How to cope with depression without the help of a doctor. What medicines to take? Can the disease go away on its own?

All people sometimes feel loneliness, sadness and disappointment. A bad mood is one of the defense mechanisms, a reaction to stress. But in some cases, this state can be delayed indefinitely. The most important thing to do to start is to understand its causes. In order to defeat the enemy, you need to know him by sight!

Finding the causes of depression

Depression is not just a depressed state of mind. This is a disease that can organic nature. Only a doctor has the right to diagnose depression, but some signs serve as an alarm signal. The symptoms are quite varied. AT general case, it is characterized by a gloomy mood, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite (in rare cases vice versa), chronic fatigue, weakness, avoidance of social contacts.

Depression is often associated with reflections on the meaning of life and one's place in the world. We ask ourselves questions: do I really love and appreciate? How well do I manage my responsibilities as a parent, child, friend, colleague? Have I qualified as a professional? And not always a person is satisfied with what he understands in the course of such an analysis.

How to deal with depression on your own

A person uses a single algorithm to solve problems various types. Based on the given conditions and unknown variables, the mathematician enumerates various methods to search for answers. But is there an answer to the question: how to deal with depression on your own? Is there a universal method for understanding how important you are to your family? How loyal is your friend or sincere life partner? The search for an answer to such abstract questions turns into endless walking in circles. With each new detour, a person interprets any little things differently. He starts to dig and find out for the thousandth time whether that look was contemptuous, the phrase was insulting, or the gesture was humiliating. Depression is a dead end. You tried to solve the problem, but at some point you gave up.

Artists all over the world are inspired by human searches and quests. Why not try to understand inner world a hero who is stuck in his own experiences, like you yourself? See if he found a way out and how? Why did the character make this choice? Information in the video format is conducive to passive perception, but only active viewing will help to recognize the motives of the hero. Probably, a comparison with him will resonate in your soul.

Find a place to mourn

Awareness of what binds us to each other, and what is unique feature - important element personality development. People need to reflect on their vision and understanding of the world. But a depressed person over and over again comes to the conclusion that no one needs him, life is empty and meaningless. Even if such thoughts cause feelings of loneliness, longing and worthlessness, you should not run away from it, otherwise they threaten to turn into obsession. Find a secluded place and sit in silence. Try to analyze your destiny. No one can understand you and your experiences the way you do.

read books

Not better way relax than read good book. No matter how much the movie is praised, the movie is still - finished product. The book is a dialogue between the author and the reader.

Writers sometimes convey the subtlest nuances and shades of the character's soul, which remains beyond the capabilities of the screen. Perhaps you will find those books that will completely change the worldview.

When a person is fixated on himself, it is difficult for him to break out of the cycle of doubt. It is the ability to compare your problems with the problems of others that will tell you a way to cope with depression on your own.
It's good if there is time for volunteer work, but if not, help your child with homework or share the secret of the signature pie with someone. And nothing helps to find a common language with people like a common cause.

Bring it to the point of absurdity

Imagine what could happen if all your fears were suddenly realized, and find a reason for irony in this. “Okay, I feel like I’m not doing my job. Maybe I'll be fired soon. Then I will have nothing to pay for the apartment. We'll have to sell things." But don't stop there. “Maybe you have to live in the garbage. And what? There are such people. I wonder how they live? Maybe they have something like a community? Probably, there are entirely academicians, we will discuss Kant's concept of the “thing in itself” or the technology of the future in the field of medicine in the evenings near the fire. We will turn into gnomes with huge beards. Of these, you can even braid pigtails. I also have a thick beard. Then it will be necessary to keep it in order. Okay, if I have to move to a dump, I'll need to grab a comb. Laughter through tears - strange, but useful.

Communicate with animals

Not only communication with people relieves the feeling of loneliness. Communication with animals also has a beneficial effect on well-being. Just crushing a warm lump is a pleasure in itself. Talk to your pet, because in a conversation it is important not only to be understood. Sometimes it is more important to be able to express your thoughts freely and without hesitation. Let these small dialogues with the dog turn into everyday life. And it doesn't matter if you're sincere. Ask how she is doing and tell her about office intrigues. Considerations and emotions expressed aloud cease to occupy consciousness and distract from pressing matters.

Learn new things

When depressed, it can be difficult to concentrate. Sometimes this is caused by psychological problems, which are not a fact that can be resolved in the near future. At this point, don't let yourself be lazy. Find a new activity. It will help to see new horizons. Do not set high standards, and if you failed to achieve what you wanted, in no case judge yourself and do not quit what you started. A small nuance - it is undesirable to associate such a hobby with the main work, because if you fail or get out of schedule, then this is fraught with disappointments and a new range of experiences.

play small roles

People are bound by the need to play roles - parents, children, friends, etc. There comes a time when we no longer understand where our duties end and we ourselves begin. Try to remove the mask of a person tired of life, dream up. Try to wash like a lady blue blood, or rehearse a couple of minutes of the moonwalk. Be ridiculous and laugh at yourself!

let yourself be bad

Often, low self-esteem is caused by feeling like you can't handle what you used to be able to do. It provokes internal stress which requires permission.

Admit to yourself what you are a complete nonentity, and create the most terrible plasticine sculpture on the planet. Draw something so disgusting that it would be embarrassing to show it to anyone, and then look from the point of view of a critic and write a review as pathetic as possible.

“This picture expresses the depth of the artist's despair. The cat depicted on it was born in the throes of an existential crisis, and therefore we can observe a significant asymmetry in the structure of the body. At first glance, it is difficult to understand that this is a cat. Maybe it's not a cat. Maybe it's just a strange animal. And it symbolizes the distortion of perception of the creator suffering from psychosomatic disorder". And then get to work.

Ask for help

Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor. In any case, if you for a long time If you are in a depressed mood, you need to contact a professional so that he can correctly diagnose. Often, depression is biological in nature, and in this case, only specialist advice and new generation antidepressants can help.

In the fight against depression, the main key to success is your desire. It is impossible to encourage self-pity, to demand endless sympathy from loved ones and to sit without getting out in four walls. It should be understood that the way you see the world in this state is not your conscious choice. The choice you can make is to give up or fight and live life to the fullest.

Depression is common in modern people especially those living in big cities. It can be provoked various factors, external and internal.

It's sick and requires mandatory treatment . A person in such a state may have a question, how to deal with depression on your own at home and how realistic it is.

Now you can often hear the expression: "I have depression." Really man just to experience long time low mood, apathy, but his condition has nothing to do with the present disease.

A competent doctor will distinguish depression from ordinary melancholy and prescribe therapy. However, it is worth knowing the main signs in order to understand when you need to contact a specialist.

How to understand that you are sick?

depression has characteristics, allowing to diagnose its presence:

  1. Anhedonia. A person ceases to rejoice, loses the ability to enjoy everyday activities. Changes in character may not be pronounced, for example, he stopped going to parties or became more silent, stopped listening to music, although he used to love this activity.
  2. The emergence of pessimistic thoughts. The person begins to think about the bad, pay attention to the negative aspects. There are thoughts of hopelessness: “how tired I am”, “I’m tired of everything”, “I can’t do this anymore”, “when will everyone leave me”.
  3. A person can portray joy and happiness, if the environment expects it, but in fact it looks unnatural, “forced”.
  4. Frequent mood swings- from normal to negative, aggressive, irritable or indifferent.
  5. Decreased concentration. It becomes more difficult to learn, to perceive information.
  6. Exacerbation of feelings of guilt. A person begins to blame himself for the events that have occurred, troubles with himself and loved ones.
  7. Sleep is disturbed. In the morning, there may be a feeling of fatigue immediately after waking up, in the evening. Sleep is often interrupted. Or, on the contrary, the person began to sleep a lot.
  8. Loss of appetite or its increase.
  9. Use of stimulants, alcohol, drugs, in an attempt to forget, to hide from the outside world and their own thoughts.

Unlike melancholy, depression has. If a Bad mood lasts for several days, there are no other striking symptoms, then it is too early to talk about depression.

When negative state lasts more than two weeks need to pay attention to it. Some people live in a depressed state for months and even years without doing anything. As a result, losing the opportunity to lead a bright and happy life.

Why do people prefer to be left alone with the disease?

Despite the fact that depression is well studied, many people prefer not to see a doctor, and sometimes they simply do not know that this can be done or which specialist deals with this issue.

still present in our society indifference to depression. Patients in this condition may experience shame.

Main reasons, why people prefer not to see a doctor:

  • fear of being recognized as "abnormal";
  • shame that society, loved ones will condemn;
  • frivolous attitude to their condition;
  • ridicule of relatives and friends who do not understand the severity of the disease.

However, there is another reason, no less important: a depressed person simply does not believe that he will be helped to cope with his problem.

Can the disease go away on its own?

depression is disease. A state of apathy, melancholy, a temporary deterioration in mood can pass by itself.

If set depression diagnosis, treatment, consultation of the expert is necessary. An individual immersed in a depressive disorder is no longer able to fully control his actions and emotions.

Of course, with certain knowledge, motivation, use various techniques, a person is able to get out of a depressive state on their own.

Anyway need support and especially those close to you.

Why is it dangerous to be alone with depression?

If depression is not treated, it can lead to.

Dangers and consequences of depression:

Is it possible to do something yourself at home?

Can you get out of depression on your own? The patient must rely not only on the advice and influence of doctors and other people, but also make your own efforts to heal. Desire and motivation mean a lot in success and speed of recovery.

What medicines to take?

The doctor prescribes drugs depending on the symptoms, their severity, the severity of the disease. In some cases, antidepressants will be needed, in others tranquilizers.

Incorrect prescription of drugs can worsen the course and severity of the disease. That is why serious medicines are prescribed by a doctor.

How to get out of depression if there is no money for a psychotherapist? How to help yourself? There is a way out:

How to fight:

You can learn how to cope with depression and overcome negative thoughts from the video:

Books to help get out of the state

How else can you pull yourself out of depression? On the subject of depression written a lot of literature. To an ordinary person no point in reading scientific works, since they contain complex terms that are understandable only to specialists. Pay attention to popular literature famous psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists.

In addition to reading specialized literature, pay attention to art:

  • Ray Bradbury. A cure for melancholy;
  • Douglas Adams. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy;
  • Brothers Strugatsky. Monday starts on Saturday;
  • Elizabeth Gilbert. Eat Pray Love.

Depression after the death of a loved one

The loss loved one is always a tragedy. Do you understand that he won't come back, he won't be around. Against this background, many people develop a depressive state: they do not want to live, work, communicate. There is a desire to disappear, to dissolve, so as not to feel pain.

How to get yourself out of depression? The best thing to do in this case is to visit a psychologist.

The experience of loss goes through the following stages:

  • negation- we still cannot realize, accept that this happened, the event seems unreal;
  • anger- thoughts arise - why, why did he leave me, how could this happen;
  • bargain- at this time there is an attempt to negotiate with higher powers, wait for a miracle, often people during this period turn to faith;
  • depression- here the most bright signs- apathy, lack of desire to live, loss of interest in the environment and oneself, lack of energy;
  • Adoption- acceptance of the inevitable.

It is not necessary to go through all the stages, their duration also varies. However, knowing them allows you to assess the severity of the disorder and select methods of assistance.

How to survive death? How to deal with feelings? Find out from the video:

What to do if nothing helps?

How to save yourself from depression? Have you tried various methods, technicians, drank a sedative, but nothing Does not help.

What to do in this case? First - find a good specialist.

AT mild case it may be enough to consult a psychologist, but with depression in deep advanced stage it is better to address to the psychotherapist or the psychiatrist. There is nothing to be ashamed of.

The doctor, if necessary, will prescribe the most appropriate drugs, develop an individual rehabilitation program.

How to quickly get out of depression? Tony Robbins method:

Can it be cured forever?

Depression can be cured forever if it occurs in the context of a stressful event. If it accompanies other diseases, then first of all you should pay attention to them.

Often, patients experience relapses. For example, this is seen in seasonal disorder.

If you know that depression appears in you in winter, then you need to not to wait for its exacerbation, but to prevent:

  • try to avoid stressful conditions;
  • don't delve into negative emotions;
  • learn to calmly respond to life's difficulties;
  • take appropriate medications if prescribed by a doctor;
  • lead healthy lifestyle life, remember proper nutrition, physical activity;
  • find a purpose, a goal in life;
  • when the first symptoms appear, contact a specialist.

Modern science makes it possible to cope even with the most advanced cases . Self Therapy possible only in the early and mild stages. If you are deeply immersed in a depressive state, then seek a specialist as soon as possible.

How to overcome depression? Simple Ways Dealing with depression on your own

depression is serious violation mental health person. Some compare it simply with a short-term decline psychological mood. Such an attitude is capable of long period"throw" the patient out of their usual life, and in some situations even lead to sad consequences. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to signs of prolonged apathy and depressed mood. In addition, on early stages treatment for depression is much easier.

It happens that a person suddenly has a feeling of emptiness, and life loses its colors. Negative incidents in life, stress, material and everyday problems - all this can provoke depression.

Most people are familiar with the feeling of sadness, sadness, depression. And this is quite natural - in this way the human psyche reacts to what is happening in his life. stressful situations. Such a mood passes rather quickly, unlike depression, which can drag on for weeks and even months. And this is already disease state, which affects the ability to enjoy life and communicate with other people.

If the depression is too long, you should visit a psychologist, however, you can perform some actions to improve your well-being on your own. Moreover, it is necessary to begin treatment of depression from the moment its first signs appear, without postponing it for later.

First you need to determine the presence of the disease. Of course, it would be better if a doctor does this, because the symptoms of many diseases are similar to the symptoms of depression. Still, you need to pay attention to the following signs of depression:

  • decrease in working capacity and normal life activity;
  • fatigue, drowsiness, unwillingness to perform even the most necessary things;
  • increased anxiety, tearfulness, sadness;
  • a feeling of inferiority, which is becoming increasingly difficult to cope with, a tendency to self-flagellation and lack of self-respect;
  • too long sleep time or, conversely, insomnia;
  • a sharp decline or weight gain due to persistent overeating or loss of appetite;
  • difficulty concentrating, "foggy" thinking, forgetfulness and inability to make responsible decisions;
  • pessimism, a feeling of loss of the meaning of life and the futility of any action;
  • increased irritability, causeless prolonged anxiety;
  • at the physiological level - muscle pain, cramps, digestive problems, headaches that do not stop without taking medications;
  • emergence of suicidal thoughts.

Each of us has our own way of thinking. For this reason, after some events, some people feel completely comfortable, while others fall into a depressed state. This is often the case for people who are prone to pseudo-beliefs, that is, unrealistic beliefs. The person may not realize it, but it is these beliefs that often lead to psychological problems. Pseudo-beliefs include the belief that:

  • expressing anger and dissatisfaction with other people is indecent;
  • talk about own desires or dreams - a sign of selfishness;
  • good deeds are sure to be rewarded;
  • you have to do all or nothing.

In addition, a depressive state can provoke disbelief in one's own strengths and one's own attractiveness, as well as exaggeration of judgments. depression caused by similar reasons, usually takes place in mild form and you can manage it on your own. To do this, you just need to realize your own pseudo-beliefs and try to change them to more correct and real ones. So you can not only eliminate the signs of depression, but also generally change your attitude to life.

The first signs of depression are depression and apathy. They reduce activity for a long time, because a person has no desire not only to work, but even just to move. However, any activity can favorably affect the psychological health of the patient.

For example, daily walks in the fresh air can improve his condition. You just need to learn how to get positive emotions from a walk, and not treat it as a mandatory event.

Sometimes a depressive state can develop due to the fact that a person has too much time when he has nothing to do, and he begins to literally "dig" in his life, thinking about what is wrong in it. In such a situation, interesting hobbies or just doing what you love can help. There are frequent cases when any simple actions helped a person to distract from negative thoughts and quickly restore psychological health.

During the fight against unpleasant illness It must be remembered that the state of a patient with depression is significantly different from the state healthy people, for this reason, under no circumstances should you compare yourself with someone else. This attitude will only exacerbate the problem. You just need to understand yourself, as well as accept.

During depression, a person wants to hide from all people. This is wrong, because human communication is important aspect psychological health of a person.

In the process of treating depression, it is necessary to communicate with loved ones who can support the patient and help him accept himself. If there are none nearby, you can contact a psychologist who will help get rid of this condition.

Prolonged depression can cause insomnia. At the same time, apathy, as well as a depressed state, can provoke constant drowsiness and fatigue, and waking up in the morning becomes a real test. That is why a depressed person should rest at least seven hours a day. So much time is needed for the brain to rest, and nervous excitement passed.

And most importantly, you need to love yourself. Don't wait for approval from others. You can always find something to praise yourself for. Firstly, it is positive, and secondly, there will be fewer negative thoughts about yourself in your head. And there, and not far from the exit from depression.

We believe that depression is a temporary deterioration in mood, which should not be given much attention. This attitude towards the disease leads to the fact that every year in Russia the number of people who decide to commit suicide is growing. We have to admit that depression is quite serious illness which must be approached with full responsibility. There are many methods for detecting the disease and its treatment. There is even a special depression scale that allows you to determine the degree of the disease. In the West, many have a personal psychotherapist. People understand that by trying to cope with the disease on their own, they harm themselves. We, in the old fashioned way, are used to dividing everyone into healthy and mentally ill. But there is nothing wrong with going to a specialist to have him explain how to beat depression. There are tons of ways to do this. In mild cases, you can help yourself. Moreover, this disease is easier to prevent than to treat it.


Do you think depression is modern disease? However, it is not. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates described a condition called "melancholia", the symptoms of which are very similar to depression, and also gave some recommendations for its cure: tincture of opium, warm cleansing enemas, drinking mineral water from Crete, massages and baths. He drew attention to the fact that the mood of people often depends on the time of year and the weather. Hippocrates wrote that the condition of many melancholics improves after a sleepless night. Then he almost made a discovery therapeutic effect sleep deprivation and phototherapy are currently known ways to treat depression.

Causes of the disease

Depression can occur in a person against the background of any events that are strong negative emotions for example, the death of a loved one, dismissal from work, and so on.

In this case, the disease is said to be reactive (from the word "reaction"). It happens that the disease develops during severe stress at excessive load brain. A lot of problems fall on a person, which he cannot cope with. By at least, he thinks so. The brain's defense mechanism is activated. A depressed person begins to think something like this: "I won't succeed. Why do something? Life is not going well. I don't want to live." But sometimes the disease occurs for no apparent reason. In this case, depression is called endogenous ("occurring from within"). Psychologists have also noticed that many people have a bad demon. sunny weather or prolonged exposure to darkened rooms may develop a state of depression, joylessness, fatigue. Here they talk about the seasonal nature of the disease. It is treated with light therapy and walks in the fresh air in sunny weather. Sometimes depression occurs as side effect while taking some medicines such as corticosteroids, Levodopa and so on. After discontinuation of the drugs, the emotional state of the patient improves. alcohol abuse, drugs, sleeping pills can also lead to painful anxiety and restlessness in a person. Some women may experience depression during pregnancy.


It is sometimes very difficult for specialists to diagnose the disease.

We have a widespread opinion that if a person seeks help from a psychotherapist, then he is mentally ill. And this is a brand for life. Many patients try to keep silent about the signs of the disease that has appeared, being afraid of prescribing antidepressants. Some do this out of fear that the information might be leaked. medical card and become known to the employer. Specialists have their own methods for determining the presence and severity of the disease. One of them is testing the patient. At this disease no gender or age. It is believed that depression in men manifests itself in exactly the same way as in women. And it can occur both at a young age and in advanced years. Psychotherapists believe that it is possible to talk about a person having depression if two of the main symptoms and at least three of the additional ones are present. The main symptoms include:

  • depression, independent of external factors manifested over a long period;
  • sudden loss of pleasure and interest in something;
  • loss of strength, increased fatigue.

Additional symptoms are:

  • frequent feelings of guilt, fear, causeless anxiety and so on;
  • pessimism;
  • low self-esteem;
  • thoughts of death, suicide;
  • loss or sudden increase in appetite, weight gain or decrease;
  • insomnia;
  • inability to concentrate on anything, make decisions;
  • the appearance in the mouth of an unpleasant sweetish aftertaste (glycogeusia).

Information about symptoms and causes this disease will help us understand how to beat stress and depression. Next, we will talk about methods to cope with the disease.


Is the whole world around in black colors? Many problems and no way to solve them? The circle is closed, there is no way out? How often do these thoughts cross our minds? We are all people, and each of us from time to time has any problems in the family or at work, our mood deteriorates, we get tired. But if restless thoughts, fear, despair overcome too often, it's time to visit a psychotherapist. No need to guess how to beat depression on your own. The qualified help of a specialist here will be most welcome. Treatment is not always carried out in a hospital. The main method is outpatient, with the use of antidepressants. For mild forms of the disease, medications are often prescribed for plant-based, for example, "Hypericin" (an extract from St. John's wort). To more powerful means relate:

  • drugs "Clomipramine", "Cipramil", "Imipramine", "Fluoxetine". They are used to treat deep melancholy and apathetic depression. They are stimulant drugs.
  • medicines "Desipramine", "Pyrazidol". Designed for subpsychotic depression. They have a beneficial effect on the anxiety component of the disease.
  • means "Amitriptyline". Often used to treat patients with suicidal tendencies. A sedative drug.
  • drugs "Lyudiomil", "Azafen". It is prescribed for mild depression with elements of mild anxiety.
  • the drug "Coaxil" (indicated with increased blood pressure and intolerance to antidepressants).

It is worth remembering that it is forbidden to take medicines on your own without a doctor's prescription. Only a specialist will be able to accurately determine the presence and severity of the disease, prescribe the medications necessary to solve the problem. The doctor prescribes the dose of the drug for each patient individually. Treatment is carried out under close supervision by the medical institution.


With mild and moderate forms of this disease, specialists often turn to non-biological therapies, such as psychotherapy. In some cases, the method is used in conjunction with the application psychotropic drugs. But sometimes depression is treated even without prescribing antidepressants. The psychologist first determines the type and extent of the disease.

He then prescribes the appropriate treatment. Depending on the task performed, the following types of psychotherapy are distinguished:

  • Behavioral. It has a beneficial effect on people who are concerned about the presence of psychosocial or interpersonal problems. Helps patients avoid unpleasant, painful activities and create a comfortable, attractive work environment around them.
  • Cognitive. Often used in conjunction with behavioral techniques. Allows you to eliminate pessimistic thoughts that prevent healthy activity, block dysfunctional attitudes and beliefs.
  • Interpersonal. The method is based on the principle of "here and now". Aimed at solving current problems of interpersonal relationships.

Benefits of exercise

There are others non-drug methods fight diseases such as chronic depression. They are used, as a rule, by psychotherapists. But knowing about their beneficial effects on the human psyche, you can try and cope with depression on your own or even prevent it. One of these methods is regular execution exercise. used this technique both together with antidepressants, and as an independent means of therapy. It has been clinically proven that during physical activity, our body produces and releases into the blood a large number of endorphin (hormone of joy). Who does not remember what a wonderful feeling of satisfaction, pleasure and pleasant tiredness comes over us after a good run in the fresh air or after an hour-long workout in the gym?

In addition, it is believed that the increase in body temperature during exercise contributes to the overall relaxation of the body. Experts advise everyone who wants to cope with this disease to perform exercises that are associated with deep breathing. Want to know how to deal with depression on your own? Take up yoga, swimming, running or walking. The method shows the greatest results when depressive states developing in people after a stroke and recovering from alcohol addiction. True, it is worth noting that the reception is ineffective in severe depression.

Occupational therapy

Much in common with the method physical activity has such a technique as occupational therapy. Some of us have noticed that during the performance of any housework or any other, they are distracted from everyday problems that have piled up, calm down and relax. Many of us even unconsciously use occupational therapy to relieve mental stress, anxiety and fear. Most positive moment here - the absence in the treatment of any medications. That's why this method it simply cannot cause harm, even if it is used without the appointment of a specialist. The fact that labor has a beneficial effect on the psyche and mood of a person was known five hundred years before our era to ancient Greek doctors. And in Franklin's time in America, occupational therapy as a method of treatment was often used by Quakers in sanitariums. There the mentally ill spun linen. Such work calmed the nerves of patients and returned them to normal life. Want to know how to treat depression at home? Take care of laundry, cleaning, repairing the car, whatever ... As long as your thoughts are occupied. Then you simply will not have time to worry and be sad.

Other Methods

There are others, no less effective techniques, which will help to defeat such an ailment as chronic depression. Often they are used in the offices of psychotherapists. But you can use them on your own at home. These include:

  • Light therapy. Many of us have noticed how the mood deteriorates when autumn comes with its slush and lack of bright colors. sunny days. For some people this seasonal disorder psyche can lead to grave consequences. Light therapy is in this case the most popular and effective method treatment. Both special artificial lighting chambers and natural light are used here. sunlight. The best option- a walk on a dry sunny day in the fresh air. It is noted that 0.5-1 hour per day for 8-12 weeks of using the method is enough to stabilize the situation.
  • Music therapy. In this case, music is used in medicinal purposes. You can listen to the classics, put on your favorite song or melody. Distribution, as a method of treating the mentally ill, was received after the Second World War. Surprisingly, it was used not only in psychotherapy, but also to facilitate childbirth, treat tuberculosis and stomach ulcers.
  • Meditation. There are many different techniques, during which the meditator takes a certain posture and concentrates on his inner sensations. Often the reception is combined with certain breathing exercises. It is known that meditation has a beneficial effect on metabolism, blood pressure, brain activity and so on.
  • Art therapy. The method is based on the impact on the human psyche visual arts. The term "art therapy" was introduced by the artist Adrian Hill in 1938, when he described his work in sanatoriums with tuberculosis patients. Often the technique is used in working with people who experience difficulties in relations with other members of society, if they have phobias, anxiety, low self-esteem, fears, stress, etc.

It is worth mentioning also other methods used by doctors, with the help of which even severe depression. These are magnetotherapy, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, aromatherapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation, electroconvulsive therapy, vagus nerve stimulation, etc.

How to deal with pregnancy depression?

It is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. There are situations when the occurrence of an ailment can be expected. It's about about a condition such as depression during pregnancy.

It manifests itself in women in different ways: frequent change moods, tears for no reason, increased irritability, fatigue, decline in physical strength, and so on. Is it necessary to talk about how negatively all this affects the future baby, not to mention the health of his mother? What can be advised here? First, you must definitely ask relatives and friends to help with household chores. Secondly, do not be shy to seek help from a psychologist if the situation requires it. His qualified help necessary in some situations. Thirdly, expectant mother try to get enough sleep every day. Lack of sleep is the main reason for the appearance psychological problems. This often leads to depression. Reviews of women who have already given birth indicate that with the constant help of loved ones, they rarely had such a condition during pregnancy.

Anxiety Limiter

Very often we are overwhelmed by the fear that has not yet happened, but may well happen. We are constantly worrying about something. Some of us worry about the illness of relatives and friends, drawing in our imagination terrible pictures of the complications of diseases. Someone - about the impossibility of repaying the debt on time, assuming what will happen if the money is not found on time, etc. Of course, all these problems are very important for us. But after all, much of what we are so afraid of does not happen in our life. It turns out that we worried in vain. It robs us of the joy of life peace of mind and physical forces. The habit of worrying about anything can lead to the development of severe depression. Therefore, it is so important to curb our emotions and thoughts in time so that they do not overcome us. How to do it? Install the so-called "anxiety limiter". Just imagine for a moment that the worst thing you fear has already happened. That's it, you have nothing more to lose. But the world didn't collapse after that, did it? Nothing terrible happened. All problems are solvable, including these. It remains only to exhale and live on. So was it worth getting upset over such trifles that, perhaps, will never happen in our lives?

Faith saves

Many people are interested in the question: how to get out of depression on your own, without depressants and the help of a psychologist? There is one simple the right way defeat worry, anxiety and disbelief once and for all own forces is a religion. The believer always adheres to the eternal fundamental truths. This gives him peace, tranquility and confidence in tomorrow. He knows he is not alone. He will not have to fight his problems alone if they overcome him. There is a God who will never leave him. Even an unbelieving person, who is in complete despair, often turns to the Lord with a prayer, clutching at the last straw that promises him salvation. In difficult situations, we cease to be atheists. So why wait for despair and fear to overwhelm us? Why not turn to God today with a prayer for help?

How it works on psychological level? First, by saying a prayer and expressing in words our feelings and aspirations, we clearly identify our problem. This will help us solve it later. Secondly, turning to God, we understand that we are not alone. This gives us confidence in ourselves and our abilities. Even the most psychological strong man may one day break, coping with his problems alone. Thirdly, prayer is the first step towards resolving a difficult situation that worries us. It is impossible to ask God for something every day and not start doing anything for it. A well-known French scientist and experimental surgeon put it this way: "Prayer is the most powerful form of energy that a person can produce." So why not direct this energy to solving our pressing problems?

Will a sleepless night help?

This technique is often used by specialists in the treatment of the mentally ill. Its scientific name is sleep deprivation. It was known about him even to the ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates, who established a connection between sleepless night and improvement mental state and general well-being sick. The trick is to keep the patient awake at night. Distinguish between complete sleep deprivation (the patient does not sleep all night and all the next day) and late night sleep deprivation (the patient is awakened in the interval from 1-2 am, and he does not sleep until the end of the day). Want to know how to overcome depression? Spend sleepless night and sleep the next day. Perhaps this is exactly the kind of shake your body needs. positive effect from the application of the method can be achieved in 60-70% of patients. True, it has been noted that after returning to a normal sleep and wakefulness regimen, many patients experience frequent relapses ailment. Therefore, the reception is combined with light therapy, the appointment of antidepressants, etc.

There is a lot to be said about how to beat depression. But our most important assistant in this is ourselves. In any situation, no matter how difficult it may be, it is useful to follow these recommendations:

  • Don't be alone with a problem. Share it with someone close to you. Someone will definitely tell you the right solution if you do not find it yourself. No wonder people say: "One head is good, but two is better."
  • Lead active image life. Go in for sports, dance, draw ... Then you simply will not have time to think about your experiences.
  • Try to get out into nature more often. Communication with her has a beneficial effect on our well-being and mood. Nature gives a powerful boost of energy, replenishes vitality.
  • Find yourself some relief. Man is not a robot. You can’t just focus on work and family all the time. Everyone will surely find something to their liking, whether it is fishing, cross-stitching or writing poetry. Let others consider your hobby an empty whim, it is vital for you and gives you peace and satisfaction.

We looked at ways to beat depression. Some of them are used only by specialists in the treatment of mentally ill people. But most can be used on their own, at home and without doctor's prescriptions, to get rid of constant anxiety, fears and bad mood.

06. 01.2015

Catherine's blog

Hello readers and guests of the site "Family and Childhood". Today's topic is about depression. How to deal with depression on your own and how to deal with it. I think that many have faced at least once such a state when they scratch their hearts like cats, everything annoys, they don’t want to do anything, there is a feeling of weakness, emptiness, uselessness, anxiety and irritability.

And then there are problems at work, the second half ceases to understand you, relatives bake. Health began to bother me: either insomnia, or not waking up in the morning, or a pang in my heart, or a headache. At first it seems like it's easy slight fatigue, but then the tension gradually increases ... And you understand that here it is - the boiling point and you can no longer cope on your own. Congratulations! You have classic depression! Where did she come from?

How to deal with depression on your own?

Depression occurs due to psychological imbalance, when our desires do not coincide with the surrounding reality, and we understand that we are absolutely powerless. Most often, this occurs against the background of some life difficulties: loss of a loved one, illness, betrayal of a loved one, dismissal from work, bankruptcy.

Although sometimes even without visible reasons a person can fall into a state of severe depression. This may speak of chronic fatigue, general dissatisfaction with life, self-doubt. But whatever the reason, you must definitely look for a way out of this labyrinth.

Ways to deal with depression:

1. The very first and difficult step is to admit to yourself that you really have depression. A correct diagnosis is half the problem. Although many are ashamed of their weakness and helplessness.

2. Good rest. An exhausted and tired body will only add problems to your piggy bank. Therefore, try to get enough sleep. Ventilate the room where you sleep. Fresh air- the best sleeping pill. Don't watch TV before bed, read better interesting book. If you can’t do without a TV, then watch something positive and cheerful, and not news and crime series.

3. Balance your diet. More vegetables and fruits. You can even drink a course of multivitamins. Arrange fasting days. Set cakes and pastries aside. Eating and drinking depression is not best way out. The situation can only get worse when changing from one size of clothing to another.

4. Sports. Sport. And once again sports. Do what you like best, what brings you pleasure. Let it be just charging or an easy jog without stress. All this will have a beneficial effect on health, and therefore on the psychological state.

5. Find something you love to do. This will help to distract from sad thoughts and get new sensations. Learn to draw if you dreamed about it as a child. Change the scenery, go on a trip. Or maybe dancing is your calling. Discover new talents in yourself. It will enrich your inner world.

6. Communication. Don't shut yourself up, don't feel sorry for yourself. Spend more time with family, loved ones and friends. Share your problems with them, and it will become easier. They will always support and help with advice.
Only purposeful resistance to life's troubles and active life position help to get out of the swamp of depression, which will make it possible to find meaning and joy in life. Don't back yourself into a corner. And then a couple more tips. Good luck.

Sincerely, Ekaterina Bogdanova

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