How to teach a dog to brush his teeth and how often this should be done. Tips for brushing your dog's teeth

A bad smell from a pet's mouth is the first sign of plaque and cause for concern. Dogs, like humans, have dental problems: tooth decay, gum disease and tartar are all serious diseases that can lead to complete loss of teeth. Only unlike us, dogs cannot walk with false teeth, and in the future, old toothless animals have malfunctions in the digestive system.

The most natural way for a dog to remove plaque is to chew on hard rubber toys or treats. They are produced in the form of bones, made from natural materials.

Such "snacks" are quite hard to remove plaque from the enamel, but unlike natural bones, they do not injure the gums.

When buying, read the label for age restrictions.

Ordinary bones are also suitable for cleaning, but you need to choose them carefully and in no case give the puppy until the milk teeth are completely replaced by permanent ones. Remember that beef and pork bones can damage not only the gums, but also the dog's teeth.

Choosing a brush and paste

Even if your pet likes to gnaw on bones and hard toys, regular hygienic cleaning with a paste and brush should be done to remove plaque from hard-to-reach places.

To do this, they buy a special toothbrush, because a human one will not work. Dog brushes have softer bristles, and the handle is designed to make it easy to reach even the molars.

The brush is chosen depending on the size of the animal, it should easily fit in the mouth.

If your pet resists the procedure, try replacing your regular brush with a finger brush. In this case, the dog must be cleaned carefully, the pet may accidentally bite a finger.

For special stubborn ones, you can purchase a special sponge, washcloth and even cleaning spray at the pet store. It is unlikely that they will help remove all plaque, but even such cleaning is better than its absence.

Human toothpaste is not suitable for dogs. It is impossible to explain to a pet that after the procedure, the mouth needs to be rinsed, the paste is likely to be eaten, and the fluorine included in it will cause poisoning in the animal.

Dental care products for dogs are available in the form of a paste and gel with a pleasant taste for the animal.

How to train a dog to brush

The first cleaning can be carried out by a puppy as early as 2 months. It is needed not so much for hygiene, but in order to gradually accustom the puppy to the procedure.

Try to choose a time when your pet is a little tired and in a calm state after games, walks or training.

For the first cleanings, do not use a brush, but simply run your clean fingers over the dog's gums.

Time will pass, and he will begin to adequately respond to new sensations.

The next step is to get familiar with the paste or spray. Apply a little on your finger, let your pet sniff and lick the paste off your hand.

If the dog likes the taste, apply some of the paste with your finger on the puppy's gums. This will gradually prepare the pet and facilitate the procedure.

Next will be an acquaintance with a toothbrush. Before it is in the dog's mouth, you need to allow the animal to sniff an unfamiliar object. You can put some paste or spray on the brush and let your pet lick it off, then reward him with a treat.

The next step is to brush a few teeth, it's best to start at the front of the canines. Usually dogs are already calmly reacting to the brush by this point, but in case of resistance, stop, calm the pet and gently continue the procedure.

As your pet gets used to the toothpaste and brush, gradually increase the brushing time. Always start with the front teeth, each time moving deeper into the mouth towards the molars. Several approaches may be required before a full cleaning.

After the pet will calmly endure brushing the teeth from the outside, you can move on to the inside. To do this, gently open your mouth with your hands, apply a little paste on the inside of the gums and brush.

Regular brushing is essential to prevent plaque, cavities and gum disease. It is best to carry out this procedure daily, if not, then as often as possible.

Caring for pets includes many different nuances - choosing a diet, proper care, special toys ... And of course, brushing the teeth of animals. Approximately 80% of pets have plaque or tartar deposits. The reason for this phenomenon includes several factors at once: metabolic disorders, improper feeding, the presence of concomitant diseases, inflammation in the oral cavity, and much more.

How does tartar develop in pets?

Tartar builds up over time. At the first stage, a simple coating of a yellow tint appears. Only after it stones begin to form - they can have different colors, ranging from pale yellow to dark brown. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, in the end, the pet develops cervical caries that destroys the dental crown, damage to the tooth root and further damage to the jaw appear.

It is worth considering that in the upper jaw in animals, the teeth are more susceptible to the development of diseases, as well as the surfaces located on the side of the cheeks. Depending on age, the intensity of tartar formation also changes. The main reasons for the formation of a stone include:

  • The predominance of soft food in the diet - the teeth of dogs and cats are designed for cracking and chewing hard food. In its absence, tartar and plaque appear.
  • Absence or rare brushing of teeth in an animal, malocclusion.
  • Violations of salt metabolism, lack of nutrients and trace elements lead to the appearance of roughness on the surface of the tooth, the enamel begins to deteriorate.

Sometimes just using ultrasound or mechanical cleaning of the pet's teeth is not enough, a full-fledged sanitation of the oral cavity may be required. It also includes the removal of molars, milk, rotten and non-viable teeth.

Plaque cleaning and ultrasonic cleaning of teeth in animals

Today, the removal of dental deposits in dogs, cats and other pets is carried out by two main methods. One of them involves mechanical removal of the stone with the help of special tools, and the second one uses an ultrasonic scaler. Using ultrasound, the veterinarian dentist quickly and accurately removes tartar and polishes the freed surface. In most cases, he does not even have to resort to anesthesia, since the four-legged patient does not feel any discomfort during the procedure.

It is worth noting the atraumatic nature of ultrasound. Brushing your dog's and cat's teeth just got a whole lot easier! The high quality of the procedure and the absence of damage to the soft tissues of the oral cavity allow you to get an excellent result and maintain the health of the animal's teeth for a long time.

How to clean a dog's teeth? Ultrasound will help!

Regardless of breed, plaque occurs in all dogs. This is especially true in old age. However, some breeds are more prone to this disease than others. These are Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier, dachshunds, poodles, Pekingese and lapdogs. The last removal of the stone must be carried out regularly. This procedure not only helps to avoid tooth decay, but also successfully fights bad breath from the mouth.

Modern veterinary medicine suggests brushing dogs' teeth using anesthesia, since during the procedure the pet may feel unpleasant soreness and experience stress. Do not be afraid of this - an experienced veterinarian uses only safe and mild drugs.

Teeth cleaning with ultrasound in cats

Just like dogs, cats are prone to tartar and plaque buildup, especially as they age. Ideally, they need to repeat the procedure every year. However, some breeds, in particular the British, Persians, Scottish Folds and their mestizos, need cleaning more often, as they form tartar faster.

Where can you brush your pet's teeth in Moscow?

Such a service is offered in veterinary clinics in Moscow, where a professional veterinarian dentist is receiving. A specially organized cabinet allows you to quickly and accurately carry out the procedure, restoring health and attractive appearance to the teeth of pets. Our portal offers to get acquainted with detailed information about the clinics where the teeth are cleaned for four-legged pets.

Unfortunately, not all pet owners think about whether dogs brush their teeth, how often a dog’s teeth should be brushed and how to do it correctly. However, the health of the baby depends on keeping his jaw clean. The owners of small dogs who do not know how to brush their dog's teeth have 2 options: contact the pet salon for this procedure or learn how to brush their pet's teeth on their own. In this article, we will talk about how to brush the teeth of small dogs at home and whether it is possible for a dog to brush his teeth with human toothpaste.

How can you brush your dog's teeth: choose a brush and paste

Can dogs brush their teeth with human toothpaste? Veterinarians do not recommend doing this due to the specific composition of human oral care products. Yes, and your pet will like delicious toothpaste purchased at a special pet store, with the taste of beef, fresh bones, chicken or liver. If you've started brushing your baby's teeth, but you don't have dog toothpowder on hand, or you still haven't decided which toothpaste to brush your dog's teeth with, you can get by with a mixture of lemon juice and chalk.

You can also find a baby toothbrush at the pet store, but in extreme cases, you can use a human with medium or soft bristles. If a brush is not at hand, then a non-sterile bandage or a piece of gauze wrapped around your finger will do.

How to properly brush your dog's teeth

Consider how to brush your dog's teeth at home.

1) Prepare the brush and paste for the procedure in advance, gently pick up the baby. If you are using a bandage or gauze instead of a brush, wrap the material tightly around your finger and dip it in the paste or in the prepared mixture of lemon juice and chalk.

2) Gently lift the baby's lip and begin to gently massage the teeth in the direction from the gums to the top of the teeth.

3) Continue the procedure for several minutes until you realize that you have cleaned the baby's teeth of dirt and food debris.

Should I brush my dog's teeth if the gums bleed during the procedure? During cleaning, a slight bleeding of the gums is allowed, but if it is plentiful, then this is a reason to contact the veterinarian.

Can a dog brush its own teeth? Yes, only if it is not hard enough and can be cleaned. For the procedure, use infusions of chamomile, elderberry and sage. In no case do not try to remove hard stones with metal objects - this will damage the enamel. If the stone is too hard and cannot be removed with infusions and paste, then take your pet to the veterinarian - this is the only way to get rid of a very hardened plaque.

If you are afraid to hurt the baby during the procedure and do not dare to start the process, contact the groomer and he will show how the dog needs to brush his teeth at home so that the pet is comfortable and not afraid.

How often should you brush your dog's teeth

How often you need to brush your dog's teeth depends on the baby's diet, breed and condition of the enamel. If the teeth are healthy, it is enough to brush them 2-3 times a month. If the baby's diet contributes to the rapid formation of plaque, then cleaning 2-3 every 7 days is necessary.

No matter how you take care of your baby's teeth, you should visit an ultrasonic teeth cleaning at least once a year, as small dogs have a predisposition to the formation of tartar.

We examined in detail the answers to the questions whether it is necessary to brush the dog's teeth, how to brush the dog's teeth at home and how often to do it. This information is enough to keep your baby's oral cavity in order. Also, do not forget to visit the veterinarian periodically in order to timely adjust the diet and regularly monitor the condition of the pet's jaw.

With the acquisition of a pet, a new family member appears in the house. It requires love, attention and proper care. The oral cavity requires special attention. The article deals with the issue of the need for oral care, how to brush a dog's teeth, what means exist.

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Is it necessary to brush the teeth of a person's "friends"?

From the very beginning, a four-legged friend must be shown to the veterinarian. He will examine the dog's oral cavity, assess its condition and the condition of the oral mucosa. If necessary, the veterinarian will prescribe treatment procedures, tell you exactly how to care for the pet's mouth, since this is purely individual.

If you do not notice in time that the pet's teeth are in poor condition, then this can lead to the fact that they will fall out. Disturbances in the oral cavity can be noticed, for example, by bad breath or discoloration of the tooth enamel. A change in color indicates that tartar is forming and should be removed immediately.

Teaching your pet to take care of their teeth

To brush your dog's teeth and avoid aggression on her part, you need to accustom to this procedure from an early age, encourage patience and perseverance. You can encourage with treats, as a result, this process will become pleasant for the pet.

It is better to teach a puppy starting with a gel or just a paste without using a brush, so as not to damage his tooth enamel, which is not yet strong.

In order for brushing your dog's teeth to become a habitual procedure, you need to develop in your pet a normal attitude towards the fact that you put your hand in his mouth. In no case should you forcefully open the mouth, as this can adversely affect the pet's attitude to this process. Therefore, you can dip your finger in some delicious broth and give it to his mouth. When the furry friend gets used to the fingers in his mouth, you can accustom him to gels and pastes.

At what age?

As mentioned earlier, oral care should be taught from an early age so that this procedure is not stressful. For puppies, it is better to use a special paste first. If you start cleaning in adulthood, then certain difficulties may arise. Your four-legged friend may become aggressive. If he has problems with his teeth, he will not allow them to be cleaned calmly. In this case, you must first find out what state they are in and put them in order. An adult dog, like a puppy, needs to be taught to oral hygiene gradually, without pressure or violence.

By repeating the procedure daily, you can accustom the animal to the regularity of the procedure.

Dog dentifrices (brushes, pastes, gels, etc.)

For dogs, there are gels and pastes that are used to care for that animal at home. Veterinarians recommend that dog gel and toothpaste contain chlorhexidine, which provides oral disinfection and a refreshing scent.

Dog brushes differ in shape and rigidity. Therefore, it is possible to choose a brush that will suit your pet. A dog toothbrush should have a comfortable shape and enough stiffness to make it easy to clean. There is also a toothbrush for dogs that fits on the finger, thus providing a more comfortable cleaning. Such brushes can also be used for gums, they look like a kind of sponge.

There are also special food additives that eliminate tartar and protect against the appearance of tartar in the future. An alternative method of caring for your pet's mouth at home can be a special spray or gel. They are applied directly to the tooth surface, do not require additional brushing. In addition to brushes and gels, there are special toys and bones that provide oral hygiene for four-legged animals that like to constantly gnaw something.

Dental ossicles

These toys are cleaned of plaque, gums are massaged. But you need to make sure that the toy is not too hard or has places that can hurt the gums. However, such toys cannot replace hygienic care of the pet's oral cavity.

How to brush your teeth correctly?

Before the cleansing procedure, you must give the pet a small part of the paste or gel from your hand to try. On the brush, toothpaste for dogs is applied to the entire bristle. The cleansing process itself must be divided into several parts. It is necessary to carefully and gently clean the various surfaces of the teeth. To do this, there are a number of basic movements. Such movements include: scraping, sweeping, circular, and reciprocating movements with a brush.

The most common mistake is to move the brush across the axis of the tooth itself. With such movements, deposits from one area are transferred to another or fall into the gaps between the teeth.

This video shows you how to properly care for your dog's oral hygiene at home.

After cleaning the tooth surface, it is also recommended to massage the gums with a special brush that is worn on the finger. This procedure must be carried out carefully and carefully so as not to damage the gums. This massage stimulates metabolic processes, improves the condition of the gums.

After all mouth cleaning procedures, rinse the brushes thoroughly with running water. Modern toothpastes do not require rinsing your mouth after brushing. Such manipulations may seem difficult, especially at first, but over time they will become habitual.

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Dog teeth cleaning

Thanks to advances in the dental industry, ultrasonic cleaning of tartar in the "friends of man" has become possible. First of all, it must be said that this procedure is painless and does not require the introduction of anesthesia to the pet. But sometimes dogs with a sensitive nervous system need to be given local anesthesia or just have their mouths tied.

The ultrasonic cleaning procedure itself is a cleaning with a special scaler apparatus, which removes plaque with the help of ultrasound. The scaler removes the stone both from the visible surface and deep inside, down to the roots. This procedure is not traumatic, does not require the introduction of an anesthetic, unlike mechanical cleaning of tartar, which may require anesthesia. At the same time, there is practically no risk of damage to the enamel during ultrasonic cleaning. Moreover, the enamel becomes very smooth and this slows down the process of stone formation in the future.

According to reviews from owners and veterinarians, ultrasonic teeth cleaning is a painless process, which reduces the risk of pet stress when visiting a veterinary clinic. In addition, the absence of the need for anesthesia is an additional plus of ultrasonic cleaning.

Thus, if you are concerned about the health of your pet, you need to pay attention to his health the same way as any other family member. Regular visits to the veterinarian, monitor the cleanliness of the oral cavity.

Video "Dog Oral Care"

This video is about pet oral care products and how to use them.

Pet dogs are often bathed, their nails trimmed, and sometimes taken to a special salon to get a fancy haircut. At the same time, many owners forget that the animal regularly consumes food, which means that waste accumulates in its oral cavity, due to which microorganisms multiply, causing the destruction of enamel. Today we will talk about how to properly brush your dog's teeth, what is needed for this and how important it is.

Why brush your dog's teeth

As a rule, dog owners do not even think about the fact that their pets need oral care, so let's start with an analysis of why caring for a dog's teeth.
The first reason is the problematic treatment of teeth. If a person does not brush his teeth for a long time, then he has problems that can only be solved by a dentist, but the dog does not have such an opportunity, since fixing a tooth is not so much expensive as it is dangerous for the veterinarian himself. The dog will not understand why someone is climbing into her mouth, and with general anesthesia it is very difficult to carry out manipulations.

The second reason is the chance of infection. This applies to pregnant bitches. The problem is that after the birth of puppies, the animal itself bites the umbilical cord. Accordingly, if bacteria multiply in the mouth, then the chance of them getting into the open wound that forms after the rupture of the umbilical cord increases.

The third reason is the impact on the emotional state. Remember if you want to eat or work when your tooth hurts badly. You should not think that a dog can endure pain, while remaining cheerful and cheerful. At best, this will affect a decrease in activity, at worst, it will manifest itself in refusing to eat: the dog will experience pain while eating, so he will begin to refuse it. This is followed by rapid weight loss, as well as dysfunction of various organs.
It turns out that brushing your teeth is an integral part of caring for an animal, so do not forget about it.

Did you know? The dog treats you as the leader of the pack, therefore, at the level of instincts, it requires your approval before performing any action.

What do we need to brush our teeth?

As soon as you know that four-legged friends need oral hygiene, the question arises - how to brush your dog's teeth at home. The veterinary shop has everything you need, namely:

  1. Special toothpaste for dogs.
  2. Toothbrush.
  3. Brush in the form of a thimble for massage.
  4. Peanut butter.
  5. Bandage or gauze.
You will also need a deep bowl to make it easier to carry out all the manipulations. We’ll clarify right away that all the equipment that we will use is bought exclusively at a veterinary pharmacy or at a pet store. Many owners have a question about whether it is possible for a dog to brush its teeth with human paste using a regular brush. It is important to understand that the dog, although it is an unpretentious animal, cannot use "human" paste, as the dog can swallow it. The dog does not understand that the composition cannot be swallowed, which will cause digestive problems.

You can not use a regular brush because the dog has a different shape of the jaw and teeth, which is why a regular brush is inconvenient for cleaning the mouth.

How to train your dog to brush your teeth

Let's move on to how to accustom an animal to brushing its teeth and at what age a dog's teeth should be brushed.

Teaching a dog to brush his teeth is quite difficult, so you need to do this when the animal is still small. It is much easier and less traumatic to carry out all the manipulations with a puppy than with an adult.

To teach a pet to brush his teeth, you must initially instill the correct reaction to your actions, namely, that your hands and other objects will be in his mouth. Believe me, even the most affectionate and devoted dog will not let you climb into his mouth just like that. It is for this reason that the brush should be abandoned at the initial stage.
The first time you will feel the gums and teeth only with your fingers, and in order for the animal to adequately react to this, you need to dip the brush in something tasty (meat broth or oil on which the meat was fried), so that the dog wants to lick your fingers, and the pleasant smell made him open his mouth wide.

When the pet opens its mouth on its own, you can proceed to the next step - “brush” your teeth with your fingers, using a special dog toothpaste. This transitional stage is necessary in order for the animal to get used to the taste of toothpaste, as it will be different from the taste of broth or roast.

At the last stage, when the animal will respond positively to the brushing procedure, you can use a special toothbrush.

Important! If the pet does not like the taste of toothpaste, then it must be replaced, otherwise you will not achieve progress.

How to brush your dog's teeth: instructions

Let's move on to the basic information on how to brush your dog's teeth at home, regardless of the size and age of the pet.

Let's start with choosing and purchasing a brush. As strange as it may sound, a lot depends on the right choice. You need to choose equipment based on the size of the animal, because if you have a very large dog, then a brush for medium-sized breeds will look like a toothpick against the background of large teeth, and you will spend a huge amount of time brushing.

It is also worth taking into account that you do not have to buy a semblance of a regular brush, since not every dog ​​can open his mouth normally. For such cases, there are special fingertips that act as a brush.

Important! A real dog toothbrush has a triangular head that resembles three small toothbrushes joined together. This form helps to quickly clean the teeth from both sides at once.

Next, choose the right time. It is best to carry out the procedure at a time when the dog is tired, as he will have less strength to kick and interfere with you. It is also worth understanding that a well-fed animal is unlikely to be able to attract the delicious aroma of toothpaste, so you should not clean up immediately after the animal has eaten.

To make the animal want to open its mouth, you should give it some toothpaste. Just apply it on your finger, then let your pet lick. The dog will understand that it is tasty, and will not resist cleaning.

After that, let the dog get acquainted with the toothbrush or fingertip. The dog must smell it/him, lick it, and then conclude that it is not dangerous. Do not immediately put the object in the mouth, as it is radically different from your finger, and the dog can simply bite the brush.

Let's move on to cleaning. You need to gently lift the upper lip, and then clean the available teeth. No need to press hard on the brush or try to clean it to a shine. The animal will not like such manipulations, which is why he will not let you do oral hygiene again.
After cleaning the exposed teeth, take a break and also give your pet a treat so that he has a desire to return to this procedure. Never try to brush all your teeth at once, as you will cause a negative reaction from the dog.

Next, we need to clean the inside, as well as the far chewing teeth. Since this cannot be done with a closed mouth, we need to "ask" the dog to open his mouth. To do this, lift the lips on the upper jaw, and then lightly press in the corners of the mouth.

This will encourage the animal to open its mouth more and also be able to lock it in this position. Then you should apply a small amount of paste on the back teeth (you can use your fingers), then slowly and gently brush through.

The procedure should be carried out at the same time for the animal to get used to. Although dogs do not have a sense of time, your pet will get used to the fact that around this moment a tasty mixture enters his stomach.

We will immediately answer a common question related to rinsing your mouth. Dog toothpaste has a safe composition, so the animal can swallow it. It is not necessary to rinse the mouth after cleaning, even if the pet allows it.
If the dog, for one reason or another, does not allow you to clean your mouth, then you have several alternatives:

  • feeding with dry food (hard dry food removes plaque from the teeth);
  • the use of special sprays for dogs that disinfect the oral cavity;
  • replacement of cleaning with a toy that, during chewing, destroys tartar and also removes plaque.

Did you know? Popular spiked collars for dogs came to us from ancient Greece. Initially, they were used to prevent the dogs from being bitten by wolves, which dug into the neck.

How often should you clean

Despite the fact that we brush our teeth 2 times a day, and some even carry out these manipulations even three times a day, once is enough to save your pet's teeth. It should be understood that one time means a complete cleaning of the oral cavity, divided into several approaches. You can not clean only the fangs, and the next day only the distant teeth.
Separately, it should be said that small breeds of dogs need to brush their teeth twice a day, which is due to the structure of the jaw. Teeth in breeds such as are located very close to each other, so they suffer more from pieces of food caught between them.

What to do if the dog breaks out and resists

In conclusion, let's talk about severe cases when the animal does not allow you to carry out the necessary manipulations.

Let's start with the fact that you should consult a veterinarian. The specialist will tell you how to do it correctly, or give you a small brochure in which everything is described in detail.

To calm the animal, you should stroke it and say kind words while cleaning the oral cavity. So you calm the pet, and also improve his mood. The dog will perceive the procedure as an additional communication with the owner.
After brushing your teeth or during a small “crisis” (the dog starts to growl or breaks out of your hands), you should give the animal a treat. This cannot be dispensed with even if the dog responds positively to the procedure.

You can’t scold your pet during the procedure, otherwise the animal will have a negative association, and it will not let you brush your teeth next time, as it will be afraid of punishment.

Now you know why you need to brush your dogs teeth, what you should buy for this and how to properly manipulate. Remember that you can not force the animal, as it can injure you. Everything should be built on trust and reward.

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