Small bruises under the eyes of the child. Why do bruises appear under the eyes of a child

Darkening of the skin under the lower eyelids has its own characteristics. Rarely, this is due to the "individuality" of the person, transmitted through parental genes. More often some "failures" of the body's work or disturbances in the child's normal lifestyle. Of course, any deviations in their child cause anxiety in parents. You need to pay attention even to the little things, because sometimes they are the “tip of the iceberg”.

You just need to do it calmly, without frightening and without unbalancing yourself and, most importantly, the child.

Bruises under the eyes

Causes in children, as noted, may be of a purely aesthetic nature, or may be an indication for a doctor's visit. There are children who have dark spots under the lower eyelids and characteristic swelling there can be observed even at an early age, for example, at 6-9 months. If we are not talking about health problems or an imbalance in nutrition and lifestyle, then such dark bruises under the eyes will always be “present” on his face. As a rule, this is a hereditary feature, i.e. one of the parents of the child has such circles and swelling. Their appearance is determined by the thinness of the skin under the eyes, the proximity of blood vessels and subcutaneous tissue. When it is obvious that this is the case, then moms and dads should not have any particular concerns. If you are sure that your child gets enough sleep, receives all the necessary vitamins, substances, and also experiences adequate regular physical activity, there is a lot of fresh air and does not overwork, but at the same time he has such a feature, then you should not worry. Especially if someone in the family has the same tendency to under the lower eyelids. But there are other factors that cause bruising under the eyes.

The reasons

In children, this can be caused by such cases. If we are talking about a child going to a kindergarten or school, experiencing mental and physical stress, then this may be a banal overwork or lack of sleep. Doctors in such cases recommend normalizing daytime activities, ensuring the sleep duration appropriate for age and reducing exorbitant loads. This should be combined with regular exposure to fresh air, as bruising under the eyes can also appear from lack of oxygen and air circulation.

The reasons for the presence of dark circles and swelling in children are also associated with long-term TV viewing and sitting in front of a computer monitor. Again, this can be eliminated by walking, balanced mental and physical stress, and observing a diet. Usually, after bringing all these areas of a child's life back to normal, the ill-fated bruises disappear after 3-7 days, as evidenced by parental reviews.

Bruises under the eyes. Why else might there be

But it happens that not everything is so simple. It seems that the child is active, sleeps as much as necessary, consumes all the necessary vitamins, walks in the fresh air, and these do not allow parents to live in peace. If the hereditary factor is not present, then this is a reason to contact medical specialists. They will prescribe tests (usually, you need to give urine and blood), and if necessary, conduct other studies. It often turns out that the cause of dark circles is the presence of anemia (lack of iron in the blood), kidney disease, impaired lung function, intoxication of the body, disruptions in the endocrine system, infection in the genitourinary system, problems with adenoids.

Often, adults notice dark circles under the eyes in children. The fact is that the skin in this area of ​​the face instantly reacts to any pathological changes in the body. Noticing the bruises under the eyes of the child, the parents themselves are trying to figure out what exactly is the reason for such changes.

What will tell the color of the circles under the eyes?

The skin under the eyes of children can acquire various tint options. In addition, each of the types of circle color indicates the occurrence of certain health problems:

  • blue - too close the location of the blood vessels to the skin, which is also very thin;
  • blue - a consequence of physical and mental overwork;
  • dark purple - the body is deficient in iron, its dehydration is noted;
  • red - the development of allergic reactions;
  • brown - violations in the liver;
  • gray-yellow - indicate an increased level of bilirubin in the blood.

You should know that these are only possible causes of staining the skin under the eyes in a certain color. Only a specialist can determine exactly what caused such changes in appearance.

Factors that cause bruising under the eyes

There are many reasons why a child has bruises under the eyes. The most harmless of them are lack of sleep, overwork, poor-quality nutrition, causing a deficiency of certain nutrients, and nervous experiences. However, there are other, more serious causes of blue eyes in babies.

Bruises under the eyes in children mainly appear with the development of such pathological processes in the baby's body as:

  • avitaminosis;
  • anemia;
  • diseases caused by infections;
  • poisoning;
  • helminthiasis;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • endocrine disorders.

The genetic factor also plays a significant role in the appearance of bruises under the eyes of a child. If dark circles in this area of ​​the face are associated with a hereditary factor, they do not indicate the course of pathological processes in the baby's body. In this case, they are a feature of the appearance inherited by the baby from the parents. Blueness under the eyes in the absence of diseases is due to the proximity of the blood vessels, the thinness of the skin and its pallor.

If circles under the eyes formed simultaneously with a sharp increase in body weight, an endocrinologist consultation is required. Endocrine disorders entail serious consequences - growth retardation and sexual development.

Dehydration of the body disrupts normal hematopoiesis and metabolism. With a lack of fluid in the body, a change in the structure of blood vessels and skin is noted, adipose tissue is destroyed. Due to dehydration, the formation of dark circles under the eyes of a blue tint is inevitable.

Infectious diseases - measles, rubella, scarlet fever, can also cause such changes in the child's appearance.

Overwork, lack of sleep and stress

Studying at school, schoolchildren experience strong loads, as a result of which they are exposed to overwork, stress and lack of sleep. The need to complete the lessons often does not allow the child to spend time on the street and relax with friends. Parents may notice not only the formation of dark circles, but also the pallor of the skin of the face.

Poor sleep is perhaps the most common cause of the formation of dark marks under the eyes of a child in the absence of pathological changes in the body.

Pediatricians call such reasons for poor sleep in babies:

Good sleep, proper diet and proper daily routine are important points in the development of a young child. For the health of children at any age, it is important that they fall asleep at the same time every day - preferably no later than 21:00, eat quality foods and spend more time outside.

Anemia and discoloration of the skin under the eyes

With a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood serum, the appearance of dark circles under the eyes becomes possible. In the first place, the skin reacts to a lack of hemoglobin - pale skin is noted, even its peeling becomes possible.

Given this feature of the skin to respond to a lack of hemoglobin, when visiting a pediatrician with complaints of bruising under the eyes, he gives a referral for a blood test for hemoglobin.

Kidney dysfunction

With the development of kidney disease in children, fluid is retained in the body. The course of such pathological processes is accompanied by the appearance of puffiness under the eyes and dark circles. In addition to these signs, kidney disease is characterized by frequent urination, the color of urine also changes, its turbidity is noted, and body temperature rises.

Vegetovascular dystonia

The cause of the development of this disease is a violation of the functions of the autonomic nervous system. In addition to blue under the eyes with vegetovascular dystonia, there are signs such as:

  • headaches of a regular nature;
  • high fatigue;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • general weakness;
  • pale skin.

This pathological process begins to manifest itself especially intensively during heavy loads - both mental and physical. Most often, the disease develops in adolescence, when a teenager has a change in hormonal levels.

Bruises under the eyes as a result of allergic reactions

If a child has dark circles in the eye area, allergic reactions of the child's body should not be ruled out. As a rule, as a result of the presence of a certain allergen in the body, red marks are formed under the eyes.

To make sure that the bruises are due to an allergic reaction, you should contact an allergist and undergo a medical examination. The specialist prescribes a general blood test to determine the level of eosinophils in her serum - substances produced in the body during allergic reactions. At their high level, an analysis may be prescribed to determine the allergen.


In addition to the blue under the eyes, the following signs indicate the development of helminthiasis:

  • pain in the navel;
  • grinding teeth during sleep;
  • weight loss.

A child with helminthic invasions can be very capricious, irritable, whiny, lethargic.

Head and face injuries

When injured during a fall of a baby, parents do not always immediately find out about the problems, especially in the absence of blood loss and wounds on the head. If the baby has bruises under the eyes, bruise marks, swelling on the face, it is necessary to visit a specialist's office to exclude nose fractures and concussion.

Experts also name other pathological processes for which blue under the eyes is characteristic. These changes in appearance can occur with cholecystitis, colitis, bronchitis, hepatitis, and thyroid diseases.

Chronic tonsillitis, dental diseases, the formation and growth of adenoids are possible causes of blue under the eyes in children.

Methods for removing dark circles

In order to eliminate these unpleasant changes in the appearance of the child, which are not indicators of excellent health, experts can give the following recommendations:

During the period of active growth and development, the child's body needs a large amount of iron. With its deficiency, anemia inevitably develops. To replenish the body with iron reserves, dried apricots, black currants, leafy greens, rosehip broth, buckwheat, rye bread, egg yolks, and liver should be introduced into the children's diet.

Knowing why bruises under the eyes can appear in children, parents can detect the development of disorders in a timely manner and seek help from specialists.


Bruising under the eyes of a child is a common reason why parents have to contact a pediatrician.

And although usually such defects on the face do not pose any danger, in some cases they signal serious violations in the work of internal organs. Elimination of darkened areas must be carried out after determining the cause.

How and why bruises form under the eyes of a child

Why does the child have bruises under the eyes? The excitement about the appearance of bluish areas in the eye area is not always justified. The skin in this place is the thinnest, therefore, due to the translucence of small vessels, it acquires a bluish tint.

Parents should know why bruising occurs, since the origin of the phenomenon is often quite natural.

This is about:

  1. genetic predisposition. The close location of the capillaries to the surface of the skin is a feature that many children inherit from their parents, so it is not considered a pathology.
  2. Excessive fatigue. Dark circles under the eyes are provoked by the lack of proper rest due to a busy curriculum and a long stay in front of a computer or TV.
  3. Unhealthy food. Unfortunately, children prefer food that contains almost no nutrients.

It is necessary to highlight the causes of bruises under the eyes of a child that require special attention, since they indicate a malfunction in the body.

At any age, blueness under the eyes can be provoked by:

Since it is often quite difficult to determine the cause of bruising around the eyes on your own, you must immediately show the child to the doctor. He will find out why the violation occurred, and select an effective treatment.

Why red circles appear

Why did red bruises appear under the eyes of a child? If red bruises form on the baby's face, they may indicate an allergic reaction. This is often observed in infants when parents change the milk formula or only transfer to artificial feeding.

Red bruising in some children is accompanied by an allergy to poplar fluff and flowering, while the child suffers from itchy sensations.

To confirm the effect of the allergen, you will need to consult an allergist and undergo an examination. With the help of a general blood test, the number of eosinophils that are produced in the body during allergies will be determined. If the test is positive, a study is assigned to determine the allergen-irritant with a referral to an allergist.

The disorder is also caused by inflammatory processes:

  • abscess, phlegmon;
  • purulent conjunctivitis;
  • barley (one- or two-sided).

In addition, a change in the skin of the eyelids is the result of a decrease in hemoglobin levels. This results in a general pallor of the skin, which makes the skin around the eyes appear like bruises.

If a child has liver problems, they may be indicated by bruising under the eyes of a red-brown hue.

When cyanosis is provoked by the listed diseases, it is necessary to undergo an appropriate course of therapy. The main thing is not to postpone the visit to a specialist in order to avoid unwanted complications.

A mark under the eyes from a blow - what to do

If a child has received a blow to the eye area, it is necessary to immediately provide effective assistance to the victim. To do this, 10 g of salt is mixed in 100 ml of water. In the resulting solution, a napkin is wetted and applied to the damaged area. If the cloth gets hot, it should be changed.

Ice from the freezer is also suitable, but it should not be kept for more than 10 minutes. In the pharmacy, you can buy drugs in the form of ointments for healing the damaged area. The tool is used three times a day.

  • heparin ointment (from 1 year as prescribed by a doctor);
  • Children's lifeguard;
  • bodyagi gel (not suitable for babies).

Bodyaga is also sold as a powder, which is taken in the same proportion with water (1: 1) and applied to the bruise. The agent is removed after 20 minutes.

Aloe will help to cope with the problem. It is able to quickly dissolve hematomas and has a calming effect.

According to the recipe you need:

  • crushed aloe leaf mixed with 1 tbsp. l. celandine;
  • the mixture should stand for half an hour;
  • after treatment of the injured area, the product can not be removed for an hour.

It is recommended to apply a beetroot compress. Initially, raw beets are rubbed and mixed with honey (2 tablespoons). The mixture is applied in a thick layer and covered with gauze. You can remove the compress after 30 minutes.

It is important to take the child to a traumatologist to make sure that there are no fractures and concussions.

The child is pale and blue in the eye area

Paleness of the skin and cyanotic areas under the eyes in children cannot but disturb loving parents. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner to determine the possible presence of a serious illness.

The most common causes of blanching of the skin and bruising:

  • overwork;
  • non-compliance with the daily routine;
  • dehydration;
  • deficiency of nutrients in the diet.

If the child is pale, and areas of a bluish tint appear under the eyes, there is a need for:

  • revision of the nutritional diet;
  • establishing a good rest;
  • reducing the number of preparatory classes attended by the student;
  • reducing the time spent in front of the monitor or TV screen;
  • daily walks in the fresh air, lasting at least 2 hours;
  • adherence to daily routine.

Cyanotic areas in the area of ​​​​the visual organs, combined with pallor of the skin, often signals a deficiency of hemoglobin. Thanks to him, all organs receive oxygen, without which they cannot function normally.

Violation of the color of the skin under the eyes is also provoked by an allergic reaction, diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary systems.

Only a qualified specialist will help to understand the reasons for the appearance of negative signs and explain what to do in such a situation.

Blue spots and bags under the eyes

Since the formation of dark circles and bags in the eye area is caused by many reasons, their determination and subsequent elimination will normalize the appearance of the child.

For starters, the following is provided:

  1. If the defect is caused by a hereditary factor, it is recommended to use lotions and compresses, for example, using a decoction of chamomile.
  2. When a violation is formed in school-age children, it will be necessary to correctly distribute the load, allocating enough time for rest.
  3. It is difficult to force a child to eat healthy meals, especially if he is outside the walls of the house. Parents often cannot keep track of what foods their child consumes, so they themselves must set an example for the child.
  4. Helminthiasis, provoking the formation of bruises and swelling under the eyes, often occurs in childhood. The main treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. You will also need to adjust your diet by including more fruits in it.

The sudden appearance of bruises and bags under the eyes most often occurs with serious diseases. In this case, you should visit a pediatrician as soon as possible and undergo an examination.

In the presence of endocrine disorders, diseases of the kidneys and other organs that lead to the appearance of cyanosis on the face, self-medication is excluded. After suffering illnesses, the child needs vitamins, regular walks and good rest.

The problem in a one-year-old child - the main causes

Young parents will probably be worried when they notice blueness under the eyes of a one-year-old baby. It is difficult for children at this age to cope with disorders in the body on their own, so it is important to notice the slightest negative changes in their well-being in time.

Bruises in one-year-old babies are the result of:

  1. Heredity. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the skin under the eyes, blood vessels can be visible. Gradually, the skin will thicken, so that the blue will not be so noticeable. In this case, no special treatment is provided.
  2. Violations of the daily routine. The kid rarely happens on the street and is often in an overexcited state, constantly crying, there is a strong overwork, accompanied by darkening of the areas under the eyes. Mom needs to make sure that the baby gets enough rest. A one-year-old child should sleep 12-14 hours a day.
  3. iron deficiency anemia. The state is displayed both on the work of internal organs and on the condition of the skin. Therapy is carried out according to medical prescription, while the menu should include products containing iron.
  4. Insufficient intake of crumbs of important elements leads to exhaustion and the formation of blue under the eyes.
  5. Allergic reaction to artificial mixtures, drugs.
  6. Bruises and injuries in the forehead, visual organs or nose. To eliminate puffiness, you should immediately apply cold to the affected area, and then use a healing ointment, which is recommended for children in the first year of life.

In order not to harm the baby, the use of certain means must be agreed with the pediatrician.

Blueness at 2-3 years

Many parents, without a medical examination, can determine the main causes of blue in the eye area in babies 2-3 years old.

After all, this phenomenon usually occurs due to:

  • genetic predisposition (one of the most common inherited features is vessels close to the surface of the skin);
  • a viral illness that weakens the immune system;
  • lack of sleep and overwork;
  • poisoning with low-quality products or toxic substances;
  • blow to the nose or eyes.

But there are also serious reasons that parents can determine on their own.

In 2-3 years, bruises also form due to:

  • low hemoglobin;
  • renal / hepatic pathologies;
  • infectious lesions of the genitourinary system;
  • dehydration or excessive fluid intake;
  • disorders in the work of the endocrine system;
  • worm infections;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical region;
  • adenoids;
  • allergic reactions.

Most provoking factors can only be determined with the help of tests. It is advisable to refrain from trying to get rid of the defect on your own, because it is possible that the child will need to undergo a treatment course.

The task of parents is to provide good nutrition and adjust the daily routine.

What to do if the disease appeared at the age of 5

The appearance of blue in the eye area in 5-year-old children is caused by natural and pathological factors.

Natural causes include:

  1. Heredity, expressed in a fairly close location of small vessels to the surface of the skin. However, as you get older, the blueness is less noticeable as the density of the skin increases.
  2. Insufficient amount of sleep. Up to 7 years a day is supposed to sleep at least 9-10 hours.
  3. The use of harmful products. Food should be healthy and as useful as possible.

The second group of factors that cause bruising under the eyes is represented by:

  1. allergic manifestations. The condition is characterized by many signs - sneezing, skin rashes, itching, cyanosis under the eyes.
  2. Anemia (decreased amount of hemoglobin).
  3. Chronic tonsillitis. The disease can be recognized by swelling of the nasopharynx, painful discomfort in the throat, fever, blue areas in the eye area and severe weakness.
  4. Worm infestations.
  5. Cardiac, hepatic and renal disorders.
  6. Diseases of the digestive tract.
  7. Injuries in the area of ​​​​the visual organs, nose bridge and forehead.

By getting rid of the root cause, you can eliminate the blue. The diagnosis and selection of therapeutic agents should be entrusted to a medical specialist.

Bruising under the eye of a teenage child

A similar defect that occurs in adolescence has both a natural origin and becomes the result of certain pathologies. Especially during this period, hormonal changes make the body sensitive to various changes.

Physiological reasons include:

  1. An anatomical feature that is inherited from parents. The phenomenon is more noticeable in children with fair skin.
  2. Strong fatigue. Teenagers have to cope with a busy school curriculum, not to mention visiting all kinds of sections.
  3. Sleep deprivation. A teenager often does not get enough sleep due to a large number of homework assignments, as well as due to excessive passion for computer games. Moreover, love experiences interfere with normal rest.

As for diseases, blueness in teenagers is provoked by:

  1. Allergies to dust, pet hair, foods, medications and other irritants.
  2. Chronic infections (tonsillitis, adenoids, sinusitis).
  3. Poisoning. Intoxication occurs not only as a result of eating spoiled food. Adolescents are often addicted to smoking, drugs and drinking drinks containing alcohol.
  4. VSD. The condition is often detected in adolescence due to hormonal changes, and is expressed in the form of headaches, fatigue, pallor of the skin, bruises under the eyes. Sometimes the child suffers from fainting and gag reflexes.
  5. Anemia.
  6. Infection with worms.
  7. Malfunctions in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, heart.

In teenage girls, the cause of blue under the eyes may be the use of cosmetics, especially low-quality ones. If, at the same time, the mother does not know that the daughter is wearing makeup.

Urgent medical care is needed in cases where bruising occurs abruptly or is accompanied by various symptoms - nausea, loss of consciousness, nosebleeds, decreased visual acuity, fever.

The causes of blueness in the eye area in children at any age are almost the same. The difference lies in the use of remedies to fix the problem. The main thing is not to postpone the visit to the doctor and follow his instructions exactly.

Diagnostic methods

Pale and dry skin, combined with cyanosis under the eyes, in some cases indicates iron deficiency anemia. At the same time, the pediatrician is obliged to refer the patient to the delivery of a general blood test.

Determining the level of hemoglobin will help establish the final diagnosis. If there are no violations in the blood and urine tests, the reason why the child has bruises under the eyes will help to understand the analysis of feces for the eggworm and a smear for enterobiasis.

In clinical cases, doctors recommend a study of internal organs. This is an effective way to find out the possible causes of pathology. With a clinical picture of the development of pathologies with the liver or kidneys, in addition to laboratory tests, it is important to conduct an ultrasound scan of the internal organs.

The attending physician at the reception with the parents must determine how rationally the daily routine is adjusted. It is also important what kind of diet in the family. How often does the baby go outdoors and what place does the TV and computer take in life.

Preventive measures

Teach children from a young age to eat right, even if they don’t like all foods from the beginning
To prevent bruising under the eyes in children, doctors recommend establishing a healthy diet. It is especially important to use vitamins in the autumn-winter period.

It is not difficult to prevent a situation when a child has bruises under the eyes. You need to carefully monitor the diet and rest regimen.

It is important for the children's body to be replenished with vitamins and minerals in a timely manner. Walking in the fresh air, physical activity are the main measures to prevent anemia.

The body of a small child is very delicate, not yet strong, so even a slight external or internal impact is reflected in his behavior. Quite often, parents can be alerted by dark circles under the eyes of a child, and rightly so. After all, if the cause of blueness is not a hereditary predisposition, then such a symptom may indicate a certain pathology.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes in a child

Any mother knows her child thoroughly and is able to distinguish when nothing bothers him, he is cheerful and sociable, but at the slightest illness, the behavior of the baby changes dramatically. Some diseases, already being in the "rudimentary" state, are able to make themselves felt by pathological symptoms. Sometimes, attentive mothers may notice that her baby has bruises in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lower eyelid.

For an adult, such a symptom may be the result of a hard day at work, but what about the baby? What is it, a disease or a physiological norm? To answer this question, it is better to seek the advice of a pediatrician. But the parents themselves will not be superfluous to know the causes of dark circles under the eyes of the child.

As medical scientists have established, after prolonged monitoring of this problem, what can provoke this symptomatology in a baby can be:

  • genetic predisposition. To establish the possibility of manifestation of this particular source of pathology, it is enough just to take a closer look at yourself or your “second half”, your closest or more distant relatives. If such symptoms are inherent in one or two of your relatives, then the cause of the deviation should be sought in something else, but if many have such a distinctive feature, it is possible with a high degree of probability to speak specifically about the hereditary trait of the genus. It's just that the blood vessels, physiologically, are too close to the epidermal layer. But in such a situation, other sources should not be discounted.
  • Anemia can also cause blueness. If the baby’s rapid fatigue, a decrease in its activity, signs of drowsiness appear to this symptom, it is quite possible that this reason provoked. With her, a blood test of such children shows a reduced number of erythrocytes (red blood cells), which leads to an imbalance of blood components. There are few red blood cells, but white (leukocytes) predominate. It is because of this that the skin seems pale, almost transparent. And in those places where the vascular system is close to the skin surface, the epidermis begins to glow blue.
  • Banal exhaustion. After all, children are the same people, only small. And they also tend to get tired. Perhaps it was a difficult day, filled with a lot of emotions or physical exertion, and this fatigue just “appears on the face” of the baby. The same reason can be attributed to prolonged sitting at the computer or in front of the TV. This can be explained by irritation of the visual receptors and a lack of oxygen in the baby's body.
  • Bruises with a brown tint appear in people, including children with intoxication of the body. This is the result of the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms or toxic substances. "Poison" is absorbed into the blood and with it spreads to all organs and systems of the body.
  • Allergic reaction to any irritant. If this symptom is accompanied by other manifestations, then both the parents and the doctor may suspect this particular pathology.
  • Blueness under the lower eyelid can be a factor that determines the presence of a history of chronic tonsillitis in children (or, as experts also call it, chronic staphylococcal infection). If the baby is constantly sick with colds, he often gets tonsillitis, then most likely it was this reason that caused the child to look unhealthy.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia can also provoke such a painful appearance. This is the field of neuropathology. If the baby gets dizzy, he complains of headaches localized in the temporal region, increased sweating, reduced vitality, then it is better to show the baby to a pediatric neurologist.
  • Dark circles under the eyes of a child can also indicate that the baby's body was struck by some kind of infection.
  • The cause of such an unhealthy appearance can serve as worms.
  • If, against the background of dark circles, the baby has puffiness on his face, it becomes difficult for him to breathe through his nose, as well as other symptoms, then most likely the baby has adenoids.
  • As strange as it sounds, dark circles under the eyes of a child can provoke various dental diseases, such as caries.
  • Another reason for this factor may be a lack of vitamins in the body of a child. Modern cuisine, often in the race to reduce cooking time, leans heavily towards fast food, which cannot boast of a balanced diet. Unhealthy food for the baby, lack of minerals and vitamins - as a result, not only a painful appearance, but the body really needs help.
  • If the baby is little in the fresh air, if not strange, but this can also affect his face.
  • The result of a blow or injury.

Dark circles under the eyes of a child as a symptom

Unhealthy circles under the lower eyelid in a baby can speak both of a hereditary predisposition, living conditions (rare exposure to fresh air, excesses in diet, rest and pastime, and others), and dark circles under the eyes of a child can become, as a symptom of one or several diseases.

  • Blue under the lower eyelids can be a symptom of adenoids (overgrowth of lymphatic tissue in the nasopharynx), if they are accompanied by other additional pathological abnormalities:
    • Swelling in the face.
    • Nose breathing problems.
    • When breathing, a whistle appears.
    • Sleep problems.
    • Night snore.
    • In this case, you should definitely see a qualified specialist. It will not work to stop this problem on your own, but you should not ignore the problem either. Indeed, in the absence of nasal breathing, a smaller amount of oxygen enters the patient's body. The brain receives less of it. The consequences of such a development of pathology cannot be predicted even by a certified doctor.
  • Dark circles under the eyes of a child can be triggered by an allergic reaction of the body to an external or internal irritant. In such a situation, you should more closely observe the baby: his nutrition, analyze where you often go with your son or daughter in order to determine the allergen to which the child's body reacts. Additional symptoms of this pathology, except for the blue under the eyelids:
    • Hives.
    • Hyperemia of the skin.
    • Itching and rash.
    • Possible swelling of the mucosa, up to Quincke's edema.
    • A pediatric allergist can help with this. He will understand the situation and help determine the source of the problem.
  • The problem in question may be caused by chronic tonsillitis. This is a fairly serious disease caused by an infection such as staphylococcus aureus. Other accompanying symptoms of this pathology are:
    • Frequent colds.
    • Angina.
    • The presence of a focus of infection in the pharynx.
    • Enlarged tonsils.
    • Tonsils are presented to the eye covered with a pathogenic coating of a whitish or yellowish hue.

You can independently examine the neck of the baby, but it is undesirable to self-medicate. It is better if the child is examined by a doctor - an otolaryngologist. The specialist is able to make the correct diagnosis, assess the severity of the disease and prescribe an effective and safer treatment for the baby. Otherwise, improper therapy can lead to complications that can affect the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system, and other organs and systems of the "small" organism.

  • At school age, one of the causes of the symptoms under consideration can be vegetovascular dystonia, which is accompanied by such pathological manifestations:
    • Rapid fatigue of the baby.
    • Pain symptoms in the temporal part of the head.
    • Vertigo.
    • Paleness of the skin.
    • In this situation, the child can be helped by a neuropathologist, to whom the local pediatrician will give a referral. The doctor will prescribe treatment, at the same time give recommendations on the organization of the teenager's day: sufficient exposure to fresh air, moderate physical and emotional stress, commensurate with rest.
  • Dental problems that provoke an unhealthy shade around the eyes. With such a situation, consultation and examination by a pediatric dentist is mandatory. If caries, gum inflammation or any other pathology is detected, adequate dental treatment is necessary, which only a qualified doctor can provide. Many parents believe that it is not necessary to treat milk teeth, because they will soon be replaced by permanent ones. This is not the correct approach. After all, if the infection exists, then having lost milk teeth, it will “by inheritance” pass to already permanent teeth.
  • Anemia, which is not so much a disease as a condition of the biological system, in which insufficient quantities of red blood cells are produced in the hematopoietic system.
  • Dark circles under the eyes of a child may also indicate more severe pathologies, more often affecting adults, but capable of affecting the delicate children's body.
    • Kidney disease.
    • Congenital pathology of the development of the heart and vascular system.
    • Disease of the nervous system.

Some health workers believe that with a certain work experience, even the shade of dark circles can suggest a certain disease that affects the body of a small patient. For example, it is considered that:

  • purple - bluish tint under the eyes is obtained if the patient has failures in the hematopoietic and circulatory system,
  • if the color of the tissues under the eyes is redder - this is a sign of an allergy or kidney disease,
  • if the bruise gives off yellowness, then there are obvious problems with the gallbladder and / or with the liver,
  • a brownish tint is able to tell about the problems that are caused by helminths, prolonged intoxication.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes of a child?

If parents are faced with this problem, the question immediately arises, how to remove dark circles under the eyes of a child? Only a pediatrician can give an answer to it, and only after he establishes the cause of the pathological manifestation. Therefore, the first thing a specialist will do is examine a small patient, analyze the daily routine and nutrition, and then give a referral for laboratory tests and, if necessary, for an instrumental examination.

If the tests did not reveal any abnormalities, then the problem is either genetic in nature, or its roots lie in the lifestyle of the family. It is very likely that in pursuit of "the title of a child prodigy" the child has too much mental or physical stress, little time in the fresh air, or sits for a long time in front of a computer monitor.

In this situation, it is definitely necessary to adjust the daily regimen, maybe it is better to abandon one of the sections that the offspring attends, but preserve his still fragile health?

If bruises are the result of a bruise or blow, then parents will not be hindered by consulting a traumatologist. After establishing the cause of the hematoma, the doctor will prescribe lotions or ointments to the small patient that can quickly relieve him of the problem.

For example, it can be bodyaga forte - a drug that is easy to find in any pharmacy. This drug has a local irritant effect. The medicine is applied externally. They lubricate the affected area several times throughout the day, applying a thin layer that can be absorbed into the epidermis in a matter of seconds. If there is a strong burning sensation, the solution must be quickly washed off with plenty of warm water.

To prevent this from happening, before starting use, apply a few drops of a pharmacological agent on the wrist of a small patient, holding for 15-20 minutes, if there is no skin reaction, then an allergic reaction will not follow in the future, if it is, then from taking the drug will have to be abandoned, replacing it with an analogue.

Contraindications for the use of bodyagi forte, in addition to the increased sensitivity of the skin to the components of the drug, include a violation of the integrity of the epidermis in the place where the treatment solution is planned to be applied.

If the cause of bruising is helminth invasion, therefore, it is necessary to carry out therapeutic measures to rid the child's body of their presence. A pediatrician can prescribe one of the many modern remedies: vermox, pyrantel, phytoglistocid, decaris, zentel, nemozol, medamin, cleanlife, wormil, aldazole and others.

The anthelmintic (anthelminthic) drug Vermox is taken by the patient orally, that is, through the mouth.

But the treatment protocol does not end there, after two, and then four weeks, taking one tablet is repeated. This is done for the reason that not only adults, but also their offspring, are eliminated. It is impossible to take the drug on an empty stomach, the tablet must be washed down with a sufficient amount of water.

If trichuriasis, ankylostomidosis, ascariasis or a combination of various helminths is recognized in the child's body, then babies who are already one year old are assigned to take 0.1 g of the drug (one tablet) twice a day (in the morning and evening) for three consecutive days.

When diagnosing strongyloidiasis or teniasis, the attending physician prescribes to his patient 0.2 g (two tablets) twice a day, also over the next three days.

The contraindications of this drug include increased intolerance of the body of a small patient to the component composition of the drug, as well as if there is Crohn's disease, liver dysfunction or ulcerative colitis in his anamnesis. The age of the patient up to two years is also prohibited.

If during the examination the baby is diagnosed with anemia, the doctor may prescribe one of the modern drugs belonging to the group of medicines containing iron. For example, it can be actiferrin, hemohelper, ferlatum, maltofer, fenyuls and other analogues.

Fenyuls is prescribed by the attending doctor for oral administration. In case of establishing a latent iron deficiency, one capsule one dose per day, drinking plenty of liquid.

The duration of the treatment course is on average one month.

When the diagnosis of anemia is confirmed, the dosage changes somewhat and the baby is prescribed one capsule twice a day for three months.

A contraindication to the appointment of this drug may be hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis, or individual intolerance to the components of this drug by the child's body.

In parallel with taking medications, the patient's diet should include pomegranate juice, buckwheat porridge, liver, dried fruits, egg yolk, fish and seafood, apples (both fresh and baked), whole wheat bread, nuts, leaf greens and other foods rich in iron.

If the source of black circles under the eyes is chronic tonsillitis, then, without putting it on the back burner, this disease must be treated in full. The disease is stopped, and the symptoms will go away.

The antiseptic drug strepsils is prescribed to adult patients and young patients who are already five years old - one tablet taken every two to three hours. But during the day you should not exceed the intake of eight tablets. Strepsils is preferably administered half an hour before a meal or after a meal. The drug is placed in the oral cavity and absorbed until it disappears completely.

Proper brushing of teeth.

  • Rinsing the mouth after each meal.
  • Parents should make sure that children do not put dirty hands in their mouths, then children should remember this and do them on their own.
  • Wash your hands well with soap and water after using the toilet, visiting the street, playing with your favorite pet or toys, and so on.
  • Children should spend enough time outdoors in outdoor games with peers or just for a walk.
  • The child, and the whole family, should have a balanced, varied diet rich in vitamins, trace elements and minerals.
  • The daily routine of the child must be harmonious, correctly combining the time of games and activities with a period of rest. Rest should be complete.
  • It will not be superfluous to gradually introduce procedures hardening his body into the life of a child.
  • When diagnosing a cold or any other disease, you must immediately visit a specialized specialist and with his help undergo adequate treatment.
  • Preventive examinations by a pediatrician should not be ignored, even if you did not suspect something was wrong, referring the baby’s lethargy to a bad mood or suggesting other reasons, the specialist will be able to recognize the disease, if any, in the early stages of its development, which will help faster and with less loss for baby's health to stop the problem.
  • Not excessive, but moderate loads are also favorable for the child's body.
  • Regular check-ups with the dentist. If the baby has caries or other dental disease, it must be unequivocally treated, without waiting for the permanent teeth to grow.
  • Swimming lessons.
  • If the child's body is prone to allergies, it is necessary to eliminate or at least minimize, if it is not possible to remove, the source of irritation.
  • If one or both parents have bad habits, but for the sake of the child, they can be eliminated from your life. If there is no strength to overcome them, then, for example, you should not smoke, at least in the presence of children.
  • Communicate more with children, showing your love!
  • If a child has had increased cyanosis under the lower eyelids since birth, then this is possibly a genetic predisposition of the genus, but if dark circles under the child’s eyes have appeared recently, then this is a clear sign of negative changes occurring in the baby’s body. The reasons that provoked this problem can be different, both domestic, which are easily stopped by adjusting the daily regimen or diet, and pathological. These sources are already in the medical plane. Therefore, in order to figure out what served as a catalyst for the problem under consideration, it is necessary to contact a qualified specialist for an examination. He will identify the source and give the necessary recommendations. Otherwise, parents, using self-medication, risk bringing their baby's health to a state where pathological processes become irreversible.

    Therefore, be more attentive to your children, and do not ignore the help of a specialist. Only in such a tandem can you achieve the greatest effectiveness of your baby's health!

    Bruises under the eyes of a child always cause anxiety in parents. Problems with the kidneys and heart immediately come to mind, anxiety and panic appear, especially if dark circles under the eyes appear in infants.

    When identifying a negative sign, it is important to get expert advice in time. Bruises under the eyes in children cause not only renal and cardiovascular pathologies. There are other reasons that parents should be aware of. Timely access to a doctor will reduce the risk of complications in children of any age.

    Probable causes

    Why does the child have bruises under the eyes? Main reasons:

    • overwork. Most often, the problem is noted in schoolchildren after the summer holidays. The beginning of the school year is always stressful for a growing body. It doesn’t matter if the child goes to the first or fifth grade, there will still be an adaptation period. The weaker the child, the more attention should be paid to organizing the correct daily routine, to allocate time not only for study, additional classes, but also for rest;
    • genetic factor. Dark circles under the eyes are sometimes noticeable from birth. The reason is thin skin through which capillaries are clearly visible. In some children, the vessels are close to the top layer of the skin. The result is dark areas under the eyes. It is impossible to fix the genes, you have to come to terms with the phenomenon. With severe thinning of the skin, irritation, itching of problem areas, visit a dermatologist to prescribe special formulations for the care of delicate skin;
    • kidney problems. The combination of bruises under the eyes with pain in the lumbar region, frequent urge to urinate suggests the pathology of the excretory system. Puffiness of the eyelids is often noticeable, especially in the morning. Sometimes the urine becomes cloudy. Visit a nephrologist for a urine test. If pyelonephritis is detected in children, the specialist will prescribe a diet, drug treatment;
    • helminthiasis. The problem of worms is relevant for preschool children, younger students. You can suspect helminthic invasion when you combine blue under the eyes with pain in the navel, grinding of teeth at night, weight loss with increased / decreased appetite. Often noted: restless sleep, whims, lethargy or overexcitation;
    • sedentary lifestyle. The problem is more about students. In addition to lessons at school, doing homework, the child often spends more than one hour at the computer. Walks become shorter, cells receive less oxygen, the skin becomes thinner, turns pale. Gradually, bruises appear under the eyes, the child looks tired, apathy and lethargy develop;
    • anemia. One of the common causes of dark circles under the eyes in children. Lack of nutrients, vitamins, iron quickly worsens the appearance. The face turns pale, blood vessels located close to the skin are clearly visible through the thinned areas. With a lack of iron, the epidermis not only becomes thinner, but also dries up, which further enhances the negative manifestations;
    • trauma to the head, nose and eyes. Often, children, especially boys, during active games fall from slides, horizontal bars, fences. Schoolchildren get hit on the head with a ball, for example. In the absence of blood loss, lacerations on the head, parents do not immediately identify the problem. If suddenly the child has bruises under the eyes, swelling, or a trace of a blow is visible under one eye, be sure to visit a traumatologist and a pediatric neurologist. It is important to exclude a fracture of the bones of the nose or a concussion.

    Important! Did the child suddenly feel unwell, turn pale, have pain behind the sternum? Weakness develops quickly, bruises are visible under the eyes? Call an ambulance. Most likely, negative symptoms arose with problems with the heart.

    Bruises under the eyes in newborns

    If dark circles appear, contact your pediatrician immediately. The doctor will prescribe an examination, refer to narrow specialists. Weak immunity, imperfection of the digestive, urinary system in the first weeks of life is one of the causes of negative symptoms.

    To prevent the appearance of bruises, compliance with the rules of care and daily routine will help:

    • watch the diet of a nursing mother. Eliminate foods that cause allergic reactions, bloating, stress on the liver and kidneys. The high quality of breast milk reduces the risk of anemia, problems with the stomach, intestines, and eliminates additional stress on the kidneys and liver;
    • feed the baby "on demand", but gradually switch to food after 3 hours. The sooner the baby gets used to the regimen, the less likely it is to have health problems;
    • provide good sleeping conditions. Optimum temperature, humidity, access to fresh air contribute to normal rest;
    • baby wants to sleep? Do not deprive him of this opportunity, do not bother if the child falls asleep earlier than the allotted time. In the first month of life, a tiny man sleeps up to 19–20 hours throughout the day. Lack of rest negatively affects the state of the body;
    • if possible, buy a useful device for the crumbs - an anatomically shaped Cocoonababy crib. A cozy cocoon for a newborn is an ideal place to sleep. The baby sleeps in the correct position, rarely interferes with his arms and legs;
    • during sleep, take the baby to fresh air, in good (calm, not very wet) weather, walk more. Sleeping while walking is a positive moment for the baby and mommy.

    Rules and methods of treatment

    The first rule is to find out the cause of dark circles under the eyes. Visit a pediatrician, examine a child with a neurologist, gastroenterologist, nephrologist, traumatologist. Which doctor to go to the appointment - the pediatrician decides, depending on the accompanying symptoms. It is important to take into account the opinion of parents who suggest which factor caused bruising under the eyes of a son or daughter.

    The main methods of treatment:

    This question is often asked by parents who have older children. Schoolchildren are embarrassed by the unaesthetic blue under the eyes, they ask to paint over dark circles with a corrector or concealer. Is it possible to do so? Will it harm the delicate baby skin?

    • on weekdays, you should not mask dark areas under the eyes: often cosmetic formulations for adults cause allergies, thin skin dries up;
    • focus on eliminating the factors that provoked the appearance of blue under the eyes. The sooner the child recovers, the sooner the unaesthetic sign of the disease disappears;
    • for festive events, photo shoots, go towards your son or daughter, mask the circles under the eyes with the help of special compositions, corrector pencil. Choose hypoallergenic products with the least amount of chemicals. Mandatory type "for sensitive" skin.

    Prevent the appearance of dark circles under the eyes in babies and older children: getting rid of the problem is much more difficult than following simple preventive measures. Consider the age of the child, consult with specialists. The doctor will make recommendations for a particular patient.

    General rules:

    • healthy sleep, taking into account the age of the child. Preschoolers should definitely rest during the day for up to two hours. Does the student want to relax after class? Give him that opportunity. Do not let the younger student "fall off his feet" from fatigue;
    • daily walks in the fresh air are required. If the weather is bad, ventilate the room well;
    • provide proper nutrition. Offer healthy food, fresh fruits and vegetables. A minimum of muffins, sweets, fast food, soda with dyes, fatty, fried foods;
    • vitamin therapy. This item is required in the autumn-spring period. Hypovitaminosis, anemia is a common cause of bruising under the eyes in children. The pharmacy has a lot of multivitamin complexes for toddlers, preschoolers, primary school students and teenagers. Choose the composition that is suitable for age. Popular vitamins for children: Pikovit, Vitrum Baby, VitaMishki, AlfaVit, Supradin Kids, Complivit Oftalmo (for vision);
    • feasible load at school, limiting additional classes, circles and sections to a reasonable level. Overwork provokes not only dark circles under the eyes, but also a weakening of the immune system. The result is frequent colds, infectious diseases, and other problems;
    • daily routine, alternation of mental, physical activity with rest. Do not let the kids sit all day: first at school, then at home, at home, later at the computer. A high load on vision, a minimum of physical activity provoke problems with the vascular system. One of the manifestations of diseases of the heart and blood vessels is dark circles, swelling under the eyes.

    Now you know the causes of bruising under the eyes in newborns and older children. When identifying dark circles, various symptoms described in the first section, do not put off a visit to the doctor "on the back burner". Don't hesitate to check: neglected pathologies are more difficult, longer and more expensive to treat. Follow preventive measures, teach children to alternate mental, physical activity and rest. If the recommendations are followed, the child will be vigorous and healthy.

    Video. Elena Malysheva about bruises under her eyes:

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