Allergy to dust mites symptoms. Dust mites and their types. The occurrence of an allergic reaction

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Doctor visit

Doctor visit

Allergic reactions to insects are common. There is also an allergy to bed mites. Such insects exist in every home, in any place intended for sleep. What is a bed mite allergy and how to get rid of it?


First of all, the respiratory system and skin suffer from this insect. The patient begins to complain of the following phenomena:

1. congestion of the nasal cavity, discharge from it and frequent sneezing;

2. redness in the eye area and increased work lacrimal glands;

3. regular cough, which is dry;

4. wheezing in the chest;

5. difficulty in breathing (this symptom can vary from shortness of breath to asthma attacks);

6. irritation on the skin (redness and various rashes may form);

7. development of bronchial asthma.

If you notice signs of such an allergy in yourself, you should immediately make an appointment with an allergist who will conduct diagnostic studies and select for you adequate method treatment.

Features of therapy

Once the diagnosis is made, the patient is given medical preparations. These may include antihistamines, corticosteroids, and nasal types. In addition, the doctor may offer you a course of injections that develop resistance to bed mites.

Aquamaris can be called the most common drug. These are nasal drops that are prescribed even for infants, since they are completely harmless. This product can effectively clean nasal cavity from allergens. In addition, an allergist may prescribe a drug such as Telfast, which is available in tablet form. Reception of this remedy is allowed from the age of six.

If necessary, after consultation with a specialist, you can use the means traditional medicine, which also have a good effect, especially in combination with medications. The easiest way is to regularly rinse the nostrils with an ordinary solution, which includes a small amount of salt and pure water. Thus, you will cleanse the mucous surface of allergens. After a few such procedures, you will immediately feel that breathing has become much easier.


Want to get rid of a tick reaction faster? In this case, you should follow a few tips:

1. bed sheets- This is the main breeding ground for tick organisms. That's why sleeping place should be changed as often as possible.

2. Washing must be carried out in hot water(from 60 degrees). Only at this temperature harmful organisms are destroyed.

3. In the process of washing, you can use specialized additives, which are based on materials of acaricidal type.

5. Bedding should be perfectly dry, air thoroughly after washing. You should not lie down on a pillow with wet hair, because in this case, the reproduction of ticks is activated.

7. It is desirable that there are specialized air filters in the room. They help cleanse air currents from tick particles.

8. Regular wet cleaning of the premises is a guarantee wellness allergic.

9. You should ventilate the room as often as possible, especially in stuffy time of the year. If possible, it is better to sleep with an open window.

As you can see, getting rid of an allergy to a bed mite is not so difficult. It is only important to follow all the recommendations of the doctor exactly. By following the tips above, you will greatly alleviate your condition, get rid of allergic reaction and your sleep will be healthy and sound.

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The food for mites is keratinized skin flakes, daily “lost” by a person: epidermis, dandruff, etc. In addition to protein enzymes, which act as the main allergen, the chitinous shell of dead animals also causes irritation of the respiratory mucosa, but to a much lesser extent. There are three types of allergies, the provocateur of which is the allergen: contact, respiratory, food. Thus, at hypersensitivity a whole bunch of diseases can develop to these microorganisms: from allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis to atopic dermatitis and angioedema.

Main symptoms

An allergy to dust mites in an adult manifests itself in the following signs:

  • Nasal congestion. Swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa leads to the fact that a person begins to breathe through the mouth. As a result, the brain does not receive enough oxygen, and this, in turn, is fraught with headaches, decreased performance and deterioration of well-being in general.
  • Profuse discharge from the nose of a clear color, sneezing. Persistent runny nose accompanied severe itching and burning inside the nasopharynx. The outer edges of the nostrils become inflamed from constant rubbing with a handkerchief and hands, swell and peel off.
  • Dry choking cough , accompanied by a sore throat and not passing after taking the standard "profile" medicinal products(Gerbion, lozenges, rinses).
  • Wheezing in chest , hoarseness.
  • Eye redness and tearing, itching. Due to the constant rubbing with hands, the contrast of vision is lost, the eyelids swell, the mucous membrane becomes even more irritated and inflamed.
  • Dyspnea. Against the background of persistent nasal congestion, difficulty breathing appears, especially during a night's sleep. The inability to take a full breath leads to frequent waking up and bouts of suffocation.
  • Skin rashes. A rash may appear on the skin, visually resembling hives. Burning, itching and itching are felt in the affected areas.
  • Conjunctivitis. There is a feeling foreign body in the eye, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, which leads to purulent secretions, sticking of eyelashes, hyperemia.

Features of the manifestation of allergies in children

Children are most vulnerable to allergic reactions due to unformed to the end immune system, as well as constant contact with allergens (soft toys, carpets, bedding). The appearance of a runny nose, shortness of breath and tearing in a child makes it difficult to feed, makes him irritable, tearful, discourages appetite and provokes insomnia.

To the general clinical picture a number of secondary signs are added, indicating "work" dust mite. In particular:

  • Dermatitis. Eruptions in the armpits, genitals, elbows and knee joints, neck, head, face. The rash causes unbearable itching, scabies.
  • Paroxysmal cough, shortness of breath, wheezing. When coughing, there is a discharge of sputum of a transparent color and a viscous consistency.
  • Poor tolerance to bright artificial and daylight.

Important: according to medical statistics, almost 2/3 of children suffering from bronchial asthma acquired the disease due to an allergy to dust mites.

You should also pay attention to the change in the well-being of the baby under the influence of a number of third-party factors. For example:

  • Seasonal relapses. The period from August to October is considered optimum time for the reproduction of ticks, so the sensitivity of babies to allergens increases.
  • When leaving the house, the child's well-being improves, when returning, the symptoms begin to appear again.
  • There are signs of cross-allergy (, seafood).
  • The intensity of the allergic reaction in case of non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards (airing the room), as well as during cleaning and night sleep due to increased concentration ticks in the living space.


The provocateurs of an allergic reaction are the Der p 1 and Der p 2 proteins secreted during the digestion of dust mites. To diagnose the disease as such, as well as to determine the degree of its severity, a number of provocative tests. Molecules of a possible allergen are injected subcutaneously into the patient different concentration, and then observe how the body responds to a foreign substance: positively or negatively. Today modern medicine is capable of isolating 23 allergens, the carriers of which are field ticks.

In parallel with skin tests, a number of other studies may be prescribed. For example, a detailed immunogram to detect violations of cellular activity, microbiological analysis blood, checking IgE levels in blood serum, etc. Thus, the complex diagnostic techniques allows you to determine the range of allergens that are most dangerous to human health, and choose the right treatment therapy.


The nature of the treatment depends on the form in which the allergy develops (dermatitis, asthmatic manifestations, rhinitis). All medications, used to combat dust mites, are divided into several main groups:

  • Antihistamines. They block the release of histamine into the blood, are available in the form of tablets, syrups, injections. Relieve skin inflammation, reduce itching, scabies. Effectively show themselves in practice: Telfast, Agistam, Eden, Lomilan, Claritin, Semprex.
  • Vasoconstrictor sprays. They relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, restore normal breathing, remove the symptoms of rhinitis. These include: Aquamaris, Atomer Propolis, Nazivin, Knoxprey, Histimet, Sanorin.

Important: long-term use nasal sprays are contraindicated due to the potential for addiction.

  • Eye drops. They are prescribed for conjunctivitis, they remove tearing and swelling. The most affordable: Allergodil, Octilia, Vizin.
  • Vitamin therapy. Reception vitamin complexes raises protective functions body, compensates for the lack of trace elements and other useful substances.
  • local procedures. In particular, compresses, lotions, baths from decoctions medicinal herbs(chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot).

Method of specific immunotherapy

It is based on the fact that dust mite allergens are injected subcutaneously in microdoses to a sick person. Gradually, the number of injections is increased, and the body begins to get used to the irritant, stopping to react violently to its entry into the body. respiratory system. The frequency and severity of relapses decreases, the patient feels better and can lead a normal life.

The desensitization procedure (ASIT) is carried out only during the period of remission and after appropriate tests and studies have been carried out. First, injections are given daily, and then according to the scheme: every other day, once a week, once every 2-3 weeks, once every one to several months. If necessary, the course is repeated. As a result, the source of the allergy ceases to be an aggressor in relation to the body, and the symptoms of the disease eventually disappear.


Along with taking medications, it is necessary to ensure proper sanitary and hygienic care of the living quarters, which will reduce the concentration of field ticks and, as a result, alleviate the condition of the allergic person. Scroll preventive measures as follows:

  • Carry out wet cleaning of the house at least 2 times a week. Thoroughly wipe skirting boards, doors, furniture, windows with a cloth soaked in saline solution (5 tablespoons of salt per 10 liters of water).
  • Remove carpets, rugs, rugs and carpets made from natural wool. If it is impossible to completely abandon the use of floor coverings, then try to change them to products made of synthetic materials. In the artificial environment, ticks live in much smaller numbers.
  • Eliminate soft toys from everyday use, as well as decorative pillows from their fur, sofa bedspreads, covers for chairs and armchairs sewn from fabrics with a high pile or woolen yarn.
  • Provide frequent shift bed linen and sleepwear (nightgowns, pajamas, T-shirts and other home textiles). Washing temperature should not be less than 60°C.
  • If possible, change ordinary bed linen for special kits for allergy sufferers. Also use anti-allergenic mattress covers, pillows with synthetic filler.
  • It is better to replace upholstered furniture with fabric upholstery with leather or leatherette. Alternatively, cover it with covers from the above materials.
  • Closets for clothes should be as airtight as possible to prevent dust from entering inside. When cleaning wet, do not forget to wipe also internal surfaces(shelves, doors, panels).
  • Pay attention to the fact that less dust settles on metal surfaces than on wooden ones. So, it makes sense to gradually replace furniture made from natural wood with forged or plastic ones.
  • Ventilate living quarters daily, even in winter.
  • Provide a certain home temperature regime(not less than 22°С) and humidity level (not more than 55%). Support if necessary optimal performance with the appropriate household appliances(humidifiers, heaters)
  • Use special means to combat dust mites: laundry additives, sprays for processing furniture, clothing and interior items, air diffusers.
  • Replace curtains and curtains with plastic and metal blinds.
  • Dishes, books, household items, clothes and shoes should be stored only in closed cabinets.
  • Feather pillows, mattresses, feather beds, duvets should be regularly aired on outdoors and dry in the sun.
  • Install air purifiers equipped with ozone generators and ultraviolet lamps in bedrooms
  • Do not smoke in the house, limit the entry of cigarette smoke into enclosed spaces.

Treatment of allergy to dust mites is a long and laborious process, however, with correct diagnosis and therapy, the prognosis for recovery is very favorable.

Many people are increasingly faced with the problem of allergies, the number of allergy sufferers is steadily increasing, as well as substances that cause an allergic reaction. Medicinal and food allergy, allergies to cats and dogs, allergies to flowering and house dust - the danger can lie in wait for an allergic person everywhere, even in their own home.

Allergy to house dust mites - what is it?

House dust for allergy sufferers worst enemy from which it is impossible to get rid of. This type allergies are typical for children from one year old and adults, due to the fact that in infancy almost ideal conditions in terms of sanitation and allergy to dust, it is not yet formed, it has not yet been formed.

Later, meeting with dust and living with it side by side haunts a person all his life. It accumulates almost everywhere: on sofas and armchairs, soft toys, curtains and curtains, carpets and bed linen.

Narrow and inaccessible spaces behind cabinets, under a sofa and a refrigerator, kitchen furniture - there it has been accumulating for years and getting it out of there is not so easy either with a rag or a vacuum cleaner. Another constant source of dust in the house is wallpaper, from which particles of paint and paper get into the air imperceptibly.

On the bookshelves it gathers in such numbers and represents serious problem for health, that even when testing for allergies, tests for library dust were singled out in a separate category.

Compound house dust includes a rich set of allergens:

  1. Particles skin, wool, animal and human hair.
  2. Plant pollen, pieces of wood.
  3. Fragments of cockroaches, mold spores.
  4. Pieces of paper, plastics, fabrics.
  5. House dust mites.

Causes of house dust mite allergy

House dust mites are the main source of allergic reactions. They feed on the epidermis of animals and humans, are extremely prolific. Their habitat is carpets, pillows, blankets, upholstered furniture, bed linen. The waste products of ticks are of a protein nature and are the strongest allergen. One gram of dust contains about 2500 ticks. They are so small that they can only be seen with a microscope. But it is better not to do this - nature has created them so ugly that the sight is not pleasant.

In addition, ticks are very tenacious - the temperature environment from - 18 to + 40 degrees Celsius is suitable for survival for them. If outside these temperature limits it is possible to destroy them (freeze, heat treat), then there will be no less problems. A dead tick is even more of an allergen than a live one. There is not just a problem of getting rid of dust, but the task of removing a dead tick, which is much more difficult to implement.

Allergy symptoms

The manifestation of an allergic reaction to dust mites is quite common in its symptoms and affects the skin and respiratory organs:

  • Redness of the skin, itching, irritation in the form of a rash.
  • Nasal congestion, copious discharge, frequent paroxysmal repeated sneezing.
  • Sore throat, hoarseness, dry obsessive cough.
  • Difficulty in breathing.

AT rare cases are happening inflammatory processes mucous membranes of the eyes, which are manifested unpleasant sensations, rezyu, purulent discharge.

All of the listed symptoms of an allergy to house dust mites, already at the first manifestations, require an appropriate drug treatment. Otherwise, they are aggravated and develop into chronic diseases - allergic rhinitis, urticaria, eczema, bronchial asthma.

What to do?

If you are allergic to house dust mites, you should:

  • Seek advice from an allergist-immunologist. According to the clinical picture of the disease, the specialist will prescribe an examination, which will determine the cause of the allergy, give necessary recommendations prescribe medication.
  • If necessary, to clarify the diagnosis, conduct an examination using the method of specific tests - skin tests . The conditions for such an examination are the absence of taking antihistamines 10-14 days before the allergy test.
  • If allergy to dust and mites is confirmed, it is necessary to reduce the degree of influence of the allergen on the patient, namely, to minimize the amount of dust. For this you need:
  1. Remove all carpets and rugs. Wet cleaning should be carried out every day, you can not use a conventional vacuum cleaner, because the reverse air flow in it raises more dust than it sucks. You can use washing vacuum cleaners that are specially designed for wet cleaning of the room.
  2. Replace old upholstered furniture and do not use new upholstered furniture for more than 5 years, because dust accumulates in it, which is difficult to get rid of. If this is not possible, then tighten the furniture with polyethylene covers, in which case it will be easy to remove dust.
  3. Replace heavy curtains with lighter ones that are comfortable for frequent washing.
  4. Pillows and blankets should be with artificial filler (synthetic winterizer, holofiber, bamboo), they do not accumulate dust and are easy to wash.
  5. Books should be stored in closed bookcases and shelves.
  6. Use air purifiers, especially in bedrooms.

Allergy treatment is carried out under the supervision of a specialist with coursework of antihistamines (Zyrtec, Zodak, Suprastin). At skin manifestations creams and ointments are used: bepanthen, panthenol, radevit, advantan, elocom, which are applied to the affected areas once or twice a day.

For the destruction of ticks, there are special means of processing upholstered furniture and mattresses. In this case, there is a need for additional cleaning with preparations to remove particles of the shell of dead mites and their metabolic products.

Features of an allergic reaction in children

The manifestation of this type of allergy in children occurs after the first year of life, when the allergen accumulates and the disease makes itself felt. Diagnosis by skin tests at an early age for children under one year old is not performed, and it is possible to carry it out on close relatives - mother or father, but the results are uninformative.

At the age of two or three years, when according to the clinic and blood test for immunoglobulin E allergy to a tick is confirmed, it is necessary to create a hypoallergenic life for the child and start treatment with antihistamines. For such children, the number of soft toys should be reduced to a minimum, and those that are available should be washed once a week or frozen in the cold.

Modern medicine uses the so-called "allergy shots" when, according to a special scheme, an allergen is introduced into the body in small doses for several years. This is done in order to get used to the allergen, when there is no way to completely avoid contact with it. The results of such treatments are successfully used by allergists and in some cases give positive results.

Dust mite allergies are not uncommon these days. The abundance of carpets, books and soft toys in enclosed spaces makes her a constant companion modern man. This type of allergy develops under the influence of airborne fecal matter and parts of the chitinous cover of dead arthropods. Close contact with the mites themselves and their waste products makes the mucous membranes and skin more vulnerable and causes a corresponding reaction of the autoimmune system. How to get rid of a household pest and is it possible to do this?

This is what a dust mite looks like

Brief description of the dust mite

Dust mites cannot be seen without a microscope. Its size ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 mm. The normal lifespan for both sexes is 70–80 days. During this time, the female manages to lay more than 50 eggs. The best place habitat is a room with high humidity and temperatures in the range of 20–23 °C.

Attention. Great amount Dust mites are found in soft toys, duvet and pillow stuffing, carpet pile, fabric upholstery and thicker mattresses. Especially a lot of them in the beds.

Contrary to popular belief, the bulk of ticks are not in the far corners of the apartment, but very close to a person - in bed linen. suitable temperature, optimal level humidity and, most importantly, a lot of food - all this makes the fibers of the fabric a very comfortable place.

Particularly affected by the presence of small arachnids are children and adults with poor health and low immunity. In the cold season, the number of cases of allergy to dust mites increases dramatically. This is due to the rare ventilation of the room and the lower quality of cleaning. At this time of the year, it is difficult to knock out and dry bedding and carpets. In addition, many stack back taken on summer period floor coverings, rugs and runners.

How dangerous is the house dust mite?

A dust (common) mite can feed on any organic matter that can decompose, but it especially likes dandruff and dead skin flakes. The pest does not like the living epidermis, therefore small arthropods do not bite and are not at all dangerous from this point of view. And the gnawing mouth apparatus is unsuitable for damaging the skin.

Dust mites cause several types of allergies: food, respiratory, contact. In addition to the defeat of the nasopharynx and skin, arthropods provoke many diseases:

Exactly skin lesions often confused with tick bites. Under the influence digestive enzymes minimal effect on the epidermis causes severe itching, redness and swelling with a small rash.

Thus, neither adults nor their larvae directly harm humans. The main danger lies in the excrement of the dust mite, which it releases at least 20 times a day. Fecal masses contain specific digestive enzymes that corrode the living epidermis and provoke severe allergies.

Interesting. If the concentration of ticks does not exceed 100 individuals per gram, then the effect of enzymes is almost imperceptible. With an increase in the number of individuals to 500, a reaction of the body appears.

Signs of a dust mite allergy

The presence of a tick in an apartment is most often manifested by allergic rhinitis. Malaise symptoms include:

  • repeated sneezing;
  • plentiful liquid discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • eye redness and watery eyes;
  • difficulty breathing.

In infants, dust mite allergy symptoms are more pronounced. The mucosal edema develops rapidly, nasal congestion appears and severe runny nose. The child cannot eat normally and refuses to breastfeed, constantly cries and is naughty. These symptoms are accompanied by loss of appetite and insomnia.

In addition to allergic rhinitis, a dust mite can provoke bronchial asthma, dermatitis or conjunctivitis. In this case, the following signs of a pathological condition will be added to the manifestations of the common cold:

  • photophobia, itching and pain in the eyes;
  • skin rash located on the face and neck, in the groin area, armpits or elbow and knee joints;
  • shortness of breath of an inspiratory nature, wheezing when breathing, cough with sputum discharge.

Attention. In rare cases, an allergy to a tick is accompanied by Quincke's edema. With an increase in the face and signs of suffocation, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

If a dust mite really became the cause of the ailment, then an allergic reaction will be accompanied by some features:

  • the disappearance of all symptoms of malaise outside the home;
  • exacerbation of signs of rhinitis or asthma during sleep and cleaning the premises;
  • seasonality of relapses associated with the period of active reproduction of unpleasant neighbors and the cold season;
  • concomitant reaction to down and feather.

Most often, babies suffer from allergies to dust mites. This is due to the weakness of the child's immune system and more frequent contact with arthropods. After all, children constantly crawl on the floor and have fun with soft toys.

Treating an Allergic Reaction to a Dust Mite

Advice. If an autoimmune reaction of the body is suspected, it is recommended first of all to visit an allergist, who, if necessary, will involve an immunologist and other narrow specialists in the examination.

Dust mite allergy treatment includes the use of the following groups of drugs:

  1. Antihistamines.
  2. Nasal vasoconstrictor sprays and drops.
  3. In particular severe cases prescribe corticosteroids, which are selected individually.

When taking medications, it must be remembered that they eliminate only the symptoms of malaise, and not the underlying cause. In addition, the drugs do not last long, only a few hours, so the fight against dust mites comes first.


This group of drugs underlies the treatment of allergies. They are produced in the form of tablets, drops, including eye, nasal sprays and solutions. AT emergency cases possible intramuscular injection.

On the this moment There are four generations of allergy medications. With each modification, the effectiveness and time of influence increase, the strength decreases. side effects and addiction. For the treatment of immune reactions to dust mites, all types of drugs are used:

First generation drugs (sedatives)

They produce a good antihistamine effect, but have many contraindications. The duration of their action is 4-6 hours. This group includes:

  • Diphenhydramine;
  • Promethazine;
  • Tavegil;
  • Suprastin;
  • clemastine;
  • Peritol;
  • Meclizine;
  • Pipolfen;
  • Fenkarol.

These drugs are commonly used to treat allergic pathologies which are characterized by difficulty in breathing.

Second generation drugs (non-sedative)

This group of medicines does not cause drowsiness and has fewer contraindications. Means are most in demand for dermatitis and itching of the skin.

Second generation drugs include:

  • Claritin;
  • Astemizol;
  • Trexil;
  • Zodak;
  • Levocetirizine;
  • Histalong;
  • Loratadine
  • Fenistil;
  • Semprex.

Such drugs are prohibited for use by people with cardiovascular diseases, since they have a cardiotoxic effect.

Medicines III generation

They are characterized by good antihistamine action and minimum adverse reactions. It is Zirtek, Telfast and Erius that are most often taken as the basis for antiallergic therapy in case of a reaction to dust mites.

The products do not have a cardiotoxic effect and do an excellent job with dermatitis and asthma symptoms.

Medicines IV generation

This group of drugs has a great advantage over its predecessors. Medicines do not affect the heart and do not cause drowsiness, but are contraindicated in pregnant women and children. This group includes: Levocetirizine, Desloratadine, Bamipin and Xizal.


In addition to antihistamines, vasoconstrictor drugs and all kinds of solutions to cleanse the nose of dust mite waste products are widely used to alleviate symptoms. The choice of such nasal medicines is huge, so we will consider only some of them:

  1. Aquamaris - goes on sale in the form of a solution for washing the nose, drops and spray. Completely safe and can be used to treat pregnant women and children early age.
  2. Spray Atomer Propolis – combination drug nasal containing salt water Aegean sea and propolis solution. Indicated for children from an early age and adults.
  3. Drops Tizin Allergy. Good help with allergic rhinitis. It should be used with caution during the period of bearing a child.
  4. Nasal spray Reaktin. Perfectly eliminates the symptoms and significantly alleviates the patient's condition.
  5. Vasoconstrictors - Nazivin, Sanorin, Afrin, Vibrocil (for the smallest).

Additionally, the patient may be prescribed eye drops and ointments that relieve itching and redness of the skin with contact dermatitis.


A modern way to combat allergic reactions is ASIT (allergen-specific immunotherapy), based on subcutaneous administration. minimum doses tick substrate. This kind of vaccination allows you to get used to the irritant and not react so sharply to it.

Important. Very often, desensitization allows you to permanently get rid of the manifestations of allergies to house dust mites.

ASIT has contraindications, so it can be performed only after a thorough diagnostic examination.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine is not able to cope with the manifestations of dust mite allergy, but it is quite capable of boosting immunity. And this, in turn, will lead to a decrease in symptoms and a decrease in the frequency of relapses.

Perfectly strengthens the body tincture of ginseng, eleutherococcus, magnolia vine. All immunostimulants are recommended to take courses of 20-30 days. After a short break, treatment is resumed.

Instead of pharmaceutical preparations With sea ​​water can be cooked at home saline solution and rinse their nasal cavity.

Prevention of dust mite allergy

It is impossible to completely get rid of dust mites. They will always live next to us, eating dead organic matter. But to reduce their number and thereby reduce Negative influence health for every person.

Dust mite allergy prevention includes the following activities:

  1. Remove excess carpets, rugs and paths, and regularly shake out and dry the rest in the sun.
  2. If possible, replace furniture with fabric upholstery with artificial or natural leather.
  3. Freshen bedding at least once a week.
  4. Monitor the humidity of the air, avoiding its increase.
  5. Remove unnecessary soft toys from the house.
  6. Replace feather pillows and duvets with synthetic fillings. This, of course, will not get rid of the tick, but it will significantly reduce its number.
  7. As often as possible, do wet cleaning of the room and ventilate the apartment.

Large items such as a sofa, armchairs, mattresses can be periodically treated with a steam generator. The temperature in such devices is maintained at 95–115 ° C, which is more than enough to destroy an unpleasant neighbor.

As you can see, there is no need to do anything supernatural in the fight against dust mites. These measures will be enough, but they should become regular and routine. And allergy problems will be a thing of the past.

Attention. The article is for informational purposes only. A doctor's consultation is required.

Allergy to house dust mite (popularly known as) is a very common disease of young children, and of the population of all age categories. Among the whole variety of allergy pathogens, there is a place for household dust. It acts as an allergen only during the period of an overabundance of peculiar mites in it. These are not the ticks that bite and drink human blood, and those that feed on dead skin cells and other remnants of human and animal life.

Dust, namely its components, in the form of small particles of leather, wool, printing, building materials accumulates in household items. Such an abundance of components is very favorable for the spread of house dust mites. He feeds on all this, produces new colonies. House dust mite habitats are:

  • natural textiles;
  • carpets;
  • curtains;
  • curtains;
  • cabinets;
  • damp rooms;
  • bed sheets;
  • pillows;
  • bedspreads;
  • bookshelves;
  • and other places where dust accumulates.

There is no limit to the varieties of these mites, more than a hundred species of these arachnids have been studied, and all of them can provoke allergic reactions.

A tick is a constant "companion" of human life. It is invisible to the naked eye, heat-loving.

Reproduction is also facilitated by a humid environment, an abundant accumulation of dust.

Especially comfortable place is bedding, there is even the term bed mites.

Why does an allergy occur?

In addition to individual physiological features organism, genetic predisposition, immunodeficiency, there are a number of contributing environmental factors, these may be:

  • high humidity;
  • excessive air pollution;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • traffic fumes;
  • smoke from the manufacturing industry;
  • stagnation, low air circulation;
  • and other factors.

Additional reasons are many factors that provoke the development of a painful microclimate in the living quarters. Libraries pose a threat to the health of allergy sufferers. Even breeding pets can cause allergies.

Symptoms of the disease are manifested in the form of sneezing, dry cough, nasal congestion, tearing. There are manifestations of other uncomfortable conditions. Most often, an allergy to a dust mite manifests itself in the form of itching of the tip of the nose, accompanied by sneezing and spreading to the mucous membrane. There may also be swelling and redness of the nose. There is also a general weakening of the body, loss of strength, dryness of the nasopharynx, headaches. Sometimes the eyes turn red, tear and itch, dry persistent cough, accompanied by wheezing in the chest. Perhaps local manifestation Allergy to dust mites is mainly accompanied by redness, irritation, peeling of certain areas of the skin. Rashes, manifestations skin diseases up to difficulty breathing and asthma attacks.

These symptoms are consonant with other diseases, such as rhinitis, conjunctivitis, dermatitis, asthma, and this is the whole difficulty in diagnosing allergies.

How is house dust mite allergy diagnosed?

Such symptoms of the disease lead patients to the office of a pediatrician, therapist, dermatologist, ENT doctor. That's right, but an allergist, an immunologist deals with allergy issues. The doctor will listen to complaints, find out the necessary information.

Molecular diagnostics, which allows you to identify the allergen and prescribe local therapy. As a rule, an allergist should take allergy tests. This is possible with the help of skin tests, when a small amount of different allergens is injected and the reaction of the body is observed. This procedure unsafe for health, as the body is exposed to many allergens. It is carried out only in case of suspicion of a pathological reaction to a particular component. Intradermal tests are done by injecting the allergen under the skin. This test is possible only with weak, common reactions organism. Diagnosis is possible by a traditional blood test for the content of immunoglobulin.

Self-diagnosis has the form of monitoring the state of health in different rooms, when communicating with any animals, while cleaning, sleeping and waking up. This is just the initial self-study that needs to be reinforced. laboratory tests qualified specialist.

How is dust mite allergy treated?

Getting rid of allergies completely will take a lot of time and effort. And her symptomatic treatment will only exacerbate the situation. Where to start therapy? Of course, it would be better to carry out regular prevention of the disease than to take medications. For this, the following measures must be taken:

  • ensure free air circulation in the room;
  • carry out regular wet cleaning of housing;
  • eliminate all kinds of dust accumulators: toys, carpets, curtains, books, fabric furniture, other decorative items;
  • for disinfection, use saline solution for wet cleaning;
  • for washing and processing other surfaces, use products designed to destroy dust mites;
  • wash clothes and other textiles at a water temperature above 55 degrees;
  • regularly air and take out pillows, blankets, bedspreads, paths in the sun;
  • clean the air with a special purifier;
  • control the temperature and humidity of the air;
  • timely clean the air conditioner, vacuum cleaner bags;
  • regular change of bedding, curtains;
  • place books and other household items in closing cabinets;
  • control the diet, do not provoke an aggravation of allergies.

If the disease progresses, you should immediately consult a doctor. Each specialist, first of all, strongly recommends cleaning the room, carrying out the above preventive measures. After testing and necessary analyzes, will be assigned antihistamines different range of actions, depending on the severity of the symptoms. These can be tablets, nasal drops, spray and syrup.

Separate medicinal property possess intradermal injections, developed on the basis of our own biological material. They are introduced in case of ineffectiveness of the use of other drugs.

These can be injections of allergen extracts, as well as in the form of autolimocytotherapy. The therapy consists in making a vaccine based on one's own biological material, namely, lymphocytes. A kind of vaccination is done 5 times, with an interval of 1 year. These preventive measures are necessary for the formation of a strong immune system, the production of stable antibodies.

Allergen-specific therapy is carried out only for adults. Which are contraindicated severe stages chronic diseases, malignant formations, immunodeficiency, diseases of cardio-vascular system, pregnancy and lactation period. Such vaccination will allow you to forget about the disease, and symptomatic treatment medicines can temporarily get rid of symptoms, aggravate the disease. emergency remedy from allergies is washing the nose with salt water, possibly sea water in the form of drops and spray. Such a solution can be prepared independently, you need to add a tablespoon sea ​​salt per 1 liter of distilled water.

To protect your home from house dust mites, you can conduct an environmental survey, various air tests and other control measures, ranging from cleaning to interior design.

General Precautions

This disease should not be neglected, because there are deaths diseases. It is important to always have a gauze bandage, a medical mask, and antihistamines with you.

Wet cleaning of the premises should be combined with disinfectants, designed specifically for the fight against house dust mites, or simply with salt water. Processing of furniture and other decorative elements should also be carried out by special means that eliminate dust mites.

Modern filters, vacuum cleaner attachments, fabric covers, air purifiers will help to effectively prevent allergies.

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