How is toothpaste made? Natural toothpaste. What is toothpaste made of?

Today on the shelves of stores you can find the widest range of various toothpastes. Therefore, making the right choice is extremely difficult, especially since manufacturers usually do not skimp on high-quality advertising for their product. But you can’t focus solely on advertising and the beauty of the tube, this is not at all an indicator of the true value of toothpaste.

To choose a really high-quality and healthy pasta, you need to know exactly the criteria for choosing this product. It is important to remember that toothpaste is a dosage form for the prevention and hyena of the oral cavity. It is necessary to choose it based on your needs and existing problems with your teeth, and for this it is important to study the composition of the paste and know exactly which substances are intended for what.

We study the composition of toothpastes

Almost all toothpastes that can be purchased today in stores and pharmacies are therapeutic and prophylactic pastes. They not only clean teeth from plaque with the help of abrasive components in the composition, but also help treat certain diseases of the oral cavity and teeth, and carry out their prevention.

Different components of toothpaste perform different tasks:

  • Calcium compounds and fluorides- substances that help restore the structure of enamel and prevent caries.
  • Diverse and extracts of medicinal plants, as well as antiseptics, such as triclosan and chlorhexidine, help eliminate inflammation of the gums and reduce the formation of plaque.
  • Enzymes as part of the paste are designed to increase its effectiveness in removing plaque and to increase antimicrobial activity.
  • Sometimes pastas enrich vitamins A, E, C, B or carotenolines, they help to accelerate the healing of small wounds on the oral mucosa.

Very often, pastes contain different components to solve different problems. Such pastes have a complex effect, but it must be understood that it is impossible to solve all problems with a single paste.

When choosing a paste, it is important to remember that not all substances in its composition are useful. If the paste contains a lot of chemical fillers, toluene or aluminum and other substances, it can not only not help the teeth, but also cause bleeding gums and indigestion if ingested.

You should also not get carried away with whitening pastes with hydrogen peroxide in the composition. It can erode the enamel and change it to an unnaturally white color. It will be impossible to return the teeth to their normal appearance and condition. Do not buy products containing sodium lauryl sulfate. It helps create foam, but is bad for your teeth. Also, the fluorine content in the paste should not exceed 60%. And too frequent use of pastes with chlorhexidine can lead to problems with the intestines.

Pastes with pyrophosphates are considered useful and safe, but pastes with parabens should be phased out, as there is a debate around the world about their harmfulness, and soon they may be recognized as harmful and banned. But pastes with hydroxyapatite, although they are more expensive, but significantly improve the condition of the enamel and prevent the development of caries. Baking soda and peroxide, which are often added to toothpastes, have no appreciable effect on teeth.

Types of modern toothpastes

The composition of the paste determines the group to which it will belong. Today, hygienic toothpastes and therapeutic and prophylactic ones are distinguished. Hygiene pastes are designed exclusively for cleaning teeth and freshening breath. They practically do not protect against caries and have no positive effects, but they do not pinch the tongue, do not irritate the oral mucosa and have a pleasant taste.

Therapeutic and prophylactic pastes can protect against a variety of diseases or have a complex effect, depending on this they are divided into smaller groups that have their own characteristics:

  • Preventive pastes provide comprehensive dental care and prevent the development of caries and inflammation in the oral cavity.
  • Pastes from periodontal disease actively eliminate inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and bleeding gums. They disinfect the oral cavity and prevent the formation of bacterial plaque.
  • Anti-caries pastes help to cope with carious lesions of the teeth. They contain active substances that penetrate into the most distant corners between the teeth, clean and restore the enamel.
  • Pastes for sensitive teeth suitable for teeth and thinned enamel, which requires especially careful care. Such pastes help close micro-holes in the dentin of the tooth and reduce its sensitivity.
  • pasta may contain chemical bleaches or abrasives. Such pastes have a significant list of contraindications and cannot be used too often.
  • Pastes without fluoride intended for those who suffer from fluorosis or high levels of fluoride in tooth enamel. This disease can occur in regions where the amount of fluoride in drinking water is increased.
  • Children's toothpastes intended for use by children under six years of age. These are the most gentle means for unformed children's enamel. In addition, they are practically harmless if swallowed.
  • Pastes for smokers contain many additives to maintain fresh breath and clean teeth well from tobacco plaque.

Signs of a good toothpaste

The main enemies of our teeth are plaque, sugar and lack of fluoride. Bacteria that destroy our teeth live and multiply in the plaque. Sugar is their food, and a lack of fluoride leads to weakening of the enamel and increases the likelihood of developing caries. This leads to the idea that a good toothpaste should eliminate all three factors of tooth damage - it should remove plaque, be free and enrich the teeth with fluoride.

The main cleaning work in the paste is performed by abrasives. Their impact depends on the size of the abrasives. The larger the cleaning particles, the more effective they are. But particles that are too large can act like sandpaper, wearing down teeth. That is why it is better to give preference to pastes that indicate the degree of abrasiveness (RDA). For sensitive teeth, you need to choose a paste with an indicator of no more than 25 RDA, and for healthy teeth, you can even take up to 100 RDA.

As for sugar in the composition of toothpaste, everything is much simpler here, most modern toothpastes use its substitutes. It is best to choose pastes with xylitol, which not only does not harm the teeth, but also helps prevent cavities by stopping the reproduction of microorganisms.

But the opinions of doctors about fluoride were divided. Some fluorine compounds are toxic, so their content in toothpastes must be strictly controlled. Adult pastes can contain no more than 150 mg of fluorine per 100 g of paste, and children's - no more than 50 mg / 100 g.

The choice of children's toothpaste

Previously, fluoride pastes were often recommended to children. But the effectiveness of such pastes is being questioned today, and fluorine can be harmful to the child's body. Therefore, it is better for children under two years old to choose pastes without fluorine, and for older children - with a minimum content of this substance.

Besides, children's toothpaste should be non-abrasive, since the tooth enamel is not fully formed and can be damaged during the cleaning process. To remove plaque, it is better to choose pastes with enzymes that soften it. It is desirable that all dyes and flavors in the paste be as natural as possible.

When choosing a paste, you must take into account the age of the child.. Pastes for children under two years of age should contain very few active ingredients, since at this time the dentition is just being formed. Cleaning at this time is a simple formality aimed at accustoming the child to this procedure. But teenagers can already use adult pasta, just choose a more gentle one.

When choosing a pasta, you must, first of all, focus on your needs and wishes, but remember, even the best and most beloved pasta cannot be used all the time. It is best to purchase three or four pastes and use them in turn. For example, three times a week you can use vegetable paste, twice - whitening and two more times - anti-caries. So you can get the most complex effect on the teeth without harm.

Do not abuse active whitening pastes. If the paste contains a lot of abrasives or chemical bleaching agents, its use should be reduced as it can make teeth too white or damage the enamel. In the evening it is better to use therapeutic pastes, and in the morning - hygienic ones.

Today, a huge range of hygiene products is available to the consumer, in particular, toothpastes, the variety of which can be difficult to understand. Sometimes the question of choosing a toothpaste leads to a stupor, and as a result, not always high-quality and effective hygiene products are placed on the shelf in the bathroom. Consider ways to systematize toothpastes, their types, as well as useful and harmful components of such products.

Ways to classify toothpastes

Toothpastes are classified according to two main features: by way of use and by purpose. According to the method of application, hygiene products are divided into:

  • daily use;
  • one-time or occasional use.

The former cannot harm the teeth, as they may contain only a small proportion of therapeutic or abrasive ingredients. The action of toothpaste for single or periodic use is aimed solely at solving any problems of the oral cavity. Next, we consider in detail the classification of such funds by purpose.


Hygienic toothpastes belong to the first generation. They are designed to clean the oral cavity from plaque, as well as to freshen the breath. Such a toothpaste does not have a preventive effect. It is not recommended to use it on an ongoing basis - the adult population, unfortunately, cannot boast of the absence of problems in the oral cavity. The exception is children - they are suitable for hygienic toothpastes.

Treatment and prophylactic

This category includes two types of therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes: simple and complex. In this section, we will talk about simple ones. Dentists refer to them as the second generation of cleansing therapeutic and prophylactic agents for the oral cavity. The main purpose is the treatment and prevention of such diseases:

  • caries;
  • inflammation and bleeding of the gums;
  • tooth hypersensitivity.

Also, therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes prevent the formation of plaque and hard deposits. Many of them have a slight abrasiveness, antifungal effect.


Complex-compound toothpastes are presented on the market in the widest range. They, in turn, are divided into combined (3rd and 4th generation) and complex (5th generation). The purpose of the combined therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes:

Complex toothpastes, due to their composition and properties, are designed to simultaneously solve two or more problems of the oral cavity at once. They are divided into anti-inflammatory and anti-caries toothpastes with additional qualities. We have summarized all the information about such products in a table.

Main propertyAdditional propertiespurpose
  • with anti-inflammatory effect;
  • anti-sensitivity;
  • with whitening effect;
  • with anti-plaque properties;
  • anti-tartar.
  1. caries prevention;
  2. elimination of tooth hypersensitivity;
  3. whitening;
  4. reduction of plaque formation (anti-plaque);
  5. slowing down the transformation of plaque into stone deposits (anti-tartar).
  • antiplaque;
  • anti-sensitivity.
  1. prevention and treatment of inflammation and bleeding gums;
  2. plaque reduction;
  3. elimination of hypersensitivity of teeth.
Anti-inflammatory and anti-caries
  • antimicrobial;
  • antiplaque.
  1. caries prevention;
  2. treatment of bleeding gums;
  3. the fight against microorganisms;
  4. reduction in dental plaque.

Useful substances in the composition

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The composition of toothpaste can include both harmful and beneficial components. In this section, consider the benefits:

Hazardous Ingredients in Toothpastes and Brushes

Along with useful components, harmful and even hazardous substances are used in toothpastes.

It is worth learning about them in order to understand what exactly is hidden behind the incomprehensible list of ingredients:

  • Sodium Laureth Sulfate is a famous additive that is used in almost all detergents and hygiene products. The surfactant in the formulation helps create lather from a small pea of ​​paste squeezed onto the brush. However, it is known that this element is able to penetrate the body through the mucous membranes and skin. Gradually accumulating in organs and tissues, sodium lauryl sulfate can cause severe disorders and diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.
  • Triclosan is a commonplace antibiotic that kills bacteria. Studies have shown that the presence of certain types of microflora in the mouth is necessary, and the constant use of toothpaste with an antibiotic can rid the oral cavity of all bacteria indiscriminately. After prolonged use, side effects are possible, the most harmless of which is bad breath.

In the composition of a toothbrush that will effectively clean the oral cavity, today you can see only artificial components. Usually the bristles are made of nylon (polyester fiber), the handle is made of polypropylene. Such materials for the manufacture of brushes are considered optimal. The stiffness of the bristle is also important. Dentists recommend considering a range of brushes with medium hard bristles to maximize the cleaning effect.

How to choose pasta for adults and children?

Despite the information received, choosing a toothpaste based on natural products is not easy. What should a good hygiene product for adults consist of? Consider the basic principles for choosing a product:

  • It is advisable to buy therapeutic and prophylactic paste. Depending on the existing problems, the emphasis should be on the anti-caries or anti-inflammatory effect.
  • If the composition contains an antibiotic (for example, triclosan), it is better to refrain from buying.

For kids:

  • It is advisable to choose a toothpaste that does not contain fluoride, especially if the baby's teeth are in order. Children often swallow toothpaste while brushing their teeth, and the harmful properties of fluoride are manifested when it enters the body.
  • It is undesirable that the product contains abrasives. Enamel on children's teeth is thin, not fully formed. Polishing and grinding the dentition can have consequences.

Toothpaste is a special dosage form intended for oral hygiene, prevention and treatment of diseases. With the help of toothpaste, effective cleaning of the oral cavity and therapeutic and prophylactic effects are ensured.

To do this, abrasive, antimicrobial, bacteriostatic, stimulating and surfactants are introduced into its composition. Main properties of toothpaste- cleansing, antimicrobial, organoleptic and consumer.

The cleansing action of toothpastes is necessary to eliminate food residues, microbes and plaque from the oral cavity. To this end, they include chalk, dicalcium phosphate, sodium metaphosphate, aluminum hydroxide, silicon dioxide, etc.

Antimicrobial and bactericidal substances are included in the composition of toothpastes both to influence the microflora of the oral cavity and to preserve the properties of toothpastes. To reduce the cariogenic effect of oral microflora, some toothpastes include antiseptics, such as chlorhexidine. Currently, pastes have appeared and are being actively developed, which include enzymes that act on the oral cavity, dissolve soft plaque and food residues. Another effective remedy is gel toothpastes.

To improve the organoleptic and consumer properties in toothpastes, substances that increase plasticity, flavorings, and food colorings are used.

For inflammation of the gums, periodontal diseases, toothpastes containing herbal supplements, biologically active substances, vitamins, and metabolic regulators are used.

Toothpaste should contain fluorine, calcium and phosphorus. It is known that fluoride prevents the development of caries. However, it should be noted that many fluorine compounds are toxic, so their content in toothpaste is strictly limited. Optimal for the prevention of caries and acceptable for home use is 150 mg / 100 g in pastes for adults and 50 mg / 100 g for children.

To facilitate the removal of bacterial plaque, surfactants, tensides, stimulating the formation of foam, are added to the paste composition. Typically, these substances are used at a concentration of 0.5 to 2%. Exceeding this limit can cause gum irritation.

Should not contain sugar, as it is harmful to the teeth. Therefore, xylitol is added to modern toothpastes - a sugar substitute that prevents the development of microorganisms. In addition, xylitol is recognized as a prophylactic against caries. At the same time, to achieve a tangible result, the content of xylitol should approach 10%.

But the presence of triclosan in toothpaste should be feared. This compound really kills most microorganisms, including the natural microflora inherent in the human body. And this threatens with the fact that the place of "their" microbes can be taken by "strangers", the means to combat which, perhaps, have not yet been invented.

For children, be sure to buy a special children's toothpaste that does not contain substances that are toxic if swallowed! Do not forget that children, unlike adults, often swallow about half of the toothpaste.

Now let's take a closer look at some of the substances contained in the pastes.

Fluoride. Pastes containing fluoride or fluoride are now recommended not only for children, but also for adults, as fluoride strengthens teeth and reduces the risk of caries. The percentage of fluoride in the paste in relation to other elements should be from 0.1 to 0.6%. Children under 6 are advised to buy toothpastes with less fluoride.

Pyrophosphates. These substances are used to prevent the occurrence of plaque and tartar. Pastes containing pyrophosphates are good for everyone, not just people suffering from tartar. But do not forget that if you have already formed plaque or tartar, pastes will not save you from it, you should contact a specialist and get your teeth cleaned.

Strontium chloride and nitric potassium. These elements should be included in the paste if you have sensitive teeth. In many adults over the age of 35, as a result of frequent grinding of the teeth or too much pressure on the gums during daily brushing, the gum line sinks, leaving root areas on the surface. Naturally, then your teeth react very sharply to cold, hot and other irritants. These substances reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings. Within a few weeks of using the paste with strontium chloride and potassium nitrogen, the patient will feel relief and can switch to using a regular paste.

soda and peroxide. They are added to the paste one at a time or in combination. They do not have a curative effect. They are used for more comfortable brushing of teeth, as they leave a feeling of freshness and cleanliness in the oral cavity.

Brightening ingredients. Removes plaque caused by coffee, tobacco and some other substances, but cannot lighten your teeth if you have yellow enamel. Most of these substances are abrasive in nature, that is, they simply scrape plaque from your teeth, so the frequent use of toothpastes with brightening components can cause damage to the enamel. You can use the brightening paste once a day and the regular one another time.

Sodium lauryl sulfate. The results of some studies show that this element can increase pain in stomatitis. However, this information has not been fully confirmed and needs further experimental studies. If you have stomatitis, then it is better to look for a paste without this component.

Toothpaste is a tool for maintaining oral hygiene in a healthy state, which can also have a curative and preventive effect. Modern toothpastes taste good, freshen your breath, and rarely cause allergic reactions. There is a classification of toothpastes, different in composition. Each type has its own purpose.

However, there are few people who, when buying. First of all, they look at the company, the cost. There are popular pastes that cope with soft plaque, whiten teeth, but for a number of indicators they are not suitable for everyone, which means they can harm teeth and periodontium.

Classification of toothpastes

Types of toothpastes are usually divided into two categories:

  1. medical;
  2. hygienic;
  3. treatment-and-prophylactic;

In Western dentistry, desensitizing, whitening, preventing the formation of plaque and tartar.

Hygiene products perform two functions: they freshen your breath and clean your teeth from soft plaque. They contain abrasive and foaming substances, as well as flavors and flavors. There are pastes:

  1. deodorizing (have a mild cleansing effect, fight bad breath);
  2. cleansing (cope with plaque better than the first).

Silica or chalk are used as abrasives. The larger the particles of the substance, the more effective the cleaning. At the same time, large particles, so when creating a product, manufacturers keep a balance between the safety of the product and its ability to cope with pollution. Abrasives may not be suitable for people with sensitive enamel. In this case, gels are used.

Therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes have a wide range of tasks. In addition to abrasives and fragrances, they contain extracts, salts, vitamins, peroxides and enzymes. Some of them are intended for daily dental care for hygiene and prevention purposes. Others are prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity.

Therapeutic and prophylactic

Therapeutic and prophylactic agents are divided into several types.

  • Anticarizon. Prevent the formation of dental plaque. Strengthen the tissues of the tooth. Many of them contain fluorine or compounds with it. There is also dental fluoride, which is replaced by enzymes or calcium compounds.
  • Anti-inflammatory. Improve blood circulation, metabolism, eliminate bleeding and unpleasant odor. This group also includes salt pastes, as well as products with chlorophyll, antimicrobial components, plant extracts and biologically active substances.
  • Desensitizing. Intended . May contain potassium and strontium salts, which block tooth sensitivity. They also do not contain strong abrasive components, which is why plaque forms faster.
  • Whitening. They act either by destroying plaque (pastes containing enzymes, strong abrasives), or by discoloring or removing pigment from the tooth tissue (containing peroxides). Whitening products are not recommended to be used more than twice a week, so they are sometimes referred to as a separate type of dental products.
  • Sorption. Contains Enterosgel and additional sorbents. Their main task is to clean the oral cavity from microparticles and harmful bacteria;
  • Organic. paste. Contains herbal extracts, chalk is often used as an abrasive. Dentists have different attitudes towards such tools, since it is not always in their manufacture.
  • Baby. The composition of toothpaste for children is selected in such a way as not to harm the enamel that has not yet been formed. Also, such products usually do not pose a danger if swallowed.

Therapeutic toothpaste is sold only in pharmacies. Use it as directed by a doctor to disinfect the oral cavity or relieve acute inflammation.

Composition of toothpaste

Most of the products clean the teeth qualitatively, eliminate unpleasant odors, and also prevent diseases of the oral cavity. Therefore, the category of therapeutic and prophylactic pastes is the most extensive.

Main components:

  • essential oils;
  • vitamins, microelements;
  • antiseptics (Triclosan, Chlorhexidine);
  • enzymes (have an antimicrobial effect, help to cope with plaque and stone);
  • various salts;
  • calcium compounds;
  • fluorine compounds.

Fluoride consists in the fact that its ions settle on the surface of the teeth and in cracks, and then bind calcium and other minerals, forming solid compounds, that is, remineralization of the teeth occurs. The resulting fluorapatite is harder than hydroxyapatite, the main mineral. Thus, fluoride toothpaste makes teeth harder and more resistant to acidic conditions.

Most often in dentistry, fluorine compounds with tin, aluminum, and sodium are used. Stannous fluoride is now being phased out, as with prolonged use it leads to inflammation of the gums and staining of demineralized areas of the enamel. Sodium fluoride in toothpaste is still popular today, as it has high remineralizing properties. Used in pediatric dentistry.

sodium fluoride

The benefits of pasta are widely discussed by the public. There is no single opinion on this matter. In excess amounts, fluorine is indeed toxic to humans. Means with this substance are contraindicated for residents of regions where drinking water contains a sufficient amount of it (in Russia it is Western Siberia, the Urals, Tambov, Tver and Moscow regions). However, such funds are sold in every hardware store. Dentists also recommend squeezing a small amount of toothpaste, about the size of a pea, onto the toothbrush, some neglect this advice. Such negligence can lead to the fact that a person’s bones become very fragile, and for men this threatens to reduce the level of testosterone in the blood and problems with the thyroid gland.

Therefore, today many people prefer to use other means for cleaning their teeth. Pasta without fluoride is also not uncommon today. Often the substance is replaced with calcium or its compounds, which are involved in the remineralization of teeth.

When choosing a remedy, rely on the advice of a dentist, but it also does not hurt to understand the classification of remedies yourself. It is important to study the composition before buying. The product may contain harmful substances. The best option would be a toothpaste without sodium lauryl sulfate and parabens (the latter cause allergies, lead to problems with the thyroid gland, and lauryl sulfate leads to dehydration of oral tissues and worsens the condition of the gums).

You can brush your teeth instead of toothpaste folk remedies. For example, some use horsetail or iris root flour. Herbal mixtures are also prepared. To do this, you need to finely grind dried leaves and flowers of birch, succession, sage, St. John's wort, chamomile, laurel in a coffee grinder. Additionally, licorice root, pine needles are used. You can add some black pepper. Stores also sell tooth powder, which is also good for brushing your teeth.

Today, black toothpaste is popular, which contains birch charcoal. It has antibacterial, whitening properties, suitable for sensitive enamel. Its big disadvantage is its high cost.

Children's toothpaste must be of the highest quality. The age of the child must also be taken into account. Read the information on the packaging, it always indicates at what age you can use it.

It is worth buying for your kids products without fluoride or with a minimum content of it. This is especially important when the child has not yet reached the age of six: studies show that up to this age they swallow up to 30% of the product during cleaning. You can find out about the concentration of fluorine on the packaging. For children under 4 years old, funds with its concentration of no more than 200 ppm are suitable, for children from 4 to 8 years old - this figure should not exceed 500 units, and for adolescents under 17 years old - the norm is 900 ppm. A number of manufacturers indicate the percentage of fluorine (1% is equal to 10 thousand ppm). A good replacement for fluoride is children's toothpaste with calcium, which also nourishes and strengthens enamel and prevents caries.

The tool should not be highly abrasive, as children's enamel is not yet fully formed and is very sensitive (especially the enamel of milk teeth). It is undesirable to have triclosan, which affects not only harmful, but also beneficial bacteria in the oral cavity.

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