Caries detectors and indicators are modern diagnostic tools. Prices for Caries Markers from different manufacturers. What is

Diagnosis of caries is made not only with the help of instrumental or hardware examination. To determine the degree of tissue involvement in pathological process, both before treatment and during the procedure, a caries marker is used.

It allows you to identify affected areas that do not even have visible changes yet.

What does it represent?

A caries marker is a tool designed to exact definition areas affected by pathology. It is a liquid that contains a dye.

The tool can be used both to determine caries on the surface of the enamel, and in the area of ​​the prepared tooth cavity.

Operating principle

Due to the special components that make up the product, the liquid is retained only on demineralized tissues. Healthy enamel and dentin do not change their color. The marker can be easily removed from their surface not only with water, but also with an ordinary swab.

How is it different from a caries detector?

Many, under a caries marker, also mean a caries detector. But these concepts are different. Caries detector includes different types and types of tools and devices designed to determine caries.

One type of caries detector is a special indicator. This indicator is a caries marker.

What substances are used?

For marker making, mainly use the following substances:

  • propanediol is a natural ingredient derived from corn sugar. It acts as a solvent organic compounds located in the pores of the tooth and is responsible for the delivery of the reagent and dye to the deep layers of the affected tissue;
  • sodium DDC– an active agent characterized by high stability, due to which the pigment remains long time in dental tissues;
  • eosin-B- a red pigment capable of producing staining at the cellular level;
  • distilled water.

Advantages and disadvantages of application

Determination of affected tissues using a marker is used by almost every doctor, since such technique has a number of advantages:

  • the ability to accurately distinguish healthy tooth tissue and infected;
  • safety. This tool includes natural ingredients that do not cause discomfort the patient and do not apply common harm health.

    Due to this, the marker can be used as a demonstration tool that will allow the patient to visually see the state of his dentition;

  • liquid can be used not only to identify affected tissues on the surface, but also in the channels;
  • this remedy supports the use of invasive techniques.

In addition to the benefits, this The method also has disadvantages.:

  • liquid stains all demineralized dentin, even one in which the degree of damage is minimal and allows you to restore tissue through the action of remineralizing agents. As a rule, during the preparation they are simply ground down;
  • when turning dyed fabrics with boron, a smeared color layer is often formed, which makes it difficult to visualize the treated area and isolation of healthy tissue.

How to use?

The quality of tooth treatment will depend directly on the treatment with an indicator. In order to avoid a mistake, it is necessary to use this tool strictly in accordance with the instructions and, at the same time, take into account all the features of this process.


Since all markers have the same active ingredients, then instructions, regardless of the manufacturer, will be the same for everyone:

  • Before application, the patient rinse teeth with water supplied under pressure.
  • After that the enamel be sure to dry completely. Use warm to dry air flow, which forms a special apparatus. The warm air will remove any remaining liquid from the pores and allow them to expand slightly.

    The more detailed the drying is, the brighter the color of the affected tissue will be. Remaining water will prevent the pigment from entering the pores.

  • On dried enamel apply an indicator. Application is made directly from a dropper or syringe, or using a swab formed from foam rubber.

    Due to the liquid consistency, the marker is evenly distributed over the entire surface.

  • After 7 seconds the drug is washed off with a jet of water, and then dry the surface again.
  • Stained tooth tissue is removed using a dental burr.
  • After the manipulations reapply the marker. The procedure is carried out in exactly the same way as described above. The preparation is carried out until the dental tissues are stained.

To enhance the effect of staining during preparation, it is necessary to periodically act on given area short-term direction of warm air. The absence of a painted surface after applying the marker indicates that all affected enamel and dentin have been removed.

Is it suitable for home use?

Caries markers intended for professional use only dental clinic . Use at home is an impractical procedure, since a tool for an inexperienced user will only help determine the approximate area of ​​\u200b\u200bcaries development.

During professional use, experienced dentist always takes into account the color intensity of different areas, determining the degree of enamel damage and its areas that require conventional restorative therapy.

The unique properties of the pigment to stain tissues at the cellular level make it possible to detect not only weakly demineralized tissues, but also completely necrotic dentin located deep in the tooth cavity.

In most cases, incomplete cleansing of dead dentin leads to the development secondary caries developing under the filling.

In order to produce a high-quality removal of infected tissues, it is necessary to repeatedly apply a marker, followed by detailed preparation. Optimal time for such a procedure is from 30 to 60 minutes.

Maximum time will be spent in healing deep caries. The application time should be at least 5 seconds, since more than short period the liquid simply will not penetrate all layers of the dental tissue.

Security measures

Despite the fact that the caries marker is safe for the patient and the doctor, it is worth using it, taking into account all precautions.

What should be feared?

While applying the marker should be wary of the following:

  • Staining of healthy tooth tissues, which will lead to their removal. Most often, this situation occurs due to the application of the product for a longer time than it should be according to the instructions.
  • Removal of enamel that can be restored with the help of remineralizing agents.
  • Propylene glycol, which is part of the indicator, is considered a safe substance. But it is still capable of causing an allergy in a patient when it comes into contact with the oral mucosa.

    All allergy symptoms usually disappear after washing the mouth.

  • The pigment is distinguished by the intensity of staining not only in relation to hard tissues but also to skin and textiles. If the liquid is not removed from clothing or skin in a timely manner, persistent stains form, which can later be eliminated only with a solution of acetic acid.
  • Opening the pulp chamber, if this is not provided for by treatment. The dentin bordering the pulp is pink in color, which can be misleading and lead to the preparation of the border zone.

How to use a caries marker for preparation, see the video:

How to prevent?

To prevent possible problems described above, the dentist must adhere to certain rules:

  • Cannot be treated with liquid immediately a large number of teeth. This directly affects the efficiency of the manipulations performed, and hence the quality of treatment.

    During the time until the doctor will wash the first specimens, the latter may stain not only the affected, but also healthy tissues.

  • The time of one application should not exceed 10 seconds. Longer use will cause weakly demineralized tissues to take on the same intense staining as heavily infected dentin.
  • To prevent the risk of developing an allergic reaction, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test before the procedure. To do this, the dentist or his assistant is applied to the patient's wrist or inner surface elbow a small amount of funds.
  • To avoid staining the patient's clothes, a disposable medical napkin is placed on his chest.

    To prevent the formation of red spots on the lips, it is recommended to pre-treat them with a protective agent based on vitamins A and E, or ordinary petroleum jelly. If the pigment gets on the surface of the lips, they will prevent it from penetrating into the deeper layers.

  • To determine the affected tissues in the deep layers of dentin, it is recommended to use an indicator of a different color. This will prevent the possibility of opening the pulp chamber.


The cost of this product has a very large range. If desired, you can purchase a caries marker for both 100 and 3000 rubles. AT this case the price will depend not so much on the volume as on the manufacturer.

Among all products The indicators of the following firms are in the greatest demand:

  • Kuraray. A remedy from a Japanese manufacturer, with a volume of 6 ml, will cost 2500 rubles;
  • color test. Produced by the Russian company "VladMiVa". The average market cost of a large bottle with a capacity of 20 ml is 100 rubles;
  • Voco. German drug, the purchase of 3 ml of which will cost 1000 rubles;
  • "Omega". The tool is made in Russia, which greatly affects the price. You can buy 8 ml for only 200 rubles.

With such different cost, the composition and properties of these products are practically the same. The difference can only be in the addition of gelling agents that change the consistency of the product.

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A caries marker is a special substance that is actively used in dentistry to identify areas of teeth affected by caries.

Types of caries detectors

Caries marker stains areas damaged by caries in specific color. This allows you to determine the location of the lesion with high accuracy.

It should be understood that the terms caries marker and caries detector are not exactly the same thing.

Caries marker is one of the types of detectors.

The caries detector includes not only a caries marker, but also other devices and technologies that help determine the lesions. In another way, these devices are also called caries indicators.

Currently, the following types of substances are distinguished:

  1. Chemicals. This group includes caries markers, which, interacting with carious surface, determine its location. They are available in the form of solutions, which are based on synthetic dyes. Acid fuchsin or methylene blue interact with the affected area, a chemical reaction occurs, and the site of caries stains.
  2. Optical indicators. These devices act on the affected area with a beam of light, depending on pathological changes in the teeth, the degree of refraction of the beam changes. A special program allows you to analyze the refraction, as a result, a multi-colored image of the tooth is displayed on the screen. On it you can see the affected areas, their boundaries and the degree of damage.
  3. Laser detectors have a principle of operation similar to optical indicators. But in this case, not a light beam is used, but a laser beam. This is an expensive way to determine the affected areas, so these devices have found application in expensive clinics.

The greatest convenience is the use of optical and laser devices, but when using them, it is rather difficult to control the completeness of caries removal.

More accessible and relatively cheap caries markers, which are used most widely. Their use does not greatly increase the cost of treatment.

Operating principle

Caries marker is applied to the enamel. Coloring pigment penetrates into the damage, staining it.

But He is fixed only on carious areas, demineralized enamel, decayed dentine.

From healthy surfaces, the substance is easily washed off with plain water. He also does not show non-carious lesions.

Instructions for use

To diagnose and treat tooth decay, the dentist performs the following steps:

  1. The tooth surface is thoroughly cleaned of softened dentin and washed with water.
  2. The enamel is thoroughly dried. The caries marker can only be applied to a dry surface.
  3. The drug is applied to the tooth with a syringe or foam balls.
  4. After 5-10 seconds, the surface is again washed with water.

From healthy areas, the drug is washed off, and the affected areas remain colored.

It is important to dry the tooth as best as possible so that its microporosity increases.

This will allow the dye the best way fix the carious area.

After the area of ​​the lesion is determined, the dentist removes the dentin.

In this case, undamaged areas remain untouched. The procedure is performed until the complete cleaning of caries.

You can determine the completeness of the operation performed using this indicator. If the staining has stopped, the caries is removed. Such processing is very convenient, despite the fact that the speed of treatment is lower, the reliability and quality of therapy is increased.

The use of this drug allows you to diagnose the disease on early stage– appearances white spot. In addition, it penetrates deep into the affected area and helps to eliminate caries throughout the depth.

This drug has proven itself in the training of young professionals, it allows you to visually show the patient the degree of damage. It is used to monitor the condition of teeth with installed seals and crowns, checks for microcracks.

Swelling of the gums, their bleeding and even suppuration are direct signs of the presence of periodontitis. all about the treatment of the disease with antibiotics.

Precautionary measures

All caries detectors can only be used in a dental clinic. For home use they are unsuitable.

When using drugs, the following precautions should be observed:

  • The exposure time should not exceed 10 seconds. Otherwise, the substance can also stain healthy enamel. Optimal time exposure - 6-8 seconds.
  • It is not recommended to deal with the processing of several teeth at once, the procedure should be carried out in turn.
  • The safety of the drug has been confirmed, but exceptional cases an allergic reaction may occur. If this happens, the substance must be washed off.
  • If a caries marker gets on clothes, it is easy to remove it with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar.


The price of drugs depends on specific manufacturer, region, clinic in which they are used.

Contains a red color indicator for staining necrotic dentin affected by caries.

Caries Marker facilitates visual inspection of the surface of teeth damaged by caries. Healthy tooth tissues - enamel and even mineralized dentin will not be stained, which will facilitate the gentle removal of the affected area of ​​the tooth. Healthy unstained dentin must be preserved in the treatment of caries.

Areas of use:
Caries Marker is used to color the surface of a tooth damaged by caries.
- to determine residual caries, the field of removal of visible foci of infection.
- for a clear distinction between the damaged tooth surface and the healthy one, especially for secondary dentin that differs in color
- for control complete removal carious dentin
- to detect caries in hard-to-reach areas of the tooth
- to demonstrate to the patient areas damaged by caries
- for training purposes, for example, on an extracted (removed) tooth
- detection of obliterated nerve channels
- to detect micro-cracks in fillings

Directions for use:
First, clean the surface of the tooth from heavily discolored soft plaque.
Treat the cavity (affected area) with Caries Marker for 5-10 seconds (no longer!) and rinse with water.
The application of the liquid is recommended to be carried out using a Pele Tim sponge swab.
Dentin damaged by caries will turn intense red.
Completely remove stained areas of dentin, while carefully preserving unpainted areas. Repeat the cycle until no more discolored dentine surfaces appear.
Plaque and residual caries are also stained with Caries Marker and must be removed.

Instructions and warnings:
The intensity of the marking can be enhanced by blow drying the affected area of ​​the tooth.
it is not permissible to expose the tooth surface to the effect of the coloring preparation for too long (no more than 10 seconds).
At the end of the procedure, thoroughly rinse the treated tooth.
Otherwise, discoloration and subsequent removal of the pore dentin will occur.
Do not apply to areas in close proximity to the pulp to avoid erroneous removal of areas stained with blood.
Avoid contact with skin and clothing (risk of staining).
Remove from clothing with a mild vinegar solution.

Caries Marker contains propylene glycol, contact with concentrated Caries Marker may cause

To detect areas affected by caries, the dentist can use different means, but one of the most popular is Caries Marker, which is a substance applied to the desired tissues, which, by its bright color helps to solve this problem. After performing its function, the marker is easily washed off and does not linger on the dental tissues.

What is Caries Marker and how can it be used to identify lesions?

In some cases, experts share the concepts of Caries Marker and Caries Detector, believing that the latter is broader and includes not only the directly applied substance, but also various other devices and devices that serve the purpose of detecting caries. But there are no discrepancies regarding the concepts of a marker and an indicator, they are synonyms, it’s just that the first option has taken root better in the dental field.

After the substance has been applied to the affected area, its color changes and the stained tissue is quite easy to detect and then clean with boron. The procedure for applying the marker is carried out until the staining stops, which is a signal that there are no more affected tissues left.

This detector has proven to be excellent for functional diagnostics as well as in the training of physicians. It can also serve as an excellent illustration of the status quo to the patient. It is worth noting that although it slightly reduces the speed medical process, but allows not to doubt the fact that the therapy was performed qualitatively and gave the desired result.

Classification of caries detectors and their components

On the this moment Three groups of indicators of caries are actively used in dentistry:

  1. chemical markers. The same group, the principle of which is associated with the application of a certain substance to the surface and coloring of problem areas.
  2. optical markers. Here, a beam of light is taken as the basis, the length of which is 405 nm, and depending on the degree of its refraction in the affected area, a color map is displayed on a computer monitor. Accordingly, with this map, the affected areas become clearly visible and you can proceed to the treatment procedure.
  3. laser markers. Their operation follows principles similar to optical ones, but instead of a light beam, a laser is used.

The last two groups of detectors differ high level convenience, but control over how well they cleaned the affected area is more difficult than in the situation with chemicals, moreover, they are very expensive, and not all clinics can afford to buy them.

That is why Caries Marker is most often found in dentistry. Synthetic dyes are usually used in them, for example, sour fuchsin or methylene blue, which stain problem areas, respectively, in bright red and blue colors.

Instructions for the use of markers and the principle of their action

The procedure for using indicators is not particularly complicated, everything is quite simple:

  1. First, the patient's teeth must be rinsed with water and their surface dried, after which it is applied Chemical substance. To do this, you can use either a traditional syringe or foam balls.
  2. Within a few seconds, no more than 10, the drug is on the surface, after which it should be washed off with water. Those areas that were susceptible to carious infection will be stained. The intensity of staining directly depends on the degree of dryness of the enamel: the higher it is, the brighter and richer the color will be.
  3. Removal of the affected painted areas with a drill. Next, the treated cavities are again treated with the substance, and if remaining areas of caries are found, the procedure is repeated again until the markers show a color change.

It's important to know: It is worth considering that the color changes not only carious lesions, but also plaque with calculus, therefore, you need to be careful in the process of removing tissues.

Such detectors are a great help in removing dentin, infection which led to necrosis. This aspect is extremely important, because it is the remains of such tissues, if they are not noticed and removed, that can provoke to developing under the crowns or. That is why the duration of the procedure is quite long, at least half an hour, here saving time is completely inappropriate, otherwise the treatment will not give the desired result.

Warnings and Safety Precautions

The main problem that can happen when working with such an indicator is the possibility of staining healthy tooth. This is quite possible if the substance is overexposed on the dentin for more than 10 seconds, so dentists usually limit themselves to 6-7 seconds, which is quite enough to detect a problem. Also, this state of affairs implies a refusal to process immediately a large number teeth, everything needs to be done gradually, in a certain order. In addition, you should be especially careful with dentin near the pulp, since it has pink color, similar to the color of the marker.

The caries marker does not pose a threat to human health, although those patients who suffer from allergies may have problems with some detectors, which include propylene glycol. The problem is easily eliminated by washing with mucous water.

Markers are distinguished by their ability to leave very persistent and difficult to remove traces, especially if this issue is tightened. It is not difficult to remove stains, but only if you do it right away, this is done with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar.

Advantages and disadvantages of application

The caries detection technique with detectors has several advantages:

  • the ability to clearly and extremely accurately separate the boundaries of healthy tissue from the infected tissue;
  • absolute safety for human health, which is achieved through the use of natural ingredients as constituent components;
  • markers can detect infection not only on the surface of the teeth, but also in the canals;
  • such preparations support the use of invasive techniques.

It is impossible to ignore the fact that these indicators also have disadvantages, in particular:

  • staining affects not only heavily infected areas, but also those that can be saved with the help of remineralization, but due to the action of the markers, they simply grind off with a drill.
  • the smeared layer that appears in the process of turning, which differs from the others in its color, makes the visualization of the working area more difficult, respectively, it becomes more difficult to separate healthy tissues from the affected ones.

Prices for Caries Markers from different manufacturers

The cost of indicators can vary greatly depending on the clinic where the treatment will take place, as well as on the manufacturer of the drugs:

  1. This drug from Germany is very popular and has a rather humane price: for example, 1 gram will cost about 400 rubles, for three grams you will have to pay about one thousand.
  2. Japanese drug, costs about two and a half thousand for 6 grams.
  3. color test. The drug of the Russian manufacturer "VladMiVa" is cheaper than all its analogues - 100 rubles per 20 grams.

The spread in price may be greater, but at the same time, these substances, like a number of others, are quite similar to each other, and doctors prefer those that are more convenient to work with.

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How to know for sure if you have caries? To do this, they came up with a caries marker. This is a chemical that colors the carious area in a bright color - blue or pink. And if the tooth is healthy, then it will remain the same white.

Caries indicators are indispensable for identifying early caries, carious foci and cracks near fillings, in hard-to-reach places for inspection. At the same time, the boundary between healthy and diseased tissues is clearly marked.

How to identify caries

The dentist takes a viewing mirror and carefully examines each tooth. But sometimes it is difficult to recognize a carious focus, even using tools.

A caries marker is a liquid that stains areas of a tooth affected by caries. The carious focus is highlighted in a contrasting color, which greatly simplifies the diagnosis. It is immediately noticeable which tissues will have to be dissected (drilled).

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "caries-marker" and "caries-detector". Caries detector is a broader definition that includes all sorts of methods disease recognition. Caries marker (or indicator) is just one of the types.

Types of caries detectors

Chemical detectors

These are caries markers, which are available in the form of a solution. Their operating principle is based on chemical reaction active ingredient With carious tissues tooth. Active ingredient serves as acid fuchsin (Acid magenta) or methylene blue (Methylenum coeruleum) - synthetic dyes.

Optical detectors

Diagnostics is carried out using computer equipment. Optical detectors generate light waves with a length of 405 nanometers. Light is reflected differently depending on the condition of the tooth surface. computer program analyzes the data, and as a result, a multi-colored picture is obtained, where the boundaries and the degree of development of caries are clearly visible.


The mechanism of action is similar to the previous one, but instead of light, laser ray. Diagnosis is carried out by the German apparatus "Diagnodent Pen". Laser indicators are not cheap, therefore they are used mainly in elite clinics.

Operating principle

The chemical instantly stains carious areas, regardless of the stage of the disease: necrotic (decayed) dentin or initial stage chalky spot.

The coloring pigment penetrates into demineralized areas of enamel and dentin. These are hard dental tissues where the loss of minerals occurred and began carious process. At the same time, the caries marker does not affect healthy enamel, as well as fluorescent spots and other non-carious lesions.

The doctor removes the stained areas with a drill and reapplies a portion of the substance. The procedure is repeated until the dental tissues finally stop staining. This will mean that the carious infection has been eliminated.

Instructions for use

Universal guide for caries indicators:

  1. The patient rinses oral cavity water.
  2. The enamel is dried with a stream of warm air - the drier the surface, the brighter the color will turn out.
  3. The doctor applies a caries marker immediately from the syringe that comes with the kit, or using a foam swab.
  4. The drug acts for 5-10 seconds, then it is washed off with water.

In addition to foci of demineralization, the indicator stains bacterial plaque and tartar, so the dentist carefully differentiates them from a carious defect.

Precautionary measures

If the dye exposure time exceeds 10 seconds, the caries marker can stain healthy and undamaged enamel. The optimal processing time is 7 seconds. Therefore, you should not process several teeth at once, this reduces the efficiency of the procedure.

Markers are safe for health, but in rare cases the drug causes allergic reaction upon contact with mucous membranes. Discomfort disappears immediately after rinsing the mouth with water.

If the caries marker accidentally gets on your clothes, treat the stain with cotton wool soaked in a solution of vinegar.

Caries indicators are for professional use only. It is not recommended to use them at home!


Chemical indicators are an inexpensive diagnostic method common in economy-class dentistry. The use of a caries marker does not increase the cost of treatment, but it greatly facilitates the work of the dentist.

The cost of known drugs:

  • "Voco" (Germany) - about 450 rubles per 1 gram;
  • "Kuraray" Japanese manufacturer - 2500 rubles. for 6 ml;
  • "Color test No. 2" domestic production- 100 rubles / 20 ml;
  • "Omega" (Russian company) - 200 rubles / 8 ml.

Caries marker - universal remedy, with the exception of the diagnosis of secondary caries under the filling. In areas close to the pulp, it is dangerous to use a marker because of the risk of confusing the carious areas stained with the reagent with the pulp (also pinkish in color). For such a case, one resorts to alternative methods diagnostics - sighting x-ray or computed tomography.

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