Is it possible to get rid of snoring. Simple folk recipes. Operations for snoring

Roman Buzunov

Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor, MD, Head of the Center for Sleep Medicine, Clinical Sanatorium "Barvikha"

Many do not even know that snoring can be treated with official methods. Some (especially women) are embarrassed to admit that they snore. Some people do not dare to disturb the doctor "for such trifles." Some are afraid that the doctor will send them for surgery, and therefore they do not say that they snore ... In general, about 90% of the snoring population want to get rid of snoring on their own, but only 10% want qualified medical care.

I do not want to unreasonably reassure anyone: home treatment is most often ineffective. However, in some cases, it actually helps to reduce or even completely eliminate snoring. Here are some proven ways:

Method number 1. Gymnastics for the tongue, soft palate and pharynx

The weakening of these muscles is one of the leading mechanisms for snoring, so strengthening them can really help get rid of it. All exercises are simple, easy to do, you only need to do them for 10 minutes twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. On the Internet you will find many options for such exercises. For example:

  • Sharply pronounce the sounds "I" and "U", strongly straining the muscles of the neck.
  • Hold for three to four minutes in the teeth wooden stick(or pencil).
  • Push the tongue as far forward and down as possible, holding it in this position for one to two seconds.

Unfortunately, many people have problems with the regularity of classes. Soon after they start exercising, they begin to forget, skip, or be lazy about exercising. And no exercise - no result.

Method number 2. Pajama pocket

Snoring most often occurs when you sleep on your back and on a pillow that is too low or too high. In some cases, snoring can be reduced by accustoming yourself to sleep on your side, on a pillow of medium height (14-16 cm).

To learn how to sleep on your side, you can apply one simple trick. Sew a pocket onto your pajamas. It is necessary that it is located on the back, between the shoulder blades. At night, put a hard object there, such as a tennis ball. Even if in a dream you unconsciously try to roll over on your back, the ball will prevent you from doing this. After three to four weeks, a persistent habit of sleeping on your side will be developed.

Method number 3. Band-aid on the nose

In some cases, the cause of snoring is difficulty in nasal breathing: runny nose, narrowness of the nasal passages. In such cases, you can apply vasoconstrictors(no more than five days in a row!) or special strips for expanding the nasal passages, which are glued to the wings of the nose and slightly push them apart. Unfortunately, this does not always help: if you breathe poorly through your nose due to polyps or deviated septum, these problems cannot be solved without the help of a doctor.

Method number 4. Weight loss

Being overweight is the most common cause snoring and its complications (obstructive sleep apnea, or pauses in breathing during sleep). Fat deposits at fat people accumulate not only under the skin, but also in tissues, between internal organs, including between the structures of the neck. They compress the pharynx, causing it to constrict and thereby provoke snoring.

If a person began to gain weight and he immediately began to snore, then everything is clear. Helps to lose weight. With uncomplicated snoring (without pauses in breathing during sleep), a weight loss of only five to seven kilograms can completely eliminate this symptom!

Method number 5. Lifestyle change

Recommendations for healthy lifestyle life is appropriate for any health problems. They are talked about so often that no one is listening anymore. However, they do help. If you do not want to snore, then you first need to stop:

  • smoke;
  • take alcohol in the evening;
  • overeat at night;
  • accept sleeping pills(many of them cause muscle relaxation, which increases the likelihood of snoring).

There is no person in the world who does not know what snoring is. Some view it as a harmless phenomenon, occasionally snoring in their sleep. For others it is serious problem, which causes harm to health and significant inconvenience, both to those who snore and to those close to them. Nevertheless, this problem is solvable and later in the article you will find out which doctor treats snoring and how to treat snoring with conservative and alternative methods.

Violation of the movement of air passing through the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by specific sounds, is called snoring. Weakening of soft tissue tone soft palate) or a decrease in the space of the nasopharynx due to various pathological processes causes air to enter literally break your way.

Snoring occurs most often when a person sleeps lying on his back.

Causes of snoring

The most common causes of snoring during sleep are:

  • nasopharyngeal obstruction due to chronic inflammatory diseases(adenoids, tonsillitis);
  • structural features of the nasopharynx;
  • congenital narrowness of the nasal passages;
  • malocclusion;
  • curved septum;
  • improperly fused bones after injuries;
  • bad habits (drinking alcohol, smoking);
  • malnutrition;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • obesity.

Snoring Symptoms

The snorer himself may not be aware of what he is publishing. loud sounds during sleep. Only those who are nearby can tell him about this. But sometimes a snorer wakes up from lack of air as a result of overlapping respiratory tract his own soft tissues.

Snoring can occur in any position of the body (it depends mainly on the problems of the upper respiratory tract). But, as a rule, snoring occurs when a person lies on his back. The nature and intensity of the sound can gradually change: harmless sniffing develops into rolling low tones.

Snoring treatment: what modern medicine offers

Can snoring be cured? Fortunately, this is possible, since snoring is a disease that can be treated. A doctor who treats snoring as a type of sleep disorder is called a somnologist. An ENT doctor and a dentist can also prescribe the causes and treatment (it all depends on the causes of the development of the disease).

The essence of all treatments for snoring is to improve airway patency. The most common way is to use various sleep aids.

  1. CPAP therapy (Constant Positive Airway Pressure). Special device slightly "inflates" the airways during sleep, thus preventing the soft tissues of the pharynx from collapsing.
  2. The use of intraoral devices that promote nasal breathing and thereby increase the tone of the muscles of the pharynx.
  3. Laser plasty and cryoplasty of the palate - is the implementation of point or linear burns (thermal or cold nature) of the mucous membrane of the uvula and soft palate. In the process of tissue healing, its volume decreases, as well as the palate thickens.
  4. Use of electronic devices. The device works as follows: fixing the appearance of snoring, the device sends electrical signals through conductive electrodes to the surface of human skin for 5 seconds. Snoring begins to decrease due to the fact that a person changes his position in a dream. In connection with this, the phase of sleep passes from deep to superficial, or there is an increase muscle tension throat. A light massage wave helps the throat muscles to take their normal position. Such unique method reduces snoring at an unconscious level, without disturbing the snorer from sleep.
  5. Orthodontic treatment. Quite often, the cause of snoring is the falling of the lower jaw and tongue back, due to which the oropharyngeal space closes and breathing is disturbed during sleep.
  6. The use of implants that strengthen the soft palate, preventing snoring.
  7. Didgeridoo game. the breathing technique when playing the Australian pipe trains the upper respiratory tract, promotes the development of muscles and strengthens the tissue of the palate, nasopharynx and larynx.

Along with devices, doctors also prescribe special breathing techniques, a set of exercises and pharmacological preparations. In addition, one of the first and main steps in the treatment of snoring is weight loss (if it is excessive).

How can you cure snoring at home?

You can get rid of snoring on your own, using folk remedies, after a preliminary consultation with a specialist. So, how to cure snoring at home? This will help a few simple means in combination with therapeutic gymnastics aimed at strengthening muscle tissue nasopharynx.

Baked carrots against snoring - in the evening before going to bed, you need to eat one baked root crop.

Sunflower oil - gargle, or drink a tablespoon of oil in small sips, this prevents swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Cabbage with honey has an excellent tonic effect, if before going to bed every day (for six months) drink 200 ml of freshly squeezed cabbage juice with honey dissolved in it (1 teaspoon).

Infusion from oak bark and calendula will increase the tone of the soft tissues of the nasopharynx and relieve inflammation. To prepare the decoction, you will need a spoonful of crushed oak bark and the same amount of calendula flowers. Pour boiling water over all this (0.5 l), pour it over and insist for two hours. Gargle with a decoction of the throat before going to bed and after each meal.

Ginseng perfectly tones and helps to restore the elasticity of soft tissues. For a decoction of ginseng you will need: two tbsp. tablespoons of crushed ginseng root and a liter of water. Insist ginseng in a water bath for two hours (but do not boil!). Gargle with a decoction of the throat during the day and at bedtime.

Eucalyptus improves blood circulation and prevents swelling. To prepare a decoction of eucalyptus, you need to throw eucalyptus leaves (2 tablespoons) into 1.5 liters of boiling water, remove the dishes from the heat and cover with a lid for 5 minutes. Then open and breathe in the steam for 15 minutes, and gargle with the cooled broth.

Tonic water or lemonade. Making lemonade is easy: squeeze a quarter of a lemon into a glass lightly cool water, dissolve in it a teaspoon of liquid honey. Next, try the following manipulations: take some liquid into your mouth, let the lemonade move towards the soft palate, then start swallowing, retaining the liquid at the entrance to the throat. Hold the liquid for about a minute. This procedure must be repeated five times, trying to hold the liquid a little longer each time.

Snoring - a big problem for others and the cause of constant anxiety for the person suffering from rochnopathy. Radical is not shown to everyone, and taking sleeping pills helps in isolated cases.

To improve the patient's condition, there is a large number of drugs. Before choosing one of them, it is worth trying out several options.

Oil drops are useful for a runny nose, which can also cause bouts of snoring. You need to bury the remedy once a day, before going to bed.

A household humidifier will help improve the condition of the mucous membrane, prevent swelling and damage to the nasopharynx. You can add a few drops to the water essential oil rosemary, eucalyptus or lemon. Steam-enriched air makes breathing easier and prevents snoring.

Very useful, training muscles of the tongue, nasopharynx, soft palate. Daily exercises will strengthen them in a couple of weeks, significantly improving the quality of sleep.

Means of instant action are not able to solve the problem of snoring once and for all. Most devices and medicines do not have a cumulative effect and only work during continuous use. Pick up suitable remedy can be experienced, alternately testing and adaptations.

Useful video

Video, complications, as well as remedies against it, their pros and cons:

The question of how to cure snoring in men at home occupies everyone who is faced with this unpleasant phenomenon. Rolling sounds wake up household members and do not allow the person suffering from ronchopathy to sleep. A whole range of devices and drugs are offered to help sufferers, they will help to improve the situation. special exercises and refusal bad habits.

Getting rid of snoring: what can help

The main reason for snoring is too loose and overgrown tissues of the palate and nasopharynx. During sleep, the windpipe narrows, the tongue sinks, when inhaling, the air passes with difficulty, creating a characteristic wheezing-growling sound. According to statistics, middle-aged and elderly men are more likely to suffer from ronchopathy, but the problem can also occur in young people, adolescents, and children.

The risk group includes people with overweight body, congenital or acquired deformities of the pharynx and nose, chronic rhinitis and angina. Provoke an attack of snoring can take some medicines, causing swelling fabrics, smoking, frequent use alcohol.

To get rid of snoring, it is necessary to exclude all provoking factors. It is advisable to reset excess weight, respecting low calorie diet and increasing motor activity. From excess mucus separation will help antihistamines latest generation. It is important to avoid colds that can worsen breathing and provoke another bout of snoring.

The next step is to give up bad habits. Ronchopathy is much more common in smoking men. Nicotine, combustion products and tobacco tar cause tissue swelling and irritation of the nasopharynx, provoking night attacks.

To prevent snoring, it is important to exclude not only regular cigarettes, but also their electronic counterparts, hookahs, pipes and cigars. You will also have to give up alcohol. Ethanol in any dose makes the tissues too loose, significantly worsening the condition of men suffering from ronchopathy. AT severe cases possible respiratory arrest (apnea), which may end lethal outcome. To avoid sad consequences a completely sober lifestyle will help.

To understand how to get rid of snoring for a man, a sleep specialist will help. He will advise safe and effective drugs, gymnastics, special orthopedic pillows. To achieve desired result worth trying a few. Those of them that seem most suitable can be included in daily use.

Sleep aids

To get rid of snoring at home, special preparations in the form of drops or sprays will help. The main meaning of medicines is to remove internal edema, make the mucous membrane less loose, increase the clearance for breathing. Means for the nose eliminate all types of rhinitis, including allergic ones. Mouth sprays reduce the likelihood of falling palate and allow you to breathe calmly while you sleep. The drugs are not able to cure snoring once and for all, they act within 10-12 hours after application and do not have a cumulative effect. Popular products can be purchased at the pharmacy, they are sold without a prescription. Most often, buyers choose the following options:

Before choosing one of these remedies, it is better to consult with a specialist.

Instruments and apparatus

It is better to get rid of snoring in a complex way, using not only medicines, but also special devices for the nose and mouth, namely clips, caps, various palatal inserts. They are used every night for 1 month, then it is recommended to take a break. You can buy products in pharmacies or orthopedic salons.

A popular device for freeing the pharynx and preventing the palate from falling is Extra Lore. The product is similar to a baby's pacifier, it is inserted into the mouth before going to bed and is held in place thanks to a special latch. The tongue is placed in a separate groove and pulled out slightly, freeing the windpipe and causing no discomfort to the patient. It takes only a few days to get used to, after which the snorer can forget about rolling night roulades for a long time. The mouth guards Sonaite have a similar effect. After use, the products are thoroughly washed, dried and placed in a special case that guarantees protection from dust and scratches.

An excellent remedy for snoring is a special silicone clip with magnetic balls. It is put on the bridge of the nose just before going to bed, expanding the respiratory passages. Some men complain that it is difficult to get used to a foreign body, others do not even notice the clip, enjoying a calm uninterrupted sleep.

If the tissues of the palate are very loose and ordinary inserts do not help, it is possible to implant a special plate. The procedure is carried out in the clinic local anesthesia. A small strip of plastic lifts the palate and frees the windpipe.

If there is a risk of sleep apnea, CPAP therapy is recommended. On sale are devices that supply purified air to the lungs according to the principle of application. The device has sensors that control the frequency and intensity of breathing, depending on this, the rate of air intake changes. Some models are equipped with humidifiers and an automatic control system. Such a device is able to completely get rid of snoring of any intensity, it is recommended to use it in courses of 2-3 weeks. The only drawback of CPAP is the high price.

The perfect pillow: how to choose it

To get rid of snoring at home, it is important to choose a comfortable pillow. Lush products made of fluff will not work. The best option- a special orthopedic roller with a recess in the center. Its sides are slightly raised and are on different levels. By turning the pillow over, you can achieve comfortable position for the head. There are products of various densities on sale, a professional orthopedist or somnologist will help you choose the right one. Products are filled with synthetic balls, buckwheat husks, polyethylene granules or special polyurethane memory foam.

Main purpose orthopedic pillow- fixation of the head during sleep. She does not allow to roll over on her back, the man is forced to lie on his side. In this position, the sky does not fall, the windpipe remains free. In addition, the correct roller relieves stress from cervical spine, allowing you to relax and fully rest in a dream. The effect will be noticeable after a few days, however, it takes getting used to a hard pillow.

Useful exercises

Snoring treatment at home includes special breathing exercises. They strengthen the palate and throat, train the muscles of the nasopharynx, cleanse the lungs and prevent colds. Gymnastics will take no more than 15 minutes, but you need to do it daily.

The basic principle is combination deep breath with a sharp exhalation and subsequent breath holding. Exercises effectively relieve internal edema, remove looseness of tissues, improve blood flow and normalize blood pressure.

Classes begin with a warm-up. Standing straight, you need to make a sharp noisy exhalation, while simultaneously pressing the palms of your hands against each other at chest level. Breathing is held for 10-12 seconds, then you can release the air from the lungs and relax. Another exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the sky. After a sharp short breath, the breath is held, and the tongue sticks out with maximum effort. In this position, you need to linger for 8-10 seconds, after which you can exhale and relax the muscles.

Yoga helps with snoring no less effectively than breathing exercises. Simple asanas for beginners work best (cat, snake or plow pose). They are recommended to be performed in the evening, tuning in to a restful sleep.

Folk methods

Reliable ways to get rid of snoring can be found among the recommendations traditional medicine. To strengthen the mucosa and prevent a runny nose, it is useful to rinse the nose with salt water. The procedure is done in the morning and in the evening for 2 weeks. Sea buckthorn oil will help relieve dryness and improve breathing. Before going to bed, it is useful to drop a little drug into each nostril, this simple trick will help you breathe freely.

Folk recipes for snoring recommend drinking decoctions medicinal herbs reducing swelling and strengthening tissues. 2 tbsp. l. dry sage, chamomile, nettle, St. John's wort or yarrow, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, heat in a water bath, insist under the lid for 30 minutes and filter. The resulting decoction is drunk in small portions throughout the day, preferably before meals.

A household humidifier installed in the bedroom will help improve sleep. It cleans the air of dust, relieves excessive dryness. Adding essential oils of eucalyptus, rosemary, mint or sage to the water will help enhance the effect.

An excellent cure for snoring is hardening:

  1. A contrast shower will increase muscle tone, relieve swelling and restore vigor.
  2. Douching is best done in the morning; before going to bed, a relaxing bath with anti-stress foam or essential oils is more useful.

Understanding how to quickly get rid of snoring is easy. To help men, a wide range of drugs and devices that can improve the quality of sleep are offered. They can be used alternately, the course lasts at least 2 weeks.

It is noticed that after 14 days the muscles acquire tone, positive effect kept for a few more days. The patient feels better, gets the opportunity to rest calmly and recuperate during sleep.

If a woman snores during sleep, she needs to think about her state of health. According to statistics, this phenomenon occurs mainly in men. If it is seen in the fair sex, it is important to recognize the cause. How to get rid of snoring in a dream for a woman and why you need to act quickly? A person spends a lot of time in a dream - a third of his life. This means that problems during the holidays must be taken seriously.

Snoring in women - the main causes

Factors that cause snoring in women can be both age-independent and specific to a certain life span. Common Causes snoring in young age- this is:

  • anomalies in the development of the oral, nasal cavities, as well as the upper respiratory tract: malocclusion and others;
  • rhinitis, sinusitis, other inflammatory diseases;
  • obesity of any degree: adipose tissue deposited in the walls of the oropharynx and nasopharynx narrows the lumen of the airways, causing snoring;
  • body position - most often heavy snoring in women it occurs due to the habit of sleeping on the back, while sleeping on the side is less common.

Interestingly, although the sound emitted during snoring reaches 100 or more decibels, comparable to the sound of an airplane jet engine, the person himself does not hear anything. He usually learns about "night concerts" from relatives living with him. And lonely people can remain in the dark for quite a long time. In this case, applications for smartphones that can monitor sleep and turn on sound recording at the right time can help, so that you can then listen to the resulting recordings and understand if there are snoring and respiratory arrests in a dream. SOAS has characteristic picture- loud snoring is replaced by complete silence, the person does not breathe, oxygen starvation brain rises to a critical level, the brain wakes up and snoring continues. And there are up to several hundred such episodes per night!

There are other reasons for snoring and apnea (breathing stops) in women. They depend on age and other factors:

  1. Menopause. Women over 50 often snore. He is provoked hormonal changes in the body during menopause, which affect the work of absolutely all internal organs. It can also be caused by age-related changes: over the years, flabbiness of the muscles of the nasopharynx becomes the cause of snoring.
  2. Pregnancy. Snoring in pregnant women can be caused by hormonal changes in the body, a significant weight gain, and the appearance of swelling. Expectant mothers should be more attentive to any sleep disorders, they can adversely affect the health of the newborn.
  3. Snoring after childbirth. If a night snoring appeared during pregnancy and remained after the birth of the child, attention should be paid to the causes of this phenomenon. If the gained kilograms have remained almost in full, it is usually enough just to get rid of them. If the swelling has gone, and the weight has returned to normal, but the problem remains, you need to contact a specialist to eliminate snoring.

What is dangerous

Snoring in girls and women is not a harmless phenomenon. First of all, it affects emotional state person during the day, any sleep disturbance leads to fatigue. The brain does not have the opportunity to fully relax, which affects performance, concentration and concentration.

Also, if you do not get rid of snoring in time, apnea can occur - breathing stops during sleep. This is a very serious disease, because when it occurs, the functionality of vital organs is disrupted:

  • the rhythm of contractions of the heart muscle is disturbed, arrhythmia occurs;
  • there is a deterioration in the supply of oxygen to the brain;
  • blood pressure rises sharply.

Nocturnal multiple episodes of apnea are severe stress for the body. The brain suffers from hypoxia (lack of oxygen), due to increased pressure, in addition, the risk of stroke increases.

Important! The fight against snoring is especially important during pregnancy, because pregnant women are prone to a lack of oxygen in the blood! As a result, fetal hypoxia may occur.

Which doctor treats

Few people think about which doctor treats snoring until they encounter this problem. Considering that the most common causes are pathological or acquired diseases of the ENT organs, first of all, you need to contact an otorhinolaryngologist. Another allied specialist who may need help is a dentist.

For example, there are cases when snoring is provoked malocclusion. This problem is directly related to the teeth and gums, so even if necessary surgical intervention otolaryngologist, you can not do without a dentist.

Narrower specialists who work exclusively with problems of sleep disorders are somnologists. Unfortunately, in our country this branch of medicine is not yet developed enough to have such a doctor in every hospital. Nevertheless, in some centers, somnologists are accepted, they help to find the causes of the disease, even if they are not obvious.

Treatment of women's snoring at night

The answer to the question: is it possible to get rid of snoring for a young girl, future mother or elderly woman unambiguously possible. First of all, you need to contact a specialist to exclude the presence of serious diseases. Only after that it will be clear whether it is possible to remove snoring in a dream on your own, for example, with the help of gymnastics, or is it required drug treatment.

Exercises for tongue and palate

Gymnastics for the tongue and palate helps to eliminate snoring only if two rules are observed:

  • regularity of exercises;
  • the correctness of their implementation.

The following simple exercises have helped a lot:

  1. Strengthening the muscles of the tongue. We stick it forward as far as possible, we linger in this position for 10 seconds. The number of repetitions is 30 times.
  2. Jaw strengthening. We press the chin with our hand and move it smoothly lower jaw back and forth, and then to the sides. The number of repetitions is 20 times.
  3. Strengthening of teeth. To do this, we take a wooden stick of a small volume so that it can be easily clasped with our teeth, hold it tightly and hold for several minutes. The number of repetitions is 3.
  4. Sky exercise. We press the tongue with all our strength on the sky and hold it for a minute. The number of repetitions is 3. It is important to perform this exercise in a row with a break of no more than 30 seconds.
  5. Neck muscle training. We pronounce all the vowels in a row, 20 times each. At the same time, the mouth opens wide, the neck is in constant tension. The number of repetitions is 3.

Medical treatment

If snoring can only be eliminated with medication, then it is recommended to start therapy as early as possible. Action medications usually aimed at removing diseases respiratory system, improve the tone of the muscles of the throat and palate, as well as eliminate the discomfort that snoring causes. This includes a feeling of dry mouth, sore throat, etc.

Usually prescribed to cure snoring vasoconstrictor drops for the nose. Most of them apply to colds, such as Naphthyzinum, Sanorin and others. In addition to drops, nasal and throat sprays, rinses can be used. Usually they have natural composition, vegetable base makes their use effective and, at the same time, safe.

Often, to cure nasal snoring, lozenges are prescribed, which must be taken shortly before bedtime. Their action is aimed at relaxing the muscles of the nasopharynx and toning the muscles of the palate. Snorstop tablets are popular.

Important! Any lozenges for resorption can only be used as part of complex therapy, otherwise they will have a one-time effect, and after the end of their intake, the problem will return!

If the problem has been ignored for a long time and the woman started to fight snoring late, when apnea is already beginning, doctors may suggest surgical intervention. The advanced way is laser treatment. The procedure is expensive, but patients are satisfied with the result.

Laser therapy for snoring takes place in several stages:

  1. Preparation - putting on special glasses, familiarizing the patient with safety rules.
  2. Irradiation of the internal tissues of the pharynx laser beam in different directions: vertical, horizontal.
  3. Nasopharyngeal tissues that have lost their tone and are the cause of snoring are processed.

After the procedure, there may be discomfort in the throat, manifested in perspiration, dryness, and other unpleasant sensations but it goes away on its own after a few days. About a week later, an examination by an otolaryngologist is required.

Snoring devices

Some women, in order not to snore in their sleep, use modern devices for use at home. Common options are:

  1. Nose clip. The device is placed in nasal cavity. It is made from anti-allergenic materials, so it is absolutely safe to use. The advantage of the clip is that it does not need to be left on all night, it is enough to hold it for 1-2 hours. This is enough time to normalize breathing.
  2. Mouth guard. Made of silicone, so its use does not cause discomfort. The principle of operation of the cap is that it pushes the lower jaw slightly forward and due to this, the circulation of the air flow is normalized.
  3. Patch. The device is glued to the wings of the nose, there is an increase in the lumen of the nostrils, resulting in normalization air flow. Such a patch is affordable, effective remedy from snoring, is sold at an affordable price, and thanks to the availability different sizes, it suits everyone.

Folk remedies

Some decide to treat snoring with folk remedies and they manage to defeat the problem. Doctors advise you to first consult with an otolaryngologist to rule out serious illness. Popular folk recipes, many of which Elena Malysheva talked about, are:

  • bury one's nose sea ​​buckthorn oil before bedtime;
  • drink a glass of freshly squeezed cabbage juice before going to bed, adding a teaspoon of honey;
  • rinse the throat before going to bed with an infusion of 2 tbsp. l. calendula flowers and oak bark, brewed in 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  • eat baked carrots three times a day before meals;
  • flush the nasal passages with a weak solution sea ​​salt with water.

Advice! In any case, before using folk remedies it is necessary to exclude the need for medical treatment!

Sleep apnea prevention

What can be done to prevent sleep apnea? Doctors advise to adhere to such rules:

    • quitting smoking, alcohol abuse;
    • if apnea is provoked by a respiratory disease, then the treatment of the disease will be the main preventive measure;
    • reception hormonal drugs(for women over 50) to prevent complications due to age-related changes organism;
    • following a diet to prevent apnea in pregnant women;
    • getting rid of extra pounds;
  • gymnastics for the throat and palate, preferably daily.

Given that snoring is not a harmless phenomenon, with its constant manifestation, it is necessary to seek advice from an otolaryngologist, and then follow his recommendations. Its purpose will be either medication, or gymnastics, or surgery, or treatment at home. By following his recommendations, you will be able to cope with snoring quickly.

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