Signs, symptoms and treatment options for a herpes infection in a child. Herpes virus in children: causes, symptoms and treatment

To date, there are several types of herpes virus that can affect a variety of human organs, they do not bypass small children. Herpes in children most often occurs after contact with a sick person, and babies of the first years of life are extremely rarely infected, since they are immune from their mother, the peak of danger begins at 3-4 years, but by the age of 5, more than half of the crumbs develop protective antibodies.

What types of herpes can occur in a child?

Almost 100% of the population are carriers of the herpes virus, almost all people have this virus in their blood, although due to various reasons and the level of immunity, its rate and the degree of possibility of infection vary significantly.
Depending on the type of pathogen, herpes in a child can be of different types:

  • the first type (simple) - manifests itself in the form of sores on the oral cavity, on the lips, in the mouth, on the tongue;
  • the second type (genital) is considered a hereditary factor, since it is transmitted from the mother at birth. Such herpes in children becomes a harbinger of chronic stomatitis and tonsillitis;
  • the third type (chickenpox) - the primary virus causes chickenpox, the second case - shingles;
  • the fourth and fifth type (milk mononucleosis) - manifests itself in the form of an infectious disease, which is accompanied by fever and inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • the sixth type (roseola) - manifests itself in the form of pinkish spots on the surface of the entire body. The disease begins with an increase in temperature, after which spotting appears.

You can get herpes in a variety of ways, the simplest of them is airborne, but such an infection is transmitted in other ways, for example, through the use of shared dishes or towels. Once in the body, the infection is localized in certain organs and accumulates in the blood, whereby it spreads throughout the body.

Symptoms of herpes in children

The disease begins with a slight malaise, since any infection that enters the baby's body causes a weakening of the immune system and, accordingly, a decrease in well-being. For a child older than 1 year, the most common type is herpes of the first three types, but the sixth type is also common.
The main symptoms of any herpes are:

  • fatigue;
  • fever;
  • nervousness and irritability;
  • poor appetite;
  • burning and itching at the site of future sores and spots;
  • redness of the body;
  • sometimes nausea and vomiting.

From the very first minutes of damage to the body, you can notice a slight tingling (for the first types) and redness of certain areas of the body (with type 6 infection), which is why experienced patients often successfully attempt to block the effect of the infection through the use of active chemical drugs.

It is possible to determine the presence of a virus in a child by conducting a blood test, since this is where a significant part of the bacteria is localized. To determine the degree of infection of the body, a general analysis is carried out, which can be done in any pediatric department.

How to treat herpes in babies?

To treat herpes, immediate action should be taken, but it will not be possible to stop the spread of the virus through the blood, at best, you can stop and reduce the time of the disease.

Any infection has its own spectrum of action, and improper treatment of children can only cause harm, therefore, to make an appropriate diagnosis, you should contact your local pediatrician.

The following medications are used to treat the virus:

  • antiviral drugs- usually these are tablets to eliminate bacteriological effects and ointments that promote the healing of wounds and ulcers. The most popular drug is Acyclovir, which can be used in the form of tablets or injections (depending on the age of the child), as well as in the form of ointments or creams. By the way, most ointments against herpes ("Zovirax", "Gerpevir") are based on such a component;
  • preparations for strengthening the immunity of children- are indicated both in case of infection with herpes, and for the general prevention of diseases. From a very young age, it is allowed to use such products as Immunal (in the form of syrup), Arpetol, etc .;
  • interferon means- can be used only as directed by a doctor, such drugs are aimed at fighting viruses, their main task is to eliminate and block the spread of infection in the blood. Such funds are produced in tablet form or in the form of candles;
  • antipyretic medicines and suppositories- are used exclusively in case of fever in children. From the age of 1, syrups and potions can be used, and at a younger age it is better to give preference to liquid products.

The use of drugs, of course, has a significant impact on the course of the disease in children, but without observing the elementary rules of hygiene, one should not expect a special result.
The task of the parents in this case will be:

  • hygiene of the hands and body of the child;
  • timely treatment of wounds for the speedy healing and drying of sores;
  • compliance with the diet - the exclusion of hot and spicy dishes, a temporary transition to soft and warm food;
  • providing bed rest for the baby and avoiding contact with other children to prevent further spread of the infection.

Folk remedies for the treatment of herpes

Along with traditional methods of treatment against herpes, there are many folk recipes. Their use has no special contraindications, however, such methods are categorically not recommended for the treatment of children under one year old, since they can cause the development of allergies.

The most popular means are recognized:

  • fir oil - helps eliminate unpleasant itching and flaking. Initially, after using the product on the wounds, pain may increase, but they quickly pass;
  • ear wax allows you to dry and heal sores and wounds in a short time. It should be applied to a previously cleaned damaged area every 3-4 hours;
  • alcohol compresses - are considered the most painful way to treat herpes, and are suitable for both types 1 and 6 of the disease;
  • edible salt promotes the speedy healing of wounds

Prevention of herpes in children

To protect your child from infection with the herpes virus, you should follow the basic rules:

  • strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene and do not allow other children to use their things (towel, soap, toothbrush, dishes), also do not use other people's things;
  • wash your hands regularly after visiting public places, streets and just periodically during the day;
  • minimize contact with people infected with herpes;
  • periodically carry out vitamin therapy, which is especially useful during seasonal epidemics. The main thing at the same time is to choose drugs suitable for a particular age;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle - often be in the fresh air, exercise, do exercises and do not neglect water procedures;
  • during pregnancy, the expectant mother should definitely be tested for the presence of viral cells in the blood, so that if their number is exceeded, treatment should be carried out before the birth of the child.

Such preventive measures will not interfere with both children and adults, as they will help strengthen the immune system and improve your body.

Treating herpes in children is an almost impossible process. This is due to the fact that the herpetic virus, entering the body, cannot leave it so easily. The only option is to muffle unpleasant symptoms and avoid dangerous consequences.

You also need to understand that everything depends on the individual characteristics of the child. In one baby, herpes can appear every three months, while another child may completely forget about this problem until adulthood, when the virus “wakes up” against the background of an infectious or any other type of disease.

On the other hand, you need to be prepared for the fact that almost every baby suffers from this disease. Moreover, according to scientists, 100% of people on Earth have cytomegalovirus, and 90% of people have ordinary herpes.

Also, the treatment of herpes in children directly depends on the type of virus. To date, there are 8 categories of this pathology. Having studied their manifestations and features, you can decide how serious the disease is.

Types of herpes

Let us consider in more detail all the varieties of this viral disease:

  • Herpes type 1. This herpes is also called simple. It occurs in a huge number of people and rarely prevents them from living a full life. If we talk about the symptoms and treatment of type 1 herpes in children, then the disease, as a rule, does not require emergency therapy, but it manifests itself in the form of rashes on the lips and on the wings of the nose. As a rule, redness does not itch and is not so noticeable. Therefore, most often, many do not even suspect that they have this pathology.
  • Herpes type 2. In this case, rashes appear on the genital areas. This type of disease is much less common. However, quite often, the treatment of herpes in a child (type 2) must be carried out, since the infection can go to the birth canal in girls, and in boys it can affect the glans penis. At the same time, children experience severe itching, which can develop into herpetic sore throat and stomatitis.
  • Herpes type 3. In this case, we are talking about the well-known chickenpox. One of the variants of this type of herpes is shingles. However, these problems are rare in children.
  • Herpes type 4. This variety is also often referred to as the Epstein-Barr virus. Such an ailment can provoke the appearance of infectious mononucleosis. This severe disease affects the lymphoid system. If a child is sick with infectious mononucleosis, then in this case he will suffer from fever, enlarged lymph nodes, pain in the throat, swelling of the adenoids, and an increase in the size of the liver. This variety is quite dangerous, as it leads to complications and negatively affects the functioning of the immune system.
  • Herpes type 5. In this case, the disease progresses quite quickly into an infection of the cytomegalovirus type. In this case, it may even be necessary to treat herpes in a child at 3 years old or even earlier. As a rule, this is due to the fact that the baby begins to attend kindergarten, where he becomes infected with the virus. Very rarely, the disease begins with intrauterine infection and is unlikely to lead to the development of serious disorders in the performance of internal organs. At the same time, an infection of this type may not manifest itself in any way for a long time, but this does not prevent the baby from being a carrier of the virus.

  • Herpes type 6. This type of ailment can lead to roseola or exanthema. If we talk about the symptoms and treatment in children, it is worth noting that quite often this disease is confused with rubella. Among the main signs of illness, parents should be confused by small pinkish papules located on the skin of the baby. When pressed on them, they begin to turn pale. At the initial stages of this pathology, the temperature may rise, but there will be no cough or runny nose. In this case, the baby very quickly returns to normal. When treating type 6 herpes in children, doctors often do not start therapy for the infection itself, but try to overcome ARVI and acute respiratory infections. This is due to the fact that the manifestations of this disease are very similar to the common flu, so you should pay the doctor's attention to the absence of other characteristic signs of seasonal ailments.

The 7th and 8th types of herpes have not yet been fully studied, since they were discovered relatively recently. However, there is a theory that these ailments can cause chronic fatigue.

Why does herpes appear in the same place repeatedly?

First of all, it should be borne in mind that after the virus enters the body, it does not immediately begin to actively manifest itself. Usually, in the initial stages, it does not detect itself in any way, respectively, the symptoms of herpes in children do not appear in any way, and treatment is not required. If the child feels well and rarely gets sick, then this pathology may not bother for years. However, as soon as the baby's immune system weakens, for example, with acute respiratory infections, hypothermia, or at the time of the onset of allergy attacks, the virus is activated.

After his awakening, he begins to actively multiply, which leads to the appearance of a rash on the skin and mucous membranes. As a rule, while it is always localized in the same places. If the location of herpes has changed, then this may indicate an exacerbation of the disease.

After a while, the body gains strength and begins to actively fight the infection, which leads to cleansing of the skin and mucous membranes. Because of this, the virus "hides" until better times, when the baby's immunity fails again. Therefore, it is quite difficult to treat herpes in children. It is never clear whether the virus has really been overcome or whether it just went into sleep mode and will soon reappear.

When is herpes most contagious?

If the virus is in dormant mode and hiding in the ganglia, then in this situation you should not worry about the fact that it can be transmitted to other children.

However, during the period of exacerbation, it becomes especially dangerous for others, as it is quite easily transmitted. In order not to infect other kids in the kindergarten, it is worth using specialized preparations and starting the treatment of herpes in children during the period of exacerbation of the disease and its active reproduction.

Can a baby get herpes?

It should be borne in mind that during the first three years of life in the body of a child, the immunity of his mother is preserved. During this period of time, he is protected by the nutrients and nutrients that he received while still inside the womb of a woman. Therefore, it all depends on how the fair sex felt during pregnancy, whether she adhered to a healthy diet, whether she consumed alcohol and other harmful components. Also, in some cases, newborns have a very weak immune system. So it all depends on many factors.

However, we can say with confidence that if the mother suffered from this virus during pregnancy or after the birth of the baby, then most likely it will be transmitted to the newborn baby.

Treatment of the herpes virus in a child during an exacerbation

If the baby suddenly has unpleasant rashes, then in this case you can use the recipe for emergency treatment of the disease. To do this, you need to make lotions from 70% ethyl or camphor alcohol.

Alternating hot water and applying ice to the affected areas of the skin also have a positive effect.

If unpleasant bubbles appear on the skin, then in this case, it is recommended to use agents that have a drying effect to treat herpes on the body of a child. For this, zinc paste, iodine and brilliant green are suitable. However, these tools must be used with caution.

For treatment and in the mouth, you can use solutions of furacilin or tinctures of calendula.

However, in no case should you use hormonal ointments, such as Flucinar. These funds will not only not help, but, on the contrary, will aggravate the situation. After using such remedies, rashes can remain on the skin for much longer, and the bubbles may even begin to open. This is very dangerous, as bacteria can get into them.

Treatment options for herpes

Looking at the photo of herpes in children, the treatment of which gave results, we can say with confidence that complex therapy worked in this case.

Regardless of the type of infectious pathology, you need to make sure that the baby drinks fluids as much as possible. It doesn't have to be water. Fruit drinks, compotes and natural juices are suitable (only you first need to make sure that the child does not suffer from an allergic reaction to one or another component).

If the child suffers from a high temperature when herpes appears, then in this case it is recommended to take children's antipyretic drugs, such as Nurofen.

You can also forget about herpes for a while with the help of antiviral drugs. However, the chosen course depends on the symptoms of herpes in children and the treatment of the disease, which is recommended by the pediatrician. As a rule, experts recommend using ointments (but not hormonal ones) if the rash is localized on the baby's lips or genitals. Also, with the help of topical preparations, you can cope with herpes zoster.

Pills should be resorted to when it comes to an acute manifestation of the disease, as they have a stronger effect, but this is not always useful for the baby. In the most severe cases, intravenous drugs may be required. However, such procedures are carried out only in the case of the most complex herpes infections.


If we talk about drug treatment of this type, then experts most often recommend the use of:

  • "Acyclovir". This drug copes well with the first three types of herpes. In this case, the tool can be used from the age of three. This remedy is sold in the form of ointments, tablets and powder solutions.
  • "Zovirax". Differs in the same features as "Acyclovir".
  • "Viru-Merza". This tool successfully fights against the 1st and 2nd type of virus. This drug is sold in the form of a gel that is applied to the baby's skin. However, it should be borne in mind that this remedy is not recommended for children, however, in especially severe cases, pediatricians prescribe it.

When should you not self-medicate?

If the baby suffers from an illness more than 3 times a year, then in this case the problems are much more serious. It is possible that the baby's immune system is not working properly. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor and find out the cause of the possible manifestation of the disease.

Also, you should not experiment if the signs of the appearance of shingles or chickenpox are clearly visible on the skin of the baby. In this case, the development of herpes will proceed to a more complex degree.

If there is even the slightest suspicion that the child suffers from type 3-6 of herpes, then in this case it must be borne in mind that these varieties are highly contagious, so it is better to call a doctor as soon as possible. Otherwise, all households can begin to suffer from herpes.


To date, special vaccines have already been developed for this unpleasant disease. However, it should be borne in mind that this procedure began to be carried out quite recently, so it is very difficult to talk about its effectiveness. However, according to scant data, this vaccination has helped many cope with an unpleasant illness. According to studies, after vaccination, the likelihood of relapse is significantly reduced, and sometimes the disease completely recedes.

Even if the vaccine does not help to completely get rid of herpes, it will help to forget about the exacerbations of this pathology.

As a rule, for this type of treatment, 5 injections are required with a break of 4 days. In this case, the course of treatment, as a rule, is at least 6 cycles.

However, it should be borne in mind that vaccination can only be carried out if the baby does not suffer from kidney or liver diseases. Also, this procedure is contraindicated for those who have been found to have malignant tumors and intolerance to certain drugs.

vitamin therapy

It is quite obvious that if herpes has arisen, then this indicates that the baby's body has weakened. In this case, he can be helped with the help of vitamins of group B, C. Calcium also has a positive effect.

You can also start giving your child Eleutherococcus tincture. This tool helps to maintain the body in good shape, has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. In addition, Eleutherococcus has a relaxing effect. Thanks to this, the work of the nervous system improves, the baby feels more cheerful and cheerful.

Folk remedies

If you watch programs in which Komarovsky expresses his opinion about the treatment of herpes in children, then you can draw a lot of useful conclusions. For example, in order to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you can use traditional medicine methods.

Some of the most effective remedies are lemon balm and mint. If you make lotions with these plants, then in this case you can quickly get rid of itching and redness. To prepare a medicinal infusion, pour 1 tablespoon of fragrant spice with a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. After that, it is enough to moisten a cotton pad in liquid and apply it to the affected areas of the skin 3-6 times a day, depending on the abundance of rashes. The course of treatment depends on the complexity of the disease. When the signs of herpes disappear, you can stop making lotions.

Propolis will also help to cope with the disease. This beekeeping product quickly copes with itching and redness. However, such drugs are prohibited for use if the baby is allergic to honey.

Eucalyptus oil can also help get rid of unpleasant bubbles. In addition, it has excellent antiseptic properties. Due to this, pathogenic bacteria will not spread to large areas.

You can also prepare a decoction of calendula. Sea buckthorn oil has a good effect. However, before embarking on self-treatment, it is still worth consulting with a pediatrician.

Herpes infection is the most common human disease that has a viral nature. It belongs to the opportunistic type.

The most dangerous herpes for children, as their body is not able to resist on its own.

Currently, several types of herpes are known in children:

  1. chicken pox;

Herpes on the lip of a child photo

Herpesvirus is the most common infection, which is called opportunistic. This disease can cause very serious harm in childhood.

The presence of herpes in children suggests that their body becomes inaccessible to the action of many medications.

Viral disease has a peculiar pathogenesis:

  1. Difficulty in treatment. Insidious viruses provide a kind of biological barrier around the nervous system. Even antibacterial drugs cannot overcome the blood-brain-type barrier. This significantly complicates the treatment.
  2. The pathogenesis of the disease is closely related to the area of ​​localization of the virus itself: in mild cases, it is accompanied by the appearance of a skin rash, in severe situations, the nervous system is damaged.

The causative agent of herpes in children is characterized by taxonomic heterogeneity. This disease is characterized by high contagiousness. The herpes virus is able to overcome the body's defenses, regardless of the route of infection.

With herpes in children, a latent course is possible. In this case, the symptoms of the disease may be completely absent. Against the background of this infection, secondary insufficiency of the immune system may develop.

Types of herpes infection

The danger of a type 1 virus is as follows:

  • development of iridocyclitis, keratitis and conjunctivitis;
  • disruption of the central nervous system;
  • the appearance of paralysis of the limbs, peripheral neuritis, meningitis or;
  • damage to the kidneys, heart and articular structures (most often occurs in older children).

Characteristic features of herpes type 2

Among the most common types of the disease can be identified genital. It poses a serious danger to newborns.

The herpes virus is most severely carried by those children who are still infected in utero. The primary symptoms in this case are observed already after 2-3 days from the birth of the child, and consist in the appearance of fever and rash.

With the herpes virus type 2 (neonatal), the genitals are affected. This type of disease in children can develop at any age. Also, its appearance in adults is not excluded.

Genital herpes is accompanied by the appearance of small bubbles in the area of ​​​​the external genital organs. This is fraught with hyperemia and edema, which are localized on the mucous membranes.

Manifestations of genital herpes in children are much more pronounced than in adults. The danger of this form of the disease is as follows:

  • an apathetic course is possible when there are no symptoms;
  • development of dangerous gynecological diseases;
  • intrauterine and perinatal infection.

The herpes simplex virus can cause abnormalities such as heart disease, dysfunction of the nervous system, liver and pancreas.

After 2-3 days, the symptoms of herpes are accompanied by manifestations of jaundice. Rashes appear in the genital area of ​​the child, which ulcerate after a certain period of time.

Treatment must be carried out comprehensively and on time. If measures are taken late, then there are risks of developing diathesis and herpesvirus pneumonia, which is characterized by a high degree of mortality.

What is characteristic of the herpes virus type 3?

It's chicken pox - in a simple way. In medicine, the shingles form of the disease is distinguished.

Similar diseases are caused, which are transmitted by airborne droplets and household routes. After the child has been ill with chickenpox, but remains a virus carrier for life.

  • severe pain along the nerve trunks;
  • increase in subfebrile indicators;
  • redness and swelling of the skin in the affected area;
  • encircling rash in the form of small vesicles.

With chickenpox, small blisters cover the entire body. Some dry up and others appear nearby. Symptoms do not subside for several weeks.

The main complications of herpes type 3: inflammation of the nerve nodes, allergic reactions, ulcers, eczema and conjunctivitis.

Distinctive features of 4 types of herpes

This type of disease includes the Epstein-Barr virus, caused by infectious mononucleosis. The development of this type of herpes occurs mainly in those children who suffer from immunodeficiency.

The infectious form of mononucleosis is characterized by damage to the mucous membranes in the mouth. In this case, damage to the lymph nodes is also possible, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Among the main complications, damage to the spleen and liver can be distinguished. Morphological changes occur in the blood. the framework of the incubation period is blurred and ranges from 5 to 50 days.

  • an increase in subfebrile indicators up to 40 degrees;
  • aching and aching pain in the joints and muscles;
  • constant fatigue and drowsiness;
  • hyperemia of the mucous membrane in the oropharynx;
  • the presence of dense plaque on the tonsils;
  • the appearance of a papular rash on the skin.

In the blood during laboratory tests, an increase in the number of lymphocytes will be determined, and the appearance of mononuclear cells - atypical lymphocytes.

Herpes in children photo

Features of herpes type 5 in children

Cytomegalovirus is rarely accompanied by clinical symptoms. Basically, sluggish carriage is determined. Infection of the child can occur, breast milk.

Intrauterine infection is not excluded. The virus can also enter the body of a child through airborne droplets.

Infection is confirmed by laboratory tests when giant cells, cytomegals, are found in the blood. Symptoms can develop when there is a decrease in immunity. Duration - 60 days.

Cold sores

This type of herpes infection begins gradually. First, a slight tingling appears on the skin of the lips, which is replaced by pain.

In the place where the bubbles will appear a little later, there is a slight redness. The blisters contain a clear liquid that becomes cloudy over time.

They increase and itch, causing the child severe discomfort. In the liquid that fills the bubbles, there are many active particles of the virus.

After the bubbles burst, the liquid flows out, and sores appear in its place. In their place, a small crust appears, which bleeds when damaged.

In the initial stages of the development of herpes, the child develops a temperature of 38 to 39 degrees. After a few days, it subsides and swelling appears in the lip area.

As a rule, in the future, the herpes virus is accompanied by similar symptoms. appear in the same place.

A decrease in the immune system with the herpes virus gives the following symptoms:

  • headaches and characteristic weakness;
  • loss of appetite and fatigue.

Herpes type 1 manifests itself in all cases without exception. The herpes simplex virus in the absence of timely treatment progresses and causes a number of serious complications.

When several foci appear on the lips, and they unite, the child experiences severe pain.

Neonatal herpes: the main symptomatology

The congenital form of the disease is accompanied by the development of symptoms in the first day after the birth of the child. The severity of the disease depends on how long the child has been infected.

The most dangerous infection occurs immediately after conception. In this case, complications such as cirrhosis of the liver, lung damage, hepatitis, epilepsy and microcephaly develop.

If a newborn child is infected, then neonatal herpes can occur in the following forms:

  1. Localized. It occurs in 20-40% of children, and is accompanied by the appearance of bubbles on the skin, and. Single vesicles appear on the skin, mainly 1-2 weeks after infection. If the treatment is carried out on time, then the bubbles completely disappear.
  2. Generalized. With this form, viral herpes gives a whole range of symptoms. First, lethargy appears. A newborn baby begins to spit up the contents of the stomach and he has shortness of breath. Perhaps the development of cyanosis, apnea and pneumonia. Quite often, such internal organs as the liver and adrenal glands are involved in the infectious process. This form occurs in 20-50% of cases. Approximately 5 of the newborns, this form of herpes occurs without clinical manifestations.
  3. striking. It is accompanied by damage to the nervous system, which is fraught with the development of meningoencephalitis and encephalitis. Occurs in about 30% of cases. If antenatal infection of the fetus occurs, complications such as hydrocephalus and microcephaly occur. In this case, intracranial calcifications occur. The symptomatology of herpes is generalized and is accompanied by convulsions, cerebrospinal fluid and cytosis.

The incubation period for neonatal herpes lasts for 1 month. After its completion, there is a gradual development of clinical manifestations.

Ways of infection of the child with the herpes virus

Infection occurs through contact of children with infected peers or adults. Quite often, infection occurs even in utero if a pregnant woman is sick or is a carrier of herpes.

Actually, basically, this is for babies. This is due to the fact that during the care of newborns it is very difficult to comply with all precautions.

In women in the postpartum period, immunity often decreases against the background of a weakening of the body's protective barrier and the development of hypovitaminosis.

The causes of herpes in children are mainly associated with close contact with those people who previously had this disease.

Any member of the family can be the source, so you should carefully exclude close contact with the child (hugging, kissing, carrying on your hands without clothes).

The appearance of herpes infection in children may be associated with the following factors:

  • Sharing utensils or clothing.
  • Close contact with an infected person.
  • Maternal relapse.

More than others, children whose immune system is weakened are more susceptible to the development of the herpes virus. The reasons may be the common cold or more serious illnesses.

Among the main predisposing factors, climate change, hypovitaminosis, trauma to the mucous membranes, overheating or hypothermia can be distinguished.

The reason for the development of herpes may be a psycho-emotional outburst, neuroendocrine disorders and bacterial damage to the body.

Increase the predisposition of the child's body to an infectious disease and pathological disorders of the functioning of the digestive system.

Innate immunity of the child to herpes

If the woman is still, then most likely the child born before 6 months will not develop this disease.

This is due to the fact that the mother's body produces specific antibodies to this virus. When they meet again with herpes, they quickly destroy pathogenic microorganisms, which eliminates the possibility of infection.

Such antibodies are called immunoglobulins (Ig). To destroy the herpes virus in the human body, class G and M immunoglobulins are produced. When conducting laboratory blood tests, it is they who are looking for to make the correct diagnosis.

During pregnancy, it passes from mother to child through the placenta. This helps to create a protective barrier against the herpes virus in the child's body.

Even a newborn child, in whose body there are such antibodies, is immune to this virus. It should be noted that the life of such immunoglobulins is about six months.

After this period, the child already becomes vulnerable. This is also confirmed statistically: the peak incidence of herpes in children occurs 6-8 months after birth.

Antibodies continue to be passed on to newborns through breastfeeding. Thus, the longer breastfeeding continues, the less likely the baby is to get sick.

Establishing diagnosis

To determine the effective range of laboratory and instrumental procedures:

  • examination of mucous substances and biological fluids for the herpes virus;
  • conducting electron microscopy;
  • use of the immunofluorescent method (study of the constituent vesicles);
  • diagnosis of violations of the internal organs of the child.

When filled with liquid, diagnostics are most often not required. An experienced specialist, already on the basis of this symptom, can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe complex drug therapy.

Treatment of herpes in children

Effective drugs have not yet been developed against this infection. No medicine can completely remove strains of the virus.

The main goals of herpes treatment are as follows:

  • Appointment of antiviral drugs for internal use.
  • Use of modulators and stimulators of IP.
  • The use of ointments and topical agents.
  • The use of antipyretics and sedatives.
  • Organization of bed and drinking regimen.
  • The appointment of immunostimulating drugs.

Without fail, the child must eat right. For newborns who are breastfed, this point of treatment should be followed by the mother.

From the diet should be excluded those foods that contribute to the progression of inflammatory processes in the body: sweet, flour and yeast.

Treatment of body herpes

Virus types 1 and 2 require special measures:

  • Appointment of antiviral drugs: interferon stimulants, immunity restorers, vitamins.
  • Use of local remedies: brilliant green, .
  • Refusal of water procedures and tight coarse clothing. This is necessary to prevent the spread of infection and damage to existing crusts.

The herpes virus in children should be treated under the supervision of a pediatrician. The specialist prescribes complex treatment. This allows you to almost halve the course of therapy and alleviate the course of the disease.

Only a doctor can correctly calculate the dosage of drugs, based on the individual characteristics of the child's body and the nature of the course of the disease. Self-medication is fraught with the development of complications dangerous to the health and life of the child.

Prevention measures

All parents, without exception, should know what exactly needs to be done to prevent herpes infection. The most important preventive measures include:

  1. Annual vitamin therapy. Correction of the child's immune system eliminates the likelihood of contracting infectious diseases.

The herpes virus is contagious and therefore spreads very quickly. All living beings living on Earth suffer from it. It can be encountered everywhere, so herpes in children is as common as in adults. Even if he is not seen with his father, mother and relatives, the baby can meet with the carrier anywhere. Some can turn into a life-threatening and health-threatening form. Therefore, parents need to know information about symptoms and treatments.

The herpes virus with weak immunity can also affect children.

Features of the disease

A rash in a child caused by herpes simplex has a number of features that are easy to recognize. The rash consists of many small bubbles with a clear liquid. In the course of the development of the disease, the color of the vesicles changes, becomes whitish. The location of the rashes is affected by the method of infection and the point of entry of the infection into the body, located on:

  • lips
  • cheek;
  • centuries;
  • head (at the base of hair growth);
  • neck, stomach;
  • bends of the joints (in the folds).

Rashes on the lips are the most common localization of herpes simplex. It not only negatively affects the appearance, but can also cause serious complications.

Types of herpes

Herpes viruses in nature have about 200 variants, but the most common and capable of provoking rashes on the body are six of them:

  • Herpes simplex type 1 is the most common type. A rash on the lips is a consequence of infection with the first strain. Its movement through the body can be manifested by the appearance of papules on the eyelids, eyebrows, and mouth.
  • Herpes of the second type. It is very similar to the first one, it differs in the place of localization. It is mainly located on the buttocks, in the perineum, on the thighs, in rare cases it appears on the blue and legs.
  • The causative agent of chicken pox. The initial contact with the infection manifests itself in the form of a profuse rash over the entire body, which is known as "chickenpox". With a secondary reaction, there is a focal lesion of the skin on the back and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ribs, which is called herpes zoster.
  • The Epstein-Barr pathogen is a highly contagious species transmitted by contact with saliva. The incubation period is from 5 to 21 days, and in some cases up to several months. The causative agent provokes infectious mononucleosis, the so-called "kissing disease". The pathogen does not lead to the appearance of papules, accompanied by fever, headache, enlargement of the liver, spleen. The use of medications during the treatment period can provoke the formation of small, frequent papules that quickly disappear.

  • Cytomegalovirus. Despite its prevalence, cytomegalovirus appears and causes damage only in very weakened immunity.
  • Type six exciter. Herpes in children causes a disease called pseudorubella (roseola). A distinctive symptom is a large number of small, pink papules along the body. Breasts are more commonly affected.
  • 7 and 8 strain. Recently discovered new types of pathogen provoke depression, cancer. Rarely seen in children.

Causes of the disease

Common childhood herpes is more common. The disease is contagious, very contagious, easily transmitted by direct contact with a damaged surface in the following cases:

  • during childbirth;
  • by airborne droplets;
  • during the period of bearing a baby (from the mother through the placenta);
  • at home through toys, dishes, tactile contacts;
  • infection with the pathogen after birth.

Strong immune protection does not allow the spread of infection in the body, and it is localized in one place. Weakened immunity is the main reason why the pathogen can penetrate the internal organs, affecting them.

, entering the body, remains in

Herpes babies can get “inherited” during childbirth from their mother.

it forever and accumulates in blood and nerve cells. Overwork, hypothermia are provoking factors for re-exacerbation. The weaker the immune defense forces, the crown of the head is more difficult to tolerate the disease.


The manifestation of herpes on the trunk, mucous membranes has characteristic distinguishing features that are difficult to confuse. Therefore, it is easily recognized. The location of localization depends on the route of infection and the place of penetration:

Skin rash

Papules appear on the trunk, head and neck. Herpes, caused by the usual form, is complicated by the appearance of a large number of pimples that constantly itch. In this situation, frequent hygiene procedures, change of bed and underwear are important.

Rash on mucous membranes

A viral infection makes itself felt by the appearance of vesicles on the tongue, gums, cheeks. Basically, this type of infection affects children no older than 3 years. This age is characterized by teething, which is accompanied by an inflammatory process. Small sores, small foci of damage to the mucosa quickly become a hotbed of herpes infection. A yellow plaque forms on the affected area, possibly a parallel attachment of stomatitis. The child has a fever, enlarged lymph nodes, an unpleasant odor appears from the mouth, sores are very painful.

Herpes on the eyes

This pathology is a specific type of herpes, which has a long incubation period. It is difficult to immediately understand the presence of a herpes infection, since the signs of herpes are similar to other eye infections. Primary signals indicating the onset of infection:

  • redness, swelling of the mucosa and eyelids;
  • reduction of the incision of the eye;
  • small bubbles protrude along the edge of the eyelid, which are accompanied by itching;
  • profuse tearing;
  • fear of light;
  • pain in the eye;
  • with severe injury, acute pain.

All signals gradually increase, against the background of which the child's vision deteriorates.

Genital herpes

This type of herpes is typical for newborns and depends on the health of the mother. It develops mainly within the 1st month after birth. It is characterized by the formation of vesicles on the mucous membrane of the genital organs, the inner side of the thigh. Vesicles can spread to the urinary canal, bladder and cause serious complications.

Genital herpes is also observed in adolescents, but infection occurs through sexual contact. In girls, vesicles are located on the mucosa of the vulva, vagina, in boys on the genitals. Pain during urination, headaches, pulls the lower abdomen. The teenager has noticeable fatigue and sleep disturbance.

internal herpes

The most dangerous type of herpes lesion is on the mucous membranes of the internal organs.

Viral herpes of any kind adversely affects health, but internal herpes causes the greatest damage to the body. The danger lies in the defeat of internal organs. It is not easy to detect pathology at home. Constant weakness, headaches, fever rarely coincide with the appearance of papules on the mucosa. Constant colds, bronchitis, inflammatory processes in the urinary canal can raise suspicions of the activation of internal herpes. Otherwise, the manifestations of process disorders in the internal organs are similar to standard internal complications. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to take a number of clinical and laboratory tests.

CNS lesion

Herpetic infection can be the culprit in the defeat of the central nervous system (more often in young children, although it also happens in older children). The occurrence of the lesion depends on the presence of infection in the blood. The defeat of the central nervous system provokes encephalitis, meningitis.

The onset is rapid: the temperature rises, severe headache, vomiting begins. The child's condition is very depressed, loss of consciousness, lack of mobility is possible.


The methods for recognizing herpes in children are no different from the applicable methodology in adults.

Speaking of a neonatal complication, it is important to monitor the health of the mother during gestation, which will allow you to quickly respond and fix the problem when the baby appears. Speaking about children from a year and above, the emphasis is on characteristic vesicles.

Confirmation of the diagnosis occurs using laboratory methods:

  • analysis of the contents of the vesicles;
  • scraping;
  • analysis for the presence of a pathogen in blood, urine;
  • swab from the nasopharynx.

Important: the detection of a pathogen does not always give a clear picture of the complexity of the development of the process.

The human pathogen is herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2 (DNA viruses).


  • primary infection
  • recurrent infection: symptomatic recurrent infection (presence of herpetic vesicles due to a previous infection, as well as neutralizing antibodies) and asymptomatic virus isolation.

Although herpes simplex usually affects young people, sometimes this infection is also found in children.

Epidemiology of herpes simplex virus in children

Infection involves close contact with mucous membranes or affected skin.

Infection of the adult population with the herpes simplex virus type 1 is approximately 70-90%. Antibodies to HSV 1 may also have a protective effect against HSV 2.

Primary HSV 2 infection occurs through sexual contact. As a result, in most cases, there is a local herpes genitalis or a latent infection. Approximately 1% of pregnant women have recurrent herpes genitalis.

HSV-associated infections are rare in newborns (1:2000 to 1:3000 among all live births).

  • Perinatal infection occurs in approximately 85% of cases.
  • Transplacental or ascending prenatal infection (5%), as well as postnatal (10%) infection are rare.
  • Postnatal infection in most cases is due to HSV 1. When a nosocomial infection occurs, any person (mother, father, relatives, staff) who has had contact with the patient, for example, herpes labialis, acts as its source.

The risk of infection in a newborn child associated with HSV 2 depends on the stage of the disease of the mother:

  • > than in 50% - when a pregnant woman develops a primary genital infection in a period of > 32 weeks, since on the one hand there is a high isolation of the virus, and on the other - there are no protective antibodies.
  • with recurrent herpes simplex, virus isolation is observed only for 2-5 days, the number of viral bodies is much lower, in addition, the fetus in this case receives protective antibodies (risk of neonatal infection< 5 %).
  • Least Risk (< 0,5-3 %) заражения существует при бессимптомном выделении вируса организмом матери. Но, поскольку такой статус чаще всего встречается у матерей, инфицированных ВПГ 2, и зачастую это остается неизвестным, то, как правило, именно такая ситуация имеет место при возникновении манифестированных инфекций у новорожденных (60-80 %).
  • premature rupture of amniotic fluid increases the risk of infection. Therefore, a caesarean section in pregnant women with an active form of genital herpes is performed only if the period from the moment of rupture of the membranes was< 4 часов. Во время родов не накладывать электроды на волосистую часть головы и не производить заборы крови у плода.

Symptoms and signs of herpes simplex virus in children

In a primary herpes infection, clustered small vesicles or pustules appear. Herpetic rash usually resolves within 2 weeks. Herpes simplex often recurs, and relapses often have a milder course, less pronounced rash and duration of clinical manifestation. If herpes is suspected, a virological examination of the contents of the vesicles and an immunofluorescence reaction are indicated to determine the type of HSV.

Symptoms of perinatal/postiatal infection: there are three flow options:

Disseminated infection(in about 30% of HSV-infected newborns):

  • Often after primary maternal infection in the peripartum.
  • The dramatic course of the disease (the clinic may very much resemble bacterial sepsis).
  • The onset of symptoms, as a rule, is on the 4-5th day of life, the maximum manifestation is on the 9-11th day.
  • All organs can be affected: the brain, mucous membranes of the oropharynx, esophagus, intestines (pneumatosis intestinalis). Diffuse interstitial pneumonia, myocarditis with rhythm disturbances, anxiety of the child, centralization of blood circulation and shock, biliverdin-associated jaundice against the background of high transaminase activity and disorders in the blood coagulation system may occur. Typical vesicular skin lesions occur in about 80% of cases.

Enzefsyi t (in 30% of HSV-infected newborns):

  • The onset is usually 2-3 weeks after birth.
  • Seizures, drowsiness or restlessness, tremors, sluggish suckling, temperature fluctuations.
  • A typical vesicular skin rash occurs in only 50%.
  • Encephalitis is not limited to the temporal lobes, but extends to other departments.
  • In the cerebrospinal fluid, the number of mononuclear cells and protein is increased, the concentration of glucose is moderately reduced.

HSV infection of the mucous membranes and skin with lesions of the skin, eyes and / or oral cavity(in about 40% of HSV-infected newborns):

  • Beginning in most cases on the 11th day of life.
  • Typical groups of red vesicles with a cloudy secret are found mainly on the part of the child's body presenting during childbirth, namely: on the head, chest, oral mucosa, in the oropharynx.
  • Eye damage manifests itself in the form of keratitis or chorioretinitis, less often cataracts.
  • Without treatment, progression to encephalitis is possible.

Symptoms in case of intrauterine infection / congenital infection:

Very severe, unfavorable prognostic intrauterine infections are rare.

Vesicular rash from birth, hydrocephalus, chorioretinitis, microphthalmia.

Subclinical infections: It is still unknown whether subclinical HSV infections exist in newborns. A tactical issue arises in a situation where, for example, signs of HSV are detected in the cerebrospinal fluid of absolutely asymptomatic newborns by PCR. Until this situation is clarified, these newborns should be monitored and treated as if they had HSV infection.

Diagnosis of the herpes simplex virus in children

Clinical suggestion arises in the event of the onset of symptoms of sepsis with a significant increase in transaminase activity and / or disorders in the blood coagulation system.

Detection of the virus in the contents of the vesicles, buffy coat preparations or smears from the mucous membranes (conjunctiva or nasopharynx), as well as in the cerebrospinal fluid by PCR. The culture of HSV in the cerebrospinal fluid with encephalitis can be obtained only in 40%. PCR is more sensitive than culture. Infection is confirmed by positive PCR or virus culture.

Detection of antibodies by CSC, indirect immunofluorescence, or IgM detection by ELISA at the onset of the disease is of little sensitivity, so these tests are not performed at this stage. In the case of encephalitis, intrathecally formed HSV-specific oligoclonal antibodies are detected after about 10 days.

Imaging studies (ultrasound, MRI): pictures of an isolated lesion of the temporal lobes, typical of older children, cannot be expected, in most cases disseminated encephalitis occurs.

Prevention of herpes simplex virus in children

Delivery by caesarean section:

  • If a woman has clinical signs of obvious genital herpes by the time of delivery, and no more than 4-6 hours have passed since the outflow of amniotic fluid. The protective effect of delivery by caesarean section in case of primary infection in the last 6 weeks of pregnancy has been proven. In recurrent HSV infection, the effect is less clear, but prophylaxis is strongly recommended.
  • Whether delivery by caesarean section is a protective measure in the case when > 4-6 hours have passed since the moment of rupture of the amniotic sac is still unknown.
  • Herpes simplex of the vessels or organs of the abdominal cavity of a pregnant woman is a less significant problem.

It is difficult to make a decision in the case of preterm birth. Possible options:

  • Expectant management during acyclovir therapy for a pregnant woman, as well as the introduction of betamethasone to induce maturation of the fetal lungs.
  • Rapid delivery by caesarean section with the introduction of a premature newborn surfactant and acyclovir.

Pregnant women with genital HSV infection (primary or secondary) from 36 weeks of gestation should be treated with acyclovir at a dose of 1200 mg / day for 3 injections (a reduction in the frequency of caesarean section is possible against this background).

Asymptomatic shedding of the virus occurs in about 2% of women with recurrent genital herpes, while the risk of infection in newborns is less than 3%. Thus, the overall risk of newborn infection from pregnant women with recurrent genital herpes is< 1:2000. В целом это не является показанием для проведения кесарева сечения.

Isolation of HSV culture in pregnant women is not prognostically significant in terms of labor management, so this technique has fallen into disuse.

HSV-exposed newborns:

  • Careful monitoring of newborns for 6 weeks in relation to the occurrence of symptoms of HSV infection.
  • Sowing culture of HSV or PCR in swabs from the mucous membrane of the throat, oral cavity and conjunctiva within 14 days, starting from 24 (-48) hours after delivery. Perhaps, in order to assess perinatal exposure to HSV, it is rational to obtain a culture of the virus from the mother's vaginal discharge. If HSV is detected in a newborn, then acyclovir therapy is recommended in the absence of symptoms of infection.
  • Prophylactic administration of acyclovir to newborns from mothers with primary or recurrent symptomatic HSV infection.

Mothers shedding the virus, as well as infected newborns, are isolated.

In the case of recurrent infections (Herpes labialis, Herpes genitalis), the spread of the virus must be prevented by preventive measures, such as hand disinfection, protection of affected skin areas (face mask). Breastfeeding of the mother is allowed with all precautions, provided that she does not have lesions of the nipples of the mammary glands.

Treatment of herpes simplex virus in children

Treatment is with valaciclovir or famciclovir given orally.

Of fundamental importance is the immediate initiation of therapy in case of any suspicion of HSV infection (this improves the prognosis).

Acyclovir or vidarabine can be used. Both substances are equally effective. Due to the lower toxicity and volume of the solution, preference is given to acyclovir.

Dose of acyclovir: 60 mg / kg / day for 3 injections, duration of therapy 14-21 days (21 in case of HSV sepsis). Premature neonates with limited renal function: 40 mg/kg/day for 2 doses (60 mg/kg/day, one landmark study found better than 30 mg/kg/day for HSV sepsis and HSV encephalitis ).

Forecast of herpes simplex virus in children

In disseminated HSV infection, mortality decreases from more than 90% without treatment to almost 40% with therapy. Long-term results, however, are not yet known. High risk of delayed psychomotor development.

Without treatment, 2/3 of newborns with HSV encephalitis die. Surviving children have severe psychomotor damage with microcephaly, tetraspastic paresis, chorioretinitis, hearing loss. Against the background of therapy with acyclovir or vidarabine, 90% of newborns survive, 30-40% of these children subsequently develop normally. However, in the long term, the symptoms may worsen progressively.

Isolated lesions of the skin, eyes, or oral cavity are more prognostic in terms of prognosis.

Despite adequate therapy, relapses of vesicular rash during the first year of life are very common. At the same time, only the course of outwardly manifested local HSV infections is known, the lethality in which is low (about 7%), but the relatively long-term prognosis seems doubtful, since many of these children, especially with frequent relapses, at the age of 6 months, there is a delay psychomotor development. If necessary, these infants are treated with acyclovir 900 mg/m 2 /day for 6 months.

Relapses similar to acute progressive infectious encephalitis of the CNS are known, the treatment of which is always carried out with acyclovir. The effectiveness of adjuvant therapy with glucocorticosteroids is currently under debate.

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