What do you have to do to be tall? Height Increase Methods

Text: Olga Dmitrieva

The description of the beauty usually begins with the words “tall, slender”, models “marching” along the catwalk, whose height starts from 175 centimeters. the site found out whether it is possible to grow up to “small birds” without “perching up” on stilettos.

The growth of a person is the key to his success. In 80% of cases, employers, choosing an employee from candidates of equal work experience and level of knowledge, relied on a higher one. In addition, scientists have found that tall people seem to others more attractive, reliable, they are even respected more than short ones. After such statistics, you won’t go to any lengths to grow at least a little. But are all methods good in the fight for an extra centimeter?

Method one, extreme: + 20 centimeters

The Internet is literally teeming with tempting offers: “Let's help add centimeters ... .20! Just like in the Lewis Carroll fairy tale - "Alice, eat me and grow up." Only instead of a pie with raisins - a pretty jar with the inscription "growth hormone". "Growth hormone" is in the body of any person, and, indeed, it is he who is responsible for our growth. Those who do not have enough of it - "did not grow out." So the “doctors” offer to increase the amount of this hormone in the body with the help of pills. But if magical methods work in Wonderland, then in real life the consequences of such “pies” are the most unpredictable. “Growth hormone in our body is produced all our lives, but it is only responsible for growth until the age of 18,” says endocrinologist Marina Maksimova, “children have so-called “growth zones” in the skeleton - the distance between the bones, due to which children grow . If the child has stopped growing, then before prescribing treatment, the doctor must definitely take an x-ray of the hand and see if these zones have closed. If you prescribe growth preparations to a child whose zones are closed, or to an adult, this is no longer a cure, but a murder.” Such “therapy” is fraught with tumor diseases, destruction of bone tissue, and other consequences: “Reception of growth hormone in adulthood often provokes such a terrible disease as acromegaly,” continues endocrinologist Marina Maksimova, “this is an enlargement of internal organs and a strong growth of all bones . the person literally turns into a monster.”

growth hormone in children

Many parents worry that their children are not growing well. Before you panic, check if this is really the case.

Firstly, short stature can be hereditary. Endocrinologists have such a concept - the permissible growth of the child. It can be calculated using the formula:

If you have a girl:
Mother's height + father's height divided by 2 - 13 cm.

If you have a boy:
Mother's height + father's height divided by 2 + 13 cm.

Secondly, it is possible that the child really does not have enough growth hormone, but do not rush to stuff him with pills, you can ensure the production of this hormone in other ways. Good sleep, proper nutrition (primarily meat, cereals and vegetables), a measured lifestyle all create a good background for the production of growth hormone. But if your child has not grown by 4 cm within a year, this is already a reason to see a doctor.

Method two, radical: + 7 centimeters

In adulthood, it is possible to radically increase growth in only one way - by resorting to the Ilizarov apparatus. This is a very complex operation, during which the bones of the legs are first broken, then steel spokes are inserted into the leg, which are attached to the iron frame “put on” the leg. First, the bones are allowed to grow together, and then the iron frame is slowly pushed apart in different directions, followed by spokes that stretch the bones. The frame can be moved apart by a maximum of 5 millimeters a day, but just imagine what kind of torment and unbearable pain you will have to pay for every millimeter. But it often happens that the bones after a fracture simply do not want to grow together, the spokes are rejected by the tissues, suppuration begins. If the operation was successful, then in 1.5-2 years you will become 7 centimeters taller.

Method three, fashionable: + 6 centimeters

If you can’t decide on an operation, but you still really want to grow up, then “school again tomorrow” ... Growth schools are becoming more and more popular in Moscow. After a course of classes, doctors promise an increase in height of up to 6 cm. Here, the patient is “grown up” on special simulators, to which a person is tied by the legs and shoulders, and stretched in different directions by a millimeter. Separate parts of the body can also be stretched - to make the legs longer, or the neck, like a swan's - each part of the body has its own simulator. But that's bad luck, as soon as the patient stops exercising, then the centimeters evaporate, so after the course, you need to buy home exercise equipment and continue exercising at home. The inventory price reaches 20 thousand rubles.

Method four, healthy: +3 centimeters

Look at yourself from the outside, how do you walk? If you slouch, then you steal centimeters from yourself. Straighten your back, stretch your neck, do not bend your knees too much when walking. Imagine that you are wearing a saucer of water on your head, which in no case should be dropped - here you have plus 3 centimeters and minus pain in your back and neck.

“When we walk, there is pressure on the spine,” says exercise therapy instructor Leonid Zakharov, “accordingly, the distance between the vertebrae decreases, and we become lower.”

Special exercises will help stretch the spine:

1. Starting position: kneeling, hands in front of you. We take the left hand forward, and the right leg back. With the fingers of the hand we stretch forward, with the heel of the foot back - we stretch ourselves as much as possible. Then we change the arm and leg.

2.Twisting. Sitting on the floor, we turn to the right and left only with the body. The bottom is motionless.

3. From a sitting position - the knees are bent, the body is pressed to the knees - slowly and gradually we lower ourselves onto the back vertebra by vertebra.

After each such exercise, it’s good to consolidate the result - hang on the horizontal bar. If all these exercises are aimed at stretching individual parts of the body, then swimming helps to stretch the whole body at once. But running and squats, on the contrary, “steal” your centimeters.

Human growth is mainly due to hereditary factors. Almost 80% of it depends on the genes received by a person from their parents. This means that it is extremely difficult to see in a family where dad and mom have a small height of a tall child, and vice versa. But not everything depends on heredity. In many cases, the person himself is able to influence this process. Doctors have developed a number of scientific methods that answer the question of how to become taller. It is not difficult to master them at home.

There are certain factors that can artificially inhibit the growth process. His natural enemy are drugs, alcohol, smoking. It is especially dangerous to use them during puberty, which occurs at 13, 14, 15 and 16 years.

In addition to bad habits, growth can be affected by an unbalanced or poor diet, depriving the body of essential vitamins and other substances useful for growth.

If you take into account the height of the parents, you can roughly determine how high the child will reach in the future.

A certain scheme will help to do this:

To grow, you need to eat right

In the modern world, the standards of external beauty instill certain ideals in people. Therefore, for many, the question of how to become taller has become relevant. Indeed, a tall person in our time feels more confident, looks slimmer and physically more attractive.

To stimulate the growth of the child, it is necessary to provide him with proper nutrition, which, in addition, will become the key to his well-being.

When choosing a diet for a child, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. The menu should contain a large amount of protein foods. As a source of protein, you can use poultry, soy, low-fat fish, a variety of dairy products. All of them have a positive effect on the development of muscle mass and maintain good bone health.
  2. It is necessary to exclude foods containing fast carbohydrates from the diet as much as possible. These include children's favorite pizza, chocolates, carbonated drinks. They have a negative effect on the musculoskeletal system of the child and on his metabolism. Fast carbohydrates contribute to the buildup of adipose tissue and weight gain. Instead of sweets, the child can be given dried fruits.
  3. The child should eat foods high in calcium. To provide a young growing body with this useful substance, you can cook dishes with the addition of spinach, white cabbage, milk and its derivatives. Calcium is essential for bone formation.
  4. The menu should contain zinc. Scientists have proven the relationship between a lack of zinc in the diet and growth retardation in men at 13, 14, 16 and 17 years old. You can add oysters, pumpkin pulp, wheat germ, peanuts, squash seeds, crab meat and lamb to your food.
  5. Vitamin D intake by children stimulates the growth process in boys and helps control excess weight in girls aged 15, 16 and 17. You can find this vitamin in fish, alfalfa and various varieties of mushrooms.

Physical education and sports are catalysts for growth

During the period of active hormonal maturation, which occurs at 14, 15, 16 and 17 years, the physical development of the child is of particular importance. At this age, a teenager often has the question of how to become taller, since the change in this indicator in children of the same age is uneven. During this period, sharp jumps in growth up to 10 cm are possible in a very short period of time.

Maximum regular training will help to achieve the effect:

  1. Classes in the gym.
    Teenagers at the age of 14, 15 are unlikely to attend a fitness room. For children of this age, physical education at school and additional training at home are more relevant. But for young people at the age of 16.17, a subscription to a sports club will provide access to professional simulators and a variety of sports equipment.
  2. Sports schools.
    For those teenagers who are not alien to the spirit of competition, team sports will become an assistant. They are perfect for boys and girls aged 10, 12, 13. Involvement in the team makes training more interesting.
  3. Daily activity.
    In their free time, children should spend more time outdoors. Long walks or hikes have a good effect on the physical form of the child.

Growth in a dream

A serious factor that can affect the intensity of growth is a full-fledged deep sleep. The body actively grows during sleep, and the longer the child sleeps, the more chances he has to grow tall.

For teenagers aged 10 to 17, experts recommend sleeping at least 9-10 hours a day to stimulate the pituitary gland, which at rest produces somatotropic hormone, otherwise called growth hormone. Don't underestimate the benefits of sleep. Every extra 15 minutes can have a beneficial effect on the general well-being of the child.

Growing up at home

The average height for men is 176-180 cm, and for women it reaches 165-170 cm. The main period of growth in children occurs during puberty.

This process gains the greatest intensity at the age of 10-12 in girls and at the age of 14-16 in boys.

To achieve a good effect at this particular time, it is useful to apply special “stretching” exercises. You can make them at home. At the same time, you should not think that training will turn the child into a tower. With their help, you can achieve an additional 10-15 cm. This will take a lot of effort, but if the child resolutely declares: “I want to be tall!”, It's worth a try.

A few easy exercises:

  • Take a standing position, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Interlock your hands with your fingers and raise them up. Turn your palms out, stand on your toes and stretch up. Do the exercise 20 times.
  • Spread your legs wide. Bending down, rest your fingers on the floor. Stretch your chest to the surface of the floor. Do the exercise 15 times.
  • Pull up on the horizontal bar 10 times. If pull-ups are not given yet, just hang, stretching your legs to the floor.
  • In a sitting position, stretch your hands to your toes and grab them with your hands. Try to rest your forehead on your knees. Do the exercise at least 10 times.
  • Standing on the knee of one leg, stretch the other forward, resting your heel on the floor. Hands and chest reach out to the toes of the outstretched leg. Repeat steps 10 times, then change legs.
  • Lying on your stomach, take your bent legs with your hands, bending in your back. Try to straighten your legs. Do the exercise 8 times.
  • Roll over on your back, spread your arms to the sides. Raise your bent legs and place them on the right side of your body. Arms, shoulder and shoulder blades should not rise from the floor! Repeat on the other side. A total of 15 times.

Visual Tricks

If you inherited short stature and the extra cm achieved through exercise and a healthy lifestyle is still not enough, do not despair.

There are a number of secrets that will help you look taller. To look taller, you need to carefully monitor your posture, do not slouch when walking, wear tight-fitting clothes, preferably in dark colors or with vertical stripes. Heels are great for girls, and thick-soled shoes for men.

Do you want to grow a few more centimeters and feel more confident? We are going to tell you how to grow a few "extra" centimeters through a balanced diet, exercise for 20-30 minutes a day, and quality sleep at night. From a medical point of view, an increase in height after puberty is almost impossible. But many people have proven otherwise.

Let's start with theory in order to answer the question of how to get tall. Each of the long bones has at least two growth plates, one on each side, which continue to grow after puberty, and most of the increase in growth during this period comes from the side of the leg bones. This final growth stops at the age of 24 in men and 18 in women, which makes it impossible for a person to grow in the future. But if you're under 24, it's possible to add a few inches to your legs by stimulating human growth hormone, using the methods that will be discussed below. The knee cartilage can also get thicker if you can consistently train it under stress with the right exercises. Cartilage gradually adapts to stress and thickens to maintain strength. Only young people need to perform them.
Back exercises can be performed by both young and old people. 33% of your height comes from your spine, which is made up of 33 separate bony segments. The vertebrae are held together by ligaments (tough and fibrous tissue). Of these 33 vertebrae, only the younger 9 are fused into two fixed bones, the sacrum and the coccyx, forming the back of the pelvis. All other 24 vertebrae are displaced relative to each other. These 24 vertebrae are 7 cervical, 12 thoracic and 5 lumbar. Located between each of the 24 vertebrae, cartilage pads are called discs. The thickness of the discs determines the length of the spine and directly affects growth.
There are only 25 discs and their total length is 25% of the total length of the vertebra.
These discs can become thinner over time, which explains why older people begin to shrink due to osteoporosis.
The thicker these discs, the longer your spine and the taller you are. Even if each disc grows only 0.25 cm (0.1 inch), you will be taller than 6.25 cm.
What you need to do is put a tensile load on your spine. By doing so, you can increase the amount of fluid in the discs.
This will strengthen the cartilage along the entire spine making it both thicker and stronger.
Exercises you must do if you want to get tall.

  1. General stretching exercises.
    These exercises have been proven to work very effectively in terms of stretching and adding flexibility to your body. They are taken from
    yoga and if you have done it in the past, you will understand why they help.
  2. Exercises for the spine.
    As mentioned above, these exercises can add more height to you than any other exercise for the rest of the body, since they can be performed by all people, regardless of age and, as a rule, they are the most simple and only require simple things, such as swimming, hanging and swinging on the horizontal bar, etc.
    • Hang on the horizontal bar until your grip begins to weaken.
    • Perform pendulum swings of the legs on the horizontal bar.
    • Perform rotations of the hip joint, hanging on the horizontal bar.
    • Perform turns left and right, also hanging on the horizontal bar.
  3. Knee exercises.
    For some people, these exercises are even more effective than spinal exercises, but do not forget both,
    not to look disproportionately long legs and a small body. This exercise can even help people who are developmentally complete (over 24 years of age). This exercise is called the microtrauma and ankle weight technique. The technique of microtrauma is as follows. Every day for 15 minutes you load the knee joints with shock loads in the form of running, jumping, vigorous stamping of your feet. After such loads, weighting agents are fixed on the shins and you must sit on the bed and sofa so that your feet do not touch the floor. You need to spend 1-2 hours in this position. During this period, you can watch TV or read a book. If the legs become numb, then they should be rubbed with your hands. The basic idea of ​​this technique is that you inflict micro-traumas on the cartilage tissue, then remove the compressive load created by the joint capsule from the cartilage tissue, so that a thickened layer of cartilage tissue is formed, eliminating the micro-traumas.
    But I would like to warn that there are no statistics yet on how these exercises affect the health and functioning of the knee joint in the long term.
Now let's look at what growth hormone is and what affects its production in the body.

What is growth hormone?
Growth hormone (HGH) is a substance produced by a gland in the brain called the pituitary gland.
This gland is often referred to as the master gland because it controls many of the other glands in the body.
Human growth hormone is a protein made up of 191 building blocks called amino acids.
It is also called somatotropin (Greek soma, somatos body + tropos direction).
The pituitary gland secretes human growth hormone throughout a person's life.
This growth hormone promotes the synthesis of other hormones and chemicals in the body that ensure human growth.

How to stimulate growth hormone?
Anyone can stimulate its synthesis, but do you really need it?
Once you reach that certain age (around 24 years old) where your bones are already fully formed, there is nothing you can do with HGH.
you should concentrate more on back exercises.
For those who can still grow thanks to the HGH hormone, you need to follow these steps:
Growth hormone is produced naturally in the body and its secretion can be optimized by a range of natural stimuli.
The most powerful factors that can optimize human growth hormone secretion are diet, physical activity levels, and sleep rhythms.

High carbohydrate foods should be kept to a minimum in your diet.
Eating foods high in carbohydrates leads to hyperglycemia (elevated levels of glucose in the blood),
which seeks to slow down the secretion of growth hormone in humans.
A diet high in fat also leads to a decrease in the secretion of human growth hormone.
Your food should be rich in calcium, which is used to strengthen and grow bones, and vitamin D.

Physical exercises.
A well-known fact is that exercise acts as the main stimulus for the natural secretion of human growth hormone.
But there is still little evidence of how this can happen.
Various researchers believe that this may have been caused by an increase in adrenaline, nitric oxide, blood lactate, acidity, or nerve activity, individually or combined.
Studies have shown that it takes at least 10 minutes of exercise to achieve levels of growth hormone above baseline.
As a result, the largest amount of human growth hormone is released for exercise, and gradually decreases within an hour after they stop.
It is also known that several daily sessions can lead to optimal levels of growth hormone during the day.
It is also important to drink plenty of water during exercise, as dehydration reduces the secretion of growth hormone.

Sleeping mode.
95% of human growth occurs during sleep, as there is a surge of human growth hormone around 1 a.m.
If the quality of sleep is insufficient, then the secretion of growth hormone will be reduced with negative health consequences.
Sufficient darkening of the room and a balanced diet containing sufficient protein are important prerequisites for good sleep.
Of course, adequate sleep is also essential for overall good health, and for most people, this means they should get about eight hours of sleep.
In addition, there are artificial ways to increase growth hormone by injection, which are sometimes resorted to by athletes, bodybuilders, etc.
But it is very dangerous and we do not advise you to practice them.

Getting taller is not easy, and it will take a lot of your time. At first, you will most likely constantly measure your height in the hope that you have already grown a couple of centimeters.
And you can get very upset not seeing quick results. There is absolutely no confusion here. You must use all or some of the techniques described in the article and be patient. Remember that your task is to stimulate your body to grow a few more centimeters.
And, of course, you should not expect that an increase in growth will solve all your life problems. In addition to growth in its natural understanding, there is also the growth of a person as a person, and it is much more complex and multifaceted than adding extra centimeters in height.

For adults, the average height is now considered to be 176 cm for men and 164 cm for women. As a rule, children reach these values ​​during puberty: girls - at about 12-16 years old, boys - at 13-17. At the same time, the most fruitful period for gaining growth is from 10 to 12 years for girls, from 13 to 16 for boys. It is during these years that it is worth emphasizing the “pulling” exercises. However, they can be started earlier - at 8-9 years old, and later.

In theory…

Do not think that growth training can be excessive and your child will become a two-meter "basketball player" by the age of 21. For such growth, the appropriate genes are needed in the first place. Look at your spouse and your parents with him: if there are at least two of them under two meters tall, then the child really has a chance to grow up to the “Kolomenskaya verst”. The rest, no matter how you practice, cannot become giants.

In addition to training, one must also take into account the laws of biology.

What contributes to intensive growth besides exercise?

The child needs to eat right. For growth, protein is needed (meat, eggs, dairy products, fish) - bones and cartilage are formed from it. With a lack of animal protein, the body simply has nothing to build height from. So before the age of 20-21, do not encourage vegetarianism in your child: in legumes and other plant sources, the protein is defective, it is not suitable for growth.

You need to sleep at least 8 hours and always in the dark. During sleep and without light, the body produces most of the hormones responsible for growth. And you can’t eat sweets 2-3 hours before bedtime: they reduce the production of growth hormone (somatotropin).

Until the age of 17-18, you can not do strength exercises that give a vertical load on the spine. In other words, you can not put weights on your shoulders and lift a lot of weight while standing or sitting.

…and in practice

All exercises should be done at a calm pace, without jerks and buildup.

1. Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Raise your arms above your head, interlock your fingers. Turn your palms up, stand on your toes, look at your palms and reach up. Get down on your heels and repeat 20 times.

2. Spread your legs wider than your shoulders. Lean forward, put your fingers on the floor (if not, spread your legs wider) and stretch your chest and shoulders to the floor, as if holding on to it with your fingers. Straighten up and repeat 15 times.

3. Hang on the horizontal bar. Ideal - 10-15 times to pull up. If it doesn’t work out, then just hang, stretching one or the other leg to the floor 10-15 times.

4. Sit on the floor, connect your legs, pull your socks towards you. Reach out with your hands so as to grab your socks, while trying to touch your knees with your forehead. Straighten up and repeat 15 times.

5. Get on one knee, put the foot on the floor, stretch the other leg forward as far as possible and put it on the heel. Reach for the toe of the forward leg with your hands, chest to the knee of the same leg. Straighten up, sit on the heel and repeat 10 times, then switch legs and do 10 more times.

6. Lie on your stomach, arms along the body. Bend your legs, take them with your hands. Bend back, trying to straighten your legs, lifting your head, shoulders and pelvis off the floor. Relax, lie down on the floor and repeat 8 times.

7. Lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides and press to the floor. Raise the legs bent at the knees, move them to the right and straighten them, trying to put them on the floor. The right foot touches the floor, the left lies on it. In this case, the pelvis and part of the back are turned over to the side. Try not to tear off the left (opposite) arm, shoulder and shoulder blade from the floor! Bending, return the legs to the center and do the same on the other side. 10 times in each direction.

8. Lie on your back, bring your hands under your lower back. Raise your legs, lifting your pelvis off the floor and trying to touch the floor behind your head with your toes. Hands support the lower back and help lift the pelvis higher. At the extreme point, count to 15 and go down. Repeat 6 times.

9. Lying on your back, raise straight arms and legs up. Stretch your fingers up, straining your neck, pelvis and stomach, finely shake your limbs, counting up to 30.

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