants), sleep disorders (together with sleeping pills), and also to use the drug as an additional tool for preventing and leveling mild excitatory effects of brain metabolism activators. Magnesium therapy is quite a promising direction in the treatment of night sleep disorders of various origins, especially in patients with asthenic and anxiety conditions. The vasodilating effect of magnesium ions allows the use of Magne-B6 in combination with antihypertensive agents. However, a decrease in blood pressure in response to the administration of magnesium is achieved only in patients with magnesium deficiency.

    German neurologists analyzed the archive of F. M. Dostoevsky. His letters, diaries, his bitter and light prose, notes of a family doctor. As a result, the journal "Neurology" published an article "Did the great Russian writer suffer from magnesium deficiency?" Medical verdict: Yes, definitely.

Fifty years before the first use of magnesium in medicine (1906), Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky wrote in his diary: “... I tossed and turned all night, slept for half an hour. The gloomy dawn did not bring joy. Anguish and anxiety claws hold the heart. I write, and a lump rolls up in my throat, I can’t breathe, tears stand in my eyes, and a cramp cramps my hand from constant writing. A modern neurologist, after reading such words, will immediately say: there are all signs of a magnesium deficiency in the body, a diet and magnesium-containing drugs are indicated.

What is magnesium for?

Magnesium is an element that is involved in most key physiological processes. It is extremely important for the normal functioning of cells, muscles and especially nervous tissue. The human body is not able to synthesize magnesium on its own and therefore receives it only through food. Magnesium is necessary for all body systems, without exception, it “starts the work” of many enzymes involved in energy, protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Only 300 biochemical processes depend on it directly, and indirectly - several orders of magnitude more. For example, magnesium plays an important role in the prevention of diabetes.

The great importance of magnesium lies in the fact that it serves as a natural anti-stress factor, inhibits the development of excitation processes in the central nervous system and reduces the body's sensitivity to external influences, alleviates the symptoms of anxiety and irritability. The fact is that physiologically all extreme exposures lead to an increase in the release of adrenal hormones, an increase in adrenaline in the blood. This removes magnesium from the cells through the kidneys. Therefore, almost all stresses can be treated with magnesium.

In addition, independent research by Russian scientists - professors of the International Institute of Trace Elements "UNESCO" A.A. Spasova, Ya.I. Marshak - showed that the restoration of a normal level of magnesium reduces cravings for alcohol, drugs and smoking, and "heavy artillery" therapy - special magnesium-containing drugs - is especially effective in treating addiction.

In addition, magnesium is known to prevent the formation of calcium oxalate stones, which is the most common cause of urolithiasis. Studies have shown that taking 500 mg of magnesium per day reduces the incidence of stone formation by 90 and a half percent.


For all its importance, magnesium is also the most vulnerable trace element in our body. Its balance is very easy to upset. The daily requirement of an adult for magnesium is 300-350 mg. Since this trace element is not produced independently in the body, this entire dose must be supplied with food. But, unfortunately, over the past 100 years, we began to receive much less magnesium. Most often this happens due to malnutrition. In the modern diet, there are very few foods with a maximum content of magnesium - unrefined cereals, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. The situation is aggravated by the fast food system, which is based on the use of refined foods, excess sugar and salt, as well as foods that remove magnesium from the body - for example, phosphoric acid found in Coca-Cola and other soft drinks, various preservatives and other "E ".

What are the causes of magnesium deficiency?

Magnesium deficiency may be due to the following factors:

  • Insufficient dietary intake: Poor nutrition, low-calorie diet, drinking alcohol, drinking soft water, chronic or prolonged diarrhea.
  • Increased need: for example, during growth, pregnancy, breastfeeding; with intense physical exertion, in situations of stress and increased mental stress; during the rehabilitation period after serious illnesses and injuries.
  • Taking certain medications can also be the cause of its deficiency (diuretics, cardiac glycosides, antibiotics (especially aminoglycosides), corticosteroids, oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.
  • Low solar insolation: winter period of the year, work in dark rooms.

    What are the symptoms of a magnesium deficiency?

    The first symptom is usually fatigue, a tendency to depression. Other manifestations include twitching of the eyelids, a feeling of tension, memory impairment, sleep disturbance or insomnia, night cramps, sometimes numbness, dizziness, irritability, palpitations, "interruptions" in the heart, feeling of lack of air, "lump" in the throat. Magnesium deficiency can lead to a vicious cycle: deficiency of this mineral contributes to the development of stress, which in turn increases its deficiency. A more pronounced lack of magnesium can lead to the development of cardiovascular (arrhythmia) and gastrointestinal disorders.

  • Modern research shows: magnesium is capable of depression, increased irritability and nervousness. It lowers the excitability of the nervous system and enhances the processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex. And therefore makes us more calm and balanced.

    If you are nervous, it will be useful to eat a green salad or a couple of bananas - these delicacies are high in magnesium. And to fall asleep quickly, drink a teaspoon of honey with warm milk. It is best if the honey is dark, buckwheat - the magnesium content is especially high in it.

    For heart problems

    Magnesium deficiency can contribute to the development of many diseases of the cardiovascular system. For example, scientists from Ireland and the USA managed to identify a certain relationship between the development of cardiac arrhythmia and a lack of magnesium in the body.

    Magnesium dilates blood vessels, improves the activity of the heart muscle, regulates. This macronutrient helps to remove cholesterol from the intestines, thereby preventing the development of atherosclerosis. Magnesium is also vital for the vessels of the brain. So a diet enriched with this substance is an excellent prevention of strokes and migraines. Add dry fruits, fish, and wheat germ to your menu.

    About 60% of people are prone to stress, cardiac arrhythmia, depression and anxiety. Most of the population faces stressful situations at work and in their personal lives.

    It is very difficult to protect yourself from stress, problems, fatigue, longing. Stress, along with poor nutrition, is a major cause of chronic fatigue. People who are often stressed out are impatient. The problem, however, is that we need experience, skill, and excellent health much more today than we did a few years ago.

    The truth about stress

    Stress is an integral part of human life. Under the influence of hormones released by the pituitary gland, blood pressure rises and the heart rate increases. The liver releases high levels of glucose, fatty acids and cholesterol into the blood. It is like a state of "alertness" in the body. We are ready to run… Unfortunately, we live in a stressful world. Avoiding or hiding from problems is not the best solution.

    What harms and leads to stress?

    Whatever the patient, the new reason. Many people are great at coping with the challenges of everyday life. Some patients lose their balance during a trivial quarrel or a difficult driving situation. It provokes stress: job change, divorce, problems with children and even a long-term diet for weight loss (the need to follow a diet). Many people, especially women, follow a strict diet and are under critical pressure. The body without appropriate supplementation of vitamins and minerals cannot sustain this pace. There are problems with muscle contraction, heart pain, neurosis and skin problems (lack of vitamins). Thus, increased irritability, and our predisposition to stress and disease, can be associated with a deficiency of magnesium and vitamin B6 in the body.

    Just calm...

    Firstly, the main means of preventing stress are relaxation, proper nutrition and drugs to strengthen the nervous system and heart. It is important to change your lifestyle. Take up a sport or hobby that will overwhelm reality. We recommend yoga, tai-chi (tai - chi). An interesting hobby, time devoted only to yourself, effectively helps in the daily fight against stress. You can also spend time with friends, read a book, in other words, any form of artistic activity is acceptable.

    A simple remedy for the prevention of heart disease and the effects of stress are preparations containing magnesium and vitamin B6. Magnesium as an enzyme activator promotes metabolism in human cells. It is indispensable for the work of the muscles of the heart, neurological, vascular smooth muscles and striated muscle tissue.

    Vitamin B6 and magnesium

    Magnesium deficiency increases the risk of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction and arrhythmia. Signs of magnesium deficiency: hyperactivity, difficulty concentrating, increased susceptibility to stress, skeletal muscle disorders (muscle spasms, tetany). Vitamin B6 increases the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract by 20 to 40%, promotes the transport of mercury in the cell and maintains the proper intracellular concentration of mercury. It also reduces the excretion of magnesium in the urine.

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