Is it worth taking a kitten if there is a small child in the house. Features of cohabitation of cats and small children Adult cat and small child

For many future and current parents, the question often arises, are the child and the cat compatible? Moreover, you can be interested in this topic based on two opposite positions: there is already a cat in the house and a baby will appear soon, or a child is already growing in the family and there is a desire to have a cat. The actions of the parents depend on the order in which the pet and the child appeared in the family, so we will consider these situations in more detail, but first we will talk about the myths associated with cats and children.

Myth 1. Cats steal babies' breath.

These fictions are used by the older generation from the outback, who believe that cats get close to defenseless babies and take away their breath and strength. But sane people understand that the presence of a cat in a child's cradle can be explained not even by one, but by several reasons. Cats are curious, and, therefore, if a new man has appeared in the family, then it is necessary to get to know him. To do this, they get closer to the sniffing bag and sniff it. In addition, representatives of the cat family are very fond of warmth and limited space, so they are not at all averse to sleeping in a cozy baby cradle or crib.

Myth 2. Cats are bad for small children.

Of course, if a cat has lived in your house for a long time and is used to receiving a certain amount of attention and affection, with the advent of a baby, he will initially feel left out, but a healthy, well-mannered cat will never “sort things out” with a new family member. Even if the animal does not feel much sympathy for the child, most likely it will simply try to avoid the baby.

Myth 3. A cat can infect a child some sickness

Being afraid of diseases from cats is like being afraid to go outside. Yes, cats are carriers of many diseases, and there is always the possibility of infection from them, but no one has canceled the rules for living together with animals. If the baby and the cat do not eat from the same dishes, do not kiss and sleep in the same bed, then the problems of cat diseases can be avoided. The child must clearly understand that the cat is not a soft toy and after communicating with him you should always wash your hands, and the cat should be accustomed to his own place of eating and sleeping. It is unacceptable for a cat to sleep in a crib or have access to baby items. If you follow these rules, then soon both will be accustomed to order and there will be no difficulties.

There is a cat in the house, a child is planned

Young families without children often get a fluffy pet and have time to get used to it by the time pregnancy occurs. Giving someone a cat because of the expected replenishment in the family is not an option for everyone, and there is nothing to it. It is possible to be afraid of any malicious actions on the part of a cat only if the animal is mentally unbalanced and poorly educated. If the cat is prosperous, then in the worst case, he will simply ignore the baby, and at best he will become his reliable friend and protector.

In the pair “cat and newborn”, the animal takes an active position, and very often it is able to give the baby not only new tactile sensations. There are cases when cats taught babies new skills - for example, they pushed their nose into their palm and thereby provoked an important grasping reflex, and cats also calm the child with their purr and soft fur.

It is very important at the first stage to form the right relationship between this pair. The main points are given below:

  • When a baby is brought into the house, it is necessary to give the cat the opportunity to get to know a new family member - to examine, sniff, listen;
  • You can’t drive the cat away from the child with cries, because he will still try to get to know the baby, and it’s better to let this happen in front of the parents;
  • If the animal tries to climb into the cradle or bed, then you need to forbid it in a calm, even voice;
  • You can not treat a cat like a toy for a child. Remember that your fluffy pet is also a member of the family, which means you need to treat him accordingly;
  • To prevent jealousy, give your pet at least a little time - scratch behind the ear, feed, stroke, that is, in every possible way, let's understand that your love for him has not decreased.

The relationship between cat and baby. As soon as a baby has appeared in your house, your attention is completely switched to him. If a cat already lives in your house, it is very difficult to immediately understand the attitude of a pet to a new family member. At first, it is necessary to ensure that the cat does not stay with the child without the presence of adults and does not enter his room.

However, you should be aware pet with the baby in the first days of his life. To do this, you can let the cat sniff the things of the baby, so that she is convinced that the child does not pose any threat. It does not hurt to visit a veterinarian to rule out fungal and other diseases in a cat that can pose a danger to the child's emerging immunity. It is also useful to understand if your baby is allergic to cat hair. Nowadays, allergies in children are very common, and in this case, most likely, you will have to get rid of the animal.

During the period when the child begins crawl, it is necessary to ensure that attempts to play do not seem like a manifestation to the cat, and she does not attack your child. Parents of children of this age often complain that the child has been scratched.

Cat and older children

Once children grow up to the age when they can independently control their behavior, it is necessary to explain to them that the animal also deserves respect and respect. A cat litter box and a place to eat should become taboo for a child. Do not leave children alone with animals.

It is worth noting that communication with a furry friend at an early age is very rewarding. If you don't have a cat yet and you are just planning to adopt one, it is best to adopt a small kitten. So they will grow together, develop and care for each other. Such communication will help the baby become more independent. Over time, he will understand that animals need to be treated very carefully.

It's important to explain to kid that a cat is not a toy. Very often, children torture cats by dragging them from corner to corner, dressing them in doll clothes or playing for too long. In this case, the animal may show aggression and adults should prevent this.

The dangers that cats keep in themselves

Homemade cats They can also be carriers of dangerous diseases. Eating raw fish and meat, hunting flies, and walking next to outdoor shoes, cats can catch helminthiasis (worms) and so on. In cats, this disease is asymptomatic, but the risk of the disease spreading to people, and especially children, is quite high. To avoid this situation, parents must carry out prophylaxis against worms at least 2 times a year.

Also animal can become infected with toxoplasmosis, which is extremely dangerous, especially during. An expectant mother can become infected with toxoplasmosis while cleaning the cat's litter box. This disease in itself is not dangerous for the mother, but can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

Next disease, which is not life-threatening, but rather unpleasant - is ringworm. Infection occurs through direct contact with a sick cat. In case of infection, a person develops scaly spots that have a rounded shape. To prevent you and your child from being exposed to this disease, your pet should be vaccinated.

The most dangerous disease, the peddler of which is a cat, is feline rabies. This disease is caused by a neurovirus, which is transmitted by a bite with saliva. The disease is incurable and if symptoms are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Also cats can be the cause of a disease called cat scratch. This disease is infectious, and it occurs when bacteria enter the injured skin of the baby. The disease is spread by cats in which the bacteria are located in the oral cavity. Licking their paws, the infection gets on the claws. Infection of the baby can occur when a cat bites or scratches. At the site of a bite or scratch, a speck appears, and then a bubble, which later bursts and forms an ulcer. Next, there is an increase in lymph nodes and an increase in temperature. Treatment takes place at home with the help of heavy drinking and antipyretics.

It is worth noting that cats can be carriers of other diseases, such as salmonellosis or chlamydia. If your pet has any signs of illness, it is better not to approach the animal and protect it from contact with children.

Precautionary measures

First of all, you should keep cat, the place of her toilet and food in strict cleanliness. If the cat is fluffy, then it is necessary to comb it regularly so that the hair does not get into the child's mouth.
Must visit regularly veterinarian and carry out prophylaxis against worms for both the cat and your baby. If suddenly your cat can go to the toilet in the wrong place, then you should strictly ensure that the child does not touch the cat's feces, and immediately thoroughly wash the floor with a special disinfectant.

Do not let baby there is cat food (it is worth noting that all children try to taste it), put away bowls of cat food when the pet has eaten and, conversely, remove children's food from the table. The food you feed your baby should be kept out of the reach of the pet.

While feeding the cat the baby should not be around, as the pet may not like it.
Do not leave a cat alone with a child.
If all of the above rules are observed, then the animal will bring only joy to your home.

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Quite often you can find announcements that adult cats are given into good hands because a small child has appeared in the family. However, is it worth getting rid of a pet - a cat or a cat, if a baby appears in your family? Can cats and children live peacefully under the same roof (find out how cats and dogs live together)? And how do you introduce them to each other?

We will try to give answers to these questions in our today's publication ...

Can a cat harm a child?

A cat can scratch a child

Theoretically, this possibility cannot be denied. The cat has sharp claws that she can use. At the same time, she does not necessarily have to want to harm a human baby. Carried away during the game, she can release sharp claws. In order to prevent this from happening, you can use special ones or simply do not leave the cat alone with the child in situations where she can scratch the baby after playing too much.

Actually, it's not that difficult. Moreover, the cat's attention can always be switched from the baby to more interesting objects for her. The main thing is to want.

A cat can bite a child

As a rule, before a cat bites, it hisses, scratches and demonstrates its aggressive and warlike mood with all its appearance. It is rare that cats attack just like that, and just bite. If you notice that the animal is set up aggressively (o), behaves excitedly, try to minimize its contact with the child, thereby you will avoid potentially dangerous situations.

A cat can infect a child with dangerous diseases zoontroponoses

As for the risk of allergic reactions, of course, there is, but the results of research by scientists say that, on the contrary,

children who grew up with cats from an early age are less likely to suffer from allergies and asthma.

A cat can suffocate a child

The most common and ... ridiculous horror story. As a rule, representatives of the feline family, especially cats, adore small children, they are ready to sleep next to them, protect their sleep and warm them with their warmth ... Parents just need to make sure that the cat does not crush the baby in a dream. To do this, you do not need to leave this sweet couple unattended. If you don't trust your cat, then just don't let her in the crib. If you believe her, just make sure that her cat hugs are not too tight.

Why does a cat hurt a child

However, despite the fact that above we examined the theoretical possibility of how a cat can harm a baby and how to avoid it, you can still often hear stories from parents of small children that their cat offends the baby. Why is this happening? Who is guilty? And, is it worth getting rid of the cat in this case?

The reason for this behavior of a cat, when she deliberately offends a child, is feline jealousy. Just imagine, yesterday your pet was a full-fledged hostess in the house, had the right to access any rooms, could sleep with you, and today they close it in the kitchen, do not pick it up, and drive it out of the room where the squeaky bundle settled. Naturally, the cat in such a situation begins to be jealous and angry. In order to solve this problem, you need to show the cat that there is no reason for jealousy, and she shouldn’t be angry at all, since the child is not a competitor for attention, but a little master, whom she should also love.

How to introduce a cat to a child

Much will depend on the first acquaintance of a cat with a child, in particular, whether they will make friends or not. It is in your interest for the cat to accept the baby, therefore, we recommend that you follow our recommendations. So,

  • You should not postpone the acquaintance of a cat with a child on the back burner, and prevent their meeting. This will only fuel your cat's curiosity. Better immediately after the appearance of the baby in your house, take your cat in your arms and give her the opportunity to sniff the children's things and the child himself. All these scents are completely new to the cat, and it is very important for her to make sure that they do not hide a threat to her. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that the “sniffing” period of the relationship will drag on for several hours, or even days. Do not interfere with the cat in her desire to sniff all the children's things, as soon as she satisfies her curiosity, she will calm down.
  • After getting acquainted with things, the cat will want to get to know the child - be sure to control this process so that the cat does not harm the baby, and he does not inadvertently offend her. You should not drive the cat away from the child, drive it away screaming, push it off the couch ... With this behavior, you can provoke aggression in the cat, and she may try to climb into the crib to spite you. A few minutes of visual, tactile and olfactory contact of the cat with the child will be enough, after which you can carefully remove the cat, switching its attention to something else (a little later we will tell you how and how to properly distract the cat from the baby).
  • Immediately prioritize who is in charge in the house. In order to prevent such a change in leadership positions from becoming stressful for the pet, in advance, even before the baby arrives, start preparing it for the fact that you yourself choose the time to communicate with her. If the cat gets used to this, she will not be offended that you devote a lot of time and attention to your child. However, do not forget to give at least a few minutes a day to your animal. Caress him, say a kind word, treat him with a treat, throw a toy ...
  • Teach the cat to the fact that at first you pay attention to the child, and only then to her, then she will understand that the child is a step above her, and will also treat him with respect, as a master.
  • When the baby grows up a little, he will definitely become interested in a cat in your house. Make sure that at this stage in the development of the relationship, the animal does not turn into a toy that is tortured and mocked. Explain to your child how to properly pet a cat, how to pick it up, and do not let him offend her. Tell them that in order to protect themselves, the animal may scratch and bite, but in order for this not to happen, it does not need to be provoked.
  • Teach your child to respect the choice of the animal. If the cat doesn’t want to play now, don’t force it, don’t force it to be held in your arms or try to impose your attention and communication.

The coexistence of pets and humans is quite possible within an ordinary apartment in a multi-storey building. This is especially true for cats and cats, which, having appeared in the apartment, master the territory offered to them and become part of the family. A baby inevitably appears in a young family, and then questions arise as to whether a cat and a newborn child are compatible in the same apartment or house and how safe it is.

What are they afraid of

Why such a problem appears at all before the birth of a child: cats and newborn children. Several reasons:

  • a possible allergy to cat hair, according to statistics, such a pathology is quite rare, but if such a situation arises, the animal can always be isolated;
  • a cat can become a spreader of infection, but only if she lives both at home and on the street.

The latter is very revealing. There is a widespread belief that a cat should be let out on the street. But this is not so, because this is a pet, for which the territory that it controls is important, in this case, this is the area of ​​\u200b\u200ban apartment or house. Side factors that call a cat or a cat outside are easily overcome: sterilization, at least for a cat, and medical intervention (soothing drops) for a cat.

This procedure is completely painless for a cat, and absolutely calm for a person’s conscience, since, having taken an animal to live in a house, we are obliged to complete some formalities, otherwise it is better not to take responsibility for the animal.

If we cannot arrange the life of a cat, then why do we strive to have a child. Communication between a cat and a newborn is inevitable after the baby has appeared in the house. These creatures are very curious, and becoming members of the family, they are also jealous, so you need to prepare your pet for the appearance of a new resident of the house.


Cats are quite tolerant of newborn children if they are prepared in advance for the appearance of a new member of the community that lives in this house or apartment. To do this, you need to take the following preventive measures:

  • for a cat, one of the main stresses is noise, which is inevitably associated with the appearance of a newborn baby in the house, so you need to accustom the animal in advance to these loud sounds that the baby makes when inviting friends who have small children home;
  • accustom the pet to the sounds of a rattle, give the opportunity to sniff those substances and objects that will be associated with the child: powder, baby cream, lotion, shampoo, cats receive almost half of the information through smell;
  • with a pet, you need to talk about future changes, naming the name of the unborn child, if it has already been chosen.

For a pet, the appearance of a new family member, and even such a small size, will always be a surprise that he needs to get used to.

If there are many cats

Of course, many purposefully start cat houses, most often buying famous breeds for divorce. But many simply pick up kittens thrown out by someone or even adult cats that, by the will of fate, ended up on the street. As a rule, this whole flock gets along peacefully with each other.

And he perceives a person as an external strong animal that feeds, cares and caresses. The appearance of a new living creature, which is not much inferior in size to the cats themselves, almost does not raise any questions for them, on the contrary, it is necessary to immediately accustom animals not to do the following:

  • do not jump into the crib, stroller, table where the baby is swaddled;
  • do not climb to the owners during feeding;
  • teach the cat not to go into the room where the child is.

These relationships between cats and cats can be quite established, since this animal is smart and understands its place in the house. Having accustomed to these elementary rules, cats react quite calmly to newborn children.

Security measures

At the same time, it is necessary to observe some precautions related, first of all, to keeping a cat or a cat and observing certain sanitary standards and other rules, which will allow peaceful coexistence between the animal and the child.

  • It is necessary to make all the necessary vaccinations for the animal.
  • Be sure to treat against helminths, even if they do not appear.
  • Rid a cat of fleas (at home it is quite possible).
  • Cat nails need to be trimmed regularly.
  • Make sure that the newborn and the cat are not left alone.
  • To teach a cat or a cat not to enter the child's room, if the animal feels danger, then it will not go in by itself.
  • It is also important that the child has completely limited access to the tray and feeding place. Feed the cat in another room so that there is no contact with the newborn.

Be sure to teach the child to the fact that after he picked up a cat or stroked it, you need to wash your hands, even if it is absolutely a pet. It must be remembered that there are no completely sterile places in the house, and the cat walks and lies everywhere.

From a very early age, a child should be taught to be careful and affectionate towards animals. A cat can offend a small child only if he himself constantly shows aggression towards her. Therefore, it is necessary from an early age to accustom the child to the fact that he:

  • perceived a cat or a cat not as a toy, but as a living being with a soul and requiring respect for itself;
  • did not allow any manifestations of aggression towards the animal;
  • did not mock the cat, did not cause her pain and resentment.

Any aggression against a person on the part of a cat or a cat is a defensive reaction to an external manifestation of aggression on the part of a person. And even when it manifests itself, it is limited, that is, the cat may scratch or hiss, warning that you should not anger her further. But these are extreme measures taken by the animal. Usually, when there is a threat, the cat tries to avoid conflict and it is better to hide somewhere or run away.

A cat and a child - how do their relationships develop and can they be somehow regulated?

The attitude of cat owners to the neighborhood in the house of their pet with a small child is ambiguous, but more often still negative. There are many reasons for this. Many, for example, believe that a cat's habit of sleeping on a person can turn into an irreparable disaster for a baby. Naturally, such owners prefer not to take risks and in such a situation get rid of their fluffy pet.

However, if the owner of the cat is prudent and leaves the pet in the family, then in the end, of course, he will win. After all, a cat, by its nature, does not seek to cause deliberate harm to a child, and they are quite capable of coexisting peacefully. To do this, it is enough to look after the newborn more carefully, without leaving him alone with the cat.

To be honest, a newborn baby should not be left for a long time even if there is no cat in the house at all. A growing baby always requires close attention from his parents. It turns out that if parents have elementary common sense, then there is nothing to worry about in the neighborhood of their baby with a cat.

A child up to 7 years old will intensively learn the world around him, having little idea of ​​what can and cannot be done.

And all this time, parents should take care of him, gradually accustoming him to an independent life. If a cat lives at home, then a small child must be introduced to it, having learned to coexist peacefully.

Sometimes it happens that the decision to have a cat in the family comes after the birth of the child. In this case, you should be aware that sooner or later the baby will have to be introduced to the pet.

By the way, such a situation can be called ideal, because by the time the cat appears in the family, the basic foundations will be formed and fixed, and the pet will be able to quickly get used to the rules of behavior, and will also take seriously not only the owner himself, but also all members of his family, including the little one. child.

Getting used to a child in a cat or a cat in old age

It is much more difficult to get used to a cat in old age. After all, with the advent of the baby in the house, the owners will no longer be able to pay attention to their pet as before. From here, the cat begins to believe that her rights are infringed, and the baby who appeared in the house is to blame. The cat is not able to perceive him as a master, because he considers himself an old-timer in this territory. In this case, it will be extremely difficult to avoid attacks of aggression in a pet.

Preparing a cat for a baby in the house

In a word, the appearance of a baby or a cat in the house should be taken seriously and, if possible, plan the dating process in advance. It should be remembered that the first steps in the process of introducing a child to a cat will largely determine their future relationship.

Even before the newborn is in the house, the cat should be shown to the veterinarian, who should conduct a complete examination of the pet. The owner needs to be absolutely sure that the animal is healthy. Only in this case, the cat and the baby can be introduced to each other.

The dating process should not be forced. First, the pet can be picked up and allowed to sniff the child's personal belongings in a relaxed atmosphere. The main thing is not to rush. Let the cat in a comfortable environment gradually get used to the smells unfamiliar to her.

Acquaintance of a cat and a child

Then you can move on to personal acquaintance. Let the cat sniff the baby. Naturally, it is necessary to strictly control every movement of the pet, guaranteed to protect the child from potential harm. The task of parents is to make it clear to the cat that the child is not a competitor for her and does not pose a threat. If this succeeds, then the cat will begin to mark the territory, giving others a signal that this is her home.

A rather unpleasant situation in the house develops if the cat begins to see an opponent in the baby. Parents should try to stop this development in the bud. The nature of cats is individual. Some allow you to focus on your person only when they have a desire. Other cats may avoid the owner altogether. But there are also such pets for whom the attention and care of the owner is vital. It is this group of pets that can cause trouble. Do not put your child under attack, provoking jealousy in the pet's heart.

Start preparing for an acquaintance in advance. Do not respond to the pet's affection and attention long before the newborn baby appears in the house. Let the cat understand that the owner is not her property, and that he is free to respond to her signs of attention at his own discretion. Only in this case, the cat will be able to adequately respond to the appearance of the baby in the house, since this fact will be perceived by her less painfully.

All sisters on earrings

If the above is not enough, you can resort to another trick. After talking with the child, give a little affection to the cat. In this case, the pet will quickly understand that the relationship between the owner and the child is a necessary condition for sympathy for her. Thus, the pet will correctly form respect for the child, since the cat will put his status in the family hierarchy above his own.

You should not feed the child and the cat at the same time and in the same place. The smell of food can provoke an attack of aggression in a pet, which is fraught with consequences. You should be aware that a cat is not able to distinguish between its food and the owner's food, so the feeding process can easily become a reason for inappropriate behavior. And if you add jealousy here, then the situation can easily get out of control.

As already mentioned, if a cat makes territorial claims, it can easily begin to mark the territory. In this case, the things of the child suffer. If this happens, then mistakes were made during the acquaintance of the pet and the baby and the procedure should be carried out again. Sooner or later, everything will fall into place, the cat recognizes the child as a member of the family and will again become affectionate and accommodating. Unfortunately, this will only happen for a while, until the baby grows up a little.

When the child grows up

A growing child makes its own adjustments to the relationship with the cat. Now the pet itself can easily become a victim of excessive attention from the baby, who is torn apart by curiosity for everything that surrounds him. Naturally, he will not be able to remain indifferent to the cat resting on the couch.

And it’s good if the pet has an angelic character and patience. In this case, he can simply climb higher, where the child cannot disturb him. Usually such a place becomes a window sill, closet or shelf. It will be good if the owner himself will make sure that the cat has a place to rest, protected from attempts by the baby. Even better, if there are several such places.

Beneficial for the relationship between a cat and a child are played under the close supervision of the parents of the game with the pet. The kid should be instilled in the affectionate treatment of the cat. Let him pet her. At such moments, the child begins to understand that animals cannot be offended. And the cat itself will get used to the touch of the baby. After some time, the presence of parents during such procedures will be optional, since the child will learn how to properly communicate with the cat, without being frightened or offending her.


Hygiene is a top priority for parents if a cat and a child live at home. Little children taste everything that comes into their hands. And there is no guarantee that the toy that the baby picked up on the floor was not previously in the cat litter box.

However, problems can be avoided if you know and follow simple rules.

  • First of all, after each contact with the animal, the child must wash his hands.
  • It will also be better to buy toys that are easy to clean. Naturally, you should not allow toys to be scattered around the house in order to limit the pet's access to them.
  • The same goes for the cat litter, which should be kept elevated, and even better, use a lid.

Make it a rule to periodically carry out anthelmintic treatment for your pet. Just as frequent should be the visit to the veterinarian to assess the health of the cat. After all, a cat and a child are in contact, and the animal can infect the baby.

After reading this article, many owners of cats and cats may think that the difficulties that a cat's stay in the house with a newborn child brings are too great and untimely. Thus, it is better to get rid of a four-legged friend. Of course, this opinion is wrong. The child will soon grow up and will be accountable for his actions. And over time, the cat will surely love the baby even more than other family members.

All the dangers that once threatened the child will be a thing of the past. But they will be replaced by a sincere feeling of love and mutual understanding between man and animal. Your baby will appreciate this friendship. In addition, gradually in the process of feeding and caring for a pet, the child will learn to be responsible for someone else's life and fate.

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