Psychosomatic diseases list. A new approach to explaining the causes of cancer. What can help you heal? How are psychosomatic illnesses different from ordinary illnesses?

Illness is a signal of imbalance, harmony with the Universe. Illness is an external reflection of our harmful thoughts, our behavior and our intentions, that is, our worldview. This is the subconscious protection of ourselves from our own destructive behavior or thoughts. A sick person is a person who has a sick worldview. Therefore, in order to cure the disease, it is necessary to change your worldview.
Many people, when their body is in pain, rush to get rid of it as soon as possible with the help of a “magic”, “relieving everything bad”, Her Majesty - pills.
They "have no time" to think about the causes of the problem in the body, and some simply do not want to endure the pain. Indeed, why endure pain if it can simply be "removed", "suppressed", "destroyed"!? It is enough to know that there are painkillers in abundance. And the cause often remains unresolved.
Among the reasons various diseases, among other unfavorable factors, are called and psychological features. Any disease is a signal of some disturbance in the system that unites the mind, body and emotions. There is a causal relationship between the psychology of a particular person and somatic diseases, but it is indirect, ambiguous and does not fit into elementary schemes. You can get acquainted with the theory of the psychology of diseases of the body.
The causes of illness given are repressed feelings deeply felt within. For some diseases, several options are given, which means that the data of different researchers differ (or they simply talk about the same thing in different terms). The table is designed to help traditional medicine, not replace it.
For people trying to find out the cause of illness, we give a list of diseases and their causes on the mental plane. But this does not mean at all that you should not contact a specialist. Some diseases have a complex component and deep "roots" that only a specialist can recognize!
The list is given for mental analysis and reflection on the "standard" of one's existence - the spiritual principles of life.

Table of interrelations of somatic disease and psychological prerequisites.

List of diseases, diseased organs, parts of the body or affected systems of the human body.

Possible mental causes of disease or injury. Supplemented and revised materials by Louise Hay and Vladimir Zhikarentsev.
1. Abscess, abscess, abscess. A person is disturbed by thoughts of the evil that has been done to him, of inattention and revenge.
2. Adenoids. They swell from sadness, or become inflamed from humiliation. Family tensions, disputes. Sometimes - the presence of a childish feeling of undesirability.
3. Addison's disease - (see Adrenal disease) adrenal insufficiency. Severe lack of emotional nourishment. Anger at yourself.
4. Adrenaline diseases are diseases of the adrenal glands. Defeatism. I hate to take care of myself. Anxiety, anxiety.
5. Alzheimer's disease is a type of senile dementia, manifested by total dementia with progressive memory decay and cortical focal disorders. (see also Dementia, Old Age, Decrepitude).
Desire to leave this planet. The inability to face life as it is. Refusal to interact with the world as it is. Hopelessness and helplessness. Anger.
6. Alcoholism. Sadness breeds alcoholism. Feeling of worthlessness, emptiness, guilt, inconsistency with the world around. Self denial. Alcoholics are people who do not want to be aggressive and cruel. They want to be joyful and bring joy to others. They are looking for the easiest way to escape from everyday problems. As a natural product, alcohol is a balancing act.
He gives the person what he needs. It temporarily solves the problems that have accumulated in the soul, relieves the tension from the drinker. Alcohol reveals the true face of a person. Acoholism recedes when treated with kindness and love. Alcoholism is the fear of not being loved. Alcoholism destroys the physical body.
7. allergic rash on the face. Man is humiliated by the fact that against his will everything has become clear. Seemingly good and fair humiliates a person so much that there is no strength to endure.
8. Allergy. A tangled ball of love, fear and anger. Who do you not tolerate? Fear of malice - fear that anger will destroy love. This causes anxiety and panic and, as a result, allergies.
- in adults - the body loves the person and hopes for improvement emotional state. It feels like it doesn't want to die of cancer. He sees better.
- on animal hair - during pregnancy, the mother was frightened or angry, or the mother does not like animals.
- on the flower pollen (hay fever) - the child is afraid that he will not be allowed into the yard and becomes embittered by this, for an adult - grief in connection with some incident in nature or in the village.
- for fish - a person does not want to sacrifice anything for the sake of others, a protest against self-sacrifice. For a child - if the parents sacrifice themselves and their families for the good of society.
Negation own strength. A protest against something that cannot be expressed.
9. Amenorrhea - the absence of regulation for 6 months or more at the age of 16-45 years.
(cm. women's issues, Menstrual problems, lack (decrease) of menstruation) Unwillingness to be a woman, dislike of oneself.
10. Amnesia - partial or complete absence memory. Fear. Escapism. Inability to take care of oneself.
11. anaerobic infection. A man is desperately fighting to destroy the dungeon, to get out of it to freedom. Pus itself rushes to the air, looking for a way out. Anaerobic infection does not look for a way out; even without oxygen, it is capable of destroying the dungeon. The more extensive the focus of the disease, the more likely the likelihood of blood poisoning.
12. Angina, purulent tonsillitis. A strong belief that you cannot speak up for your views and ask for your needs to be met. You refrain from harsh words. Feeling unable to express yourself.
- berate yourself or others
- subconscious resentment towards oneself,
- the child has problems in relations between parents, - the removal of the tonsils - the parental desire that the child obey big and smart adults,
- the tonsils are the ears of self-conceit, - non-existent ears will no longer perceive the words. From now on, any offense will cultivate his conceit - ego. He can hear about himself - heartless. It is no longer easy to make him dance to someone else's tune. If this happens, then other tissues of the larynx are affected.
13. Anemia is a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.
Lack of joy in life. Fear of life. Feeling that they are not good enough for the world around them.
14. Anorexia is loss of appetite. Unwillingness to live the life of a dead man. For a person, they think convincingly and deftly and make decisions - thereby imposing their will. The weaker the will to live, the weaker the appetite. Food is a factor that prolongs such a life and mental anguish. Self-hatred and self-denial. The presence of extreme fear. The denial of life itself.
15. Anuresis. Bedwetting in children - the mother's fear for her husband is transmitted to the child in the form of fear for the father, and the kidneys blocked by fear can be released and do their work in a dream. Daytime incontinence urine - the child is afraid of his father, because he is too angry and harsh.
16. Anuria - cessation of urine flow to the bladder due to impaired blood flow in the kidneys, diffuse lesions of their parenchyma or obstruction of the upper urinary tract.
A person does not want to give vent to bitterness from unfulfilled desires.
17. Anus - (point of release from excess load, dropping to the ground.)
- abscess - anger towards something from which you do not want to be freed.
- pain - guilt, not good enough.
- itching - a sense of guilt before the past, remorse, remorse.
- fistula - continue to stubbornly cling to the trash of the past.
18. Apathy. Resistance to feelings, drowning out one's self.
19. Apoplexy, seizure. Escape from family, from myself, from life.
20. Appendicitis. Humiliation from an impasse, when experiencing shame and humiliation about this, the appendix bursts and peritonitis occurs. Stopping the flow of good.
21. Appetite (food cravings). Excessive - the need for protection. Loss - self-defense, distrust of life.
Appetite for various dishes and products arises as a subconscious desire to compensate for the lack of energy. It contains information about what is happening in you now:
- I want sour - a feeling of guilt needs to be recharged,
- sweets - you have a great fear, the consumption of sweets causes a pleasant feeling of calm,
- craving for meat - you are embittered, and anger can only be nourished by meat,
Each stress has its own fluctuation amplitude, and each food product or dish has its own, when they match, the body's need is satisfied.
- drinks little - a person has a heightened vision of the world and a sharp perception,
- drinks a lot - the world is vague and unclear for him, but supportive and benevolent.
Energy of some products:
- lean meat - honest open malice,
- fatty meat - secret vile malice,
- cereals - responsibility to the world,
- rye - interest in comprehending the deep wisdom of life,
- wheat - interest in comprehending the superficial wisdom of life,
- rice - accurate balanced perfect vision of the world,
- corn - easy getting everything from life,
- barley - self-confidence,
- oats - thirst for knowledge, curiosity,
- potatoes - seriousness,
- carrots - laughter,
- cabbage - heartiness,
- swede - craving for knowledge,
- beets - the ability to explain complex things intelligibly,
- cucumber - languor, daydreaming,
- tomato - faith in yourself,
- peas - logical thinking,
- bow - recognition of one's own mistakes,
- garlic - self-confident intransigence,
- apple - prudence,
- dill - patience and endurance,
- lemon - critical mind,
- banana - frivolity,
- grapes - satisfaction,
- honey - gives perfect motherly love and warmth, like a mother's hug.
22. Arrhythmia. Fear of being guilty.
23. Arteries and veins. They bring joy to life. Arteries symbolically correlate with a woman, they are more often sick in men. Veins correlate with men, more often they get sick in women.
Arterial disease in men - embitterment due to the fact that women poke their nose into the economy.
Gangrene - a man scolds himself for stupidity, cowardice and helplessness.
Expansion of the veins in men - considers the economic side of his duty, constantly worried about the family budget.
Ulceration of the skin is the belligerent desire of a man to settle matters with his fists.
A trophic ulcer is a drainpipe in a reservoir of anger; if the anger is not released, the ulcer will not heal, and a plant-based diet will not help either.
Expansion of the veins in women is the accumulation in oneself of economic problems that cause anger.
Inflammation of the veins - anger at the economic problems of the husband or men.
Inflammation of the arteries - anger at oneself or women due to economic problems.
24. Asthma. Suppressed urge to cry. Suppression, suffocation of feelings.
The fear that they do not love me causes the need to suppress my panicky anger, not to protest, then they will love, secret fear, suppression of feelings and, as a result, asthma.
Nursery - fear of life, repressed feelings in the family, repressed crying, repressed feeling of love, the child is afraid of life and does not want to live anymore. The elders surround the soul of the child with their anxieties, fears, disappointments, etc.
25. Atelectasis is the collapse of the entire lung or part of it due to impaired ventilation due to obstruction of the bronchus or compression of the lung.
It comes from sadness due to the inevitable feeling of a lack of strength to fight for one's freedom.
26. Atherosclerosis.
- rigid inflexible ideas, complete confidence in one's rightness, the inability to open the door for a new one.
- Possibly a sagging spine.
- senile dementia- a person longs for an easy life, attracts what he wants, until his mind degrades to the level of an idiot.
27. Amyotrophy. see Muscular atrophy.
28. bacteria.
- Streptococcus pyogenes - a savage desire to hang someone without rights on a bitch, the realization of one's unbearable humiliation. - other Beta-hemolytic streptococci (Sanginosus) - growing like a ninth wave challenge to those who deprive of freedom (I will live to harm you) - Arcanobacterium haemolyticum - waiting for the right moment to commit petty deceit and malicious meanness - Actinomyces pyogenes - imperturbable-looking weaving nets and setting traps to take revenge.
29. Hips. They express vital economic stability or strength, endurance, strength, influence, generosity, superiority. Carry in themselves great faith moving forward. Hip problems: - fear of going forward with determination, there is nothing or little that is worth going towards. - fracture - the more difficult, the more severe the person's thoughts about the future. - fleshiness - fear and grief about their vitality.
30. Childlessness. (Infertility.)
- Fear and resistance towards the process of life. No need to go through the experience of parenthood.
- The fear of being childless leads to a malfunction of the ovaries and the cell is released exactly when you do not want it.
- Children of the new time want to come into this world without stress, and not to correct the mistakes of their parents, because. by them (children) - they have already been learned and they do not want to repeat them. A woman who does not have children, first of all, needs to revise her relationship with her mother, and then mother and father. Understand and realize the stresses absorbed from them, forgive them, and ask for forgiveness from your unborn child.
- It is possible that there is no spirit that needs this body, or it decides not to come, because:
1. - he does not wish his mother bad, 2. - you can love your mother even as a spirit, 3. - he does not want to be guilty, 4. - he does not want to be born to a mother who does not believe that wisdom and wisdom are in the hands of a child the power of birth, 5. - he knows that under the weight of stress (mother draws pictures of defective development, birth trauma etc.) he will not be able to fulfill his life task.
31. Anxiety, anxiety. Distrust of how life flows and develops.
32. Insomnia. Distrust in the process of life. Guilt.
33. Rabies, hydrophobia. Belief that violence is the only solution. Anger.
34. Diseases of the veins and arteries. Blaming men or women respectively due to failure in household affairs.
35. Diseases intestinal tract. They occur similarly to diseases of the bladder.
36. Alzheimer's disease. Brain exhaustion. overload disease. It occurs in people who completely denying emotions, absolutize the potential of their brain. It arises in those who have a maximalistic desire to receive, as well as the consciousness that in order to receive it is necessary to fully use the potential of their mind.
37. The pains are long and dull. Thirst for love. Craving to be possessed.
38. Pain. Guilt. Guilt is always looking for punishment. acute pain, acute anger - just made someone angry. Blunt pain, stupid anger - a feeling of helplessness about the realization of one's anger.
Boring pain, boring anger - I would like to take revenge, but I can not. chronic pain, long-term anger - an increase or decrease in pain indicates an influx or ebb of anger.
Sudden pain - sudden anger. Headache, anger due to the fact that they do not love me, they neglect me, everything is not as I want.
Abdominal pain is anger associated with dominating oneself or others.
Pain in the legs - anger associated with doing work, receiving or spending money - economic problems.
Pain in the knees - anger preventing progress.
Pain in the whole body - anger against everything, because everything is not the way I want.
Pain in these places indicates a critical increase in this character trait: - forehead - prudence, - eyes - clarity, - ears - importance, - nose - arrogance, - jaws - pride.
39. Sores, wounds, ulcers. Unreleased anger.
40. Warts. Small expressions of hate. Belief in your own ugliness.
- on the sole - anger about the very foundations of your understanding. Deepening feelings of frustration about the future.
41. Bronchitis. Heated atmosphere in the family. Quarrel, disputes and abuse. Sometimes boiling inside.
- In the family, despondency, anxiety, fatigue from life.
- The feeling of love is infringed, oppressive problems of relationships with the mother or husband.
- Who feels guilty and throws it out in the form of accusations.
42. Bulimia. Unquenchable Hunger. (Pathological increase in appetite.) - the desire to go through life with noise.
- the desire to take possession of an illusory future, which is actually disgusted.
43. Bursitis - inflammation synovial bag joint. Desire to beat someone. Suppressed anger.
44. Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina. Sexual guilt. Self punishment. Anger at a spouse, partner.
45. Venereal diseases. Sexual guilt. The need for punishment. Thoughts that the genitals are the place of sin. Insult, mistreatment of other people.
46. Varicose veins. (Knotty - extended.) Being in a situation that you hate. Depression, discouragement. Feeling overworked and overworked.
47. Overweight. The need for protection. Escape from feelings. Lack of a sense of security, self-denial, search for self-realization.
48. Thymus- organ of immunity. In a child: - too small - parents are afraid that nothing will come of it. How stronger fear, the stronger her spasm.
- greatly increased - the parents' firm focus on the fact that the child should become famous at any cost and he already boasts of himself before the deadline.
- is a huge shapeless mass - parental ambitions for the child are excessive, but not clear.
In an adult: The person feels guilty and blames himself.
- a decrease in the thymus gland indicates how much a person misinterprets the law of cause and effect.
- spread over lymphatic system- confuses cause with effect.
And the lymphatic system has to eliminate the consequences with redoubled energy.
49. Viral diseases.
- Rhinovirus - desperate throwing because of their mistakes.
- Coronavirus - terrifying thoughts about their mistakes.
- Adenovirus - chaotic fuss, dictated by the desire to make the impossible possible, the desire to atone for their mistakes.
- influenza A and B - despair due to the inability to correct their mistakes, depression, the desire not to be.
- Paramyxovirus - the desire to correct their mistakes in one fell swoop, while knowing that this is impossible.
- herpes - the desire to remake the world, self-flagellation because of the surrounding evil, a sense of responsibility due to its eradication.
- Coxsackievirus A - the desire, at least crawling away from their mistakes.
- Epstein-Barr virus - a game of generosity with one's own limited opportunities in the hope that what is offered will not be accepted, simultaneous dissatisfaction with oneself, pushing a person beyond the boundaries of the possible. Depletion of all internal support. (The stress virus).
- Cytomegalovirus - conscious poisonous anger at one's own sluggishness and at enemies, the desire to wipe everyone and everything into powder, not the realization of hatred.
- AIDS - a violent unwillingness to be a nonentity.
50. Vitiligo is a depigmented patch. The feeling that you are outside of things. Not related to anything. Do not belong to any of the groups.
51. Ectopic pregnancy. Occurs when a woman does not want to share a child with anyone. It speaks of maternal jealousy, opposed to anyone encroaching on the child.
52. Dropsy, edema. What or who do you not want to get rid of?
53. Dropsy of the brain. The mother of the child accumulates in herself unshed tears of sadness about the fact that they do not love her, do not understand, do not regret that everything is not the way she wants. The child may be born already with dropsy.
54. age problems. Faith in society. Old thinking. Denial of the present. Fear of being someone else's me.
55. Blisters, water bubbles. Lack of emotional protection. Resistance.
56. Hairiness. Willingness to blame. There is often a reluctance to feed oneself. Anger that is covered.
57. The hair is gray. Overwork, stress. Faith in pressure and tension.
58. Lupus, tuberculosis of the skin. Concession, refusal to fight, for defending one's interests. Better to die than stand up for yourself.
59. Inflammation. Inflamed thinking. Excited thinking.
60. Inflammation of the bladder. A person feels humiliated because of the accumulated disappointments.
61. Allocations. Tears - appear from the fact that a person does not get what he wants from life.
Sweat - removes from the body in most all kinds of malice. By the smell of sweat, you can determine the nature of a person.
Saliva - indicates how a person achieves his goals. Fear of worldly affairs dries up the mouth. Increased salivation arises from the rush to get rid of their problems. Because of a bad mood, a person wants to spit.
Mucus from the nose - anger due to resentment. Chronic runny nose - a state of constant resentment.
Sneezing is an attempt by the body to sharply throw out grievances from itself, including those inflicted by others.
Phlegm is anger at whiners and whiners and the problems associated with them.
Vomiting is an aversion to life. Anger against the excesses of others, and so on. against their own wickedness.
Pus - accompanies anger caused by helplessness and impotence - humiliated anger. This is a hostile malice caused by dissatisfaction with life in general.
Sexual secretion - exasperation associated with sexual activity.
- trichomoniasis - the desperate malice of the frivolous, - gonorrhea - the gloomy anger of the humiliated, - chlamydia - imperious anger, - syphilis - the anger of losing a sense of responsibility to life.
Blood - symbolically corresponds to the malice of the struggle, vengeful malice. Thirst for revenge is looking for a way out.
Urine - disappointments associated with the life of feelings are removed with it.
- acid m. - the person is no longer able to bear the accusations.
- protein in m. - greater discharge of guilt and accusations, the body has reached a physical crisis.
Kal - disappointments associated with the volitional sphere are displayed.
62. Miscarriage. Pregnancy is terminated when: - the child feels unloved and more and more burdens are thrown on him until the critical point is reached and the spirit is gone. How much can you endure? If a woman devotes herself with care and love to preserving the pregnancy, then the child will remain. But if the fear of losing a child and the search for the guilty are added to the previous stresses, then no treatment will help. Fear blocks the adrenal glands, and the child decides that it is better to leave than to live such a life.
Many months, forced preservation of pregnancy with unresolved stresses, as a result, gives an abnormal birth and a sick child.
- the spine sank. 4th lumbar vertebra supplies energy uterus - baby cradle. The uterus is the organ of motherhood. The stresses of the mother and her daughter - the future mother - make the uterus heavier, the positive energy is destroyed, and the uterus is not able to maintain the pregnancy.
- if the 4th lumbar vertebra sank, it does not protect it during pregnancy; during childbirth prevents the exit of the fetus.
63. Gases, flatulence. Undigested ideas, thoughts. Clamping.
64. Maxillary sinuses. They are the receptacle of energy, self-pride.
65. Gangrene. Joyful feelings drown in poisonous thoughts. mental problems.
66. Gastritis. Prolonged uncertainty, uncertainty. Rock feeling.
67. Hemorrhoids - varicose veins lower section rectum.
A painful feeling. Fear of letting go. Fear of the forbidden line, the limit. Anger towards the past.
68. Genitals, genitals. (Personalize the male or female principle.)
- problems, diseases of the genitals - anxiety that is not good or good enough.
69. Huntington's chorea is a chronic hereditary progressive disease characterized by an increase in choreic hyperkinesia and dementia.
(Chorea - rapid, erratic, violent movements of various muscles.) Feeling of hopelessness. Resentment, resentment that you cannot change others.
70. Hepatitis. The liver is the seat of anger and rage. Anger, hatred, resistance to change.
71. Gynecological diseases. Have innocent girls and old ladies talking about disparaging attitude to male gender and sexual life. And the microbes that peacefully inhabit the body turn into pathogenic and disease-causing ones.
72. Gynecology. A woman does not know how to run a household like a woman. He interferes in men's affairs imperiously, humiliatingly, restlessly, shows distrust of a man, humiliates men, considers himself stronger than his husband.
73. Hyperactivity. Feeling pressured and going on a rampage.
74. Hyperventilation - increased breathing. Distrust of processes. Resistance to change.
75. Hyperglycemia - increased amount blood sugar. (See diabetes.)
Overwhelmed by the burden of life. What is the use of this?
76. The pituitary gland represents the center of control. Tumor, inflammation of the brain, Itsenko-Cushing's disease. Lack of mental balance. An overproduction of destructive, overwhelming ideas. Feeling overpowered.
77. Eyes - personify the ability to clearly see the past, present, future.
They reflect the state of the liver, which is the focus of malice and anger, and the eyes are the place where sadness is released. Whoever pacifies his anger, because simple contrition satisfies him, since his hardened soul requires a more fierce retribution, aggressiveness arises in him.
- the birth of evil - purposeful conscious malice - incurable diseases eye.
- discharge of pus - resentment for coercion.
78. Eye diseases, eye problems. You don't like what you see with your own eyes. Occurs when sadness is not completely poured out. Therefore, the eyes get sick both in those who cry constantly and in those who never cry. When people reproach their eyes for seeing only one unpleasant thing, the foundation of an eye disease is laid.
Loss of vision - the occurrence in memory and the scrolling of some bad events.
Vision loss caused by aging is the reluctance to see the annoying little things in life. An aged person wants to see the great things that have been done or achieved in life.
- astigmatism - restlessness, excitement, anxiety. Fear of actually seeing yourself.
- an eyesore, a divergent strabismus - the fear of looking into the present right here.
- myopia - fear of the future.
- glaucoma - inexorable unforgiveness, pressure from long-past pain, wounds. An illness associated with sadness. Along with the headache is the process of increasing sadness.
- congenital - the mother had to endure a lot of sadness during pregnancy. She was greatly offended, but she clenched her teeth and endured everything, but she cannot forgive. Sorrow lived in her even before pregnancy, and during it she attracted injustice, from which she suffered and became vengeful. She drew to her a child with an identical mentality, whose debt of karma was given the opportunity to be redeemed. Overflowing and suppressing it.
farsightedness - fear of the present.
- cataract - inability to look ahead with joy. The future is shrouded in darkness.
- conjunctivitis - disorder. downfall, disappointment, as to what you are looking at in life.
- acute conjunctivitis, infectious, pink eyes - disorder, unwillingness to see.
- strabismus (see keratitis) - unwillingness to see what is there. Crossed goals.
- dry eyes - refusal to see, experience a feeling of love. I would rather die than forgive. The person is malevolent, caustic, unfriendly.
- barley on the eye - a look at life with eyes full of anger. Someone's anger. Eye problems in children - unwillingness to see what is happening in the family.
79. Worms.
- Enterobiasis - pinworms. The presence of small cruel tricks associated with the completion of work and cases that he is trying to hide.
- Ascariasis - an unkind attitude towards women's work, women's life because love and freedom are not put in anything. It is necessary to release the hidden cruelty.
- Diphyllobathriasis - tapeworm. Hidden cruelty: clinging to trifles and making an elephant out of a fly.
80. Deafness. Denial, isolation, stubbornness. Do not disturb me. What we don't want to hear.
81. Purulent acne.
- on the chest - an unbearable humiliation associated with a feeling of love. The love of such a person is rejected or not appreciated.
- under the arm - the desire of a person to hide his feeling of love and the accompanying need for affection and tenderness out of a sense of shame and fear of sinning against established traditions.
- on the back - the impossibility of realizing desires.
- on the buttocks - humiliation associated with major economic problems.
82. Ankle joints. Correlate with the desire of a person to brag about his achievements.
- swelling of the left ankle joint - chagrin due to the inability to boast of male achievements.
- swelling of the right ankle joint - too, but female achievements.
- destruction - anger due to fear that he will be considered an upstart.
- inflammation of the ankle joint - suppression of anger and putting on the mask of a good person.
83. Shin. The lower leg represents the standards, the foundations of life. Destruction of ideals. Expresses how progress in life is realized.
- gap calf muscle- anger at female slowness.
- fracture of the leg bone - anger at male slowness.
- inflammation - feeling humiliated due to too slow progress.
- muscle cramps - confusion of will due to fear of moving forward.
84. Headache. Self-criticism. Assessing your inferiority. The child is used by parents as a shield to repel mutual attacks. Child's world feelings and thoughts are destroyed. A woman has fear and domination - dominating in a masculine manner in order to please her superiors.
85. Brain. Spasms of the brain - a manic desire for intelligence. Conscientious fools, frightened people striving for intelligence, because:
- they want to gain wisdom.
- and through it to gain intelligence.
- and through it to gain honor and glory.
- acquire wealth.
Desire to break up with one's own head (mind).
86. Dizziness. Distracted, disordered thinking, flight. Refusal to look around.
87. Hunger. (Increased feeling of hunger.) A violent desire to purify oneself of feelings of self-hatred. Horror without hope for change.
88. Vocal cords. The voice is gone - the body does not allow you to raise your voice anymore. Vocal cord inflammation is accumulated, unspoken anger.
A tumor on the vocal cords - a person goes into an angry scream and his accusations outgrow all sorts of limits.
89. Gonorrhea. Seeking punishment for being bad, bad.
90. Throat. Creativity channel. means of expression.
- sores - retention of angry words. Feeling unable to express yourself.
- problems, illnesses - indecision in the desire to "get up and go." Restraining yourself.
- scolding yourself or others - a subconscious resentment towards yourself.
- a person wants to prove his own rightness or the wrongness of another person. The stronger the desire, the more serious the disease.
91. Fungus, wild meat. stagnant beliefs. Refusal to release the past. Letting the past rule today.
92. Influenza (See influenza.) A state of dejection.
93. Breast. Represents care, care and upbringing, nutrition. Sacrifice from the heart chakra of the heart is an opportunity to remain without a heart at all. Sacrificing one's heart - a woman, a job, etc. - to earn love. The desire to breastfeed his way to prove that he is something of himself.
- breast diseases - over-concern and caring for someone. Overprotection from someone.
94. Female breast. If a woman sacrifices her breasts to a man, hoping to become loved through this. Either she is unhappy that she cannot sacrifice her breasts - for to sacrifice, as if there is nothing and nothing - she can lose her breasts.
The chest is tender like love. Its shameless use in order to move up the corporate ladder, inciting passion - turns against the very breast.
- cyst, tumor, ulcers - suppression position. Power interruption.
95. Hernia. Broken ties. Tension, load, load, burden. Wrong creative expression.
96. Hernia spinal cord. Debt of karma.
- in past life left someone to die with a broken spine.
97. Duodenum. The duodenum is a team, a person is a leader. A team that is constantly humiliated breaks up and does not want to serve as a solid support. Marking time on the spot makes the leader pissed off and makes him increasingly look for the cause in others. The more this heartless nerd, for whom the goal more important than people bonfires the team, the more severe the disease. The reasons:
- constant pain- constant anger at the team.
- ulcer bleeding- vindictiveness towards the team.
- gap duodenum- anger turned into cruelty from which a person burst.
98. Depression. Feeling of hopelessness. The anger you feel about not being able to have what you want.
99. Gums, bleeding. Lack of joy in the decisions you make in life.
100. Gums, problems. Inability to maintain their decisions. Weakness, amoebicity about life.

If we have a stomach ache, then we sin on gastritis. A sore throat suggests a sore throat. Aching lower back makes you think about the kidneys.

Although often pain in any part of our body may indicate serious psychological problems. talking scientific language, psychosomatic illnesses.

Let's figure out what psychosomatics is, get acquainted with the list of these diseases, try to identify their causes and methods of treatment.

Shoulder and neck pain
Are you shy, afraid of ridicule and blush when spoken to? Then do not be surprised that your neck is numb and your shoulders are aching. Most likely, you suffer from "shyness syndrome". Such people involuntarily strain the muscles of the shoulders, pressing their head. Hence the pain.

Stomach ache
The more nervous you are, the higher the chances of becoming an ulcer. The stomach is highly susceptible to any stress - overwork, fear, depression. Psychologists make a general diagnosis of “overwork syndrome”. So at the slightest indisposition, try to take at least a day off.

Lower back pain
You take on all the cases at once, not realizing that your possibilities are not unlimited. At the same time, you cannot cope with everything and are afraid of reproaches addressed to you. Constant tension provokes lower back pain. This is not sciatica, but a “helplessness syndrome”.

Pain in the legs
Everyone is familiar with such phrases: "I want to run away to the ends of the world", "Escape from the harsh reality." We all face various obstacles and difficulties. Some do it especially zealously and get "anxiety syndrome". You begin to have convulsions, especially at night. Try to understand and accept that you can’t run away from problems and you need to treat the situation philosophically.

It pulsates in the temples, presses on the back of the head or squeezes the entire head. Here is the last variety and you should pay attention. You are probably suffering from "Ignored Satisfaction Syndrome". You suppress resentment in yourself, panic avoid conflicts and try to look exceptionally nice person.

Sore throat
Often occurs in connection with overwork of the vocal cords. Actors, singers, teachers mostly suffer from this. If you are not a representative of these specialties, but complain of spasms in the throat, then most likely you have a “necessity syndrome”. That is, you experience fear during public speaking.

If you are often visited by the thought that you are a loser and even minor troubles you consider the collapse of all hopes, then there is a “hopelessness syndrome”. It is at such moments that the heart is naughty. This syndrome is inherent in ambitious and overly responsible people. The “hopeless” have a very high risk of a heart attack.

drifting emotion syndrome
It is the culprit of renal colic. You are constantly at the mercy of your mood and have absolutely no control over your emotions. Repeatedly during the day, you can fall into euphoria, abruptly turn into melancholy.

Insecurity Syndrome
People who are not accustomed to constant attention suffer from shortness of breath and asthmatic attacks. In an unfamiliar environment, they get scared, withdraw into themselves and blame their ill-wishers for everything.

chronic tension syndrome
This syndrome causes rheumatism, burning pain in the joints and muscles, lead heaviness in the limbs. This affects people who are in constant tension and fear for their future. They are emotionally unstable and perceive the world in an extremely hostile way.

Steam boiler syndrome
Because of this syndrome, you may have permanently elevated arterial pressure. This leads to tight control over their emotions. He threatens impulsive individuals who, due to circumstances, are forced not to express their feelings.

Effort Intolerance Syndrome
This syndrome, on the contrary, lowers the pressure. From constant mental stress, violation of the regime disappears vitality. Apathy alternates with outbursts of anger.

confusion syndrome
His head is spinning. Most often occurs in people whose feelings prevail over reason. At the slightest fright, excitement, unpleasant conversation, they are ready to lose consciousness.

Psychosomatics - a table of diseases, how to treat

The table brings together data on psychosomatics and treatment of these diseases of the following authors:

  • Julia Zotova - Synopsis of teaching lectures on psychosomatics.
  • Ekaterina Shmorgun - materials and comments
  • Louise Hay - Heal Yourself»
  • Liz Burbo - Your body says: Love yourself!»

Download the table of psychosomatic diseases with treatment recommendations:.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

  1. Longstanding emotional problems. Lack of joy. Callousness. Belief in the need for tension, stress.
  2. The heart symbolizes love, and the blood symbolizes joy. When we do not have love and joy in our lives, the heart literally shrinks and becomes cold. As a result, the blood begins to flow more slowly and we gradually go to anemia, vascular sclerosis, heart attacks (heart attack). We get so confused sometimes life dramas that we create for ourselves, that we do not notice the joy that surrounds us at all.
  3. The mind's need for rest. Expelling all joy from the heart for the sake of money or a career or something else.
  4. The fear of being accused of not loving me causes all heart diseases. The desire at all costs to seem loving, capable and positive.
  5. Feelings of loneliness and fear. “I have flaws. I don't do much. I will never achieve it."
  6. Man has forgotten his own needs in the pursuit of earning the love of others. The belief that love can be earned.
  7. As a result of a lack of love and security, as well as from emotional isolation. The heart responds to emotional shocks by changing the rhythm. Heart disorders occur due to inattention to one's own feelings. A person who considers himself unworthy of love, who does not believe in the possibility of love, or who forbids himself to show his love for other people, will certainly encounter manifestations cardiovascular disease. Getting in touch with your true feelings, with the voice of one's own heart, greatly alleviates the burden of heart disease, eventually leading to a partial or complete recovery.
  8. Ambitious, goal-oriented workaholics were categorized as Personality Type A. They are more likely to experience stress and are at increased risk high blood pressure and heart disease.
  9. Inappropriately high level of claims.
  10. The tendency to excessive intellectualization, combined with isolation and emotional impoverishment.
  11. Suppressed feelings of anger.
  12. People with a sick heart have a lack of love for themselves and for people. They are prevented from loving long-standing resentment and jealousy, pity and regret, fear and anger. They feel lonely or fear being alone.
  13. Remember? "Love your neighbor as yourself!" Why do people forget the second part of this commandment? Help people with love and joy. Combine love for people and love for yourself. It is important to understand that you can only share with another person what I myself have. If I have a lot of good and bright feelings, then I can share this with my loved ones. To be open to the world, to love the world and people, and at the same time remember and take care of yourself, your interests and intentions - this is a great art. People with heart problems believe in the need for tension and stress. They are dominated by a negative assessment of the surrounding world or any events and phenomena in it. Almost any situation they consider as stressful.

Consciousness and body are parts of a single cybernetic system. Richard Bengler

Personal experience and numerous studies leave no doubt that the body and mind are interconnected. Change or violation in one part leads to changes in another.

AT modern medicine distinguish the following concepts:

symptom - separate feature diseases, pathological condition or violation of any process of vital activity (separate sprout);

syndrome - a set of symptoms of the disease (bush);

cause is the initial phenomenon leading to undesirable consequences(seed or root).

All diseases that are not controlled drug treatment, the cause of which is not established or is established as a neurosis, are most often classified as psychosomatic diseases.

There is a repeatedly confirmed opinion according to which all diseases initially have psychological character, and only then find their manifestation in the body.

In this case, the cause of the disease is (ETROP), its other name with a similar meaning is psychological trauma. The totality of psychological traumas on one topic, from one or more, is defined as nervous disease (NEUROSIS), or psychological illness (PSYCHOSIS), according to ac. I.P. Pavlov.

Any emotional traumatic experience(ETROP) is reflected not only in the head, but also in the body, as a violation or error software causes the system to malfunction. Areas of the brain associated with certain body or area of ​​the body: as a result of psychotrauma, an increased (or decreased) muscle tone occurs in a certain place of the body and blood vessels. As a result, it is this place that will become the focus of the disease.

The psychological traumas received by a person do not disappear anywhere, just one on this moment bother us, but others don't.

Unfortunately, psychological trauma received even in early childhood can cause the most serious diseases.

Psychosomatics of diseases

In the course of research conducted by various brain institutes and private research groups, a certain list of diseases and the causes that preceded them, such as psychosomatics, has been created. The Louise Hay table of diseases is currently the most common summary table of such diseases.

The ability to trace the root cause of the problem greatly reduces the time of treatment.

Understanding what the psychosomatics of the disease is, you can get rid of a lot of ailments without resorting to drug treatment, however, working with ETROPS or psychological trauma requires the involvement of a specialist. A qualified psychologist or psychotherapist can help you.

For example, if you are interested in complex psychosomatics, the table of diseases is the first thing you will be familiar with. On its basis, it is easy to determine what caused a disease, how to get rid of it without resorting to drug treatment. For some, this will seem like a fantasy, although in fact it is a reality.

Treatment of psychosomatic diseases

Note that the psychosomatics of diseases is a concept that is difficult to deal with on your own. Turning to me, you can find health and a fulfilling life.

Psychosomatic table of diseases in this case, is one of the guidelines that will help get rid of existing problems.

To achieve the desired result, I use only the most modern methods psychotherapeutic work, such as integral neuroprogramming and others that have proven their efficiency on thousands of patients.

My work is based on the Pareto principle, so you can get the maximum result with the minimum amount of time spent. If you compare a visit to my office with the results of other psychologists and psychotherapists, then with 20% of the time spent, you can get rid of 80% of diseases. All of them, even the most neglected ones, will be identified thanks to the table of psychosomatic diseases.

I approach the solution of the problem in a complex manner, respectively, you get a guarantee of consideration of all existing deviations in the body, as well as a high probability of their cure. The psychosomatic table, which serves as the basis for the eradication of the disease, cannot be fully used on its own. To obtain the maximum result, a sufficiently deep impact on the human psyche should be carried out. I guarantee that you will get the desired result, as well as the minimum time spent on solving this problem.

Psychosomatics: table of diseases.

The best-known author of the psychosomatic spreadsheet is Louise Hay, with the books How to Heal Your Life and Heal Yourself. A table of psychosomatic diseases is given. Part of the table will be discussed below.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 11 minutes


Install exact reason disease is not always successful. Often its roots are much deeper than it might seem at first glance.
"Psychosomatic" in Greek means "psycho" - soul and "soma, somatos" - body. This term was introduced into medicine in 1818 by the German psychiatrist Johann Heinroth, who was the first to say that negative emotion, which remains in the memory or is regularly repeated in a person's life, poisons his soul and undermines his physical health.

However, Heinroth was unoriginal. Even the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who considered the body and soul to be one, voiced the idea of dependence of health on the state of mind . Oriental doctors also adhered to this, and Heinroth's theory of psychosomatics was supported by two world famous psychiatrists: Franz Alexander and Sigmund Freud, who believed that repressed, unexpressed emotions will find their way out, giving rise to incurable diseases body.

Causes of psychosomatic illnesses

Psychosomatic diseases are diseases in which the main role is played by psychological factors , and to a greater extent psychological stress .

Can be distinguished five emotions on which the psychosomatic theory is based:

  • sadness
  • anger
  • interest
  • fear
  • joy.

Supporters of the psychosomatic theory believe that it is not negative emotions that are dangerous, as such, but their unspokenness. Suppressed, muffled anger turns into disappointment and resentment, which destroy the body. Although not only anger, but any negative emotion that has not found a way out, leads to internal conflict which, in turn, causes disease. Medical statistics show that in 32-40 percent cases, the basis of the appearance of diseases are not viruses or bacteria, but internal conflicts, stress and mental trauma .
Stress is the main factor in the manifestation of the psychosomatics of diseases, its decisive role in this has been proven by doctors not only during clinical observations, but confirmed by studies conducted on many species of animals.

lived through emotional stress in humans can lead to serious consequences, up to development oncological diseases .

Psychosomatics of diseases - symptoms

As a rule, diseases psychosomatic nature “disguised” as symptoms of various somatic diseases such as: stomach ulcer, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, asthenic conditions, dizziness, weakness, fast fatiguability etc.

When these symptoms occur, the patient turns to medical care. Physicians prescribe the necessary surveys based on human complaints. After the procedure, the patient is given complex medicines , which lead to relief of the condition - and, alas, bring only temporary relief, and the disease, after a short period of time, returns again. In this case, we must assume that we are dealing with a psychosomatic basis of the disease, since psychosomatics is a subconscious signal to the body, which is expressed through an illness, and therefore it cannot be cured with medication.

Approximate list of psychosomatic diseases

The list of psychosomatic diseases is very large and varied, but it can be grouped as follows:

  • Diseases of the respiratory organs (hyperventilation syndrome, bronchial asthma);
  • Cardiovascular diseases (ischemic disease heart disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia, essential hypertension, myocardial infarction, cardiophobic neurosis, cardiac arrhythmia);
  • Psychosomatics eating behavior (anorexia nervosa, obesity, bulimia);
  • Diseases gastrointestinal tract (duodenal and stomach ulcers, emotional diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.);
  • Skin diseases (pruritus, urticaria, atopic neurodermatitis, etc.);
  • Endocrinological diseases (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus);
  • Gynecological diseases (dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, functional sterility, etc.).
  • Psychovegetative syndromes;
  • Illnesses associated with functioning musculoskeletal system (rheumatic diseases);
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Functional disorders of the sexual type (impotence, frigidity, early or late ejaculation, etc.);
  • depression;
  • Headache (migraine);
  • infectious diseases.

Psychosomatic diseases and character - who is at risk?

Unfortunately, only medical means of ailments that have arisen on psychological level, cannot be cured. Try to take a different path. Take up a new, exciting business for yourself, go to a circus, ride a tram, a quad bike, go on a trip, if funds allow, or organize a hike ... In a word, provide yourself with the most vivid, positive impressions and emotions , and look - it will remove all diseases as if by hand!

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