Tablets to increase innate and acquired immunity. Effective drugs for immunity for adults and children. Herbal immunomodulators, homeopathic remedies

Pills for immunity are very popular, especially in the autumn-winter period. However, few people wonder about the mechanism of action of drugs and how to improve the immunity of an adult at home correctly.

Immunity is the body's ability to independently get rid of objects that are genetically alien. The immune system is a complex mechanism that includes the activity of the red bone marrow, thymus gland (thymus), spleen, lymph nodes and the lymphoid system, consisting of lymphocytes of the bronchi, intestines and skin.

Medical science does not yet have comprehensive information on how these organs interact with each other. Therefore, all means to increase immunity obtained by chemical means are drugs with unproven effectiveness. Most of them act on one of the components of the immune system, but not on the mechanism as a whole.

It is possible without drugs, leading a healthy lifestyle. But it happens that the body is so weakened that such actions do not bring results. How to raise the immunity of an adult in this case? Means intended to strengthen the immune system are presented in each pharmacy with a long list, the task is to choose the right drug.

In what form are funds issued?

Medicines to increase immunity can be found in almost any form, which depends on the action of the active components of the drug, aimed at various organs (nasal cavity, intestines, lymphatic and circulatory system, thymus gland, body as a whole):

  • rectal suppositories;
  • pills to increase immunity;
  • injections;
  • intranasal sprays;
  • capsules;
  • suspensions;
  • oral solutions;
  • homeopathic granules;
  • powders.

Herbal preparations

Preparations for raising immunity of plant origin are called adaptogens. These include echinacea purpurea, lemongrass, ginger, eleutherococcus, aloe, ginseng and others. Drugs that increase immunity in adults are most often produced in the form of tinctures. Medicines of natural origin have fewer side effects than artificial drugs, but they should still be taken with caution due to the possibility of allergic reactions.

Echinacea purpurea has been used in different countries for several centuries and is famous as an immune booster and anti-inflammatory agent. It is used for the prevention of influenza and herpes viruses, infectious diseases.

The most famous drugs based on echinacea:

  1. Immunal is a European-made drug, available in tablets and solutions for direct oral administration. Manufacturers report that the medicine contains the juice of flowering echinacea, in which the concentration of the healing properties of the plant is the highest.
  2. Echinacea tincture on ethyl alcohol, both domestic and imported (tincture of Dr. Theiss).
  3. Echinacea Vilar is a fresh herb juice.

Alcohol tincture of Eleutherococcus is also able to increase the immunity of an adult. The root of the plant has healing properties, so the medicines contain an extract of the root and rhizomes. Eleutherococcus prickly is used in medicine to increase pressure, with mental and physical overwork, a drop in strength, and has a strong tonic effect. In the USSR, drugs that strengthen immunity based on it have found wide application among athletes.

Ginseng tincture is a medicine for immunity, general tonic, increases efficiency, and is able to restore strength. Has found wide application in eastern countries. Contraindicated in high blood pressure, excitability, insomnia, bleeding.

Schisandra chinensis tincture is a remedy for increasing immunity in adults, increases physical activity, and eliminates the lack of oxygen in the blood.


Interferons are the generic name for a group of proteins synthesized by the body during a bacterial or viral attack. Their production in sufficient quantities allows you to neutralize foreign objects before the onset of symptoms of the disease or at its early stage. Obtained artificially, interferons are the main components of a group of drugs with the same name. Laboratory studies have not collected sufficient evidence for their effectiveness in the fight against influenza viruses, but, nevertheless, these drugs are prescribed to increase immunity in adults. They are produced under the following names:

  • Leukocyte interferon - ampoules with powder for solution;
  • Viferon - a drug in the form of ointments and suppositories for rectal use, of various dosages;
  • Grippferon - nasal spray (intranasal use).

Interferon inducers

Interferon inducers are among the drugs that increase immunity in adults. They are substances that provoke the body to increased synthesis of interferons. It should be noted that such interferon preparations are not used in developed European countries due to the large number of side effects and the lack of clinical evidence of their effectiveness. However, in Russia they are applied. The following is a list of the most well-known interferon inducers:

  • Arbidol capsules for oral use;
  • Anaferon;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Amiksin.

The last three drugs have an antiviral effect, are available in the form of tablets for immunity.

Bacterial preparations

There are preparations for raising immunity in adults and children containing enzymes of pathogenic bacteria, infections such as staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus and others. Such substances are not dangerous to humans, but can enhance the protective properties of the body.

  • Likopid - a medicine for raising immunity in the complex treatment of secondary immunodeficiency in the form of tablets;
  • Ribomunal is a drug for the treatment and prevention of otitis, sinusitis, rhinitis and other infections of the upper respiratory tract. Available in the form of granules and tablets.
  • Broncho-munal - a drug in capsules for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract - a means to increase immunity in adults and children from 6 months.
  • IRS-19 - a drug to strengthen the body's defenses in the form of a spray is also used to prevent ENT diseases.

Nucleic acid immunostimulatory drugs

Nucleic acids are organic substances that have the ability to stimulate and support cell renewal in the body. In diseases that occur against the background of a decrease in the body's strength, a drug is prescribed to restore immunity with a nucleic acid. The most famous of them is Derinat. The active ingredient of the drug is obtained from the sodium salt of salmon fish. Derinat is useful for the body, and also has a regenerating effect. Produced in the form of a solution for external use and injections.


Immunoglobulins are ready-made antibodies produced by the body when foreign viruses, infections and protein toxins enter. The use of immunoglobulin complexes can have serious consequences, therefore, it should be under the strict supervision of an immunologist.

Immunoglobulin injections are not always a means to raise immunity. Correction of the immune response can also be aimed at lowering it (for example, with allergies).

Recently, it has become fashionable to prescribe injections for immunity, since this method allows you to quickly stabilize the work of the body's protective functions. But doing this without the supervision of a doctor is extremely dangerous, so we will not describe this method in detail. Let's just list the most common drugs:

  • Cycloferon;
  • Timolin;
  • Thymogen;
  • Erbisol;
  • Laferon.

Synthetic stimulants

Synthetic preparations for immunity for adults contain proteins from human and animal cells. The most popular of them are Pentoxyl and Leucogen.

Both drugs are a white powder for oral administration. The drug stimulates the formation of phage leukocytes - cells whose activity is aimed at the destruction of pests. Raises the body's strength to fight microbes and damaged cells.

Vitamins and other means

Vitamins until recently were a panacea, from the point of view of doctors, for the formation of immunity. However, recent research has criticized the widespread use of artificial vitamins. It turned out that they carry a lot of side effects, and their benefits are doubtful due to the inconsistency with the natural vitamins found in food. However, most doctors still prescribe such drugs to certain categories of people, such as pregnant women.

Natural in large quantities are found in greens, vegetables and fruits. The action of the drug Vitamama, a syrup to strengthen immunity, has proven itself well. Fish oil is also extremely useful for immunity at any age as a source of vitamins A and E. For adults, it is most advisable to use it in capsules.

Homeopathic remedies are the safest remedies. They are substances diluted in water in microscopic doses and placed in sugar granules. How homeopathy works for immunity depends heavily on the competence of the doctor. Reviews of such treatment, bordering on magic, can be found very different.

Along with homeopathy, dietary supplement therapy is carried out, which is also able to increase immunity. Such preparations contain substances necessary for the body - for example, selenium, zinc and others. For serious health problems, dietary supplements for immunity can only be used as an addition to the main treatment.

Often the cause of a decrease in the body's defenses is intestinal dysbacteriosis. In this case, doctors prescribe probiotics for immunity - intestinal bacteria that suppress the development of diseases.

How to choose drugs

Now we will figure out how to raise the immunity of an adult with the help of medicines, depending on his state of health.

  1. If viral and bacterial diseases are overcome infrequently, it makes sense to dwell on prophylactic herbal preparations, natural vitamins. If there is confidence in homeopathy and dietary supplements for immunity, you can use them.
  2. When planning trips with a sharp change in climate, doctors recommend taking interferon drugs, interferon inducers, or bacterial drugs to improve the adaptive capacity of the body.
  3. For the treatment of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, in addition to the main drugs, interferon-containing tablets, suppositories for immunity or nucleic acid preparations are used.
  4. In severe lesions of the immune system and allergies, immunoglobulins, bacterial and synthetic drugs are used.

The doctor should answer the question of which drugs increase immunity in each case. Especially if you plan to take drugs of chemical origin. But it is worth considering that there are and, but about them in another article.

Always remember that self-treatment becomes the main reason for the aggravation of the situation. It is recommended to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and prescribing medications.

List of drugs that increase immunity in adults

Colds and tonsillitis

There are many drugs to increase immunity in adults with frequent colds and tonsillitis.

The following deserve special attention:
- echinacea compositum - a medicine that reduces inflammation, activates the immune system and has detoxification properties;
- aflubin - a drug that reduces inflammation and fever and increases local immunity;
- cycloferon - an immunostimulant that accelerates the synthesis of interferons;
- immustat - a means to increase the protective function of the immune system in the initial stage of the disease;
- immunal - a medicine designed to prevent the incidence of influenza and colds.

Oncology, pregnancy, HIV and HPV

One of the powerful drugs used to treat adults with oncology is polyoxidonium. The action of this immunological drug is aimed at destroying cancer cells.

In order to increase immunity, pregnant women can be prescribed injections of viferon, lemontar and vitamin complexes.

Of the drugs that are used to increase immunity in patients with HIV or HPV, cycloferon, pyrogenal, likopid and thymalin can be distinguished. The action of these immunostimulants is aimed at assisting the body in the reproduction of new immunological cells.

With herpes

To increase immunity in herpes, drugs such as viferon, galavit, tamerit, amixin and ridostin can be prescribed. All of these immunomodulators contain human interferons and their action is directed to the herpes virus.

Of the drugs of natural origin, echinacea, a drug with antibacterial and antiviral properties, has this property.

List with prices for drugs to maintain immunity in children

Preparations to increase immunity in children:
- broncho-munal - cost from 370 to 2100 rubles;
- anaferon - price from 200 to 450 rubles;
- IRS-19 - from 400 to 900 rubles;
- imudon - from 140 to 1000 rubles;
- licopid - from 280 to 2800 rubles;
- viferon - from 80 to 200 rubles;
- arbidol - from 300 to 600 rubles.

Echinacea and ginseng preparations

Echinacea is a natural remedy. In medicine, herbal tea with this herb is used directly, and echinacea tinctures and tablets are produced in its pure form.

In addition, echinacea is part of such drugs as Immunal, Immunorm, Estifan, Echinacea Vilar, Echinacea Galenopharm, Echinacea Liquidum, Perfectil, Prostonorm, Gerboton, Echinocor, Eliksin, Phyto Novosed and dozens of other medicines.

The most well-known drugs to improve immunity with ginseng are tincture of ginseng, Herbion Ginseng, Gerimaks Energy, Farmaton Vital, Gerimaks Premium, Gerimaks, Teravit Tonic, Multi-Tabs Active, Doppelherz Ginseng Active, Doppelherz Vitalotonic.

Likopid: instructions for use and reviews

Licopid tablets are prescribed in combination with the main therapeutic drugs for lung infections, purulent-inflammatory skin diseases, herpes, papillomas, psoriasis, hepatitis and other diseases.

Immunity is always on guard of our health - it is the immune cells of the body that do not allow the penetration of harmful microorganisms from the outside and protect us from the destructive work of already "introduced" microbes. Immunity is a special barrier to viruses, fungi and bacteria. To maintain this barrier in order, for example, tablets for immunity help.

When there is a failure in any part of this important complex, the protective barrier is weakened, and the body is less resistant to disease.

Reduced immunity or not?

How to find out if immunity is reduced or is it normal ?

Important! Doctors advise to pay attention, first of all, to the frequency of colds.

If ARVI is a companion of the cold season, and colds recur at least 5-6 times a year, and can start from a slight hypothermia, we are talking about a decrease in immunity. In addition, the following symptoms indicate a reduction in the protective functions of the body:

  • fatigue, decrease in the usual level of performance;
  • drowsiness, lethargy and apathy;
  • mood swings and irritability;
  • peeling, dryness and irritation on the skin;
  • frequent headaches;
  • a tendency to allergies or an increase in the usual reaction to already known allergens;
  • brittle nails

How to strengthen the "protection" of your own body?

If one or more symptoms from the list appear intermittently or constantly and have no apparent reason, then it is worth considering how.

You can do this in several ways:

  • use ;
  • buy after consulting a doctor.

REFERENCE: Immunity is a complex system of interaction between the thymus, spleen, bone marrow and lymph nodes.

Pharmacies offer a lot of drugs to increase the body's defenses in different forms of release.

REFERENCE: Adult patients are most often prescribed tablets that are more convenient to take and easier to dose than, for example, syrup or drops. These can be lozenges.

All immunostimulants are usually divided into several groups:

  1. are the most controversial. Doctors and patients are divided into two categories: the clear opponents of "dummies" and those who believe in the effectiveness of "treating like with like."
  2. Natural preparations - most often based on the strengthening properties of both ginseng and, as well as others.
  3. Bacterial medicines - containing enzymes of infectious pathogens.
  4. Immunomodulators - contain nucleic acids with a powerful immunomodulatory effect.
  5. Means with interferon are effective for the prevention of a whole range of diseases.
  6. Vitamins and their complexes with minerals contain substances necessary for the body that can affect the functioning of the immune system.
  7. Thymus preparations - increase the reaction of cellular immunity, enhance the formation of antibodies.

Now consider each group of drugs in more detail.

homeopathic remedies

Despite conflicting reviews, they are effective in the treatment of chronic, sluggish diseases.

They also give good results in the prevention of diseases and stimulate immunity in adults and children.

The advantage of homeopathic tablets is in the minimum dosage of components of plant and animal origin.

For this reason, it is difficult to harm them.

Pediatricians who use drugs of this group in their work prescribe them even to the smallest patients. Usually homeopathic remedies are produced in the form of granules or dragees, less often syrups or drops. Good results are given by the preparations of the Russian company Materia Medica (Agri for adults and children, Anaferon) and the German company Heel (Aflubin, Gripp-Hel).

Important! It is most effective to use these drugs at the initial stage of the disease or as a prophylactic.

The advantages of homeopathy is the absence of contraindications and restrictions.

natural preparations

Immunal gained particular popularity in this group of drugs, whose action is based on the special stimulating properties of the Echinacea purpurea plant.

In addition, affordable and effective means for immunity are: "Liquid extract", "" in tablets, "Ginseng + Eleutherococcus".

In addition, in this niche, Apilak can be distinguished - a drug based on.

Bacteria-based medicines

The group of bacterial immunostimulants containing enzymes includes drugs such as Broncho-munal, Vilozen, Imudon, IRS-19, Likopid, Sodium nucleinate. A group of bacterial immunostimulating drugs has been used relatively recently. .

Their effectiveness at the cellular level has been proven by scientists, however, such drugs have a number of contraindications., for example, "Sodium nucleinate" is not assigned and.

Immunomodulating agents

Medicines containing nucleic acids have the ability to powerfully stimulate the immune system. After taking such a drug, an immune response is formed, providing protection against a certain type of harmful microorganisms. The action of immunomodulators is similar to that of vaccines and is widely used in the treatment of chronic diseases. The drugs of this group are "Ribomunil", "Derinat", "Polyoxidonium" (instructions for the use of these drugs have their own specific conditions).

Interferon-based drugs

These drugs can be divided into two types: actually, interferons and interferon inducers. The former are very popular with doctors and patients (they are valued for their safety and effectiveness). Interferons are shown only at the beginning of diseases or for prevention during the cold season. This group of drugs includes "Grippferon", "Viferon" and "Leukocyte interferon", however, none of these drugs is available in tablets.

Interferon inductors encourage the body to activate its defenses, act for a long time and are not addictive. The inductors include: "Arbidol", "Lavomax", "Amiksin", "Kagocel", "Neovir", "Cycloferon", "Poludan" and "Dipyridamole".

Vitamins to protect the immune system

To maintain the body's defenses, certain biochemical reactions that occur with the mandatory participation of vitamins. In pharmacies you can find vitamins for every taste and budget, but the most purchased are those that combine an affordable price and effectiveness: Complivit, Supradin, Centrum, Selmevit, Vitatress, Vitrum, Multitabs", "Alphabet".

Means based on the secretion of the thymus gland

Drugs such as "Timozin", "Timoptin", "Taktivin" and "Timalin" are rarely prescribed for simple colds - they are recommended for severe immune disorders. The drugs have a strengthening effect on the immune system, stimulate tissue regeneration and neuroendocrine regulation.

Effective use of thymus preparations in the recovery period after surgery and chemotherapy, drugs are prescribed courses.

How to boost immunity in a child?

Drugs in tablets for immunity, which the doctor prescribes to adults, are not always suitable for small patients. The best immunostimulating agents for children are the following drugs with different mechanisms of action:

  • "Grippferon";
  • "Agri";
  • "Imudon";
  • "Broncho-moon";
  • "Cycloferon";
  • "Viferon";
  • "Anaferon".

Vitamins and mineral complexes are suitable for the prevention of diseases during the cold season, however, if the child is prone to allergies, then multicomponent products will give an additional allergic load.


Tablet preparations to increase immunity have their own contraindications, for example:

  1. "Taktivin" is contraindicated in those suffering from bronchial asthma, as well as pregnant women.
  2. Echinacea preparations have the largest list of contraindications, they should not be taken by patients with autoimmune diseases and leukemia, HIV, tuberculosis and AIDS. With caution, echinacea is recommended for those who suffer from connective tissue diseases. In addition, any medicines based on this plant are contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus, polyarthritis, rheumatism and other serious diseases.

The disadvantage of this form of release of medicines as tablets is loss of effectiveness due to the drug entering the stomach first, and then to the destination. Compared with injections, nasal drops or inhalations, the effectiveness of tablets is low.

The price of drugs in tablets that stimulate the immune system varies in a very wide range: from 90 rubles. up to several thousand. The most affordable are the homeopathic preparations "Agri" (about 90 rubles), "Anaferon" (about 200 rubles) and the synthetic drug "Rimantadine" (about 90 rubles), as well as "Cycloferon" (about 200 rubles).

For a full and comfortable life, you need to have good immunity. Many are looking for drugs to increase it. Strengthening immunity should begin only after studying reliable information.

Protective reactions of the body can decrease for several reasons.

It is difficult to immediately determine what influenced the appearance of problems:

  • People who live in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions and high radiation are at risk of reduced immunity.
  • Nutritional problems can negatively affect the body, that is, its irregularity, the scarcity of the diet, and a poor choice of vitamins and minerals.
  • Endless stressful situations at work, nervous stress and constant tension are a direct reason for reducing the protection of the whole organism.
  • Weight jumps, that is, a sharp loss or gain, inactivity - this is another type of serious reason for reducing the body's strength to protect itself from external negative influences.
  • Diseases that are not cured or transferred on the legs can significantly reduce the general condition of the body. These causes include chronic diseases.

Symptoms that can be used to identify disorders in the immune system are easy to notice if you conduct a thorough analysis of your well-being over the past year.

Immunity is reduced if:

How to boost immunity in adults?

These symptoms are an alarm signal that serious changes are taking place in the body. Preparations to increase immunity should be a set of measures using special medicines or homeopathic remedies. It is necessary to take preventive measures before the disease, and not after it.

Boosting immunity means:

  • give up bad habits, that is, stop the abuse of alcohol and tobacco products;
  • reduce or minimize the consumption of unhealthy foods;
  • diversify your diet as much as possible, use vitamin complexes as necessary;
  • strictly monitor the state of health in terms of the development of chronic diseases, take timely measures and prevent exacerbations;
  • try to lead an active lifestyle, find the strength for sports.

Immunity boosters will have the best effect if you lead a healthy lifestyle.

All these tips are designed for the fact that a person is ready to change his lifestyle, review the nutrition system and adhere to a calm, measured pace of life.

Features of the immune system in children

Depending on age, there are several critical periods for children's immunity. During these periods of time, the child's body is in a defenseless state and is exposed to various risks. These are such periods as: the beginning of visiting kindergartens, clubs, schools or sections.

Children are more prone to colds during periods of seasonal epidemics. The beginning of adolescence is associated with the risk of weakening the immune defense, since at this time hormonal changes in the body occur.

Effective means to increase immunity

To increase immunity, you can use a whole range of measures, but there are groups of special targeted drugs:

  • immunomodulators of plant and animal origin;
  • on a bacterial basis;
  • based on nucleic acid;
  • biogenic;
  • interferons;
  • biogenic stimulants;
  • synthetic means;
  • vitamin complexes.

Preparations to increase immunity have different properties, each specific case requires an individual approach.

Herbal immunomodulators, homeopathic remedies

Herbal remedies are high on the list of immune boosters. They are easy to use, have a number of significant advantages and are affordable.

The herbal component is usually taken as the basis in such preparations, it is he who acts as the main dosage form.

"Immunal"- a remedy based on echinacea. It is available in the form of tablets or syrup, and can be used to prevent colds or during illness. Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, as well as people who have blood diseases, immunodeficiency or lactose intolerance.

"Doctor Theiss"- This is another drug based on echinacea. It can be produced in tablets and drops. Drops can be used in children from one year. Lozenges can be given to children from 4 years of age. This drug has a positive effect on raising immunity and has an anti-inflammatory effect in mild diseases.

Homeopathic immunity boosters are drugs that are based on a placebo effect. Severe forms of diseases do not imply the use of homeopathy, but increasing immunity during seasonal colds is quite a feasible task for homeopathic preparations.

"Aflubin" It is a very common homeopathic remedy. It is used in children under one year old and is able not only to have an anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect, but also in mild cases normalizes body temperature.

"Edas"- a syrup that was invented for children. This tincture is designed to improve the state of the immune system when used in courses. It has a pleasant taste, thanks to special additives. There are several varieties of this syrup, each of which has an immunomodulatory effect. The basis of herbal preparations to increase immunity are the actions of various plants.


Echinacea is a plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. It is known for having unique properties to strengthen the immune system in the human body and increase the ability to remove inflammatory processes in it. Apply echinacea in the form of tincture, the dosage depends on the age and condition of the patient.


Eleutherococcus is an equally well-known plant; its roots are used to obtain a medicinal extract. It has properties that help the body fight viruses from colds and other diseases.

Caffeine is usually added to Eleutherococcus tinctures, so it is not recommended for children.


Ginseng is a plant whose roots are used to create a remedy that increases the body's resistance, as well as improves memory.

Schisandra chinensis

Schisandra chinensis is a perennial plant. Its leaves are used to brew tea, the fruits to create dosage forms. It will help the body improve blood circulation. Vitamin C, which it is rich in, will be responsible for the prevention of colds.

Bacterial-type preparations

Bacterial-type preparations have earned a lot of positive feedback, despite the fact that they are based on bacterial cells. The principle of action of these drugs is the struggle between the cells of viruses that have entered the body and those contained in the drug itself.

"Imudon"- a drug for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the throat and nasopharynx.

The release is made in the form of lozenges, has established itself as a good helper in the fight against ENT diseases.

"Broncho-munal". Available in the form of capsules, it is indicated for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. It helps the body not only restore immunity, but also helps prevent the development of complications associated with the main disease.

Dosage forms of interferon

Drugs to enhance immunity may be based on dosage forms of interferon. Interferons are proteins that the body produces, they make cells stronger and more resistant to various viruses. The action of drugs based on interferon is based on an artificial increase in the production of a protein that helps protect against viruses.

Interferon-based drugs are used directly to increase immunity.

"Viferon"- a fairly well-known remedy, is available in the form of candles, which are convenient to use for the treatment of young children. It is prescribed for both prevention and treatment. It has a good targeted action, copes with serious infections of a complex course.

"Grippferon"- these are drops for the treatment and prevention of colds, it is important to start their use on time, otherwise the effect will be reduced. Drops can be instilled into the nose of children, starting from the very first days of life.

Group of biogenic stimulants

Immune boosters include biogenic stimulants. Despite the formidable name, they are safe. The biological nature of these substances helps to stimulate the body's defenses, enhances its natural work to prevent disease. This type includes aloe and Kalanchoe juices. In cases of their use, clear recommendations must be followed.

They can not be used for internal bleeding in the form of tinctures or solutions, are contraindicated in the elderly and children. In general, a good therapeutic effect can be expected if they are used for mechanical damage.

In the group of biogenic stimulants, preparations based on animal origin deserve special attention. The most famous of them is Actovegin. The main component is a derivative of calf's blood, it has almost no contraindications, but it can cause complex forms of allergies, so its use should be treated very carefully.

It has many forms of release and is used for a wide variety of diseases, its effectiveness increases many times with a complex intake. The high efficiency of its use is noted by multiple studies.

Thymus preparations (thymus)

Another type of drugs to increase immunity is made on the basis of the thymus gland. The thymus gland or thymus is one of the main organs of the human immune system. To obtain such funds, the thymus gland of cattle is used.

Viral and fungal diseases, cellular viruses are indications for the appointment of these drugs.

Timalin is prescribed for asthma and multiple sclerosis, the action is aimed at improving the metabolism in the body. "Timogen" increases the level of the body's defenses, is indicated for the prevention of viral diseases. Both of these drugs are available in ampoules, as they are used for injection.

They have immunomodulatory and immunostimulatory effects. They are used for serious oncological diseases and conditions of immunodeficiency.

Nucleic acid preparations

Nucleic acid-based drugs are not so popular among ordinary people, they are familiar to those who understand medicine. These funds are used only in the conditions of inpatient treatment. These are serious drugs that a doctor can prescribe. They are often used for burns or festering wounds, as they increase the body's ability to heal.

Azoximer bromide

Azoximer bromide is a polymer produced in Russia. It is an immunomodulator of targeted action, which also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Its action is based on strengthening the natural processes of the protective mechanisms in the body.

On the basis of azoximer bromide, a well-known Russian drug, Polyoxidonium, is produced. It is relatively recent on the pharmaceutical market, but has proven to be a powerful immunomodulator. Candles, tablets, topical solutions and injections - you can find a way to use for any patient.


To increase immunity, a single dose of the drug is not enough. The magic pill, as you know, does not exist in nature. Immunity problems are easier to prevent than to correct existing ones. For this, various vitamin complexes have been developed that help in the fight against seasonal diseases or restore body functions after illnesses.

"Complivit" is the elder in the market of vitamin complexes. Its advantage is that you can pick up vitamins for almost any person. There are vitamins for women, men, children and teenagers. Vitamins based on the use of one of the components, such as Complivit Iron, Complivit Zinc, and so on, are widely used.

"Elevit"- This is a very famous vitamin complex for pregnant women. It is well suited for those who eat for two and contains the components necessary for the expectant mother. Vitamins, if they are properly selected and taken according to the indicated scheme, are able to support the body in difficult autumn-winter periods and prevent the possibility of colds, both in adults and in children.

transfer factor

Transfer factor is the patented name for the production of dietary supplements using the same base substance. The transfer factor as a term was proposed by the English scientist Lawrence. Transfer factor is a molecule that is found in the proteins of chicken eggs, as well as in the colostrum of cows.

To obtain the transfer factor base, the molecules are isolated from cow colostrum. Transfer factors are represented by five main types, the concentration of the base substance of each of them is different, so the effect of application depends on the variety. The use of transfer factors is allowed for almost all healthy people, as it is only a biologically active food supplement.

How to prevent a decrease in immunity?

Prevention of a decrease in immunity begins with a review of the entire lifestyle. You can not count on the fact that with improper nutrition and addictions, the body's resistance will be kept at a high level. A healthy lifestyle is one of the measures to prevent the decline of the body's immune forces.

Preparations to strengthen the immune system act in a targeted manner and are designed to improve the quality of life.

Each case is individual and requires a special approach. If health problems require serious interventions, then self-medication will be unjustified and even dangerous, in such cases it is better to consult a doctor.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about drugs to increase immunity

How to increase immunity, advice from a doctor:

See also amigluracil, arbidol, retinol acetate, ascorbic acid, riboflavin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, cyanocobalamin, methyluracil, pentoxyl, splenin, encad, ceruloplasmin, interferoi, reaferon.

VILOSEN (Vilosenum)

Freeze-dried (dehydrated by freezing in a vacuum) dialysate extract (purified extract) of bovine thymus.

Contains compounds of nucleotide and nucleoside nature, amino acids, oligopeptides, amines, inorganic salts.

Pharmachologic effect. It has immunomodulatory activity (affects the protective properties of the body), stimulates the proliferation and differentiation of T-lymphocytes (an increase in the number and specialization of blood cells responsible for the body's cellular defense reaction), suppresses the development of hypersensitivity (a type of allergic reaction of the body) of an immediate type.

Unlike thymalin, taktivin and timoptin, vilozen is used topically in the form of instillations into the nose or intranasal inhalations (inhalation through the nose of medicinal substances in gaseous or aerosol form).

Indications for use. Allergic diseases of the upper respiratory tract: hay fever (allergic disease caused by plant pollen), allergic rhinosinusitis (combined inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses).

Method of application and dose. Assign to adults and older children. Immediately before use, add 2 ml of boiled water or isotonic sodium chloride solution to the vilozen vial. 5-7 drops are instilled into each nostril 5 times a day or intranasal inhalation is done. The course of treatment is 14-20 days. If necessary, the courses of treatment are repeated. Treatment should be started at the first signs of the disease or prophylactically (before the onset of clinical symptoms).

There are data on the use of vilozen in patients with bronchial asthma. Enter into the nasal passages of 0.02 g (20 mg) per day for 14-20 days.

Side effect. When using vilozen, the appearance of a passing headache in the first days, an increase in nasal congestion is possible.

In case of individual intolerance, the drug is canceled.

Contraindications. In bronchial asthma, contraindications are the presence of a bacterial infection and a pronounced broncho-obstructive syndrome (inflammation of the bronchi, combined with a violation of the air passage through them).

Release form. 0.02 g of the substance in ampoules in a package of 10 ampoules.

Storage conditions. List B. In a place protected from light at a temperature not higher than +20 "C.

GALIUM-HEL (Galium-heel)

Pharmachologic effect. Homeopathic remedy. It has an activating effect on the detoxification (neutralizing) functions of cellular enzyme systems, as well as detoxification and drainage processes of connective tissue. Stimulates the immune system (body's defenses)

Indications for use. For stimulation of non-specific immunity and as a detoxification agent for severe forms of infectious diseases, pain syndrome and chronic diseases of internal organs (cachexia / extreme physical exhaustion /, neuropsychic exhaustion, septic / associated with the presence of microorganisms in the blood / complications), especially in chronic diseases accompanied by a violation of enzyme metabolism (bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis / expansion of limited areas of the bronchi /, hypertension / persistent rise in blood pressure /, liver disease, colitis / inflammation of the colon /, achilia / lack of secretion of hydrochloric acid and enzymes in the stomach /, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis / a systemic disease of the membranes of the nerve cells of the spinal cord and brain /, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis / a disease of the central nervous system characterized by impaired movements of the muscles of the face and neck /, causalgia / pain syndrome that developed after damage to the peripheral th nerve, characterized by intense burning pain and vascular disorders along its course /, neuralgia / pain spreading along the nerve / etc.). Precarcinoses (precancerous conditions). In geriatric practice to stimulate the immune system in the elderly.

Method of application and dose. Usually prescribed 10 drops 3 times a day. In the acute period, 10 drops are prescribed every 15-30 minutes for 1-2 days. With neoplasms, the drug is prescribed 3-4 times a day for 5-50 drops. The maximum daily dose of the drug is 150-200 drops.

In precarcinosis (precancerous conditions) and cancer, it is advisable to use in combination with other homeopathic medicines.

Release form. Drops for oral administration of 30 and 100 ml in a dropper bottle

Composition (per 100 ml): galium aparine D3, galium album D3 - 4 ml each; sedum acre D3, sempervivum tectorium D4 clematis D4, thuja D3, caltha palustris D3, ononis spinosa D4, juniperus communis D4, hedera helix D4, betula alba D2, saponaria D4, echinacea angustifolia D5, calcium fluoratum D8, phosphorus D8, aunim DIG, argentum D8, apis melifica acidum nitricum D12, pyrogenium D6 - no 5 ml; urtica D3 - 2 ml.

Side effect. When used according to the indications and in the recommended dosage, it was not detected.

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Storage conditions. In a cool place.

IMMUNAL (Immunal)

Pharmachologic effect. Stimulator of nonspecific immunity. Echinacea purpurea juice, which is part of the immunal, contains active substances of a polysaccharide nature that stimulate bone marrow hematopoiesis, as a result of which the number of granulocytes (one of the types of leukocytes - blood cells) increases by 34-89%, and also increases the activity of phagocytes (the common name for blood cells , capable of capturing and destroying pathogenic microbes) and cells of the reticuloendothelial system of the liver. Immunal has an antiviral effect against influenza and herpes viruses.

Indications for use. Prevention of colds and flu; weakening of the functional state of the immune system caused by various factors (exposure to ionizing radiation, ultraviolet rays, chemotherapeutic drugs; prolonged antibiotic therapy; exposure to various toxic compounds in the air, water, food - heavy metals, pesticides, insecticides, fungicides); chronic inflammatory diseases: rheumatism, polyarthritis (inflammation of several joints), prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate), gynecological diseases.

Method of application and dose. Adults are prescribed in an average dose of 20 drops 3 times a day. The drug is taken with a small amount of liquid. In the acute stage of the disease, the initial dose is 40 drops, then the first 2 days take 20 drops every 1-2 hours, after which treatment is continued with medium doses.

Children from 1 to 6 years old are prescribed 5-10 drops 3 times a day; children from 6 to 12 years old - 10-15 drops 3 times a day.

The minimum duration of the course of treatment is 1 week; maximum - 8 weeks.

In the case of long-term storage of the drug, it may become cloudy, a precipitate may appear, consisting of active polysaccharides. In this case, shake the vial several times before use.

Side effect. In rare cases, hypersensitivity reactions are possible.

Contraindications. Tuberculosis; leukemias (a malignant tumor arising from hematopoietic cells and affecting the bone marrow /blood cancer/); collagenoses (general name for connective tissue diseases / rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic scleroderma, periarthritis nodosa); multiple sclerosis (a systemic disease of the membranes of nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord); allergic reactions.

Release form. Drops for oral administration in vials of 50 ml. 1 ml contains 0.8 ml of Echinacea purpurea juice.

Storage conditions. In a cool, dark place.

IMMUNOGLOBULIN (Immunoglobulinum)

Synonym: Immunoglobin, Imogam-RAZH, Intraglobin, Pentaglobin, Sandoglobin, Cytopect, Normal human immunoglobulin, Human antistaphylococcal immunoglobulin, Liquid anti-tick-borne encephalitis immunoglobulin, human tetanus toxoid immunoglobulin.

Pharmachologic effect. The human immunoglobulin molecule contains two light and two identical heavy chains. Heavy polypeptide chains have 5 structurally and functionally different classes of immunoglobulins: IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, IgE. When treated with Ig proteinases (enzymes that decompose proteins), in particular, papain, 3 large fragments are obtained. Two of them are identical and are designated as Fab (Fragment antigen binding-fragment that binds an antigen / substance that can cause an allergic reaction /). The third fragment is designated as Fc (Fragmentcrystalline). The Fc fragment causes various effective functions of antibodies (blood proteins formed in response to the ingestion of foreign proteins and toxins) that are not related to their specificity, binding of complement components, interaction with the Fc receptor of macrophages (blood cells capable of capturing and destroying pathogenic microbes) and others

IgG refers to a variety of antibodies against bacteria, their toxins and viruses. IgG is contained not only in the vascular bed, but easily penetrates into extravascular (extravascular) spaces. This is the only class of immunoglobulins that crosses the placenta and provides immune protection to the newborn.

IgM is a pentamer. those. contains 5 four-strand structures. Each IgM molecule has 10 Fab fragments that are capable of specific interaction with the antigen and have high antigen-binding activity, which is manifested only in the case of an intact molecule. Antibodies related to IgM appear in the vascular bed at the early stages of the immune response, performing a protective function in the initial phase of the development of infectious inflammation.

IgA is contained both in blood serum (about 50% of the total IgA content in the body) and in various secrets, which protects the mucous membranes from pathogenic (pathogenic) microorganisms. Unlike IgG and IgM antibodies, the IgA class does not activate the compliment and does not cause the release of inflammatory mediators.

The pharmacological action of Ig preparations in patients who have an antibody deficiency is determined by the presence in the preparations of immunoglobulins of antibodies directed against certain bacteria and viruses. A number of immunoglobulin preparations contain a wide range of antibodies, which depends on the size of the plasma pool used for Ig isolation. Typically, a pool of 1000 or more healthy donors is used. Thus, Ig isolated from the plasma pool of healthy donors contains antibodies that are normally found in the donor population. Some immunoglobulin preparations contain antibodies of a single specificity. The pharmacological action of Ig preparations in autoimmune diseases (diseases based on allergic reactions to the body's own tissues or waste products) is under study. Several mechanisms have been proposed, including blockade of the Fc receptor function of phagocytic cells, inhibition of production or neutralization of autoantibodies by anti-idiopathic antibodies, influence on the function of T cells (blood cells responsible for the body's cellular defense response), production and activity of cytokines.

Indications for use. Replacement therapy (introduction into the body of a substance /immunoglobulin/, the natural formation of which is reduced or stopped) to prevent infections in primary immunodeficiency syndromes; agammaglobulinemia (absence of gamma globulins / specific proteins involved in the formation of the body's defenses / in the blood); common variable immunodeficiencies associated with agammaglobulinemia; with UgG subclass deficiencies. Replacement therapy to prevent infections in secondary immunodeficiency syndrome caused by the following conditions: chronic lymphocytic leukemia (lymphoid tissue cancer), AIDS in children, bone marrow transplantation. Idiopathic (immune origin) thrombocytopenic purpura (multiple hemorrhages in the skin and mucous membranes associated with a low content of platelets in the blood). Kawasaki syndrome (usually as an adjunct to standard treatment with acetylsalicylic acid drugs). Severe bacterial infections, including sepsis (infection of the blood with microbes from the focus of purulent inflammation), in combination with antibiotics, and viral infections. Prevention of infections in premature infants with low birth weight (less than 1500 g). Guillain-Barré syndrome and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Neutropenia (reduced content of neutrophilic granulocytes in the blood) of autoimmune origin and autoimmune hemolytic anemia (decrease in hemoglobin in the blood due to increased breakdown of red blood cells in the blood). True erythrocyte aplasia mediated through antibodies. Thrombocytopenia (low platelets in the blood) of immune origin, for example, post-infusion purpura or isoimmune thrombocytopenia of newborns. Hemophilia (reduced blood clotting), caused by the formation of antibodies to factor P. Treatment of myasthenia gravis (diseases of the nervous and muscular systems, manifested by weakness and pathological fatigue of various muscle groups). Prevention and treatment of infections during therapy with cytostatics (drugs that prevent cell division) and immunosuppressants (drugs that suppress the immune system / body defenses /). Prevention of habitual miscarriage.

Method of application and dose. The drug is administered intravenously drip. Doses are set individually, taking into account the indications, the severity of the disease, the state of the patient's immune system and individual tolerance.

In primary immunodeficiency syndromes, a single dose is usually 0.2-0.8 g / kg body weight (average 0.4 g / kg). The drug is administered at intervals of 3-4 weeks in order to achieve and maintain minimum plasma IgG levels of at least 5 g/l. In secondary immunodeficiency syndromes, a single dose is usually 0.2-0.8 g / kg. The drug is administered at intervals of 3-4 weeks. For the prevention of infections in patients undergoing bone marrow allotransplantation (bone marrow transplantation obtained from a donor / another person /), the recommended dose is 0.5 g / kg. It can be administered once 7 days before transplantation (transplant) and then repeated once a week for the first 3 months after transplantation and once a month for the next 9 months.

With idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, it is prescribed in an initial single dose of 0.4 g / kg, administered for 5 days in a row. Perhaps the appointment of a total dose of 0.4-1.0 g / kg once or for two consecutive days. If necessary, further 0.4 g/kg can be administered at intervals of 1-4 weeks to maintain a sufficient level of platelets.

With Kawasaki syndrome: 0.6-2 g / kg in several doses for 2-4 days.

For severe bacterial infections (including sepsis) and viral infections, 0.4-1 g/kg daily for 1-4 days.

For the prevention of infections in premature infants with low birth weight, 0.5-1 g / kg is prescribed with an interval of 1 to 2 weeks.

In Guillain-Barré syndrome, chronic inflammatory demyelinated polyneuropathy, the usual dose is 0.4 g/kg for 5 consecutive days. If necessary, 5-day courses of treatment are repeated at intervals of 4 weeks.

Depending on the specific situation, the lyophilized (freeze-dried under vacuum) drug can be dissolved in 0.9% sodium chloride solution, in water for injection or in 5% glucose solution. The concentration of immunoglobulin in any of these solutions is from 3 to 12%, depending on the volume used.

For patients receiving the drug for the first time, it should be administered as a 3% solution, and the initial infusion rate should be from 0.5 to 1 ml / min (approximately 10 to 20 drops per minute). In the absence of side effects during the first 15 minutes, the infusion rate can be gradually increased to 2.5 ml/min (approximately 50 drops per minute).

Patients who regularly receive and tolerate immunoglobulin can be administered the drug at higher concentrations (up to 12% in the flesh).

A separate dropper should always be used to administer the drug solution. Shaking the vial leading to pricing should be avoided. For administration, only a clear solution that does not contain particles can be used. After preparing the solution, the infusion should be done immediately. The remaining unused solution should be discarded.

Side effect. Side effects on immunoglobulin administration are more likely with the first infusion. They occur shortly after the start of the infusion or within the first 30 to 60 minutes. Possible headache, nausea, less often - dizziness; in rare cases - vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea (diarrhea). Hypotension or hypertension (low or high blood pressure) tachycardia (increased heart rate, feeling of tightness or pain in the chest, cyanosis (blue in the skin and mucous membranes), shortness of breath. Hyperthermia (fever), chills, increased sweating, feeling tired, malaise rarely - back pain, myalgia (muscle pain), numbness, hot flashes or a feeling of cold.In extremely rare cases, severe hypotension, collapse (a sharp decrease in blood pressure) and loss of consciousness were noted.

Most of the side effects are associated with a relatively high infusion rate and can be stopped (removed) by reducing it or temporarily stopping the infusion. In the event of severe side effects (severe hypotension, collapse), the infusion should be discontinued; the introduction of adrenaline, glucocorticoids, antihistamines and plasma-mixing solutions intravenously may be indicated.

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity to human immunoglobulins, especially in patients with IgA deficiency due to the presence of antibodies to IgA.

Release form. Lyophilized dry substance for infusion in vials (=1 dose) containing 0.5 g, 1 g, 3 g, 6 g, 10 g or 12 g of human immunoglobulin.

Storage conditions. List B. In a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding +25 C. The drug should not be frozen.

LEAKADIN (Leacadinum)

Pharmachologic effect. The drug has an immunocorrective effect (an action aimed at restoring the body's defenses). In addition to the immunostimulating effect (activation of the body's defenses), it helps to increase the cytotoxicity (damaging effect on cells) of killer cells (killer cells) and monocytes (blood cells with the maximum ability to capture and destroy pathogenic microbes), inhibition of tumor growth.

Indications for use. Leacadin is used in adults as an immunostimulating agent in combination therapy for oncological diseases.

Method of application and dose. Enter intravenously at the rate of 100-300 mg/m2 daily for 10-15 days.

Immediately before use, the contents of the vial are dissolved in 20-40 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution. If necessary, courses of treatment with Leacadin are repeated at 3-week intervals.

Side effect. Nausea, vomiting, leukopenia (a decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood), thrombocytopenia (a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood), and an increase in blood pressure are possible when using leacadin. In this case, the dose should be reduced or the drug discontinued.

Contraindications. Leakadin is contraindicated in leukopenia (below 3 * 109 / l), thrombocytopenia (below 12x109 / l), peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, hypertension stage II-III, thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the vein wall with their blockage) in the acute phase.

Release form. Lyophilized (dehydrated by freezing in a vacuum) powder in vials of 0.1 and 0.5 g and in ampoules of 0.1 g.

Storage conditions. List B. In a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding +5 ° C.

Levamisole (Levamisolum)

Synonyms: Adiaphor, Ascarid il, Casidrol, Decaris, Ergamizol, Ketrax, Levazol, Levoripercol, Levotetramizol, Nibutan, Sitraks, Tenizol, etc.

Pharmachologic effect. Initially, this drug was proposed as an antihelminthic.

Indications for use. In connection with these properties, levamisole was proposed for the treatment of various diseases, in the pathogenesis (in the mechanism of development) of which they attach importance to disorders of immunogenesis (the process of forming the body's defenses): primary and secondary immunodeficiency states (reduction or absence of the body's defenses), autoimmune diseases ( diseases, which are based on allergic reactions to the body's own tissues or waste products), chronic and recurrent (recurring) infections, tumors, etc.

The most studied effect of levamisole in rheumatoid arthritis (an infectious-allergic disease from the group of collagenoses, characterized by chronic progressive inflammation of the joints).

Method of application and dose. The drug belongs to the basic means (the main means of treatment), it acts with prolonged use; the effect develops slowly (starting from about the 3rd month). The drug is prescribed orally in a daily dose of 150 mg daily (sometimes given in intermittent courses for 3 subsequent days a week).

The therapeutic effect is also observed in patients with chronic nonspecific lung diseases receiving 150 mg of levamisole every other day or 100 mg per day. Pronounced clinical results and positive changes in immunological parameters are observed in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis (kidney disease) and pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidney tissue and renal pelvis) taking levamisole 150 mg 3 times a week.

The inclusion of levamisole (2-2.5 mg / kg per day for 3 days with intervals between courses of 5-6 days; only 2-4 courses) in complex antiulcer therapy favorably affects the clinical course and scarring of duodenal ulcers in patients with unfavorable , often recurrent (repeating) and protracted course of the disease. In addition to the unfavorable course of the disease, an indication for the use of the drug is a decrease in cellular immunity (a decrease in the number of T-lymphocytes, an increase in the number of B-lymphocytes / blood cells involved in the formation of tissue mechanisms responsible for maintaining the body's defenses /) in peripheral blood.

A positive effect is noted with the use of levamisole in the complex therapy of patients with difficult-to-treat forms of schizophrenia.

Levamisole as an immunostimulating drug can be effective in the complex therapy of various diseases. However, it must be used with caution and with appropriate indications, primarily with a proven decrease in the activity of the T-system of immunity. Doses should be carefully selected, since if the doses are exceeded, it is possible not to have an immunostimulating (activating the body's defenses), but an immunosuppressive (suppressing the body's defenses) effect, and in some cases from small doses of levamisole.

body, changes in taste sensations, dyspeptic symptoms (digestive disorders), olfactory hallucinations (changes in odors), allergic skin reactions, agranulocytosis (a sharp decrease in the number of granulocytes in the blood).

During treatment with levamisole, blood tests should be performed periodically (at least every 3 weeks).

Contraindications. The drug is contraindicated if, 10 hours after the first dose of 150 mg, the number of leukocytes (blood cells) decreases below 3 * 109 / l (or if the number of neutrophilic granulocytes / the type of blood cells responsible for the formation of the body's defenses) decreases up to 1*109/l).

Release form. Tablets of 0.05 and 0.15 g.

Storage conditions. List B. In a dark place.

LEUKOMAKS (Leukomax)

Synonyms: Molgramostin.

Pharmachologic effect. Leukomax has a certain immunotropic activity (affects the protective properties of the body); it stimulates the growth of T-lymphocytes (blood cells that take part in the formation of the cellular mechanisms of the body's defenses), but not B-lymphocytes (blood cells that take part in the formation of tissue mechanisms of the body's defenses). The main specific property of leukomax is its ability to stimulate leukopoiesis (the process of formation of leukocytes), therefore it is used as an antileukopenic (preventing a decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood) agent.

The creation of leukomax was an important contribution to the treatment of leukopenia (decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood). This drug is a recombinant (genetically engineered) human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (a factor responsible for the process of accumulation of blood cells at the site of microbial entry into the body). Thus, leukomax is an endogenous (formed in the body) factor involved in the regulation of hematopoiesis and the functional activity of leukocytes (blood cells). It stimulates the proliferation and differentiation of precursors of hematopoietic cells (an increase in the number and specificity of bone marrow cells), as well as the growth of granulocytes (a type of blood cells responsible for the formation of the body's defenses), monocytes (blood cells with a maximum ability to capture and destroy pathogenic microbes). ); increases the content of mature cells in the blood.

Indications for use. Patients with various infections, including AIDS; in the treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis (inflammation of the retina of the eye caused by cytomegalovirus - herpes virus) with ganciclovir in patients with AIDS.

Method of application and dose. Doses and scheme of administration of the drug depend on the indications and the course of the pathological process.

With leukopenia (decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood) caused by infections (including AIDS), the drug is prescribed at a dose of 1-5 mcg / kg once a day subcutaneously. In patients with AIDS who are being treated with zidovudine. or a combination of zidovudine and alpha-interferon, leukomax is prescribed at a dose of 1-3 mcg / kg subcutaneously. An increase in the number of leukocytes is noted after 2-4 days of treatment. In the future, to maintain the desired level of leukocytes (usually less than 10,000/mm3), the daily dose of Leukomax is adjusted every 3-5 days.

As an adjunct to ganciclovir treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis, leukomax is administered at a dose of 5 mcg/kg subcutaneously once daily. After the fifth dose of the drug is administered, its dose is adjusted to maintain the number of neutrophils and leukocytes in the blood at a sufficient level (the number of neutrophils is not less than 1000/mm3, the number of leukocytes is not more than 1000/mm3.

Leukomax solution should be prepared immediately before administration. To prepare a solution for subcutaneous administration, add 1 ml of bacteriostatic water for injection or sterile water for injection to the vial containing Leumax. Stir gently until the powder is completely dissolved. To prepare a solution for intravenous administration, dissolve the contents of each of the required number of vials of lyophilized (freeze-dried in vacuum) powder in 1 ml of sterile water for injection. The resulting solution of the drug is further diluted with saline or 5% glucose solution. Usually 25, 50 or 100 ml of solution is used so that the final concentration of leukomax in it is not less than 7 μg / ml. This solution of the drug is suitable for use for at least 24 hours after preparation (when stored in the refrigerator). To avoid the loss of leukomax as a result of adsorption (absorption) on the components of the infusion system, the following systems should be used: Travenol 2C001 intravenous infusion set, Intrafix Air and Infusioneret R87 Pluc (Germany), Supli (Souplix, France), Travenol C0334 and Steriflex (UK) , Intravis Air Euroclapp-ISO and Soluset (Spain) and Linfosol (Italy). The use of the Port-A-Kat (Pharmacy) system is not recommended due to the significant adsorption of leukomax on its components. It is recommended to use a low protein binding filter with a pore diameter of 0.2 to 0.22 µm (eg, MiliporeDurapore) in the Leukomax IV system. The color and homogeneity (absence of particles) of the leukomax solution should be visually assessed before its intravenous administration.

After dissolution in bacteriostatic water for injection, the leukomax solution can be used within a week if it is stored at a temperature of +2-+8 °C. Leukomax solution can be frozen, in this state it is stable for 28 days. The frozen drug can be thawed and re-frozen no more than twice.

After dissolution in sterile water for injection, leukomax should be used within 24 hours if stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of +2-+8 °C. Unused leukomax solution should be discarded.

Side effects and contraindications.

Release form. Lyophilized (dehydrated by freezing in a vacuum) powder in vials containing 50, 150, 400, 500, 700 or 1500 mcg of the drug.

Storage conditions. List B. In a place protected from light at a temperature of +2 to +8 ° C.

MYELOPID (Myelopidum)

Immunostimulating (activating the body's defenses) preparation of a peptide nature, obtained from a culture of mammalian bone marrow cells (pigs or calves).

Pharmachologic effect. In immunodeficiency states (decrease or absence of the body's defenses), the drug restores the parameters of the B- and T-systems of immunity, stimulates the production of antibodies (blood proteins formed in response to the ingestion of foreign proteins and toxins) and the functional activity of immunocompetent cells and helps to restore the rad other indicators of the humoral link of immunity (the tissue link of the body's defenses).

Indications for use. Myelopid is used in adults with secondary immunodeficiency conditions with a predominant lesion of the humoral immunity, including for the prevention of infectious complications after surgical interventions, injuries, osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone marrow and adjacent bone tissue) and other pathological processes accompanied by inflammatory complications, as well as for treatment of complications in non-specific pulmonary diseases, chronic pyoderma (purulent inflammation of the skin), etc. The use of myelopide is part of the complex therapy of these diseases.

Method of application and dose. Myelopid is injected under the skin at 0.003-0.006 g (3-6 mg) daily or every other day; per course - 3-5 injections. The duration of treatment and the total dose depend on the clinical results and indicators of the immunological status (the state of the body's defenses).

For injection, the contents of 1 or 2 ampoules (3 or 6 mg) are diluted immediately before use in 1 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution.

Side effect. When using myelopide, dizziness, weakness, nausea, hyperemia (redness) and pain at the injection site, fever are possible.

Contraindications. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant women in the presence of Rh conflict (inconsistency between the Rh factor of the pregnant woman and the fetus).

Release form. Freeze-dried (dehydrated by freezing in a vacuum) powder in hermetically sealed 10 ml vials containing 0.003 g (3 mg).

Storage conditions. List B. In a place protected from light at a temperature of +4 to +6 ° C.

SODIUM NUCLEINS (Natriinucleinas)

Synonyms: Sodium nucleic.

Pharmachologic effect. Sodium nucleinate has a wide spectrum of biological activity. It helps to accelerate the processes of regeneration (healing), stimulates the activity of the bone marrow, causes a leukocyte reaction (a change in the number of leukocytes in the blood), stimulates leukopoiesis (the process of formation of leukocytes), as well as natural immunity factors: migration and cooperation of T- and B-lymphocytes (movement and the association of blood cells responsible for maintaining the cellular and tissue defenses of the body), the phagocytic activity of macrophages (the capture and destruction of pathogens by macrophages /blood cells/) and the activity of nonspecific resistance factors (resistance).

Indications for use. Sodium nucleinate is used in complex therapy as an immunostimulating (activating the body's defenses) agent for diseases accompanied by the development of immunodeficiency (decrease or absence of the body's defenses), including leukopenia (decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood) and agranulocytosis (a sharp decrease in the number of granulocytes in blood). There is evidence of the effectiveness of the drug in the complex therapy of chronic pneumonia, herpetic keratitis (inflammation of the cornea caused by the herpes virus), viral hepatitis (inflammation of the liver tissue caused by a virus) and some other diseases.

Method of application and dose. Taken orally after meals. As an immunostimulating agent, adults are prescribed in daily doses of 1.0-1.5-2.0 g (in 3-4 doses). Duration of treatment - from 2 weeks. up to 3 months and more. Children are prescribed in the following doses: at the age of up to 1 year - 0.005-0.01 g per reception, from 2 to 5 years - 0.015-0.05 g, from 5 to 7 years - 0.05-0.1 g, from 8 to 14 years - 0.2-0.3 g 3-4 times a day. Elderly and senile persons with reduced immunological activity are prescribed 1.0-1.5 g per day for 2-3 weeks. 2 times a year (spring and autumn).

With agranulocytosis, leukopenia of various etiologies (causes), impaired phosphorus metabolism (phosphaturia, rickets, etc.) intramuscularly, 5-10 ml of a 2% or 5% solution, inside - 0.1-0.2 g 3-4 times a day day. The course of treatment is 10-15 days or more, depending on the course of the disease.

With herpetic keratitis, sodium nucleinate is taken orally and instillations (instillations) of a 3% solution into the conjunctival sac (into the cavity between the posterior surface of the eyelids and the anterior surface of the eyeball) of the eye 3 times a day are combined.

Treatment with sodium nucleinate is carried out under the control of the immune status (the state of the body's defenses).

Side effect. Pain at the site of intramuscular injection, sometimes bradycardia (decreased heart rate), shortness of breath, increased sweating, depression of the nervous system. When taken orally before meals, pain in the epigastric region may occur. Allergic reactions.

Contraindications. Hemoblastoses (leukemias and malignant lymphomas), organic diseases of the heart muscle with impaired conduction.

Release form. In dark glass bottles of 100 g.

Storage conditions. In a dry place.

PYROGENAL (Pyrogenalum)

Lipopolysaccharide formed during the vital activity of microorganisms Pseudomonasaeniginosa and others.

Pharmachologic effect. The drug has a pyrogenic effect (increases body temperature). The activity of the drug is determined biologically and expressed in MPD (minimum pyrogenic dose). 1 MPD is the amount of a substance that, when administered intravenously to rabbits, causes an increase in body temperature by 0.6 ° C or more.

By the nature of the action, it has elements of similarity with prodigiosan. The effect of pyrogenal on immunological processes has not been studied enough, but it is possible that its action is also associated with interferonogenic activity (activation of the body's defenses).

With the introduction of pyrogenal, along with an increase in body temperature, leukopenia (a decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood) is observed, which is replaced by leukocytosis (an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood), an increase in tissue permeability, including the blood-brain barrier (a barrier between blood and brain tissue), suppression of the development of scar tissue , improvement of regenerative processes in the nervous tissue, etc. The drug contributes to a better penetration of chemotherapeutic substances into the lesion.

Indications for use. Pyrogenal is used to stimulate recovery processes after injuries and diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system; for resorption of pathological scars, adhesions after burns, injuries, with adhesions in the abdominal cavity, in the complex therapy of patients with infectious diseases, especially with their protracted, recurrent course (reappearance of signs of the disease).

Pyrogenal is also used for some allergic diseases (bronchial asthma), psoriasis, chronic diffuse streptoderma (purulent skin disease), sclerotic processes in the bronchi, epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis) and prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland), with some persistent dermatoses (skin diseases - neurodermatitis / skin disease caused by dysfunction of the central nervous system /, urticaria, etc.), chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs and other diseases.

Pyrogenal is also used as an additional non-specific agent in the complex therapy of syphilis.

Method of application and dose. Enter intramuscularly 1 time per day. Injections are made every other day or at long intervals (2-3 days). Doses must be selected individually. The initial dose is 25-50 MPD. A dose is set that causes an increase in body temperature to 37.5-38 ° C, and it is administered until the temperature rise stops, after which the dose is gradually increased by 25-50 MPD. The maximum single dose for adults is 1000 MTD. The course of treatment consists of 10-30 injections; if necessary, repeat it. The break between courses should be at least 2-3 months.

In children, the dose is reduced according to age; start with the introduction of 5-15 MPD, gradually increasing the dose if necessary, but not exceeding 250-500 MPD. The course of treatment - 10-15 injections.

For patients with hypertension (persistent rise in blood pressure) and diabetes, the drug is prescribed in reduced doses, carefully increasing them.

In young children and persons over 60 years of age, pyrogenal should be administered with caution, starting with reduced doses and gradually increasing them only if the drug is well tolerated by patients.

Side effect. With an overdose of pyrogenal, some patients may experience chills, fever, headache, vomiting, and back pain. These reactions usually last 6-8 hours, after which the body temperature drops and the side effects disappear. In these cases, it is recommended to reduce the dose.

Contraindications. The drug should not be administered to patients with acute febrile (accompanied by a sharp rise in body temperature) diseases and pregnant women.

Release form. In ampoules containing 100, 250, 500 or 1000 MPD per 1 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution.

Storage conditions. In sealed ampoules in a place protected from light at a temperature of +2 to +10 °C.

POLUDANUM (Poludanum)

Pharmachologic effect. The drug has immunostimulating (activating the body's defenses) - interferonogenic activity, i.e., the ability to stimulate the production of endogenous (formed in the body) interferon and have an antiviral effect.

Indications for use. Used in adults with viral eye diseases.

Method of application and dose. Assign in the form of eye drops and injections under the conjunctiva (under the outer shell of the eye).

The solution is prepared by dissolving 200 μg (0.2 mg) of the powder in 2 ml of distilled water. Buried with conjunctivitis (inflammation of the outer shell of the eye) and superficial keratitis (superficial inflammation of the cornea) 6-8 times in the conjunctival sac (the cavity between the back surface of the eyelids and the anterior surface of the eyeball). As the inflammatory process subsides, the number of installations (instillations) is reduced to 3-4 per day.

For subconjunctival (under the outer shell of the eye) injections, dissolve 200 μg in 1 ml of sterile

water for injection and injected 0.5 ml (100 mcg) under the conjunctiva of the eye daily or every other day. The course of treatment is 15-20 injections. The drug is used only in a hospital (hospital).

Side effect. Not found.

Contraindications. Not installed.

Release form. In ampoules of 200 mcg (0.2 mg).

Storage conditions. In a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding +4 "C. The solution for installations can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

PRODIGIOSAN (Prodigiosanum)

High polymer lipopolysaccharide complex isolated from microorganisms.

Pharmachologic effect. It has a non-specific stimulating effect.

Indications for use. In the complex treatment of sluggishly healing trophic ulcers, to accelerate the development of granulations (the formation of connective tissue at the site of the wound surface), to eliminate tissue swelling after surgery.

Method of application and dose. Enter intramuscularly. The dose is set individually. For adults - 25-100 mcg (0.5-2 ml of a 0.005% solution) per injection. For children - starting from 10-20 micrograms, but not more than 50-75 micrograms.

Side effect. Fever, headache, general malaise.

Contraindications. Damage to the central nervous system, acute coronary insufficiency (discrepancy between blood flow through the heart arteries to the heart's need for oxygen), myocardial infarction.

Release form. Ampoules of 1 ml of 0.005% solution for injection in a package of 10 pieces.

Storage conditions. In a place protected from light at a temperature of +4 to +8 "C.

PROTEKTIN (Protectinum)

Pharmachologic effect. Immunostimulating (increasing immunity - the body's defenses) remedy.

Indications for use. Reducing the immunological resistance (resistance) of the body.

Method of application and dose. Inside, 1-2 (up to 4-6) capsules per day for 2 months.


Release form. Capsules containing: borage oil - 0.1 g, cod liver oil - 0.1 g, tocopherol (vit. E) - 0.0525 g, ascorbic acid (vit. C) - 0.165 g, beta-carotene 30% - 0.25 g, yeast with selenium 1000 mcg / g - 0.05 g, soybean oil - 0.0425 g, beeswax - 0.015 g.

Storage conditions. In a cool dry place.

Ribomunil (Ribomiuiilum)

Preparation based on fragments of microorganisms: pneumonic bacilli and diplococci, pyogenic (pyogenic) group A streptococci and hemophilic influenza.

Pharmachologic effect. Immunostimulating (increasing immunity - the body's defenses) means that increases specific and nonspecific immunity.

Indications for use. Recurrent (recurring) infections of the respiratory tract, bronchitis, ENT infections (prevention).

Method of application and dose. Inside, 3 tablets in the morning on an empty stomach 4 days a week for 3 weeks in the first month of treatment, in the next 5 months - 4 days a month.

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Release form. Tablets. One tablet contains 0.00025 g of ribosomes and 0.000375 g of membrane proteoglycans.

Storage conditions. In a cool dry place.

SOLKOTRIKHOVAK (Solcotrichovacum)

Pharmachologic effect. Suspension (suspension) of inactivated bacteria strains of Lactabacteriumacidofilum. It has an immunostimulating (increasing immunity / body defenses /) effect.

Indications for use. Female trichomoniasis (an infectious disease caused by Trichomonas urogenital), nonspecific bacterial vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina caused by bacteria).

Method of application and dose. Intramuscularly at a dose of 0.5 ml. Course - 3 injections with an interval of 2 weeks; a year later, another 0.5 ml is administered as a re-vaccination.

Side effect. Redness and swelling at the injection site, fever.


Release form. Solution for injection in ampoules of 0.5 ml in a package of 3 pieces. A 0.5 ml dose contains 7 x 109 killed bacteria and 0.25% phenol.

Storage conditions. In the refrigerator at a temperature of + 4- + S "C.

SOLKOUROVAK (Solcourovacum)

Pharmachologic effect. Polyvalent vaccine based on 6 different strains of E. coli, Proteusmirabilis, Proteusmorganii, Klebsiellapneumoniae, Streptococcus faecalis. It has an immunostimulating (increasing immunity - the body's defenses) effect.

Indications for use. Severe and acute recurrent (recurring) urinary tract infections: cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), pyelonephritis (inflammation of the tissue of the kidney and renal pelvis), bacterial prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland caused by bacteria), etc.

Method of application and dose. Intramuscularly, 0.5 ml 3 times with an interval of 1-2 weeks; revaccination (0.5 ml) after 1 year.

Side effect. Redness, feeling of tension, pain at the injection site, fever.

Contraindications. Acute infectious diseases, diseases of the hematopoietic system, liver damage, heart failure.

Release form. Lyophilized (freeze-dried in a vacuum) powder for the preparation of an injection solution in ampoules, complete with a solvent.

Storage conditions. In a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding +8 ° C.

TAKTIVIN (Tactivinum)

Synonyms: T-activin.

A preparation of a polypeptide nature, obtained from the thymus gland (thymus) of cattle.

Pharmachologic effect. Immunomodulating (affecting the body's defenses) agent. In immunodeficiency states (decrease or absence of the body's defenses), the drug normalizes the quantitative and functional parameters of the T-system of immunity (the system of cellular protective functions of the body), stimulates the production of lymphokines (general

the name of biologically active substances formed by cells involved in the implementation of the body's cellular defenses), including alpha- and gamma-interferon, restores the activity of T-killers (T-lymphocytes - blood cells involved in the formation of cellular mechanisms responsible for maintaining protective forces of the body), the functional activity of stem hematopoietic cells (cells from which blood cells are formed in the bone marrow) and normalizes a number of other indicators characterizing the tension of T-cell immunity (the system of cellular protective functions of the body).

Indications for use. It is used in adults with immunodeficiency states with a predominant lesion of the T-system of immunity that occur during infectious, purulent and septic processes (diseases associated with the presence of microbes in the blood), lymphoproliferative diseases (diseases associated with an increase in the formation of lymphoid cells): lymphogranulomatosis (malignant disease lymphoid tissue), lymphocytic leukemia (cancer of the lymphoid tissue); multiple sclerosis (a systemic disease of the membranes of the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord), tuberculosis, recurrent ophthalmic herpes (repeated signs of a viral disease of the eye tissues), psoriasis, etc.

Method of application and dose. Apply subcutaneously. Usually 1 ml of the drug (which is 40 mcg / m2 or 1-2 mcg / kg) is administered at bedtime 1 time per day daily for 5-14 days. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated.

In case of persistent immune disorders, taktivin is prescribed as a replacement for 5-6 days, followed by the administration of the drug once every 7-10 days.

With multiple sclerosis, the drug is used daily for 5 days, then 1 time in 5-14 days. The course of treatment is from 1 to 3 years. In severe cases of multiple sclerosis, taktivin is prescribed in combination therapy with corticosteroids.

For the treatment of surgical patients, taktivin is administered before surgery for 2 days and after it for 3 days.

In malignant neoplasms and autoimmune diseases, taktivin is prescribed for 5-6-day courses during breaks in specific therapy.

For the treatment of patients with recurrent ophthalmic herpes, 0.1 ml of the drug is administered (which is 10 μg / m2 or 0.1-0.2 μg / kg) per day with an interval of 1 day for 14 days. The course of treatment is repeated after 4-6 months.

Contraindications. Atopic form of bronchial asthma (nonspecific allergic bronchial asthma), pregnancy.

Release form. In vials of 0.01% solution of 1 ml (100 mcg).

Storage conditions. In a dry, dark place at a temperature of +2 to +7 "C.

THYMALIN (Thymalinum) Synonyms: Timarin.

A preparation of a polypeptide nature obtained by extraction (extraction) from the thymus gland (thymus) of cattle.

Pharmachologic effect. Restores immunological reactivity (the body's response to pathogenic stimuli, usually accompanied by the formation of protective properties of the body) - regulates the number and ratio of T- and B-lymphocytes (blood cells responsible for the formation of cellular and tissue defenses of the body) and their subpopulations, stimulates reactions of cellular immunity (cellular defenses of the body), enhances phagocytosis (the process of active capture and destruction by phagocytes / blood cells / pathogens), stimulates the processes of regeneration (recovery) and hematopoiesis in case of their inhibition, and also improves the processes of cellular metabolism (metabolism) .

Indications for use. It is used in adults and children as an immunomodulator (a substance that affects the body's defenses) and a biostimulant (a substance that increases metabolism, stimulates the body's defenses) in conditions and diseases accompanied by a decrease in immunity, including acute and chronic pyoinflammatory diseases of the bones and soft tissues; acute and chronic viral and bacterial infections; violation of regenerative (restorative) processes (bone fractures, burn disease and frostbite, trophic ulcers /slowly healing skin defects/, radiation necrosis of tissues /tissue necrosis due to radiation/, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum); bronchial asthma; multiple sclerosis (systemic disease of the membranes of nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord); obliterating endarteritis (inflammation of the inner lining of the arteries of the extremities with a decrease in their lumen); rheumatoid arthritis (an infectious-allergic disease from the group of collagenoses, characterized by chronic progressive inflammation of the joints); conditions associated with hypofunction (weakening of activity) of the thymus gland, with suppression of immunity and hematopoiesis after radiation therapy or chemotherapy in cancer patients and in other conditions.

They are also used to prevent infectious and other complications, in the post-traumatic and postoperative periods, during radiation or chemotherapy, when prescribing large doses of antibiotics.

Method of application and dose. Before injection, the contents of the vial are dissolved in 1-2 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution. The drug is administered intramuscularly daily in the following doses: adults - 5-20 mg (30-100 mg per course of treatment), children under 1 year old - 1 mg; 1-3 years - 1-2 mg; 4-6 years - 2-3 mg; 7-14 years - 3-5 mg for 3-10 days, depending on the severity of immunity disorders. If necessary, a second course of treatment is carried out (after 1-6 months).

For prophylactic purposes, the drug is used intramuscularly daily for adults at 5-10 mg, for children - 1-5 mg for 3-5 days.

Release form. Sterile lyophilized (freeze-dried in a vacuum) powder in 10 mg vials.

Storage conditions. In a dry place protected from light.

THYMOGEN (Thymogenum)

Pharmachologic effect. Thymogen is a synthetically produced dipeptide consisting of amino acid residues - glutamine and tryptophan. According to available data, the drug has an immunostimulating effect (activates the body's defenses) and enhances the nonspecific resistance (resistance) of the body.

Indications for use. In terms of indications for use, it is basically similar to other immunostimulants and is used in the complex therapy of adults and children with acute and chronic infectious diseases, accompanied by a decrease in cellular immunity, with inhibition of reparative (restorative) processes after severe injuries (bone fractures), necrotic processes ( necrosis

tissue), as well as in other conditions of immunodeficiency (decrease or absence of the body's defenses).

With a preventive purpose, it is used to prevent complications in infectious diseases, operations.

Method of application and dose. The drug is administered intramuscularly for 3-10 days in adults at 50-100 mcg (300-1000 mcg per course), children under 1 year old - 10 mcg, 1-3 years old - 10-20 mcg, 4-6 years old - 20-30 mcg, 7-14 years - 50 mcg. If necessary, repeat the course after 1-6 months.

Sometimes used intranasally (in the nose), 2-3-5 drops of a 0.01% solution in each half of the nose 2-3 times a day.

Side effect. Not found.

Contraindications. Not identified.

Release form. Lyophilized (dehydrated by freezing in a vacuum) powder or porous mass of 0.0001 g (0.1 mg = 100 μg) in glass hermetically sealed vials in a package of 5 or 10 pieces and a 0.01% solution in 5 ml vials. Also available as a 0.01% solution for injection in ampoules of 1 ml in a package of 5 pieces.

Storage conditions. List B. In a place protected from light at a temperature not higher than +20 ° C, ampoules - at a temperature not higher than +4 "C.

Timoptin (Thymoptinum)

Like thymalin and taktivin, thymoptin contains a complex of polypeptides from the thymus gland of mammals.

Pharmachologic effect. Immunostimulating (activating the body's defenses) agent.

Indications for use. By action and indications for use, it is similar to taktivin.

Method of application and dose. Enter under the skin. Before administration, the contents of 1 vial (100 μg) are dissolved in 0.5-1.0 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution. Assign adults at the rate of 70 mcg per 1 m2 of body surface (about 100 mcg). The course of treatment consists of 4-5 injections at 4-day intervals. If necessary, repeat courses are carried out, setting intervals depending on clinical and immunological parameters.

Contraindications. Individual intolerance to the drug. Pregnancy. In the presence of Rh conflict (discrepancy between the Rh factor of the pregnant woman and the fetus).

Release form. Lyophilized (freeze-dried in a vacuum) powder, 100 μg (0.0001 g) in hermetically sealed glass vials.

Storage conditions. List B. In a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding +20 ° C.

Tonsilgon (Tonsilgonum)

Pharmachologic effect. It has an immunostimulating (increasing immunity - the body's defenses) and antimicrobial effect.

Indications for use. Viral and bacterial infections, including for the prevention of complications arising after them; maintenance treatment with antibiotic therapy; recurrent (recurring) and chronic respiratory tract infections; susceptibility to infectious diseases and a decrease in immunity (the body's defenses) in childhood.

Method of application and dose. Inside, 2 tablets or 25 drops (teenagers - 1 tablet or 15 drops; young children - 10 drops; infants - 5 drops) 3-6 times a day.

Side effect. Not found.

Contraindications. Not identified.

Release form. Dragee in a package of 50, 100 and 200 pieces; drops in vials of 50 and 100 ml. One dragee contains: dry powder from marshmallow root - 0.008 g, chamomile flowers - 0.006 g, Cynosbatisine Semine fruits - 0.004 g, horsetail herb - 0.01 g, walnut leaf - 0.012 g, yarrow herb - 0.004 g, oak bark - 0.004 g and dandelion herbs -0.004 g. 100 g of drops contain 29 g of alcohol extract from 0.4 g of marshmallow root, 0.3 g of chamomile flowers, 0.4 g of Cynosbatisine Semine fruits, 0.5 g of horsetail herb, 0.4 g of walnut leaf , 0.4 g of yarrow herb, 0.2 g of oak bark and 0.4 g of dandelion herb.

Storage conditions. In a cool, dark place.

ESTIFAN (Estifanum)

Pharmachologic effect. Immunostimulating (increasing immunity - the body's defenses) remedy. Increases phagocytic activity (the level of activity of blood cells that actively capture and destroy pathogens) of neutrophils (blood cells) and macrophages (blood cells that can capture and destroy pathogenic microbes), potentiates (enhances) the production of interleukin-1 by macrophages, induces (causes ) transformation of beta-lymphocytes (blood cells involved in the formation of the body's defenses) into plasma cells (cells producing immunoglobulin - a specific protein involved in the formation of the body's defenses) and T-killer activity (activity of T-lymphocytes - blood cells involved in the formation of cellular mechanisms responsible for maintaining the body's defenses).

Indications for use. Immunodeficiency states (decreased immunity) in chronic recurrent (recurring) inflammatory diseases (chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, diseases of the upper respiratory tract / ear, throat, nose / etc.).

Method of application and dose. Inside, 1-2 tablets 3 times a day after meals. Course - 10-20 days with repetition in 2-3 weeks.

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Release form. Tablets of 0.2 g in a package of 10 and 30 pieces.

Storage conditions. In a dry place shielded from light.

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