Exercise to improve the eye muscles. What gymnastics for the eyes does Dr. Avetisov recommend?

There are various ways to restore vision, including non-surgical methods.

In ancient times, people used a special set of exercises that helped preserve vision.

Today, through the joint efforts of researchers, scientists, doctors, exercises to restore vision have been developed and improved, which have already proven their effectiveness more than once.

The main reason for the decrease in vision is the immobility of the eyes (when wearing glasses, when working that requires concentration in one direction, etc.), which provokes the inability to evenly distribute the curvature of the eyeball for focusing.

Usually, in order to regain a sharp and clear perception of the world, you just need to regularly perform a few exercises for the eyes. It is especially important for people who wear glasses to do the exercises, as the glasses keep the eyes still, which ultimately leads to even greater loss of vision.

One well-known American ophthalmologist, William Bates, who developed a non-drug method of restoring vision, was interested in the question of why the Indians retained excellent vision until old age. After observing the life of one of the American Indian tribes, he noted that they periodically began to perform incomprehensible eye movements. As it turned out, such movements were a kind of gymnastics for the eyes. Based on his observations, William Bates developed special exercises that helped restore normal vision.

Exercises for vision must be performed without putting much strain on the eyes, otherwise it can further impair vision and lead to soreness of the eyes. You need to start the exercises with a light complex, gradually complicating the exercises. In this case, you should strictly observe the number of recommended repetitions and pay attention to your feelings. It is worth noting that the exercise should be regular, then the process of restoring vision will be faster.

Exercises to Improve Vision

Vision exercises, regular exercise will help improve vision.

It helps to relax the muscles of the eyes of blinking: within 5-10 seconds, blink strongly and quickly close your eyes.

The exercise should be repeated 2-3 times.

A few more exercises that will help relieve tension in the eyes and improve vision:

  • Closing and opening the eyes: close your eyes for 2-3 seconds with force, then open your eyes sharply. The exercise should be repeated 10-15 times.
  • Eye movement: look to the left, then to the right (head in place). When performing the exercise, you need to direct your gaze to the farthest points. The exercise is repeated 10-15 times (you can also perform a similar exercise, looking up and down).
  • Movement in a circle: look around in a circle, while not moving your head (as in the previous exercise, you should try to look away to the farthest points). The exercise is repeated 10-15 times.

Exercises to restore vision

In today's world full of information, the eyes are in dire need of rest.

Vision exercises are primarily aimed at relaxing the eye muscles.

A wonderful rest for the eyes can be arranged with the help of your palms: close your eyes with your hands (you need to gently attach the inside of your palms to your eyes so that light does not penetrate, at the same time avoid strong pressure). In this position, you need to spend a few minutes, while you need to completely relax (you can perform the exercise to calm music).

There are different sets of exercises to restore vision, but when performing any exercise, you need to monitor your well-being (for any discomfort, fatigue or overstrain, you need to stop doing it). The main rule when doing exercises is that the eyes should not overwork. Before performing gymnastics for the eyes, you need to take a comfortable position, relax, breathing should be slow, deep.

The first exercise: reducing the eyes to the bridge of the nose (fix the gaze for a few seconds and return the gaze to its normal position). The exercise is repeated 2-3 times.

The second exercise: eye movement (the head remains in place) to the sides (left - right, to the most extreme points). The exercise must be performed slowly, while inhaling, move your eyes from one side to the other, hold your breath and fix your eyes at the extreme point. The exercise is repeated 2-3 times, the eye muscles should not be overstrained.

The third exercise: a circular movement of the eyes. Lower your gaze down, then slowly, while inhaling, draw a semicircle with your eyes to the right and up, linger in this position for a few seconds, then describe the semicircle to the left and down with your eyes, linger for a few seconds at the bottom point (after repeat the exercise in the opposite direction: left - up - right - down).

The exercise is repeated 2-3 times each side, the eyes should not overwork.

The fourth exercise: while inhaling, look at the tip of the nose, linger in this position for a few seconds, while exhaling, look straight ahead (to the most extreme point). The exercise is repeated 2-3 times.

Fifth exercise: place an object (finger, pencil, etc.) at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes, focus on the object while inhaling, look at the extreme point while exhaling (while fixing the gaze, hold your breath). The exercise is repeated 2-3 times.

Sixth exercise: cover closed eyes with fingers, inhale deeply 2-3 times.

Regular exercise will restore vision and prevent the aggravating development of existing eye diseases (myopia, astigmatism, etc.). In the early stages of diseases, with the help of such exercises, vision can be restored almost completely.

Exercises for vision with myopia

Myopia is a congenital or acquired eye disease in which objects located at a distant distance are poorly distinguished. With myopia, the image falls on a plane in front of the retina (in normal vision, the image is located on a specific plane of the retina).

The cause of myopia is the discrepancy between the length of the eye and the strength of the optical system, the greater the discrepancy, the more pronounced the disease.

Ophthalmologists distinguish three types of myopia: weak, medium, high.

The disease responds well to treatment, but the success of treatment largely depends on the person.

Special exercises for vision in the correction of vision in myopia are of particular importance. Such training helps to maintain and improve the vision of the patient. It is worth noting that the process of restoring vision takes time, the more advanced the disease, the longer it takes to recover.

  1. For six seconds, quickly blink your eyes, then take a short break and repeat the exercise (perform 2-3 repetitions in total).
  2. Close your eyes tightly for 4-5 seconds, then open your eyes for 4-5 seconds (perform 5-8 repetitions).
  3. Stretch your hand in front of you and concentrate your eyes on the fingertips (the hand is strictly in the middle of the face). Start slowly bringing your hand closer, while keeping your eyes on your fingertips until the image begins to split in two (perform 5-8 repetitions).
  4. With three fingers, it is easy to press on the eyelids, hold for a couple of seconds and remove the fingers (perform 4-5 repetitions).
  5. Slowly look up and down. When moving the eyes, the head should remain in place (perform 6-10 repetitions).
  6. Perform circular eye movements first to the left, then to the right (perform 3-6 repetitions).
  7. Take the half-bent arm to the side, follow the finger of the hand with your eyes, slowly move the hand to the left (while the gaze is focused on the finger, the head is motionless), perform 8-10 repetitions.

Exercises for vision with farsightedness

Farsightedness occurs when a person is unable to see near objects. This disorder is caused by far focusing of the image (in normal vision, the image focuses on the retina).

The average degree of farsightedness is different in that when looking at a closely located object, the image approximately corresponds to a normal one, since there is tension in the accommodative eye muscle. With a progressive disease, it is no longer possible to see objects not only near, but also located at a distant distance.

In farsightedness, vision exercises are used to correct vision. Such exercises can be performed not only at home, but also on the street or during a work break, but with one condition: eye exercises should be performed before meals and at least 2 times a day. All exercises should be done smoothly, without straining the eyes.

Exercises for vision with farsightedness:

  1. Sit down and stretch one hand forward, slightly bending (fingertips should be 40-50cm away from the eyes). Slowly make a circular motion with your finger, while focusing your eyes on the finger (the head remains in place). Repeat the exercise with the other hand, describing the circle with your finger in the other direction (repeat 8-12 times).
  2. Sit down, look in front of you, stretch your arm forward parallel to your eyes (the distance should be 30 cm). Focus on the far point, then on the fingertips (repeat 5-10 times).
  3. Sit down, look in front of you, turn your head to the side, simultaneously with turning your head you need to move your eyes, then turn your head straight again and repeat the exercise in the other direction (repeat 7-10 times in each direction).
  4. Eye movements left - right, up - down, clockwise and counterclockwise, also with farsightedness, it is recommended to alternately focus on close and distant objects.

With farsightedness in only one eye, the healthy eye should be closed with your hand for the duration of the exercises. Exercises in this case should be done until the vision is leveled.

The effectiveness of the exercises will appear only with regular training. With the first improvements, you should not quit classes, it is important to continue the exercises until your vision is fully restored (then it is recommended to perform exercises for prevention).

Vision exercises for children

During the first twelve years of a child's life, the organs of vision continue to develop. During this period, a colossal load falls on children's eyes (computers, phones, TVs, long reading in poor light or in an uncomfortable position, etc.), they are also exposed to external negative factors (infections, injuries, etc.).

To combat the problem of visual impairment, special exercises for vision will help, which will not only restore vision, but also prevent the development of certain pathologies.

  1. After watching TV for a long time, with reddened, tired eyes, you need to blink quickly, then squeeze your eyelids tightly for a few seconds.
  2. Close your eyes tightly for a few seconds, then open them and look into the distance.
  3. Follow the finger extended in front of the eyes (move the finger up, down, to the sides).
  4. Perform circular eye movements (you can also move from side to side).
  5. Gently massage closed eyes with index fingers.

Such exercises for the eyes should be carried out with the child daily, repeating each exercise 4-5 times. The best time to practice is in the evening. This complex is well suited for kids from two years old.

For older children who are already in school, many complexes have been developed to improve and correct vision. Over time, the load on children's eyes becomes greater. Modern children often sit in front of a computer, watch TV, read a lot according to the school curriculum. The child's eyes get tired quickly, and vision deteriorates, in this case, you can also offer the child to perform simple exercises that will help relax the muscles of the eyes and improve vision.

School-age children, first of all, need to remove the tension in the eyes: sitting on a chair, close your eyes with your palms. When performing the exercise, it is important not to put pressure on the eyelids.

In this position, you need to sit for several minutes.

If your eyes are tired, you need to blink quickly for one to two minutes, then close your eyelids tightly and gently massage your eyes with your index fingers.

To train the eyes, the following exercise is recommended: hand forward, gaze focused on one finger, then you need to look at any object that is further than three meters and return your gaze to the finger. This exercise helps to learn to see equally well both far and near.

You can also use a study window: stick a small sticker on the glass (no more than 5 mm in diameter), focus on this point, then look at something outside the window (as far as possible), trying to see all the details.

Zhdanov's exercises for vision

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is a scientist, public figure who advocates a life without bad habits, as well as natural methods for restoring vision based on the Bates method with additions to the Shichko method. V.G. Zhdanov conducts courses where he offers methodological materials for restoring vision and various vitamin supplements, which he recommends as an adjunct therapy.

Vladimir Zhdanov has developed various sets of exercises to restore vision, which help to get rid of various ophthalmic disorders: from fatigue to more serious diseases (astigmatism, myopia, etc.).

Each type of exercise is designed to resolve one ophthalmic problem.

For the exercise, you need two tables that have printed text (where each word is written on a new line and differs in font size - from large to small) and differ in size (the first is like three landscape sheets, the second is like a small notebook).

For classes, you need to close one eye (you can use glasses without glasses and cover one half with a black thick cloth), stand in the place from the table where the word from the first line (written in the largest font) is clearly visible, while the word on the second line is slightly visible worse. You need to hold the second table (smaller) in your hands. First, the word in the first row of the large table is read, then the gaze is transferred to the first word of the smaller table (repeat several times). After that, the second word is read in the second table (smaller) and the gaze is transferred to the second word of the large table, where you need to try to clearly see the written word (the exercise is repeated until the entire table is completed for both eyes).

This exercise allows the eyes not to strain when focusing. V. Zhdanov explains the effectiveness of the exercise by the fact that familiar words at a distance can increase visual acuity.

  1. Place the index finger at eye level at a distance of 2-3 cm (during the exercise, the gaze should be directed into the distance). Quickly move the index finger from side to side, then move the finger 20 cm from the eyes to the left, then return the finger to the eyes and move to the right.
  2. Stretch your hand forward (thumb up, palm into a fist), gaze focused on the thumb, blink several times, bring your hand closer to your eyes at a distance of 15 cm, blink several times and take your hand back to its previous position.
  3. The meaning of the exercise is that when the hand approaches, the eye muscles tense up, and when removed, they relax (the oblique muscles of the eyes are activated).

With strabismus, classes include a set of exercises that help strengthen and reduce tension in the eye muscles, as well as solarization on a candle.

Palming is well suited to relieve tension - warming the eyes with the warmth of one's hands. For the exercise, you need to close your eyes with crossed palms (light should not penetrate through your fingers when you open your eyes). In this position, you need to sit for several minutes. During the exercise, you can remember something pleasant, this will only increase the effectiveness of the exercise.

Solarization on a candle - for the exercise you will need a candle, in a dark room you need to put a candle on the table (you can replace it with another light source with a similar glow). There should be no other light sources in the room other than those you have installed. The gaze, without focusing on the candle, should be directed in front of you, quickly turn your head to the sides (the candle should remain within the peripheral vision).

To strengthen the muscles, you need to do loads directly on the squinting eye, it is recommended to close the healthy one or cover it with dark material. A simple exercise that requires a mirror increases the load on the necessary muscles: focus on your reflection and turn your head in different directions.

Exercises for vision with astigmatism are aimed at relaxing the muscles of the eye. Reading in bright light is recommended to reduce stress. When the text begins to "float" you need to do palming. Regular alternation of palming with reading allows you to almost completely eliminate eye strain.

Bates exercises to restore vision

William Bates is a renowned ophthalmologist. After five years of work as a doctor, he noticed that in all his patients who were prescribed glasses, their vision not only did not recover, but deteriorated significantly. As a doctor, Bates was greatly distressed by this fact, and he devoted thirty years of research practice and scientific work, on the basis of which he developed a system that helps restore vision. More than a hundred years have passed since Bates developed eye exercises, but no one has been able to invent a more effective way to improve vision. But, despite the numerous positive reviews of patients who, using the Bates method, were able to, if not completely restore, then noticeably improve their vision, official medicine is skeptical about such treatment methods.

Bates vision exercises are aimed at relaxing and strengthening the eye muscles.

Palming is the most effective way to relax the muscles of the eyes.

Before doing the exercise, you need to warm up your palms (rub them apart), then cover your eyes gently, without pressure, for a few minutes. Light should not penetrate through the fingers. If a dark field appears before the eyes, this means that the muscles are completely relaxed. The appearance before the eyes of any glare, light spots, etc. indicates a strong overexcitation of the eyes, in which case it is recommended to imagine darkness.

At the end of the exercise, you need to remove your hands (the eyes remain closed) and make a circular movement with your eyes, to the sides, up and down, then blink for a few seconds. Most patients note that after the exercise there is clarity in the eyes.

You can perform palming at any time with eye fatigue, the number of repetitions is not limited.

William Bates is also in a set of exercises to restore the vision of mental representation and memories. According to the doctor, thinking about pleasant things helps to relax the eye muscles. You can imagine a white paper sheet on which you can mentally draw or write whatever you want.

Solarization - a light source is needed to perform the exercises. Dr. Bates was an opponent of sunglasses. He believed that bright sunlight had a beneficial effect on the eyes. The exercise can also be performed with a candle, lamp, however, sunlight is most effective.

For the exercise, you need to stand in front of the window and turn your head left and right (the look is not focused on the light source).

To practice, you need to stand in front of a window or at a door (the main thing is that objects of different distances are clearly visible, for example, a pole is near, a tree is far away). Put your feet shoulder-width apart and gently swing your body in different directions (the center of gravity is transferred from one leg to another). During the exercise, it will begin to seem that with a right tilt, a nearby object (a pillar in this case) begins to move to the left, while crossing a tree (a distant object) and vice versa. Such movements should be the focus. Then you need to close your eyes and continuing to sway, mentally imagine the intersection of objects, then open again and observe the movement.

Norbekov's exercises for vision

Mirzakarim Norbekov, a figure in alternative medicine, offers a special technique for restoring vision, based on the practice of Eastern healers and modern achievements.

Norbekov's treatment is based on psychological aspects. He believes that a person, first of all, should stop considering himself sick, weak, should get rid of self-doubt.

However, Norbekov does not consider his own method for restoring vision to be curative, he refers it to training programs, although it includes not only the principles of self-hypnosis, but also physical exercises, most of which are taken from Bates’s proven vision restoration technique over the years. Exercises for vision actually help get rid of a number of diseases in diseases of the organs of vision.

Vision is the most important function of the body, allowing you to fully live, work and relax. The opportunity given to us from birth to see the world around us is taken for granted. Taking care of the beauty of the figure and face, we care little about the health of the eyes and pay attention to the organs of vision only when obvious problems begin.

Modern medicine allows you to quickly solve many eye diseases without any effort. However, all these "quick" methods have a number of contraindications, risks and complications. A slow but sure way, if not dramatically improve, then significantly stop the decline in vision and achieve a certain remission - this is gymnastics for the eyes, requiring only one thing: perseverance and thoroughness in its implementation. There are many sets of exercises and corrective techniques designed for both people with healthy eyes and those who have vision problems, including children.

In this article, we will present the most popular and effective sets of exercises that allow you to maintain and improve the condition of the organs of vision, which are simple, understandable and easy, and most importantly - absolutely free and require only your own work on yourself.

Universal eye gymnastics to maintain and improve vision

The set of exercises presented below is suitable for people whose professional activities are associated with constant tension of the visual apparatus, children with myopia or an increased risk of this disease (heredity, intense study, etc.).

You should repeat them every day, allocating a specific time for gymnastics so that nothing distracts or interferes with you. You can not use all the exercises, but choose the most suitable for yourself.

Exercise 1 - "Squinting"

Sit on a chair and squeeze your eyes shut for 5 seconds, then open your eyelids for 5 seconds too. Repeat 7-8 times.
Effect: relaxation of the muscular apparatus of the eye, strengthening the muscles of the eyelids, improving blood circulation.

Exercise 2 - "Blink"

Sit on a chair with a straight head and blink rapidly for at least 1 minute.
Effect: improvement of blood circulation and blood supply to the eyes.

Exercise 3 - "Moving the eye"

In a standing position (head straight), look into the distance for 2-3 seconds. Bring the index finger of the hand to the face and place it at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes, in the middle line, move the eyes to the tip of the finger and hold the gaze for 3-5 seconds, then lower the hand. Repeat 10 times.
Effect: training of the muscular apparatus of the eye.

Exercise 4 - "Massage of the eyelids"

In a sitting position, close the eyelids and gently massage the eyes with a fingertip: the upper eyelid from the inner to the outer edge, the lower eyelid - vice versa. Massage for 1 minute.
Effect: relaxation of the muscles holding the eye and stimulation of blood circulation.

Exercise 5 - Alternate eye training

In a standing position, place the index finger of the hand along the midline of the face at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes, peer into the tip of the finger for 5 seconds. Cover the left eye with the palm of the second hand for 5 seconds, without taking your eyes off the finger with the right eye. Then remove the palm and again look at the finger with both eyes for 5 seconds. Repeat in the same order with the other eye. Repeat 5 times for each eye.
Effect: training of the work of both eyes.

Exercise 6 - "Horizontal eye movements"

In a standing position with a motionless head, take your right hand in a half-bent position to the side, stretch your index finger and slowly move your hand to the other side, following the finger with your eyes, then also slowly return your hand to its original position, without taking your eyes off the finger. Repeat 10 times.
Effect: strengthening the muscles responsible for the horizontal movements of the eyeball, improving eye coordination.

Exercise 7 - "Pressing on the eyelids"

In a sitting position, close your eyes, put three fingers on each eyelid and lightly press on the eyelid, hold your fingers for 2 seconds and then take your hands away from your eyes. Repeat 5 times.
Effect: Improvement of fluid circulation inside the eye.

Exercise 8 - "Look fixation"

In a sitting position, look into the distance and fix your gaze for 5 seconds, then transfer it to the tip of the nose, fix it for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 6 times.
Effect: development of the ability to keep a look at objects close to the eyes for a long time.

Exercise 9 - "Vertical eye movements"

In a standing position with a motionless head, raise the half-bent right hand up, stretch out the index finger and fix the gaze on it, then slowly move the hand vertically down, and also slowly return the hand to its original position. Repeat 10 times.
Effect: strengthening the muscles responsible for the vertical movements of the eyeballs, training eye coordination.

Exercise 10 - "Circular movements"

In a sitting position with a motionless head, stretch a half-bent arm in front of you and take it to the right. Stretch out your index finger, fix your gaze on it and start circular movements with your hand clockwise so that the finger is at a distance of half a meter from the eyes. Repeat the same with the other hand, making circular movements counterclockwise. Repeat 5 times.
Effect: development of coordination of complex movements, strengthening of the vestibular apparatus.

Exercise 11 - "Movement in different directions"

In a standing position with a motionless head, raise your eyes as high as possible, then lower your eyes down, then to the right and finally to the left. Repeat 8 times.
Effect: training complex eye movements.

Exercise 12 - "Circular movements-2"

In a sitting position, fixing your head in a fixed position, raise your eyes up and make them move in a circle, clockwise. Then do the same, but counterclockwise. Repeat 5 times.
Effect: increased stability of vestibular reactions, development of complex eye movements.

Exercise 13 - "Static Stress"

In a sitting position, close your eyes and fix your head in a stationary position. With closed eyelids, raise your eyes up, then down, then turn to the right and finally to the left. Repeat 6 times, remembering to keep your eyes closed.
Effect: development of the ability of static stress.

Exercise 14 - "Diagonal"

In a standing position, lower your head and look at the left foot, then raise your head and look at the upper right corner of the room. Lower your head and look at the right foot, raise your head and look at the upper left corner of the room. Repeat 4 times.
Effect: Improving the coordination of movements of both the eyes and the head.

Exercise 15 - "Training the muscles of the eye"

In a standing position, look at the opposite wall (being a couple of meters away from it), mentally divide the distance to the wall into 2 equal parts and look at an imaginary point that separates both halves of the room. Then divide the half that is closer to you by another half and look at an imaginary point in the middle. Divide the rest of the distance in half and again fix your eyes on the point passing in the middle. Repeat 5 times.
Effect: coordination and training of the internal and external muscles of the eyes, development of the ability to judge distances.

With due diligence and work on yourself for at least six months, there is a real chance to improve your eyesight! These exercises are aimed at solving specific problems that lead to myopia. The first 7 exercises are considered to be simpler and easier, so they are suitable for beginners and those with good eyesight, i.e. as a preventive measure. The remaining exercises are considered gymnastics of increased complexity, and are aimed at correcting vision, but you should move on to them after mastering the first half of the complex.

The total time to complete the complex after all the exercises are mastered and learned is 7-10 minutes. Those. easy, quick and useful gymnastics will help improve vision without financial costs and health risks.

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Norbekov

The author of the technique for restoring vision is Mirzakarim Norbekov, who is not a doctor, but positions himself as a person of high will and fortitude. Having improved his knowledge in martial arts, Norbekov devoted a lot of time to studying the aspects of a healthy lifestyle and health promotion. Mirzarkim heads the Institute of Self-Restoration that he opened.

His methodology is controversial and ambiguously evaluated among professional ophthalmologists, as well as the author's popular work "The Fool's Experience, or the Key to Enlightenment".

Restoring vision according to the Norbekov method is gymnastics for the eyes (physical aspect) and auto-training or normalization of the emotional background (psychological aspect). According to the author, only when you perceive yourself as happy, healthy, active, you can achieve healing. Thus, patients starting to perform this complex should not perceive themselves as sick people, and the world around them should become a close and kindred environment.

Seven exercises included in the complex gently affect the organs of vision. When performing the complex, there should be no overstrain or pain in the eyes. All exercises should be performed with a flat back, which, according to the author, is a fundamental success factor.

Exercise 1. The head is in a straight position. Slowly follow your eyes up to the extreme point, and then continue to move your eyes, as if looking through your forehead. Return the gaze to its original position and then direct it down, as if looking through the throat, return to its original position.

Exercise 2. The head is in a straight position. Look through the left ear, return to the starting position. Do the same with the right ear.

Exercise 3. The head is straight and motionless. With the eyes it will be necessary to mentally draw geometric shapes, but without squinting or overstraining the muscles:

draw a diagonal, looking from the lower left corner (on the wall of the room) to the upper right corner. Go down to the lower right corner and look at the upper left corner. Then do the same exercise in reverse, starting from the lower right corner. After the exercise, you need to blink often without tension, which will allow you to relax the muscles of the eyes.

Exercise 4. "Eight". Keep your head in a fixed position, and draw a horizontal figure eight (infinity sign) with your eyes. The size of the figure should match the contours of the face. Alternate the direction of "drawing". After the exercise, blink your eyes often, relaxing the muscles.

Exercise 5. In a calm and quiet environment, focus on the tip of your own nose, then slowly look in front of you, while trying to examine the surrounding objects on the sides, without moving your eyes.

After this technique is mastered, the exercise is performed in the following sequence:

  • fixing the gaze on the tip of the nose;
  • moving the gaze forward, slowly;
  • fixation of objects located on the sides with fixed eyes;
  • fixing the gaze on the bridge of the nose, then again slowly forward, and an attempt to examine the neighboring environment without moving the eyes;
  • the same thing, but with the initial fixation of the gaze on the bridge of the nose.

Exercise 6. Bring the index fingers of both hands to the tip of the nose, concentrate on the fingers and slowly spread the fingers to the sides, trying to follow with each eye the corresponding finger of the hand, i.e. side vision. Repeat 2-3 times, then relax your eyes by blinking 10-20 times.

Exercise 7. "Great circle". Fix the head in a fixed position and keep it throughout the exercise. Imagine before your eyes a large dial, painted in golden color. Circle the contour of the clock with your eyes, fixing each digit with your eyes, performing movements in two opposite directions. The contour of the imaginary dial should be even, gradually increasing in diameter. Repeat the exercise several times.

To achieve maximum effect, M. Norbekov recommends:

  • follow the specified sequence of exercises;
  • perform the complex first with open eyes, then with closed ones, and at the last stage mentally;
  • do everything with a positive, good mood and in a calm, pleasant environment;
  • set yourself up for a positive result and believe that with each new opening of the eyes after the training, the vision will become better.

Exercises according to Zhdanov

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is the author of a popular technique based on the fact that visual impairment occurs due to improper functioning of the muscular apparatus of the eyes, which is responsible for their mobility. The exercises he proposed are very similar to the gymnastics proposed back in the early 20th century by W. Bates.

The complex is based on relaxing overly tense muscles and toning weakened muscle fibers. This allows you to create an optimal balance of eye muscle mobility, which should restore visual acuity and focus.

Simple and accessible techniques help to cope with myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism, identified in the early stages.

Exercises for nearsightedness and farsightedness

Before proceeding with their implementation, you need to relax by sitting on a chair and blinking your eyes quickly. Exercises are performed exclusively with the eyes, the face remains motionless. Each exercise lasts about 5 seconds and is repeated 6-10 times.

  • Look up, and then look down, moving the eyeballs. Only the eyeball moves. Repeat for 5 seconds, but at least 6 times.
  • Look as far to the left as possible, then as far as possible to the right.
  • Move your eyes in a circle, first clockwise, and then vice versa.
  • Quickly squeeze and unclench the eyelids.
  • Draw diagonal lines with your eyes: from the lower right corner, look to the upper left corner, and vice versa.
  • Blink frequently, avoiding strong squeezing of the eyelids.
  • Place your index finger on the bridge of your nose and focus on it.
  • Stand near the window, focus on a close object (window handle), then quickly look at a distant object and focus on it.

Exercise for astigmatism

The proposed exercises for the correction of astigmatism do not find recognition among ophthalmologists, but the number of fans of the technique does not decrease.

All exercises should be repeated at least 6 times, after completing each exercise, relax your eyes by blinking frequently without strong squeezing of the eyelids:

  • Alternately draw imaginary lines with your eyes up and down, and then right and left, as if drawing a cross.
  • Draw an imaginary circle with your eyes.
  • Repeat the technique of the first exercise, adding a cross from diagonal lines.
  • Draw a square with your eyes.
  • Outline an imaginary number eight, and then the sign of infinity.
  • In the future, the complex can be complicated by “drawing” more complex shapes (spiral, trapezoid, polygon).

Palming for the eyes

These techniques allow you to warm up the eyes with the heat emanating from the palms, relieve muscle strain, improve blood circulation, therefore they are shown to everyone with vision problems.

Sit at the table so that it is comfortable, place your elbows on the surface of the table. The fingers on the hands should be tightly connected and rubbed with the palms in this position. Close your eyes and press your crossed palms tightly to your face, covering your eyes with them and leaving your nose free. When opening the eyelids, light should not penetrate between the fingers, i.e. there should be no cracks. In this position, you should stay for 2-3 minutes.

Tibetan gymnastics

In Eastern medicine, the eyes are associated with the Wood element and the color green. It is the green color that has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision. Therefore, some green object (grass-colored) should be placed next to the computer and periodically, for 5-10 minutes, look at it.

Eye massage

During breaks during the day (and you should break away from the monitor every 30-45 minutes), you can do a useful self-massage, which consists in smoothing the upper and lower eyelids with your eyes closed. Another trick is to rotate with closed eyes, while the fingers should lightly press on the eyelids.

A set of exercises for the eyes

Effective exercises that have been invented for a very long time help improve vision.

  1. Place your index fingers at a distance of 40 cm from the eyes in a vertical position. Focus on the fingers, then begin to spread the arms to the sides until the eyes are able to see the fingers with peripheral vision, then bring the hands together again, without releasing the index fingers with a glance. This exercise smoothly flows into the next one.
  2. The index fingers are in front of the eyes, you need to focus on them, then look at any object that is several meters away. Fix your eyes on a distant object for 5 seconds, then look at your fingers again. Repeat 3-4 times.
  3. Close your eyes and with gentle movements gently press the eyelids with your fingertips 6 times. Then open your eyes and try not to blink for 6 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
  4. Squeeze and open your eyes with force 6 times, then open your eyes wide and, trying not to blink, keep your eyes open for 6 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
  5. Lower your eyes down, move them to the right, then up, left and down, repeating the circle 3 times. Then raise your eyes and look straight to the right for a while. Perform the exercise on the other side 3 times.
  6. Blink your eyes frequently without squinting for 2 minutes.
  7. With light movements of the fingertips, stroke the eyelids.

At the end of the complex, you should sit with your eyes closed for 3-5 minutes.

Eye wash

For this useful procedure, take a wide basin, which is filled with cold water. For additional cooling, you can add a couple of ice cubes to the water. Lower your face into a basin of water, keeping your eyes closed, and then open your eyes. Perform rotational eye movements in water with a large amplitude 10-20 times (3 sets). After washing, wipe your face with a towel.

Under the influence of cold water, the vessels of the eyes narrow, and after the procedure is over, the vessels expand again, which leads to an improvement in the blood supply to the eye. Proteins will become brighter, and the eyes will acquire a healthy glow.

There are other techniques of Tibetan gymnastics that are performed at the energy level, which, as their adherents say, improve vision with the power of thought and the inner potential of a person.

Connoisseurs of Tibetan medicine also say something that ophthalmologists cannot disagree with - dull eyes speak of ill health. But a clear look indicates good physical and mental health.

Children's gymnastics for the eyes

Myopia in childhood, in addition to hereditary factors and congenital pathologies, develops as a variant of eye adaptation to excessive visual load. Functional changes turn into structural ones, allowing you to see without tension those objects that are at a close distance from the eyes, but the ability to clearly see distant objects gradually worsens (see).

To prevent myopia and slow down the progression of the disease, ophthalmologists recommend regular exercise. For children 3-4 years old, 2 lessons of 3-4 minutes a day are enough. In the future, the training time can be increased, but not more than 10 minutes, so that the eyes do not get tired. For schoolchildren from 6 years old, you can use the first 7 exercises given at the beginning of our article, and for older ones, from 10 years old, add a couple of exercises from the second part of the same complex to the complex.

Gymnastics for the eyes for children involves the movement of the eyeballs in all directions. However, children do not always perceive well, albeit not very difficult, but still exercises. Many authors recommend performing gymnastics with children, explaining the sequence of actions in a playful or poetic form. Children will not perceive such activities as boring, they will quickly remember everything and will begin to perform a set of exercises with pleasure.

  • Toddlers perceive associations well. For each exercise, you should come up with a suitable action familiar to the guys. For example, blink your eyes often, often, like a butterfly flaps its wings;
  • Exercises in poetry can be found on the Internet, or you can show your imagination and compose funny poetic rhymes for the guys every time;
  • After each exercise, praise the kids, encourage their efforts with kind words;
  • After a set of exercises to relieve eye strain, children should make grimaces - this is fun and very useful!
Cat Dragonfly
Here the window is open
(spread arms out to sides) The cat went to the ledge
(walk like a cat)

The cat looked up
(raises eyes up)

The cat looked down
(lower eyes down)

Here it turned to the left
(looks to the left)

I watched the flies
(move eyes from left to right)

Turned her eyes to the right
I looked at the cat
(looks to the right)

And then looked straight ahead
(looking straight ahead)

And covered them with my hands
(cover them with hands)

That's what a dragonfly - like pea eyes
(makes glasses with fingers) Left - right, back - forward
(move eyes left and right)

Well, just like a helicopter
(make circular eye movements)

We are flying high
(looking up)

We're flying low
(looking down)

We fly far
(look ahead)

We fly close
(looking down)

Gymnastics for the eyes for children is called ophthalmic pauses and is one of the methods of recovery. Gymnastics is useful not only for children with vision problems - exercises help relieve tension, strengthen eye muscles and increase blood circulation in the eyes. Special conditions for their implementation are not required, they can be carried out in play kindergartens, in the classroom, as well as at home.

The child's head must be still. This position is easier to maintain in a sitting position.

  1. Alternately raise and lower your eyes, then look to the right, and then to the left. Repeat 3 times;
  2. Close your eyes and be in this position for 10 seconds;
  3. Draw an imaginary circle with your eyes, first in one direction, then in the second direction;
  4. Draw an imaginary square with your eyes, and move your gaze inside it from diagonally;
  5. Draw a figure (number, letter) with your nose in the air;
  6. Close the eyes and bring them to the nose, imagine that the nose begins to grow and stretch like Pinocchio's (about 8 seconds), then imagine how the nose decreases back (about 8 seconds), open the eyes;
  7. Make faces (ask the child to portray some animal).

Contraindications to gymnastics for the eyes

If there are even the slightest changes in the health of the organs of vision or any eye diseases, the possibility of carrying out the treatment complexes described above should be clarified with an ophthalmologist.

Any exercises for the eyes, and especially those that involve the muscular apparatus of the eyes, are contraindicated in case of retinal detachment, as well as in the recovery period after retinal surgery.

Date: 04/22/2016

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  • Exercise to restore vision No. 1 - gymnastics for the eyes
  • Vision Recovery Exercise #2 - Palming
  • Vision restoration exercise No. 3 - working with a table
  • Vision Recovery Exercise #4 - Sniper Method
  • Vision Recovery Exercise #5 - Butterfly

For people who have poor vision, exercises to restore vision can come. After all, people who experience vision problems to some extent are ready to do anything to regain their visual acuity and get rid of the flies before their eyes. Many may doubt whether exercise is possible, but many years of medical practice once again proves the effectiveness of this method of treating and preventing vision.

Exercises vary in degree of difficulty and the way they are performed. But what is important in any of these exercises is the frequency of their implementation. To achieve the desired result, the patient must practice daily. For example, doing exercises every day, spending about 20-30 minutes on them, you can practically reach one without spending money on surgeries, medicines or glasses.

Exercises to restore vision are a set of gymnastics that must be performed in the morning (and, if possible, in the evening). Often, nothing superfluous is required to perform such exercises, no additional preparations are needed, therefore, wherever a person is (at work, at home, on a business trip), he can always perform this.

Everyone for himself can make a set of exercises for the eyes, but you can also easily use ready-made ones. It is desirable before performing the selected complex, it is necessary that at the end of the training it is possible to fix the changes that have occurred and see the trend in the restoration of vision.

In the morning, you can devote time to:

  1. Gymnastics for the eyes.
  2. Palming.
  3. Work with a table for checking vision.

In the evening before going to bed, you can do the same thing, but adding another sniper technique.

As noted above, if a person has time during the daytime, then gymnastics for the eyes can also be performed during the day. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. The patient should be guided by his inner feelings and monitor his well-being.

The eyes should not get tired, they should not be strained once again, otherwise, instead of improving, you can simply get a complication. Each of the points of the complex of exercises must be considered in more detail.

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Exercise to restore vision No. 1 - gymnastics for the eyes

Gymnastics for the eyes consists of a complex of various movements. The purpose of this gymnastics is aimed at improving blood circulation and metabolism. In addition, this exercise allows you to train the muscles of the eyes, keeping them in good shape, contributing to the best focus or relaxation if necessary. Such gymnastics for the eyes should be done without tension, lightness is important here.

  • up and down movements;
  • exercise "Butterfly" (light stroke of eyelashes);
  • movements left and right;
  • light stroke of eyelashes;
  • movement in the corners from top to bottom, moving diagonally from left to right;
  • light stroke of eyelashes;
  • movement in the corners from top to bottom, moving diagonally from right to left;
  • light stroke of eyelashes;
  • movement counterclockwise along the trajectory of the square;
  • light stroke of eyelashes;
  • clockwise movement along the trajectory of the square;
  • light stroke of eyelashes;
  • movement counterclockwise along the trajectory of the circle;
  • light stroke of eyelashes;
  • clockwise movement along the trajectory of the circle;
  • light stroke of eyelashes;
  • snake movement to the right and left;
  • light sweep of the eyelashes.

This set of exercises for the eyes is performed first once, then you can increase the number of repetitions. After the first time, many note an uncomfortable condition of the eyes. Doctors say that it is the muscles of the eye that hurt, there is nothing to worry about here. The technique for performing these exercises is quite simple to perform them at home.

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Vision Recovery Exercise #2 – Palming

Exercise for is called palming. There are no restrictions for this exercise. Its purpose is to increase blood circulation and metabolism. This exercise allows the eyes to relax and unwind.

  1. It is necessary to take a comfortable position (sit or lie down).
  2. Rub your hands together to keep warm.
  3. Fold crosswise.
  4. Cover your eyes with your hands, not touching them, but blocking the light.

Hands should be in a comfortable position, they need to be relaxed to allow the eyes to relax. If everything is done correctly, you can feel the warmth that comes from the hands. It is believed that this is a healing warmth. This is a kind of massage to restore vision. Although it is important to note that massage is also one of the useful parts of training. Palming is performed for five minutes.

For this exercise, it is important to find a quiet place so that no one and nothing distracts from its implementation.

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Vision restoration exercise No. 3 - work with the table

It is believed that if you compare all the exercises to restore vision with each other and evaluate their quality, then this will be the best and most effective. Without working with this test card, it will not be easy to restore vision. After all, all other exercises for the eyes only help to make this recovery faster. The table is a device for restoring vision, which allows you to see the dynamics of recovery. The exercise with the table is the main one, it allows you to set a goal to which a person will go, performing all the exercises.

The table can be purchased ready-made, you can make it yourself by printing it on a computer. The main thing is that working with it will allow you to find out what kind of vision a person currently has. It is necessary to carry out an eye test strictly according to the table, placing it in a well-lit place. It is important to learn how to evaluate your results honestly and objectively. You need to consider the table from different distances. If it is difficult to see the letter, then you need to come closer. Each eye is tested separately and then both eyes should be tested together. All readings are recorded in drafts.

Thanks to these recordings, it will then be possible to assess the dynamics of the return of vision.

Vision problems in our time are relevant for a large number of people. There are many techniques that can improve vision. Some of them are fast, some are slow. One of the slow but effective, affordable and safe methods is eye exercises to improve vision. There are a huge number of corrective techniques that are designed both for people with absolutely healthy eyes, and for those who have certain problems. Let's take a look at some effective methods.

The complex presented below is great for those who often expose the organs of vision to increased stress, as well as children who have or are prone to myopia. It is recommended to do the exercises every day.

The following are considered universal exercises for the eyes:

  • Squinting. Sit on a chair and close your eyes for five seconds, then open your eyelids for the same amount of time. Repeat 7-8 times. This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the eyelids, relaxes the eyes, and improves blood circulation.
  • Blink. Sitting on a chair, keep your head straight, start blinking rapidly for at least one minute. It helps to improve blood supply and circulation in the eye area.
  • Moving gaze. The exercise is aimed at training the muscles of the eye. In a standing position, look into the distance for 2-3 seconds. Bring your index finger to your face at a distance of 30 cm, move your eyes to its tip and hold your gaze in this position for 3-5 seconds, then lower your hand. Repeat the exercise at least ten times.
  • Eyelid massage. Sit on a chair, close your eyelids, gently massage your eyes with your pincushion. The lower eyelid from the outer edge to the inner, the upper - vice versa. Repeat this for a minute. Massage helps improve blood circulation and relaxes the muscles that hold the eye.
  • Alternate eye training. Stand up, place your index finger on the center line of the face at a distance of about 30 cm, for five seconds, carefully look at its tip for five seconds. Cover your left eye with your palm for five seconds. The right finger should not take your eyes off. Then remove your hand and look at the finger again with both eyes for five seconds. In the same order, do the exercise with the second eye. Repeat five times for each eye.
  • Horizontal eye movements. In a standing position, keep your head straight, move your right hand to the side in a half-bent position, stretch your index finger and smoothly move your hand to the other side, while carefully looking at the finger, then smoothly return your hand to its original position without taking your eyes off the finger. Repeat ten times. This exercise improves eye coordination and strengthens the muscles responsible for the horizontal movements of the eyeball.
  • Pressing on the eyelids. Close your eyes, put three fingers on each eyelid and gently press it, holding your fingers for two seconds, then move your hands away from your eyes. Repeat the exercise five times. This action helps to improve the circulation of fluid inside the eye.
  • Gaze fixation. Sitting on a chair, look into the distance, fix your gaze for five seconds, then move it to the tip of your nose and fix it again, repeat six times.
  • Vertical eye movements. Standing and not moving your head, raise your half-bent right hand, stretch out your index finger and fix your eyes on it, then smoothly move your hand down vertically and also slowly return it to its original position.
  • Circular movements. Sitting with a motionless head, stretch your hand in front of you, take it to the right. Stretch your index finger, focus on it and make circular movements with your eyes in a clockwise direction so that the finger is located at a distance of about half a meter. Do similar manipulations with the second hand, moving your eyes already counterclockwise. Repeat five times. This exercise additionally strengthens the vestibular apparatus.
  • Side movements. Stand up, keeping your head still, raise your eyes as high as possible, then lower them down, move them to the right and left. Repeat eight times.
  • Static stress. Close your eyes while sitting, keep your head still. Raise your eyes up with closed eyelids, then lower them, turn to the right and left. Do this six times.
  • Diagonal. Lower your head in a standing position and look at your left foot, then raise your head and look to the upper right corner of the room. Lower your head and look at your right foot, then raise your head and look at the upper left corner of the room. Repeat four times.
  • Eye training. In a standing position, look at the opposite wall of the room, then mentally divide the distance to the wall into two equal parts and direct your gaze to an imaginary point that separates both halves of the room. Then divide the half closest to you into another half and look at an imaginary dot in the middle. Divide the other part of the distance in half too, and fix your eyes on the central point. Do this five times.

By regularly performing such eye training to improve vision, you can normalize its work and prevent a number of problems, including myopia. The first seven exercises are simpler and can be used by beginners and those who do not have vision problems and do exercises for prevention. The remaining exercises are more difficult, and they are aimed at correcting vision, and you can move on to them only when you have mastered the first half of the complex. The total time for its implementation should be 7-10 minutes. Thanks to such simple and quick gymnastics, you can improve your eyesight without any financial investment and health risks.

A set of exercises for the eyes according to Norbekov

Eye training has proven itself to improve vision according to the Norbekov method. Mirzakarim Norbekov, the author of the technique, insists on the importance of the patient's positive attitude in the effectiveness of exercises. The complex itself includes seven exercises.

In the process of performing gymnastics, pain or overexertion should not occur. It is also important to do it with a straight back.

The exercises themselves are:

  • Keep your head in a straight position. Gently look up to the maximum extreme point, then slowly continue to move your eyes, as if you are trying to look through the forehead. Then return your gaze to its original position and direct it down, as if passing it through the throat.
  • Keep your head straight. Look through the right ear, return to the starting position. Do the same but with the right ear.
  • The head is straight and motionless. Draw geometric shapes with your eyes without squinting or straining your muscles. Draw a diagonal from the lower left corner of the room to the upper right. Then go down to the lower right corner and draw a line with your eyes to the upper left. Then do the exercise in reverse order.
  • "Eight". The head is motionless, draw an infinity sign with your eyes so that the size of the figure corresponds to the contours of the face. Change the direction of drawing, at the end blink your eyes and relax your muscles.
  • In a calm environment, hold your eyes on the tip of your nose, then gently direct your eyes in front of you, trying to examine the surrounding objects located on the sides. The eyes should not move.

When you master this technique, the exercises should be performed in the following sequence:

  • fix the gaze on the tip of the nose;
  • smoothly move your gaze forward;
  • fix on objects that are located on the sides;
  • fix your eyes on the bridge of your nose, then smoothly move it forward and try to see what is nearby;
  • bring your index fingers to the tip of your nose, fix your gaze on them and gently spread them to the side, trying to follow the finger from the corresponding side with each eye. Do the exercise 2-3 times, then blink and relax your eyes.
  • "Great circle". The head does not need to move during the entire exercise. Imagine before your eyes a dial painted in gold. Draw a smooth outline with his eyes, gradually increasing the diameter. Repeat several times.

Palming for the eyes

Palming is a simple and popular eye exercise to improve vision. Techniques allow you to warm up the eyes with the warmth emanating from the palms, improve blood circulation, relieve muscle tension, therefore they can be used by everyone who has vision problems.

Sit at the table so that it is comfortable for you to put your elbows on the surface of the table. Tightly connect your fingers, rub your palms. With your eyes closed, place your crossed palms on them, leaving your nose free. When opening the eyelids, light should not break through the fingers - complete darkness is important. Stay in this position for 2-3 minutes

Eye Health Exercises

There is another complex of gymnastics for the eyes to improve vision, which includes the following exercises:

  • Place your index fingers vertically at a distance of 40 cm from the eyes. Concentrate your eyes on the finger, begin to spread your arms to the sides until your eyes can see the fingers in peripheral vision, then bring your hands together again, without releasing your fingers. This exercise gradually flows into the next.
  • Place your index fingers in front of your eyes, focus on them, then look at an object a few meters away. Focus on it for five seconds, then look at your fingers again. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.
  • Close your eyes, gently press the eyelids with pads (6 times). Open your eyes and don't blink for six seconds. Perform these steps three times.
  • Close and open your eyes forcefully 6 times, then open them wide and try not to blink for six seconds. Repeat the exercise at least three times.
  • Lower your eyes down, move them to the right, up, then to the left and down, repeat circles three times. Raise your eyes and look only to the right for a certain time. Repeat three times for the other side.
  • Within two minutes, perform frequent blinking without squinting.
  • Gently stroke your eyelids with light finger movements.

After completing the complex, sit with your eyes closed for 3-5 minutes.

There are other options for gymnastics for the eyes to improve vision. If you have any problems with your eyes, it is better that the complex is selected by a doctor.

We offer you to watch some videos with exercises to improve vision.

Exercises to improve vision on video

Every day we have to process large amounts of data and information. We often use a computer for these purposes. Therefore, our eyes, which are almost always in a state of tension, get tired too quickly. This is often the cause of vision problems.

Even if you have not yet experienced eye diseases, your eyes need rest. Otherwise, overexertion can lead to their redness and dryness, as well as a decrease in visual acuity. You can relieve tension and fatigue and strengthen the eye muscles with the help of special sets of exercises and gymnastics for the eyes.

In this section, we have collected for you the most popular and effective exercises for vision. But how to do gymnastics for the eyes correctly?

Rules for doing exercises for the eyes

Eye exercises, like any kind of gymnastics, are beneficial only if they are performed regularly, taking into account all the rules and for a long time. They are aimed at training, strengthening and relaxing the eye muscles, either at rest or, conversely, experiencing heavy loads (for example, when working at a computer). You can use our tips to improve your eyesight or find many effective free eye exercises online. This will help you in the prevention of eye diseases. Remember that you should not do many repetitions at a time: doing visual gymnastics in 2-3 sets during the day will be much more beneficial. In between repetitions, it is recommended to blink quickly, this helps to reduce the load on the eye muscles.

Eye Relaxation Exercises

Exercise 1 - "Letter with the nose"

A similar exercise for the eyes helps to relax the muscles and neck. Their overvoltage leads to disruption of proper blood supply, which is harmful to health. This exercise for vision is recommended to be performed in a sitting position. But this is an optional requirement. First you need to relax by closing your eyes. Imagine that a pen is attached to the tip of your nose. It is important that you do not strain your eyes while doing this. Start moving your imaginary pen in the air as if you were drawing or writing.

Exercise 2 - "Palming"

To perform this visual exercise, you need to relax and sit up straight. Cover your eyes with your hands so that the center of the right palm is at the level of the right pupil. The same condition must be met for the left side. Do not press your palms hard to your face. You can cross your fingers on your forehead or place them next to each other - do as you like. It is only important that there are no "slits" that let light through. Check that you follow all the rules. Now lower your eyelids. Your eyes are not only closed, but also additionally protected by the palms, which contributes to complete relaxation.

Exercise 3 - "Through your fingers"

To perform such gymnastics for vision, bend your elbows, while palms with outstretched open fingers should be located below eye level. Then gently turn your head to the left and right, while looking into the distance through your fingers. Don't focus on specific items. When performed correctly, the exercise gives the impression that your hands are moving. Do 3 turns, alternately opening and closing your eyes. Repeat 20-30 times. At the same time, breathe freely and relaxed. Children can arrange a little physical exercise for the eyes, which will help to quickly relieve stress in a playful way.

Exercise 4 - “Eye movements to the sides”

When performing this visual exercise, it is necessary to move the eyeballs 7 times in the following directions: up-down, left-right, straight-up-straight-down, straight-left-straight-right. Next, look at the upper left corner of the room and smoothly move your eyes to the lower right and vice versa. Repeat each movement 7 times. You may not be doing it very fast. For the best effect, show your imagination by doing this visual exercise - describe semicircles, various geometric shapes with your eyes, or simply rotate your eyeballs randomly, while ensuring that you see a clear image. You can also use online training schemes for vision with detailed illustrations.

Exercise 5 - "Big Circle"

This complex of gymnastics for the eyes consists in performing circular movements. During the exercise for vision, it is necessary to keep the head stationary. Imagine a large clock face in front of you. Take your time to look around his circle, first clockwise and then against it, noting each number. It is important that the line drawn by the eye does not break off and turns out to be even. With each workout, the radius of the imaginary circle must be gradually increased. Finally, blink calmly.

Exercise 6 - "Eight"

In this case, it is necessary to observe a prerequisite: keep your head still and move only your eyes. Smoothly describe with your eyes a horizontal "eight" or a question mark so that the pattern created in the air is as large as possible. However, the eye muscles should not be strained. Perform the movements several times, alternately changing directions.

Exercise 7 - "Glance tension"

To perform this exercise to improve vision, bring any small object (for example, the tip of a ballpoint pen) as close to the eye as possible. Make sure that all its details are clearly and clearly visible. Keep your eyes on the subject for a while. At the same time, the annular and oblique muscles of the eye are extremely tense, with the correct performance of this exercise, the bulge of the lens and the elongation of the eyeball should reach the maximum value. Now relax your eyes.

Exercise 8 "Looking out the window"

Stick a circle with a diameter of 3-5 mm on the window glass. It should be placed at a distance of 30-35 cm from the face at eye level. Find any distant object (pole, tree, etc.) that is within the area of ​​the circle, and alternately look from it to this object and back. Another option for similar visual gymnastics for the eyes: for 10 seconds, look intently at a distant object in the window, then look at the palm or wrist. Repeat 15 times.

Exercise 9 - "Changing the focal length"

When performing such an exercise to train the eyes, you need to focus on the finger, located at a distance of 40-50 cm from the face. Then alternately bring it closer and further away at arm's length. It is important to bring the finger so close that the pattern on the surface of the skin is clearly visible. This set of exercises for the eyes must be repeated 10 times. In this case, the finger must be moved in the following directions: left-right, diagonally right-to-left and left-to-right.

A set of exercises for myopia

There are also various vision exercises that are recommended for people suffering from myopia. Free gymnastics for the eyes with myopia can be done at home, guided by our advice.

  1. Sit down and close your eyes for 3-5 seconds. Open them and hold them in this state for about the same amount of time. The exercise should be repeated 6-8 times.
  2. Using your index, middle, and ring fingers, press down on the upper eyelids of both eyes. You need to sit like this for 1-2 seconds. Then repeat the steps 3-4 more times.
  3. Slightly lift the area along the brow bone with your index finger, slowly closing the eyelids. Do this visual exercise for the eyes 8-10 times.
  4. Place your index finger on the area at the outer corner of the eye, the middle finger on the center of the upper part of the eye orbit, and the ring finger on the inner zone of the eye, then lower the eyelids. Repeat this vision exercise 8-10 times.

A set of exercises for farsightedness

What exercises are needed for the eyes with farsightedness? We have selected the most popular ones to help you deal with this problem.

  1. Sit in a comfortable position and relax your muscles. Look straight ahead. Turn your head to the right while moving your gaze. Then return to the starting position. This exercise for vision should be repeated 5-10 times in each direction.
  2. Sit on a chair, raise your right hand to eye level. Draw an imaginary circle with your finger, moving clockwise, and follow it with your eyes. This exercise, aimed at restoring vision, should be performed 7 times.
  3. You can also use text written in small print to train your eyes: read it daily for several minutes. Do this first in normal lighting, and then dim it. You need to choose such a brightness of light that you have to slightly strain your eyes to read the text.

Take care of the health of your visual organs and try to do at least some of these simple and effective eye exercises daily.

Print a set of exercises for the eyes

Eyesight check

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