Treats for pugs. All about proper nutrition and feeding a pug. General nutrition rules for pugs of any age

The issue of proper nutrition is relevant for pets. How to feed a pug so that he is healthy and does not gain excess weight? Shops offer a huge selection of a wide variety of feeds, adapted to different breeds and ages, popular and natural food.

Basic principles

An integral part pug care is proper feeding. Before moving on to what to feed a pug, you need to understand a few important rules, regardless of the type of food you choose. What you need to do so that the pug does not have problems with the stomach and excess weight:

  1. Food (any, prepared food or natural food) should be at room temperature. Do not feed dogs too hot food or vice versa just taken out of the refrigerator.
  2. Pugs should not be given liquid food, especially cereals - cook them crumbly.
  3. A pet, especially if you feed it with dry food, must always have clean water, preferably filtered.
  4. The portions indicated on the food packages are recommendations, each individual dog has its own appetite. If your pet is playful, looks healthy, has a good coat, and the pug's weight is normal - portions are as needed.
  5. When feeding a pet with natural food, you need to ensure that meat products make up at least 2/3 of the total diet, the remaining third should be cereals, dairy products and vegetables.
  6. You can not salt food, especially meat. In rare cases, you can add salt to vegetables.

What food to feed a pug

Carbohydrate-rich biscuit crumble is good for puppies and is mixed with finely chopped meat or well-rolled minced meat. Large-sized biscuits are useful for older pugs - from 2-5 months, they contribute to the development of chewing muscles and are good for teeth.

Canned meat is a nutritious source of useful substances and useful minerals, the mixture is given to dogs both separately and mixed with biscuits in equal proportions.

Important: eating only dry food and canned food leads to liver diseases. Even in a diet consisting of prepared foods, vegetables, fruits and dairy products should be present.

Porridge with meat - a type of canned food. Unlike conventional canned meat, there is no need to add biscuits for nutrition.

It is better not to give wet food to pugs, it does not contain enough vitamins and minerals.

Dry food is the most balanced type of prepared food for animals. It already has the necessary vitamins and minerals, and the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates is precisely calculated. Dry food should not be given without first steaming it in hot water or milk. When there is a homogeneous mass in the bowl, the food can be given to the pet in a cooled form.

It is up to you to decide what kind of food to feed your pug, but you need to know a few nuances if you decide to give your pet ready-made food. Experts recommend periodically changing brands of food, but you can not change food abruptly. Pug should be transferred to a new food gradually over 10-15 days. It is also worth doing when transferring to natural food. Mixing ready-made food and regular food is not allowed. It is necessary to give your pet vegetables and fruits in small quantities, without mixing them with the main food. It is best to give your pug treats between feedings.

Additional vitamin supplements will be required only in a number of cases:

  • during pregnancy or lactation;
  • during the recovery period after an illness;
  • in spring and winter.

Puppies and young animals eat more often than adult dogs. What to feed a pug puppy You can read more in this article.

natural nutrition

What to feed a pug if you decide to give him regular food? The choice here is very extensive.

Natural food includes lean meat, poultry, boiled fish, offal, boiled or stewed vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Fish before feeding must be boiled and cleaned of bones, since boiled bones are very hard and can easily injure the esophagus or stomach.

Since natural products already contain all the necessary useful elements and vitamins, additional vitamin supplementation is not required.

Fermented milk products must be present in the animal's diet, they not only contain the necessary amount of calcium, but are also useful for the dog's digestion.

Pugs eat cereals well - rice, millet, barley, etc. It is better to refrain from legumes.

How many times to feed an adult pug?

There are two options for this - one-time or two-time feeding. Better, of course, the second option. For each feeding, it is recommended to give 100-200 grams of lean meat without streaks and 100-200 grams of cottage cheese. In the second feeding, you can give some porridge and boiled vegetables along with the meat. It is very useful to give your pet a little chopped parsley every day. Non-meat products should account for 20-30% of the total amount of food.

Teach your pug to feed at a strictly allotted time. Try not to let the food be on the floor and not in the plate - the dog will get used to eating like that and will pick up everything from the ground during the walk.

Prohibited Products

Completely eliminate all pasta from your pet's diet. Pugs eat cereals with pleasure, but it is absolutely impossible to give them semolina porridge. Potatoes in any form should be excluded from vegetables - such nutrition can lead to a dangerous disease - diabetes. Sweets (chocolate, caramel, sweets, etc.) are also completely excluded, do not succumb to the plaintive looks of your pet. Sugar, of course, should be excluded from the diet.

A pet should not be given flour products - rolls and bread. Smoked and salted foods are also prohibited.

What to do in case of poisoning

One of the reasons for poor appetite in pugs, Yorkies and other dogs may be poisoned. If the animal is poisoned, it will be noticeable very soon.

Symptoms of poisoning:

  • trembling in the limbs;
  • lethargy;
  • refusal of food;
  • convulsions;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • increased salivation, foam at the mouth.

Regardless of the cause of the poisoning, you must act quickly before you run to the veterinary clinic. The first thing to do as quickly as possible is to provoke vomiting, for which pour salt water into the dog's mouth (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 tablespoon of water). Next, be sure to give your pet activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight). The next step, but not the last, is a laxative. But to do a bowel lavage at home will not work, this will already be done by the veterinarian.

The pug is one of the oldest breeds. It was bred in China. Each dog is individual in its own way, has its own character and habits.

These dogs are very loyal. But in order for them to be cheerful, active and healthy, they need to be properly looked after, and most importantly, properly fed.

You can feed dogs of this breed with dry food and natural products. The choice is up to you. But diet must be carefully selected. The dog should receive all the necessary minerals, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates.

What should you feed a pug at a certain age?

What to feed a one month old pug puppy

A month old baby needs to be fed five or six times a day. When buying a puppy, you need to ask the seller what he fed him so that there is no sharp transfer to another

food, as it can harm him.

It is important to remember the main rule: Do not underfeed or overfeed your pet! After you have fed the animal, nothing should remain in the cup. If something remains, then the bowl must be removed, and next time give him a smaller one. If the puppy ate everything and did not eat enough, then next time he needs to increase the portion.

Gallery: pug puppies (25 photos)

What to feed a pug at 2 months

Feeding a pug at 2 months is no different from feeding a month old puppy. Just because the puppy is growing, he will need to increase the portion.

In order for a puppy to develop proper bones, it must have enough calcium in its diet. During this period, he needs to be given cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir.

Also at this age, a pug needs a lot of protein, so include ground beef or finely chopped pieces of meat in the diet. Lamb, chicken or rabbit meat is also suitable. Meat should be given both fresh and boiled. You can also give boiled fish. With such food, the puppy will receive the required amount of protein.

But soup should not be given to a pug. Better cook porridge for him: buckwheat or rice. Do not add salt when cooking. When the porridge is ready, add a little sunflower or olive oil to it.

Useful and harmful foods for puppies

What to feed a pug 2 months and older? Here is a list of useful products:

harmful products.

  1. Pork.
  2. Semolina.
  3. Potato.
  4. Smoked products.
  5. Pasta.
  6. Mushrooms.
  7. Grapes and raisins are toxic to dogs.
  8. Sweet foods: sweets, chocolate, cakes.
  9. Eggs often cause allergies.
  10. Fatty foods, including lard.
  11. Any bones - a pet can choke on them.
  12. Beans and corn - the pug's digestive system does not digest them.

Nutrient norms per day for a growing body of pugs:

  1. Proteins - 30 grams per 1 kilogram of animal weight.
  2. Fat - 3 grams per kilogram.
  3. Carbohydrates - 10 grams per kilogram.

For adult dogs, this rate should be reduced by half.

Dry food for pugs

Of course, natural products are better than dry food. But it is very difficult to calculate the right amount of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats for a certain age of a puppy. In this regard, many owners resort to dry food, which can simply be poured into a bowl, referring to the instructions on the package.

Pugs have an unstable digestive system therefore they are prone to allergies and obesity.

Therefore, dry food for a pug puppy is not so easy to pick up - you have to try many brands.

To save costs, buy some food to try first. It must be at least premium. If the pet's body reacts normally to it, then it suits him. If he has a disorder of the digestive system or an allergy, then the food must be changed.

Here is a list of ready-made foods that are suitable for pugs.

  1. Royal Canin - prepared on a vegetable basis with the addition of chicken meat.
  2. Organix - does not contain dyes, preservatives, GMOs, soy, wheat and flavors. Designed for dogs with sensitive gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Brit - is a hypoallergenic food, and also contains prebiotics that improve bowel function.
  4. Akana - made from fresh and selected products.
  5. Bosch - contains natural meat, not offal, has all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
  6. Arden Grang - contains a large amount of natural meat, as well as all the necessary nutrients.
  7. Orijen - contains a high amount of protein, which is very important for pugs. It also does not include offal, but it includes vegetables, fruits, and even berries and herbs.
  8. Fest Mate is a grain-free food based on potatoes and fish.
  9. Wolfsblat - does not contain artificial flavors and preservatives. Contains more than fifty percent natural meat.
  10. Go Natural Holistic is a grain-free food containing a large amount of natural meat, fruits, vegetables, berries and herbs. It contains no artificial flavor enhancers.
  11. Yukanuba Adult is high in protein and low in fiber.

General nutrition rules

  1. Feed your dog at the same time.
  2. If the puppy is 1 month old, then it needs to be fed up to 6 times a day, from 2 to 4 months - 4 times, from 4 to 6 months - 3 times, and from six months the dog needs to be fed no more than 2 times a day.
  3. Food should not be hot or frozen.
  4. In the morning, give cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables, porridge and greens. In the evening - meat or fish.
  5. Do not mix dry food with natural food.
  6. Do not buy bulk feed, it can be stored in the wrong conditions, while it is almost impossible to control the expiration date.
  7. Pugs should always have a bowl of fresh water.
  8. Don't feed your dog from the table.
  9. When choosing a dry food, read its composition.

If you follow all the rules, then your pet will be healthy and will give you only joy!

Attention, only TODAY!

Today it is difficult to find answers to the questions: “how to eat right?”, “what to eat?” and “what is unacceptable for consumption?” The complexity of a healthy diet is in the first place not only in the human world, but also in the animal world. A huge range of dog food, all kinds of vitamins and supplements, natural food - it's easy to get confused in the variety. Let's figure out how to feed a pug.

Veterinarians continue to actively debate whether it is better to build baby food based on natural food or transfer pugs from infancy to dry and wet food. An unequivocal solution to this dispute cannot be reached. Indeed, natural food is the key to health. At the same time, on the basis of natural nutrition, it is extremely difficult to make a balanced diet for dogs. The fact speaks in favor of dry and wet food: the mixtures are already prepared in a balanced form, and they do not require supplementing the body with additional vitamins and minerals.

Principles of proper feeding

In order for pugs to remain healthy and not suffer from stomach diseases, you will need to follow a number of simple rules.

  1. First of all, food ready to be served is at room temperature. It is unacceptable to feed babies with hot food, risking causing gastrointestinal diseases. Cold food is prohibited.
  2. It is unacceptable for representatives of the pug breed to give food in a liquid state.
  3. Children should be provided with constant access to clean water. Moreover, it is not recommended to give tap water containing harmful substances. Filtered water will affect the stomach and condition of pugs much better.
  4. You should not be guided by the general portion sizes relative to an individual dog. Everywhere the average diet for an average dog is indicated. Every dog ​​is different and requires an individual approach to nutrition. How much to feed a pug will tell the appearance of the baby. If the dog looks great, the coat is in good condition, and the physical indicators are close to ideal, the food sizes and diet are chosen correctly.
  5. When choosing a natural diet, it is important to observe the proportion: the daily norm of meat products, fish and poultry is not less than 2/3 of the total daily diet.
  6. It is unacceptable to add salt to dog food in an amount similar to human volumes. It is not recommended to add salt, or salt occasionally in small doses. At the same time, you should not add salt to meat and meat products; slightly salt stewed vegetables is completely allowed.

The basis of nutrition

The pug's diet depends on the size and condition of the pet's stomach. Breed standards and natural data rewarded dogs with a small stomach, as a result, dogs are forced to take exclusively solid food. It is important to build the diet of babies on a concentrated basis: raw meat and poultry. The choice is supposed to stop exclusively on low-fat options - lamb and beef. Surprisingly, the pug is recommended to include chicken bones in the diet, they are only allowed raw.

It is recommended that representatives of the pug breed give milk, with the help of the product, dogs get rid of heartburn. Do not give the baby a boiled version of meat to try. A little gourmet is able to refuse a raw product. Remember, the pug is by nature a predator, designed to eat meat with blood. Blood contains salt. Occasionally it is allowed to pamper your pet with salted fish, but you can’t overdo it with salt. It is unacceptable to treat pugs with spices.

Prohibited Products

Consider menu items that are contraindicated for pugs.

  • You will need to completely exclude pasta and vermicelli from the diet.
  • Semolina porridge, porridge with gravy.
  • Banned potatoes - this is a sure way to the disease of diabetes.
  • The ban applies to sweets and confectionery.
  • It is unacceptable to give sugar, modifications and substitutes.
  • It is strictly forbidden to treat babies with flour products and bread.
  • Prohibited products include all types of smoked meats and pickles, semi-finished products.

Feeding in the first 3 months

At a young age, the pet must receive maximum nutrition. During this period, rapid growth occurs, the development of an adult dog depends on the diet of a monthly pug. In the selected period of time, pugs are fed at least 4 times a day, and the basis of the diet is calcium-containing food.

The morning begins with the use of kefir, yogurt, certainly cottage cheese. Choose low-fat foods. For the prevention of diseases and as a flavor additive, it is recommended to mix honey into the mixture. In the pre-dinner time, the kids are offered slightly stewed vegetables, it is permissible to add a little salt for taste. When asked what to feed a pug at 3 months old, veterinarians will allow the owners to treat the pet with a small slice of black bread spread with butter, or with a slice of hard cheese. The mentioned period includes the intake of fruits, not excluding dried fruits. An additive in the form of a yolk of a chicken or quail egg will come in handy. It is permissible to take boiled porridge as a basis, mainly rice or buckwheat. 2 times a week it is recommended for a pug to give a clove of garlic as a prophylaxis, no more.

At lunchtime and in the evening, meals are built on the basis of meat. The reception of bones is appropriate, they should first be moistened in milk and beaten off. For a pug, there is no better delicacy than lamb; if possible, it is better to build an evening diet based on the specified type of meat.

Up to 7 months

How many times to feed a pug from 4 to 7 months? Meals in the announced interval are built in 3 stages - morning, lunch and evening. The diet does not change. It will be necessary to increase portions of meat products and dairy products, including sour-milk. It is permissible to take porridge as a basis. It is not recommended to dilute the food, otherwise the dog will have a sagging tummy, subsequently the back will sag.

After 7 months

From this age, the pug's food is reduced to two times a day - in the morning after sleep and in the evening before bedtime. The listed diet is included in the morning feeding. Remember, fish products, along with meat, go exclusively to the second reception, in the evening.

From the age of eight months, the puppy is transferred to an adult full-fledged diet. It is important for natural feeding to add the necessary vitamins and minerals to the pet's diet, which are widely available in veterinary pharmacies. Before taking the drugs, it is better to consult a veterinarian, avoiding the development of an allergic reaction in a pet. The transition to ready-made feed takes place gradually, it is impossible to immediately eliminate natural food.

What to feed a pug puppy 2 months from birth? The period of 2 months is very important for the health of the puppy, he was not so long ago weaned from his mother and stopped receiving her breast milk. Usually breeders, while the baby is still breastfeeding, begin to introduce other foods. And for the health of the pug, it is important to maintain the diet that was compiled in the nursery.

And later, if there is a desire, you can change the diet to another, more acceptable one. So you can transfer from dry food to natural food and vice versa (But constantly transferring a puppy from one diet to another, as well as mixing them is not allowed). Below you will learn more about this.

original pug dog

The seeming solidity and powerful torso give the impression that pugs never get sick, they are always strong and strong. In fact, these dogs have their own characteristics of the body. The Chinese breed inherited a slender physique, wrinkled appearance with a short muzzle, short strong paws.

Short hair does not mean that it does not need care. The skin of pugs, first of all, suffers from malnutrition, irritations, rashes and prickly heat may appear.

It should be noted that the pug has a small ventricle, but they are prone to overeating. Hence the resulting problems with the gastrointestinal tract, also pugs are prone to obesity and more often than others suffer from diabetes. Also, because of the short muzzle, dogs often snore, they have difficulty breathing.

And eye loss due to eyelid injuries is a common problem in pugs, if you have not heard about it, be sure to study this issue. If all these features make you afraid and unwilling to take care of a dog, it is better not to buy a pug as a pet.

If you are just in love with the breed, then you will not be able to refuse a cute and attractive creature. Such loving owners, on the contrary, will bring a lot of pleasure taking care of a pet. Perhaps even you will avoid all the problems that can accompany him through life, knowing how to prevent and avoid unforeseen situations.

You must remember that the pug's stomach does not accept liquid food, and if at the beginning the mother fed the puppy with milk, and you acquired it when he was two months old, do not rush to remove milk from the diet, do it gradually, but the rest of the food should be a little firmer. By the way, milk for pugs helps prevent heartburn, which they often suffer from.

The need to feed a dog with dry food arises if the puppy was previously fed with it. Be sure to buy pug food expensive and balanced. In this case, vitamins are not needed, in the feed the nutrition is completely balanced for all vitamins and minerals. It is important to read on the packaging - how many grams are needed for feeding, and of course compare this with the diet that the puppy had earlier.

Adherents of natural nutrition also exist and there are many of them. If you choose natural food, you should take care of additional vitamins and distribute one feeding in such a way that all vitamins are balanced, and its menu includes vegetables, fruits, meat and cereals, herbs and vegetable oil.

They feed the baby after a walk and sleep, food should be given only from a bowl, and not from hands or from the table. Puppies from 1 to 2 months need food 6 times a day, and sometimes they wake up at night, as the mother fed the baby at night. From 2 months to 4, meals are mainly 4 meals a day, and the number of servings increases. Up to six months you feed 3 times a day, after 6 months - only 2 times.

What to choose - a balanced diet with dry food or natural - is up to you, the second is less expensive in terms of money, but more tiring in terms of cooking time. And the first is more expensive, but with a minimum of effort on your part.

Some dogs are allergic to dry food, but this is mainly due to the presence of a product in it that the dog does not tolerate. It is almost impossible to identify this product, it is easier to refuse it and switch to another or natural one.

The transition is carried out carefully, this process is long, so as not to affect the gastrointestinal tract. And with natural nutrition there can be such problems, it is much easier to identify the cause here. It is enough to remove one or two products from the menu and the dog begins to recover.

Basic rules for eating

A pug, as you understand, is a person who is sensitive to various innovations and changes. Thus, the introduction of a new menu may affect the dog with a deterioration in well-being. To keep everything in order, follow a few rules and facts about puppy nutrition:

  • Mixing natural food and "drying" is harmful to the health of the dog. Even if you decide to give porridge with vegetables first, and food in the evening, you can’t do this. The digestion of these types of foods is different, the stomach suffers, and at the same time the dog also suffers. If at a young age everything goes more or less well, then it worsens with age.
  • The introduction of new products should also be very careful, from such drastic changes, a pug can get heartburn, gastrointestinal upset and nausea.
  • Only super-premium food is suitable for pugs, not all food intended for decorative breeds is suitable for a pug. Moreover, for pug puppies - this is a separate menu, for pregnant women and aged dogs - another.
  • Being on a natural diet, the puppy should receive equally meat, vegetables and cereals, 1% oil and vitamin supplements.
  • From meat dishes, it is better to give preference to such products - beef, rabbit, lamb and chicken. For puppies, it is better to pour boiling water over the meat to avoid helminthic invasion, but if you are sure of the quality of the meat, it is better to slowly accustom it to raw meat - it can be scraped and finely chopped, it is undesirable to grind it into minced meat.
  • For proper assimilation of food, it is better for pugs to take long walks - about 2 hours of walks a day.

Useful components of a healthy diet

How to feed a pug puppy for 2 months if he is sick? Leave the regimen in the same amount - 6 times a day, just consult a veterinarian - perhaps some foods need to be removed from the diet.

It is also advised to feed such a small one with milk mixtures, but goat or cow's milk should be removed from the diet.

It is useful to prevent diseases with garlic - once a week, diversify any dish with such an ingredient in the name of your pet's health.

During the day, try to supply the tiny body with useful things, but do not overfeed the baby. Low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt will help you - these products are rich in proteins and at the same time beneficial bacteria. Do not disregard this fact, do not replace fermented milk with milk - it is harmful and dangerous.

What else is useful, besides sour milk, for a pug:

  • Lean meat, raw or steamed;
  • boiled fish;
  • Offal, but they do not replace meat;
  • Chicken bones pre-soaked and beaten off, not boiled;
  • Food should be warm, not cold or hot;
  • Water must be fresh, not from the tap;
  • Cereals - buckwheat, rice, millet, oatmeal, wheat;
  • It is useful to eat cartilage from moslov;
  • Vegetable oil, herbs;
  • You can do everything except potatoes, cabbage, legumes, corn.

Prohibited foods - what should be discarded when feeding a pug:

  • Chocolate;
  • Sweets and sweeteners, flavorings;
  • Pasta, flour, pastries;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Semolina;
  • Milk after 4 months;
  • Grapes, raisins, citrus fruits;
  • Potatoes, legumes, corn;
  • smoked products;
  • Pickled;
  • Too much salt and sugar is harmful;

Being on a natural diet, the pug should be given black bread, egg yolk, a little honey, dried fruits, garlic, fresh fruits. By the way, fresh fruits perform many functions for the body - they saturate with liquid, satisfy hunger, help digest nutritious food, and most importantly, they clean teeth and sharpen them.

Pugs are considered allergic by nature, so their food must be carefully selected from a very young age. Between dry food and natural food, you will have to choose one thing. Pugs are a breed that will not forgive neglect of feeding.

Smoked meat and pork should not be given to pugs.

There is no exact definition about the correct feeding of this breed, but there are rules that will help owners avoid unplanned trips to the veterinarian. Rule of thumb: what not to feed pugs.

  • Products containing sugar
  • Pork
  • Smoked and fried foods
  • Flour products, with the exception of black bread
  • Ice cream, cream, mayonnaise
  • Semolina
  • Potato
  • Mushrooms

All these products can cause dog obesity, as well as disrupt the functioning of internal organs.

Feeding pug puppies aged 1 to 7 months

Three weeks after birth, the pug is not enough mother's milk alone. You can start feeding your puppy some foods. It remains to find out what you can feed a small pug.

From the age of the pug puppy, the diet changes.

It can be:

  • Instant baby cereals (buckwheat, rice, millet)
  • Grated cottage cheese not more than 12% fat
  • Raw quail egg

All feeding should be given in very small amounts. In this case, it is better to grind the cereals in a coffee grinder.

1 month

At this age, the puppy can be given raw meat for the first time. It should be crushed to the state of minced meat. The portion of meat top dressing should increase with the growth of the puppy.

A small pug can be transferred to 5 meals a day. His daily diet should consist of all of the above products. Perhaps the animal will refuse to eat 5 times a day. In this case, 4 meals will be enough.

A puppy, like an adult dog, should always have drinking water available. Tap water is not suitable: only purified water, which the owner himself drinks.

1.5 months

You can include a meat bone in food: a lamb rib is ideal. Lamb is low in fat, and its bone is perfect for a puppy's baby teeth.

In the first months of a pug's life, it is necessary to include calcium in the diet.

In the first months of life, the dog needs calcium. It is found in dairy products - kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt. Everything that can be fed to a 1.5 pug puppy will have to be checked for fat content. Too fatty food will not be digested in a young dog's stomach.

It is better to give dairy products in the morning or in the afternoon, and leave the meat top dressing for the 4th or 5th feeding. Every day you need to add a new product to the diet. For example: carrots, grated dried fruits or deboned, boiled fish. This is done in order to nourish the growing body with the necessary vitamins.

3 months

At the age of 3 months, pug puppies are actively growing. The diet should continue to include low-fat dairy products. The portion of meat top dressing can be increased and included in the 3rd and 4th feeding. Lean meats include lamb, beef, chicken, veal and rabbit.

Vegetables can be given raw, boiled and stewed. Twice a week, you need to add a small head of garlic to your food. Garlic has the property of disinfecting the intestinal mucosa.

Important. During the period of active growth, the puppy may not eat up the usual portions, so they can be increased by 1.5 times.

Seven months

A grown up pug puppy needs to be transferred to 3 meals a day. The diet should include all the same products. The only innovation in feeding is that the dog can eat solid food. Allowed black bread with butter, slices of hard cheese.

A pug from 6 months old must be transferred to three meals a day.

The formed stomach of a pug, by virtue of nature, does not accept liquid food. In size - it is very small and is designed to digest solid foods.

After 7 months

The diet should be switched to 2 meals a day. Meat and fish products are best left in the afternoon.

From the age of 8 months, the dog can be transferred to an adult diet. If the owner decides to transfer an adult dog from natural products to dry food, then this will have to be done very carefully.

Dry food or natural products

The owner himself must decide this issue. Only he knows all the "quirks" of his dog. As mentioned above, pugs are very allergic. During the feeding period from a young age to an adult, all allergic reactions to foods are usually detected.

You can not feed a pug dry food and natural food at the same time.

The advantage of dry food is that it already contains all the necessary elements and minerals for the normal growth of the animal. In the case of natural food, such vitamins will most likely have to be bought additionally.

The disadvantage of dry food is that you first need to choose the right one. Incorrectly selected food can result in digestive problems and even various rashes.

Important. You can not feed a pug at the same time natural products and dry food.

Rules for feeding dry food

In order for the dog not to suffer from obesity, the owner will have to decide how many times a day he will feed his pug with dry food. To do this, you need a measuring cup. Usually such data is indicated on each feed package, but here the needs of each animal must be taken into account.

Choose from premium and super premium food for pugs.

If the owner of the pug seems that the dog remains hungry, it would be better to consider replacing the dry food with another one that is more nutritious. It is important to read the contents of each package. Instead of processed meat, it may contain soy products that the dog absolutely will not like.

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