How vision is lost. Diagnosis and treatment of poor vision. Why vision deteriorates in the evening: the main causes of hemeralopia

What to do if vision falls? Objects become blurry, the inscriptions are not legible, this causes great inconvenience.
In order not to lose sight at all and restore the lost one, first of all, you need to determine the reason why it suffers.

What to do

Treatment and preventive measures

If a decrease in visual acuity is detected, it is necessary to start treatment in time. In the absence of diseases, prevention is necessary visual disturbances.

Otherwise, irreversible processes may begin, and visual ability can be completely lost.

Even with the initial deterioration, you should consult a doctor. He will inspect and appoint adequate treatment. Medicines prescribed by a doctor must be taken on time. It can be eye drops, various vitamins, or a change in diet.

In addition to taking medication, the following rules must be observed:

  • often give rest to the eyes, do not sit in front of the computer for a long time;
  • read only while sitting, instead you can listen to audio books;
  • do exercises for the eyes, it will take no more than 10 minutes a day;
  • reconsider your lifestyle, walk more and eat only healthy food;
  • sleep at least 7 hours a day, during which time the eye muscles will recover from overstrain;
  • drink vitamins A, B2 and E;
  • fight bad habits: smoking and alcohol.

Observing simple rules, the visual function can be preserved for a long time.

Simple and effective gymnastics

To improve the sharpness of vision every day it is necessary to carry out eye gymnastics.

It is especially important to do it with eye fatigue: after reading books or working at a computer.

  1. Close your eyes tightly and then open them wide. Repeat 5 times with an interval of 30 seconds.
  2. Work with eyeballs up, down, right, left. Repeat 3 times every 2 minutes. Repeat the same with closed eyelids.
  3. Do circular motions eyeballs, first with open eyelids. Then repeat with closed. Exercise to do 3 times with an interval of 2 minutes.
  4. Blink very quickly for a few minutes a day.
  5. Close your eyelids tightly for a few seconds, then open. Repeat at least 5 times.
  6. It is good to have a bright picture or a large photograph on the wall opposite your computer. From time to time you need to be distracted from the monitor and look into the distance a bright spot in the form of a picture.

Types of visual impairment in adults

Loss of vision can be not only a medical but also a social problem.

It falls not only in the elderly, but also in recent times and very young ones. A large number of people suffer from farsightedness, myopia, cataracts and glaucoma.

Types of visual disorders:

  1. Myopia is poor vision of objects at a distance. The greater the degree of the disease, the worse man distinguishes objects that are in the distance. Most often, this type of deterioration occurs in people who are long time near computer screens.
  2. Farsightedness - objects are blurred not only near, but also at a distance.
  3. Astigmatism - with this violation, objects look blurry. Usually accompanied by farsightedness or nearsightedness. Strabismus can be a complication.
  4. Presbyopia - close objects become blurry. Most often, people older than 40-45 years old suffer, otherwise presbyopia is called “age-related farsightedness”.

    You should not start worsening, as eye fatigue and headaches may appear.

  5. Amblyopia - with this form, a one-sided drop in vision can be observed, which can turn into strabismus. The cause may be a congenital defect of the eyeball.

The negative impact of the computer

There are a number of reasons that affect visual function, based on them, it is necessary to select a treatment method.

One of the main reasons for the decrease in visual acuity is the constant presence near computer monitors and TV.

The computer affects the ability to see as follows:

  1. With a constant presence near the monitors, the eye muscles stop working. If you constantly look at the screen, the muscles that regulate the work of the lens weaken and become sluggish. This happens with any muscle, even if there is no weak load.
  2. Being near computer screens, too bright light hits the retina, usually there is complete darkness around. Therefore, you should work at the computer at least in low light.
  3. The eyeball is always in moisture, and because of the constant presence near the monitor, the eyes blink less often, becoming dry.

Unilateral visual impairment

A decrease in visual acuity is fraught with its complete loss. It may decrease due to various diseases. For example, in connection with diseases of the optic nerve.

With obstruction of the retinal vessels, most often occurring in people with high blood pressure and heart disease, one-sided partial or complete loss of vision can occur.

With trauma to the psyche and increased nervous excitability, there is also a risk of visual disturbances.

Another cause of a unilateral decrease in acuity is a hemorrhage in this eye. This can happen due to trauma or pathology of the vessels of the eyeball, for example, in diabetes mellitus.

With optic neuritis caused by infection, retinal detachment occurs, leading to unilateral visual impairment.

Nutrition directly affects eye health. Each type of pathology has its own approach to nutrition.

  • Vitamin A. For example, with "night blindness" the eyes are prone to the appearance of barley or inflammation of the cornea. For treatment, you need to eat foods rich in vitamin A, such as carrots. It can be consumed fresh, grated and seasoned with sour cream, or stewed with onion and cream.
  • Calcium. You need to eat food with great content calcium, such as cottage cheese, herbs and cheese.
  • Vitamin B1 and C. This vitamin is found in blueberries. If you eat a handful of berries a day, it will help restore visual acuity. You can use fresh or frozen berries, it is useful to eat blueberry jam.
  • Bitter chocolate. This product contains flavonoids that help strengthen the cornea and protect blood vessels. But chocolate with additives is not suitable for treatment.
  • lutein. It is found in large quantities in spinach. Its use will reduce the risk of cataracts.

At any age, you need to take care of eye health, because if you skip treatment and do not start prevention, you can completely forget about clear images around you. Therefore, following complicated rules By doing exercises, by changing your lifestyle, against the background of treatment, you can save your vision for a long time.

Why vision may deteriorate after laser correction

In connection with the emergence of new technologies, it became possible to get rid of visual problems with the help of laser correction. But, as with every innovation, there are both opponents and fans of this technology. Many complain that after the operation the ability to see again falls. But first of all, you should blame yourself for this. Since doctors, on the contrary, are interested in maintaining their reputation.

Before the operation, a series of examinations are carried out to determine whether it is possible or not for a person to make a correction. There are a number of diseases in which there is no point in performing an operation, there will be no effect from it. These are glaucoma, cataracts, arthritis, retinal detachment and corneal thinning.

After the correction, a temporary deterioration is acceptable, but still it disappears after rehabilitation.

If patients complain of impaired vision some time after correction, the reasons may be the following:

  1. There is serious reasons that were not resolved by the operation. Correction is aimed at improving vision, but not at all to eliminate these causes.
  2. Before the operation, you must correctly follow all the recommendations of the doctor. First of all, it is necessary to give up contact lenses, alcohol and cosmetics for a week before the operation.
  3. After the operation, you must follow the recommendations of the doctor. During rehabilitation, eye loads, physical activity are prohibited, including swimming pools, saunas, and baths. During sleep, lie only on your back.
  4. With a successful operation, worsening is possible, but this is a temporary phenomenon, and it quickly passes.
  5. Not excluded, of course, medical error, you should immediately consult a doctor and report all your complaints.

Constantly falling vision, how to prevent it

There are several reasons for the constant loss of vision. The ability to see depends on the state of the lens, retina, and eye muscles.

  1. First of all, the reason may be that people spend a lot of time at the computer monitor or reading books. From prolonged focusing of the gaze on the written texts, the eye muscles get tired and weaken. From what the lens loses the ability to adapt to changes in the distance to the image. To prevent this from happening, you need to take short breaks and do eye exercises. For example, alternately focusing your eyes on near and distant objects.
  2. The second reason is the aging of the retina. The retina has special visual pigments. Over time, these pigments are destroyed, and then vision deteriorates. To do this, it is recommended to eat foods high in vitamin A. These foods include: carrots, meat, milk, eggs, blueberries.
  3. Another cause of visual impairment is poor circulation in the retina. Since the retina is responsible for the quality of vision, it requires constant blood circulation. To prevent any deviations in the retina, it is necessary to contact an ophthalmologist at the first ailment. For good blood circulation, the doctor will prescribe you special diet and drugs that help keep the retina in good shape. Steam rooms, saunas and other things that raise eye pressure should not be abused.
  4. Eye-strain. For them, not only bright lighting is dangerous, but also staying in dark rooms also significantly impairs vision. In bright light, protect your eyes with dark glasses and in no case read in a darkened room. It is impossible to read in transport, because when moving, it is impossible to fully focus on the text.
  5. The mucous membrane plays an important role. If there are problems with the lacrimal glands, then this also affects visual acuity. If a person has dry eyes, then it is necessary to use special drops.

If you experience the following symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

  1. The image of familiar objects became blurry and not clear. It can be: a store sign, a bus number.
  2. The faces of people are blurred, and it seems that they are in a fog.
  3. Flies or black dots appear in the visual field.
  4. Pain in the eyes.

When working with a computer, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Properly organize your workplace. Place the monitor so that the lighting falls on it from the left side, the distance from the eyes to the monitor is from 60 to 70 cm.
  2. The size of the text should be such that it is comfortable to read without straining your eyes.
  3. Take breaks every 20 minutes. Try to relax or take a walk.

Decreased vision after 40 years

There is an opinion among people that after 40 years the body begins to show all the diseases that exist. But all this is most likely a myth. Because if a person takes care of his health, then even after 70 years he will feel good. What can not be said about vision.

Everyone knows perfectly well that its sharpness depends on the retina and the ability of the lens to refraction. Over time, he loses his property and can no longer instantly focus on a particular subject. The eye muscles lose their elasticity and can no longer hold the lens well in the desired position.

A person has farsightedness, which is called age-related. And those who suffer from myopia hope that thanks to this, after 40 years they will be cured of their disease on their own. But in this they are greatly mistaken. Because myopic people, on the contrary, have even more problems than before. One of these problems can be a retinal tear, which can be stitched with a laser. But to prevent this from happening, it is better to periodically come for an examination to an ophthalmologist.

In order to stop the deterioration of vision at least a little, you need to consider a few rules:

  1. Wear eyeglasses prescribed by an ophthalmologist.
  2. Correct with lenses. To do this, a lens is put on one eye. And the following comes out: one eye for range, the other for close range.
  3. And take vitamins.

Effective eye vitamins

Many vitamins are found in fruits, vegetables and other foods. But there are times when products are not always available. Therefore, pharmacies sell vitamins in tablets:

  1. Vitamins "Lutein Complex" is a product of Ecomir. They are taken 3 times a day for a long time.
  2. Vitamins Optics is a product of a company with the same name. The course of taking vitamins is not less than three months.
  3. Vitamins for the eyes Dopelherz Active is a product of the Dopelhertz company, these vitamins must be used stably.

In addition to these vitamins, there are many more similar drugs. These drugs can be taken not only at a time when vision deteriorated, but also for health prevention.

Loss of vision - what to do

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Causes of visual impairment are hidden in huge number factors. This symptom can be either temporary or permanent. Temporary loss of vision usually does not pose a serious risk to eye health. It is usually caused by fatigue of the visual apparatus. In this case, it will not be difficult to restore vision to a normal state. But besides this, it is important to know other reasons why vision drops sharply.

The pathogenesis of development can be dangerous diseases that, in the absence of the necessary treatment, can lead to extremely serious consequences.

Spine and cervical region The human skeleton is directly connected with the visual organs. Any trauma or displacement of the discs can lead to a decrease in visual acuity. This is because with any back injury, blood circulation in the brain and eyes is disturbed. The necessary nutrients are supplied with the blood to the organs of vision. Due to their lack, a sharp deterioration in vision occurs.

Pollution of the organ system

The clarity of vision may deteriorate as a result of clogging of the body harmful substances: slags, cholesterol and toxins. These elements tend to settle in the body, it is very problematic to remove them. Such pathological condition negatively affects human health in general, including the eyes.

To eliminate this reason deterioration of vision, it is necessary to eat rationally, perform procedures to cleanse the body and perform special exercises.


Vision can deteriorate significantly due to eye fatigue. Overwork can occur as a result of a long stay at the computer or in front of the TV screen. As mentioned earlier, getting rid of temporary visual impairment is easy. To do this, you need to be less at the computer and TV. Perform special exercises for the eyes. Provide good uniform lighting when working, reading and writing.

Also, eye fatigue can be caused by improperly fitted glasses or contact lenses. As well as misuse optics. To prevent this from happening, when selecting points and contact lenses be sure to consult with a specialist. He will select the necessary optics for you and tell you how to care for it.

In addition, frequent eye fatigue leads to stressful situations, lack of sleep, dry air and others. Therefore, try to relax more, walk on fresh air, do not be nervous. Take vitamins and minerals. They will help strengthen the immune system, which can withstand visual impairment.


Probably everyone knows about negative impact alcoholic beverages and nicotine on human body. The visual apparatus is no exception. Bad habits block the supply of essential nutrients to the eyes. As a result, vision deteriorates significantly.

Smoking often negatively affects vision

To preserve vision, it is worth considering giving up bad habits. If you do this, you will notice more than just an improvement in your eyes. You will feel how your whole body began to recover, lightness and energy will appear. Increase work capacity. You will get sick less often.


Women, during the period of gestation, are assigned additional examinations by an ophthalmologist. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy the hormonal background. The expectant mother is more often stressed, nervous. Her body sees things differently. As a result of this, a huge load is placed on the eyes. As a result, vision deteriorates.

During pregnancy, it is especially important to monitor your health. Take vitamins, strengthen your immune system, get more rest and be outdoors. If your eyesight still falls, consult a specialist. He will give you everything necessary recommendations and prescribe the necessary therapy. If you follow all his advice, your eyes will quickly return to normal.

Eye pathologies

Perhaps the most common cause of visual impairment is diseases of the eyes themselves:

  • Cataract or clouding of the lens of the eye;
  • Belmo or leukoma. This disease causes cloudiness in the cornea. It leads either to a deterioration in vision, or to its complete loss;
  • Glaucoma. Pathological process causes an increase in ophthalmotonus and destruction of nerve endings. If not start timely treatment, you can completely lose the ability to see;
  • Nearsightedness or myopia. Due to this eye disease, the patient cannot distinguish the contours of an object that are at a great distance from him;
  • Farsightedness or hypermetropia. With this disease, a person cannot distinguish between objects that are in front of his eyes;
  • Keratitis. The pathological process that wears infectious nature. Can lead to significant visual impairment or even blindness;
  • Diplopia. With this disease, the image does not focus correctly on the retina. As a result, the image before the eyes begins to double;
  • Presbyopia. This is age-related farsightedness, which, as a rule, comes after forty years. This feature it will not be possible to avoid, sooner or later it will manifest itself in everyone;
  • Strabismus, astigmatism, trauma to the eyeball and other pathological conditions.

At the slightest suspicion of the listed diseases, immediately consult an ophthalmologist. Any disease of the eye apparatus can lead to serious complications if it is not treated on time. A highly qualified specialist will carry out all the necessary diagnostic measures and appoint effective therapy to help save your eyesight.

Drying of the mucous membrane

The mucous membrane of the eye must always be supplied with fluid. If this does not happen, then it dries up. As a result, irritation begins in the eyeball, which leads to a decrease in vision.

To stop this, remember to blink frequently. Use moisturizing eye drops after consulting your doctor. Do special exercises for the eyes.

Weakness and lethargy of muscle tissue

The image we see in front of us is directly dependent on the retina. And also from the transformation of the lens. The muscles of the eye help to change its shape. Making it either more convex or flat - it depends on the distance to the object. If you look at a book or a screen all the time, the muscles stop tensing and become sluggish. Since they no longer need to exert themselves, they atrophy.

In order not to lose sight, the muscles must be trained. Do special eye exercises daily.

Retinal wear

The retina of the eye has a pigment in its structure, with the help of which we are able to see the world. In the process of aging, this element disappears, during which the clarity of vision decreases.

In order to keep the pigment in the structure of the retina as long as possible, it is necessary to include foods containing vitamin A in your diet. For example, such as carrots, dairy products, meat, fish, and eggs. Vitamin A is able to dissolve in fat. It is for this reason that sour cream can be added to carrot salad or vegetable oil. Also necessary element concentrated in large quantities in fresh blueberries.

Knowing the reasons for which vision loss can occur, it becomes possible to prevent it. Get an annual check-up with an ophthalmologist, monitor your general health, perform special eye exercises and the recommendations of an ophthalmologist. Subject to all the rules for eye care, there will be no problems with the health of the visual apparatus.

Now, according to statistics, about 130 million people with poor eyesight live on the planet, and about 35-37 million of those who are not able to see at all. The reasons for this can be both congenital and acquired features of human health. Most often, the process of visual impairment is quite slow, gradual, and a person has time to either adapt to this, or take measures that can stop the process. But sometimes there is a sharp deterioration in vision. The reasons for this process may be different.

First signs

If the quality of vision has deteriorated sharply, then the person becomes not only unable to lead his usual way of life, but often falls into depression, which can turn into panic. The thing is that the lion's share (up to 90%) of information about environment each of us receives through the eyes. Reading, watching interesting videos and TV, surfing the Internet and even finding the right place on the street - for all this, well-seeing eyes are simply needed.

What happens when a person's vision deteriorates? The very first symptom is the inability to clearly see the surrounding objects, especially those located far away. Also, the images become blurry, a “veil” may hang before the eyes, and a cloudy look is felt. Trouble getting information visually, inability to read, etc. The more vision deteriorates, the more difficult it becomes to navigate in space.

Attention! Sometimes visual impairment, especially sharp, may not occur due to the fact that some eye diseases have developed. Often the cause that caused this condition is some kind of pathology of organs that are not related to the eyes.

Table. Types of visual impairment.

Main reasons

Visual impairment can be different - temporary or gradual and permanent. If the character is temporary, then this factor does not pose a danger to health as such and is usually caused by ordinary overwork, excessive eye strain, long sitting behind a computer monitor. Thus, a sharp deterioration is due to the fact that it simply turns out prolonged exposure on the eyes. Stress and lack of sleep can also dramatically worsen vision. In this case, there is nothing to worry about, just give yourself a well-deserved rest without straining your eyes.

Not always a sharp deterioration visual function associated with the eyes. The human body is a complex system where everything is interconnected. And if the eyes did not experience a strong impact, and the vision fell anyway, then it's time to start worrying about the general condition. For example, you can start to see poorly due to diseases such as diabetes, pituitary adenoma, Basedow's disease etc.

Attention! If visual impairment is associated with other diseases, then it is usually accompanied by additional symptoms that you need to pay attention to. These can be headaches, skin pallor, irritability, etc.

In general, the causes can be divided into ophthalmic, that is, associated specifically with the eyes, and general, which are associated with the state of the body.

Ophthalmic factors

Among the ophthalmic problems that cause rapid and sudden deterioration vision, we can distinguish:

  • mechanical or chemical injury(such as fractures of the orbit, bruises, injections, contact with toxic substances in the eyes, burns, etc.). Among them, the most dangerous are injuries caused by piercing and cutting tools, as well as chemical liquids that have occurred due to the ingress of chemical liquids into the eye. The latter often affect not only the surface of the eyeball, but are also capable of damaging deep-lying tissues;

  • retinal hemorrhage. This is often due to excessive levels physical activity, prolonged labor etc.;
  • various types of eye infections- bacterial, fungal or viral. It can be conjunctivitis,;

  • retinal tear or detachment. In the latter case, there is first some deterioration in vision in one eye, a veil appears. In this case, only a special operation will help restore the retina;
  • macular degeneration. In this case, visual impairment is observed in people over the age of 45 years. The disease affects the area of ​​the retina where the most a large number of light sensitive receptors. Often this is associated with beriberi;
  • cataract- a common disease associated with damage to the lens. Usually observed in the elderly, congenital is extremely rare. Often it is associated with a deterioration in metabolism, injuries, etc. In a neglected form, it is treated surgically;

  • optic neuropathy. Wherein pain syndrome missing;
  • farsightedness and nearsightedness are the two most common visual pathologies. Nearsightedness is often caused by heredity, changes in the shape of the cornea, problems with the lens, or weakness of the eye muscles. Farsightedness is caused by a small diameter of the eye and problems with the lens. It usually occurs in people aged 25-65 years.

Other factors

Other factors often mean precisely some specific diseases of the body. For example, it could be diabetes. In this case, visual impairment is called "diabetic retinopathy". This symptom occurs in 90% of diabetics, especially those with type 1 diabetes. Visual impairment in this case is associated with damage to small vessels in the retina, which ultimately remains without a good blood supply.

Attention! With diabetes, complete loss of vision is also possible, so it is important for people suffering from this disease to visit an ophthalmologist regularly.

It can also reduce visual clarity various diseases thyroid gland. For example, toxic goiter or Graves' disease. But with it there is another sign that is considered the main one - bulging eyes.

Sometimes vision can deteriorate due to problems with the spine. This is due to the fact that vision depends on the work of not only the brain, but also the spinal cord.

Attention! Often, vision problems develop in people with addictions - addiction to alcohol, smoking, etc.

Bilateral vision loss

This process can be observed in the following cases:

  • ischemic neuropathy of the optical form when the retina is affected. Often occurs due to aortic arch syndrome with a sharp change in body position;
  • bilateral infarction is often accompanied by failure color vision , this symptom is usually noted in the elderly;
  • neuritis retrobulbar- one of the symptoms of widespread multiple sclerosis, occurs in about 16% of cases. Usually in this case, problems arise with central vision;
  • increased intracranial pressure often accompanied by amblyopia, the duration of which can vary from seconds to minutes;
  • when temporal arteritis the vessels of the head, eyes are affected, because of which vision deteriorates.

What to do if vision drops

Vision can be lost very quickly if nothing is done at the first signals of its deterioration. In most cases, this is due to inattention to one's health. How to act in order to restore the functioning of the visual apparatus or stop the process of vision deterioration?

Vision correction with contact lenses

Lenses vary in how long they are worn. For example, one-day lenses from Bausch + Lomb Biotrue® ONEday (Biotra one-day) are popular. They are made of HyperGel material (HyperGel), which is similar to the structures of the eye and tear, contains a large amount of moisture - 78% and provides comfort even after 16 hours of continuous wear. This is the best option for dryness or discomfort from wearing other lenses. These lenses do not need to be looked after, a new pair is put on every day.

There are also scheduled replacement lenses - silicone hydrogel Bausch + Lomb ULTRA, using MoistureSeal® technology (MoyschSil). They combine high content moisture, good oxygen permeability and softness. Thanks to this, the lenses are not felt when worn, do not damage the eyes. Such lenses need care using special solutions - for example, ReNu MultiPlus (Renu MultiPlus), which moisturizes and cleans soft lenses, destroying viruses, bacteria and fungi, is used to store lenses. For sensitive eyes the optimal solution is ReNu MPS (Renu MPS) with a reduced concentration active substances. Despite the softness of the formula, the solution effectively removes deep and surface dirt. For long-term moisturizing of lenses, solutions with hyaluronic acid, a natural moisturizing component, have been developed. For example, the Biotrue universal solution (Biotru), which, in addition to removing contaminants, bacteria and fungi, provides 20-hour moistening of the lenses due to the presence of a hyaluronan polymer in the product.

It helps to improve the condition of the eyes and a number of relaxing exercises. They will be especially useful for those who work a lot at the computer. The simplest exercise is to close the eyes and contemplate the imaginary nature. Sometimes people visualize just pleasant moments in life or dream.

Attention! Eyes can get tired not only because of work, but also because of emotional overstrain. Therefore, returning to the past and remembering pleasant moments will be a good idea to replenish internal resources and relax.

It is also important to take care of your diet. It must be balanced and provide the body with all the nutrients it needs to work.

It is also important to have regular check-ups with an ophthalmologist. At the first sign of visual impairment, you need to consult a doctor immediately to identify the causes and prescribe proper treatment. It may also be necessary to visit other specialists if the visual impairment is not associated with ophthalmic processes.

How to strengthen eyesight?

Step 1. Carrots are rich in vitamin A, necessary for correct operation eye. Therefore, it is important to eat as many carrots as possible in different form. It is also important to consume foods rich in iron and zinc.

Step 2 Surprisingly, action games will help strengthen your eyes. This is reported by the results of a study conducted by scientists published in 2007. The eyes seem to train when they follow the active actions taking place on the screen. So you need to change your favorite genre of games to "action".

Step 3 It is required to include several walks in the fresh air in the daily routine, and during the holidays it is imperative to get out into nature.

Step 5 You need to visit an ophthalmologist regularly to check the condition of the eyes. This will help prevent the development of any diseases and take timely measures to improve vision if necessary.

Step 6 It is important to limit the time spent at the computer or watching TV. Loads on the eyes should be strictly dosed. If this is not possible, then it is required to periodically interrupt and do exercises for the eyes.

Step 7 Sports and physical exercises help to strengthen the eyes. It is recommended to add at least 1-2 workouts per week to your schedule.

Step 8 Done if necessary.

Video - Causes of vision loss

Vision is a great gift that nature has given to man. And, of course, you need to protect it. Otherwise, you can lose many of the joys of life. Therefore, when the slightest sign visual impairment, it is important to immediately take care of the eyes.


The eye is an organ that every person uses constantly throughout his life. Many people know that it is through the body vision we receive about 80% of the information about the world around us. However, often blurred vision does not cause a lot of anxiety. It is believed that this is due to age-related changes.

Visual impairment is almost always a symptom of some disease. It can be:

  • diseases of the eyes themselves: retina, lens, cornea;
  • common diseases, which, for example, lead to damage nervous system or vessels of the eyeball;
  • violations of the tissues surrounding the eye: eye muscles, adipose tissue that surrounds the eyeball.
Visual impairment can be of a different nature:
  • Violation of visual acuity is mainly associated with pathologies of the retina - the back of the eyeball, in which light-sensitive cells are located. Visual acuity is the ability of the eye to distinguish between two separate points at a minimum distance. This ability is expressed in conventional units. For a healthy eye, visual acuity is 1.0.
  • Often visual impairment can be caused by obstructions in the path of light to the retina. With changes in the lens and cornea, there is a kind of fogging before the eyes, the appearance of various spots. If the lens of the eye is irregularly shaped, it will not correctly position the image on the retina.
  • Human eyes are specially located very close to each other so that we can perceive the picture of the world as deeply as possible, in volume. But for this, the eyeballs must be precisely positioned in the sockets. If their location and axes are violated (which may be caused by disorders of the eye muscles, proliferation of fatty tissue of the eye), double vision and visual impairment are noted.
  • As soon as the retina of the eye perceives light, it is immediately transformed into nerve impulses, and enters through the optic nerves to the brain. With disorders of the nervous system, vision is also impaired, and often these disorders are quite specific.
Consider the main diseases that can act as causes of visual impairment.

Temporary blurred vision due to fatigue

Visual impairment is not always associated with diseases. Sometimes to this symptom include factors such as:
  • constant overwork;
  • chronic sleep deprivation;
  • constant stress;
  • prolonged eye strain (for example, working at a computer).
Often, in order to eliminate visual impairment in this situation, it is enough just to rest a little, perform eye gymnastics. But it is still better to visit an ophthalmologist and undergo an examination so as not to miss the disease.

Retinal diseases

Retinal disinsertion

The retina is the back of the eye that contains nerve endings, which perceive light rays and translate them into an image. Normally, the retina is in close contact with the so-called choroid. If they separate from each other, then various visual impairments develop.

Symptoms of retinal detachment and visual impairment are very specific and characteristic:
1. At first, there is only a deterioration in vision in one eye. It is important to remember which eye the disorder started in and then talk about it at the doctor's appointment.
2. A characteristic sign of the disease is a veil before the eyes. At first, the patient may think that it is caused by some process on the surface of the eyeball, and unsuccessfully, for a long time, wash the eyes with water, tea, etc.
3. Periodically, a patient with retinal detachment may feel sparks and flashes before his eyes.
4. The pathological process can capture different parts of the retina and, depending on this, certain visual impairments occur. If the patient sees distorted letters and surrounding objects, then the center of the retina is most likely affected.

The diagnosis is established by an ophthalmologist after an examination. The treatment is surgical, various types of interventions are used to restore the normal state of the retina.

Macular degeneration

Macular degeneration is a disease that causes visual impairment and blindness in a large number of people over the age of 55. With this pathology, the so-called yellow spot- the place on the retina where it is located the largest number photosensitive nerve receptors.

The reasons for the development of macular degeneration are still not entirely clear. In this direction, research is still underway, many scientists are inclined to believe that the disease is caused by a lack of important vitamins and microelements in the body.

Early signs of macular degeneration may include:

  • blurred vision of objects, their fuzzy contours;
  • difficulty looking at faces, letters.
Diagnosis of macular degeneration is carried out at the reception during an examination by an ophthalmologist.

Treatment of visual impairment in this disease is mainly of two types:

  • use of laser therapy and photodynamic therapy;
  • the use of drugs in the form of tablets or injections.
It should be noted that macular degeneration is often a recurrent disease. After the visual impairment is eliminated, it may occur again.

Vitreous detachment and retinal breaks

The vitreous body is the substance that fills the eyeball from the inside. In several places it is very firmly attached to the retina. In youth, the vitreous body is dense and elastic, but with age it can liquefy. As a result, it separates from the retina, and leads to its breaks.

Retinal tear is the main cause of retinal detachment. That's why symptoms found in this condition are very similar to the signs of detachment. They develop gradually, at first the patient feels the presence of a kind of veil before his eyes.

Diagnosis of retinal rupture is carried out by an ophthalmologist after examination. Its treatment, as well as the treatment of detachment, is carried out mainly surgically. For each individual patient, individual approach: There are no two completely identical cases of this disease. Visual impairment can also be expressed in varying degrees.

diabetic retinopathy

With a long course of diabetes mellitus and the absence of effective treatment visual impairment is almost always observed. In advanced stages of diabetes this complication occurs in 90% of patients. If it is available, then the patient is usually assigned a certain disability group.

Diabetic retinopathy and the associated sharp deterioration in vision are caused by damage to the small vessels of the retina. Atherosclerosis develops in the capillaries of the arterial type, the venous ones expand greatly, the blood stagnates in them. Entire areas of the retina are left without adequate blood supply, their function is significantly affected.

Naturally, the main risk factor for the development of diabetic retinopathy is diabetes mellitus. In the initial stages, visual impairment is not observed, the patient is not bothered by any eye symptoms at all. But changes in the capillaries and small vessels of the retina at this time can already occur. If visual acuity decreases, or one eye completely stops seeing, this indicates that irreversible changes have developed in the organ of vision. Therefore, all patients diabetes It is very important to undergo timely examinations with an ophthalmologist.

People with type 1 diabetes are especially likely to develop diabetic retinopathy.

Diseases of the lens


Cataract is one of the most common pathologies of the lens. It is characterized by clouding of this natural lens of the eye, blurred vision, and other symptoms.

In most cases, cataracts develop in old age, it is very rarely congenital. Researchers do not yet have a consensus on the causes of the development of the disease. For example, it is believed that clouding of the lens and blurred vision can be caused by metabolic disorders, trauma, and the action of free radicals.

Typical symptoms of a cataract:

  • Decreased visual acuity, which can have varying degrees of severity, up to complete blindness in one eye.
  • Visual impairment is highly dependent on where the cataract is located in the lens. If the clouding affects only the periphery, vision remains normal for a long time. If the spot is located in the center of the lens, the patient has big problems with the vision of objects.
  • With the development of cataracts, myopia increases. At the same time, if the patient previously had farsightedness, a paradox is noted: for some time his vision improves, and he begins to see objects that are close by better.
  • The light sensitivity of the eye changes, which can also be considered as one of the signs of visual impairment. For example, the patient may note that the world around him seems to have lost its colors, has become dull. This is typical in cases where the clouding of the lens begins to grow from the peripheral part.
  • If the cataract initially develops in the center of the eye, a completely opposite picture is noted. The patient begins to tolerate bright light very poorly, he sees much better at dusk or during cloudy weather, with insufficient lighting.
  • If the cataract is congenital, the pupil of the child has a white color. Over time, strabismus develops, vision may be completely lost in one or both eyes.

If there is a similar age-related deterioration in vision and the indicated accompanying symptoms, this should be the reason for contacting an ophthalmologist. After examination, the doctor will establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Visual impairment with cataracts in the initial stages can be treated conservatively, with the help of eye drops. However, the only radical method of treating the disease is surgery on the eyeball. The nature of the operation is selected depending on the specific situation.


In fact, a condition such as myopia is not exclusively a disease of the lens. This pathological condition, characterized by a deterioration in visual acuity when viewing distant objects, may be due to a number of factors:
1. Hereditary factor: some people have enough specific structure eyeball programmed genetically.
2. The elongated shape of the eyeball is a trait that is also inherited.
3. An abnormality in the shape of the cornea is called keratoconus. Normally, the cornea should have a spherical shape, which ensures uniform refraction of the sun's rays in it. In keratoconus, the conical cornea changes light refraction. As a result, the lens does not correctly focus the image on the retina.
4. Disturbances in the shape of the lens, changes in its position during injuries, dislocations.
5. Weakness of the muscles responsible for the movement of the eyeballs.

Statistics show that myopia is one of the most common pathologies in ophthalmology, and most often people suffer from it. young age. According to studies, the prevalence of myopia among schoolchildren is up to 16%. In higher educational institutions it is even more common.

At the same time, myopia can lead to more serious problems and complications, up to complete loss of vision. The main symptom of myopia is quite characteristic: seeing objects at a distance is difficult, they seem blurry. In order to read a newspaper or a book, the patient must bring the text very close to the eyes.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out at the reception of an ophthalmologist. Treatment for myopia can vary depending on the underlying cause. Glasses, laser correction, and other microsurgical interventions on the eyeball are used.

Main reasons sharp deterioration vision:
1. The diameter of the eyeball is too small in the anteroposterior direction, while the light rays are focused in the wrong place.
2. A decrease in the ability of the lens to change its shape, which begins at the age of 25 and lasts up to 65 years, after which there is a sharp deterioration in vision associated with the complete loss of the lens's ability to change its shape.

One way or another, all people acquire farsightedness with age. At the same time, objects viewed close up begin to "blur", have fuzzy contours. But if a person previously suffered from myopia, as a result age-related farsightedness his vision may even improve slightly.

The diagnosis of farsightedness is most often established during an examination by an ophthalmologist. In this case, the patient himself turns to the doctor, complaining of a significant deterioration in vision.

Farsightedness is corrected with contact lenses, glasses that the patient must wear at all times. Today, there are also surgical methods of treatment with the help of special lasers.

Eye injury

Eyeball injuries are a large group of pathologies, most of which are accompanied by visual impairment. The most common types of eye injuries are:
1. Foreign body. It can get on the surface of the sclera or conjunctiva, or directly into the eyeball. For example, very often among the foreign bodies of the eye there are small metal chips that can get into the eyes during the processing of metal products. Sometimes you can remove foreign body independently, turning the lower eyelid, blinking a little, rinsing the eyes with water. If these measures are unsuccessful, it is urgent to contact an ophthalmologist.

2. Eye burns. Most often found in industrial conditions. They can be chemical (acids and alkalis get into the eye), thermal. The degree of visual impairment immediately after injury depends on the extent of the lesion. Symptoms are characteristic: immediately after the injury is felt strong pain, burning in the eyes, impaired vision. For chemical burns, rinse eyes thoroughly. clean water. The victim must be transported to the hospital as soon as possible ophthalmological clinic. With such injuries, a corneal thorn is formed in the future, which further impairs vision.

3. Contusion of the eyeball- a fairly mild type of eye injury. Immediately after the injury, it is almost never possible to accurately determine the severity of the injury. This can only be done by an ophthalmologist in the clinic after the examination. Sometimes a bruise can hide more serious injury. Therefore, with this type of injury, it is necessary to apply a bandage as soon as possible and take the victim to the hospital.

The main symptoms of a contusion of the eyeball:

  • dizziness, headache and blurred vision;
  • severe pain in the damaged eyeball;
  • swelling around the orbit, sometimes so severe that the eyelids cannot be opened;
  • bruises on the eyelids, hemorrhages in the eye.
4. Hemorrhage in the retina.
Main factors:
  • eyeball injury;
  • straining during childbirth and intense physical exertion;
  • diseases of the vessels of the orbit: high blood pressure, venous congestion, increased fragility;
  • blood clotting disorder.
With a retinal hemorrhage, the victim sees, as it were, a spot that obscures part of the field of vision. In the future, it can lead to partial or complete loss of vision.

5. Wounded eye- damage to the eyeball with sharp cutting and piercing objects, which is perhaps one of the most dangerous types of injuries. After such damage, not only visual impairment can occur, but also its complete loss. In case of eye injury sharp object you need to immediately drip antibiotic drops into it, apply a sterile bandage and send the victim to a doctor. An ophthalmologist performs an examination, determines the degree of damage and prescribes treatment.

6. Hemorrhage in the orbit. With this type of injury, blood accumulates in the cavity of the orbit, as a result of which the eyeball seems to protrude outwards - exophthalmos (bulging eyes) is formed. In this case, the normal arrangement of the axes of the eyeballs is disturbed. There is double vision and a general deterioration in vision. A victim with a suspected hemorrhage in the orbit should be immediately taken to an ophthalmic hospital.

Corneal diseases accompanied by visual impairment

Clouding (thorn) of the cornea

Clouding of the cornea is a process that somewhat resembles scarring on the skin. A cloudy infiltrate forms on the surface of the cornea, which disrupts normal vision.

Depending on the severity, the following types of corneal opacity are distinguished:
1. Cloud- not visible to the naked eye, can only be detected by an ophthalmologist. Does not lead to significant visual impairment. With cloudy cornea, which is referred to as cloudy, the patient feels only a slight cloudy spot in a field of view that does not cause him any problems.
2. Spot of the cornea- a more pronounced defect in the central part of the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye. Gives the patient problems, as it makes it difficult to see. The area of ​​vision behind the spot may be completely invisible.
3. Corneal leukoma- this is a very extensive clouding, which can cause a significant sharp deterioration in vision, or its complete loss.

Most often, patients with corneal opacities turn to ophthalmologists with complaints of visual impairment. If the thorn occupies a sufficiently large area, among the complaints there is a cosmetic defect, a deterioration in appearance. The final diagnosis is established after an ophthalmological examination.

In order to restore vision in case of clouding of the cornea, special drops with drugs can be used, surgical intervention - keratoplasty.


Keratitis is a large group of diseases characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in the cornea, visual impairment and other symptoms. Inflammation of the cornea can be caused by the following reasons:

1. Bacterial infections:

  • nonspecific - the usual purulent inflammation of the cornea;
  • specific, for example, syphilitic or gonorrheal keratitis.
2. Viral keratitis.
3. Keratitis of fungal origin, which most often develop with a decrease in the body's immune forces.
4. Keratitis of allergic and autoimmune origin.
5. Toxic keratitis that occurs under the influence of various caustic, aggressive, poisonous substances.

With keratitis, visual impairment is almost always noted to one degree or another. In most cases, it is temporary and disappears immediately after the disease is cured. But sometimes, after suffering keratitis, a thorn forms on the cornea, accompanied by a persistent deterioration in vision.

Other symptoms that may accompany keratitis include:

  • pain, burning, itching in one or both eyes;
  • redness of the conjunctiva, vasodilatation of the sclera;
  • discharge from the eyes (may be liquid or purulent);
  • in the morning the eyelids stick together, it is impossible to open them.

Corneal ulcer

A corneal ulcer is a defect, indentation or hole in the cornea, accompanied by blurred vision and other symptoms.

Most often, the causes of an ulcer in the cornea are its cracks, injuries, keratitis.

It is possible to understand that a patient develops a corneal ulcer by the following symptoms:

  • after trauma, or after keratitis in the eye, pain persists, but over time it does not decrease, but, on the contrary, increases;
  • most often, when self-examining the eye through a mirror, the patient does not notice any defects;
  • the corneal ulcer itself does not lead to a significant deterioration in vision, but in its place a tissue is always formed that resembles scar tissue, and it transmits light very poorly.
The final diagnosis of a corneal ulcer is established at an appointment with an ophthalmologist, after an examination. The doctor can tell you exactly what size it is. ulcer defect. Most dangerous state is the so-called creeping corneal ulcer, which is constantly increasing in size, and the direction and nature of its increase in the near future is very difficult to predict.

The main mechanisms that often lead to the formation of corneal ulcers are infections and inflammatory processes. Accordingly, drops with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory hormonal drugs are prescribed as the main means of treatment.

Visual impairment in endocrine diseases

There are two main endocrine pathologies that can lead to visual impairment: pituitary adenoma and some lesions of the thyroid gland.

pituitary adenoma

The pituitary is endocrine gland located at the base of the brain. Adenoma is a benign tumor of the gland. Due to the fact that the pituitary gland is in close proximity to the passage optic nerves, the adenoma is capable of squeezing them. At the same time, there is a deterioration in vision, but rather peculiar. Fields of vision fall out, which are either closer to the nose, or opposite, from the side of the temple. The eye, as it were, ceases to see half of the area that it normally perceives.

In parallel with the deterioration of vision, other symptoms of pituitary adenoma occur: high growth, coarse facial features, an increase in the size of the ears, nose and tongue.

Diagnosis of pituitary adenoma is carried out after a blood test for growth hormone, computed tomography or MRI of the brain area in which the pituitary gland is located. Treatment is usually surgical - part of the pituitary gland is removed. In this case, vision, as a rule, is completely restored.

Thyroid diseases

Mainly visual impairment occurs with a disease such as Basedow's disease (diffuse toxic goiter). With this disease, a fairly large number of various symptoms occur: weight loss, irritability, irascibility, sweating, hyperactivity, etc.

One of the symptoms of thyrotoxic goiter is exophthalmos, or bulging eyes. It occurs due to the fact that the fatty tissue inside the orbit grows strongly and, as it were, pushes the eyeball out. As a result, the normal arrangement is disturbed and normal axes eye. There is double vision and other visual impairment. With proper treatment, bulging eyes can go away, like other symptoms of pathology. AT severe cases surgical procedures are applied.

The endocrinologist is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of this cause of visual impairment.


Most often, this pathological condition manifests itself in childhood. Its main cause is brain damage, in which the tone of the eye muscles changes: they lose their ability to give eyeballs normal position. If the eyes do not work in parallel, they lose the ability to perceive the volume and depth of the image, the perspective. One eye becomes the leading one, while the other ceases to participate in the function of vision. Over time, his blindness develops.

Many parents believe that such visual impairment is temporary and will soon pass. In fact, without the help of an experienced ophthalmologist, they only progress over time.

The diagnosis is established at the appointment with an ophthalmologist. Treatment is prescribed. Sometimes it may involve surgery on the muscles of the eye.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

How much a person can thanks to such a gift of nature as vision! It's so beautiful to see nature and the change of seasons, interesting movies and funny pictures! And how many things can be read in books and newspapers. And it's so nice to see a dear person, to watch his face outlines, smile, eyes. But, unfortunately, not everyone has access to such joys. Indeed, over time, some begin to lose sight. What should be done in such cases? Seek help from doctors and modern medical technologies or the good old ethnoscience still not inferior to modern analogues of treatment?

It is extremely difficult to answer this question - how many people, so many opinions. Everyone will have something to say on this issue. Some form their opinions on the basis of subjective experience, based on stories and information they read. And someone is familiar with the treatment from their own experience and knows firsthand how this or that method, tested in practice, works.

Causes of vision loss

There can be many reasons for the loss of vision, and therefore each individual case requires consideration. common cause deterioration are general disturbances in the functioning of the body, and a drop in vision, as a rule, is just a consequence. Under general violations you can mean malaise, fatigue, various stresses, lack of nutrients in the body, and so on. If a person felt symptoms of visual impairment, whether it be redness in the eyes, headache or heavy eyelids, it is necessary to contact specialists as soon as possible in order to diagnose the eyeball.

What to do?

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to reconsider your lifestyle and add many minor but vital habits. First you need to reduce the time spent near the computer monitor or laptop. If this is not possible, and the work is related to being at a computer, then it can be advised to sometimes be distracted from the monitor and do warm-up exercises so that there are no precedents due to which vision drops sharply. What to do? Gymnastics. This will be discussed in more detail later. Screen time can also cause headaches. We should not forget about good nutrition and sleep. Because the lack of substances and fatigue often lead to the fact that vision falls. What to do? It is better to consult about this not only with an ophthalmologist, but also with a therapist and nutritionist.

How to work with a computer?

So how to work with a computer so that your eyesight does not fall? What should be done to ensure that the user can do their job normally and not harm the eyes? According to international standards, it is considered that it is necessary to spend no more than 6 hours a day behind the monitor screen. For children, this figure drops to four.

And you should always take rest breaks. During the rest, you can stretch the body by doing physical exercises, and do gymnastics for the eyes. Also, do not forget about ergonomics. Proper arrangement of the workplace, although it will take a certain amount of time, but everyone will be able to work in comfort and safety. It is necessary to use the monitor accordingly and according to safety regulations, that is, at the right angle and at the right distance. An important factor affecting vision in the workplace is indoor lighting. The brightness of the monitor is also an important factor in the health of the user.

Gymnastics for the eyes. What to do and how?

Gymnastics for the eyes is great way prevention in order not to start to fall vision. What to do for those who have just encountered a similar problem, and have only heard about eye gymnastics, and even then remotely? In fact, everything is very simple. Just a few minutes of warm-up will help relieve fatigue. To begin, close your eyes and warm them by placing your palms over your eyelids. You can also make some light pressure. Then it is recommended (with closed eyelids) to rotate the eyes in different directions, then in one direction, then in the other. A little squeezing won't hurt either. Some experts claim that tapping your fingers on the head from the back of the head to the frontal part also helps to relax the eye tissues. Then you need to open your eyes and already move on to the second phase of warm-up exercises.

Here, with vision, you can do a lot of different manipulations, whatever you want - rotate your eyes in different directions, look at the tip of your nose, focus on objects at different distances, and stuff like that. Experts also note the benefits of playing with small balls, such as table tennis. Such gymnastics should be performed regularly, approximately every hour.

If vision falls, what should you eat? Healthy foods

The text mentioned that the deterioration of vision can also be from a lack of nutrients in the body. And what should be used when vision falls? What to do in order not to feel a shortage in useful products? You need to know, first of all, that the quality of vision directly depends on vitamins A and B6. Without them, a number of changes and ailments begin in the body, including vision problems, such as: hypersensitivity, to a harsh light, "chicken" blindness, when a person sees absolutely nothing in the dark. Replenishing these substances is quite simple.

It is enough that foods such as carrots, cod liver, currants, cabbage, citrus fruits are always present in the diet. We should not forget about the regular intake of eggs, dairy products, various kinds croup. If, for some reason, it is not possible to include all of the listed products in the diet, then as food additives you can take vitamins bought at the pharmacy. Also, some experts recommend periodically using moisturizing eye drops, such as Vizina or Optiva.

Problems with blood vessels can also affect vision. Therefore, in nutrition, it is necessary to adhere to a strict diet that will help maintain the health of blood vessels. First of all, you should limit yourself to taking sweet and starchy foods and, if possible, completely abandon salt. Although some people who are used to eating delicious food will find it difficult to refuse such goodies, you should still look at the situation from the other side and realize that on the opposite side of the scale lies health, which is much more important. Moderate exercise is also recommended. And, of course, one should not forget about the water balance in the body and take enough water. And most importantly - you need to make it a rule to regularly visit an ophthalmologist in order to check your vision.

At the age of 45, vision deteriorates. How to act in such a case?

According to statistics, most often it is at the age of 45 that vision falls. What to do when health is no longer the same as at twenty, but you still don’t want to get sick? At any age, the methods of treatment and prevention are the same. All of the above exercises and products will help when vision falls after 45 years. What to do if you still can not do without glasses? It's simple - they should be worn with pride. Because everyone, and especially in such adulthood, they give solidity and charisma. Or, at least, they can always be replaced with contact lenses.

Folk remedies. Are they effective?

Modern medicine is not yet fully mastered with scientific point vision. There are more and more new methods of treatment. And what can we say about latest models medical technology, which you will not master without special courses! But there is an alternative in situations where vision falls. What to do? Folk remedies not outdated yet, but it seems that they are gaining more and more popularity. What is the secret of such methods? Probably because they are time-tested, because people have been using them for centuries.

Treatment prescriptions traditional means countless. And from every nation you can learn something original and useful. First, traditional medicine means proper nutrition which has already been discussed in this article. And we are talking about natural products grown without any chemicals and genetically modified organisms, on natural, clean land, preferably somewhere in the countryside. So if it is possible to eat products from home gardens and kitchen gardens, then you should not neglect them. And then it will be possible to forget that vision is falling. What to do if it nevertheless already shows the first signs of this problem, and there is no possibility or desire to use the services of an ophthalmologist for some personal reason? This is where a lot of advice comes in.

Folk methods: decoctions

Traditional medicine has provided a lot of decoctions and compresses, which will be able to compete in efficiency and with modern means. These are, for example, a decoction of calendula.

Nettle, for example, is powerful tool against a range of ailments. By eating it with soups or simply steamed in boiling water, many diseases can be avoided.


If vision is greatly reduced, what should be done for a quick effect? Consume honey. Honey compresses are very effective in treating the eyes, and if it causes a burning sensation, then you can just eat it every day for a few spoons.

Useful plants and berries

Aloe and motherwort are not inferior in usefulness to any pills and potions. They will be very effective in the fight for a clear vision of the world around them. Let's not forget about the recommendations for the regular consumption of foods such as cabbage, parsley, lingonberries. Blueberries are especially beneficial.

Many cases are known when vision was restored, when in daily diet included this miracle berry. And how many different compresses from dandelions, mint, eyebright and others have been preserved medicinal herbs! Wheat grains are also useful - all this is a real storehouse of vitamins, which are so necessary for normal life.

A small conclusion

So, in the yard of the XXI century, and the whole body, including our eyes, is under tremendous stress, and as a result, vision is falling. What to do if this still happened? First of all, contact an ophthalmologist who will tell you competent treatment and effective gymnastics for the eyes. But if there is no trust in doctors, then you can always turn to old, proven methods.

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