Sitting at rest. Lower back pain during long sitting

In our progressive age, in the age of computer technology and automation, many of us have a sedentary job, and every day we just sit at a desk or in front of a computer for hours. And in the evening we feel physical fatigue, and all because we are sitting wrong. And we hardly think about how to sit correctly. Indeed, at work there are already many things to do and there is no time to think about it, and at home, sitting in an easy chair, you want to relax after a hard day. However, it is necessary to pay attention to how exactly we sit, especially since sitting correctly is not so difficult. Try to at least remember the school recommendations.

What are the main mistakes when sitting?

This is the lack of support for the legs, and the “leg on foot” position that is harmful to a person, and leaning back on the back of a chair. Medical experts say that long sitting on a chair, especially in the wrong position, leads to circulatory disorders in the legs, congestion in the veins of the legs and in the small pelvis, and weakening of the muscles of the back and lower back, which is also the result of long sitting, leads to the appearance of radiculitis and osteochondrosis.

And the problem is not only and not so much in the chair itself, but in how to sit on it.

What is the correct way to sit in a chair?

First of all, you need to choose the right chair height. The height of the chair should match the height. While sitting, the legs should be firmly on the floor with the entire foot (the heels are also on the floor). This is possible if the height of the chair is approximately equal to the length of the lower leg. If you come across a low chair, then you can put a small thick pillow on it (or a couple of thick unnecessary books, or a stack of tied up magazines), but if it’s high, you can put a special bench under your feet. It is best if the seat of the chair is height adjustable.

Of great importance is stability in the pelvic region. The depth of the seat should be between 1/3 and 2/3 of the length of the hips. If you sit correctly, then there is no need to lean on the back of the chair and at the same time lumbar lordosis- natural forward curvature of the spine in the lower back. If the lower back is arched, all balance is disturbed, stability disappears and you begin to be pulled back onto the back of the chair.

It is also worth noting that it is more convenient to sit on a chair that is not too soft.

Moreover, according to doctors, the back of a chair does not help us to relax at all, but only creates additional problems with health. The fact is that the habit of constantly leaning back leads to an incorrect distribution of the power load along the spinal column. As a result, we have back pain, excessive tension, rapid fatigue, nervousness, tightness and even incorrect positioning internal organs. To avoid this, it is better to sit without leaning on the back of the chair. And if you are in a car, other transport, or, for example, if you are very tired, then it would be more correct to sit on a chair with a low back, and lean only on the lower part of the spine so that lumbar lordosis remains in the lower back. If you do not have the ability to adjust the back of the chair, then try placing a thin cushion or a small pillow at the back. Well, lean on the back of a chair only when you really feel tired. Better yet, rest lying down, however, if you have such an opportunity.

How not to spoil your posture in a chair?

When sitting in a chair, correct posture is just as important as when walking. When you sit down, straighten your chest, opening your shoulders and slightly tighten your stomach, because toned belly very good effect on health and figure. Imagine that you are being pulled up by the top of your head. This will help straighten your neck. And in order not to bend your back and keep your head down when reading, place a book stand on the table and adjust its slope so that you do not slouch.

A few more words about posture. At work or at home, we sometimes sit in the wrong position for a long time. For example, while sitting at a table, we press the telephone receiver to our ear with our shoulder or we turn sideways to the computer and remain in a similar “twisted” position long time. I must say that this is very harmful and can lead to various violations posture, for example, to scoliosis. If you need to stay in an uncomfortable position for a long time, then it is better to use a swivel chair on wheels, and if not, then you need to get up and turn your whole body in the right direction.

When working at the computer and on the keyboard, try to keep the forearms of the hands completely on the table. Elbows slightly apart, do not press them to the sides. From time to time, let your eyes rest from the monitor: look several times, first into the distance, then to an object located near.

Take care of your feet.

When sitting for a long time, the legs swell, so sitting on a chair, change the position of the legs under the table as often as possible - optimally every 15-20 minutes. Bend and unbend your legs, stretch them, move them forward and to the sides.

And after working for about 1.5 hours, get up, stretch, walk around the room, warm up a little. This applies not only to working at a computer, but also to watching TV in the evening: do not sit for a long time and do not lie in one position, periodically get up from the sofa / armchair to stretch. It would be nice to disperse the blood, and make a few simple exercise: turns, tilts, jerks with hands, squats - 5 to 10 times.

So let's recap the basics:

  1. The height of the chair should be such that the entire foot is on the floor. There should be enough space under the table for the possibility of changing the position of the legs.
  2. Chairs should not be too soft. Sit on a chair no deeper than 2/3 of the length of the hips. Do not slouch at the table, sit up straight, do not tilt your head or lean back in your chair.
  3. Slightly draw in the stomach, straighten the chest and shoulders and straighten the neck.
  4. Avoid lengthy uncomfortable positions, monotonous tilts and turns in one direction.
  5. Get up every hour and a half and do a light stretch.
  6. Use swivel chairs with wheels, with the ability to adjust the height of the seat and back.

And be healthy!

There was a posture chair in almost every home in the last century, but it was mainly used only to create beautiful shape breasts in women.

And then, a few years later, scientists saw in such chairs even more beneficial features to correct the crooked spinal column and decided to add some new elements to them.

What is a design for correction

By technological process this chair is somewhat similar to a spinal trainer, which not only makes an even posture, but also relieves lower back pain.

it latest furniture for a computer, which makes it possible to maintain the line of the spine in the correct position while sitting. Why do not form asynchronous functioning of the muscles of the back and get better all the defects of the spinal column.

Useful orthopedic chair for posture

An orthopedic posture chair is the main piece of furniture that contributes to the creation of an even physique in a person. All people dream of being always healthy and attractive.

But to become such, you need a lot of strength, patience, as well as compliance with the following rules:

  • eat properly;
  • to refuse from bad habits
  • do exercises;
  • walk in the evenings.

Here are the types of orthopedic chairs:

  1. Knee chair. The most comfortable, used at home and in the office. Suitable for adults and children. On it you can sit at a simple table and adjust the height. Its seat is tilted slightly forward, which helps to keep the back in an equal position. While sitting on it, the weight of the body is distributed equally. The hip and torso make an angle of 110 - 120 degrees, which causes the lower back to bend forward. This is what is needed for the spine.
  2. Knee chair-balance. It makes it possible to lean back a little or, on the contrary, lean towards the table and even swing on it. But it has some downsides. It is intended only for work in the office, where you can often get up to rest and stretch. Because on it the legs are constantly bent, from which the blood flow is disturbed, and they become numb.
  3. Chair-saddle. When sitting on it, it seems as if you are sitting in a horse saddle. This is the posture that a person needs. While sitting on it, the legs do not numb. The abdomen is not compressed chest, reduces the load on the spine and lower back. However, this chair is not suitable for schoolchildren. Since the most important thing is to sit on it correctly, and sometimes children do not understand this. But when working in the office, it is the most comfortable seat, especially if you need to get up often. It is also very good for administrators in hotels to sit on it.
  4. Dancing chair. In appearance, it looks like a computer. It differs from the rest in instability, since its seat is hinged. He has the ability to lean in any direction. As a result, while sitting, it is necessary to maintain balance. Particularly good back muscles, because the load diverges evenly across all muscle groups. And if you want to stay on a chair, it starts to work vestibular apparatus. When maintaining balance, a person automatically makes his back straight and straightens. It doesn't have a back. Orthopedists advise using it for the prevention of osteochondrosis. And if it is already available, then before using it is necessary to talk with a specialist. It is perfect for schoolchildren who cannot sit at a computer for a long time or study. While sitting, legs often become numb, so you need to get up from time to time and do exercises.

The correct orthopedic chair should perform the following functions:

  • do not change the blood flow in the body;
  • create the right posture;
  • reduce static muscle load, big job must come to the bone;
  • be convenient and comfortable;
  • create Good work heart, stomach and respiratory organs.

Variation of Zero to correct curvature

The Zero chair is an incomparable invention of American scientists, created specifically for anatomical and physiological features spine. It was invented to correct posture and stabilize its ideal structure with rapid growth.

Its excellent structure greatly reduces the load on the spine, from which the back acquires the correct position without much difficulty, due to which the muscles are strengthened and the vertebral skeleton is aligned.

Due to the fact that the seat of the Zero chair is made at an angle, the load on the lower back is greatly reduced. With the help of the available support under the knees, it not only contributes to an even distribution of the load from the back and pelvis to the legs, but also prevents you from constantly sitting in the same “foot to foot” position, the most dangerous for the spine. In addition, it has an unusual design that attracts children.

Useful video on the topic

For correct posture in children

If you care about the health of your child, then you need to choose the right computer chair for him.

When choosing, you need to look at the following features:

  1. Chair with adjustment mechanism only. With age, the child becomes taller, which means that the chair must be constantly raised. Adjusting the height will save the child from problems with posture and vision.
  2. Lack of armrests. Some people think that with armrests, on the contrary, it is more convenient. But this is not so, with them the spine is bent in children. From the fact that the armrests do not rise higher, first-graders will have to strain the weak cervical vertebrae which leads to great pain.
  3. The chair can be made of natural or synthetic material, the most important thing is the lack of harmful substances in material and long term services.
  4. Children's chair for correct posture should be without unnecessary corners and with a high-quality finish of all elements.
  5. Have the maximum weight that can hold the product.

All these requirements are best met by the Dancing Chair. This is the most suitable option for children, contributing to the ideal posture and toned figure, as well as increasing mental performance.

As already mentioned, the dancing chair consists of a special seat, which constantly tilts with the help of hinges, as if they want to drop the seated one.

And the child, in order to stay in such a chair, needs to include in the work those muscles that are most motionless. It takes only 2 weeks of sitting training and muscle work is normalized.

Considered an unusual kneading device for the back, the chair creates the correct position for the spine, despite how much the child spends doing homework.

By increasing the performance of children, the dancing chair improves their academic performance. It is possible to build such a rocking chair at home.

DIY rocking chair

With a spacer hook with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 170 mm, we hang 3 lime planks on a whole synthetic cable, leaving gaps between them for air to pass through. We select the drilling point and a convenient distance to the countertop.

Between the verticals, with the help of a wooden spacer, we leave 72 cm - this is necessary so that the elbows do not interfere with each other. To make the cable wear out less during the passage through the ceiling hook and convenient installation, you can use a thimble and 2 polypropylene pipes.

The back can be made from the same cable or from a dense material. As a result, simple swings began to look like a swing. The back will be constantly in motion, and the vestibular apparatus will also develop. Changing the distance from the computer screen will help the eye muscle work.

In addition, while sitting, it is possible to get necessary items, without leaving the place, and also on it you can do exercises for arms, legs, back.

Pillow for a flat back

These days, many people move very little. Many people know that a person needs to move more, but what can you do if work makes you spend a lot of time at the computer, and at home you just want to quickly lie down on the sofa and fall asleep.

So for those who have a sedentary job, a pillow on a chair will come in handy.

It will help keep your back straight and relieve tension. neck muscles and shoulder girdle, increase blood circulation. Another such orthopedic accessory will help ladies who like to walk on high heels, or hard work workers.

After labor day it will help to straighten the shoulders, reduce pain in the lower back, will create relaxation. Straightened shoulders contribute to normal breathing, which will have a good effect on general condition organism. We will tell you how to choose a high-quality pillow for a posture chair.

You need to go to the store for such a pillow not only after you have measured the parameters and dimensions of the chair, but also after taking into account your desires and the principles of physiology.

When choosing a pillow, sit on it to find out how comfortable it is. You can not buy a pillow if it:

  • has armrests that squeeze the sides;
  • not suitable for height, weight and physique;
  • does not fit along the bend line with the anatomy of the back;
  • very large pillows or vice versa small;
  • pain and discomfort after sitting;
  • made of non-natural material that irritates the skin;
  • not tightly attached to the back of the chair, falls off.

Often it is not possible to choose a pillow that would be suitable for both home and car. If you work as a driver, then a special pillow for a car seat is better for you, or you can choose a pillow for your coccyx.

It is necessary to use such an item for posture daily, unless there is other advice from a specialist. It is allowed to buy one pillow suitable for home, office or car chairs, or you can buy several pillows, separate for each chair.

Such an accessory will save you health and even posture. It is known that people sitting all day with a pillow work better, and by the evening they are almost not tired.

The price of such pillows ranges from 200 rubles to 2000 thousand rubles, so that each person has the opportunity to buy a pillow for himself according to his material capabilities.

"Sitting still" is one of the basic wellness methods. During "sitting", the movement of "true qi" inevitably begins. There are many cases when a person, emaciated by mass chronic diseases, thanks to simple qigong, which is sitting cross-legged with concentration on the dan tian, in just a few months he became completely healthy. However, it also often happens that a person does not succeed in a pose, and if it does, then he cannot get rid of extraneous thoughts in any way, experiences severe discomfort. We must always remember that without going through difficulties, it is difficult to gain good health. In particular severe cases positive results can be expected only after a year or two of regular classes.

There are a number of requirements for "sitting still": initial stage you can take a simple pose with crossed legs, but without pulling the feet to the hips, or the "half-lotus" position, and at the middle stage - the "full lotus" position: the hands are superimposed one on the other (left hand on top, right hand on the bottom) so that the palms are turned up and thumbs"looked" at each other, and placed in the navel; Lesson duration is less than an hour. gradual increase up to two or more hours. The ten proposed methods can be applied alternately, or you can choose one of the most suitable and practice only it. Frequent change methods are not recommended. And finally, the most important thing: do not shorten the duration of classes and be sure of success.

Speaking the "true words"

Say six words: "wen, ma, ne, ba, mi, hun"; three words: "wen, a, hun" or repeat the name of the Buddha: "Namo Amitofo". Choose one of the options and pronounce it as you like: quietly or loudly, long or short, with any rhythm and any number of times.

Dantian breathing

During the breathing cycles, mentally imagine how your stomach inflates and contracts at the navel. The main thing is that the breathing should be slow, deep, long and subtle.

Full breath

This method of breathing was used by the ancient yogis. As you inhale, count to three so that the upper, middle, and lower parts of the lungs are sequentially filled with air for each count, respectively. When you finish inhaling, exhale slowly through your nose and start a new breath.

delayed breathing

This method is based on the abdominal and deep breathing and. is that the breath is held for some time between inhalation and exhalation or after each respiratory cycle. In this case, you can take a long breath and a short exhalation, or, conversely, a short breath and a long exhalation. With this method of breathing, 2-3 respiratory cycles per minute are performed.

Peaceful contemplation of the five internal organs

As you enter the "resting state", first call up a mental image of the kidneys in black color and silently count 36 of their pulsating movements. Then alternately call up mental images of the emerald liver, red heart, yellow spleen, white lungs and black kidneys, slowly counting 36 pulsating movements of each of the organs.

Mental contemplation of white bones

Try, as clearly as possible, to imagine your body in the form of a skeleton, try to carefully examine your snow-white bones.

Looking at objects

Place a small ball, a piece of wood, or a Buddha figurine in front of your eyes at a distance of one meter and carefully peer at this object until its image is clearly preserved when you close your eyes. Then mentally accompany it to the lower dan tian and continue observing its bright glow.

Precious Vessel

After exhaling three times, bring out the "dirty qi", and then slowly inhale through the nose and at the same time tighten the anus. Hold the fresh qi in the dan tian for as long as possible. Exhale slowly, bringing the qi out through the nose and pores. While doing the exercise, imagine yourself as an empty "precious vessel".

Breath Contemplation

This method is to mentally record each exhalation and inhalation in the process of slow breathing: fix the moment the exhalation ends and how qi enters during inhalation, comprehend how it behaves inside, and make sure that all parts of the body she does. From the first breathing cycle, count them until the end of the exercise, and if you fail, start over. Having mastered this method, you can move on to its more complicated version, namely: note the color of the exhaled and inhaled qi, and hold the qi longer before exhaling. An even more perfect version of this method is to mentally observe the white qi entering the body, accompanying the breath with the word "wen"; red qi during breath holding, accompanying it with the word "a"; outgoing orchid-colored qi, accompanying the exhalation with the word hong.

"Golden radiance of the body"

Imagine yourself in the form of a statue of Buddha, vajra, bodhisattva. Entering the image, begin to mentally pronounce the three "true words": "wen, a, hun." Imagine that your body is radiating a dazzling golden glow.

The life of an office worker is full of difficulties and dangers. After all, it's so difficult to sit at a computer all day, flipping through countless social media feeds. networks, upload articles to your LiveJournal, watch videos on youtube, like, repost and comment. And besides this, you still need to make a kind of violent activity. Somehow a lot of things, don't you think? This requires a lot of strength. And while the secret of the energy of the cat Boris remains unsolved for us, we have to reinvent the wheel. An article is presented to your attention about how you need to sit at your workplace and stay healthy and energetic, always ready to scroll through a few more publics with ELITE memes about cats, watch a couple of videos of reactions to the reaction and file 140 characters on your Twitter. Perhaps you even have enough strength for your personal life, but this is not certain.


Ideal sitting position- a guarantee of your health and saving money on treatment in the future, and it is also a beautiful posture and a comfortable stay at the workplace. There are 62 nerves that come out of the spine and regulate the activity of the internal organs of the body. Based on this, it should be understood what role a healthy back plays in our lives.

The sitting posture at the workplace as a whole determines the further position of our back when walking, driving in a car, even while sleeping. An incorrectly formed posture over the years makes itself felt, causing problems not only with the spine, but also with other organs of our body. Everyone knows about it, but they continue to adopt a pose that destroys us when sitting. Get ready, if you have been sitting “wrong” all your life, learning to do it safely will not work right away. Since our body has been remembering the wrong position for years, and as soon as you are distracted, then again the back is not in a very good position for your future.

What do we do wrong while sitting and what advice do experts give?

So what is the right way to sit?

Many, when they hear about proper sitting, immediately straighten their backs, but you won’t sit in this position for a long time, as it starts to ache in the lower back and the body eventually returns to its previous position. Is it right to sit with a straight back? The question is debatable for many, but there is only one answer - you definitely need to sit with a correctly set pelvis. Our pelvis is the basis of the entire pyramid of the body, and if the pelvis is not in the right position, then the pyramid collapses, warps.

For the location of the pelvis in a comfortable and healthy position, it is necessary to correctly place the buttocks on the chair. These are protrusions of the bones at the bottom of the pelvis. They feel great when you sit on hard surface.The key to proper sitting is the landing of the pelvis on these hillocks. Also Special attention pay attention to the position of the legs. Feet should be on the floor, and the angle should be 90 degrees . Crossing the legs - bad habit. It not only worsens the condition of the veins by squeezing them and disrupting the outflow of blood, but also makes your back skewed to the side. And the more and longer you sit in this position, the stronger your back takes on the appearance of something not very beautiful, oh healthy and strong back in that case, it's out of the question. So, we already kicked off our legs, found the buttocks and sat on them. Next, bend your back and serve chest part slightly forward, while creating a deflection in the lumbar zone. AT thoracic region the back should not be rounded, no stoop, only a slight natural curve. Tighten your stomach and strain a little, no bends in the neck, that is, the head is raised evenly. These few simple rules help you maintain your back in its natural state. But that's not all.

If you are comfortable, then you are doing what needs to be done. . Thus, you maintain the correct physiological curves of the spine and make the landing as comfortable as possible for you. But, unfortunately, it will not be easy to get used to such a position right away. As soon as you are distracted, the brain will give you a signal to take the past position, because it is the one that it has already got used to for many years. This is the very difficulty of proper sitting at the workplace.

How to get used to a new sitting position?

It is very difficult to sit properly on a wobbly chair with a reclined back. Today, chairs with special support for the lower back are popular. They are quite expensive, but as an alternative, special pads are used on ordinary chairs that support the curve of the spine exactly where it is needed. Thanks to the use of such corrective agents in the future, you will save on the services of neuropathologists and osteopaths, and they will this moment are not cheap.

How do you know if you are sitting correctly? In the position described above, first of all, you should be comfortable, you should not feel any tension in your back.

The position of the eyes to the monitor must also be correct if you want to keep your eyesight. Gentle for the eyes, the location of the monitor - at an angle of 90 degrees to the window, this is necessary to avoid glare. The very distance from your eyes to the monitor should be no less than the length of an outstretched arm. Measured? Now the main thing is to keep this distance.

Physiotherapists believe that The “ideal” posture, which is primarily beneficial for health, is individual for each person. , because each of us has his own characteristics of the spine, and possibly even injuries or illnesses, which must be taken into account when choosing a position for sitting. Therefore, if you still have back problems, you should consult a specialist in this field.

No matter how well you sit in the workplace, you can not do without exercise. So following these few simple rules you will ensure a healthy and beautiful posture. Most importantly, don't be lazy!

  • Every 30 minutes do a short exercise for your eyes: 15 seconds to look at the point closest to you and 15 seconds - at the most distant, for example, through the window. Tired eyes - move them to the right and left several times and you will notice a clear relief.
  • Every hour and a half required get up from your favorite computer, walk around a bit and stretch your arms and legs with the minimum exercises that come to mind.
  • Also don't forget every 15-20 minutes change the position of the body a little to avoid muscle fatigue. This does not mean that you should take wrong position for sitting. Just make minimal movements, and then return to the correct, and most importantly, comfortable posture at the table.
  • More walking- a guarantee that back problems will not make themselves felt for a long time. Recommendations of experts 7-8 km a day. For many, this figure will seem simply huge, but if you start small, for example, get off the bus stop earlier and walk home, then it's already better for your back anyway.

How to do everything and make the day productive? More details in the previous one.

In addition to proper sitting at the workplace, you should also take care of comfortable driving position. This is especially important if you spend a lot of time driving. Therefore, pay attention to a few simple, but very useful rules for a healthy back:

  1. The seat, firstly, must be rigid, and secondly, there must be good support in the lumbar region to maintain a natural curve.
  2. The shoulders should be kept straight, as well as the head.
  3. The arms should not be tense, but ensure that they are slightly bent.
  4. If you have spent several hours driving, be sure to stop and warm up.

These few simple rules will help get rid of back pain, which often appears after a long drive.

Do you feel? Do you feel like your working day has become another 20 minutes closer to the end? Nice feeling, isn't it? And they didn't seem to be wasted. You can explain to the boss that you are not a slacker, but on the contrary, you are such a workaholic that from constant sedentary work your back already hurts. And instead of taking sick leave and going to the doctor, you continue to work, only with the ischial tuberosities correctly placed (let him understand that you are not so simple).

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The norm is a relative phenomenon and does not always correspond to the expected result. However, most people, to the question “How is it better to walk on the“ big ”?” Without hesitation, will answer: “Just like everyone else.” But how do "everyone" walk? This means fixing your need on the toilet normal size, whereas public toilets with notches in the floor are considered untidy and uncomfortable. But is it?

Wrong position

No matter how it may sound, but our ordinary "correct" position for the act of defecation is wrong. It's about the puborectalis muscle. The rectum is encircled by the puborectalis muscle, which is the "locking mechanism". In the case of an ordinary average toilet, the muscle tightens the rectum, thereby making it difficult to empty it. Systematic violation of defecation, in turn, leads to the development of complications - hemorrhoids, etc.

Just imagine, sitting on a chair you do not experience great desire go to the toilet, but be in exactly the same position as sitting on the toilet. It is clear that it is much easier to sit on an expensive and convenient bathroom item, turn on a tablet or start reading a newspaper, than to squat, each time afraid to fall on your back.

While sitting on the toilet, it is necessary to put a stool or a low chair under your feet, so the posture will become more physiological.

Correct position

If you look at this issue from an anatomical point of view, it becomes clear that this variant of emptying is more physiological.

Public toilets with a notch in the middle or "village" toilet are ideal remedy to remedy the need. The puborectalis muscle in the “squatting” position relaxes as much as possible, which has a beneficial effect on the act of defecation itself. This posture promotes a more complete bowel movement. Also, repeated urges are reduced, in contrast to the wrong position.

But for most of us, the option with a “remake” of a conventional toilet is suitable: upper part we tilt the torso forward, put a low stand under the legs.

What threatens improper bowel movements?

Prolonged and ineffectual "sitting" on the toilet due to compression of the rectum by the puborectal muscle contributes to stagnation stool and leads to an increase intra-abdominal pressure. From here there may appear

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