What is the most popular blood type in the world. Does the blood type change?

Many people today are interested in the question, what is the most common blood type? Indeed, sometimes it is very interesting to find out what kind of blood is available and what is not available in modern donor centers. It is this fact that makes people interested in the issue of blood types.

The blood group of each person is determined from birth and does not change throughout life.

To date, scientists have discovered only 4 blood types.

The most common among them are 1 and 2. The division into groups occurs due to the presence or absence of some antigens and antibodies in the blood. Each of the existing ones can only be combined with its own kind. That is, during a transfusion, it is impossible to infuse a person with the blood of the first group, if he has the second, or vice versa. Such a transfusion causes incompatibility, which can harm the patient.

If the doctors are not able to do everything in time necessary measures even death of the patient is possible. Thus, you need to remember that it is strictly forbidden to take risks with such transfusions.

So what is the most common blood type?

If you believe the calculations of physicians, then the most common blood type is exactly 1. Almost 50% of the inhabitants of the entire planet have it. Following it in descending order are all the other blood groups.

The first blood type is not only the most common, it is also the least picky among all the others.

For this reason, each owner of this frequently encountered blood group is distinguished by resistance to various kinds diseases, viral infections and other troubles. Among all groups, it is the first that characterizes a person with positive side as stronger, enduring, strong-willed, resistant to all sorts of irritants. It is for this reason that people with 1 blood group are constantly trying to become the first, striving for leadership and constant victories.

If we talk about predisposition to food, then the owners of the 1st blood group prefer meat dishes, they are able to find benefits in various vegetables and fruits, which is very an important factor. Everyone knows that almost every vegetable or fruit contains a considerable amount of useful substances and vitamins, which are so necessary for the human body. Each person should know exactly which products will benefit his body, and which ones should be completely abandoned.

The first blood group allows its owner to endure quite severe physical exercise and always keep hitting. Based on this, we can say that people with such a group can easily achieve high results in sports and in business. Considering that the first blood type is quite common, and even with a positive Rh, it is very easy and without unnecessary worries to find a suitable donor for it. And this greatly simplifies the whole healing process for the recipient.

It would seem that such a blood type is simply ideal. But it is not so. Nevertheless, group 1 also has its own drawback, namely, a predisposition to certain diseases. These ailments include: gastric ulcer, gastritis, inflammatory processes occurring in gallbladder, asthma, and strokes. The good news is that some diseases can be avoided. For example, with regard to gastritis, a person just needs not to eat certain foods that can provoke the appearance of this disease.

Of course, you should always take care of your own health, regardless of whether it prevails in the human body.

Proper nutrition with 1 blood group

People with 1 blood group are advised to adhere to special diet. It should include foods such as:

  1. Useful. These products enhance immune system human and contribute to the maintenance of health in the body.
  2. Neutral. Incapable of causing significant harm human body. Promote dietary diversity.

But unwanted foods should not be consumed, as they have Negative influence for the entire human body.

Useful foods are:

  1. Meat. It is this food product that is a priority in the nutrition of people with the first blood group. by the most useful varieties meats are veal, lamb and beef.
  2. Fish. She gets an honorable second place in the diet of a person with 1 group. Especially useful is the use of fresh herring, pike, salmon and some other varieties of fish.
  3. Fruit. For people with 1 blood group, the use of acidic fruits is prohibited. It is best to consume pineapples, prunes, figs and plums.
  4. Beverages. Healthy drinks are green tea and various herbal teas. In addition, you can use natural juices from all of the above fruits.
  5. Vegetables. Benefits will bring parsley, horseradish, various leafy vegetables, etc.
  6. Seasonings. Healthy spices include curry, turmeric, parsley, and cayenne pepper.

Foods that are not to be consumed. These products include:

  1. Dairy food. You can use them, but in negligibly small doses. Moreover, they should contain a small percentage of fat.
  2. Various cereals and cereals are especially contraindicated for carriers of the 1st blood group. People with this group should try to avoid eating foods consisting of grains of wheat, oats and corn.
  3. Eliminate legumes from your diet.
  4. Avoid vegetable oils.
  5. Try not to eat flour and bakery products.
  6. Stop taking pistachios, poppy seeds and peanuts.
  7. Vegetables. The first step is to stop eating potatoes and eggplant.
  8. Oranges, tangerines and some other berries and fruits.
  9. Among drinks, you should not abuse orange and apple juice. In addition, you must refrain from strong coffee, strongly brewed black tea and various alcoholic beverages.
  10. Try not to take various marinades, pickles, ketchups and some other rather harmful preservatives.

Neutral foodstuffs are: some seafood; sunflower oil; some nuts and seeds; rice and buckwheat grain; Rye bread and bread made from rice flour; pumpkin, tomatoes, cucumbers and some other vegetables that do not harm the body; various sweet fruits; juices from natural fruits; some sorts of wines; some seasonings in small quantities.

Blood is divided into groups based on the presence in it of certain antigens and antibodies to them. There are four main groups: 0 (I), A (II), B (III), and AB (IV). Each of them corresponds to a number, and the letter indicates the absence or presence of specific antigens. It is also an indicator of compatibility.

In humans, genetics do not change throughout life. This is a specific identity identifier that children inherit from their parents. Groups are older than nationalities and races. The main difference between different people, according to many scientists, is not in ethnic origin and skin color, but in

The most common blood type is the first. For transfusion, it is the most suitable, because it does not contain antigens. The second is only suitable for people of the same and the fourth group due to the presence of A antigens. The third is suitable only for the owners of the third and fourth, and the last of them can only be transfused to people with the same blood type.

However, not only the presence or absence of antigens is important, but also the Rh factor. It is determined by the presence of protein on the surface of red blood cells. If it is, then Rh is positive, and if it is absent, it is negative. About 85% are Rh positive. For example, blood type is much less common than positive. The same applies to the others.

The first, the most common blood type, is found in 45% of the world's population. The rest follow in order. The rarest group is the fourth. If we take into account the Rh factor, then the most common blood type is the first positive, and the most rare is the fourth negative.

The group and Rh must be considered during pregnancy planning. If the fetus inherits the father's indicators, which are incompatible with the mother's blood, then problems are possible during pregnancy. However, modern medicine is quite capable of preventing them.

The composition of the blood has been formed for many thousands of years and is associated with the formation of the immune and digestive systems. in antiquity was with all mankind. digestive tract then it was most adapted for the digestion of meat protein foods.

Therefore, people in this category still have high acidity. gastric juice and they are prone to peptic ulcer. The first is still the most common blood type. With the increase in the human population, meat became less accessible due to its shortage, so people began to eat plants more and more. This affected qualitative composition blood, which led to the emergence of other groups that endowed people with many useful qualities.

For example, people with blood with the A gene are more adapted to life in modern world. This gene at one time became a guarantee of the survival of people during terrible epidemics plague and cholera. People with this blood composition are less aggressive and have more contact, which helps them feel good in society.

Karl Landsteiner discovered blood types in 1901 by observing how blood coagulates. different people when mixing. He later classified them as A, B and 0. According to this system, there are four blood groups: 0 (I), A (II), B (III) and AB (IV).


This system is not unique. There are currently 33 classification systems recognized by the International Society for Blood Transfusion, including Lutheran, Bombay, Duffy, and even "Ok."


The blood group is characterized by a different set of molecules on the surface of red blood cells. A mismatch of these molecules between donor and recipient can cause a fatal immune response after a blood transfusion.


Some blood types are very rare or exist only in certain ethnic groups. The first is the most common around the world - its owners are about 45% of the population. The blood of the second group is the most common among Europeans, and 35% of the world's population are its owners. The third group occurs in 13% of people, and the fourth - in 7%.


The fourth blood group (AB) is the youngest and, according to one version, was formed as a result of the mixing of Indo-Europeans and Mongoloids.


Blood groups are not unique feature person. For example, dogs have more than a dozen.


Before blood types were discovered, doctors experimented with transfusions between humans and animals. In December 1667, the physician Jean-Baptiste Denis performed a blood transfusion from a calf on a man in an attempt to cure him of mental illness. After the second transfusion, the patient began to vomit profusely, had pain in the kidneys, and the urine turned black. After the third transfusion, the man died. Denis was convicted of killing a patient, but he was acquitted when it became known that the patient was poisoned - but not with blood, but with arsenic.


Hematophagous - creatures that feed on the blood of animals or humans. There are about 14 thousand such species of insects.


Hemophilia - hereditary disease associated with blood clotting disorders. Hemophilia A causes a lack of an essential protein in the blood and is most common, in about 85% of cases, unlike hemophilia B. This disease causes bleeding in the joints, muscles and internal organs. Today, patients with hemophilia are treated with infusions of clotting factor concentrates, which are made from donated blood.

A blood transfusion often saves a person's life. But in order for the procedure to really help, and not harm, it is necessary to match the group and Rh factor of the blood of the recipient and the donor.

There are four types of this biological fluid. Among them there is the rarest blood type in humans, and the most common.

How group and rhesus are determined

At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists developed a conditional classification into groups from 1 to 4, each of which is divided into two subspecies - negative or positive - depending on the Rh factor.

The difference lies in the content on the surface of red blood cells specific proteins - agglutinogens A and B, whose presence affects the belonging of the plasma of a particular person to a certain group.

If the D antigen is present, then the Rh is positive (Rh+), if it is absent, it is negative (Rh-). This separation allowed for a safe transfusion, but in the past, the procedure often ended. lethal outcome due to non-acceptance of the patient's donor material by the body.

Group Determining Factors

In Russia, the designation is valid:

  • the first is 0 (zero), or I, no antigen;
  • the second - A, or II, there is only antigen A;
  • the third - B, or II, there is only antigen B;
  • the fourth - AB, or IV, in the presence of both antigens A and B.

The blood type is laid at the genetic level, by transferring antigens A, B to offspring.

Principle of classification

Per centuries of history plasma type formed as a result natural selection when people had to survive in different climatic conditions. According to scientists, initially there was only 1 group, which became the ancestor of the rest.

  1. 0 (or I) - the most common, was present in all primitive people when the ancestors ate what nature gave and managed to get - insects, wild plants, parts of animal food left after a meal large predators. Learning to hunt and destroy most animals, people began to move from Africa to Asia, Europe, in search of the best places for living and food.
  2. A (or II) arose as a result of forced migrations of peoples, the emergence of a need to change the way of existence, the need to learn to adapt to live in a society of their own kind. People were able to tame wild animals, took up farming and stopped eating raw meat. Currently, most of its owners live in Japan and Western Europe.
  3. B (or III) was formed in the process of merging populations, adaptation to changing climatic conditions. It first appeared among the Mongoloid race, who gradually moved to Europe, entering into mixed marriages with the Indo-Europeans. Most often, its carriers are found in Eastern Europe.
  4. AB (or IV) is the youngest, which arose about 1000 years ago not as a result of climate change and living conditions, but due to the mixing of the Mongoloid (type 3 carriers) and Indo-European (type 1 carriers) races. It is the result of the merger of two different types- A and B.

The blood group is inherited, however, not always the descendants coincide with the parent. It remains the same throughout life, even a transfusion or transplant bone marrow unable to change its appearance.

Rare and common blood

Most often in any country there are people with types 1 and 2, they account for 80-85% of the population, the rest have 3 or 4 groups. Species are different biological features, the presence of a negative Rh factor or positive.

National and racial affiliation determines the presence a certain kind plasma.

Among Europeans, residents of Russia, 2 positive prevails, in the East - the third, among representatives of the Negroid race, the first dominates. But in the world IV is considered the rarest, in isolated cases there is a fourth negative.

Most of the world's inhabitants are Rh positive (almost 85% of the European population), and 15% are Rh negative. As a percentage of residents of Asian countries, Rh "Rh +" occurs in 99 cases out of 100, in 1% - negative, in Africans - 93% and 7%, respectively.

The rarest blood

Many people are interested in whether or not they have a rare group. You can find out from the table below by comparing your own data with statistical data:

According to statistics, the first negative is also rare, its carriers are less than 5% of the world's population. In third place in terms of rarity is the second negative, found in 3.5% of residents. Very infrequently come across the owners of the third negative - 1.5% all over the world.

Scientists not so long ago, in the year 50 of the 20th century, another type was discovered, called " Bombay phenomenon”, because it was first identified in a resident of Bombay (now Mumbai).

The absence of antigens A, B sets the similarity with the first group, but it does not have antigen h either, or it is present in a mild form.

On Earth, a similar type occurs in a proportion of 1:250,000, in India it happens much more often: 1:8,000, that is, one case per 250,000 and 8,000 inhabitants, respectively.

Uniqueness of IV group

In addition to the fact that it is the rarest in the world, the group is inherited only in half of the cases, and then only if both parents are its carriers. If only one of them has type AB, then only in 25% of cases it is inherited by children. But the offspring receives from the parents 2, 3 group in 70 out of 100 cases.

AV fluid has a complex biological composition, antigens are often similar to type 2 or 3, sometimes it is a combination of them.

The main feature of this blood is that when used for it is suitable only for patients who have it. It is not suitable for anyone else for transfusion, regardless of the Rh factor.


If the patient needs it, it is imperative to find out which group he has and the Rh factor, since the health and life of the patient depend on this. For example, group I biomaterial can be used for any person, II - for people with the second and fourth, III - for carriers of the third or fourth.

People with type AB blood are allowed to transfuse any kind that matches the Rh. The most universal is type 0 with Rh negative suitable for transfusion to any person.

Fluid with Rh "-" is also suitable for people who have it positive value, but in the opposite situation, transfusion cannot be done.

Difficulty for donation is presented by people who have the “Bombay” type, for whom only the same is suitable. The body will not accept any other, but they can be donors for carriers of any group.

It is important for each person to know their own blood type and its Rh, since in a critical situation this information is necessary to save a life - one's own and the one who needs help.

In search engines, the question often pops up: what is the most common blood type? Indeed, sometimes it is interesting to know what is missing and what is missing in the donation centers. It is this fact that argues the most frequently asked question.

Concerning rare group blood, then it is a little more difficult, because many recipients do not have enough the right amount blood to help fight the disease. As a rule, the blood type should be determined immediately after the birth of the child, because it will not change throughout life.

Scientists at this moment four types of blood have been discovered, the most popular of which is considered the second and first. This division occurs due to the presence or absence of antigens and antibodies in it. Each of the blood types is compatible only with its own similar. That is, transfusion of the first blood to the second or vice versa is not allowed. The same cannot be done with the fourth and third. This can cause incompatibility and only harm the recipient.

In some cases, even death is possible, when doctors simply do not have time to take the necessary measures. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to take risks with such a transfusion.

Group transfusion

Considering that in modern medicine already know with certainty which types of blood can be transfused and which cannot certain rules about that. Frequent problem happens with the selection of the fourth negative, because it is considered the rarest.

As for the second and the first with Rh-positive and negative, here it is a little easier. For example, it is suitable for a recipient with any group, since there are no antigens in its composition.

The second group is suitable for people only with the first and second, since it contains antigens of groups A. As for the third, it can only be transfused to the owners of the first and, accordingly, the third. This is because it contains group B antigens.

As for the transfusion itself rare blood fourth, then it can be transfused to recipients only with the fourth type, since it contains antigens of both groups. For such blood indicators, it is necessary to take into account the presence or absence of protein on red blood cells. It can be present in any of all blood groups. Then they talk about a positive Rh factor. This feature is the most common, since positive rh observed in almost 85% of the total population of the planet.

Negative is less common, which greatly complicates the search for a suitable donor. But you should not worry about this, because the person himself is not to blame for being born with a certain type of plasma and, unfortunately, nothing can be changed.

Opinion on whether it is possible to change blood type with age:

AT extreme cases when you can't find it fast suitable type blood, make a trial transfusion of three milliliters for three minutes. So you can determine whether an incompatibility reaction occurs or not. Most often, it is manifested by fever, nausea, vomiting, redness of the skin, burning inside, or many others. At this time, the main thing is to tell the doctor or nurse about the presence of such signs in time.

The most common group

Based on medical data, the most common blood type is the first. Its owners are about 50% of the total population of the planet. After it all other types come in descending order.

This blood type is less picky, so people are more resistant to various diseases, viral infections and others negative impacts. Of all the groups, the first characterizes a person as strong, strong-willed, self-confident and stable. Therefore, we can say that such people always strive for leadership and victory.

As for the predisposition to food, such people most often prefer meat dishes, benefit from many different vegetables and fruits, which are especially beneficial for humans and other groups. Almost all fruits and vegetables contain required amount all the vitamins that the human body needs. The main thing in this regard is to know which vegetables or fruits are useful, and without which it is better to do.

The first group enables a person to withstand heavy loads, always take a hit and be the first. Thus, you can confidently raise your leadership in sports or business. Since the most common blood type is the first positive, it is accordingly very easy to find a suitable donor, which greatly simplifies the treatment for the recipient.

It can be said that this blood type has almost no drawbacks, with the exception of a predisposition to certain diseases. These are stomach ulcers, gastritis, asthma, inflammation of the gallbladder and strokes. Fortunately, some diseases can be avoided, such as not eating certain foods to prevent gastritis.

In any case, you need to take care of yourself and keep your health under control all the time, because no matter which of the many groups you have, you still need to love yourself and worry about your health. Sometimes you don’t even notice that diseases are overcoming, and there is not enough time for treatment or even funds. In such situations, it is really better not to delay, because the outcome of each disease can be extremely unpredictable.

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