What to do with birch buds. Birch buds - medicinal properties, use and contraindications. Useful properties and contraindications for women

Birch has always been famous for its inimitable, unique beauty, as well as its huge healing potential. Separate parts: bark, branches, leaves, tree sap, are actively used in traditional traditional medicine for treatment various diseases. Let us consider in more detail what birch buds are, what quality characteristics they possess.

Birch buds - description, composition, useful properties

The buds are located directly on the branches of the tree, contain essential balsamic oils, betulen, betulol, antioxidants, useful fatty acid, carotene, vitamins PP and C, flavonoids, resinous, tannins.

Saponin, which is part of the plant element, improves the outflow of urine and bile, coumarin, alkaloids dilate the heart vessels, stimulate, soothe nervous system, participate in metabolic processes. Phytoncides destroy pathogenic bacteria, act like natural antiseptic.

Prepare raw materials for cooking medicines need away from city highways, industrial zones, agricultural enterprises. The optimal collection period is from mid-January to April. Greatest Benefit have elements that have not opened, but have already swollen quite strongly.

You can collect shoots along with branches. It is recommended to dry them low temperatures(no more than 30℃) in a special dryer, well-ventilated area (so-called natural drying), away from direct sunlight. At higher temperature indicators they can germinate, which is undesirable.

It is better to store dried plants in paper bags, glass containers, fabric bags.

The use of birch buds in folk medicine

In the field folk therapy alcohol, oil tinctures are prepared from them, medicinal ointments, decoctions, teas. Herbal decoction is effective for the first manifestations of sore throat, beriberi. It is used to improve the mucosa with stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis. It relieves puffiness well, heals wounds, abrasions, bedsores.

Oil tincture based on shoots helps with, the ointment has a beneficial effect on the joints, relieves pain syndrome with rheumatism. Raw materials can be used to make cosmetic masks, add to hair shampoos.

Birch buds and leaves - is it possible for a child?

For the treatment of children, it is allowed to use infusions, decoctions in the format of rinses, baths, rubdowns with skin diseases, diseases of ENT organs. Internal intake of drugs based on birch buds is allowed only after prior consultation with the doctor.

Remember! Therapy with birch buds does not exclude, does not replace the usual drug treatment.

The medicinal properties of birch buds have been known for a long time: anti-inflammatory, diuretic, analgesic - and this is not the whole list. Birch itself is a unique plant:

in medicine and cosmetology, its leaves (young, early), buds, bark, juice, tar are used. A useful and proven remedy is propolis, a product of the processing of secretions from birch buds by bees.

Collection and harvesting of birch buds

For medical and cosmetic purposes, somewhat white, ribbed and drooping are used. From this medicinal properties birch buds do not change. It is necessary to collect raw materials at the moment of the onset of heat, when the juice begins to circulate through the tree. Depending on the region, this is the period from the beginning - mid-February to April. At the time of harvest, the buds should not be too swollen, and the branches should not be covered with leaves. It was then that the raw materials are rich in useful trace elements. For you need to cut the branches and lay them out thin layer in a ventilated area. It can be an attic or a shed. After a while, the kidneys are stripped by running a hand along the branch. Raw materials sifted through a sieve should be stored in paper bags.

Healing properties of birch buds

Birch buds- folk recipes

  • In diseases of the joints (arthritis, arthrosis, ankylosis), gout and rheumatism, a decoction of birch buds is effective. 1 tsp raw materials are poured with 200 ml of boiling water, boiled over low heat for 10 minutes, after which the broth is wrapped and infused for an hour. You need to take it after filtering 50 ml three to five times a day.
  • A tincture with anti-inflammatory and strong analgesic properties is prepared from the buds of drooping birch and (speck). Incredibly effective for non-healing infected wounds and infectious prostatitis. The method of preparation is quite simple: equal parts of crushed poplar and birch buds (total volume 1 cup) are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and infused for 21 days. Inside, 20 drops diluted in water are taken. For external use, compresses are used on the perineal area. The course of treatment is 21 days, 7 days off.
  • Ointment from birch buds is used for inflammation and pain in the joints, in the lower back, with non-healing wounds. Preparing it is troublesome, but as a result you will get a large amount of an excellent painkiller and bactericidal agent that will last for a long time. For cooking, you need 1 glass of kidneys and 0.5 kg of pork internal fat or butter. The raw materials are folded into a heat-resistant dish in layers of 2 cm, tightly closed with a lid and left overnight in the oven at 100 degrees. In the morning, the mass should be slightly cooled and filtered. The ointment is ready.

Other medicinal properties of birch

  • Cleansing the body of toxins can be done with the help of wraps from young birch leaves, which are crushed to extract juice and laid out on a sheet. You can put them in cloth bags. Then the body is wrapped in a sheet or lined with filled bags. The procedure is accompanied profuse sweating, runny nose, lacrimation.
  • With dermatitis in the groin and under the arms, accompanied by itching and bad smell, a mixture of birch bark powder (bark) and lemon juice. Almost a week later daily use the smell problem will be solved.
  • And, of course, you should pay attention to the removal of toxins and the activation of metabolism in the body. An indispensable tool for this is birch sap or kvass prepared on its basis. Birch juice is a natural natural antioxidant.
  • And for weight loss and the fight against cellulite, a bath with a birch broom is excellent. These procedures are general health and strengthening for the body.

Treatment with birch buds: contraindications

Recommendations of doctors - that's what you need to be guided by before self-medicating. Even such harmless remedies as folk recipes have side effects. For example, an infusion or decoction of birch buds can irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and kidneys, so their long-term use is not recommended. It is strictly forbidden to use kidneys in any form for pregnant and lactating women.

Affordable natural remedy, which can help in the treatment of many diseases - birch buds. Their collection coincides with the beginning of sap flow. This type of remedy is available to almost everyone. Dried kidneys can always be purchased at the pharmacy chain.

This is an ecological product. People have long noticed the healing properties of birch buds. After swelling, they are cut from the branches and dried under awnings. Dried, suitable for cooking medicinal products, or for preventive measures.

The process of collecting birch buds

It occurs in the spring before the opening of the kidneys. It starts around the second half of April and lasts until the first days of May. When collecting, the main thing is that the swollen buds are not open. Gathering in more early period does not bring positive therapeutic effect from infusions and decoctions, since they do not have sufficient healing properties.

The process of collecting buds from a tree is carried out manually, or branches are cut and then they are taken. buds are dark brown. Their basis in some cases is greenish tint. If you rub a birch bud in your hands, you will feel a balsamic smell. They taste resinous, with a barely noticeable astringent property.

Important! You should not collect buds from birch trees located within the city, near large factories and highways with high traffic. If these requirements are met, then collected material will be suitable from the point of view of environmental cleanliness.

Drying takes place under sheds or in specially constructed dryers. The temperature in such dryers should be about 28 degrees. Dried kidneys are packaged in paper bags or glass containers.

The biochemical composition determines birch buds. Even the use of a bath broom made of birch allows you to feel the aroma that fills the steam room. The composition is identical to unblown birch buds. They have a significant amount:

  • fatty acids;
  • butylene acid:
  • tannins;
  • betulol;
  • betulen;
  • flavonoids;
  • minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium).

The use of kidneys in folk medicine

Treatment with preparations from dried kidneys is carried out both by traditional medicine and traditional. Specially prepared infusions can be taken as a diuretic, for pain relief, for disinfection, and as a remedy for wounds. residents temperate latitudes they were used as a way to remove worms and remove inflammatory reactions organism.

Even some forms of staphylococci and purulent infections lose their ability current membership tincture of birch buds. This makes it possible to treat serious purulent diseases: mastitis, peritonitis, furunculosis and phlegmon.

Preparations based on birch buds have a good decongestant property. Their ability to increase diuresis prevents the occurrence of edema from insufficient work of the heart muscle.

Important! At inflammatory processes in the bronchi and trachea, infusions are used as an additional remedy for expectoration of accumulated mucus.

For hygiene purposes, they are used for taking baths.

Recipes for tinctures from birch buds

Which should be taken orally is prepared as follows. Grind 30 g of kidneys. Place them in a container with 150 ml of 70% alcohol or plain vodka. Place this mixture in a dark, cool place, and a couple of times a day, shaking, insist for 3 weeks. Express the composition, and take orally half a tablespoon diluted with the same amount of water.

Tincture, applied externally, is prepared by mixing 50 g of crushed birch buds and 300 ml of medical alcohol. After a week of exposure to the composition - the tincture can be used. It is used in the form of compresses and rubbing for pain relief with:

  • gouty attacks, rheumatism;
  • bedsores and ulcers;
  • various diseases of the joints;
  • eczema;
  • myositis;
  • and diseases of the oral cavity.

Using birch bud ointment

It rubs the affected joints. Recipes for preparing ointments differ in components and the way they are prepared.

  1. It will take 700 g of butter and about the same volume of kidneys. Transfer them to a metal, clay container in 1 cm layers. Then cover the container with a lid and place in the oven for 20 hours to warm up. Remove the mixture from the oven and add half a teaspoon of camphor. After that, the finished ointment can be used.
  2. Boil birch buds in boiling water. In the cooled add lanolin. After it solidifies, water is drained, which rises up. The rest is the ointment itself. It can be applied immediately.

Treatment and prescriptions for various diseases

The composition of birch buds is rich in several types of vitamins and, moreover, has antibacterial properties.


They are used to treat colds and respiratory diseases. To do this, in this way: 1 tsp. unblown buds are poured with boiling water and boiled in a water bath for several minutes. This infusion can be rinsed sore throat or consumed for general health benefits in place of regular tea.

Tincture for laryngitis and bronchitis

The infusion works well when taken by patients with laryngitis, and even tuberculosis with closed form. For this, an infusion prepared as follows is used:

  • place a squeeze of dried or fresh birch buds in 120 g of medical alcohol;
  • within 3 weeks to insist;
  • take orally three times a day before the main meal, 20 drops.

Important! If at the same time there are any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then the composition is diluted with water.

For joint pain

Such a tincture is suitable for rubbing painful joints, or for alleviating the condition with minor soft tissue bruises. Lubricating the affected area 2 times a day, you can eliminate the pain syndrome.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

For digestive problems (in particular, indigestion), you need to drink tincture of birch buds and vodka 25-30 drops up to 5 times a day. This will relieve spasmodic pain.

The inhabitants of Siberia use a tincture of birch buds from worms: pinworms and roundworms. It is necessary to take 6 times a day, 20 drops of tincture. Treatment of problems Bladder carried out both with water decoction and alcohol infusion.

Baths from decoctions of birch buds

There are preventive medical measures with the help of fitovann. To do this, pour a couple of glasses of a strong decoction of birch buds into the water for a bath. It will also help relieve the itching that occurs with dermatitis and eczema.


For wound healing measures, compresses from infusions of birch buds are used. This requires 1 tbsp. l. birch buds, pour a glass of boiling water. After cooling down to room temperature the infusion will be suitable for this procedure.

Soak two layers of gauze in the solution and apply to the wound. Polyethylene is applied over the gauze and covered with a towel. After 2-4 hours, the compress can be removed. The ability of the kidneys to provide regenerative properties to skin cells will help speed up healing. To provide this effect, you can also use ointment from birch buds.

Contraindications to the use of birch buds

The medicinal properties of birch buds and contraindications for the use of medicinal products based on them have long been established. Even considering the fact that they help with many diseases, for some patients this remedy is not recommended for use:

  1. Preparations containing components obtained from birch buds should not be used by women during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding.
  2. With extreme caution, such drugs should be taken by people with diseases of the urinary system and kidney problems.

The healing properties of birch buds, as well as contraindications for their use, have long been studied by people, and not only on folk experience, but scientific medicine. Currently, you can easily buy this medicinal natural raw material in a pharmacy, but you can also collect it yourself.

At home, on the basis of this product, infusions, decoctions, oil and alcohol tinctures, lotions and ointments are made. It is worth noting that in Ancient Russia practiced the use of this raw material for food.

The kidneys were added to soups, okroshka, salads, casseroles, pickles, meat, fish and vegetable dishes as a seasoning and natural preservative. However, the main purpose of this raw material was precisely in medicinal purposes. But what is the use of this raw material? What diseases is it used for? Can kidneys cause any harm to the human body?

Rules for the procurement of raw materials

There are about 65 types of wood. But in medicinal purposes not only buds are used, but also foliage, bark, sap of such birch species as fluffy, flat-leaved, drooping, squat. All these species are widespread in the European part of Russia, so anyone can collect them.

Can be purchased already collected raw materials in the pharmacy. An important condition industrial harvesting is that it be carried out in sanitary places in agreement with the forestry, without causing damage to nature.

It is necessary to collect this valuable product at the very beginning of spring when sap flow begins in the trees. But useful elements in the kidneys are able to persist until the arrival of winter. In winter, they can be collected when cutting down birch.

But how to properly collect kidneys? They need cut together with young twigs. Cut branches are tied into a bundle and dried in a dry, ventilated area. Drying should last for 3-4 weeks. Dry kidneys emit pleasant aroma, have Brown color, are easily threshed. You need to remove them manually or thresh dry twigs, clearing them of earrings and leaves.

Beneficial features raw materials are stored for 2 years. To store them you need pack in linen bags and store in a dry place.

The medicinal properties of this product are explained by its unique chemical composition. Birch buds contain:

During steam distillation, the raw material is able to give good exit essential oil. It is a liquid yellow color resinous aroma and taste. Essential oils are quite common used in cosmetology and dermatology.

The pharmacological actions of the kidneys are as follows:

  • choleretic;
  • antiseptic;
  • diuretic;
  • expectorant;
  • disinfectant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • blood-purifying;
  • hematopoietic;
  • pathogenic.

AT recent times quite often talk about antitumor properties birch buds. That is why they are often found in folk recipes for the treatment of malignant and benign tumors.

Indications for use

Natural raw materials are used in the following cases:

The most positive reviews were collected by the treatment of diseases with this birch raw material. gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. In pharmacology, drugs based on them are used as a diuretic and choleretic.

Contraindications for use

There are also contraindications to the use of birch buds:

Quite rare, but still found allergic reaction on that plant component due to its irritating effect. At the same time, it appears itching, redness skin and burning.

Folk recipes

It should be noted that the use of kidneys in traditional medicine officially recorded in the protocol for the treatment of many diseases. First of all, they act as a diuretic, antiseptic, choleretic agent.

Exists many different folk methods treatment with this natural raw material. But how to cook effective medicine based on this component at home?

Decoction and infusion. Such drugs are used internally and externally in various dosages and concentrations.

Step by step preparation of infusion from the kidneys:

  • take one tablespoon of raw materials;
  • pour raw materials with one glass of boiling water;
  • let the tincture brew for 2 hours.

The resulting infusion is quite effective. anti-inflammatory and diuretic means.

Step by step preparation of a decoction of the kidneys:

  • Take one teaspoon of raw materials.
  • Pour the kidneys with one glass of boiling water.
  • Boil for 2 minutes.
  • Let the decoction brew for half an hour.

Before using the decoction must be strained. In addition, decoctions of buds and leaves are used as therapeutic baths with extensive lesions of the skin, as well as with rheumatic diseases. To do this, you need to take a large amount of raw materials: for 10 liters of water, 1 kg of birch buds.

How is the decoction taken? water infusion? Infusions and decoctions should be drunk warm. The decoction is drunk in the following dosage: ¼ cup 3 times a day before meals. Infusions can be drunk after meals in the scheme: half a cup 6 times a day. Dosage and course of treatment should be established by a specialist.

The treatment regimen will depend on the age and diagnosis of the patient. Stronger infusions and decoctions can be used externally as a gargle, mouthwash, lotions. For the treatment of children are used less concentrated solutions. Ready-made medicines based on birch raw materials are stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

How to make a tincture

Tincture based on birch buds is considered to be an external antiseptic. It is also prescribed for oral administration for digestive disorders, stomach ulcers, dropsy, kidney disease and also as a remedy for worms.

The tincture is good at stopping vomiting, reduce rheumatic and muscle pain with compresses and rubbing.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Take four tablespoons of kidneys.
  2. Fill the kidneys with 500 ml of vodka or 70% alcohol.
  3. Let it brew in a warm room for at least a week.

Ready tincture is accepted one teaspoon before meals, but before that it must be diluted in a small amount water.

home ointment

At home, on the basis of birch buds, you can prepare an ointment.

For this:

The finished ointment can be stored in the refrigerator, it is capable of well relieve swelling, pain and inflammation. Can be used as a wound healing medicine.

Methods of application for men, women and children

For women, birch buds are a useful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and general tonic.

They are capable good for purifying the blood, restore general state after childbirth, normalize metabolism, are prescribed for hormonal disorders in the premenopausal period, as well as in case of failure of the menstrual cycle.

Once again, it is worth noting that during pregnancy and lactation, products containing birch buds are contraindicated due to the resins present in it, as well as local irritating effects.

For men, the remedy is quite effective. in diseases of the male urogenital area. The kidneys help relieve inflammation and pain in prostatitis. Infusions and decoctions are rubbed into the scalp in order to treat and prevent baldness.

Doctors prescribe decoctions for children in diseases of the urinary system and cough. Funds are also used as a moderate anthelmintic drug with pinworms and roundworms.

Birch buds are effective folk remedy in diseases genitourinary system, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases different nature, rheumatic pains. This strong natural antiseptic is widely used in cosmetology, dermatology, dentistry and otolaryngology.

How to collect birch buds for the preparation of healing decoctions, medicinal tinctures and for what health problems they are contraindicated in folk and official medicine, you will learn from this article.

Birch is the most popular tree in Russia. This has been noted for a long time. And this is not at all surprising, because all around in the life of the people there were birch brooms, they collected juice. Today, not only folk, but also official medicine uses birch raw materials for the production of various medicines.

When to Collect

The collection of kidneys takes place at a time when they only began to swell. This is just the time when they begin to collect the first. It is very important to collect everything in time, if the kidneys were collected earlier, there will be no sense of healing from them. This is due to the fact that they do not yet have so many useful substances. Dry the raw material outdoors or in special dryers.

Collection rules

What you need to remember is that you need to harvest the kidneys while observing certain rules collection. It is not recommended to do this in rainy weather. Carefully cut the branches so as not to damage the tree. Of course, it is better to cut from several trees, and not from one.

Another thing to remember is that the shelf life is two years. Those who like to take a steam bath know what comes from a birch broom nice smell, because it stands out essential oil. The same effect is obtained from birch buds.

Healing properties of birch buds

Birch buds give a lot of useful medicinal properties to decoctions, tinctures. Beneficial for children and adults and have not so many contraindications.

The healing properties of this tree are recognized official medicine. The most valuable thing that you can get from a birch is the juice, which remarkably cleans the blood, and its kidneys - they are included in a large number of recipes for healing from various ailments. Birch buds will help get rid of many diseases.

  1. Content a large number phytoncides and flavonoids, resinous substances and vitamins has a strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent.
  2. Remove toxins.
  3. Compresses from birch buds are excellent for wound healing.
  4. They have a strong diaphoretic property. Helps to quickly cope with a cold.
  5. Diuretic action.
  6. Anthelmintic effect.
  7. Blood cleanser.
  8. Effective for oral problems.
  9. Relieve joint pain.
  10. Help to get rid of skin itching with dermatitis and have positive influence with eczema.
  11. Used for therapeutic and cosmetic baths.
  12. They have expectorant properties. For bronchitis and laryngitis alcohol tincture helps to quickly get rid of problems.
  13. Improve the condition of the hair.
  14. Get rid of wrinkles, improve the condition of the skin with acne.

Chemical composition

Concerning chemical composition kidneys, so here is a full storehouse of healing substances:

  • Iron
  • Carotene
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin C
  • Resinous substances
  • Tannins
  • Healing essential oil


Birch buds also have some contraindications, like any natural substances.

  1. They are not advised to take kidney failure and exacerbations of diseases of the urinary system.
  2. It is better not to use them for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. Do not use them with individual intolerance.
  4. Children under 14 only by prescription.

by the most the best option will consult a doctor before taking medicines using birch buds, in order to avoid any problems.

The use of birch buds in folk medicine

In folk medicine it great medicine in case of fatigue during hard physical and intense mental work to increase efficiency, it is a decoction of fresh or dry birch buds. To do this, you need a glass of water, birch buds plus the roots of Rhodiola rosea (one teaspoon each). Boil the mixture and leave for an hour. Cool and strain. Use a whole glass three times a day, you can add honey for sweetness. Here is a preventive colds, as well as replenishing the body with missing vitamins in the spring.

Tincture of birch buds on alcohol or vodka

  • Just like a regular tincture, alcohol is intended for use with colds, poor appetite, bronchitis, pulmonary and other diseases.
  • The tincture effectively improves the condition of a stressed person.
  • For men, it is also useful to drink a decoction as it helps with prostatitis.
  • In addition to numerous advantages, this miraculous raw material also has contraindications.


An alcohol tincture is made. To do this, 30 grams of raw materials per 1 liter of 70 ° alcohol are infused for about a month in a darkened dish in a warm place, shaking from time to time. Take 15 - 20 drops per st. l. cool water three times a day for the same diseases as " birch tea».

Tincture from the common cold and sinusitis

Effective effective remedy from severe runny nose and sinusitis - washing with diluted propolis - birch tincture. 10 grams of crushed propolis, half a glass of kidneys, pour half a glass of alcohol and leave to infuse in a dark place for two to three weeks. Shake the mixture every day.

For washing the nose in a glass of tepid boiled water 15 drops of the resulting tincture, add half a small spoonful of salt and drinking soda. After dissolution, we wash the sinuses.

Sometimes vodka tincture compresses are used to treat a runny nose. But here you have to be very careful. Heating can damage various problems, outwardly manifested by a runny nose.

Tea or decoction

Tea well helps to fight with roundworms and pinworms. Healing decoction, he is birch tea, prepared like this. One tsp kidneys are boiled in a glass of water for a short time (two to three minutes). After cooling completely, it must be carefully filtered. Drink three times a day for 200 - 250 ml with the following body problems:

  • stomach ulcer
  • Diseases of the duodenum
  • Any other digestive system disorders
  • kidney disease
  • Stones in the body
  • Skin diseases
  • Edema of a different nature
  • Rheumatism

From cough

  1. Birch bud tincture for adults for cough is prepared in advance and stored in a cool, dark place. For cooking medicinal tincture we take 15 g of kidneys per 500 ml of alcohol. Fill and leave for two weeks in a warm place. Shake the bottle every two or three days. If necessary, take a solution of 25 - 30 drops per half glass warm water three times a day.
  2. Excellent helps with an already wet cough decoction. Two large spoons of raw materials are poured with freshly boiled water in the volume of one full glass and boiled for 15 minutes. After straining, drink two tablespoons three times a day.
  3. There is a great recipe wet cough. You need to take a dessert spoon of buds, flowers chamomile and honey. Pour chamomile with a glass of boiling water, separately brew the kidneys with a glass of boiling water. We insist a quarter of an hour, carefully filter, combine together and put honey in a warm infusion. You need to drink the remedy 3-4 times a day, 3 large spoons after each meal.

With cough honey

2 large spoons of kidneys are mixed with 50 grams of butter. Bring to a boil and simmer under the lid on the smallest fire for an hour. Strain while still warm, squeeze and add 0.2 kg of liquid honey. To mix everything. Drink 1 large spoon 4 times a day.

With gastritis

One of the easiest to use and effective means, in the treatment of gastritis - a decoction of birch buds. A small spoonful of kidneys is poured into half a glass of boiling water (for lack of it, they take 2 tablespoons of birch leaves). Infuse for an hour and drink two large spoons three times a day.

From lamblia

From edema

  1. From edema in kidney diseases, tincture helps: 30 grams of birch buds per liter of alcohol (70%). Insist at least two weeks better month. They drink a diluted tincture three times a day (20 drops per large spoonful of boiled water) half an hour before meals. The course takes up to three months.
  2. Decoctions of birch buds quickly relieve swelling, if they have cardiac origin. A small spoonful of kidneys is poured with a whole glass of boiled water and kept in the bath for a quarter of an hour. After an hour, filter and bring the volume to the original, boiled water. Take ¼ cup four times a day strictly before meals.

Tincture from papillomas

  1. Papillomas on the mucous membranes are treated only by taking the tincture inside. It is prepared from 20 grams of kidneys per floor - a glass of vodka or alcohol. Infused for about a month glass jar in a dark place. Ready infusion strain and squeeze. Drink 20 - 30 drops per large spoonful of boiled cooled water three times a day for 20 -30 minutes before meals.
  2. Papillomas and warts on the skin are treated with tincture for external use. To do this, for 1 part of the kidneys - 5 parts of high-quality vodka or alcohol. Let it brew for a week. Once medicinal tincture will acquire a dark cognac color, you can begin to lubricate the papillomas. After three days, they will darken and dry out. If this does not happen, you need to contact a specialist doctor.

The use of birch buds for women, men, children

For women

Remedies from birch buds quickly restore women Health, solve problems in gynecology, cleanse the blood and normalize metabolism. They are prescribed to restore the balance of hormones, in case of cycle failures and in the premenopausal period.


The funds are effective in the treatment of diseases of the male genital area, relieve inflammation and pain in prostatitis. Men involved in the prevention of baldness rub infusions or decoctions into the hair roots.


As for children, the instructions on the pack say that children under 12 years of age should not use it. Only a specialist can prescribe a decoction or tincture for internal reception. The doctor can prescribe it in the treatment of cough, diseases urinary tract as an anthelmintic.

Children do not like the taste, the decoction of the kidneys is bitter. For external use, only individual intolerance can be a limitation. Even babies are bathed in a decoction bath, which helps to rid the child of diaper rash. Bury infusions in the nose, rinse the throat and mouth.

For hair

  • A decoction that strengthens hair is prepared from 2 small spoons of birch leaves and 2 small spoons of buds. All pour half a liter of water and boil for 20 minutes. Curls are washed with a strained product in a warm form, which will very soon gain strength and delight their hostess with brilliance and beauty.
  • The hair mask revitalizes and slightly brightens the hair. For cooking, we take half a liter of alcohol, a glass of birch buds, a large spoon olive oil and a few drops of lemon oil (essential natural). First, we insist the kidneys on alcohol for a week in the dark. For the mask, each time we take a large spoonful of tincture and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Lubricate the strands of hair from roots to ends and after half an hour rinse with warm water.

Birch ointment for the treatment of joints

To cook it you need natural, really fresh, butter and earthenware or ceramic dishes. Kidneys, oil and again kidneys and the same amount of oil are placed in it in layers as thick as a finger. Then the dishes should be closed with a lid, close the gap with dough and placed for 24 hours in medium dry heat, but not higher than 90 ° C. For this, both a preheated oven and a preheated oven are suitable.

Before use, the ointment must be thoroughly squeezed out, then rubbed into the sick or aching joints overnight, wrap thick cloth and secure with a bandage. Unfortunately, the ointment is not stored for a long time, so it will not work to prepare it “for the future”.

From allergies

Birch buds with their medicinal properties can be used in the treatment of birch pollen allergy. They are used to teach the body not to react to the allergen by taking baths with a decoction of a very small concentration.

Attention! The decoction is used only for taking baths, in no case should it be taken orally.

They take procedures every two to three days for several minutes. The first bath decoctions are prepared from a small pinch (several buds) in a full glass of water. Brew, allow to cool and pour the filtered infusion into the bath.

Such therapeutic baths begin to take in the winter and closely monitor the state of health. If it appears backlash- stop baths immediately and wash everything off clean water. Usually everything goes well and without consequences.

But, each organism is individual. The concentration is increased very gradually. Baths are not taken during flowering. You need to start in advance, only then the body will get used through minimum doses to the allergen and stop reacting to it.

Herbal collection: chamomile, St. John's wort, immortelle for weight loss

The internet is full positive feedback about the collection of herbs (chamomile, immortelle and St. John's wort plus birch buds) for weight loss. parting with extra pounds due to good cleansing effect herbal collection. This collection is also called Tibetan, although this is not entirely true. This composition its properties are similar to those herbs that are commonly used in Tibet. Since we don't have these, they have been replaced with our local medicinal herbs.

For cooking medical collection, take in equal quantities: St. John's wort, buds, immortelle and chamomile flowers, everything is mixed. Herbs can be easily bought at a pharmacy (the price is quite reasonable) or collected by yourself. For a decoction, take 2 large spoons of a mixture of herbs, pour into a liter thermos, pour boiling water over everything. It is better to insist all night.

Take 0.1 l after three times a day. Drink a month, then two - three months break. Then you can repeat.

These are our familiar birch buds: medicinal properties and contraindications. They can be used not only for cosmetic, but also for medicinal purposes. In the spring, when the sun warms and sap flow begins, it's time to collect this natural healing agent given to us by nature.

That's all for today, good health to all Have a good mood. I look forward to seeing you again on Marivlad's blog.

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