Tn symbol. All-Russian classifier of units of measurement. Reasons for creating okei classifier codes

Conventional unit

Conventional unit(abbreviated y. e. listen)) is a euphemism used in Russia to refer to a monetary amount in US dollars or an equivalent amount in rubles at the official or exchange rate.

The emergence of this designation is associated with economic reforms in Russia in the 1990s. As a result of hyperinflation, the ruble quickly depreciated, it was difficult to indicate prices in rubles, so settlements in US dollars were widely practiced. However, on March 6, 1993, the Russian government issued a decree “On strengthening foreign exchange and export controls and on the development of the foreign exchange market”, recommending the Central Bank to prohibit “settlements between residents in Russia in foreign currency”. One of the results of this decision was the widespread change of price tags from the word "dollar" to "y. e.".

Currently under u. e. most often mean one American dollar or (less often) one euro. Prices in e. are used in Russia mainly in the sale and purchase of low-liquid durable goods, such as household and computer equipment, cars, real estate, in order to avoid the negative impact of inflation. Until the summer of 2006, the practice of setting tariffs in c.u. e. prevailed among Russian mobile operators. At the same time, traders often set inflated rates of conventional units, which allows them to benefit from the difference in rates.

Since June 15, 2004, the provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation "On currency regulation and currency control" dated December 10, 2003 No. 173-FZ have been in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. Clause 1 of Article 9 of the Law establishes a general ban on foreign exchange transactions between residents. The State Duma adopted a law prohibiting government officials from mentioning any conventional units in relation to Russia's economic indicators. .

Historical anecdotes

Russian Soviet poet, prose writer, science fiction writer Vadim Shefner actually predicted the appearance of u. e. People of the future use in his novels instead of money uufed (sometimes ufed) - conditional universal accounting and financial units.


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See what "Conventional unit" is in other dictionaries:

    conventional unit- sutartinis vienetas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. arbitrary unit vok. bedingte Einheit, f rus. conventional unit, fpranc. unite arbitraire, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas

    conventional unit of text volume- Conventional unit of text volume. It is 1800 characters including spaces. If, for example, there are 18,000 characters in the text, then these are 10 conditional typewritten pages of A4 format, regardless of how many paper pages the text is located on ...

    conventional unit of measurement- A unit whose size is fixed by convention. Note Conventional units of measurement, in particular, are the basic units of the International System of Units (SI). [MI 2365 96] Topics metrology, basic concepts ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    conventional unit of light output- UESV Light yield of CO1 upon absorption of electrons with an energy of 662 keV. Note Determined by the edge of the Compton distribution for γ radiation of cesium 137 with subsequent recalculation. [GOST 23077 78] Topics ionizing radiation detectors … Technical Translator's Handbook

    conventional storage unit of archival documents- Corresponds to a conditional case with dimensions: 210´297´17 mm in archives with a horizontal archival storage system when installed on 1 m of racks of a shelf of two rows of primary storage media in height with dimensions ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    conditional unit of production- Estimated number of items completed in terms of materials, labor and overhead, as opposed to those items that are physically completed. Used in process costing to measure conditional ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    Conditional currency- see Currency of monetary obligations; Currency clause... Encyclopedia of Law

    conditional discontinuity height- The size of the zone for indicating the amplitude of the signal from the discontinuity according to the depth of its occurrence. Unit mm [Non-destructive testing system. Types (methods) and technology of non-destructive testing. Terms and definitions (reference guide). Moscow 2003… … Technical Translator's Handbook

    conditional length of discontinuity- The maximum size of the signal amplitude indication zone from discontinuity. For an angle beam transducer, this direction is perpendicular to the plane of incidence of the beam. Unit mm [Non-destructive testing system. Types (methods) and technology ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    conditional discontinuity width- The size of the zone for indicating the amplitude of the signal from the discontinuity in the direction perpendicular to the conditional length of the discontinuity. Unit mm [Non-destructive testing system. Types (methods) and technology of non-destructive testing. Terms and ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

Conventional unit is a term used in Russia to determine the amount of money in a currency equivalent in rubles at the exchange rate. What does ye mean - is it a dollar or a euro, can only be determined by knowing the exchange rate of the monetary unit. The term "conditional unit" appeared during the crisis of 1990. In conditions of hyperinflation, the ruble rapidly depreciated, so they began to use mutual settlements in dollars.

After the prohibition of settlements on the territory of Russia between residents in foreign currency, prices began to be indicated in ye. As a rule, ye means the dollar, but today it can be either the dollar or the euro.

The peg to ye is applied to non-liquid durable goods and services in order to hedge against the negative impact of inflation.

The use of the ye equivalent depends on where the product is exported or imported from. In accordance with Article 317, paragraph 2, when concluding contracts, it is allowed to set the cost in rubles and use the equivalent in currency or in conventional units. With further payment in rubles, the value of ye is determined at the rate of the Central Bank at the time of calculation.

Since June 2002, the euro has become more expensive than American money for the first time. Initially, 1 euro was equal to 1 dollar, but in the process of developing trade relations, many countries converted part of their foreign exchange reserves into euros. As a result, an excess of American money was formed, and the euro was not enough, the cross rate increased. It is not the value of the currency that is important, but the sharp fluctuations in the exchange rate.

Many companies and organizations conduct mutual settlements in rubles, but in accounting they duplicate amounts in foreign monetary units at the rate of the Central Bank. When importing products, the manufacturer uses dollars or euros as ye, when selling goods in Russia, the peg goes to the dollar.

Which currency is better

Euro and dollar are the main money of the world market. In terms of sales, the euro ranks second in the world, second only to the dollar. For a long time, the dollar was the dominant currency. The main factor determining the currency structure of the country is:

  • how the exchange rate works;
  • the volume of trade with the country, in the currency that is the reserve;
  • composition of external debts.

Economic ties between Russia and Europe are quite close, 40% of Russian goods are exported to the countries of the European Union. The strengthening of the euro raises prices for European goods in dollar terms. Demand for these goods is falling, import volumes are declining. The decline in imports stimulates the process of substitution of imported goods by domestic ones. Fluctuations in the euro exchange rate have little effect on Russian exports, since raw materials are mainly exported. In world markets, the cost of raw materials is pegged to the dollar.

In turn, the growth of the euro against the ruble increases the liquidity of domestic goods. The increase in the euro causes an increase in the positive balance of payments. The exchange rate is formed on the basis of the balance of payments. The balance of payments is the final document of foreign economic activity. The passive balance reflects the low liquidity of Russian goods on the market, the predominance of imported goods. Accordingly, the exchange rate of the national currency is declining, and the demand for foreign money is growing.

Factors that influence the formation of the exchange rate:

  • volume and dynamics of GDP;
  • investment structure;
  • inflation.

The reliability of the currency is determined by the stability and competitiveness of the country's economy. US per capita GDP is ahead of European countries. American money occupied a monopoly position in the world currency market. Gradually, the balance of power in the market changed, and European money became the main competitor of the American ones.

World experience shows that the free convertibility of the monetary unit in the world contributes to its internationalization. The stability of a currency depends on the stability and consistency of monetary policy. The issuing country must have a balanced balance of the current account payment system. In America, the balance of payments is always in deficit, while in European countries there is no deficit.

Trust in the monetary unit is also determined by the level of unemployment, political stability. The imperfection of modern monetary units necessitates a realistic assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of foreign money.

Due to the difficult financial situation in the country, cases have become more frequent when the parties in contracts (deliveries, contracts, services, leases) indicate the price in conventional units.

This possibility is provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 317 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

However, this does not mean that the buyer will have to pay for the goods in conventional units. Settlements will be made "in rubles in an amount equivalent to a certain amount ... in conventional monetary units" (clause 2, article 317 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

As a rule, suppliers (performers, contractors, lessors) are interested in using conventional units, as this allows eliminating the negative impact of inflation and the rising exchange rate on the amount of payments.

Rationale: The ability to determine the price in conventional units appeared in connection with the rapid inflation, which especially grew in the first half of the 90s of the last century.

It was economically extremely unprofitable for the party that was supposed to receive money in payment (supplier, performer, contractor, lessor) to determine the price of the contract (especially long-term) in rubles.

If the legislator provided for the possibility of expressing obligations exclusively in rubles, then this could lead to negative consequences for turnover and the creation of schemes for circumventing these requirements.

At the same time, for the buyer (customer, tenant), this means that the main financial risks (for example, in the event of a depreciation of the ruble) will fall on him - there is a high probability of paying b about more than planned. In addition, in the case of "miscalculations" with the wording, there is a risk that the contract will be recognized as not concluded or the price condition - invalid. And this means that in the event of an unsuccessful course for an unscrupulous counterparty, he will be able to refer to this circumstance and refuse to fulfill his obligations.

Conventional units in the understanding of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

From the point of view of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, conventional units are not at all . In business contracts, the parties use the concept of “conventional units” to link either to the exchange rate of a foreign currency (when the c.u. is actually equal to foreign currency), or to a specific amount in rubles (by the type “c.u. = 50 rubles ."). In such cases, the conventional unit actually loses its content, turns into a kind of multiplier.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation names conditional monetary units in the same row with foreign currency and does not identify these concepts: “A monetary obligation may provide that it is payable in rubles in an amount equivalent to a certain amount in foreign currency or in conventional monetary units...” (Clause 2, Article 317 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

That is, the same obligation cannot be simultaneously expressed both in foreign currency and in conventional units. These are alternate units. This is directly indicated by paragraph 2 of Article 317 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, both grammatically and logically.

The concept of foreign currency is given in Clause 2 of Part 1 of Article 1 of Federal Law No. 173-FZ of December 10, 2003 "On Currency Regulation and Currency Control" (hereinafter - Law No. 173-FZ). It:

  • “banknotes in the form of banknotes, treasury bills, coins that are in circulation and are legal means of cash payment on the territory of the relevant foreign state (group of foreign states), as well as the indicated banknotes withdrawn or withdrawn from circulation, but subject to exchange;
  • funds in bank accounts and bank deposits in monetary units of foreign states and international monetary or accounting units.

According to paragraph 1 of Article 140 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a currency is a legal means of payment, that is, obligatory for acceptance in the corresponding state. This norm identifies the concepts of "currency" and "money". Accordingly, foreign currency is a legal tender issued by a foreign state.

A conventional currency is a means of payment that is not legal tender, but allows the calculation of the monetary obligations of the parties, if they agree on this.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation gives two examples of conventional units.

1. Ecu (European Currency Unit)

This is the European unit of account that was used in 1979-1998. It was used in the European Monetary System, in particular the European Monetary Cooperation Fund. The ecu rate was formed as an average of a set of 8-12 European banknotes. It was determined daily, since the exchange rate of the currencies included in the basket changed daily.

Ecu did not have a material form in the form of banknotes or coins and was not used in calculations in the consumer market.

In 1999, the ecu was replaced by the euro (already a real currency).

2. Special Drawing Rights

This is a conditional unit of account used by member countries of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to provide loans since 1969. Until 1981, it was determined on the basis of the weighted average cost and change in the exchange rate of currencies included in the currency basket, which included the currencies of the USA, Germany, Great Britain, France and Japan. Today, the SDR is based on the dollar value of a basket of four major currencies: the US dollar, the euro, the yen and the pound sterling, and is published daily on IMF website.

SDR has only a non-cash form in the form of entries in bank accounts, banknotes were not issued.

It is worth noting that neither the Ecu nor the SDR is a currency.

As an example of another conditional unit, we can name the value of the dual-currency basket of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This is the operational target of the exchange rate policy of the Bank of Russia, denominated in the national currency, consisting of the US dollar and the euro. Thus, the Twentieth Arbitration Court of Appeal considered the dispute from the contract of sale, in which the parties agreed that “at the time of the conclusion of the contract, the cost of 1 c.u. e. equals the value of the bi-currency basket of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, officially published in the media as of December 1, 2012” (decision dated March 26, 2014 in case No. A23-3562/2013).

Judging by the practice of using conventional monetary units in the trade turnover in the sense of Article 317 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this is an absolute exotic.

Conventional units in practice

Despite the fact that the Civil Code of the Russian Federation In practice, these concepts are confused.

Today, an obligation expressed in conventional units is an obligation denominated in a foreign currency (usually dollars or euros), but subject to execution in rubles.

Conventional monetary units have actually become a euphemism.

So, in practice, the parties include in the contracts the conditions:

  • “for the purposes of calculation, one conventional unit is the ruble equivalent of one US dollar calculated at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of payment” (decision of the Seventeenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated August 5, 2014 No. 17AP-8003 / 2014-GK in case No. A60 -50101/2013) or “a conventional unit for this agreement is equivalent to one US dollar” (decision of the Nineteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated May 19, 2014 in case No. А14-10175/2013);
  • “prices for the goods and the total cost of the supplied Goods are indicated in conventional units (c.u.). One conventional unit is equivalent to one euro (EUR) and is payable in Russian rubles at the euro (EUR) exchange rate established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of payment” (decision of the Nineteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated November 29, 2013 in case No. A35-4276 / 2013);
  • “the tenant undertook to pay ... an advance payment ... at the rate of 30 rubles. for one conventional unit, which is equivalent to 216,540 rubles. (decision of the Thirteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated October 9, 2014 in case No. A56-5431 / 2014) or simply “one conventional unit is equal to 25 rubles” (decision of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the East Siberian District dated January 27, 2014 in case No. A78-8252 /2011, see also the decision of the Fifteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated May 29, 2014 No. 15AP-7732/2014 in case No. A32-2262/2014);
  • “The amount of rent is set in conventional units (one conventional unit is equal to one US dollar) at the rate of 30 rubles. 00 kop. for one conventional unit” (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated June 7, 2011 No. KG-A40/5564-11 in case No. A40-44883\10-37-345) or “the rate of the conventional currency unit is equivalent to the US dollar rate announced by the Bank Russia as of 01.09.1998 (9.33 rubles per US dollar)” (decision of the Fourteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated January 26, 2012 in case No. А05-9363/2011).

The courts are quite loyal to such formulations.

Case study: the court collected the debt for the delivered goods under the contract, in which the price of the goods was determined in conventional units

CJSC "A." (supplier) and CJSC AP (buyer) entered into a contract for the supply of equipment and an additional agreement to it, according to which the price of the goods is 427,158 c.u. e., including VAT. The parties also determined that payment would be made “in rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day the payment was made, 1 c.u. e. is equal to 1 US dollar.

The buyer made an advance payment in the amount of 6,644,955.28 rubles.

The supplier delivered the goods, but did not receive the remaining amount (213,579 conventional units or 6,877,350.58 rubles).

CJSC "A." applied to the arbitration court with a statement of claim for the recovery of 6 877 350.58 RUB. principal debt and 709,226.78 rubles. percent.

The claims were satisfied in full (decree of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Central District of August 8, 2012 in case No. 14-10300/2011).

Rationale: In the early 1990s, with galloping inflation, the terms of agreements on prices and settlements in US dollars were widely practiced.

However, on March 6, 1993, the Decree of the Government of Russia No. 205 “On strengthening foreign exchange and export controls and on the development of the foreign exchange market” was issued. Its paragraph 17 contained a recommendation to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to take measures to "stop settlements in foreign currency between residents on the territory of the Russian Federation."

As a result, entrepreneurs simply replaced the word "dollar" with "y. e.". At the same time, the content of conventional units has not changed - the parties continued to make settlements in dollars. Equality between conventional units and foreign currency has become stronger in the mind.

This was facilitated by the legislation on accounting and reporting, and clarifications of the Ministry of Finance of Russia (for example, letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 15, 2009 No. 03-03-06/1/324 and No. 03-03-06/1/325).

In particular, the Ministry of Finance of Russia in its letter dated April 2, 2009 No. 03-03-06 / 1/204 paraphrased paragraph 3 of the information letter of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated November 4, 2002 No. 70 “On the application of articles 140 and 317 by arbitration courts of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as information letter No. 70): “... in the case when the contract has a monetary obligation expressed in foreign currency without indicating its payment in rubles, such a contractual condition should be considered as provided for in paragraph 2 of Art. 317 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, that is, as an obligation expressed in conventional units ... Thus, a monetary obligation expressed in foreign currency, if such an obligation, according to the contract or based on the essence of the transaction, is payable in Russian rubles, should be considered as an obligation, expressed in conventional units".

Conventional units in the text of the contract

In order to agree on the use of conventional units in the text of the contract, it is necessary to determine:

1) Conventional unit (to what type of foreign currency the conventional monetary unit is equated). For more information on what is meant by conventional units, see. and .

Examples of the wording of the terms of the contract on what the parties understand by conventional monetary units

1. "One conventional unit is equal to the value of the dual-currency basket of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation."

2. "The conventional unit for this agreement is equivalent to one US dollar."

3. "One conventional unit is equal to one euro."

4. “One conventional unit is equal to one Chinese yuan” (decision of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated October 23, 2013 No. 09AP-26396/2013-GK, 09AP-27091/2013-GK in case No. A40-173111/12).

5. “One conventional unit is equal to 30 rubles. In the event that the US dollar exchange rate set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of payment exceeds 30 rubles, one conventional unit is equal to one US dollar ”(Decree of the Fifteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated May 29, 2014 No. 15AP-7732 / 2014 in case No. A32 -2262/2014).

6. “One conventional unit under the contract is equal to the amount in rubles of the Russian Federation, equivalent to 1 (one) US dollar at the rate determined by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the official rate) on the date of payment of at least 30 rubles. In the event of a decrease in the official exchange rate of the US dollar against the ruble below the mark of 30 rubles per US dollar, the parties from the moment of such a decrease and until the date the official dollar exchange rate exceeds the mark of 30 rubles per US dollar consider that the conventional unit is equal to thirty rubles "( decision of the First Arbitration Court of Appeal dated September 23, 2014 in case No. А43-1151/2014).

7. “One conventional unit is equal to the exchange rate of the US dollar against the ruble set by the Central Bank on the day of invoicing minus 3 (Three) rubles, but in the end not less than 31 rubles and not more than 37 rubles” (decision of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated August 28 2014 No. 09AP-30492/2014-GK in case No. A40-27875/2014).

8. “One conventional unit is equal to the arithmetic mean between the US dollar exchange rate against the ruble and the euro exchange rate against the ruble, established by the Bank of Russia on the day of payment” (decisions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North Caucasus District of March 15, 2012 in case No. A32- 13741/2011, of the Fifteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated June 21, 2013 No. 15AP-5746/2013 in case No. A53-28751/2012).

9. “One conventional unit is equal to 0.5 US dollars plus 0.5 euros” (ruling of the Seventeenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated March 17, 2011 No. 17AP-1692/2011-AK in case No. A50-20354/2010).

If the parties do not indicate, which is a notional unit in the context of the contract, then the price clause will not be considered agreed upon. So, in the case of a real estate lease agreement, for which the condition of rent is essential, this will indicate that the agreement has not been concluded (clause 1, article 654 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, see Rent).

For a supply contract (contract, provision of services), non-agreement of the price of goods may entail the following:

  • it will be determined at the price normally charged under comparable circumstances for like goods, or
  • the contract will be declared null and void.

2) A condition for payment of a monetary obligation in rubles. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation sets the corresponding condition in paragraph 2 of Article 317 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

An example of the wording of the terms of the supply contract with the price of the goods in conventional units for payment in rubles

"The goods are payable in rubles in an amount equivalent to the amount specified in paragraph ____ of this agreement."

If the parties do not indicate that the payment of the monetary obligation is made in rubles, then three scenarios are possible.

First option. The customer (buyer, tenant) will be able to pay in foreign currency if the obligation relates to the case when the law allows the use of foreign currency as a means of payment in the territory of the Russian Federation (clause 2 of article 140 and clause 3 of article 317 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) . Thus, settlements using foreign currency between the parties to a supply agreement are allowed under foreign trade agreements in which one of the parties is a foreign person - a non-resident (Articles 6, 9 of Law No. 173-FZ). An exhaustive list of permitted foreign exchange transactions for residents is set out in Article 9 of Law No. 173-FZ. All other foreign exchange transactions between residents are prohibited.

Second option. The customer (buyer, tenant) will be required to pay in rubles:

  • if, when interpreting the contract in accordance with the rules of Article 431 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the court does not come to the conclusion that the parties planned to make payment in foreign currency;
  • if, due to the rules of the currency legislation, this obligation cannot be performed in foreign currency;
  • if, when interpreting the contract in accordance with the rules of Article 431 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the court comes to the conclusion that the parties planned to make payment in foreign currency.

However, the recognition of the payment condition as invalid does not entail the recognition of the contract as invalid, if it can be assumed that the contract would have been concluded without this condition (Article 180 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, clause 3 of the information letter No. 70).

3) The rate of conventional monetary units. So, in the contract it is possible to fix the application:

  • the official exchange rate of the Bank of Russia;
  • exchange rate determined by the currency exchange (for example, Moscow Exchange , Saint Petersburg Currency Exchange , Siberian Interbank Currency Exchange and others; these courses are published in the Izvestia newspaper);
  • the foreign exchange rate determined according to the scheme fixed in the agreement (for example, the agreement may provide that the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia increased by a certain percentage is used for recalculation);
  • other ratio of foreign currency and ruble.

An example of the wording of the terms of the agreement on the exchange rate of conventional monetary units

1. "One conventional unit is payable at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation."

2. "One conventional unit is payable at the rate of the Moscow Exchange."

3. "One conventional unit is payable at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, but not less than 27 rubles per conventional unit."

4. "One conventional unit is payable at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, but not less than 30 rubles per conventional unit and not more than 34 rubles per conventional unit."

5. "One conventional unit is payable at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation plus 3%."

It is worth noting that the parties can establish:

  • own rate of conversion of conventional monetary units into rubles or
  • the procedure for determining such a course.

This was pointed out by the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation in paragraph 2 of clause 12 of the information letter No. 70.

An example of the wording of the terms of the lease agreement on its own exchange rate for the conversion of conventional monetary units

“The rent is calculated in the following order: the rent indicated in conventional units is multiplied by 1.18 (VAT value equal to 18%) and by 25 rubles” (Decree of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District of August 18, 2014 No. F05-8720 /2014 in case No. А40-52760/13-85-515).

Attention!If the parties have agreed that payment is made not at the rate of the Bank of Russia, but at a different rate to be determined, then the parties should be able to obtain evidence of its existence and (or) the procedure for determining its size.

Otherwise, the court will apply the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia. And this means that the buyer (customer, tenant) will pay the wrong amount, which he was guided by when concluding the contract: it can be either less or more. For example, the parties may agree that they understand the conventional unit as the US dollar, the exchange rate of which is determined by an additional agreement. If, in the event of a dispute, such an additional agreement is not submitted to the court, then the recalculation will be made at the rate of the Bank of Russia.

However, it may be that the Bank of Russia does not set the exchange rate of the conventional currency against the ruble. In this case, the court will use for recalculation the data provided by the parties on the exchange rate of this unit, which was established by the authorized body (bank) of the relevant state or international organization to one of the conventional monetary units quoted by the Bank of Russia.

Such rules are enshrined in paragraph 14 of the information letter No. 70.

Economic units

The code Symbol Code letter designation
national international national international
499 kilogram per second kg/s KG/S KGS
533 Ton of steam per hour t steam/h T PAR/H TSH
596 cubic meter per second m3/s m3/s M3/S MQS
598 cubic meter per hour m3/h m3/h M3/H MQH
599 Thousand cubic meters per day 103m3/day THOUSAND M3/DAY TQD
616 Spool bean BEAN NBB
625 Sheet l. SHEET LEF
626 One hundred sheets 100 l. 100 SHEETS CLF
630 Thousand standard conditional bricks thousand std. conv. kirp THOUSAND STAND CONDITIONS KIRP MBE
641 Dozen (12 pcs.) dozen Doz; 12 DOZEN DZN
657 Product ed ED NAR
683 One hundred boxes 100 boxes hbx 100 boxes HBX
704 Kit kit KIT SET
715 Pair (2 pieces) steam pr; 2 STEAM NPR
730 Two dozen 20 20 2 DES SCO
732 ten couples 10 pairs DES PAR TPR
733 a dozen couples a dozen couples A DOZEN COUPLES DPR
734 Package message MESSAGE NPL
735 Part part PART NPT
736 Roll rudder RUL NPL
737 Dozen rolls a dozen rolls DOZEN RUL DRL
740 a dozen pieces dozen pcs A DOZEN PCS DPC
745 Element elem CI ELEM NCL
778 Package pack UPAK NMP
780 Dozen packs dozen pack DOZEN PACK DZP
781 One hundred packs 100 pack 100 UPAK CNP
796 Thing PCS pc; one PCS PCE; NMB
797 One hundred pieces 100 pieces 100 100 PIECES CEN
798 thousand pieces thousand

Classifier of units of measurement (OKEI) in 1C 8.3

1000 THOUSAND PCS MIL 798 Million pieces 106pcs 106 MILLION PCS MIO 800 Billion pieces 109pcs 109 BILLION PCS MLD 801 Billion pieces (Europe);
trillion pieces 1012pcs 1012 BILL PCS (EUR);
TRILL PC BIL 802 Quintillion pieces (Europe) 1018pcs 1018 QUINT PC TRL 820 Alcohol strength by weight crepe. alcohol by weight %mds CREPES ALCOHOL BY WEIGHT ASM 821 Alcohol strength by volume crepe. alcohol by volume %vol CREPES ALCOHOL BY VOLUME ASV 831 Liter of pure (100%) alcohol l 100% alcohol — L PURE ALCOHOL LPA 833 Hectoliter of pure (100%) alcohol hl 100% alcohol — GL PURE ALCOHOL HPA 841 Kilogram of hydrogen peroxide kg H2O2 — KG HYDROGEN PEROXIDE — 845 Kilogram 90% dry matter kg 90% w/w — KG 90 PERC DRY KSD 847 Ton of 90% dry matter t 90% s / w — T 90 PERC DRY TSD 852 Kilogram of potassium oxide kg K2O — KG POTASSIUM OXIDE KPO 859 Kilogram of potassium hydroxide kg KOH — KG POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE KPH 861 Kilogram of nitrogen kg N — KG NITROGEN KNI 863 Kilogram of sodium hydroxide kg NaOH — KG SODIUM HYDROXIDE KSH 865 kilogram of phosphorus pentoxide kg Р2О5 — KG PENTOXIDE KPP 867 Kilogram of uranium kg U — KG URAN KUR

OK 015-94 (MK 002-97) All-Russian classifier of units of measurement (OKEI) (with changes N 1-13)

OKEI code. Mass units

The code Name Conditional
code letter
national international national international
160 Hectogram gg hg GG HGM 1
161 Milligram mg mg MG MGM 1
162 Metric carat (1 carat = 200 mg = 2 x 10-4 kg) car MS CAR CTM 1
163 Gram G g G GRM 1
165 Thousand carats metric 103 ct THOUSAND CARS 2
166 Kilogram kg kg KG KGM 1
167 Million carats metric 106 ct MILLION CARS 2
168 Ton; metric ton (1000 kg) t t T TNE 1
169 Thousand tons 103 t THOUSAND T 2
170 Kiloton 103 t kt CT KTN 1
171 Million tons 106 t MN T 2
172 Ton of reference fuel t conv. fuel T CONDITION FUEL 2
173 centigram sg cg SG CGM 1
175 Thousand tons of reference fuel 103 tons fuel THOUSAND T COND. FUEL 2
176 Million tons of reference fuel 106 t cond. fuel MN T FUEL 2
177 Thousand tons of one-time storage 103 tons at a time storage THOUSAND UNIT STORAGE 2
178 Thousand tons of processing 103 t processed THOUSAND T PROCESSED 2
179 Conditional ton conv. t USL T 2
181 Gross register ton (2.8316 m3) BRT BRUTT. REGISTER T GRT 1
182 Net register ton NTT A
183 Measured (freight) ton SHT A
184 Displacement DPT A
185 Capacity in metric tons t hydraulic fracturing T LOAD CCT 1
186 Pound UK, US (0.45359237 kg) lb LBR A
187 Ounce UK, US (28.349523 g) oz ONZ A
188 Drachma SK (1.771745 g) dr DRI A
189 Gran UK US (64.798910 mg) gn GRN A
190 Stone SK (6.350293 kg) st STI A
191 Quarter SK (12.700586 kg) qtr QTR A
192 Central SK (45.359237 kg) CNT A
193 Centner US (45.3592 kg) cwt CWA A
194 Long hundredweight SK (50.802345 kg) cwt (UK) CWI A
195 Short ton SK, USA (0.90718474 t) sht STN A
196 Long ton SK, USA (1.0160469 t) lt LTN A
197 Scrooule SC, USA (1.295982 g) scr SCR A
198 Pennyweight UK, USA (1.555174 g) dwt DWT A
199 Drachma SK (3.887935 g) drm DRM A
200 US Drachma (3.887935 g) DRA A
201 Ounce UK, US (31.10348 g); troy ounce apoz APZ A
202 US troy pound (373.242 g) LBT A
206 Centner (metric) (100 kg); hectokilogram; quintal1 (metric); deciton c q; 102kg C DTN 1
207 Thousand centners 103 c THOUSAND C 2


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kW to horsepower ratio

1 kW is equal to 1.3596 hp. when calculating engine power.
1 HP is equal to 0.7355 kW when calculating the engine power.


Horsepower (hp) is a non-systemic unit of power that appeared around 1789 with the advent of steam engines. Inventor James Watt coined the term "horsepower" to show how economically advantageous his machines were to draw power. Watt concluded that, on average, one horse lifts a load of 180 pounds 181 feet per minute. Rounding off the calculations in pound-feet per minute, he decided that the horsepower would be equal to 33,000 of these same pound-feet per minute.

OKEI - All-Russian classifier of units of measurement (OK 015-94)

Of course, the calculations were taken for a long period of time, because for a short time a horse can "develop" a power of about 1000 kgf m / s, which is approximately equal to 13 horsepower. This power is called boiler horsepower.

In the world there are several units of measurement called "horsepower". In European countries, Russia and the CIS, as a rule, horsepower means the so-called "metric horsepower", equal to approximately 735 watts (75 kgf m / s).

In the automotive industry in the UK and the US, the most common b.p. equate to 746 watts, which is equal to 1.014 metric horsepower. Also used in US industry and power is electric horsepower (746 W) and boiler horsepower (9809.5 W).

Economic units

The code Name of the unit of measurement Symbol (national) Code letter designation (national)
383 Ruble rub RUB
384 Thousand rubles 103 rub THOUSAND ROUBLES
385 One million rubles 106 rub MILLION RUB
386 Billion rubles 109 rub BILLION RUB
387 Trillion rubles 1012 rub TRILL RUB
388 Quadrillion rubles 1015 rub SQUARE RUB
414 Passenger-kilometre PASS.KM
421 Passenger seat (passenger seats) pass. places PASS SEATS
423 Thousand passenger kilometers 103 THOUSAND PASS.KM
424 Million Passenger-Kilometers 106 MILLION PASS.KM
427 Passenger traffic pass.flow PASS.FLOW
449 ton-kilometer T.KM
450 Thousand ton-kilometers 103 THOUSAND T.KM
451 Million ton-kilometers 106 MLN T.KM
479 Thousand sets 103 set THOUSAND SET
508 Thousand cubic meters per hour 103 m3/h THOUSAND M3/H
510 Gram per kilowatt hour g/kW.h G/KW.H
511 kilogram per gigacalorie kg/Gcal KG/GIGACAL
512 Ton number t.nom T.NOM
513 Autoton auto t AUTO T
514 Ton of thrust t. thrust T ROD
515 Deadweight ton dwt DWT.T
516 Tonno-tanid t.tanid T.TANID
521 person per square meter person/m2 PEOPLE/M2
522 Person per square kilometer person/km2 PERSON/KM2
534 ton per hour t/h T/H
535 Ton per day t/day T/SUT
536 ton per shift t/shift T/CHANGE
537 Thousand tons per season 103 t/s THOUSAND T/SEZ
538 Thousand tons per year 103 t/year THOUSAND T/YEAR
539 man-hour pers.h PERSONS
540 man-day person days PEOPLE DAYS
541 Thousand man-days 103 man days THOUSAND PEOPLE DAYS
542 Thousand man-hours 103 man-hours THOUSAND PEOPLE-H
543 Thousand conditional cans per shift 103 conv. bank/shift THOUSAND CONVENTION BANK/SCHANG
544 Million units per year 106 units/year MLN U/YEAR
545 Visit on shift visit/shift ATTEND/CHANGE
546 Thousand visits per shift 103 visits/shifts THOUSAND VISITS/SHIFT
547 Couple in shift steam/shift STEAM/CHANG
548 Thousand pairs per shift 103 pairs/shifts THOUSAND PAIRS/CHANGES
550 Million tons per year 106 t/year MN T/YEAR
552 Ton processed per day t processed/day T PROCESS/DAY
553 Thousand tons of processing per day 103 tons processed/day THOUSAND T PROCESSED/DAY
554 Centner of processing per day c processed/day C PROCESS/DAY
555 Thousand centners of processing per day 103 c processed/day THOUSAND C PROCESSED/DAY
556 Thousand heads a year 103 goal/year THOUSAND GOALS/YEAR
557 Million heads per year 106 goal/year MILLION GOALS/YEAR
558 Thousand bird places 103 bird places THOUSAND BIRDS
559 Thousand laying hens 103 hens. nesush THOUSAND HENS. NESUSH
560 Excluded. - Change 9/2014, approved.

How do I specify different quantities and their unit code on an invoice?

By order of Rosstandart dated March 28, 2014 N 248-st.

561 A thousand tons of steam per hour 103 t steam/h THOUSAND STEAM/H 562 A thousand spinning spindles 103 strands THOUSAND STRAIGHT BELIEVE 563 A thousand spinning places 103 spinning places THOUSANDS OF PLACES 639 Dose doses DOS 640 A thousand doses 103 doses THOUSAND DOSES 643 Thousand units 103 units THOUSAND UNITS 644 Million units 106 units MILLION U 661 Channel channel CHANNEL 673 Thousand sets 103 sets THOUSAND SET 698 Place places PLACES 699 A thousand places 103 places THOUSAND PLACES 709 Thousand numbers 103 number THOUSAND NOM 724 Thousand hectares of portions 103 hectares THOUSAND HA PORTS 728 tutu patch PACH 729 Thousand Pack 103 patch THOUSAND PACH 744 Percent % PROC 746 Per mille (0.1 percent) ppm PROMILLE 751 A thousand rolls 103 roll THOUSAND RUL 761 Thousand Mills 103 camp THOUSAND STAN 762 Station station STANZ 775 Thousand tubes 103 tube THOUSAND TUBE 776 Thousand conditional tubes 103 conventional tubes THOUSAND CONV. TUBE 779 Million packs 106 pack MLN UPAK 782 Thousand Pack 103 pack THOUSAND PACK 792 Human people CHEL 793 Thousand people 103 people THOUSAND PEOPLE 794 Million people 106 people MILLION PEOPLE 808 One million copies 106 copies MLN EPC 810 Cell cell YACH 812 Box crate DR 836 Head Goal GOAL 837 Thousand Pairs 103 couples THOUSAND PAIRS 838 A million couples 106 couples MILLION PAIRS 839 Set set COMPL 840 Section section SECC 868 Bottle but BUT 869 Thousand bottles 103 bottles THOUSAND BUT 870 Ampoule ampoules AMPUL 871 Thousand ampoules 103 ampoules THOUSAND AMPOULES 872 Bottle flak FLAC 873 Thousand Vials 103 flask THOUSAND FLAC 874 Thousand tubes 103 tubes THOUSAND TUBE 875 Thousand boxes 103 cor THOUSAND KOR 876 Conventional unit conv. units CONDITION UNITS 877 Thousand conventional units 103 conv. units THOUSAND CONDITIONS 878 One million conventional units 106 conv. units MILLION CONDITIONS 879 Conditional piece conv. PCS USL PC 880 Thousand conditional pieces 103 conv. PCS THOUSAND CONVENTIONAL PCS 881 Conditional bank conv. bank USL BANK 882 Thousand conditional jars 103 conv. bank THOUSAND USL BANK 883 One million conditional cans 106 conv. bank MLN USL BANK 884 Conditional piece conv. cous USL KUS 885 A thousand conditional pieces 103 conv. cous THOUSAND CONDITIONS KUS 886 A million conditional pieces 106 conv. cous MLN COND. 887 Conditional box conv. crate CONVENTION BOX 888 Thousand conditional boxes 103 conv. crate THOUSAND REQUIREMENTS 889 Conditional coil conv. cat CONVENTION CAT 890 Thousand conditional coils 103 conv. cat THOUSAND CAT 891 Conditional tile conv. slabs CONVENTION PLATES 892 Thousand conditional tiles 103 conv. slabs THOUSAND CONVENTIONAL PLATES 893 Conditional brick conv. kirp CONV KIRP 894 Thousand conditional bricks 103 conv. kirp THOUSAND CONDITIONS KIRP 895 A million conditional bricks 106 conv. kirp MLN CONDITIONS 896 A family families FAMILIES 897 Thousand families 103 families THOUSAND FAMILIES 898 Million Families 106 families MILLION FAMILIES 899 The household household DOMHOZ 900 Thousand households 103 household THOUSAND DOMHOZ 901 Million households 106 household MILLION HOUSEHOLDS 902 student place scientist places LEARNING LOCATIONS 903 Thousand student places 103 academic places THOUSAND SEATS 904 Workplace slave. places WORK SEATS 905 A thousand jobs 103 work places THOUSAND WORK PLACES 906 seat Posad. places POSAD PLACES 907 Thousand seats 103 Posad. places THOUSAND POSAD PLACES 908 Number nom NOM 909 Flat quart QUART 910 Thousand apartments 103 qt THOUSAND QUARTERS 911 bunk beds KOEK 912 Thousand beds 103 beds THOUSAND BEDS 913 Book fund volume book volume. fund VOLUME BOOK FUND 914 Thousand volumes of the book fund 103 book volume. fund THOUSAND VOLUME BOOK FUND 915 Conditional repair conv. rem CONVENTION REM 916 Conditional repairs per year conv. rem/year COND. REM/YEAR 917 Change shifts CHANGE 918 Author's sheet l. auth LIST AVT 920 Printed sheet l. oven PRINT SHEET 921 Accounting and publishing sheet l. uch.-ed LIST OF EDUCATION 922 Sign sign SIGN 923 Word word WORD 924 Symbol symbol SYMBOL 925 Conditional pipe conv. pipes CONDITION PIPE 930 A thousand plates 103 layer THOUSAND PLAST 937 A million doses 106 doses MILLION DOSES 949 One million sheets 106 sheets MILLION SHEET PRINTS 950 Carriage (machine)-day vag (mash).dn VAG (MASH).DN 951 Thousand car-(machine)-hours 103 vag (mach.h) THOUSAND VAG (MASH).H 952 Thousand wagon-(machine)-kilometers 103 vag ( THOUSAND VAG (MASH).KM 953 Thousand place-kilometers 103 local km THOUSAND LOCATION.KM 954 Car-day VAG.SUT 955 Thousand train-hours 103 trains.h THOUSAND TRAIN.H 956 Thousand train kilometers 103 THOUSAND TRAIN.KM 957 Thousand ton miles 103 t. miles THOUSAND T.MILES 958 Thousand passenger miles 103 passenger miles THOUSAND PASS.MILES 959 car-day car days AUTO DN 960 Thousand car-ton-days 103 cars.ton.days THOUSAND VEHICLES.ton.days 961 Thousand car-hours 103 vehicles THOUSAND VEHICLES.H 962 Thousand car-place-days 103 car seats per day THOUSAND VEHICLE PLACES.DAYS 963 Reduced hour h REF.H 964 Aircraft-kilometre SAMOLET.KM 965 Thousand kilometers 103 km THOUSAND KM 966 Thousand tonnage flights 103 tonnage. flight THOUSAND TONNAGE. FLIGHT 967 Million ton miles 106 t. miles MILLION T. MILES 968 Million Passenger Miles 106 pass. miles MILLION PASS. MILES 969 Million tonnage miles 106 tonnage. miles MILLION TONNAGE. MILES 970 Million seat-miles 106 pass. places. miles MILLION PASS. LOCAL MILES 971 feed day feed. days FEED. DN 972 Centner of feed units c feed unit C FEED ED 973 Thousand vehicle kilometers 103 vehicles km THOUSAND VEHICLES KM 974 Thousand tonnage-days 103 tonnage. day THOUSAND TONNAGE. SUT 975 Sugo-day strictly. day SUGO. SUT 976 Pieces in 20-foot equivalent (TEU) pieces in 20-foot equivalent PCS IN 20 FT EQUIV 977 Channel-kilometer channel. km CHANNEL. KM 978 Channel ends channel. conc CHANNEL. END 979 One thousand copies 103 copies THOUSAND SKU 980 One thousand dollars 103 dollars THOUSAND DOLLAR 981 Thousand tons of feed units 103 feed units THOUSAND T FEED UNITS 982 Million tons of feed units 106 feed units MN T FEED UNITS 983 Sudo-day court day SUD.SUT 984 centners per hectare c/ha C/GA 985 Thousand Heads 103 goal THOUSAND GOAL 986 Thousand ink prints 103 paint. impression THOUSAND PAINT PRINT 987 One million ink prints 106 colors impression MILLION PAINT PRINT 988 A million conditional tiles 106 conv. slabs MLN USL PLATES 989 Man per hour person/h PERSON/H 990 Passengers per hour pass/h PASS/H 991 Passenger mile pass. mile PASS MILE

What is OKEI and how to enter it in the 1C 8.3 Accounting program?

The All-Russian classifier of units of measurement (or OKEI) is a federal classifier that contains a list of regulated units of measurement and their codes. The classifier is required for the correct filling of the primary documentation. For example, invoice TORG - 12, invoices.

Table of popular units of measurement for OKEI and their codes for 2016:

Service by OKEI

Please note that if your unit of measure is not included in the general OKEI (for example, "Service" or "Bag"), in no case should you come up with a code for a "new" service.

OKEI 796 - Piece

From the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 15, 2012 No. 03-07-05 / 42, you can use "-" (dash):

In the invoice drawn up during the provision of services, in column 2, you can put a dash

Once again, the code of the service according to the classifier of units of measurement OKEI is not regulated.

OKEI in the program 1C Accounting

In order to enter a new OKEI unit of measure into the program, you need to open the menu all functions (if this menu is not visible, follow these instructions):

If the required unit is not in the list, it must be added. To do this, click the "Selection from OKEI" button:

You will be taken to a spreadsheet document where all relevant codes and names are available:

In order to add a new element from it, you need to click on the code you are interested in. 1C will open the form of a new unit of measure. It remains only to click the "Save and close" button.

If you don't find the unit you need, such as Service, you can add it manually. To do this, click the "Create" button in the form of a directory list. Where to fill it with the required fields:

As mentioned above, in no case should you come up with a new unit of measure code. It is better to put "-" (dash).


Inflation and devaluation are two different things. The first term denotes the growth of domestic prices, which does not always occur in all consumer segments in the same proportions. For example, the rent may rise in price, while the price of potatoes will remain the same or even decrease.

Devaluation means an increase in foreign exchange rates against the official state currency. The reverse process is called revaluation.

Why, at a certain historical stage, was a certain conventional unit chosen as a standard, for what reasons was the price indicated by it? c.u. (or, to put it simply, the dollar), for many years in our country served as an indexer of both devaluation and inflation. What is the reason?

Common measure

There was a time when the Soviet, and then the Russian ruble lost its purchasing power almost simultaneously with the growth of the dollar, and very quickly. Today's citizens at the age of forty and older remember well what y is. That is, young people know this concept less. After the actual collapse of the Soviet monetary system, the American dollar, nicknamed "greens" or "cabbage" for its special color scheme, became the measure for evaluating the objects of purchase and sale (and almost everything in general).

It was unusual for the citizens of a great country to use foreign money for settlements, and sometimes ashamed. Nothing can be done, it is impossible to remove from the history of the pages. What was, was.

Trading shops and check shops

Currency shops existed in the USSR even in relatively prosperous pre-perestroika times. Torgsins were opened at all in the distant twenties. The purpose of establishing these trade organizations was twofold. First, to encourage Soviet citizens to part with gold and foreign exchange values ​​in an organized manner, receiving in return what was available to everyone abroad, but in the Soviet Union was a deficit. Secondly, foreigners could shop here without a queue, comfortably, and thereby avoid contacts with Soviet trade (they didn’t need to know about it, otherwise they would show it there later ...). It happened that our common man wandered into the "cheque" or Torgsin by accident (Vladimir Vysotsky told a very funny story about such a story in one of his songs). The goods on the shelves were striking in their brightness and variety, the numbers on the small plates seemed quite accessible, especially since there were no “dollar bugs” or other foreign symbols on the price tags. An attempt to buy something was stopped by the question: “What is your currency?” The naive buyer was timidly interested in whether it was possible to pay in rubles, to which he received the arrogant answer of the seller full of importance: the price is indicated in conventional units. The obscure ones were explained what u is. That is, after which they shamefully left the Soviet store, where it was better for the citizens of the USSR not to go ...

In a sea of ​​floating courses

After the introduction of the Jamaican currency system in 1978, such an important component of world economic relations as the rigid binding of the leading monetary units to the gold content disappeared. In the financial ocean, among floating rates, those countries feel confident in which the stability of the national currency is ensured by the well-being of macro indicators (balance of payments, the amount of external and internal debt, the size of the gross product, etc.) Citizens of such states have no idea about what is cu, they have enough of their own currency. The dollar exchange rate there is only interested in the subjects of foreign trade and exchange speculators. But this is as long as the rate of inflation is within acceptable and reasonable limits. When prices start to go up too quickly, the natural question arises of how to keep savings, or rather, the ability to buy something with them in the future. People stubbornly strive for some kind of binding, they need confidence in the future.

Dollar or euro?

Understanding what cu is and assessing the meaning of this term in the life of the nineties is impossible without an analysis of the economic situation of that era. The collapse of the Union was accompanied by the most unfortunate events, including the rapid depreciation of the Soviet ruble. When finding employment, an important material incentive was a dollar salary, the size of which today seems ridiculous. However, these are the realities. The worker knew for sure that, regardless of fluctuations in the exchange rate, the amount of goods that he could consume would remain relatively unchanged. Despite the fact that settlements on the territory of the country were made only in national currency, most of the prices (especially for imports) were indicated “in equivalent”. After the adoption of the common European currency, it became necessary to clarify what the conventional unit is equal to - the dollar or the euro.

Prohibitions, rulings and a way out of the situation

The lack of confidence in the national currency and the massive desire of citizens to keep savings in foreign currency testify to the unfavorable economic situation that has developed in the state. More suffering from this vice, can not be considered fully sovereign. An extreme manifestation of such a political situation can be the “freely joined territory” of Puerto Rico, whose citizens voluntarily abandoned their own monetary unit (the US dollar goes there) and other main signs of state independence. Russia had every chance of becoming the same "banana republic", despite the government decree issued in March 1993, designed to regulate the foreign exchange market and prohibit the circulation of foreign currency. Immediately, a simple but legally perfect way to avoid punishment for violating this legislative act appeared. As a rule, the transaction took place as follows: the buyer in his mind (or using a calculator) converted the conventional units into rubles, the amount was recorded in the purchase and sale agreement (most often underestimated), and then the pale green money tied with an elastic band was passed from hand to hand . No one usually bothered to run around the exchange offices.

Strength and weakness of the dollar. Hypothetical conventional unit of the near future

Many citizens, especially the elderly, resented the dominance of the American currency. “Why is everyone so chasing dollars, what is the power in them?” they wondered. "These pieces of paper are provided by the economic and industrial power of the United States," "enlightened economists" weightily explained to them. How fair is this today?

In recent decades, confidence in the dollar has declined significantly, despite the fact that it still performs the functions of an international means of payment. suffers from serious economic problems, including the astronomical huge and other consequences of "budget ballooning". Adding to the outlook is the gloominess and almost uncontrolled operation of the Fed's machines, which print money that is not backed by real content.

It is possible that the time of "free floating" exchange rates is coming to an end. The world economy again needs some kind of binding. Perhaps a new standard will be needed soon. Will it again be gold, another precious metal, or will states agree that a conventional unit is a certain amount of consumed energy (for example, 1 gigacalorie or 100 kWh)? Some economists are inclined to such options, and assumptions about what the universal measure of the future value will be converge on its energy nature.

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