The most popular unions among the signs of the zodiac. Scorpio and Cancer. Nevertheless, the fact remains indisputable that the compatibility of various representatives of the Zodiac according to their signs is a kind of starting point in resolving the issue of the prospect of their union and, with a certain

ARIES + ARIES = union resembles a powder magazine.

ARIES + TAURUS = constant conflicts, but a joint creative or business program can keep those who have joined the union.

ARIES + GEMINI = marriage is like an adventure novel. But only over time, both spouses develop an optimal strategy and tactics of behavior.

ARIES + CANCER = heavy combination; after the first charming impulses, hostility and conflicts set in.

ARIES + LEO \u003d difficult, but creative and bright union. By and large, we can say: "They lived happily ever after and died on the same day."

ARIES + VIRGO \u003d difference in natures will quickly lead to a break.

ARIES + LIBRA \u003d strong mutual influence of opposites, a wonderful complement to each other.

ARIES + SCORPIO \u003d wonderful mutual sexual nature, but domestic relationships are nowhere worse.

ARIES + SAGITTARIUS = if the representatives of these signs are well brought up, mutual impulsiveness will not turn into mutual insults.

ARIES + CAPRICORN \u003d loneliness together.

ARIES + AQUARIUS = perfect union; Active by nature, Aries is always attracted to Aquarius, ready for change.

ARIES + PISCES = strange, difficult, but common marriage. He can hold on to any idea.

TAURUS + TAURUS \u003d mutual stubbornness, but hold on to each other out of fear of change.

TAURUS + GEMINI \u003d complex, ambiguous, but often found union; The worst problem is jealousy.

TAURUS + CANCER = harmony in relationships.

TAURUS + LEO \u003d a union of love and passion, but over the years it can exhaust itself.

TAURUS + VIRGO = happy family life.

TAURUS + LIBRA \u003d accumulating mutual reproaches and insults, together they can only keep a position in society and work in one area.

TAURUS + SCORPIO \u003d excellent sexual compatibility, mutual outbursts of passion, then satiety. Marriage is rare, more often they are lovers than spouses.

TAURUS + SAGITTARIUS = joint well-being rare. In intimate relationships, they suit each other, but no more; the union may continue as a marriage of convenience.

TAURUS + CAPRICORN = most favorable of unions; unites common interests and sexual compatibility.

TAURUS + AQUARIUS = incompatible partners. In marriage, they are waiting for the cold, then the heat of the relationship.

TAURUS + PISCES \u003d a couple that gives the impression of being prosperous, but in fact the sensual Pisces is hurt by the rudeness of Taurus.

GEMINI + GEMINI \u003d the union rests only on friendship and complete freedom of relations, but does not always bring happiness.

GEMINI + CANCER = marriage only on the condition of ease and freedom of relationship.

GEMINI + LEO = friendships strengthened by marriage.

GEMINI + VIRGO = strength is possible with common interests and mutual concessions.

GEMINI + LIBRA \u003d harmony and orderliness of relationships coming from Libra; common work, interests make them inseparable.

GEMINI + SCORPIO = difficult but common union. The leading role in it belongs to the Twins.

GEMINI + SAGITTARIUS = marriage of convenience; in order not to dry out, constant renewal is required - travel, guests.

GEMINI + CAPRICORN = as a rule, leads to the collapse of the family.

GEMINI + AQUARIUS = good luck for both, although quarrels and disagreements are frequent.

GEMINI + PISCES = marriage rarely lasts long, as Pisces does not forgive inconstancy.

CANCER + CANCER = it's like a stormy stream - outbursts of emotions, tears, scandals, but also forgiveness.

CANCER + LEO \u003d love union, mysterious and interesting, but of little use for marriage.

CANCER + VIRGO = even good relationship. Virgos are more than others able to forgive and understand the vagaries of nervous, chaotic Cancers. Cancers like the constancy of Virgos, and Virgos like the sensuality and subtlety of Cancers.

CANCER + LIBRA = family preservation, subject to material well-being and position in society, but there is an invisible distance between partners: I am me, and you are you.

CANCER + SCORPIO \u003d mutual interest, but not easy coexistence with each other.

CANCER + SAGITTARIUS \u003d bright, multifaceted, deceptive, like a fake diamond, and a fairly frequent union.

CANCER + CAPRICORN = protracted conflicts, mutual attraction and repulsion and, finally, complete disappointment.

CANCER + PISCES \u003d living together is not easy, it requires self-sacrifice from one of the partners, but it gives great happiness.

CANCER + AQUARIUS = attraction to each other and a new repulsion.

LEO + LION = union is possible, even successful if both are atypical. As a rule, bright and creatively gifted children are born to them.

LEO + VIRGO = misunderstanding and alienation. Well-being is promised by common high creative interests or atypical signs.

LEO + LIBRA = brilliance, harmony, constancy. Libra is the most successful partner for Leo.

LEO + SCORPIO \u003d crazy passion, but it is impossible to live in such tension.

LEO + CAPRICORN = difficult but possible marriage. Capricorn is often deceived by Leo's communications. Leo gets tired of Capricorn's constantly direct life strategy.

LEO + AQUARIUS = great attraction, but only at first. Then, realizing their complete opposite, as a rule, they diverge.

LION + PISCES = tragic love or rebirth of personality, if Leo is ready for metamorphoses and without looking back follows Pisces.

VIRGO + VIRGO = most often a successful and happy union.

VIRGO + LIBRA = the addition of each other's missing qualities makes a marriage very successful.

VIRGO + SCORPIO = well-being is possible if both partners have strong characters.

VIRGO + SAGITTARIUS = community of interests on the path of service to society in the social or religious spheres.

VIRGO + CAPRICORN = strength and balance. Both really look at life, sober and practical.

VIRGO + AQUARIUS \u003d blackening from the side of the Virgin. As long as it lasts, so much will the marriage last.

VIRGO + PISCES \u003d different worldview, hence the difficulties in family life.

LIBRA + LIBRA \u003d a successful union is possible only if Libra is of different types.

LIBRA + SCORPIO = harmony in relationships. The intimate side of life is very stormy.

LIBRA + SAGITTARIUS = love, friendship, common worldview.

LIBRA + CAPRICORN = in everything except love, they easily find a common language.

LIBRA + AQUARIUS = successful, fruitful union. They have common creative plans, joint original ideas.

SCALES + FISH = well-regulated framework in everything.

SCORPIO + SCORPIO = boredom apart, tightness together.

SCORPIO + SAGITTARIUS \u003d gambling lovers, like-minded spouses.

SCORPIO + CAPRICORN = their love is usually constant.

SCORPIO + AQUARIUS = originality, even eccentricity in love.

SCORPIO + PISCES = passion in all relationships, but Pisces often leave Scorpios because of their difficult nature.

SAGITTARIUS + CAPRICORN = either calculation or spirituality. Union is possible insofar as it is possible to reconcile internal law with social law.

SAGITTARIUS + AQUARIUS \u003d lightness, friendship, adventurism, mutual understanding, growing stronger over the years.

SAGITTARIUS + PISCES \u003d perfection itself if the spouses manage to understand each other, otherwise an atmosphere of irritation reigns in the family.

So, what do we mean by a perfect couple? This is a combination of zodiac signs that have an astrological predisposition to be together. It is easier for them to see eye to eye, find common interests, overcome difficulties, fall in love with each other. When we meet such people, we often admire them. It is often said that this marriage appears to have been made in heaven. Now we will consider the most successful combinations of zodiac signs.

Aquarius and Libra

They have the same hobbies, and often non-standard ones. They love doing the same thing together. In addition, they are united by the fact that both Aquarius and Libra willingly give in to each other in order to achieve harmony in relations. They smooth out conflicts, try to avoid excessive emotionality, and therefore their hearts easily and naturally beat in unison.

Leo and Sagittarius

Each of them has their own interests, but at the same time they are true friends, and they respect each other's hobbies. Thanks to this, Leo and Sagittarius will always come to each other's rescue, help with practical advice and make every effort to help their partner in an important matter for him. Of course, these two strong personalities also sometimes argue, but this happens much less often than with many others. Their intimate life could become a prototype for a spectacular erotic film.

Cancer and Pisces

“Soul to soul” is a phrase about Cancer and Pisces. Usually they meet each other at some thematic events and get closer on the basis of common interests. Often spouses Cancer and Pisces are work colleagues, and even more often they are people of art who are passionate about one thing. Husband and wife in such unions become very similar to each other, hold the same opinion on various issues and generally live on the same wavelength.

Cancer and Scorpio

This is a very emotional union. Sometimes it seems that these two just torture each other, but this is a delusion. Scorpio takes care of the fragile and vulnerable nature of Cancer, and he, in turn, respects the strong passion of Scorpio. They unite at the deepest levels, which allows you to create a lasting and happy union.

Gemini and Aquarius

These two representatives of the element of Air were on the list of ideal couples. Gemini and Aquarius find their common interests in the most non-standard aspects of life. They are interested in discovering something new about this world together. They are not afraid to experiment and support each other in every way in any endeavors. To some, this life will seem like chaos, but for Gemini and Aquarius it is a hurricane of emotions, feelings and happiness.

Photo: Oleh_Slobodeniuk/ E+/ Getty Images

Aries and Aquarius

It is believed that representatives of the elements of Air are perfectly combined in alliances with representatives of the elements of Fire. And it is true. Numerous characteristics of Aries prove that in alliance with Aquarius, this is one of the most harmonious couples, which can rightfully be called ideal. Both of these signs are striving for freedom, new experiences, travel, they fit together like pieces of a puzzle. They will never be bored, because new interesting ideas always appear on the horizon.

Aries and Sagittarius

This is a union overflowing with energy, the enthusiasm and strength of which are felt by all people around. They are like an inseparable pair of friends, Aries and Sagittarius are always on the same wavelength, absorbed by each other and understand everything perfectly. Many may call their union too loud, too bright, almost crazy, but for Aries and Sagittarius this is sweet madness, which only they can share and understand, and no one else.

Taurus and Cancer

Cancer and Taurus are a very strong couple in which there are practically no disagreements. Their relationship is built very subtly, sensually. They are very attentive to small things, thrifty in relationships and gentle. This is one of the most romantic unions.

Taurus and Capricorn

At the heart of this union are strong passion, emotionality. Love here is the kind that spouses want to shout to the whole world. They may not be too romantic, but they are completely delighted with their partner, they feel great about him, are faithful and share each other's hobbies. Passionate Taurus and Capricorn spend a lot of time in bed.

Taurus and Virgo

Virgo is a person of strict rules and unwavering views. This inflexibility of the Virgo makes her a rather difficult partner, with whom it is very difficult to find a common language, and even more so to find happiness in marriage. But Taurus manages to create a wonderful union with Virgo. Moreover, they are one of the most successfully compatible couples known to astrology. They may seem boring and lacking in passion. But this is only because both of them are not used to showing their feelings in public.

Margarita Yastrebova, parapsychologist, numerologist

The stars, of course, influence, give their personality color, but this is not of paramount importance. Much more important is love and respect. If two people love each other, value and value relationships, work on them, then their union will be ideal. I will cite my family as an example - the signs of the zodiac of my husband and mine, as they say everywhere, simply could not create a strong union, but as a result, everything turned out the other way around. So love each other, respect and take care of your relationship!

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And the strologist Vera Khubelashvili told us which zodiac signs form perfect couples. Check, maybe you and your darling are on this list?

Before considering which couples among the signs of the zodiac are the most ideal, it is worth understanding what we are investing in this definition. It is no secret that each person has his own life experience and certain views. A love union is a clash of two worlds that have existed independently for a long time. Of course, the attempt to unite them rarely goes without difficulties. We argue, we get offended, we are indignant - in a word, we go through a period of grinding.

It is quite difficult to imagine a completely impeccable relationship that, once started, would not have had any negative episodes over its course. Of course, this is possible, but only as an exception. If you know examples of cloudless relationships, then write about such signs of the zodiac - it is possible that we will talk about them later in this article.

So, what do we mean by a perfect couple? This is a combination of zodiac signs that have an astrological predisposition to be together. It is easier for them to see eye to eye, find common interests, overcome difficulties, fall in love with each other. When we meet such people, we often admire them. It is often said that this marriage seems to have been made in heaven, or that these people must have loved each other in a past life and met in this life to continue their happiness.

Any ideal union is a great success and a find, but this does not mean at all that people who have found a suitable soul mate will not have to work on themselves or deal with difficulties. In some ways, of course, it will be easier than for most other couples, but relationships are always a contribution, always initiative and attention to each other.

Now we will look at the most successful combinations of zodiac signs, but remember that if you don’t find your option there, it’s okay, because your union will become ideal even without it if you both try for the sake of common happiness.

We often hear that representatives of the elements of Air are perfectly combined in alliances with representatives of the elements of Fire. And it is true. A pair of Aries and Aquarius is one of the most harmonious and can rightfully be called ideal. Both aspiring to freedom, new experiences, discoveries and travel, the partners fit together like pieces of a puzzle. This is more than love - it is also friendship, full of joy, smiles, passion and sincere cheerful laughter. The ardor of such lovers will not fade over the years, they will never have to think about how to fill their leisure time or how to spend the weekend, because new ideas that are interesting to both always appear on the horizon.

This is not just a union, but a real rage of the fiery element. Two different kinds of flame merge into one. This is a union overflowing with energy, the enthusiasm and strength of which are felt by all people around. It may seem to someone from the outside that Aries and Sagittarius are just an inseparable pair of friends who are passionate about common interests and, as adults, are childish with each other, but this is a somewhat superficial judgment. In reality, Aries and Sagittarius are simply always on the same wavelength, as they say, they are absorbed by each other and communicate easily, understanding everything from a half-word. Someone may call their union too loud, too bright, almost crazy, but for Aries and Sagittarius this is sweet madness, which only they can share and understand - and no one else.

The relationship between Taurus and Cancer is built very subtly. This is a sensual union, imbued with psychological trends that are elusive for other people. It will be difficult for an outside observer to believe how well these partners feel for each other, how they are attentive to trifles, thrifty in relationships and gentle. All that their friends can say is that Cancer and Taurus are a very strong couple, in which there are practically no disagreements. Yes, it looks exactly like that, but no one really knows how these people support each other and how touching and romantic their union really is, since their personal is not intended for outsiders' eyes.

This is a very balanced union. If Taurus is a sign that can converge with many, because it can be different, then Virgo is a person of strict rules and unwavering views. This inflexibility of the Virgo makes her a rather difficult partner, with whom it is very difficult to find a common language, and even more so to find happiness in marriage. Nevertheless, Taurus is not only capable of this, but also feels Virgo so well that they are one of the most successfully compatible couples known to astrology. It is quite difficult to explain to an outsider why Virgo and Taurus are so good together. They may seem boring and lacking in passion. But this is only because both of them are not used to showing their feelings in public. In fact, their union is a carefully planned, literally measured to the millimeter perfect diamond, which sparkles with uniform facets of passion, love, respect and friendship. In terms of balance, Taurus and Virgo are a flawless pair.

These two representatives of the element of Air tend to hover high above the ground, so not everyone can get close enough to understand why the partners admire each other so much. From the outside it may seem that they have the most peaceful life, completely devoid of any bright events, expensive acquisitions, long journeys and everything that many people need so much to feel happy. By no means, Gemini and Libra do not deny such values ​​and do not refuse them, but they put the psychological aspects of communication and the intellect of their partner much higher. They are both excellent scholars, they can have lively conversations, plunging deeper and deeper into the most complex topics, dreams and dreams of a partner, as well as the most hidden corners of each other's consciousness.

And again, representatives of the elements of Air were on the list of the most ideal couples in the zodiac circle. But the situation here is somewhat different than in the previous case. Gemini and Aquarius find their common interests in the most non-standard aspects of life. They are interested in discovering something new about this world together. Variability and inconstancy can confuse representatives of various zodiac signs, but not these two! All changes for them are just an occasion for a new discovery, research and acquisition of knowledge. They are not afraid to experiment and support each other in every way in any endeavors. To some, this life will seem like chaos, but for Gemini and Aquarius it is a hurricane of emotions, feelings and happiness.

This is a very emotional union. He is literally saturated with life and has his own rapidly beating heart. If you ask one of the acquaintances of Cancer and Scorpio if these two are suitable for each other, then he will answer without hesitation that he is not - and he will be mistaken. This is indeed a very unusual union. These are two emotional, sensual, deep people, communication with which is not given to every representative of the opposite sex. And it seems that two such complex personalities simply torture each other in union, but this never happens. Scorpio takes care of the fragile and vulnerable nature of Cancer, and he, in turn, respects the strong passion of Scorpio. They unite at the deepest levels, which allows you to create a lasting and happy union. Sometimes Cancer and Scorpio do not even need to talk to each other to understand what a partner needs. They just feel good from the very closeness - the feeling that a loved one is nearby.

This is a very remarkable couple. They are not just representatives of the same element of Water. It's something more. People perceive them as a whole. Husband and wife in such unions become very similar to each other, hold the same opinion on various issues and generally live on the same wavelength. Often, someone you know can, telling something about one, get confused and mention the other, and in principle, this couple is quite difficult to perceive separately. You rarely hear that Cancer and Pisces quarreled because of disagreement on any issue. The decor of their home usually does not contain elements that stand out from the general harmony. “Soul to soul” is a phrase about Cancer and Pisces. Usually they meet each other at some thematic events and get closer on the basis of common interests. Often the spouses Cancer and Pisces are work colleagues, and even more often they are people of art who are passionate about one thing. Families of artists and musicians are usually created by representatives of these zodiac signs.

As it is not difficult to see, many ideal couples consist of zodiac signs of the same element. This is understandable, because these people have a common nature, which means there are more points of contact that bring them together. So the current version is no exception. In the union of Leo and Sagittarius, serious passions boil. Two types of lights, intertwined, form a real fire. They are tightly woven into each other's lives, and it is fair to compare each of the spouses with a real battery that feeds the strength and enthusiasm of the other. This pair of friends and accomplices, but not like-minded people. Each of them has their own interests, but both have a deep respect for the life and hobbies of their partner. Thanks to this, Leo and Sagittarius will always come to each other's rescue, help with practical advice, and if necessary, they themselves will make efforts in some important matter for the partner. Their intimate life could become a prototype for a spectacular erotic film, and domestic issues do not cause controversy at all. Of course, these two strong personalities also face a conflict of interests, but this happens much less often than many others.

This union is amazing. They do not strive to be understood by others, because the main thing is mutual understanding and clarity in relations with a partner. Their relationship may look extravagant, exotic, or even carry some kind of mystical connotation. The thing is that Libra and Aquarius are people who are able to get carried away with the most unusual questions, and joint research gives them incomparable pleasure. A family of astrologers, magicians, adventurers, circus performers, climbers - the list goes on, because Aquarius and Libra are unpredictable and will always find some non-standard common hobby. But in addition to interests, they have one more quality that brings them together - both willingly give in to each other in order to achieve harmony in relations. They balance forces, smooth out conflicts, try to avoid excessive emotionality, and therefore their hearts easily and naturally beat in unison.

They say about such people that they have a karmic connection. It's hard to say if this is always true, but that's the impression the Pisces and Scorpio couple gives. They seemed to be born in order to find each other, and when this happened, they don’t even try to get to know each other better, because it seems that they have known each other all their lives - not even one. Their relationship runs smoothly, the transition from dating to marriage is almost always natural. It may seem as if all the events of the joint life of Pisces and Scorpio have long been rehearsed, and now they are simply played in front of the public. Their connection is so deep that even words are often not needed - just intuition is enough to understand what the partner wants. If some views of Pisces and Scorpio diverge, then they try not to focus on this, preferring to switch to other topics.

We looked at an example of 12 unions, which can be said to be made in heaven. The stars favor such couples, but, as mentioned above, you should not think that some other unions cannot be called ideal. The main thing is the desire to become better and find a common language with a partner. We are all capable of this, regardless of what zodiac sign we are born under.

Starting a conversation about which representatives of which zodiac signs are the most compatible, and, therefore, happy in marriage, one important caveat must be made.

The fact is that the synastry (a branch of astrological science dealing with issues of interpersonal relations) unequivocally believes that the degree of success of each marriage, whether it is registered or “civil”, depends not so much on the signs of the Zodiac of the spouses, but on their individual horoscopes and their combination with each other . In other words, for an unambiguous and complete answer to the question of how a couple of people are suitable for each other as possible spouses, an astrologer needs to compile and analyze the birth horoscopes of each of them, and most importantly, by “overlaying” them, see the points and ways of interaction of these people.

In many ways, it is for this reason that people, when reading popular books and articles on the compatibility of zodiac signs, sometimes wonder why they are so happy in marriage, although their signs say the opposite, and vice versa.

Nevertheless, the fact remains indisputable that the compatibility of various representatives of the Zodiac according to their signs is a kind of starting point in deciding on the prospect of their union and, under certain circumstances, can provide sufficient grounds for concluding whether it will be successful, mediocre or their marriage is unhappy.

Now, having understood the above, I propose to move on to the question of the most “recommended” by astrology marriage and love unions according to the signs of the Zodiac.
These are marriages between people born under the signs of the so-called "sextile", here they are:

  • Aries will suit Gemini and Aquarius,
  • Taurus - Cancers and Pisces,
  • Gemini - Lions and Aries,
  • Cancers - Virgo and Taurus,
  • Leo - Libra and Gemini,
  • Virgo - Scorpions and Cancers,
  • Libra - Sagittarius and Leo,
  • Scorpio - Capricorn and Virgo,
  • Sagittarius - Aquarius and Libra,
  • Capricorn - Pisces and Scorpio
  • Aquarius - Aries and Sagittarius,
  • Pisces - Taurus and Capricorn.

All these signs are interconnected by amazing combinations of characters and goals: where necessary they will complement each other, and where necessary they will be so similar that they will enhance the desired effect of interaction to the limit.

By the way, their compatibility is very symbolically and clearly demonstrated, among other things, by the nuance that among these pairs there are combinations of elements, either “Fire-Air”, or “Earth-Water”. It is not difficult to catch all the symbolism of such a union: fire cannot live without air, and earth does not give birth to life without water. However, this is only one of the points of compatibility of "sextile" signs.

Now, I propose to turn to the main features on which each of the above unions rests.

Aries Gemini

This couple is distinguished by its warm inner fire, childish enthusiasm and enterprise. In each other, they see the sincerity of feelings and the willingness to go hand in hand even to the ends of the world. And for those around them, these two become the embodiment of youth, excitement and restlessness.

Taurus Cancer

This is a "classic" quiet, absolutely stable married couple, living their own lives for the sake of the house and children (of which they can have many!). The fire of their love is not too bright, but it burns slowly, like a candle, dying out only after the death of both spouses.

Gemini Leo

Perhaps the brightest couple of the Zodiac. The brilliance of this couple is able to dazzle those around them, who, seeing them together, can only quietly envy. But the most important thing is that behind their external image lies, on the one hand, honest adoration by the twin partner of his “king or princess” and, on the other hand, the understanding by the Leo partner that he will never be able without his sweet talkative Twin.

Cancer Virgo

This is a typical couple of homely family men who rarely appear in society, but are increasingly busy with their family affairs, arranging an apartment or a summer cottage. Sometimes, they seem petty and overly closed to others, but in fact they just don’t need anyone but themselves. By the way, this couple makes up the best educators in the Zodiac.

Leo Libra

Also, no doubt, a very beautiful couple. They literally exude charm and kindness to the whole world. And usually they are the most welcome guests of their friends and relatives. It is very important that in this pair, Libra managed to find the key to taming their egocentric Leo, who, in turn, gave their partner such decisiveness and self-confidence that they needed.

Virgo Scorpio

A couple who perceives life sensibly, ready to be critical, and most importantly, adequately perceive each other's shortcomings, the mutual correction of which, without losing strength, they are engaged in all their lives together. As a result, over the years, an amazing, loving union of a devoted Virgin and a passionate Scorpio who has forgotten the jealousy comes out.


Once having met, and having tied the knot of their lives, these people do not stop learning from each other for a single day or together with one thing. Differing in the same, positive perception of the world, they become a reliable support for each other. And most importantly, they discover in themselves previously unfamiliar desires: Sagittarius - to become more "homely" and take care of their tender Libra, and Libra - to forgive their windy Sagittarius excessive love of freedom, learning to wait for him as long as necessary.


The couple is unparalleled in their inner strength. These guys stand by the mountain for each other and, if one of them was offended, they are able to turn into a “terminator” in order to help their soul mate out of trouble, and most importantly, to take revenge. In general, those people who want to become enemies of this couple are unhappy. Inside their family, peace and harmony reign, since Capricorn timely extinguishes Scorpio's overflowing emotions, and he makes his partner's life much more saturated with colors of feelings and carnal pleasures.

Sagittarius Aquarius

It is not so easy to find this couple at home: either they are busy implementing joint ideas somewhere in China, or they simply go on another joint cruise. Their desire for the new and the unknown carries them along the waves of life together in the same boat. And the mutual desire for freedom makes them understand each other's possible intrigues, after which both spouses will definitely return home, with an understanding of how dear to each other.


This union of a realist with a romantic turns out to be surprisingly harmonious for the reason that Pisces bring a fairy tale and boundless love so necessary to him into the life of his serious partner, while Capricorns give Pisces a solid material basis, protection and confidence in the future. Sometimes such unions can resemble marriages of convenience, but this is not so, because “behind the eyes” this couple demonstrates childish love. Well, if a Pisces woman gives an heir to her Capricorn man, he will carry her in his arms for the rest of his life.


A couple who are not looking for easy ways go their own way and they don’t care about those who say that their family looks unusual. In this union, in addition to love, there is a rare mutual respect, which is an infrequent occurrence for a pair of such individualists. Try to tell one of the spouses something impartial about their partner - you will immediately learn a lot of “new” things about yourself (from Aquarius) or get hit in the face (from Aries).


These are spouses who revel in the beauty of each other, whether it be external or internal. As a rule, Taurus plays the role of the head of the family in this couple and provides its material side, while Pisces takes care of the spiritual filling of their marriage. This is where their harmony comes from. By the way, such unions are typical for happy marriages of people of art or avid collectors of some antiquities.

Discussion of the article "Compatibility Astrology: The Happiest Unions of the Zodiac Signs"


Good article well written

04.12.2018 (12:37)


How do Aries and Pisces get along?

05.09.2018 (13:04)


Scorpio (w) - Capricorn (m): gloom! I can't stand Capricorns (m).

21.08.2018 (10:15)


Libra husband Aries, 12 years of marriage

12.07.2017 (11:26)


I wouldn't say it's true. I HAVE NEVER BEEN GOOD WITH LIONS. In general, I can not stand their proud character and their excessive self-esteem. Libra and Sagittarius. Of course there was such an alliance. But, they require quite a lot from a partner, the scales do the same. Union, although filled with colors, is boring and pasty. Libra and Aquarius are a good match. Both strong and throwing signs can understand each other from the floor of the word. Actually, it still depends on the person.

03.02.2017 (23:36)


Wtf what??! A lion? No, I've never had a relationship with a lion in my life. This is too much for me, I want to note that Libra and Aquarius are the opposite. And it is interesting that for some reason I meet too many scorpions in my life.

27.12.2016 (13:51)


Complete nonsense

30.11.2016 (22:46)

solar aquarius

It all depends not only on the sun signs, but also on the moon, venus and mars in the natal chart.

25.08.2016 (14:41)


Aries and Gemini? Are you seriously:? This is the worst union ever. I am an Aries and have never gotten along with a Gemini. My father is Gemini, so we don’t get along with him, we fight, we swear. In general, this is complete nonsense.

17.08.2016 (12:41)


I would not say that I met Aries that they have much in common, they are interesting, but Aries are usually used to dominate, and Aquarians are more freedom-loving and often walk around, and there are many more opposites .. but Sagittarius + Aquarius, yes.
In fact, quite a few facts influence here: what kind of energy a person has, what is the annual sign according to the Chinese calendar, what sign was in the moon at the time of birth. and many other facts, sometimes not always a certain archer, for example, should look like an archer.
is it crazy, once dividing the sector of the ecliptic by 12, all people should be divided by 12, by nature?
especially since every person has the power to re-educate himself.

Representatives of these signs are born adventurers, and this applies not so much to trips around the world as daily joint discoveries: for example, in bed. They like to do everything together as one well-coordinated team. While other couples get tired of constant communication and closeness 24/7, these two never get bored or tiring in each other's company. This important quality makes them not only excellent romantic partners, but also business partners. That rare case when people can build a joint family business in perfect harmony without harm to relationships and the common cause.

Taurus and Cancer

Taurus and Cancer have a very strong bond - physical and emotional. Both understand and accept all aspects (external and internal) of their soulmate, which helps them quickly resolve any conflicts and maintain passion in relationships for years. A very touching quality of this zodiac couple is sincere appreciation and gratitude to their partner for this union. They unconditionally support each other in all endeavors, which is an excellent foundation for a long happy marriage, and this is rare today.

Gemini and Aquarius

One of the craziest zodiac coincidences! It is with these signs that love at first sight most often happens, and they can get married just a couple of months (or weeks!) After they met. Gemini and Aquarius have a lot of creativity - they constantly share their most incredible ideas with each other, because they know that they can count on the support of a partner. "Let's cook frog legs for dinner tonight!" “Why not go hiking in the mountains tomorrow?” Their dreams are like pieces of an intricate puzzle, which gradually develops into a single idyllic picture. You should not write off the fact that representatives of these signs are very fond of feeling independent and can safely spend time with friends alone, which does not harm at all, but, on the contrary, only strengthens their union.

Cancer and Pisces

Cancer and Pisces have a real cosmic connection. Belonging to the cold water element gives these partners dreaminess, emotional perception of the world around them. Often, after the first meeting, they have the impression that they have known each other for a hundred years. They do not have to adapt to the habits and quirks of another person, because they are so similar to his own! They get along well together, because they do not overestimate or underestimate their partner, they know how to be sincerely proud of him, empathize and give in to something. Both signs have excellent intuition and feel each other's needs at a "sixth sense" level, which helps them easily form a strong bond that can last for decades. In the sexual sphere, excellent compatibility awaits the couple - both have a love for erotic games, the desire to give the physiological act a high aesthetics, they are aimed at achieving mutual satisfaction.

Leo and Sagittarius

The basis of this long-term relationship is passion. Both signs know how to fully enjoy life and love someone who feels the world in a similar way. They know perfectly well what they want to get from life, help each other achieve any goal and dream. Sagittarius can become an incentive for Leo to move forward, inspire him to new achievements, and he himself, thanks to Leo and the breadth of his nature, will begin to look at the world positively. Being representatives of the fire element, both have a deep understanding of the needs of their partner. This is a very bright union. Next to this couple is always a lot of fun. Their love example inspires and intoxicates even the most callous and cynical people around. Increasing the chances of mutual happiness is the innocence of the representatives of both constellations and their willingness to generously forgive. It is not difficult for them to adapt in everyday life, they have similar tastes and principles, which gives them even more hope for a cloudless future together.

Virgo and Taurus

Two earthy (and very down to earth in their desires) astrological signs that just can't help but fall in love with each other, or at least not form close friendships. From the outside, it sometimes seems that this is love by mutual calculation or some kind of secret agreement - this union looks so practical, calm and collected. In fact, the sincerity of the deep feelings of Virgo and Taurus should not be doubted. And if, in addition, they correctly distribute the roles among themselves, then their love will only double. Taurus in such a union should prioritize and act as an ideological inspirer (in other pairs, he can get lost against the background of an active second half), and Virgo is talented in doing everything. This is the same love that is written about in books - and they lived happily ever after.

Libra and Gemini

The idyll between Gemini and Libra is an example of a strong intellectual connection. These air signs have always been distinguished by impressive mental work. According to them, the brain is the sexiest part of a partner's body, and mind games kindle desire better than muscle flexing. They are able to fall in love not with appearance or physique, but with a sense of humor and charisma. And this is also the perfect case when the relationship is based on strong friendship - both are sure that they can frankly tell the partner all their dreams, secrets and experiences. A high degree of trust is the hallmark of this faithful union.

Scorpio and Cancer

More often than not, two overly passionate partners cannot create the perfect couple. They either burn each other, or start to compete. However, if one of them is Scorpio and the other is Cancer, such a union can be perfect. They see the world through the prism of identical emotional perception. They have similar aspirations and interests. Attractive, sensitive, soft. Cancer is very impressed with the creativity in Scorpio, and Scorpio is fascinated by the depth of Cancer's soul from the very first minutes of communication. It is not necessary for them to entertain each other with conversations - it is quite comfortable for them to “keep silent next to each other”. This also suggests that it is not difficult for such partners to adapt to each other in everyday life. The basis for their feelings is the unity of souls, which is established between them once and for all.

Sagittarius and Aries

Explosive couple! And how could it be otherwise when it comes to Sagittarius and Aries, whose passion resembles a whole warehouse of dynamite. The irrepressible energy that is in full swing in them only strengthens this union and helps it flourish. They both appreciate the wild enthusiasm of their significant other and maintain an optimistic approach to life. Although it is generally accepted that opposites attract best of all, sometimes people who are incredibly similar to each other become as close as possible. This couple can go hand in hand through all the trials that life has prepared for them, and will certainly prove to everyone that there are no unsolvable problems if there is a reliable support next to you.

Capricorn and Taurus

There is such a powerful chemistry between these two signs that no other astrological couple has. They are united by reliability, patience, devotion, diligence and purposefulness. In bed, they are waiting for complete understanding - they feel the secret desires of a partner with one touch. At the same time, both cannot be called overly romantic people, but this does not mean that one of them suffers from a lack of surprises and tenderness. On top of that, Taurus and Capricorn have something that most of us dream of - this is endless adoration for each other. It seems to both that he became the owner of a unique treasure. This sincere admiration for the other half of those around is pretty unnerving, but at the same time, one cannot but admit how touching it is. It is about such a union that “soul mates” usually speak of.

Aquarius and Libra

Representatives of these signs of the zodiac from the first minutes of their acquaintance show interest in each other, after which a fleeting conversation can drag on for several hours - because they have so many common topics! The relationship of these air representatives is almost mystical, from the outside this union raises a lot of questions and doubts, their love is very difficult to understand and comprehend. But, in the end, who cares if these two know exactly what is going on in their heads and hearts and they care little about other people's opinions. In life, both of these signs strive to demonstrate their individuality and independence, but for the sake of a particular partner they are ready to make an exception and can sacrifice their own ideals for the sake of love, harmony and mutual understanding. And such a healthy compromise only strengthens their relationship.

Pisces and Scorpio

Another pair that is purely intuitively drawn to each other: it is difficult to convey these feelings in words, they can only be experienced. Remember the shots from the films in which the main character “grabs” Her from the crowd with his eyes and cannot look away? This situation in the life of Pisces and Scorpio is quite real. Even if they often disagree in their hobbies or passions, common values ​​​​and views on the family help them live a long happy life “side by side”. Sometimes they guess the train of thought of their partner so clearly that it seems as if this or that idea was born in their own head, they feel the situation in such detail. And they are not afraid to be too romantic and sentimental in relation to their companion.

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