Types of massage therapy.  Ayurveda. Kerala massage therapy

The popularity of therapeutic massage sessions is due to the fact that, with few restrictions, this procedure is indicated for health problems and for the treatment of many diseases. In addition, therapeutic and prophylactic massage, when properly applied, does not cause side effects. It is part of a complex of wellness procedures aimed at restoring people who have suffered serious injuries.

What is therapeutic massage

Description of the technique of performing therapeutic massage was found in papyri ancient egypt. This procedure then adopted by the Greeks, who began to use it for treatment various diseases. Today it is one of the main directions of manual therapy, which has a wide range applications. Therapeutic massage is a procedure used to accelerate the recovery of organs, body parts in case of injuries and diseases. It is applied in medical institutions and sports schools.

Massage treatment helps to reduce the period of rehabilitation of the patient in case of damage. varying degrees. Under the influence of the procedure, pain decreases faster, the formation of callus, swelling resolves, the elasticity of muscle fibers improves, the metabolic process normalizes, a person has energy and vigor. Medical massage acts on receptors located on the surface of the body. The procedure actively affects the vessels, muscles, internal organs.


Massaging as a rehabilitation and remedy must be prescribed by a specialist after a thorough examination of the patient. This procedure can be used in cosmetology when removing lymph edema and to fight cellulite. It is carried out with increased skin tone, fluid retention, and overweight. In addition, the procedure is prescribed for such problems:

Massaging can be used to:

  • reduction of physical and psychological fatigue;
  • stimulation of the musculoskeletal system;
  • improvements general well-being;
  • anesthesia, sedation, relaxation of the tissues of the musculoskeletal system;
  • expansion of blood vessels of the skin;
  • improve blood circulation, activate metabolism in the body.


Therapeutic professional back massage is a common type of classical procedure. Regular conduct of such therapy helps to increase the body's defenses and the appearance of positive emotions. Specialists recommend that their patients undergo a course of manual therapy at least 2 times a year. Thanks to this, immunity will be strengthened, and the patient will be healthy and vigorous throughout the year.

To features wellness procedure includes a clear planning of the number of techniques used and the time of the session. If with one ailment it takes an hour to knead, then with another, it is necessary to focus on rubbing. These subtleties can only be determined by a doctor. The first sessions must be introductory, sparing - the procedure is carried out slightly above the injured area. Further, after 3 sessions, it will already be possible to proceed to the main part.

Children's therapeutic massage

Massaging has a comprehensive effect on the child's body. It stimulates the development and relaxation of soft tissues, helps to quickly detect tense areas where the baby feels discomfort. A therapeutic session of manual therapy for children is considered a constructive and effective tool that fully satisfies the baby's need for physical contact. Regular procedures create excellent conditions for the full development of the child.

Massage is useful for babies whose age is more than three months and older. Parents can do the procedure on their own or invite a specialist home. All manipulations should be applied an hour after eating, they can not be done before bedtime. In this case, doctors do not recommend using the cream. A children's session is performed while monitoring the reaction of the baby, he should not cry. The main methods of manipulation are rubbing, stroking, kneading, vibration.


Therapeutic massage can be divided into general and local. At general specialist massages the whole body (except the head) with an effect on the affected areas of the body. Before the procedure, the doctor must conduct a diagnostic and visual examination, familiarize himself with the patient's history. Only after that he can give a conclusion about the effectiveness of the chosen therapy. Carry out manipulations better in the morning, after breakfast, but not every day. The session time should be increased gradually - from 20 to 60 minutes.

Local therapeutic massage is a procedure in which only one part of the body is massaged. All movements should be performed along the lymph flow - towards the lymph nodes. The effectiveness of the local procedure will be higher if it is combined with medicinal preparations, ointments. It is good when exercise therapy and physiotherapy are included in the treatment process. As a rule, a session, depending on the disease, lasts from 15 to 40 minutes, and is carried out every day. There is also a non-medical massage, which includes preventive, relaxing.

Therapeutic massage technique

The course of therapeutic massage, as a rule, consists of 10 or 20 procedures. The procedure is prescribed daily, after which a rest of 30 minutes is recommended. Breaks between the main methods can last several months. Massage consists of an introductory, main, final stage. often to reach maximum effect, a specialist can use them all in combination:

  1. Introductory period (1-3 procedures). It involves gentle techniques (rubbing, stroking) that prepare a person.
  2. Main section (3-16). Includes differentiated massage, which is carried out according to clinical features illness and condition of the patient.
  3. In the final section, for 3 minutes, the specialist reduces the intensity of the techniques, ending the therapy by stroking the massaged area. If necessary, at this stage, the patient can be taught self-massage using a massager.


Therapeutic facial massage procedure is carried out according to medical indications: skin diseases, seborrhea, acne. All these diseases have a common etiology, they are caused by poor performance. sebaceous glands, which often provokes rashes on the head and face. Indications for massage can be scars and scars, comedones, skin pigmentation. This type manual therapy does not have a tightening effect. Although thanks to this procedure, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the skin is cleansed, and inflammation is reduced.

Facial massage involves the presence of classical techniques: kneading, stroking, rubbing, although little attention is paid to them. The main ones are tweezers. They are held by pads of a large and index finger. The technique of pinching procedure improves metabolic processes and blood circulation, takes an active part in the restoration of skin cells. Movements do not allow tenderness and smoothness, everything is performed intensively. At the same time, stretching of the skin and excessive shifting should not be allowed. The procedure is painful.

With osteochondrosis

A complex of disorders in the joints or osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is diagnosed in people different ages. The main cause of the disease is the deformation of the intervertebral discs. Massage for osteochondrosis can help with the first symptoms of the disease. It involves the use of techniques such as squeezing, stroking, rubbing, shaking, kneading, active movements with resistance, hitting and shaking. The back massage course should consist of at least 10 procedures.

When observing an exacerbation of the disease, the effect on the diseased area may change. At the beginning of the course, less active movements are used. Further, the degree of their strength increases. In this case, the massage therapist focuses on the condition of the patient. During medical procedure the specialist acts on special zones. These are points that have a reflex connection with blood vessels, nerves, muscles. Such manipulations relax them, restore the natural position of the spine.


The technique, duration and number of sessions for each patient is selected individually. Do not use therapeutic massage serious condition sick, inflammatory processes exacerbation of chronic diseases. Massage of the muscles, thighs, abdomen, lower back can not be done during pregnancy, menstruation, hernia. In addition, the procedure is contraindicated.

Manual therapy was approved by European experts and began to be actively used only at the end of the last century.

Officially, the doctors did not recognize this type of treatment, although there were a huge number of cases of healing with the help of manual therapy.

In this article, we will look at various massage techniques and their properties.

Manual therapy is called actions aimed at correcting defects and problems of the musculoskeletal system, spinal column, as well as to improve the functioning of internal organs. The therapist's hands are used as the main instrument, but special hardware technologies can be used additionally.

The goal of manual therapy is to improve the biomechanics of the spine, ligaments and bones, provoke the natural flow of fluids in the body, relieve pain and start recovery processes.

The most important feature of this type of treatment is the ability of the therapist to determine the scope of activity and the main areas of discomfort with the help of hands alone.

Types of manual massage

Manual massage is a series of professional manual techniques. Different therapists may use their own techniques, but they are based on the same principles:

  • subcutaneous method myofascial therapy. Effective in neurology, diseases of blood vessels and joints. Subcutaneous therapy is work with connective tissues, muscles and ligaments. With the help of manual techniques, all are restored reflex mechanisms. The method is characterized by intense impact, so it can be used after a detailed examination.
  • Method arthro-vertebral therapy. Restores joint function. The technique used is traction or traction push. The technique is considered the most painful for the patient, therefore, his full consent and approval for the procedure is required. As a result of therapy, the disc apparatus of the spine is normalized, compression of the nerve roots is eliminated, headache and tension in the neck.
  • Visceral method. It is aimed at restoring the functionality of the internal organs of a person. After a course of therapy, there are positive changes in the work of the spleen, heart muscle, lungs, kidneys, liver, intestinal tract, urinary system.

A suitable technique is selected by a specialist after a conversation with the patient. The doctor must explain to the patient the essence of the method, describe the techniques and familiarize with contraindications.

Manual massage of the spine and back

There are several manual massage techniques:

  • Manipulation. Fast and short jerky tricks, accompanied by characteristic clicks.
  • Mobilization. The technique can be of three types: stretching, rotating and squeezing.
  • Pressure. Acupressure that relieves painful seals.
  • Stretching. Eliminates scars, normalizes the state of the ligamentous apparatus.

Manual massage technique

Warm up session starts neck muscles. The patient lies on the couch, the body is relaxed, small soft rollers are placed under the head, stomach and chest.

  1. Stroking, squeezing and rubbing the trapezius muscle is being worked out. Stroked a few times cervical region spine.
  2. A person diagnosed with chondrosis is massaged with muscles around the spinal column (along the spine at a distance of two centimeters on both sides).
  3. With the pads of the index and middle fingers, each vertebra is massaged along a spiral path from top to bottom.
  4. The groove near the spinal column is worked out with the edge of the palm up and down.
  5. Stroking from the sacrum to the gluteal muscles, along the buttock with an open palm in a circular motion, then back to the sacrum.
  6. Squeezing is carried out across the sacrum with the edge of the palm, then this area is pinched and shaken.
  7. The gluteal muscles are stroked, rubbed, kneaded, squeezed, shaken and stroked again.

Manual back massage - price

The service of manual massage is not rare, many clinics and medical centers offer it to their clients. The price of one massage session in the capital and in others regional centers can reach 9000 rubles. In small towns, the cost of the service is much lower - from 1500 rubles and more.

Massage for spinal fractures

Spinal massage procedures for fractures are started from the second day from the moment the patient is directed to traction. Massage is strictly dosed and carried out by a qualified master
The specialist uses passive techniques. As a result, the reflex excitability decreases, the elasticity of the ligaments and the mobility of the joints are preserved, and the activity of the nerve centers is stimulated.

  1. Longitudinal stroking large chest muscle. Repeat six times.
  2. Gently kneading and squeezing three to five times. Stroking again five times.
  3. Rubbing the intercostal space in a spiral and rectilinear. Repeat five times. A week later, a double circular kneading of this area is added.

The described complex is repeated three to five times twice a day every day. Its duration is about ten minutes.

After two to three weeks, when the patient begins to wear semi-corset and move more, the duration of the procedure is doubled. Back massage is added to this complex using the following techniques:

  • light stroking and squeezing;
  • kneading with the base of the hand and fingertips;
  • kneading double ring;
  • trituration.

After removing the plaster, the massage technique changes completely, the study of the neck and collar zone is introduced with classical movements.

Manual neck massage

The technique of manual neck massage can relieve tinnitus, eliminate pain in the shoulder blades and the back of the head, and even save you from a sore throat.

First reception- warming up the neck from behind and from the side with the help of strokes. Further chiropractor proceeds to more intense grasping. In the presence of osteochondrosis, this technique is duplicated five times.

Next reception- rubbing, which alternates with stroking movements. With your fingertips, the area near the spine is worked out from the region of the skull down to the seventh vertebra.

They finish with encircling rubbing of the back of the neck, turning into kneading and surviving its lateral surface.


Manual massage can be carried out in a specialized center or at home. The results of the procedure are usually felt after the first session. It is important to find a competent specialist who will approach his work with all responsibility, because a rudely conducted manual massage can lead to serious complications of the disease.

Massage for osteochondrosis is aimed at bringing the muscles into tone and improving the blood supply to the brain. In case of metabolic disorders in the body, nutrients do not enter the bone structures of the spine and the intervertebral discs begin to collapse, pain syndromes appear. You can also restore metabolism with the help of massage, this will have a beneficial effect on the disks and the spine as a whole.

Massage for osteochondrosis should be performed by an experienced specialist who knows correct techniques massage and the rules for performing the procedure in general. For example, when massaging the collar zone, the patient should be in a lying or sitting position.

O medicinal properties massage has been known since ancient times. Today, the technique of manual impact on certain parts of the body is also used in the treatment of osteochondrosis. Massage treatments carried out experienced professionals are quite effective, but do not replace drug therapy. That is why their use in destructive processes in the spine is relevant only in combination with other methods of therapy.

The massage technique varies depending on the stage of development and localization of osteochondrosis. To traditional ways effects on the muscle tissue of the back and neck include: stroking, kneading, tapping, vibration, rubbing. Continuous improvement in massage technique increases the likelihood quick recovery during the period of complex treatment of the disease.

Effect of massage

As you know, the main reason for the appearance of osteochondrosis is a violation of metabolic processes in the structures of the spine. Degenerative changes that occur primarily in intervertebral discs, reduce their height, over time, affect the vertebrae (bone mineralization occurs). The result of the convergence of two adjacent vertebrae is the compression of the paravertebral nerve endings and arteries, blocking the motor segment.

Due to root compression spinal cord and blood vessels, muscle asymmetry occurs, accompanied by compaction at the site of deformation - pain, spasms and scarring of muscle tissue appear.

The use of massage procedures for osteochondrosis contributes to:

  • reducing pressure on nerve roots, an artery created by deformed structures of the spine: muscle spasms disappear, the motor function of the vertebrae is restored;
  • improvement of blood circulation, innervation of the spine. In addition, the reflex effect of massage slows down the destruction of tissues in the spine, preventing the further development of the disease;
  • normalization of lymph circulation in the spinal muscles (swelling and inflammation decrease);
  • restoration of tone in atrophied muscles (with chronic osteochondrosis), strengthening muscle corset(supports the spine, prevents displacement of the vertebrae);
  • improvement of the patient's well-being in general: pain decreases, joint mobility resumes, tissue sensitivity is restored. In some cases (on early stages osteochondrosis) after applying massage in combination with other methods of treatment, the symptoms completely disappear.

Despite the fact that back massage is much more effective than exercise physical therapy, its application should be aimed primarily at eliminating pain syndrome. After that, proceed directly to the treatment. Its main task is to prevent the spread of degenerative processes to healthy tissues of the spine, the manifestation of relapses of the disease. With a similar purpose, massage procedures and gymnastics are prescribed.

Massage treatments included complex treatment osteochondrosis. The need for their use is determined by the attending physician after an appropriate examination of the patient's condition.

The use of massage for cervical osteochondrosis has a number of advantages compared to therapeutic exercises: it improves blood circulation exactly at the site of the lesion, thereby eliminating spasms of muscle tissue in the neck and back (pain decreases, muscles become stronger).

Types of massage

At degenerative changes in bone cartilage tissues spine specialists can prescribe this type of massage:

Classical. At the first stages of the development of osteochondrosis, it is used on healthy areas of the body that are associated with reflexes with damaged tissues. During the period of remission of the disease, all deformed structures of the spine and adjacent muscle tissues are subject to massage. Performing massage treatments classical pattern includes: kneading, shaking, moving with resistance, stroking, tapping and rubbing. The use of such methods allows:

  • reduce or completely eliminate pain;
  • improve muscle performance;
  • reduce the likelihood of exacerbation of the disease.

Segmental reflex- affects parts of the body (segments) associated with diseased internal organs with the help of nerve endings (due to which pain appears, a decrease is observed or vice versa - an increase in sensitivity in healthy tissues). In general, this kind of massage can be safely used as additional method treatment of osteochondrosis. It promotes:

  • elimination of pathological reflexes resulting from the involvement of tissues in destructive processes;
  • restoration of the functions of all vital important systems organism.

dotted(zhen-therapy) - for a long time relieves pain and muscle tension, improves blood circulation in tissues. It is based on the principle of influencing pain (trigger) points. As a rule, this type of massage is carried out together with the classical one. The procedure is very painful, but the effect of its application is very high. Master the execution technique acupressure everyone can, but it is better to use the services of a professional massage therapist. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • looking for the right pain points, strongly press them with bent fingers;
  • slowly increase the pressure (until a slight sensation of pain appears);
  • after 10 minutes, massaging the point is carried out: with rotating movements.

Another massage technique involves weak impact on a point for 30 seconds (used for muscle hypotrophy to raise their tone). In the event of a sharp pain, the intensity of massage procedures should be reduced.

The final stage of the massage is the application of an ointment to the point, which has irritant effect(Finalgon, Kapsikam, Viprosal, Apizartron).

Kapsikam - combined vasodilator. Action: when applied to the body, the ointment irritates the skin area, thereby acting on the nerve endings. Absorbed in a few minutes, after which there is a burning sensation.

It is worth remembering that acupressure immediately after eating is unacceptable. It is recommended to wait an hour and a half, and then proceed to the application of the treatment procedure.

connective tissue- another type of massage, the technique of which involves the displacement of the skin in relation to the muscles, bones and tendons. Its main features:

  • is carried out along the muscle tissue, along the edges of the tendons, places of attachment of the capsules of the joints and muscles;
  • works through all layers damaged tissue. Movements are performed with medium and ring fingers(it is necessary to press them tightly to the massaged part of the body);
  • has a superficial, deep effect (with vertical and planar placement of fingers on the massaged area, respectively);
  • first applied to healthy tissues, then massage the affected structures;
  • carried out with gentle movements, without sharp shocks.

periosteal. The technique of its implementation is similar to the technique of conducting point massage procedures. The only difference is that it is used on the surface of bone tissue. The main features of periosteal massage:

  • local effect on the bones;
  • affects all tissues (when carrying out therapeutic, as well as connective tissue massage, it is not possible to work out hard-to-reach layers of tissues).

Canned– maximally relaxes muscles, improves blood supply to tissues, has a resolving effect. The positive effect of the procedure is achieved due to the warming and vacuum suction of the skin inside the jar (by 1-1.5 cm at correct location containers). It is done like this:

  • take glass or plastic medical banks, heat, put on diseased areas of the body;
  • smooth and continuous movements (in a spiral or straight line) move the containers: from top to bottom and from the spine to the sides along the intercostal lines. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes.

Cupping massage for osteochondrosis is used daily or every other day. Rest is necessary for half an hour after the procedure: it is recommended to stay in bed, covered with a blanket.

Massage, using special devices ( vibromassage, hydromassage, pneumomassage). Application different kind devices during massage procedures contributes to:

  • intensification of oxidative reactions, recovery processes in degeneratively altered bone and cartilage tissues of the spine;
  • improvement of lymph and blood circulation;
  • reduction of inflammation, pain in the lesion.

Self massageclassic massage used on its own. It is carried out using the following methods:

  • stroking the diseased area with the pads of the index and ring fingers (for 10 minutes);
  • rubbing the palm with an edge, light pressure with a fist on chest(the number of repetitions - at least 3 times a day).

This technique for performing massage procedures, used for cervical osteochondrosis, is aimed at developing the muscles of not only this department, but also the shoulder girdle.

Indications for the use of massage procedures

Using massage as a treatment for osteochondrosis without consulting a doctor unacceptable. The choice of technique for conducting massage procedures should be carried out by a specialist based on the overall picture of the disease.

As a rule, the use of therapeutic massage procedures is prescribed for:

  • disease remission (partial or complete);
  • muscular hypotrophy;
  • strong painful sensations at the location of the spinous processes, paravertebral muscles. Massage procedures are also used for pain in the exit area. sciatic nerve(appear after palpation of the damaged area);
  • minor degenerative changes in the cartilaginous and bone tissues of the spinal column (the first stages of the development of osteochondrosis);
  • C-shaped or S-shaped curvature of the spine - at the stage of occurrence of asymmetry of muscle tissue (on the one hand, the muscles are shortened and very tense, on the other, they are too weakened). Massage used for scoliosis strengthens sprained dorsal muscles, brings them to a normal tone, reduces the manifestation of pain;
  • lordosis, kyphosis. Carrying out massage procedures for such spinal deformities helps to correct its unnatural deflections, helps to strengthen the muscle corset, relieve pain, tension, muscle spasms;
  • damage to muscles and ligaments in the ankle joints, knee (bruises, sprains). The use of massage in combination with therapeutic rubbing and thermal baths accelerates the recovery process. motor functions joints, reduces pain, eliminates blood stasis in injured tissues;
  • chronic, pronounced inflammation of the joints;
  • fractures. Massage is performed at the healing stage to strengthen weakened muscles and ligaments.

Contraindications to the use of massage

Massage procedures for osteochondrosis are prescribed by a doctor, taking into account general condition patient and pictures of his illness. Despite the benefits of massage, there are a number of factors that exclude the possibility of its implementation:

  • oncological formations (localization, type and size of the tumor do not matter);
  • active tuberculosis;
  • venereal diseases;
  • malfunctions of the circulatory system (massage is applied, but only after the consent of the doctor);
  • the presence of warts, moles, cracks, abrasions, other structural changes skin at the site of inflammation;
  • expansion of blood vessels or the cavity of the heart due to changes or damage to their walls (aneurysm);
  • purulent-necrotic processes in the bones, bone marrow and those around them soft tissues(osteomyelitis);
  • pregnancy (the possibility of using massage is determined by the doctor).

Massage technique

During the treatment massage procedure the patient should sit at a table or lie on a couch (down on his stomach), completely relaxed. It is carried out in several stages:

  1. The use of surface massage. It starts with stroking the collar zone. Then the specialist proceeds to massaging the back: he makes smooth spiral, circular or zigzag movements with the palms of his hands on one side and the other.
  2. Carrying out a deep massage: create pressure with your hands by transferring gravity to one limb (the left palm is placed on the right or vice versa). Movements are performed along the line of the transverse processes of the vertebrae. The main purpose of such a procedure is to determine the most painful areas of the back.
  3. Rubbing the collar zone at the base of the skull: in circular, crossing or rectilinear movements (it helps to warm up and relax the muscles, improve blood circulation in the affected tissues).
  4. Working out the muscle and connective tissue: they capture, fix the muscles, after which they begin to knead them. Longitudinal muscle tissues are massaged with fingertips, creating light pressure. exit point of nerve endings in the spinal cord spinal canal knead in a circular motion.
  5. Tapping: carried out with fingers, edge of the palm.
  6. Patting with slightly bent palms (should resemble a boat).
  7. Vibration and stroking of the muscles with straightened palms.

Since the neck is a very fragile, easily injured anatomical zone, the massage of this spine should be carried out as carefully as possible. It is permissible to use such techniques: light stroking, kneading (in circular motions), transverse rubbing. Neck massage should include massaging the muscles of the collar zone and shoulder girdle.

maintaining health through the healing mechanisms of the body, based on the energy currents of the body. With the help of various Ayurvedic oils, pressure is exerted on the muscles and nerves. This helps to maintain the vital energies of the body, which gives a person dexterity, agility and flexibility.

Massage harmonizes body functions, prevents diseases, improves blood circulation and is the most effective treatment for most chronic diseases paralysis, asthma, back pain, nervous disorders, arthritis, spondylosis, disc displacement, rheumatic ailments and so on.

What is Kerala Massage Therapy?

While the whole world rejoiced at the discovery of penicillin and other modern medicines most people forgot about essential therapy- Ayurveda. It was used in only a few cities in India, and in Kerala it has been preserved.

There are two reasons for this. Firstly, Kerala is one of the few states where there are two monsoons per year (May-June and August-September), and these are ideal climatic conditions for Ayurvedic treatments.

Secondly, Kerala is the birthplace of Vagbhatta, the last and most famous student of Charaka (the great old man of medicine). Vagbhatta spent most of his life teaching Ayurveda in Kerala. He is believed to have died somewhere in central Kerala. It is possible that this explains the segregation of Ayurvedic families in this part of Kerala.

Ayurveda is divided into eight branches called Ashtangas. This is kaya general medicine), baala (pediatrics), graha (astrology), urdvanga (above the neck), shalya (surgery), dhamshtra (toxicology), jara (longevity), and vrusha (infertility).

A doctor who is well versed in all eight branches is called an Ashtavaidist. There are eighteen Ashtavaidist families in Kerala who are considered to be the guardians of the Vagbhatta tradition.

Ayurveda is a holistic health system that does not separate the body from nature. The holistic approach extends to medicine as well. In Kerala, nature is still in an almost virgin state, which is probably why the Ayurvedic tradition was able to survive. In a typical Kerala home, one can still see herbs for kashayam, while in other densely populated regions of India, medicinal herbs are practically unavailable.

It is said that the feudal lords of ancient Kerala used oil massage"shekhana" to maintain strength and vigor. These oils are Ayurvedic and miraculously affect the entire body. They are mixed taking into account the constitution, age, symptoms of the disease and climatic conditions. This massage system is over 3000 years old. With its help, complete rejuvenation is achieved, and it is also possible to get rid of chronic pain and ailments. There are more than 1500 recipes to cure a variety of diseases. medicinal oils.

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in massage therapy, which is common in Kerala. It attracted the attention of tourists, and people from all over the world began to flock to this state to experience the magical power of the local Ayurvedic massage. The basics of Kerala massage can be described in three words - relax, revive and rejuvenate. This is the main advantage of this massage therapy. It is especially effective in the fight against arthritis, spondylitis, paralysis, obesity, sinusitis, migraine, hysteria, premature aging and other psychosomatic diseases.

Kerala massage energizes the body, activates the mind, restores youthful vigor and mobility, strengthens resistance to diseases and improves complexion. It permanently relieves chronic pain in the back, joints and neck, migraines and rheumatic pains.

The visitor is placed on a wooden "thoni" (special wooden massage bed) and the massage therapist covers him with herbal oils. Experienced massage therapists perform massage under the supervision of experts in Ayurvedic medicine.


Indian practice, dating back 3,000 years, even today surpasses traditional medicine in the treatment of many chronic diseases. There are many chronic ailments for the healing of which massage is much more useful various means modern medicine. Ailments such as rheumatic pains, backaches and stiff necks have long been cured with Ayurvedic massage. And modern medicine against rheumatic pain suggests the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which can lead to fatal consequences. And, besides, drugs relieve pain only for a short time. Migraine, effective remedy for which there is no cure in modern medicine, is permanently removed by "dhara", or prolonged treatment of the forehead with herbal oils. Ayurvedic therapy also cures "psoriasis", autoimmune disease skin. Diseases that can be cured include rheumatism, different kinds arthritis, hemiplegia, prosopoplegia, anxiety, allergic asthma, peptic ulcer, motor neuron disease, psoriasis and others skin diseases back pain caused by different reasons, disc prolapse, gynecological complications, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, infertility, migraine and other headaches, eye diseases, hemorrhoids, digestive disorders, chronic cough and all other diseases caused by poor diet/lifestyle or air pollution. All these ailments are perfectly cured by Ayurveda.


There are two types of procedures used in Ayurvedic chikitsa.

Kshara sughra: Kshara suthra is one of the peri-surgical procedures for curing anorectal diseases.

Rasayana chikitsa: Rasayana, or rejuvenation therapy, is aimed at providing a long and healthy life. It improves the state of balance of all organs, which leads to an increase in the body's resistance.

Common Treatments


In Ayurvedic treatment, massage is done in a traditional way using medicinal herbal oils. The choice of oil depends on the condition of the person being massaged. Each oil is prepared from 10-15 various herbs. First, oil is applied, then massage is done - from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the disease, constitution, age and other factors. Massage, like other procedures using oils, can be done once or during a massage course lasting 3, 5,7,14 or 21 days, depending on the condition of the person being massaged.


Synchronized massage prevents flaking, cures rheumatism and increases the physical strength of the Organism.

It also improves eyesight, provides restful sleep, increases life expectancy and has a beneficial effect on well-being in general.

It improves the color and structure of the skin, providing it with shine and softness.

Steam phytobath


Sweating liquefies the doshas, ​​so they are easily excreted from the body. It opens the pores and rids the body of impurities through sweat glands. There are two main ways to induce sweating.

External heat exposure or retention of body heat through exercise, warm clothing, blankets, diet, rubbing alcohol, etc.

Active heating in a warm room, medicinal steam, sauna, heating pad, sunbathing, contact with fire (or the use of an infrared lamp), mustard plasters, hot baths or showers (especially with medicinal oils or water) and hot compresses.

Plants such as kartsinnik, pnarnava, barley, sesame, kultha, chickpea, jujube and knapweed cause increased sweating. However, therapeutic sweating is contraindicated in pregnant women, people with circulatory disorders, after drinking alcoholic beverages, very fat or too thin people, as well as patients with diarrhea, jaundice, anemia. Patients suffering from syncope, dizziness, nausea, fever and similar disorders should not resort to sweat therapy.


Bath improves peripheral blood circulation. In turn, this lowers blood pressure.

Promotes the absorption of medicinal particles contained in herbal oil, helps the body get rid of impurities through the excretory and secretory channels - sweat glands, kidneys

and liver. In addition, the medicines used in the steam phytoban help reduce stiffness, pain and swelling.

Through elimination from the body excess water the person experiences a feeling of lightness.

Specialized therapies

Renowned Kerala Ayurveda experts have developed specialized therapies that provide excellent clinical results. Among these therapies are sekam (pizhichil), kizhi, dhara, sirovasthi, shirolepam, pitchcha, talam and others. In recent years, many completely new species have emerged, with the participation of a new generation of practitioners and entrepreneurs.

Some traditional names have been changed to make it easier for modern Indians to understand and more attractive to foreign tourists. The following are some of the therapies that are popular with practitioners and the public.


This is a luxurious treatment in which two therapists pour warm herbal oils over the body while providing a gentle, soothing massage. Pieces of cloth are dipped in oil and squeezed over the body of the person being massaged, all the while doing a hand massage. It's very slow and light massage excluding strong pressure. In addition to enjoyment, it also provides protection against diseases, strengthening the immune system necessary for a healthy life. And that is not all; pizhichil is a panacea for rheumatic diseases, increased blood pressure, joint pain and diabetes. It is a rejuvenating therapy that prevents aging, flaking and wrinkles. It is widely used to treat arthritis and many muscle spasms. This procedure relaxes and cleanses the body. It can be used once a year for rejuvenation and general strengthening health, especially in old age, as well as for the treatment nervous diseases- arthritis, paralysis, hemiplegia, Parkinson's disease, nervous weakness and nervous disorders.


Churnakizhi During this procedure, specialists make the whole body sweat by massaging it with herbal powders wrapped in a cloth. This treatment is indicated for neurological disorders, rheumatism, arthritis and so on.


This is one of the most popular types of Kerala massage. It includes thailadhara, thakradhara and kshiradhara. The patient's head and body are generously covered with medicinal oil, after which they put him on a wooden bed so that the neck is most comfortable. An unceasing stream of medicine (healing oils, herbal decoction, milk or other drugs) from a certain height gently drips onto the patient’s forehead from special device. After the procedure, the head is carefully wiped with a towel and oil is again applied to it. The same procedure can be performed for the whole body or a separate area - depending on the ailment. It contributes to the rejuvenation and restoration of the soul and body, thereby counteracting aging. This is a special massage therapy for stress and tension.


A mixture of cooling and balancing herbal oils and medicated ghee flows continuously in a warm stream over the forehead in a calm, pleasant environment. This procedure perfectly relaxes, soothes and pacifies. nervous system, cooling the mind and feelings; accelerates natural healing. This process lasts about 20 minutes and brings clarity and sobriety of the mind. This is a special Ayurvedic treatment that promotes complete relaxation of the mind and body, and there is no better way to pamper yourself after a hard, tiring day. For therapeutic purposes, kshiradhara is used to treat chronic neuromuscular disorders and diseases such as hypertension, insomnia, depression, anxiety, headaches and restlessness, among many others. Treatment has a strong impact on the mental and emotional well-being of a person. It is also suitable for the prevention and treatment of diseases such as paralysis, senile dementia and other neurological ailments. Moreover, if proper medicines are used, this treatment also helps with psychiatric and psychosomatic illnesses and even with general exhaustion.



Korean massage is an ancient massage therapy that originated in the East. It aims to restore vital energy and movement.

Heals internal organs and significantly improves well-being. In ancient times medical therapy was available only to the princes and their relatives. And her secret methods were kept in strict secrecy and passed on to the elite.

Until recently, Korean tonic and wellness massage was like the secret of a golden key. But even today, everyone who wants to reveal the secret of life-giving action can get such a chance.

It is very popular with professional athletes. Massage restores joint mobility, affects the muscles, relieves fatigue. 15 minutes of Korean massage will replace an hour of classic. Specialized joint massage is also widely known.

Important! The patient's pulse is one of starting points session, according to which the specialist determines the state of health of his client.

During the first minutes of therapy, the massage therapist determines the pain points of a person. Quickly establishes contact with biologically active points of the body. Some of them are “silent”, while others respond with pain, pointing to a specialist right direction. The stronger the pain threshold, the more serious violations in the work of internal organs.

During the process, the blood flow in the arteries improves and the outflow of lymph and blood in the veins increases. Toxins are removed from the body. It starts to work much "better". Many give their preference to this technique to get rid of excess weight, recover after surgical intervention, improve skin condition.

Pleasantly surprised by the versatility of this therapy. She is subject to neuralgia, and hypertension, pneumonia, osteochondrosis and gastritis. Among other things, after 5-10 sessions, the patient will significantly change his worldview: problems will disappear, strength will appear for new achievements.

Description of the procedure

The massage therapist does not touch the patient's skin. His body is covered with a special sheet. Korean massage does not involve the use of creams or oils. According to experts, they interfere with establishing contact with the energy sector. Massage therapy also includes stretching, passive yoga, and crunches.

Korean technique is famous for 50 techniques that experts combine during a session to achieve the maximum effect. The duration of therapy is 1 hour.

Peculiarity! Already after the first session, a positive effect will be noticed!

Main types

The most common are: therapeutic and prophylactic. The former will alleviate physical disturbances or prevent them. The second one will do healthy people who want to relax, get rid of stress and improve their well-being.

Also worth highlighting:

  1. Lymphatic drainage - hands are massaged, back torso. The duration of one session is 50 minutes. Suitable for people who have problems with metabolic process and liquid withdrawal varicose veins veins. Removes toxins from the body, improves blood circulation, eliminates swelling and swelling.
  2. Lifting and lymphatic drainage - the décolleté zone, face and neck-collar zone are massaged. The duration of the procedure is one hour. The skin is tightened, becomes radiant, its color improves.
  3. Anti-cellulite - legs and stomach are massaged. The duration of the procedure is one hour. Massage improves blood circulation in problem areas, promotes the removal of toxins that cause the appearance of " orange peel”, improves skin elasticity, color and appearance, and softens scars.

Video lesson: how to rejuvenate the face with massage

Facial massage at home

Makes the skin firmer, hydrated, elastic, eliminates bags under the eyes. In the case of this type of massage, it is necessary to use a cream that can be replaced with water. Before the procedure, it is desirable to cleanse the skin using a scrub, peeling.

  1. Wipe your forehead with your fingers, working from the center to the edges. Repeat 3 times
  2. With three fingers, press on the temples for 4 seconds. Then remove your fingers. Repeat this process three times.
  3. Close your eyes with your fingers (covering your cheeks as well). Press on this area for 3-4 seconds. The repetition must be done 3 times.
  4. Place your fingers on the top of your cheeks, near your nose and cheekbones. Press firmly. Stay in this state for 3 or 4 seconds. After, relax. It is necessary to repeat the procedure 3 times.
  5. Close your lips with your fingers (more convenient in horizontal position). As in the previous cases, press on them for 4 seconds. Then relax and repeat again 3 times. Such a technique will remove fatigue from the face.
  6. Run the fingertips of two palms across your face. Move from bottom to top. "Play" this way for one minute. It relieves tension and helps to smooth the skin.
  7. Press your palms to your face, pressing on it for 4 seconds. Repeat the procedure three times.
  8. Put your hands to your face and start to slowly spread them apart, a little pressure. Repeat this process three times.

After similar procedures, the skin will be more elastic, radiant, elastic and dense.

Indications for use

Korean massage therapy will benefit everyone. It has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Can get rid of:

  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Problems with the respiratory system.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Therapy relieves pain and relieves muscle tension. Makes muscles stronger and joints more flexible. After several procedures, the patient will get rid of stoop, the correct posture will be formed. will collapse subcutaneous fat extra pounds will go away.

Important! Before you go for a massage session, you need to consult with your doctor!

Important contraindications

  • elevated temperature;
  • alcoholic or drug state;
  • blood diseases;
  • purulent processes;
  • after wax or laser depilation;
  • burns of all kinds;
  • skin diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • malignant and benign formations;
  • hernia of the umbilical cord;
  • thrombosis and varicose veins;
  • kidney stones and gallbladder;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • venereal diseases;
  • menses;
  • mental illness;
  • injuries;
  • heart disease;
  • acute respiratory diseases.

Korean massage is a special technique that can restore inner peace: increase efficiency, eliminate anxiety, stress, depressive states, remove fatigue and allow a person to become more confident in himself and his deeds.

In addition, it will cure physical diseases that do not allow you to live. full life. Be healthy and prevent your diseases!

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