Severe pain on the first day of menstruation. Painful periods: causes, treatment. Types of algomenorrhea. Do I need to take pills

During menstruation, most women experience not just discomfort and general malaise, they are tormented by terrible painful symptoms in the lower abdomen, which not even all medical painkillers help to cope with. Therefore, during this period, there can be no talk of any social activity. The fair sex writhe in pain, drink pills in handfuls and wait for these "terrible" days to end. However, this approach is fundamentally wrong. Unbearable pain during menstruation is a clear symptom of pathological disorders in the body that require medical diagnosis and qualified treatment. Therefore, it is not necessary to suffer and wait until everything passes, when painful symptoms appear, it is necessary to go to the gynecologist.

Is menstrual pain normal or abnormal?

What is menstruation is a process during which the inner layer of the uterus is updated and dead cells are removed to the outside. This happens due to intense muscle contraction, during which compression of nerve endings and compression of blood vessels is possible. That is why there are painful sensations in the lower abdomen, lower back and sacral region. As a rule, these symptoms appear on the eve of menstruation and may last the first two days of bleeding. Then they disappear without a trace. Normally, during critical days, a woman may experience mild discomfort and minor pain. But if menstruation is accompanied by severe pain, then this already speaks of pathology. In medicine, such painful manifestations are called dysmenorrhea. As a rule, they are accompanied by a number of other unpleasant symptoms.

There are primary and secondary dysmenorrhea. Primary or functional, as a rule, is not associated with any diseases and disorders, but is a consequence of the individual characteristics of the organism. Most often occurs in young girls, in the first years after the first menstruation. In most cases, this condition disappears after the birth of a child, when cardinal hormonal changes occur in the body.

Secondary or acquired, is the result of pathologies in the reproductive organs and various diseases. Most often it is typical for women over thirty years old. Painful periods are accompanied by dizziness, excessive sweating, nausea, and heart rhythm disturbances.

In addition, compensated dysmenorrhea is isolated, the one that has been observed in a lady for many years, and with an increase in the intensity of pain, a diagnosis of decompensated dysmenorrhea is made.

According to the intensity of pain, four degrees of dysmenorrhea are distinguished. At initial or zero, painful symptoms are minor and go away on their own without the use of painkillers. The second degree - other types of ailments join, in addition, taking pills is required. In the third case, a woman, in addition to painful periods, is tormented by nausea, dizziness, chills, migraine, irritability, it is simply impossible to do without painkillers. The fourth degree is not just hellish pain that occurs a few days before menstruation and lasts all its time, but also tachycardia, vomiting, fever and other unpleasant symptoms. In this case, conventional drugs are simply powerless. The woman needs medical attention.

There are quite a few reasons why a woman writhes from pain during critical days. Let's consider the most common. If we consider primary dysmenorrhea, then it can develop against the background of an incorrect location of the uterus, as a result of adhesions and scars, due to a low pain threshold. A hereditary predisposition is also considered separately, if the mother is writhing from painful menstruation, then the daughter has a fairly high chance of repeating the fate of her parent. In addition, beriberi, deficiency of magnesium, calcium, hormonal disorders (prostaglandin stimulates active contraction of the uterus and vasoconstriction) contribute to the appearance of pain.

Among the reasons for the development of secondary dysmenorrhea, it is necessary to highlight:

  • endometriosis;
  • uterine myoma;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • polyps, cysts.

However, it must be remembered that this is not a complete list of reasons that may be the culprits of painful menstruation. The female body is complex, unique and very individual. Therefore, only a specialist, on the basis of in-depth diagnostics, can establish the cause and take appropriate measures that will help not only alleviate the condition, but also eliminate the identified pathology.

With primary dysmenorrhea, you can improve your well-being at home. Remember a few simple manipulations, when they are performed, a significant improvement in the condition should occur:

  • massage of the abdomen and lower back with light circular movements clockwise;
  • warm relaxing shower;
  • rest on the side in the fetal position;
  • compress with sea salt, and after a warm bath for fifteen minutes;
  • taking No-shpa, Ketonal, Ibuprofen and Valerian;
  • light relaxing chamomile tea, infusions of parsley, strawberries;
  • rubbing essential oils of St. John's wort, yarrow, sage;
  • for severe bleeding and pain, you can use cold (ice cubes over clothing).

During menstruation, swimming helps to relax muscle tissue, but do not forget about the risks that arise when swimming in open water. Therefore, you should be extremely careful in this matter, although the benefits of it are quite large, because in the process there is an active production of endorphins - hormones of joy that act better than any painkiller.

Reason for seeking medical attention

If the pain symptoms are too strong, last more than two days, are accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, excessive blood loss, then in no case should you hesitate. You should immediately go to the doctor's office.

Remember, there are times when a woman needs urgent surgery, for example, with an ectopic pregnancy (manifested by intense cramping pain), delay can cost her life. Therefore, you should not ignore the problem, but immediately contact a medical institution for advice, undergo an examination in a timely manner.

The use of painkillers is also best agreed with your gynecologist.

As a rule, in addition to antispasmodics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal drugs, homeopathy are prescribed. However, their combinations and dosage must be strictly indicated by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Cramps during menstruation - a nasty thing, but at least familiar. That is why it is worth paying special attention to any changes - for example, if the discomfort that is usually quite tolerable has turned into real suffering. Or the pain does not leave you even a few days after the menstruation is over. Finally, the discharge is unusually profuse and continues for an abnormally long time. Whatever the change is expressed in, it signals that something may be wrong with the body. “And you can’t ignore it,” concludes Alice Dweck, an ob/gyn at the Mount Kisco Clinic in New York.

To get an idea of ​​possible problems, read on.

Very severe pain and profuse discharge

Possible reason: fibroma of the uterus. This is a benign tumor on the inner or outer wall of the uterus. Why fibroids appear is not fully understood, but the problem is very common among women in their 30s and 40s. The pain, which Dweck describes as "off the charts," is usually due to mechanical pressure from the tumor on the uterus or inflammation.

What to do: Make an appointment with your gynecologist and talk about your symptoms. The doctor will most likely conduct several examinations, as a result of which it will become clear whether you have a fibroma and whether it needs to be removed. The latter depends on many factors - including the location of the tumor and its size (ranging from a button to an average grapefruit). Since fibroids are sensitive to estrogen levels, COCs may be prescribed for pain relief.

Constant pulling pain

Possible reason: an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs, that is, an infection of the ovaries, bladder, uterus and / or fallopian tubes. Where does inflammation come from? Well, for example, any STI in an advanced stage can lead to it (recall that chlamydia and gonorrhea are often asymptomatic). “The pain is almost constant, usually without severe attacks, but at the same time very unpleasant,” Alice clarifies. And during menstruation, in combination with cramps, the pain from inflammation can increase.

What to do: without delay go to the gynecologist. "Inflammation is rarely a very urgent action, but it can't be triggered," says Dweck. - The sooner the doctor examines you and determines the cause, the sooner he can prescribe antibiotics. If inflammation is ignored for a long time, it can cause scar tissue to form, which ultimately affects your ability to conceive.

Sharp pain in one side

Possible reason: torsion of the ovary. “This happens when something (like a cyst) causes the ovary to twist, blocking blood flow,” says Dweck. “This is very severe, almost unbearable pain that requires immediate medical attention.” One of the consequences is the extinction of ovarian function.

What to do: call an ambulance. Most likely, an ultrasound and other studies will be required. Once the diagnosis of torsion is confirmed, immediate laparoscopic (i.e., minimally invasive) surgery is needed to bring the organ back into a normal position. “Sometimes with timely intervention, the ovary can be saved. But if it already looks unviable, it will have to be removed. Fortunately, this organ is paired, and the production of estrogens and eggs will take over the remaining ovary.

Severe spasms that regular painkillers don't help

Possible reason: endometriosis is a disease in which the tissues of the uterus move to other organs (for example, to the ovaries or fallopian tubes) and take root there. According to the American Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology, endometriosis is found in almost 10 percent of women. But the thing is, it can take years to establish a correct diagnosis. Before this happens, most patients believe that severe pain during menstruation is a common phenomenon, and suffer. Plus, they often experience discomfort during sex.

What to do: Again, go to the doctor and describe your symptoms. You are assigned several tests and studies to determine possible treatment options. Because endometrial tissues are sensitive to hormone levels, taking hormonal contraceptives can help reduce pain. But the only way to confirm endometriosis is still laparoscopy, during which the doctor may try to remove as much excess tissue as possible.

Severe cramps after insertion of intrauterine contraceptives

Possible reason: copper (non-hormonal) intrauterine device. Within three months after the installation of this tiny T-shaped device, pain may increase, because the coils need time to "take root" in the body.

What to do: “If the pain continues for a long time or comes on suddenly after a long period of normal IUD function, then you need to make an appointment for an ultrasound to find out what condition the helix is ​​in,” Dweck advises. The doctor can check and slightly correct the position of the IUD, after which the pain should go away.

Update: December 2018

Moderate pain during menstruation occurs in about 70% of girls and women of childbearing age. The pain syndrome that accompanies menstruation can be of varying intensity. Unsharply pronounced pain, only slight discomfort, especially in nulliparous women, is considered a normal physiological phenomenon.

However, if every month a woman experiences unbearable, severe pain during menstruation, accompanied by diarrhea, dizziness, fainting, vomiting and other symptoms that make the woman unable to work, there really are obvious “critical days” - this is usually referred to in medicine as a disease of algomenorrhea. Such symptoms indicate that a young woman has various disorders in the hormonal, vascular, sexual, nervous or other systems of the body.

If the causes of painful periods are established, then the treatment of these disorders can significantly alleviate the condition, improve the tolerance of such a natural process in a woman's body as menstruation. In this article, we will tell you why girls and women experience painful periods, the causes and treatment of such a disorder.

What other symptoms can accompany painful periods and why is it considered a disease?

In medicine, very painful periods are considered as the most common menstrual disorders. Between the ages of 13 and 45, almost all women experience mild discomfort and soreness on the first day of their menstrual bleeding. And only 10% of them complain of very strong cramping spastic pains from uterine contractions, which are also supplemented by the following symptoms:

  • 79% of women experience diarrhea
  • 84% vomit
  • 13% headache
  • 23% dizzy
  • 16% fainting

The main symptom of algomenorrhea is pain in the lower abdomen, which appears on the 1st day of menstruation or 12 hours before it begins, it gradually subsides by 2-3 days, it can be aching, twitching, stabbing, radiating to the rectum, bladder, also maybe . Against the background of unbearable pain during menstruation, a woman's psycho-emotional state is disturbed, irritability, drowsiness, depression, insomnia, anxiety, and weakness appear. Painful periods poison a woman's life, the expectation of another bleeding adversely affects the psyche, the emotional sphere of life, leads to conflicts in the family, at work.

With a mild degree of algomenorrhea - short-term, moderate pain during menstruation does not lead to loss of working capacity and activity, such pain can be tolerated without additional painkillers, however, the causes of painful periods should be clarified, since even a mild degree of algomenorrhea can become more pronounced in the future, with more severe discomfort. Sometimes, after childbirth, a mild degree of algomenorrhea stops in women and uterine contractions become not so painful, its increase during pregnancy and contraction after pregnancy further weakens spastic pain during menstruation.

With an average degree - pulling pains in the lower abdomen are complemented by general weakness, nausea, chills, and frequent urination. Psycho-emotional disorders also join - depression, irritability, intolerance to pungent odors and sounds, performance is noticeably reduced. This degree of algomenorrhea already needs medical correction, and the causes of pain should also be clarified.

In severe cases, very intense pain in the lower back and abdomen is accompanied by headache, general weakness, fever, pain in the heart, diarrhea, fainting, vomiting. In a severe case of painful menstruation, a woman completely loses her ability to work, usually their occurrence is associated either with infectious and inflammatory diseases or with congenital pathologies of the genital organs.

The main causes of primary painful menstruation in adolescent girls

Primary algomenorrhea appears with the first menstruation or develops within 3 years after the onset of menstruation. It mostly happens in easily excitable, emotionally unstable girls, with an asthenic physique, in combination with. Depending on the accompanying "set" of symptoms, primary painful periods are divided into:

  • Adrenergic type

In this case, the level of the hormones dopamine, adrenaline, norepinephrine rises, provoking a failure of the entire hormonal system of the body. Girls develop constipation, severe headache, body temperature rises, heart rate increases, insomnia appears, legs and arms become bluish in color with spasm of small vessels, the body and face turn pale.

  • Parasympathetic type

It is characterized by an increase in the level of the hormone serotonin in the cerebrospinal fluid. In girls, on the contrary, the heart rate decreases, nausea with vomiting appears, body temperature decreases, gastrointestinal disorders are expressed by diarrhea, swelling of the limbs and face often appears, allergic reactions on the skin, girls gain weight.

Modern research establishes the fact that primary painful menstruation is not an independent disease, but a manifestation of deeper internal disorders, that is, symptoms of the following diseases or abnormalities:

  • Congenital malformations of connective tissue development

In gynecological practice, it has long been established that approximately 60% of girls with primary algomenorrhea are diagnosed with genetically determined connective tissue dysplasia. In addition to painful periods, this disease is expressed by flat feet, scoliosis, myopia, and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

This is a very serious disease that occurs more often in girls with elongated limbs, flexible joints, cartilaginous tissues, most often magnesium deficiency is detected during the growth of the child, which can be established by passing a biochemical blood test.

  • Diseases of the nervous system, neurological disorders

In girls with signs of a reduced pain threshold, with emotional instability, with various psychoses, neuroses and other neurological disorders, pain perception is exacerbated, so the pain during menstruation in such patients is pronounced.

  • Bends of the uterus anteriorly and posteriorly, underdevelopment of the uterus, malformations of its development - bicornuate, two-cavity uterus

The occurrence of very painful periods, due to abnormalities in the development of the uterus, is due to a problematic, difficult outflow of blood during menstruation from the uterine cavity. This provokes additional uterine contractions, causing pain during menstruation.

Causes of secondary algomenorrhea in women

If pain during menstruation occurs in a woman who already has children, or she is over 30 years old, then this is considered as secondary algomenorrhea. Today, every third woman has it, most often in a moderate form, since it reduces performance and is aggravated by concomitant symptoms, and is also accompanied by heavy menstruation. In addition to pain in the lower abdomen, painful periods occur with other symptoms, which are usually divided into several characteristic groups:

  • Vegetative symptoms - bloating, vomiting, nausea, hiccups
  • Vegetative-vascular symptoms - dizziness, legs, fainting, heart palpitations, headaches during menstruation
  • Psycho-emotional manifestations - taste disturbance, odor perception, increased irritability, anorexia, depression
  • Endocrine-metabolic symptoms - increased unmotivated weakness, joint pain, itching of the skin, vomiting

The intensity of pain during menstruation depends on the general health of the woman, on age and concomitant diseases. If the patient has a metabolic disorder (and other disorders of the endocrine system), then endocrine-metabolic manifestations are added to additional symptoms during menstruation, with violations of the cardiovascular system, vegetative-vascular symptoms may be more pronounced, with the approach of premenopause in women (see. ), increases the likelihood of psycho-emotional instability, depressive symptoms.

Often, women with secondary algomenorrhea occur, which definitely cannot be ignored, and this is an urgent reason for contacting a gynecologist for examination and treatment. If primary painful periods, the causes of which are associated with congenital anomalies and pathologies, are very difficult to treat, then the occurrence of secondary algomenorrhea is mainly associated with acquired diseases of the female genital organs, the treatment of which must be carried out without fail, these are:

  • infectious - inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs and the accompanying adhesive process in the small pelvis
  • malignant and benign (polyps) tumors of the uterus and appendages
  • varicose veins in the abdominal cavity, in the pelvic organs
  • pelvic neuritis

Also, in women over 30 years old, the appearance of very severe pain during menstruation can be caused by the following reasons, provoking factors:

  • means of intrauterine contraception
  • , other intrauterine interventions, due to cicatricial narrowing of the cervix
  • adnexal surgery, birth complications, or complications after caesarean section
  • mental and physical overwork, constant stress, violation of the regime of rest and work

Why should painful periods be treated?

Given the above, it should be understood that the natural physiological function - menstruation, should not cause significant general malaise in a woman, depriving her of working capacity. In order to reduce the pain of menstruation, treatment should not consist in pain relief, but in eliminating the cause of this phenomenon. Of course, it is possible to hope that this will change, for example, with the birth of a child, but if this does not happen, especially if painful periods occur in a woman after the birth of children, you should contact a gynecologist to find out the cause of pain during menstruation.

  • To endure pain is not only physically difficult, but also very harmful to the nervous system, and the regular use of NSAIDs and analgesics does not eliminate the cause of painful periods, moreover, the body gets used to them and painkillers have a number of side effects.
  • The appearance of very painful periods is an indicator that some kind of failure is occurring in the body, a disease, this is a wake-up call to the fact that it is imperative to find the cause of the body's inadequate response to the natural process.

Painful periods can and should be treated. Read more about that in our next article. To determine the cause of the primary algomenorrhea, a gynecologist is examined, tests for hormonal status, ultrasound of the pelvic organs are taken, and the girl should also be examined by a neurologist, osteopath, and psychotherapist. With secondary algomenorrhea, a hormonal examination, ultrasound, diagnostic laparoscopy, and diagnostic curettage are also performed.

A woman or girl with painful periods should keep a diary of observations, a menstrual calendar, in which she describes in detail the sensations, the number of discharges, the duration of the cycle and the duration of bleeding, all the symptoms that occur during menstruation, in order to then help the doctor determine the cause and choose the method of therapy.

Menstruation is a natural phenomenon that happens every month in the life of every woman. They are associated with certain discomfort and require compliance with certain hygiene procedures. It would seem that one should get used to this during one's life, but one does not get used to it, since in most cases menstruation is accompanied by very significant painful sensations. Why this happens and how to treat this pain, tells its readers the women's online magazine JustLady.

What hurts during menstruation

Many of us put up with the pain during menstruation, believing that they are a normal, albeit rather unpleasant, but integral part of menstruation. And in vain. Because such pain is often a symptom of some disease.

Menstruation is not only a biological but also a mechanical process. During their period, the body is cleansed of what no longer represents a functional need. Our nervous system during menstruation alternately excites the muscles of the genital organs, bringing out everything unnecessary. This process is regulated by nerve impulses that are conducted through nerve cells. If any of these cells, due to lack of nutrition or for other reasons, block nerve impulses, a disorder occurs in the frequency of muscle contractions. It is he who causes pain. Painful menstruation in medicine is called dysmenorrhea or algomenorrhea.

Usually the pain appears in the lower abdomen a few hours before the onset of menstruation and lasts one to two days. It can be cramping, aching, stabbing and gives to the lower back or to the sacrum. There are several degrees of severity of such pain. At the first, most common, degree, they are moderate, causing only mild discomfort and practically do not interfere with social activity. Such pains appear in adolescence and subside over time, and after childbirth they can generally disappear. However, if this does not happen, you should be wary. Otherwise, a mild form of dysmenorrhea threatens to gradually turn into a more severe form, with rather strong and prolonged pain.

With moderate algomenorrhea, in addition to severe pain, chills, nausea, headaches, general weakness, dizziness may appear. The mental and emotional state of a woman is deteriorating, her performance is significantly reduced. To facilitate well-being in this case, as a rule, medications are required, which the doctor must select.

As for the third degree of dysmenorrhea, it causes very severe pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, a pronounced general weakness and a severe headache appear. Often, this raises the temperature, pain in the heart, tachycardia, vomiting. The woman may faint. Painkillers do not help in this situation. Is dysmenorrhea dangerous? In general, yes, since it can not only be a sign of some rather serious illness, but also lead to menstrual irregularities or infertility.

So why do menstruation pains arise?

How to reduce pain

Doctors suggest that one of the causes of pain is hormonal imbalance. Besides, pain during menstruation are due to diseases of the nervous system or genitourinary organs, with an underdeveloped uterus or a uterus that has an inflection, due to inflammatory processes, cicatricial narrowing of the cervix, tumors, cysts. In the event that the pains are irregular, they may appear due to a decrease in the threshold of pain sensitivity, which occurred due to psychological or physical overstrain.

Pain during menstruation, of course, excruciating. And in order to somehow get rid of them, we take painkillers, and we seem to feel much better. But a month passes, and everything repeats again. No wonder, because with the help of painkillers we remove the pain, but we do not eliminate its cause. Therefore, before taking pills, it is advisable to be examined by a doctor and make sure that the pain is not the result of any disease. If the disease is not detected, and the pain is caused by an incorrect position of the uterus or some other reasons, you should try to reduce them without using drugs. This could include, for example, a hot foot bath and a diet low in fat and sugar. Help reduce pain during menstruation raspberry and mint teas, alternating warm and cool sitz baths, physical exercises.

If the pain does not stop and does not decrease, you can take painkillers such as no-shpa, analgin, aspirin, solpadein, ibuprofen. Pain usually disappears over time in women who take birth control pills regularly. Chocolate and bananas help reduce severe pain.

In general, there is no universal remedy to reduce pain, in this case. Each of us chooses his own way, the most suitable in a given situation. In a word, you should not wear yourself out, stoically enduring pain during menstruation, - they are not something inevitable and necessary. Both the pains themselves and their constant expectation have a very unfavorable effect on the psyche, and on working capacity, and on relationships with others. Therefore, we must strive to get rid of them, first of all, of course, by contacting a doctor. This will rule out or confirm the presence of a disease and help you choose a method of anesthesia.

So is there an effective yet safe way to deal with period pain? Yes there is. In addition to the mandatory identification of the causes of pain (recommendations from a gynecologist-endocrinologist or clinical psychologist may be the only way out of this situation!) And individually prescribed treatment by doctors, today there are already remedies that we can confidently recommend to most patients with this symptom.

One of the safest and most balanced products that can be found in modern pharmacies is a special complex of vitamins, trace elements and plant extracts "". It is designed to normalize the menstrual cycle: for each phase there is a separate capsule with a precisely matched composition of the necessary components.

"" contains natural components that support the female body, and at the same time does not contain hormones (which can cause noticeable side effects) or other components that can disrupt its natural self-regulation. Due to this, a woman can delicately, “gently” restore the balance of essential substances in her body and get rid of pain and discomfort.

The components "" contribute to the normalization of the rhythm and duration of the menstrual cycle and the mitigation of the symptoms of the premenstrual symptom.

At the same time, it is worth remembering: even if you take vitamins, nutritional supplements, medications, physical activity, proper nutrition, adequate sleep and the elimination of emotional overload remain no less important and effective means.


Olga Kocheva

Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: temperature,ovary,stomach,tablet,an exercise,tumor,small of the back,menstruation,aspirin,a drug,excitation,aromatherapy,sacrum,chills,fainting,treatment,head

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Pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen is a common condition for many women during the menstrual cycle. Scientifically, this phenomenon is referred to as "algomenorrhea" (dysmenorrhea).

Statistics show that about 70-80% of women suffer from pain during menstruation. To eliminate all sorts of unpleasant symptoms, it is first necessary to understand the etymology of pain.

Having found out the causes of pain, you can understand: this is a common phenomenon inherent in the natural processes in a woman’s body or a reason to immediately consult a doctor and how to reduce pain during menstruation.

Causes of painful periods

During menstruation, the tissues of the uterus produce prostaglandin, which provokes its contraction.

The severity of pain depends on the level of this hormone. Doctors distinguish two groups of causes of monthly pain.

Primary dysmenorrhea

Inherent in women under 35 and adolescents. With primary algomenorrhea, hormonal changes occur associated with an increase in the amount of prostaglandin.

In simple words, the causes of cramping pain and vasospasm in hormonal disorders and a state of anxiety, stress. At the same time, it is observed that adolescent girls experience especially severe pain.

Symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea:

  • Headache.
  • Chair disorder.
  • Soreness of the same intensity throughout the cycle.

In addition to pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar zone, reactions such as nausea, vomiting, and fainting may occur. In the absence of serious problems, discomfort disappears with age, as well as after childbirth.

Secondary dysmenorrhea

Women over 35 are affected.

Secondary algomenorrhea is a sign of inflammatory diseases, pathologies of the pelvic organs.

It may be associated with the development of fibromatous nodes, pelvic neuritis, endometriosis, fibroids, polyps in the uterus, as well as with the consequences of gynecological and abdominal operations (abdominal adhesions).

Severe pain during menstruation can also cause an intrauterine device. Bleeding and pain in this case are more intense. A visit to a gynecologist is the first thing to do in such situations, who will already tell you how to remove abdominal pain during menstruation.

Causes of painful periods, not related to problems of the reproductive system:

  • Violation of the balance of the female genital organs, excessive activity of the thyroid gland.
  • Intrauterine device.
  • High threshold of sensitivity to changes in the body.
  • Instability of the nervous system.
  • Pain due to abortion or childbirth.
  • Incorrect position of the uterus.
  • hereditary predisposition.
  • Deficiency of magnesium, calcium.
  • Unbalanced nutrition.

Women suffering from secondary dysmenorrhea have a reduced libido, they feel dissatisfaction with their sex life, a tendency to depression, a depressed state, and sometimes even psychological deviations can be observed.

At the same time, the cure for concomitant algomenorrhea diseases contributes to the almost complete cessation of pain during critical days. But with younger and healthier-looking women, the situation is more complicated.

With increased discomfort, heavy bleeding, nausea, migraine, you should immediately contact a specialist, take the recommended tests, undergo an ultrasound examination that will help you figure out how to relieve pain during painful periods.

With primary algomenorrhea, it is important to maintain the first pregnancy.
The first medical abortion (consequences) in a woman with painful menstruation can provoke the development of further infertility and aggravate the pain during menstruation.
After pregnancy, in most cases, pain during menstruation decreases.

Pain Management Methods

There are many ways to get rid of pain during menstruation, giving a tangible effect.

They can also be used at home (subject to existing contraindications).

Let's take a closer look at each of the categories that give the answer, how to reduce or relieve pain during menstruation without pills and at home.


This method is suitable for those who are adherents of traditional, medical technologies in treatment, solving the question - how to relieve pain during menstruation, if the lower abdomen hurts.

  • OTC medicines. In this category - NSAIDs, that is, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as an example, ibuprofen can be mentioned.
  • Antispasmodics. These include No-shpa, Ketonal, Spazmalgon, Analgin.
  • sedative. With pain caused by stress, overexcitation of the nervous system, a common sedative (for example, valerian) can cope.

Consult your doctor before taking medication!

Before using medicines to relieve abdominal pain, you should consult a doctor or independently study all its aspects according to the instructions. Another category of drug treatment is oral contraceptives (birth control pills).

In this case, the medication is taken strictly according to the prescription of a specialist. Contraceptives contain hormones that restore the hormonal level in a woman's body and thereby relieve menstrual pain.

Birth control pills are used daily. They are affordable and sold in almost all pharmacies.

Contraceptive methods for eliminating pain in the lower abdomen also include contraceptive patches, a contraceptive vaginal ring, hormonal injections, and an intrauterine device. Before using these remedies to eliminate pain, you should consult with your doctor.

Folk recipes:

  • raspberry leaves- 3 teaspoons of leaves pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist 15 minutes, take in small sips throughout the day.
  • Elecampane root- 1 teaspoon pour a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour, take 1 tablespoon 3 r / day.
  • Horsetail- to prepare the infusion, you need 1 tbsp. pour 300 ml of boiling water over a spoon, leave for one hour, use 50 mg every hour, increase the interval of taking as the pain subsides.


An option for those who are interested in home treatments.

Alternative ways to relieve menstrual pain without pills include:

  • Warm. In some cases, conventional heat is even more effective than medication. A heating pad or a thermal patch applied to the lower abdomen (no more than 10-15 minutes) will help relax the muscles and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.
    Adhesive patches are very comfortable, they keep heat for a long time. An alternative option can also be a warm bath, shower, as well as swimming in the pool.
    Water will soothe the pain. After water procedures, it is recommended to put on warm clothes and lie down for a couple of hours.
  • Behavioral or imaginative intervention. Relaxation, a positive attitude, breathing exercises have a positive effect on the emotional state. These techniques help to take your mind off the pain.
    This also includes doing what you love: chatting on the Internet with friends, playing computer games, reading books, magazines, watching an interesting movie.
  • Massage. Light stroking of the abdomen (clockwise) will reduce discomfort, relieve spasms. In this case, you should lie down and put some object under your legs so that they are in an elevated position.
    Pressing on the abdomen and lower back is not very hard, this will relax the muscles and eliminate pain.
  • Herbs. Hot tea from the leaves of lemon balm, raspberries, chamomile, cherries, nettles, as well as other warm infusions will help with painful periods.
    In the absence of allergies, you can optionally add honey to the decoctions. To improve well-being, it is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible during critical days.
  • Other techniques. In this group, ways to relieve monthly pain, available at home. Taking the right position will help reduce discomfort.
    To do this, you need to lie on your side and curl up, that is, take the fetal position. This condition will allow you to slightly relieve pain and get rid of the discomfort that occurs during blood flow to the genitals.
    Another way to relieve pain is to "belly breathe". The procedure must be done in the following sequence: put a book on the stomach, take a slow breath, while lifting the book with the lower part of the stomach.
    Having raised it to a certain height, pause in this state. Repeat the exercise for 2-5 minutes.


Pain during critical days is often due to malnutrition of a woman. There are several rules, subject to which, you can significantly reduce the possibility of discomfort:

  • Restriction in the diet of the amount of dairy, flour, meat products. Recommended before menstruation and throughout the cycle.
  • More vegetable juices. Green vegetables and berries contain antioxidants that fight various inflammations.
  • Reception in the recommended amount of vitamin and mineral complexes. They should contain vitamins A, E, B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, iron. These drugs are prescribed after passing the relevant tests.
  • Limiting the use of tobacco, alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic drinks can cause fluid retention in the body and bloating. Nicotine leads to vasoconstriction, which can reduce the intensity of blood flow to the uterus and increase painful spasms.
  • The day before menstruation, make a fasting day.

Physical exercises

Moderate physical activity for pain in the lower back and abdomen will help relieve discomfort. There will also be leisurely walks in the air.

A set of exercises to reduce pain during menstruation:

  • Starting position: lying on your back. Raise your legs at an angle of about 90 degrees. Stay in this position for a few minutes.
  • Starting position: lying on the stomach. Resting on the floor with your hands, slowly raise your chest, bend as much as possible.
  • Starting position: lying on your back. Bend your legs at the knees. Bend your stomach up, leaning on your feet. Slowly descend down.

Physical activity leads to the production of endorphins in the body, i.e. natural pain relievers. Walking, jogging, going to the gym, cycling, swimming - all this set of exercises will help in one way or another with the problem.

The use of herbal decoctions during menstruation, dieting along with exercise can give an even more pronounced effect. Pilates and yoga have also proven themselves as pain relievers working on muscle tone.

Prevention of pain

A healthy lifestyle is the best option for preventing various diseases, including pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation.

Take a holistic approach to pain management!

  • Refusal of harmful, aggravating habits, such as smoking, alcohol, drugs.
  • Limiting the use of spicy and spicy foods, coffee.
  • Regular sex life. On average up to 3-4 times a week.
  • Positive emotions, avoiding stress and hypothermia.
  • Regular physical activity (dancing, running, yoga, swimming).

For persistent, persistent pain during menstruation, you should consult a doctor.

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