How to use essential oils: ways to use at home. Breeding essential oils for topical use. Massage, reflex massage and rubbing

Essential oils are distilled pure essences extracted from fruits, peels, twigs, leaves or flowers of plants. They are used in aromatherapy and promote emotional and physical relaxation. Essential oils can be used in a variety of ways: applied to the body in the form of an oil-based or water-based liquid, inhaled with a diffuser, or diffused as a spray in combination with other substances. In this article will be discussed about how to apply essential oils.


Oil selection

    Evaluate the quality of oils before buying. Since you will be using the oil around the house and applying it to your skin, it is in your best interest to buy quality oil. There are no specific standards for essential oils, so it is important to consider several factors when choosing.

    Consider the chemotype of the oil. Some manufacturers offer different variants the same essential oil. At different types, or chemotypes, a different smell - this is influenced by climate, soil and plant growing conditions, as well as other factors. The advantage of choosing a specific chemotype is the ability to obtain different solutions depending on personal preference.

    Pay attention to the packaging. Essential oils quickly lose their properties when exposed to light and heat. The oil should be packaged in a dark (usually brown) glass bottle and sealed tightly. Don't buy open oils or oils that have been exposed to light or heat. .

Dilution of essential oils for topical use

    Remember that essential oils should not be consumed internally. Some oils can cause poisoning and some can even cause death, so do not eat or drink essential oils. They can be applied to the skin, but most oils must be diluted first.

    Decide which application is right for you. Essential oils can be diluted in oil or water for use in a diffuser, or mixed with other substances (such as bath salts). Decide what you will do with the oil before diluting it.

    If you want to apply the oil to the skin, it can be diluted in a special oil or water. Almond, apricot, grape, jojoba and avocado oils are suitable for dissolving essential oils. These oils have a low odor, so they won't overpower the scent of essential oils. You can also dilute oils in water. Before you do this, decide how you will use the oils.

    Use undiluted essential oils. Some experts believe that undiluted oil should not be applied to the skin, as this can cause irritation and discomfort. However, research indicates that such use is sometimes justified. For example, one study found that applying undiluted oil tea tree twice a day helps fight fungal nail infections. Before using the oil in this way, seek the advice of an experienced aromatherapist.

The use of essential oils as natural medicines

    Get rid of headaches with essential oils. Essential oils can fight minor headaches. Dilute the oil for use on a small area of ​​the body, then apply the mixture to the forehead, temples and back of the neck. Rub the oil into the skin in smooth, circular motions while breathing deeply. The oils of the following plants best cope with headaches:

    Treat acne with tea tree oil. Essential oils can help treat acne and are a great alternative to the harsh chemicals found in creams and acne medications. One study found that 5% tea tree oil gel was as effective in fighting acne as was benzoyl peroxide, which is often found in acne creams. varying degrees impact.

    • To make your own gel, add five drops of tea tree oil to a teaspoon of aloe vera gel. Mix thoroughly and apply to acne with your fingers or cotton swab. Store the mixture in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator for up to a week.
  1. Treat insomnia with lavender, chamomile and sage oils. The oils themselves will not save you from insomnia or its causes, but these relaxing oils will help you fall asleep faster and sleep until the morning. Best of all, lavender (relaxes), chamomile (is a natural sedative) and sage (has hypnotic properties) fights against insomnia.

    • If you have a diffuser, turn it on before bed and add a couple of drops of lavender, chamomile, or sage oil.
    • You can also add a few drops of oil to your bath or rub the solution on your legs and feet before bed.
    • Remember that some oils (such as rosemary, cypress, grapefruit, lemon, and peppermint) can stimulate activity, so it's best not to use them in the evening.
  2. Fight stress with essential oils. Perhaps most often, oils are used for relaxation and soothing. Essential oils have a positive effect on emotional condition a person, since the odor receptors are associated with the human limbic system, that is, with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain that is responsible for emotions, memory and sexual arousal. by the most effective oils the following are considered:

    • Lavender has a calming rich, sweet smell and is popular for its ability to relax the body on a physical and emotional level.
    • Frankincense oil has a warm and exotic scent that helps relieve stress.
    • Rose oil fights stress as well as depression and sadness.
    • Chamomile oil, especially the roman variety, helps with stress caused by anxiety, as well as paranoia and feelings of hostility.
    • Vanilla oil is known for its medicinal properties. Many people find the smell of vanilla soothing, and some aromatherapists explain this by saying that the smell of vanilla is as close as possible to the smell of mother's milk. Vanilla promotes serenity and promotes clear thinking.
  3. Beat snoring with thyme essential oil. This essential oil is effective in fighting snoring. Make a concentrated thyme oil solution (3-5 drops per teaspoon of regular oil) and rub into the soles of both feet before going to bed. Similar action also have oils of cedar and marjoram.

    Repel insects with lemon eucalyptus essential oil. Many industrial repellents contain harsh chemicals that have bad smell and cause skin irritation. concentrated solution Lemon Eucalyptus oils are a great alternative to these products and smell much nicer. You can mix essential oil with regular oil and apply directly to the skin, or pour the oil into a diffuser or aroma lamp and place it near an open window.

    Treat ear pain essential oils. Topical application of some oils will help get rid of ear infection and ease the pain. The oil should not be applied auricle but along the neck and behind the sore ear.

    Use peppermint essential oil as a remedy for dizziness. Essential oils can relieve vestibular vertigo. Peppermint oil is one of the most effective essential oils for dizziness. It is often used to treat vertigo and nausea because it contains menthol, esters and menthone, substances that give mint its cooling and invigorating properties. If you feel dizzy, apply a few drops mint oil on a cotton pad or handkerchief and breathe it. The oils of the following plants also help to get rid of dizziness:

    • Cypress
    • Basil
    • Sage
    • Lavender
    • Ginger
    • Rosemary
    • Mandarin
  4. Treat with oils sunburn. Some essential oils have been used in the treatment of burns for thousands of years due to their anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. The most suitable oils for these purposes are lavender, immortelle, rose and Australian blue oil (this is a mixture of several essential oils). It is best to mix the oil with aloe vera gel (1 drop of oil to one teaspoon of gel) and apply to the burn.

    • You can make a burn spray by mixing the following:
      • 1 cup + 1 tablespoon aloe vera juice
      • A quarter cup of coconut oil
      • 1 teaspoon vitamin E
      • 8 drops of lavender essential oil
      • 8 drops of tea tree essential oil
      • 8 drops Roman chamomile essential oil
    • Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and shake well.
  5. Treat small wounds using essential oils. Lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, peppermint, and some other oils are suitable for minor cuts, burns, and insect bites because they act as antibiotics. Clean the wound first (it shouldn't bleed). Then apply a small amount of 2-3% essential oil solution (2-3 drops per teaspoon).

    • Apply the oil 2-5 times a day until the wound heals. After applying the oil, you can also apply cold compress to stop bleeding, relieve swelling and allow oils to be absorbed.
  6. For indigestion, use peppermint oil. You have probably already heard that peppermint oil is used to treat indigestion. This oil also fights nausea and digestive problems. Dilute the oil as for a large area of ​​the body (3-5 drops per teaspoon) and rub into the stomach - this will relieve pain.

  7. Treat nasal congestion with eucalyptus oil. Eucalyptus oil helps to get rid of the symptoms associated with a sore nose. This oil opens up stuffy sinuses and cools the nasal passages. Many people use eucalyptus oil to treat colds and nasal congestion caused by allergies.

    • Mix eucalyptus oil with regular oil (3-5 drops per teaspoon). Apply a small amount of the solution under the nose and rub some more into the chest.
    • If the nose is very stuffy, add a couple of drops to a humidifier and aroma lamp.


Essential oils are widely used for bathing. Therapeutic effect from such a procedure is toning and anesthesia. Aroma substances in this case quickly penetrate inside and are able to affect the organs and systems of the whole organism. Aromatic baths can be used for both complex treatment, as well as in preventive purposes. Take baths at least 3 hours after eating. The advantage of this treatment is that similar procedure you can spend at home at the right time for you. The first session should not be more than 10 minutes, the duration of subsequent sessions should be 20 minutes.

Qualified therapists widely use oils in aromatherapy massage. Thanks to the use of essential oils in massage, its effectiveness increases. Thanks to the influence of the therapist's hands and oils, muscles relax, blood and blood vessels are stimulated. lymphatic vessels. Usually a few drops are enough for one session. The choice of a particular oil will depend on the effect you want to get. For example, a warming massage uses rosemary oil, while a sports massage uses mint, lemongrass, and cinnamon.

Nowadays, the high efficiency of essential oils during inhalation has been proven. hot or steam inhalation recommended for laryngitis acute tonsillitis, bronchitis and tracheitis. In such diseases, such a procedure with aromatic oils helps to reduce the dryness of the mucous membrane and restore normal state respiratory tract. Be sure to close your eyes while doing it. Add no more than two drops of any essential oil to boiling water.

You can use essential oils when tanning to achieve a beautiful even skin tone. Oil of bergamot, mandarin, sesame or will be very useful. With these oils, you can achieve a beautiful skin tone while direct impact sun. However, some oils have phototoxic properties: they increase the effect of ultraviolet radiation on skin covering and as a result, after their application, burns can form on the body. Oil of orange, lemon, rosemary and lime will negatively affect your body during tanning.

Essential oils are essential for hair care. They contribute to their growth and strengthening. And for those who are satisfied with their hair, they help to preserve its shine, beauty and silkiness. To strengthen hair, it is best to use petitgrain oil. To combat dry scalp, it is recommended to use mandarin, lavender and sandalwood oils.

Aromatherapy as a field of knowledge about the forms and methods of influence on the body of essential oils is becoming more and more popular every day. Someone, without going into the intricacies of this complex practical science, just sometimes uses their favorite essential oils “according to mood”, someone is limited to aromatization of rooms, and many turn to aromatherapy as a method of prevention or treatment.

The influence on a person of the main instrument of aromatherapy - essential oils, is far from being exhausted by the sphere of physiology, affecting and psychological condition, and emotional sphere, and social connections. And this impact cannot be assessed unambiguously, decomposed according to clear criteria-categories. The nature of the influence of specific agents depends not only on the characteristics of the oils themselves, but also on the correct selection of methods and methods of their application. And there are so many variations of their classification that it is time to get confused even by experienced professionals.

Ways practical application aroma oils, and accordingly, the methods of aromatherapy are divided into individual groups and subclasses, guided by a variety of criteria - from the purpose of application to the scope of application, from exposure characteristics to intensity. But the most important classification is beyond doubt: all methods of aromatherapy can be divided into internal and external.

Taking essential oils internally

Many aromatherapists generally do not recommend taking any essential oils internally (even diluted and in minimum doses), not to mention pure application, because only a few essential oils can boast of absolute non-toxicity and the absence of the effect of irritation of the mucous membranes.

Can be relatively safely used as a therapeutic internal remedy citrus aromatic oils, spices, and (if there is no individual intolerance), but only under the careful supervision and control of a specialist.

Internally, oils previously diluted in the base (honey or sugar) are used, drinking enough of them. large quantity juice or water.

To internal ways application includes not only direct reception as medicinal product, but also rinses, oral treatments and enrichment of culinary delicacies and drinks. Absolutely safe, helping to relieve severe and inflammation, all rinsing of the mouth or throat, as well as the use of aromatic oils as an additive to toothpastes and balms, are considered.

In cooking, with the help of various aromatic oils, they give a special smell, enriching tea (,), strong alcoholic drinks and wine (citrus and spice oils).

External methods of applying oils

External methods can be conditionally divided into two large groups:

  1. inhalation- affecting the respiratory system, sense of smell.
  2. Transdermal- methods affecting the skin.

Aromatization of premises and disinfection are most often included in inhalation methods, but in some cases they are separated into a group of methods. domestic use. Some methods, such as scented baths, belong to two groups at the same time - they act both through the respiratory organs and penetrating the skin.

1. Inhalation methods

All inhalation methods are based on the perception of aromas by the respiratory and olfactory organs. They are widely used not only in non-traditional, but also in official medicine particularly in the treatment of complicated and chronic diseases respiratory organs.

This group of methods includes various ways the use of aromatic oils - from room aromatization and individual perfumes to inhalations and sauna aromatization.

Aroma lamps and aroma burners

Of course, the most common way of aromatherapy can be attributed to this group of "breathing" methods - the use of oils in. It is also called the method of scattered, or non-concentrated exposure. Evaporating together in water, into which a few drops of the selected essential oil or prepared mixture are introduced, under the influence of a candle flame or electric heating, the molecules of aromatic oils enter the air, aromatizing the room and affecting the organs of smell.

The standard dosage is 6 drops for every 15 square meters of the room. This method is used not only for refreshing and deodorizing rooms, their disinfection, but also for creating a special mood, changing the psychological and emotional state.

Aromatization of premises

An alternative to this method is to spray a cold water mixture with essential oils using a spray bottle - a natural analogue of an industrial spray deodorant with chemicals at the base. when sprayed, it is much less pronounced than when heated in an aroma lamp, and the effect on the inhaler is softer and weaker.

From 3 to maximum 10 drops of aromatic oils are added to a glass of purified water, while either adding a teaspoon of alcohol for greater stability, or reducing the storage period of the deodorant mixture to 1 week. The action of the nebulizer is usually felt for a not very long period of time.

Inhalations with aromatic oils

Do not confuse aromatization using an aroma lamp with inhalations, which are rightfully considered an intensive therapeutic (healing) procedure.

Hot inhalations carried out by inhaling the steam of intensely boiled water with the addition of essential oils (covered with a towel and eyes closed) or using special devices. Such an intense impact very strongly and quickly changes the state, so the procedure is not carried out for longer than 5-10 minutes, and the concentration of aromatic oils is in no case exceeded.

Cold inhalation carried out by inhaling undiluted, pure aroma oil (or a mixture) directly from the bottle, using a personal aroma pendant, impregnating a handkerchief with it or applying pointwise to bed sheets. Cold inhalations are also quite intense, but they change the state less dramatically, affecting mainly the emotional and psychological state, sleep and mood.

Perfume, hydrosol, perfume compositions

Individual perfumes, colognes, scented water () and toilet water also affect the olfactory organs and serve rather as supportive, prophylactic than a component of therapy.

They use mixtures of essential oils or their solutions in alcohol and water, like ordinary perfume compositions, creating a base, but with a pronounced psychological and emotional background. This is purely individual method aromatherapy.

Bath and sauna with essential oils

Unlike baths, they are perceived exclusively through the respiratory organs, so their use in these procedures also applies to inhalation methods. The main effect of aromatic oils in this case is preventive.

The room is scented every hour, not pouring the mixture onto hot stones, but spraying the heated surfaces of the room: from 5 to 15 drops of selected essential oils should be taken on a ladle of water.

2. Transdermal (skin) methods

Skin methods include not only baths, which are partly a breathing procedure, but also massages, rubbing, compresses, applications and all methods of enrichment. cosmetics— from daily and special creams to lotions, balms, shampoos and shower gels.

Regardless of the method of application, essential oils are never applied directly to the skin in a pure, undiluted form.

Aroma baths

is not only preventive, but also medical procedure. Baths can be hot, warm or almost cool. Comfortable temperature is selected individually.

Aroma oils are by no means injected directly into water, but are first diluted in a reliable emulsifier - milk, yogurt, kefir, honey, wine, sea salt.

The duration of the procedure to avoid deterioration of well-being should not exceed 20 minutes, while the standard dosage is from 2 to 6 drops of fragrant oil.

Massage with essential oils

Massages with the addition of essential oils are also very different. Light, relaxing, aromatherapy, soothing or intense healing - the type of massage is chosen depending on the purpose for which it is carried out.

Actually, this is a separate type of massage with a completely different technique than the usual procedures.

Essential oils (just a couple of drops per 10-15 grams of base) are mixed into a massage cream or only then applied to the skin.

Rubbing, compresses and applications

  • Rubbing used as an alternative to massage or for a quick localized effect on the source of pain, discomfort. Enough large dose essential oils are introduced into the base oil (the largest - up to 15 drops per tablespoon) and rubbed into the place of discomfort on the skin until completely absorbed, making intense circular movements.
  • In addition to rubbing, local effects are also compresses(hot or cold, depending on the nature of the damage and inflammation), which are done by applying fabric or gauze soaked in a mixture of water and aromatic oils (up to 8 drops per glass).
  • Applications usually made for small areas damaged skin(ulcers, eczema, severe cuts), using cotton wool impregnated with pure or diluted essential oil.

The types of compresses also include weak soaking of bandage dressings with antiseptic oils mixed with alcohol or vodka (up to 5 drops per teaspoon), wrapping the body with sheets soaked in water with a few drops of aromatic oils per liter. This procedure is considered one of the best for intense skin hydration.

Flavored water is used for rinsing and washing. Up to 8 drops of essential oil are added to a liter of ordinary water, shaken and washed or rinsed with hair and body like with ordinary water.

Aroma baths, aroma massage, rubbing, inhalations, compresses and much, much more. In the arsenal of aromatherapy, there are countless ways to influence human body, which we will discuss in detail in this article. All methods can be divided into groups:

  1. Exposure through the organs of smell and respiration.
  2. Transdermal exposure (through the skin).
  3. Exposure through the mucous membranes of the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, nasopharynx.

Most Aromatherapy Methods , especially those associated with mucous membranes and skin, require a competent attitude . Essential oils are medicines, it is worth remembering this and, when starting treatment, observe it, if necessary, consult with an aromatherapist.

The duration of the course of aromatherapy should not exceed three weeks. In the event that you carry out the procedure daily, the course should be reduced to 10 days. Be sure to dilute essential oils with carrier oils before use. Store the mixture in the refrigerator, or better yet, use it right away.

Methods of exposure to aromatherapy through the organs of smell and breath


Inhalations are hot and cold.

Hot inhalations and are effective in the treatment of runny nose, cough, stomatitis, for cleansing the face:

How to use: pour into a bowl hot water and add essential oil (1-3 drops). Lean over the bowl, covering your head with a thick towel, inhale the hot steam for 5-10 minutes, taking breaks (30 seconds).

Warning: eyes should be closed during inhalation, do not use hot inhalation for the sick bronchial asthma, in the presence of a rosaceous mesh on the face, with a weak nervous system. After the procedure, try not to overcool.

Cold inhalations:

  • Apply 1-5 drops of essential oil to a handkerchief and inhale several times (two to ten) throughout the day.
  • apply relaxing or sedative oils (1-4 drops) to the corners of the pillow to ease breathing, relieve tension and promote healthy sleep.
  • Aromamedallion perfectly retains the esters and allows them to evaporate gradually, preserving medicinal properties 1-2 days. The medallion is easy to use, it can be worn on clothes, in a pocket, on the body, bringing it to the face from time to time and inhaling the healing aroma.

Before applying new oil, the medallion should be thoroughly washed.


bath is the oldest way cleansing and healing the body. Under the influence of steam and heat, the deep layers of the skin, blood and lymph are cleansed of toxins and toxins. Esters enhance the healing effect of procedures.

How to use: add a few drops of essential oil to 1-2 liters of water (depending on the area of ​​​​the room) and spray heated walls, shelves, ceiling with this mixture, trying not to get on hot stones.

Steam bath for the face. Serves beautiful cosmetic procedure to cleanse the skin of dead cells. epidermal renewal.

Application: prepare a herbal infusion based on 1 liter of spring or well-purified and settled water. Add a few drops of the desired oil, lean over the bowl, covered with a towel, and hold your face for up to 10 minutes at a distance of 30-45 cm from the surface of the infusion.

Contraindicated procedure for patients with bronchial asthma, with a weak nervous system, with manifestation.

Aromatization and air disinfection

Even in antiquity during epidemics medicinal herbs fumigated patients and rooms. Nowadays, aromatization is carried out with the aim of:

  • impact on psychoemotional and physical state,
  • general health,
  • purification, disinfection and aromatization of the air in the home.

For these purposes, you can use an aroma lamp, a spray bottle, a sachet, etc.

Aroma lamps (aroma burners) are electric, their advantage in fire safety and greater practicality. Aroma lamps with a candle are more aesthetic, but less practical and safe.

Fill the liquid container in the lamp with a mixture: 50-100 ml of water mixed with essential oil (1-2 drops per 5 square meters). Light a candle or connect a lamp to the mains. When heated, the ethers evaporate and perform their task. Windows and doors in the room must be closed.

The smell should be subtle, start with minimal doses, do not spend the first sessions with an unfamiliar oil for more than 20 minutes.

Atomizer (pulverizer) Helps scent and purify the air. Aromatic water has the following composition: 5-20 drops of essential oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vodka or alcohol, 1 liter of boiled cold water. The mixture is shaken well and sprayed indoors as needed.

Sachet or an aromatic pad filled with herbs, scented with essential oils. It can perform different tasks:

  • with colds, flu, otitis media, infectious diseases fill the sachet with dry leaves of birch and poplar, geranium or tansy, calendula, wormwood;
  • for headaches, insomnia, nervousness, such fillers are suitable: chamomile, rosehip or rose petals;
  • with hypertension, a pillow with mint, hawthorn, cornflowers, clover will be useful;
  • sage will help get rid of skin diseases.

Transdermal exposure

Baths(as well as baths) belong to integrated methods aromatherapy: we inhale the vapors of essential oils and absorb them through the skin.

This causes high efficiency aromatic baths, which were appreciated by the ancient Romans, who loved these procedures for their sophistication and sensuality.

In addition to pleasure, baths are beneficial for arthritis, rheumatism, insomnia, muscle pain, nervous tension and other painful conditions.

Baths are common, sitting, foot, for hands. Duration - up to 25 minutes.

Dosage. Mix essential oils or their compositions with an emulsifier (honey - 1 tablespoon, cream or kefir - 100-200 ml, sea or table salt - 2-3 tablespoons, red wine - 1 tablespoon) in the following proportions:

  • water full bath-6-8 drops (with a weakened body - 4 drops, for the first bath - 2-3 drops),
  • sitz bath - for 10 liters of water 2 drops of oil,
  • foot and hand - 4 drops.

Strong and toxic oils should be used in minimal doses (1-2 drops per bath): cinnamon, oregano, thuja, marjoram, thyme, nutmeg, clary sage.

For oils like tea tree, pine, cedar eucalyptus, rosemary, juniper, cajuput, carnation- dosage 2-4 drops per bath.

Other oils - 13-15 drops per bath. The optimal dosage is 6-8 drops per bath.

Frequency of use: baths should be taken every other day or once a week for prevention, the course of prevention consists of 5-7 procedures, the course of treatment - 10-15 baths.

Important! Aroma baths have contraindications: malignant hypertension, high blood pressure, post-stroke conditions, psychotic conditions, etc.

Massage with essential oils has a positive effect on the circulatory, respiratory, peripheral and central nervous systems, heals all organs, helps with fatigue, cough, osteochondrosis.

Apply as general massage, and massage of individual parts of the body, as well as self-massage, focusing on the palms and soles of the feet.

Dosage. If your health is normal and there are no contraindications, then the optimal dosage will be 2-3% concentration of essential oil. Start practicing massage with medium concentrations.

If the massage mixture is applied to the face, to massage an elderly person, to sensitive skin, the concentration should not exceed 0.5%. For young children, mix 1 drop of essential oil with 500 ml of carrier oil.

0.5% - 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of base oil mixed with 3 drops of essential oil.

1% - 15 ml mixed with 3 drops of essential oil.

2% - 15 ml (1 tbsp) base oil mixed with 6 drops of essential oil.

3% - 15 ml (1 tbsp) base oil mixed with 9 drops of essential oil.

Small doses can give the best effect, so start the massage with minimal dosages. Also listen to the reaction of the body, if you don’t like the oil, replace it with one with similar properties.

Base oils for various problems:

Dry and aging skin - wheat germ oil.

Oily skin - grape seed oil or coconut oil.

Skin diseases and sunburn - aloe oil.

Infants and children younger age, muscle pain - calendula oil.

Inflammation, rheumatism and burns - St. John's wort oil.

Allergy, skin diseases, pain during menstruation - jojoba oil.

Poor circulation, muscle strain - almond oil.

Massage technique. Warm up the prepared massage mixture by applying to the palms of your hands, or by warming the bubble in hot water. Massage your body until the mixture is completely absorbed. The duration of the massage should be several minutes.

Compress very effective in relieving pain and inflammation. Can be hot and cold.

How to use: mix water (200 ml) with 2-8 drops of essential oil, saturate the fabric with this solution and apply to the desired area. With a cold compress, water is mixed with ice, and with a hot compress, the water must be at a very high temperature.

Procedure duration: cold compress - 20-30 minutes (repeat several times a day), hot - 30-40 minutes (up to 6 hours).

hot compress practice with joint, muscle, rheumatic pains, lung infections, boils, abscesses, prolapsed disc. To keep warm longer, use a heating pad and wraps.

Cold compress used for insect bites, bruises, painful and inflamed skin, articular arthritis, sprain, headache, fever, hangover. For headaches, a cold compress is applied to the back of the head or forehead.

Rubbing indicated for inflammation of the nervous, muscular, connective tissues. By acting on the circulatory, respiratory, nervous and autonomic systems, rubbing relieves pain, stops inflammation, and helps to quickly recover to normal life.

Rubbing is an excellent alternative to massage if it is contraindicated ( heat) or the conditions for its implementation are not suitable.

Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of base oil with 1-15 drops of essential oils, rub into the problem area of ​​the body until completely absorbed.

bandage. We prepare the solution: mix essential oil (1-5 drops) with 1 teaspoon of alcohol (vodka). The bandage is soaked with a solution and fixed on the problem area.

If necessary, increase the amount of vodka or alcohol, but the dose of oil should not exceed 8-10 drops.

Aromatherapy methods associated with mucous membranes

Essential oils should be used with extreme caution because high concentration, and sometimes the toxicity of the components of essential oils.

We take inside.

Inside, spices, citrus fruits, rosemary, mint, geranium, chamomile are used. Dissolve 1-3 drops of oil in 1 teaspoon of honey or drop on a piece of refined sugar (instant).

Take daily 1-3 times, 30 minutes before meals, with a glass of still mineral water or warm juice.

The course is 7 days, 14 or 21.

The amount of water you drink per day should be at least 2 liters.

Add essential oils to your toothbrush.

Brush your teeth, rinse your mouth, rinse the brush and drop essential oil (1-2 potassium) on it. Gently massage gums and teeth.

The procedure is carried out 1 or 2 times a day, the course lasts from 14 to 21 days, then take a two-week break. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

For this procedure, you can use lemon oil, which will prevent the development of caries, reduce gum bleeding, whiten tooth enamel refreshes the mouth.

Rinse your mouth and throat.

Dilute essential oil (1-4 drops) in a glass of boiled warm water, you can add honey as an emulsifier.

Rinse several times throughout the day. Do not drink or eat after rinsing for 20 minutes.

We enrich alcoholic drinks.

Add essential oil (1-2 drops) to 500 ml of vodka. Suitable lemongrass, nutmeg, cinnamon, rosemary, grapefruit, tangerine, orange, lemon. Insist for 14-21 days.

2-5 drops of essential oil (coriander, nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon or black pepper) add to a bottle of red wine. Keep for a month, shaking from time to time.

White wine is enriched with lemon, grapefruit, orange, bergamot, mandarin, mint, lemongrass or rosemary (2-5 drops). Insist for a month, shaking occasionally.

We enrich tea.

Pour dry tea leaves (100g) into a glass hermetically sealed jar, add essential oil (10-20 drops) to it: lemongrass, mint, rosemary, lemon balm or citrus.

Infuse at room temperature in a dark place for 14 days, shaking the mixture daily. Brew like regular tea.


Question about benefits internal reception essential oils does not have a clear answer. Among the French, there are especially many supporters of such treatment. It should be noted that French aromatherapists are highly qualified specialists and can give competent recommendations.

Being potent and highly concentrated substances, can be harmful to the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, stomach and mouth.

When taking oils with tea, remember that they do not dissolve in water, you should use an emulsifier (honey, for example). This will protect the mucous membranes from direct contact with the components of the essential oil.

Taking the oil inside, you need to be 100% sure of it, study all its contraindications.

Possessing a high penetrating ability, the components of essential oils through the skin, through the respiratory and olfactory organs, perfectly enter the lymph and blood, are carried throughout the body and do their job.

If you still decide to use them internally, consult with your doctor before treatment, and preferably with an aromatherapist.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project

  • , compatibility, contraindications,

The benefits of essential oils are a topic that is widely discussed today in medicine and cosmetology. Many women prefer these natural, healthy foods to create homemade beauty products for personal care. In addition, essential oil treatment is widely practiced in alternative medicine, Ayurvedic practices. The strong vibrational characteristics of essential oils, which have already been proven by scientists around the world, can have a beneficial effect on both the psycho-emotional and physical state of a person. There are many ways to use essential oils in everyday life so that they benefit, heal, keep youth and beauty.

There are several ways in which essential oils are obtained.

  • Distillation - only the bark and leaves of trees are used for this process.
  • Extraction - for this technology, inflorescences, petals and roots are used. Medicinal plants and raw materials are placed in a special apparatus, adding an extractant to them. This component is a necessary additive in the production of the finished product. After receiving the ester of the plant, the extractant is completely removed, and as a result, the consumer receives a high-quality ester.
  • For mechanical extraction, only the peel and fruits of plants are used. This is the pressing method.
  • Another way to obtain essential oil is enfleurage, one of the first methods used by people. To produce the desired ether, animal and vegetable fats that do not have their own smell. During the production process, fat is applied thin layer on clean, dry glass. Freshly picked flowers are laid out on top of it, from which it is necessary to obtain ether. The petals are on the glass for up to 3 days, after which they are replaced with fresh ones. This manipulation is repeated an average of 25 times, which increases the concentration of the ester in the fat. After the end of this procedure, you can get a combination of aroma and fat, called "lipstick". This substance is placed in alcohol, which is evaporated. The resulting substance is called absolute essential oil.

Methods for obtaining essential oils are designed in such a way that a person consumes quality product which you can use for your own purposes. Knowing the rules for using each essential oil will strengthen the body, preserve beauty, and clean the house.

Notes of essential oils

The classification of essential oils by notes will help you choose the product you need.

  • There are oils with initial notes, their aroma evaporates the fastest. After a couple of hours, the oil will completely disappear.
  • Ether with middle notes will evaporate for 4 hours.
  • The base notes of essential oils fade much longer. The fragrance can be felt for several days, leaving behind a characteristic plume.

How to choose an essential oil?

Many do not know how to distinguish natural essential oil from synthetic, so they buy low-quality products that do not bring any benefit. There are several rules that should be followed when making a purchase.

How to store essential oils?

You need to know not only how to use essential oils at home, but also how to store them correctly, the quality of the product depends on this.

  • Oil can only be stored in a dark glass bottle; the presence of a plastic cap or special seals on the bottle is unacceptable. If the oil comes into contact with plastic, this leads to the formation of toxic substances.
  • The bottle must be in an upright position only.
  • After using the oil, the container is tightly closed. Ingestion of air causes the highly volatile substance from the essential oils to evaporate.
  • When using oil, you need to make sure that water does not get into the bottle. This will shorten the shelf life of the product, spoil its quality.
  • Proper storage requires compliance with certain temperature regime. You can put the bottle in a cabinet so that direct sunlight does not fall on it. Do not store citrus ether at room temperature. Citrus oils before and after opening the bottle should only be in the refrigerator. Coniferous esters, on the contrary, should not be put in a cold place, they will thicken. The temperature should be the same all the time, without sudden changes.
  • The shelf life of essential oils is also important indicator that needs to be controlled. Citrus ether in a closed container is stored for 1 year, after opening the bottle - only up to 4 months. Coniferous oil can retain the full amount of nutrients for 2 years. The remaining ethers are stored on average for up to 5 years, subject to all conditions.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use an expired product, you can get burned with essential oil!
  • The use of cold ethers is also prohibited. Even if the oil was in the refrigerator, you must leave it at room temperature for 30 minutes, then use it.
  • A freshly prepared blend of essential oils preserves all useful material within 1 week if properly stored.


Natural essential oils, despite the mass of their useful properties and other advantages, have certain contraindications that you should be aware of before using the product.

  • The use of ethers is prohibited in case of individual intolerance to the product. Many do not even suspect that they should not use this or that oil. Adverse reactions manifest in the form of a sharp headache, dizziness, shortness of breath.
  • If the product is applied to pure form on the mucous membranes, you can get a burn with essential oil.
  • In its pure form, it is forbidden to take oils inside, they should be diluted with useful additives.
  • The use of essential oils for children also has its own characteristics that should be explored.
  • Essential oils may be contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation; the use of such a product should be agreed with the attending physician.
  • Each package contains detailed instructions, which should be carefully studied so that the use of oil does not cause adverse reactions, allergies, rashes, etc.

Esters in home cosmetology

There is a table of essential oils developed by experts, which will tell you how to use aroma oils in home cosmetology. Wikipedia contains the same information, therefore, before using any broadcast, all information should be carefully studied.

A table of cosmetic essential oils will help you figure out which products and what to use.

lavender ester

Lavender oil helps to relax and relieve stress. If you add 2-3 drops of the product to the base massage oil, then the procedure will relax and calm you down. You can use lavender oil as an additive while taking a bath. It is best to mix the product with sea salt or foam and then add it to the water. It will save everything beneficial features ether.

tea tree ether

The product is used as an antibacterial additive in lotions, face gels. It can be an additional component during the preparation of masks for the face, hair. Effectively copes with malicious infections. In its pure form, it is used to treat fungal diseases.

rosemary oil

The ether contains beneficial substances that eliminate skin defects. It is most often used as a beneficial additive in face masks. Contributes to the narrowing of enlarged pores, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.

lemon oil

It has a healing effect on the entire body. The oil cleanses the skin well; a few drops can be added while taking a bath.

orange oil

The use of oil can significantly improve the condition of the skin, triggers intracellular regenerative processes. Use in cosmetology is recommended for women with dry skin. The oil will deeply nourish, saturating the cells from the inside with a complex of useful substances. Can be used as an additive to face masks, hair. Orange wrap will accelerate the disappearance of cellulite, tighten the skin in problem areas, will tone, heal the entire body.

Camphor oil

The product helps to cope with pigmentation of the skin, returns a healthy complexion. Can be added to base nourishing masks skin and hair care.

Fir oil

In home cosmetology, it is used to normalize sebum secretions, narrow pores. Aromatherapy with fir ether heals the entire body. Can be added to skin and hair care products.

patchouli ester

Nourishes and moisturizes the skin and hair. Allows you to slow down the aging process, starts intracellular regeneration. Cosmetologists recommend using olives and sesame as an additive to the base oil.

The beneficial properties of the essential oils presented in the table allow every woman to properly and fully care for herself. This table contains the most common esters. Instructions for use of each product are included in any package.

You also need to know how to properly use essential oils. If the product or composition is used for the first time, a sensitivity test should be carried out. It will be enough to drip just a few drops on the back of the hand. If after 10-15 minutes no discomfort did not arise, you can use the recipe.

Differences between cosmetic and essential oils

Obtaining essential oils is possible through the use of complex technological processes, resulting in a highly concentrated product. Many do not know what is different cosmetic oil from ethereal.

Cosmetic oil is finished product, which does not require additional additives. It can be applied directly to the skin or hair. Such cosmetics also provide the desired result, many choose it because of its ease of use.

Esters must be added to base oils. In their pure form, they are practically not used. Their properties are fully revealed in combination with other components. There are many easy, affordable ways to use essential oils at home. The result of such procedures will not be long in coming. In addition, such products have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Water soluble essential oils

Water-soluble oils are transformed during the production process, retaining all the beneficial properties of the ether, while they are easily used in home cosmetology.

Most often, such products are already part of the care products, supplementing them with their beneficial qualities.

  • They effectively cleanse the skin, nourishing it with beneficial substances. They are included in the composition of gels, foams, masks, creams, oils for massage. Such a product is completely safe for children and has no contraindications. Due to its mild but deep effect, it nourishes the skin cells, starting the regenerative processes.
  • Such products can be added to ready-made cosmetics. They fully retain their properties, do not reduce foaming during use. Such an additive will not cause the mask or tonic for washing to exfoliate. Water-dissolving oil is completely included in the composition of the product, enhancing its beneficial effect on the skin and hair.


Essential oils for an aroma lamp must be selected very carefully, focusing on what effect the product should have.

Table of essential oils and their properties

Tonic essential oils Able to charge the body with vigor and energy. You can use the ether of citrus, bergamot, rosemary and mint.
Relaxing Esters You can relieve tension after a working day, you can just relax by adding a few drops of lavender ether, lemon balm to the aroma lamp. Sweet lovers can use sweet marjoram ether for these purposes.
Antiseptics In order to prevent diseases during the period of colds and colds and simply cleanse the house of pathogenic viruses, you can carry out aromatherapy by adding eucalyptus to the lamp, juniper ether. For this purpose, it is also possible to use tea tree oil. The product will serve as a neutralizer of bacteria, infections.
Romantic esters You can use essential oils in order to relax during a date, increase the level of your sexuality, sensuality. A proven way is to add 3-5 drops of patchouli oil, ylang-ylang, rose, lavender.
Fortifying oils One of the ways to strengthen, improve the body is aromatherapy using citrus ether. Regular sessions of aromatherapy have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
Oils for relieving physical, mental stress Aromatherapy with essential oils will help relieve even severe physical fatigue. It will also help you relax after a lot of mental stress. It is necessary to add a few drops of lemongrass, ginger to the lamp.
Pain-relieving oils Treatment with essential oils, and in particular aromatherapy using the smell of geranium, rose, will be effective enough to relieve pain in women during menstruation. Aromas will help to relax, and the pain will begin to recede.


Many do not know how many drops of essential oil should be added to the lamp for one session. Experts recommend using no more than 6-8 drops of the selected product. If the smell seems too saturated, sharp, then the amount should definitely be reduced.

  • Care should be taken when mixing smells, they should be in harmony with each other, not be too concentrated. You also need to choose the right product for use in the children's room. Essential oil should cleanse, soothe, harmonize. This task is best handled by citrus aromas, lavender ester.
  • You can prepare a mixture of essential oils for an aroma lamp. During colds, mix 4 drops of eucalyptus and tea tree ether. Put the lamp in the room where all family members spend the most time. This will purify the air by killing harmful bacteria.
  • Such essential oils are also used for the home - the space around is filled with the smell of cleanliness and freshness.

It should be remembered!

Before conducting an aromatherapy session, the room should be well ventilated. The lamp should work or burn no longer than 2 hours.

Instead of the usual aroma lamp, you can use porous stones that replace lamps. They not only spread the smell of ether well, but also serve additional decoration interior.

Making aroma coulombs

There is another common way to use aroma oils.

  • You should choose for yourself a special aroma pendant made of clay. The texture of this material absorbs odors well.
  • The ether used for aromatherapy must be applied to the pendant. 1-2 drops will be enough. The most useful oils during colds and flu are eucalyptus, mint, cedar esters.
  • You need to fill the pendant once every 3-4 days, depending on how quickly the smell disappears.
  • Aroma pendant will be not only good preventive method but also improves the overall health of the body.

Healing properties of esters

Treatment with essential oils is widely practiced in alternative medicine. Even appointments conservative therapy can be supplemented by such means. Qualitative reactions provide compresses with essential oils. Most often they are prescribed to reduce the intensity of pain in the back, joints, soft tissues. Penetrating deep, useful components of esters quickly reduce inflammatory process alleviating the human condition. The oil acts as a natural antispasmodic.

What to do to alleviate the condition, the doctor will tell you in detail, tell you what essential oils are needed. The treatment procedure is quite simple:

  • Moisten a cotton, flannel cloth with water room temperature. Squeeze out excess moisture.
  • Apply 2-5 drops of essential oil to a tissue.
  • Attach a napkin to the damaged area, bandage it using an elastic or regular bandage.

You can also do warm compresses.

  • Prepare a mixture of base and essential oils in a ratio of 2:1.
  • The bandage should be carefully wrapped for several hours.
  • The water for the compress is warm, but not hot.


In the presence of chronic diseases, the use of aroma compresses is possible only in agreement with the attending physician!

  • The medical composition of some drugs may include crystalline substance derived from essential oils. The added component is able to enhance the therapeutic effect of ointments, gels, and other formulations.
  • The use of essential oils in medicine allows you to cope with many diseases. It is not recommended to select recipes and components on your own. A suitable ester should be prescribed by a doctor after an examination. He will also talk about necessary procedures, dosages, frequency of application of the prescribed oil.

How to enrich cosmetics?

Medicinal plants and raw materials that contain essential oils can enrich their useful components finished cosmetic products. Raw materials must be correctly collected, collected on time, so that in the end it turns out healthy oil. It can also be processed into cosmetics for skin and hair care.

The use of essential oils to enrich skin care creams should be wise. For 150 g of face cream, only 15 drops of a suitable ether are allowed. You can also make your own useful cream. This requires:

  • neutral (children's) cream;
  • base oil - 150 g;
  • suitable essential oil for the face - 15 drops.

Mix the components, use as a regular caring cream.

Healthy tonic

Appropriate types of essential oils can also be included in prepared healthy skin tonics. Would need:

  • herbal infusion;
  • pure water;
  • alcohol - 1 tsp;
  • essential oil - 2-3 drops.

Infusion useful herbs mix with water in equal proportions. Dissolve the oil in alcohol, add to the rest of the components. Mix the composition thoroughly, strain, pour into a tightly closed container. Ready lotion suitable for daily care for the skin of the face and neck. The effect of ready-made lotions may differ depending on what types of essential oils were used for preparation.


Many do not know why essential oils are needed in home cosmetology. On the basis of the ether, aromaled can be made useful for the skin. You need to take:

  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • essential oil 2-4 drops;
  • water.

Mix the ether with honey, then dissolve in water. Pour the composition into molds for ice, freeze. Use ice cubes to wipe your face. This will return a healthy complexion, relieve redness, eliminate inflammation.

The list of enriched cosmetics should be replenished with a useful shampoo: while washing in finished product add 1-2 drops of oil, mix, wash your hair. You can add oil directly to the bottle. 10-13 drops of ether are added to 100 ml of shampoo.

The vibration that essential oils have after contact with the skin will penetrate inside, activating internal reserves person. This will have a beneficial effect on the state of the whole organism.


The classification of essential oils will help you choose suitable product for inhalation. This is true in the cold season. The procedure will be a good prevention of viral diseases.

If you are inhaling essential oil for the first time, you need to know how to check it for allergic reaction. The product used can perform several functions at once - cleanse the lungs, remove pathogenic viruses.

It should be remembered!

If a person suffers from respiratory diseases or asthma, the procedure is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor! The specialist will help determine the time of the procedure, select the appropriate oil.

  • Can be carried out cold inhalation by applying -12 drops of ether to a clean handkerchief. The aroma should be inhaled deeply for 10 minutes.
  • Hot inhalation involves the use of a special inhaler. Add 2-4 drops of ether to hot water, cover your head with a towel. The procedure time is 5-10 minutes. Steam should not burn mucous membranes. During inhalation, be sure to close your eyes.

The classification of essential oils allows you to choose a product that can be used during a massage. Ether can tone or, conversely, relax. The use of ethers during massage will have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. The skin will also heal; beneficial substances of the ether, penetrating inside the cells, will nourish them, restore them.

By studying the table of uses and properties of essential oils, you can find out which ones are suitable for relieving pain caused by rheumatic diseases, which ones will work, how tonic. All these nuances can be suggested by a professional massage therapist.

The table of essential oils shows that a product derived from nutmeg will relieve pain and inflammation. citrus oil help to get rid of fatty deposits in problematic parts of the body. sandalwood and jasmine oil will tighten the skin. Most often they are used during anti-cellulite massages.

Aroma massage rules

To prepare a massage mixture, you should take:

  • base oil - 15 ml;
  • suitable essential oil - 5 drops.

It is necessary to select the ether not only on the basis of its beneficial properties, but also on the basis of aroma. A person during the session should feel a pleasant, relaxing smell. All hand movements should be soft, circular. In order for the ether to fully give up its beneficial properties, after the massage, you should rest for at least 20 minutes without getting up from the couch. Going outside for an hour is not recommended.


Many do not know what else, besides cosmetics, aroma lamps, essential oils can be used for. Such an additive while taking a bath will help to relax, relieve stress, restore vitality. There are several rules to follow:

  • Take a shower before the aroma bath.
  • Add ether not to water, but to sea salt, milk, honey. Only then pour it into the water.
  • The water temperature should not exceed 38 degrees.
  • The duration of the procedure is 25 minutes.
  • Cannot be used while taking aromatic bath detergents, shampoo.
  • After the procedure, the skin should dry naturally do not dry off with a towel.

You can take such baths several times a week.

A few centuries ago, people figured out what essential oil is. They realized what benefits and harms are hidden in the ethers useful plants, trees, fruits. Knowing why each ether is used, you can improve your health, prolong youth, and preserve beauty. Simple and healthy recipes will make your life more fragrant and better.

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