UV lamp for throat and nose. Features of the quartz lamp "Sun. Age restrictions in the use of the lamp "Sun"

Instructions for use

Irradiator sun ultraviolet quartz oufk-01 instructions for use


Ultraviolet quartz Irradiator for local irradiation OUFk-01 "Sun";

Protective glasses from UV radiation;

Nozzle with outlet diameter 5 mm;

Nozzle outlet diameter 15 mm;

Nozzle with 60° outlet;



Instructions for use;


The ultraviolet quartz irradiator OUFK-01 "Solnyshko" is intended for therapeutic and prophylactic irradiation of patients in a hospital, clinics, sanatoriums, dispensaries, as well as at home.

Suitable for adults and children from 3 years old.


The power consumed from the mains is not more than 30 W.

The time for establishing the operating mode of the product does not exceed 5 minutes from the moment the lamp of the irradiator lights up.

The product provides work for 8 hours a day in a cyclic mode - 10 minutes work - 15 minutes break.

Overall dimensions of the OUFK-01 irradiator are no more than 275x145x140 mm;

Weight of the set no more than: 1 kg

In terms of electrical safety, the irradiator belongs to protection class II type BF GOST R 50267.0-92.

Supply voltage (220 ± 22) V, (50 ± 0.5) Hz.

Type of built-in lamp: DKBU-7 (you can replace the lamps yourself at home) with a wavelength of ultraviolet radiation of 253.7 nm

Indications for use

Local (local) ultraviolet radiation of the skin is shown:

Bronchial asthma,

Chronic bronchitis, prolonged course,

Acute and chronic neuralgia and neuropathy of peripheral nerves;

Deforming arthrosis, reactive arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,

Traumatic injuries of the skin and musculoskeletal system (bone fractures),

Purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, bedsores, inflammatory infiltrates, boils, carbuncles,

Acute and chronic erysipelas,

Herpes zoster (herpes, zosteg).

Intracavitary UVI:

Periodontitis, periodontal disease, ginguinitis,

Chronic tonsillitis,

Chronic subatrophic pharyngitis, acute pharyngitis,

Acute rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis,

Acute respiratory illness

Acute and chronic inflammation of the outer and middle ear.

The ultraviolet quartz irradiator OUFK-01 "Solnyshko" is intended for therapeutic and prophylactic irradiation of patients in a hospital, clinics, sanatoriums, dispensaries, as well as at home. Suitable for adults and children from 3 years old.

Selling Features

Without a license

Special conditions

Warranty: 12 months


Indications for use

Total ultraviolet exposure is indicated for:

Increasing the body's resistance to various infections, including influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections;

Treatment of inflammatory diseases of internal organs (especially the respiratory system), peripheral nervous system;

Normalization of the immune status in chronic sluggish inflammatory processes;

To normalize phosphorus-calcium metabolism, improve reparative processes in case of bone fractures;

Treatment of pyoderma, common pustular diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue;

Compensation for ultraviolet (solar) insufficiency for persons whose professional activities are associated with the conditions of the absence of sunlight: submariners, miners, during the polar night;

The prevalence of furunculosis and other pyoderma of the skin;

Common psoriasis, winter form


malignant neoplasms in any period of the course of the disease, incl. after radical operations;

Systemic connective tissue diseases;

Active form of pulmonary tuberculosis;


Feverish conditions;

Tendency to bleed;

Circulatory insufficiency II and III degrees;

Arterial hypertension III degree;

Severe atherosclerosis;

Myocardial infarction (first 2-3 weeks);

Acute violation of cerebral circulation;

Diseases of the kidneys and liver with insufficiency of their function;

Peptic ulcer during an exacerbation;

Chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis with manifestations of process activity;


Hypersensitivity to UV rays, photodermatosis.

Mode of application


For the event, the front damper of the quartzizer opens, the device is connected to the network and works in the room for about 30 minutes (the area is from 15 to 30 square meters), while there should be no people and pets in the room.

This procedure allows you to clean the air of germs and bacteria, as well as get a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. Children's toys, bedding, personal hygiene items, especially those belonging to patients with viral infections, are sanitized in the same way.

Attention! Turning on and off the device should be done in light-protective glasses.

Treatment and prevention of pathologies of the nasopharynx and respiratory organs, including otitis media, colds, rhinitis, symptoms of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, sinusitis, etc. Influencing the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, UV leads to a decrease in the inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract and nose, the removal of swelling and pain.

Certain quartzing techniques are used:

Local irradiation of damaged skin,

Irradiation of the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, ears (external auditory canal), vagina,

General exposure for rickets, fractures, skin pathologies.

The method must be chosen by the doctor.

UV irradiator OUFK-01 or "Sun" is intended for irradiation procedures - both local and local in the treatment of certain diseases of the ear, throat, nose, as well as furunculosis, acute respiratory infections, various skin diseases, joint diseases, trophic ulcers, etc.
Quartz irradiator Sun OUFK-01 can be used not only in medical institutions, but also in sanatoriums, dispensaries or in an apartment.

Functional ultraviolet irradiator, quartz lampOUFK-1 is used for:

1. General quartzization of premises(used in all hospitals)
By including air decontaminator indoors for 30 minutes - and as a result we get a room with clean fresh air without germs and harmful bacteria. With the help of the device there is an effective disinfection of any room, which destroys viruses and bacteria.

2. Treatment of ENT diseases (rhinitis, runny nose, otitis media, flu symptoms and others)
Quartzization of the human or animal body, in particular, quartzization of the ear, throat, nose. The device is completed with special tubes for treatment. The procedure is very simple: we put the tubes (either for the nose or for the throat), plug it into the socket, wait until the lamp flickers. According to the instructions, we quartz the nose, throat, and from now on you are treating yourself and protecting others from harmful viruses and bacteria.

Modern ultraviolet quartz lamp"Sun" is also intended for a number of procedures that are aimed at hardening and healing adults and children. Quartz lamp "Sun" is ideal for compensating for the lack of sunlight for the body. The quartzization procedure is used in the treatment, as well as the effective prevention of diseases, such as the flu or the common cold. A quartz lamp will also easily destroy viruses and bacteria in any room.
Lamp for disinfectionOUFK-01 It is intended for the treatment of children from 3 years old, but it is also possible to treat adults, only with an increased procedure time. Also, OUFK-01 can be used for quartzing residential premises with a small area of ​​​​up to 20 sq.m.

ultraviolet irradiation has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, anesthetizing, immunomodulatory and desensitizing effect. Under its influence, the function of the cortical layer of the adrenal glands is activated, the function of breathing improves, the supply of oxygen to the myocardium increases, and its contractility increases.
Quartz ultraviolet irradiator Sun It is used in medical, medical and preventive, sanatorium and resort institutions, as well as for use at home and in everyday life. This is a device from the "home doctor" series.
quartz lamp OUFk-01 is used for general and intracavitary irradiation in the effective spectral range of 230-400nm in inflammatory diseases. The product is used for disinfection of air and surfaces of premises of small volumes up to 65 cubic meters
Quartz air irradiator"Sunshine" allows you to treat inflammatory diseases, diseases of the nervous and respiratory systems, metabolic disorders, make up for the lack of sunlight.
UV irradiator OUFK-01 is distinguished by its convenience and ease of use, reliability, efficiency, and long service life.

The main advantages of the device:

  • 2 devices in one case: can be used both for general room quartzization and for the treatment of ENT diseases
  • Affordability
  • Small dimensions and weight (less than 1 kg)
  • Throat, nose and ear tubes included (all family members can use them)
  • Operates from a household outlet

Indications for the use of ultraviolet air irradiator OUFK-1 type "Sun":
- compensation of ultraviolet insufficiency;
- increased resistance to various infections (for example, influenza);
- as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the joints;
- diseases of the peripheral nervous system (neuritis, neuralgia, radiculitis); - muscular system (myositis);
- respiratory system (bronchitis, pleurisy);
- for skin diseases (fungus, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis);
- gynecological diseases;
- metabolic disorders;
- some forms of tuberculosis.

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Total UVR is indicated for:
1. Increasing the body's resistance to various infections, including influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections;
2. Treatment of inflammatory diseases of internal organs (especially the respiratory system), peripheral nervous system;
3. Prevention and treatment of rickets in children, pregnant and lactating women, especially in areas of the Arctic or in areas with a low amount of solar radiation;
4. Treatment of pyoderma, common pustular diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue;
5. Normalization of the immune status in chronic sluggish inflammatory processes;
6. Normalization of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, improvement of reparative processes in case of bone fractures;
7. Compensation for ultraviolet (solar) insufficiency for persons whose professional activities are in the absence of sunlight: submariners, miners, during the polar night;
8. Common furunculosis and other pyoderma of the skin;
9. Atopic dermatitis (common neurodermatitis);
10. Widespread psoriasis, winter form.
General UV radiation is prescribed taking into account individual characteristics and skin sensitivity to UV radiation.

Indications for local (local) ultraviolet radiation of the skin:
1. Bronchial asthma;
2. Chronic bronchitis, protracted course;
3. Acute and chronic neuralgia and neuropathy of peripheral nerves;
4. Deforming arthrosis, reactive arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis;
5. Traumatic damage to the skin and musculoskeletal system (bone fractures);
6. Purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, bedsores, inflammatory infiltrates, boils, corbuncles;
7. Acute and chronic erysipelas;
8. Shingles (herpes zoster);
9. Acute and chronic inflammation of the female genital organs.

Indications for intracavitary UVI:
1. Periodontitis, periodontal disease, ginguinitis;
2. Chronic tonsillitis;
3. Chronic subatrophic pharyngitis, acute pharyngitis;
4. Acute rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis;
5. Acute respiratory disease;
6. Acute and chronic inflammation of the outer and middle ear;
7. Acute and chronic inflammation of the vagina.

Recommendations for the use of ultraviolet quartz irradiator OUF-01:
Quartz (ultraviolet, bactericidal) lamp
designed to improve the body in the winter months. In winter, when our body receives almost no sunlight, irradiation with quartz has a very good effect.
The duration of irradiation should be increased gradually, starting from 1 minute and reaching up to 5 minutes. Especially diligently it is necessary to protect the eyes from the light of a quartz lamp. It is not necessary to wear sunglasses that leave ugly streaks on the skin. A cotton swab or a small piece of paper will cover your eyelids from excessive light. If you do not do this, you will ruin your eyes and, in addition, wrinkles will form, since the skin around the eyes is especially thin and devoid of fat. If some time after the end of the session you begin to have a severe headache, nervous irritation, dizziness, it is better to abandon the quartz lamp once and for all, even when you really want to give your white skin a golden hue.
Before irradiation with quartz, smear the skin with oil or cream, but not very abundantly. Oil or cream should be evenly rubbed. With oily skin, if the sebaceous glands work too intensively, you can achieve good results by carrying out procedures under the supervision of a doctor. Acne, which often affects young people during puberty, is well treated with a quartz lamp.
In the presence of sensitive or dry skin, which is easily covered with cracks, if there are dilated blood vessels, it is necessary to completely abandon the quartz lamp, in this case it is recommended to use darsonval apparatus .
Those who suffer from freckles should take quartz sessions regularly, two or three times a week, for several minutes during the winter months. The skin will become even in color, and brown spots will not be evident when the first hot rays herald the beginning of spring. A quartz lamp helps with various hair diseases, as well as with hair loss. But good results can only be achieved if the doctor's instructions are followed exactly. Each person responds to treatment differently, so there are no general rules.
This quartz lamp is not intended for tanning procedures.

It should be noted that bactericidal irradiators you can not use in the presence of such diseases as an active form of tuberculosis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, blood diseases, thyrotoxicosis and some others. Therefore, before you start using the ultraviolet irradiator, you must carefully read the instructions that came with the device, and also consult your doctor for possible contraindications.

The main characteristics of the ultraviolet irradiator OUFK-01:

The DRT-125 lamp is used.
Irradiance level in the effective spectral range:
- with total exposure at a distance of 0.7 m from the irradiated surface, not more than 1.0 W / m 2
- with local irradiation at the cut of the tube Æ 5 mm - not less than 0.8 W / m 2
- with local irradiation at the cut of the tube Æ 15 mm - not less than 1.0 W / m 2

Effective Spectral Range: 230-400nm: UV-A (400-320nm), UV-B (320-275nm), UV-C (275-180nm)
The irradiator provides continuous operation for 8 hours: 10 minutes work -15 minutes break, and when quartzing rooms up to 60 minutes, followed by a break of 15 minutes.

The package includes:
- irradiator with lamp 1 pc
- goggles 1 pc
- tubes for intracavitary irradiation 4 pcs
- passport-instruction

Country of manufacture - Russia. Warranty - 1 year.

Other names for a quartz lamp: irradiator, ultraviolet lamp, uv lamp, blue lamp, uv, germicidal lamp, quartz, germicidal irradiator, mercury-quartz lamp, orku lamp, quartz irradiator.

Physiotherapy methods have been and remain in demand in the treatment of many diseases.

Kuf therapy is one of the methods of physiotherapy that destroys toxins and viruses. It is widely used in the prevention of viral and colds.

Ultraviolet short waves have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole organism. Their impact is aimed at the destruction of protein molecules and the formation of bioradicals.

This is a very effective method, for the death of pathogens, only a few minutes of irradiation of the pharynx and nasopharynx are enough.

In addition, blood circulation is restored in the irradiated area, which allows intensive restoration of lost functions.

In order to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the method, consider what KUF physiotherapy is.

Mechanism of action

KUF was originally invented for the treatment of skin diseases of fungal or bacterial etiology, as well as ulcers.

However, over time, therapy began to be used more widely, since the spectrum of action of UV is quite large.

Short-wave ultraviolet rays have a bactericidal, mycocidal and antiviral effect.

Initially, they are absorbed by DNA molecules, then by nucleic acids and proteins.

The ability to regenerate cell DNA is lost, as a result, pathogens die. And also under the influence of UV rays, transcription is disrupted.

At the very beginning of the process, short-wavelength rays cause capillary spasm. Subcapillary veins dilate.

A couple of hours after the procedure, a reddish erythema appears on the irradiated area of ​​the body, which disappears after 2–3 days.

Penetration of rays deep into the skin does not exceed 1 mm. Kuf therapy does not have a thermal effect on the body.

How is the procedure carried out

For the procedure, a special KUF apparatus is used. Depending on the localization of the inflammatory process, the technique for conducting KUV therapy may differ slightly:

Shortwave radiation to the nose

The patient assumes a sitting position and slightly tilts his head back. Then, an emitter is inserted into each nostril in turn.

For this, special nozzles are used that do not cause discomfort during the procedure.

Throat shortwave radiation

The patient remains in the same position. In the case of the throat, a mirror is used for irradiation, which reflects the rays on both sides of it.

At the same time, the tongue protrudes, which is not very pleasant for the patient, however, the procedure takes several minutes.

With an acute process, 1 biodose is initially prescribed, gradually increasing to 3. The procedure can last from 15 to 30 minutes, it all depends on the degree and severity of the pathology. A month later, if there is such a need, the course of treatment can be carried out again.

Indications for KUF therapy

KUF therapy has a wide range of applications. Since the method has an anti-inflammatory, antiviral and bactericidal effect, it is used not only in otolaryngology, but also in other medical fields.

There are many indications for the procedure, the main ones are:

  • herpes, trophic ulcers;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the inner ear;
  • wounds with a risk of anaerobic infection;
  • angina;
  • weakened immunity, the inability of the body to resist infections and viruses;
  • acute inflammation of the nasopharynx;
  • skin diseases;
  • bronchitis;
  • sinusitis and adenoids.

Overview of the device for KUV therapy Solnyshko OUFK-1

Ultraviolet irradiator OUFK-1 Sun is used for therapeutic irradiation of patients. This can happen for both curative and preventive purposes.

The power consumed by the device from the network does not exceed 30 watts.

OUFK-1 is very convenient to use and can operate in a cyclic mode 8 hours a day.

The use of the apparatus is indicated for:

  1. body resistance to various types of viruses and infections;
  2. prevention and treatment of rickets in children;
  3. elimination of inflammation in the organs;
  4. with mild chronic diseases;
  5. compensation for the lack of ultraviolet rays (shown in patients whose work involves the absence of sunlight);
  6. treatment of atopic dermatitis, furunculosis, psoriasis and other skin diseases.

And also the KUF Sun apparatus is used for such diseases:

  • inflammatory processes of the genital organs in women (acute and chronic);
  • trophic ulcers, non-healing wounds, boils;
  • neurology and neuropathy.

Contraindications to the use of CUF therapy

KUF therapy is contraindicated in the presence of such disorders:

If during the procedure the patient feels symptoms such as weakness or, you must immediately tell the doctor about this and stop the procedure.


Medicine is developing very quickly. However, despite the new improved methods of treatment, physiotherapy does not lose its relevance.

Shortwave ultraviolet rays remain consistently popular in the treatment of ENT diseases.

The possibility of a localized effect on pathological tissues makes CUV therapy effective and in demand.

Due to the antiviral, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory action, the KUF method is successfully used in almost all branches of medicine.

Video: Apparatus for KUV therapy Sun OUFK-1

OUFK 01 "Solnyshko", reviews of which characterize it as a high-quality and efficient device, has an official Certificate of Conformity and Registration Certificate of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. It is used to treat many diseases, primarily providing a general healing and strengthening effect on the body's immune system. Another purpose of the device is the sanitation of residential and non-residential premises. That is why the quartz lamp "Sun" can be useful to everyone.

The benefits of ultraviolet radiation

If a seasonal increase in immunity is required, then quartz exposure procedures will be ideal as preventive and safe means, and a quartz lamp will help to carry them out on their own, the instructions for using which are quite accessible to everyone. Already after several sessions, you can feel a surge of strength even in a dull and damp autumn-winter season due to the beneficial effects of ultraviolet radiation.

An excellent result was shown by a UV quartz lamp after a treatment course for patients with problematic hair and various skin diseases. A special and fairly quick effect was observed with increased activity of the sebaceous glands, oily sheen of the skin with the formation of acne. In addition, with the help of ultraviolet light, you can forget about freckles and make age spots almost invisible.

The usual duration of one irradiation procedure is 5 minutes, and it should start from 1 minute, for which the OUFK 01 "Sun" quartz lamp is ideal. Reviews of patients who have undergone ultraviolet treatment are extremely positive. The main thing is a preliminary consultation with a specialist, and you also need to know that with particularly sensitive and dry skin, such measures are contraindicated.

Age restrictions in the use of the lamp "Sun"

The quartz lamp "Sun" due to its mild effect is indicated for use in the treatment of children of different ages, starting from infants (OUFK 01 lamp). In principle, it can also be used for adult patients, increasing the duration of the session by 2 times.

Technical characteristics of the device OUFK 01 "Sun"

A compact quartz lamp, the price of which is about two thousand rubles, is very convenient to use, has small dimensions and a weight of 1 kg, is completed with dense light-protective glasses and various plastic nozzles. This is a stable device with a metal case, the irradiator power of which is only 7 watts. It is thanks to this that the lamp can be used for small children. Instantly comes into working condition, functions under any conditions.

OUFK 01 "Solnyshko" is characterized by low electricity consumption with excellent performance, allowing quartzing areas up to 10-12 m 2 in 20 minutes. The warranty period of the treatment-and-prophylactic device is 12 months. And you can even buy it by phone by ordering targeted delivery in any Russian region.

Quartz lamps for disinfection premises

There is another area of ​​application of the device. The bactericidal ultraviolet quartz lamp for the home is specially designed for periodic irradiation sessions to which not only people are exposed, but also the surrounding air space in a residential or non-residential premises, as well as various surfaces. Manipulations are carried out in order to eliminate inflammatory foci in the body and disinfect rooms from harmful microorganisms and infections.

Quartz disinfection lamps are especially practiced in places where newborns and small children are often found, whether it is a children's bedroom in your home or a pediatrician's office in a clinic.

Quartz lamp for everyone

If you are not sure that an ultra-modern preventive and therapeutic device can be useful to you at home, then you can discard all doubts: a quartz lamp for the home is an excellent tool that relieves acute inflammation and pain; prevents some diseases of the respiratory and nervous systems of the body. Used against viral and many other common diseases.

The quartz lamp OUFK 01 "Sun", reviews of which are favorable due to its positive effect, replenishes vitamin D in the body, especially in winter, when its deficiency is acutely experienced. It speeds up metabolic processes, increases the immune response and improves blood circulation, which is essential for the general strengthening of the body in case of any emerging health problems.

Medical indications for the use of the lamp "Sun" No. 1

In addition to the fact that quartz disinfects rooms, improves the resistance of the immune system to pathogens, it is possible to self-treat at home and other ailments. These include infectious, joints, hair and even the problem of baldness.

A quartz lamp, according to its principle of exposure, can be infrared, ultraviolet, mercury-quartz, bactericidal, etc. A low-power lamp for medical sessions and preventive procedures for babies up to 3 years of age is the OUFK 01 "Sun" quartz lamp. Feedback from parents speaks about the excellent results of treatment and the absolute safety of the device for children. Nevertheless, before carrying out the quartzization procedure, you should definitely consult with an experienced doctor.

The list of diseases treated by a quartz lamp (the price of it is fully justified by a large list of medical indications) includes:

Contraindications for use

Despite the relative safety of exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the body of a small child, there are a number of contraindications to conducting treatment sessions with a quartz lamp. Namely:

  • active tuberculosis.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Tendency to bleeding and diseases of the blood.
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage.
  • Atherosclerosis of the arteries and vessels of the head.
  • Hypersensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, etc.

In order to avoid negative consequences in the presence of one of the listed diagnoses, it is imperative to visit a doctor and get qualified advice.

Advantages of the quartz lamp OUFK 01 "Sun"

The described quartz lamps for disinfection have undoubted advantages over other similar devices. First, they can be easily used on their own at home for numerous medical indications. Secondly, the generated radiation has a unique effect that destroys bacteria and can be used to disinfect residential and non-residential premises.

Also, after a course of procedures with a quartz lamp, a small amount of which is similar to sunlight, the body's immunity and resistance to infections are strengthened.

OUFK 01 "Sun" is convenient due to its compactness and mobility; moreover, it is easily installed in the position necessary for manipulation. The special tubes included in the package are made with holes of various diameters, which facilitates ENT procedures for colds, runny nose or flu. The reliability of the device is confirmed by a certificate and a one-year warranty for use.

Other models of quartz lamp "Sun"

In addition to the first model of the quartz lamp "Sun" for children under 3 years old, the following ones were also produced. So, the model "Sun" No. 2 has a higher power of a quartz lamp, which makes it possible for adults to conduct sessions, and also increases the device.

With the help of a miniature solarium "Sunshine" No. 3, you can get a full-fledged uniform tan right at home. It is supposed to use this quartz device for people who are deficient in useful sunlight. The range of work is quite safe for health and enhances the body's immunity.

Quartz lamp "Sun" No. 4 is designed for use in rooms up to 60 m 2 . It is used for sanitary quartzization of rooms and objects in them, but the kit also includes tubes for ENT procedures. Most often it is installed in specialized medical institutions where special conditions of sterility are required. Thanks to the ultraviolet spectrum, the quartz lamp No. 4 is able to destroy even influenza viruses that are dangerous with complications.

Thus, the quartz lamp "Sun" in all its modifications is designed to serve for bactericidal treatment of any premises and care for the health of children and adults. Buying the device is quite simple, but the main thing is to use it only after consulting a doctor and strictly following the instructions.

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