Lymphedema. Lymphostasis of the lower extremities: causes, symptoms and treatment

Modern lymphatic correction technologies

Treatment of lymphatic edema (lymphedema)

Every tenth person in the world suffers from edema of the extremities. The causes of edema are different. One of the reasons is lymphatic edema, which is not amenable to conventional methods of treatment. There is no single method for their treatment. In our country, the problem is exacerbated by the lack of specialized centers for the provision of qualified assistance. Patients often simply stop seeking medical help due to its ineffectiveness. The Clinic of the Institute of Lymphology is the only medical institution beyond the Urals that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of lymphatic edema.

The head Vadim Valeryevich Nimaev tells about the specifics of this disease and methods of its treatment:

How does lymphedema appear?

It is known that in the body, blood flows through the arteries, returning through the veins to the heart. At the same time, the so-called "littered" liquid remains between the cells, which is removed from the tissues through the vessels of the lymphatic system. Accordingly, if there are interruptions in the work of the lymphatic system, then this excess fluid begins to accumulate in the tissues, which is manifested by edema, an increase in the volume of the affected part of the body.

A common cause of swelling of the lower extremities may be the so-called primary lymphedema; due to congenital problems caused by underdevelopment of the lymphatic vessels. On the hands, edema is most often formed as a result of the combined treatment of tumors of the mammary glands, when the lymph nodes are removed and (or) irradiation was performed. Very rarely, lymphedema can be accompanied by damage to several regions (face, hands, external genitalia). A factor that can cause clinically significant edema, if present, causes the progression of lymphedema, is erysipelas. An increase in edema is often associated with recurring erysipelas.

Regardless of the cause of lymphedema, fluid with large proteins accumulates in the tissues, which leads not only to an increase in volume, but also to a pronounced thickening of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of tissues, and such edema can progress rapidly. Lymphedema can occur as a result of trauma, inflammation or tumors.

There are four stages of lymphatic edema, from the appearance of an incoming symptom to the development of elephantiasis.

Lymphedema, as a result of a violation of the outflow of lymph through the lymphatic vessels, is accompanied by thickening of the limb, thickening of the skin, and with the progression of the disease - ulcers, the development of elephantiasis. There are primary and secondary lymphedema.

Causes of lymphedema:

Congenital underdevelopment of lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels;

Inflammatory processes;

Traumatic injuries;

malignant tumors;

Lymphedema that occurs as a result of venous disease (post-thrombotic disease, varicose veins), which is called phlebolymphedema.

When diagnosing lymphedema of the lower extremities, first of all, other causes of edema should be excluded:

Cardiac edema

Edema associated with kidney disease;

Edema associated with taking medications;

Edema associated with insufficient thyroid function;

In order to clarify the nature of the course of the disease, the state of the drainage function, the cause of edema, in some cases it is necessary to use special research methods, for example:



CT and MR-tomography;


What threatens running edema?

Women are most susceptible to lymphedema. Of course, they perceive this as a terrible lack of appearance, problems with the choice of clothes and shoes are added, and as the disease progresses, physical discomfort begins to appear. Cases are described when extremely neglected edema led to malignant degeneration of tissues.

Techniques for the treatment of lymphatic edema

Currently, the main method of treating lymphatic edema is complex anti-edematous therapy, including skin care, manual lymphatic drainage, gymnastics and bandaging.

In addition, the clinic of the Research Institute of Lymphology uses a number of unique devices and techniques for physiotherapy. For example, a device for stimulating the lymphatic vessels, with which you can improve the functions of the lymphatic system, and it begins to contract more actively and pump lymph. The low-frequency ultrasound device acts on the subcutaneous tissue and serves as a conductor for drugs. Large protein molecules that accumulate in tissues can be broken down using special enzymes under the influence of low-frequency ultrasound. In the later stages of edema, if it does not respond to conservative treatment, it is possible to physically reduce the mass of the limb. This is a surgical procedure in which excess fluid and tissue is removed through small punctures using aspiration similar to liposuction.

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*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For exact information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic.

In the human body, blood flows through the arteries and returns to the heart through the veins. Fluid remains between the cells, which is removed from the tissues through the vessels of the lymphatic system. If there are interruptions in the work of the lymphatic system, then this excess fluid begins to accumulate in the tissues, which is manifested by edema and an increase in the volume of the affected part of the body.

Lymph edema is easy to diagnose, difficulties arise in identifying the cause of the violation of the outflow of lymphatic fluid. Doctors of the Yusupov hospital carry out diagnostics using modern equipment. Therapy in each case is selected individually.

Causes of lymphedema

A common cause of lymphedema in the lower extremities may be primary lymphedema. The disease is caused by congenital underdevelopment of the lymphatic vessels. On the upper extremities, edema is most often formed as a result of the combined treatment of breast tumors, when lymph nodes are removed from patients or irradiation was performed. Very rarely, lymphedema can be localized in several areas: on the face, hands, external genitalia. Lymphatic edema is often formed after several times of erysipelas.

Regardless of the cause of lymphedema, fluid containing large protein molecules accumulates in the tissues. This leads not only to an increase in the volume of the limb, but also to a pronounced thickening of the skin, subcutaneous tissue tissues. This swelling can progress quickly. Lymphedema can occur as a result of trauma, tumors, or inflammatory processes.

Diagnosis of lymphedema

There are 4 stages of lymphatic edema, they can be in the form of slight swelling and, if the disease is started, the development of elephantiasis. At the mildest stage of lymphostasis, patients note the systematic appearance of transient edema of the limb, which is noticeable in the evening and disappears on its own in the morning, after rest. Lymphatic edema tends to increase after physical exertion, long stays on the legs, or long-term limitation of mobility. In this case, the doctors of the Yusupov hospital prescribe a treatment that leads to a persistent regression of pathological changes in the limb.

Lymphostasis of moderate severity is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • non-disappearing lymphatic edema;
  • growth of connective tissues;
  • thickening and tightness of the skin, which may be accompanied by pain.

After pressing with a finger on edematous tissues, impression marks remain that persist for a long time. Persistent lymphatic edema causes increased fatigue of the affected limb and convulsions.

In severe cases of lymphedema, patients have irreversible violations of the outflow of lymphatic fluid, the development of fibrocystic changes in tissues and elephantiasis. Lymphostasis becomes so pronounced that the limb loses its contours and the ability to function normally.

Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital use the following diagnostic methods to identify the cause of lymphedema:

  • dopplerography;
  • computed and magnetic resonance imaging;
  • lymphangiography
  • lymphoscintigraphy with tc-99m.

Techniques for the treatment of lymphatic edema

The doctors of the Yusupov hospital use the following methods of treatment of lymphatic edema:

  • complex anti-edematous therapy, including skin care;
  • manual lymphatic drainage;
  • hardware compression;
  • gymnastics;
  • bandaging.

Manual lymphatic drainage is performed by experienced massage therapists. For hardware compression, modern devices from the best European manufacturers are used. In addition, the Yusupov hospital uses a number of unique devices and techniques for physiotherapy, for example, a device for stimulating the lymphatic vessels.

In the later stages of edema, if it does not respond to conservative treatment, the mass of the limb is physically reduced. To do this, angiosurgeons at Yusupov Hospital's partner clinics perform a surgical procedure in which excess fluid in the tissue is removed through small incisions using suction, similar to liposuction.

If you find lymphatic edema, contact the Yusupov hospital. Doctors will conduct the necessary examination and decide on the optimal method of treating the disease. If indicated, vascular surgeons at partner clinics will perform innovative surgical interventions that will help improve the quality of life and save the limb.


  • ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases)
  • Yusupov hospital
  • "Diagnostics". - Brief Medical Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1989.
  • "Clinical evaluation of the results of laboratory studies" / / G. I. Nazarenko, A. A. Kishkun. Moscow, 2005
  • Clinical laboratory analytics. Fundamentals of clinical laboratory analysis V.V. Menshikov, 2002.

Oncology of the breast - website - 2010

The lymphatic system is a drainage and one-way transport system that removes cellular decay products from the body. Lymph is "responsible" for the removal of those substances that the system of venous vessels cannot cope with. Among them are dead cells, cancer cells, microorganisms, viruses, interstitial fluid, blood plasma proteins, as well as inorganic substances, such as dust or coal particles. The protective functions of the lymphatic system are that it produces protective cells that destroy foreign bodies that enter the body.

As you know, the blood in our body moves in a closed system, it is saturated with oxygen, then it gives it to the tissues, then it collects various toxins, then it is cleared of them, for example, in the liver or kidneys. The circulatory system is closed. In contrast, the lymphatic system is open, transporting lymphatic fluid from the tissues back to the circulatory system. In this case, the movement of lymph is one-way, which is provided by valves located inside the lymphatic vessels.

The lymphatic system is a network of capillaries that connect with each other and form tubules of ever larger diameter. The lymph flow is provided by pressure on the walls of these vessels from the outside, from the side of the surrounding tissues, as well as by contraction of the walls of large lymphatic vessels. Lymph nodes are located at the confluence of the lymphatic vessels. In the human body, there are from 600 to 800 of them. Their function is to cleanse the lymph from poisons, microbes, viruses, cancer cells and other foreign substances. Large lymphatic vessels connect with the circulatory system, flowing into the central vessels of the neck.

Lymphedema (lymphedema) often occurs as a complication of breast cancer surgery or other surgeries that remove lymph nodes. Such a violation of the structure of the lymphatic system leads to the development of interference in its functioning. These interferences can be expressed in the form of stagnation of the intercellular fluid, its accumulation in one or another part of the body, which can cause various health disorders.

What is lymphedema

About the occurrence of disturbances in the activity of the lymphatic system, the lymphatic fluid, transparent and rich in proteins, is not excreted into the bloodstream, but accumulates in the intercellular tissue. So there is swelling - lymphedema. As a rule, this occurs on the limbs, but the appearance of edema also on the face, neck, abdomen, chest or back is not excluded. An edematous limb, in addition to an aesthetic problem, also carries with it a limitation in movement, which can lead to difficulty in performing daily functions. In addition, edematous tissues are susceptible to the development of infection.

Causes of Lymphedema

Dysfunction of the lymphatic system, leading to the appearance of edema, may be due to various causes, which may be congenital or acquired. If the edema occurs under the influence of congenital disorders of the lymphatic system, it is called primary lymphedema. In most cases, it is the result of an insufficient number of lymphatic vessels or lymph nodes. It also happens that the lymph nodes are not developed to the level of normal functioning. Primary lymphedema may appear at birth or later, during adolescence, but may develop after 35 years. Primary lymphedema appears more often in women, usually on the lower extremities.

If the edema is caused by any effect on the lymphatic system, then it is called secondary. In this case, the naturally healthy and full-fledged lymphatic system is affected and ceases to function as before.

Many diseases, treatments, and situations can lead to secondary lymphedema. These include operations to remove malignant tumors, such as melanoma, breast cancer, vocal cords, ovaries, uterus, prostate, intestines. During such operations, the lymph nodes of the inguinal, axillary or cervical region are removed, which can lead to the development of edema. Secondary edema can also occur after radiation therapy, re-infections, burns, trauma and plastic surgery, since all these conditions cause a massive flow of tissue decay products into the lymphatic system, as a result of which the lymphatic vessels and nodes are blocked with so much material that needs to be removed, and lymphedema occurs. Venous insufficiency can also cause lymphedema, since it leads to a decrease in the ability of blood vessels to remove the fluid that enters them in the lymph, and this causes lymph stasis and, accordingly, secondary lymphoedema.

Symptoms of Lymphedema

The main symptom of lymphedema is an unexplained swelling in one part of the body, most often in the extremities. The tumor creates a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in a certain place, it is pressed and squeezed by clothes and jewelry. The edema tends to increase, numbness, pain and limited mobility appear. In the initial stages, the swelling remains mild and disappears, or at least decreases, after rest or raising the limb up. When pressed with a finger in the area of ​​​​edema, as a rule, a hole remains - a trace from the finger, which disappears after a while. In the future, the edematous limb becomes hard, no marks remain when pressed, and the edema does not disappear after rest. If lymphedema persists for a long time (up to several years), the swelling continues to build up and can lead to changes in the skin such as hardness, thickening and folds, as well as lymph leakage through the skin.

Lymphedema after surgery: how to prevent its occurrence

Following some simple but effective rules will help reduce the risk of lymphatic edema after surgery that affects the lymph nodes and, therefore, disrupts the functioning of the lymphatic system. The meaning of these rules is to unload risk zones, to relieve them of increased loads and external pressure.

Avoid any damage to the skin as it allows microbes to enter the tissue and cause an inflammatory response. The edema that contributes to it due to violations of the outflow in this area due to the absence of lymph nodes can develop into lymphedema. Therefore, wear gloves during household, gardening and other work to protect yourself from the possibility of any, even a small wound. Do not walk barefoot, protect your limbs from mechanical damage: cuts, burns, etc. For shaving, use not a simple blade, but an electric razor, avoid injuring the skin around the nails. Prevent mosquito bites and animal scratches, do not do acupuncture on the swollen side of the limb.

For the same reason, do not donate blood, do not give blood transfusions or injections into an arm that is suffering from swelling.

So that irritation and inflammation do not appear on the skin, which serve as the entrance gates of infection, it must be clean and elastic. Skin hygiene should be monitored very carefully. After washing, the edematous limb should be dried carefully and thoroughly, and the skin should be lubricated with cream.

Lymphatic vessels in a limb prone to lymphoedema are very fragile. Any pressure on them should be avoided so as not to destroy them and cause additional congestion in the lymphatic system.

It is recommended to measure blood pressure on the arm that was not injured during the operation, so as not to squeeze the tissue with the cuff of the pressure measuring device. It is also advisable not to wear rings, watches, bracelets and other items on this hand that can squeeze your fingers or hand. Clothing should only be loose, not tight or squeezing fabrics. This also applies to underwear: socks, shorts and bras.

Any physical activity, such as carrying heavy objects, pushing objects, and many others that require increased muscle activity, requires increased blood flow in the muscles, supplying oxygen and nutrition. However, the limited drainage properties of the lymphatic system, weakened after surgery, do not allow efficient removal of excess fluid from the tissues. This leads to the development of limb edema.

Try not to carry the bag on the shoulder on the side where there is a risk of lymphedema. The bag should be freed from unnecessary things, leaving only the most necessary. Do not perform physical activities that require effort, cause fatigue and pain. At the same time, we must not forget that the operated limb needs gradual development and strengthening.

The movement of lymph in the vessels depends on the variable pressure exerted by adjacent muscle groups. Muscle contraction during sports, like a pump, improves the outflow of lymphatic fluid. A balanced physical activity is recommended, such as walking, cycling, swimming. When a tumor appears, an elastic bandage should be applied. The load should not cause fatigue, overexertion, pain and swelling.

High temperature, fever, increases blood flow to the tissues. Therefore, it is important to avoid sun exposure, hot showers, and sauna visits. Remember that not only high temperatures are harmful, but also sudden changes in temperature, respectively, hypothermia should also be avoided.

An increase in body weight creates an increased load on all life support systems of the body, including high demands on the function of drainage, which the lymphatic system weakened after surgery does not cope well with. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your weight and follow a diet based on foods rich in fiber, low in salt.

Low atmospheric pressure can lead to the development or aggravation of edema. If you have an air flight, you need to bandage the limb, or put on an elastic "sleeve" on it and keep it in this state until landing.

When does lymphedema appear?

Edema can develop at the time of damage to the lymphatic system. It may appear immediately after the operation, but it may also appear in the long-term period, after several months or even years. Certain events that seem insignificant at first glance can provoke the appearance of lymphedema, but are significant for a weakened or damaged lymphatic system. Among such such reasons are a mosquito bite, a thorn prick, sunburn, weight lifting, changes in atmospheric pressure during air travel, etc. In some cases, edema goes away without treatment, but much more often, once it appears, it only increases with time. Running lymphatic edema can lead to complications such as chronic inflammation and even the appearance of malignant tumors in the lymphatic system.

Lymphedema treatment

Conservative (non-surgical) treatment of lymphedema includes several care methods to reduce and control it: elevation (lifting) of the edematous limb, hardware pneumocompression, such as Lymphapress, combined physical therapy, compression (squeezing) with a bandage, elastic stocking or cuff.

limb elevation

Elevation - lifting, elevated position of the limb - can serve as a temporary solution to the problem, while the edema is still in the primary stage, that is, while it is soft and not hardened. It is believed that when a limb is raised, the hydraulic pressure inside the blood vessels decreases, which leads to a decrease in the amount of fluid that enters the intercellular tissue from the vessels.

Combined physiotherapy

This approach is well known in Europe, USA, Australia and Israel. The method consists of four complementary parts.

Skin care to prevent the occurrence of damage to the skin and the development of infections. Personal hygiene and thoughtful daily behavior.

Manual (manual) lymph drainage/lymphatic massage: a specific massage technique for transporting lymphatic fluid from swollen areas to healthy areas of the lymphatic system and into the venous circulation.

Compression with bandage: special bandages, as well as the use of elastic stockings/cuffs for a long time, prevent the return of fluid removed using manual drainage.

Physical activity and a personalized exercise program engage the muscles and promote lymphatic drainage.

Hardware pneumocompression or pneumopressing

The outflow of lymph from various parts of the body occurs in the regional lymph nodes. So, the chest and back drain lymph into the axillary lymph glands, the lower abdomen and back into the inguinal glands. After removal of these lymph nodes, edema may form in the corresponding parts of the body. A pneumatic compressor is a device that acts by means of air pressure, mechanically massages the limb and thus distills the lymph through small lymphatic vessels towards the center of the body. But in case of violation in the lymphatic system, the fluid entering the center of the body is not excreted, but accumulates at the base of the limb, which leads to the formation of hardening in this area. A pneumatic compressor can help in cases where it is necessary to increase venous blood flow, or when edema is still in its primary stage and accumulation has not yet formed in the center of the body. The effectiveness of the device is increased in combination with manual lymphatic drainage, which can redirect lymph flow to healthy areas of the body. The air pressure in the cuffs of the pneumatic compressor must be controlled so as not to lead to the destruction of the fragile walls of small lymphatic vessels.

Compression bandage

It is an integral part of complex physiotherapy treatment. The use of a bandage in the form of a stocking or cuff is important for external support of the skin. Bandage treatment may prevent the increase in edema, although it has not been proven to reduce it. The effectiveness of such treatment depends on the condition of the edema, whether it is new or advanced, and also on the causes of its occurrence. Lymphedema is incurable, but the condition of the edematous limb can be improved and controlled. The patient's active participation in this process consists in strict observance of all the necessary rules of behavior, which allows achieving a stable state in which lymphedema does not increase and does not give complications, such as inflammation. Combined physiotherapy is carried out by professional physiotherapists who have undergone special training and have received the right to engage in treatment using this method.

Precautions in the treatment of lymphedema

Patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases should be treated under the supervision of their physician.

It is forbidden to treat patients with venous disorders, for example, with thrombosis or acute inflammation, until these phenomena are completely cured.

Patients taking anticoagulants (drugs against blood clotting) should undergo a special venous system check before starting treatment, certifying that they do not have venous blockages.

Some hospitals use special diagnostic methods that simulate the lymphatic system and indicate the location of blockages or the absence of lymphatic vessels and nodes. These methods include lymphangioscintigraphy and magnetic resonance imaging.

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Lymphostasis is a disease that develops due to a violation of the formation of lymph and its normal outflow along the lymphatic main tracts. According to the latest WHO data, this pathology, also called lymphedema, or lymphatic edema, occurs in 10% of the world's population.

The disease is characterized by the following features: progressive swelling of tissues, an increase in the volume of the affected limb, coarsening and damage to the skin with ulcers. Chronic lymphedema leads to the development of elephantiasis, which causes disability.

Causes of pathology

Causing such a dangerous disease as lymphedema, the causes may be different, and the range of provoking factors is wide. The accumulation of lymphatic fluid in the tissues can be the result of heart failure, renal pathology, when the main ducts and highways of the body cannot cope with the outflow of lymph.

Also, the causes of lymphostasis can be hidden in thrombophlebitis syndrome, arteriovenous fistulas. If the amount of fluid removed from the tissues is excessive, an expansion of the lymphatic vessels develops, their tone decreases, the operation of the valves is disturbed - all this leads to lymphovenous insufficiency.

The main causes of lymphostasis:

  • pathologies of the lymphatic system (in most cases - congenital lymphedema);
  • obstruction of the highways of the lymphatic system after injuries, burns or surgical interventions, after removal of the mammary gland;
  • compression of the lymphatic capillaries by tumors or inflammatory foci.

Lymphedema after mastectomy (removal of the breast due to cancer) is observed in 10-40% of patients who have undergone this operation. If the intervention caused the development of pathology, then lymphedema of the upper extremities usually occurs. During the operation, axillary lymph nodes are often removed, which may undergo metastases. After a mastectomy, the patient should be registered with a phlebologist and a lymphologist.

Allocate primary and secondary forms of pathology.

Primary lymphostasis, that is, congenital lymphedema, develops for the following reasons:

  • congenital anomalies in the structure of the lymphatic ducts and highways;
  • underdevelopment of capillaries;
  • valve failure;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Paired limbs are usually affected. If lymphatic edema of the arm occurs, signs of lymphostasis may also appear on the second. Congenital lymphedema can be diagnosed as early as adolescence.

Secondary lymphostasis occurs after injuries or pathologies of the lymphatic system, which was originally normally formed. In women, the condition may worsen after a mastectomy. Secondary lymphedema develops mainly on one limb. In most cases, the disease affects the area from the lower leg to the knee and has an inflammatory-infectious or post-traumatic etiology (nature).

Symptoms of lymphostasis

Depending on the stage of lymphedema, the manifestations and symptoms of the disease may be as follows:

  1. Easy stage - mild swelling that appears in the evening and disappears overnight. Swelling of tissues increases with excessive physical exertion, with sedentary or standing work. If lymphedema of the legs is at the initial stage, it should be treated with conservative methods.
  2. middle stage - not passing edema. Fluid accumulates in the tissues constantly, chronic lymphedema develops, the symptoms of which are as follows: on the edematous surface, the skin is stretched, inflammation leads to the growth of connective tissue. These symptoms may be accompanied by pulling pains in the legs, the appearance of convulsions. As a result of loads, lymphostasis is aggravated, the affected limb does not tolerate long physical activity, it gets tired.
  3. severe stage - elephantiasis, the formation of cysts and fibrous nodes. Severe lymphostasis develops, its symptoms are a significant change in the contours of the affected limb. The development of contractures leads to a limitation of the functionality of the arm or leg, tissue nutrition is disturbed, ulcers, inflammatory infiltrates, and eczema appear on the skin.

This is how lymphedema proceeds, the stages of which can pass from one to another, in the absence of timely diagnosis and therapy. In this case, the signs of lymphostasis increase starting from the fingers of the limb, then capturing all the large sections of the connective tissue. So, the lymphostasis of the lower leg cannot proceed separately from the lymphatic edema of the foot.

In general, the symptoms of lymphedema are as follows:

  • change in the shape and volume of the affected limb;
  • the formation of folds on the skin that do not move when probing;
  • feeling of tension and fullness in the affected areas of the body;
  • It's a dull pain;
  • skin changes;
  • lymphorrhea (lymph leakage);
  • inability to form a skin fold on the diseased limb.

Secondary lymphostasis develops quickly, unlike the congenital form, which can be asymptomatic for years. The patient may notice the first signs of the disease after an injury or surgery. Secondary lymphedema can only be corrected in conjunction with the treatment of the underlying disease that caused it.

Lymphostasis of the lower extremities

Lymphostasis of the legs is the most common type of this pathology. The factors provoking the disease can be hidden in neglected, pathologies of the renal and cardiovascular systems. Lymphatic edema of the legs occurs more often due to a strong load on the lower limbs, if they are already subject to changes as a result of concomitant diseases.

In pregnant women, it develops due to impaired lymph circulation, but pregnancy in this case is not the root cause of the disease. Most likely, the primary lymphedema, which had been asymptomatic for many years, worsened and manifested itself during this period.

Dysfunction of the outflow of lymph leads not only to swelling of the tissues, but also to its slagging. The level of acidity of the skin increases, which leads to its thickening, a decrease in protective functions. The limb becomes vulnerable to attack by bacteria, infectious processes, inflammations and ulcers develop on the affected leg.

Lymphostasis of the hand

Such a pathology as lymphedema of the upper extremities affects predominantly the female population. In most cases, lymphostasis of the upper extremities in women develops after a mastectomy.

Pathology appears when the lymphatic vessels are injured or completely removed during the operation. This disrupts the outflow of lymph from the upper limbs, which leads to violations. If lymphostasis of the upper extremities develops after a considerable time after the operation, or the area of ​​edematous tissue becomes hard and poorly palpable, medical intervention is urgently needed - a recurrence of the tumor process is possible. Treatment of hand lymphostasis should be complex, the success of therapy depends on the stage of the disease and on timely identified comorbidities.

Which doctor deals with the treatment of lymphostasis

Lymphedema is treated by lymphologists and vascular surgeons. It is important that the therapy is carried out by a competent specialist, since lymphatic edema is fraught with complications.

It is better to treat lymphedema in a specialized clinic adapted for high-quality diagnostics and equipped with all the conditions for hardware and drug treatment of the disease.


Treatment of lymphostasis involves a preliminary full diagnosis of the body. Examination methods recommended for suspected pathology:

  • Ultrasound of the veins and capillaries of the lower extremities;
  • Ultrasound of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity;
  • Ultrasound of the internal organs of the genitourinary system and small pelvis;
  • blood tests - general and biochemistry;
  • general urine analysis;
  • lymphography - to determine the level of patency of the lymphatic highways;
  • magnetic resonance or computed tomography - to detect and evaluate changes in tissues.

If lymphedema is diagnosed, treatment should be started immediately, without waiting for complications.

Lymphedema treatment

Consider how to treat lymphostasis so that the therapy is effective. The goal of treatment is to restore the normal outflow of lymphatic fluid from the affected limbs.

  • Lymphatic drainage massage, carried out manually or on a pneumocompression apparatus.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures - magnetotherapy, laser therapy.
  • Wearing compression knitted underwear, selected according to the size and taking into account the desired degree of compression.
  • Compliance with a diet based on limiting salt intake.
  • Remedial gymnastics, swimming.
  • Drug therapy, including phlebotonic preparations that have a lymphotropic effect, enzymes, immunomodulating agents. Dosages should be selected by each individually attending physician.
  • Local treatment of inflammatory and infectious processes of the skin.

If lymphedema is diagnosed, treatment with folk remedies can only give a supporting effect, but cannot be considered as the main method of therapy.

Here are some ways to keep the body in remission and improve lymph flow:

  • Tar treatment . You need to take one onion, bake in the oven and peel. Add a fly in the ointment to the softened root crop. Apply the composition to the affected limb in the form of a compress and leave overnight. In the morning it is recommended to eat a teaspoon of royal jelly with the addition of honey. The course of treatment is 2 months.
  • Herbal therapy . The oral preparation is prepared as follows: sandy immortelle, Icelandic moss, birch and oak bark, horse chestnut are mixed in equal parts. Two tablespoons of the collection are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, the composition is boiled for several minutes. Decoction drink 100 ml 4 times a day.
  • Garlic honey tincture . Pass three hundred grams of peeled garlic through a meat grinder, pour it with liquid honey. The composition must stand for 7 days. Use 1 tbsp. l. three times a day for two months.

It is necessary to treat lymphostasis with folk remedies in combination with the main therapy.


The procedure should be carried out by a qualified specialist, choosing the technique individually, depending on the condition of the diseased limb.

With the help of manual massage or pneumocompression performed on the apparatus, it is possible to stimulate lymph flow, facilitate blood circulation in the affected area of ​​the body and relieve tissue swelling, at least partially.

The course of massage sessions is usually 10 days, it should be carried out regularly.


Remember: prevention is better than cure for lymphedema, especially in the legs. The disease can be prevented by observing the following rules:

  • timely treat infectious foci and wounds;
  • provide therapy for chronic diseases of the renal and cardiovascular systems;
  • engage in the treatment and prevention of varicose veins;
  • with a neoplasm in the breast - choose the method of mastectomy with the removal of only the sentinel lymph nodes, without using total removal.

An important question becomes how to cure lymphostasis, if the disease has already been diagnosed. Cases of complete recovery from lymphedema are rare, basically the pathology has to be treated throughout life, trying to keep the body in a stable remission stage.

The prognosis in the treatment of lymphedema is serious, all patients with such a diagnosis should be registered with an angiosurgeon. Refusal of therapy leads to an even greater spread of edema, tissue infection and limb dysfunction. Therefore, it is important to recognize lymphedema in time. At the first signs of persistent edema, you should immediately contact a specialized clinic. The earlier therapy is started, the higher the chance of preventing dangerous complications.

Lymphostasis (or lymphedema) - a disease that occurs when there is an imbalance between the formation and outflow of lymph. More often, lymphedema develops in women. Lymphedema is usually accompanied by heaviness in the legs. With lymphostasis, fluid retention occurs in the legs as a result of diseases of the heart, kidneys, and liver. During lymphostasis, the veins do not have time to cope with such an amount of fluid, and at some point the lymphatic vessels, unable to withstand the stress, burst. From here, swelling of the limbs, cracks and ulcers appear.

Symptoms of lymphostasis

Edema is familiar to everyone, and sometimes we just do not pay attention to them. However, edema is a problem that needs to be solved with the help of specialists - phlebologists. Lymphostasis, for example, may first manifest itself as mild, spontaneously passing edema. And at this time, an uncontrolled disease progresses.

The main symptoms of lymphedema are:

  • soreness;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • severe thickening of the limb;
  • significant thickening of the skin;
  • the appearance of "elephantiasis", ulcers.

Types of lymphostasis

Distinguish primary and secondary lymphostasis. Primary appears during puberty due to insufficiency of the lymphatic vessels, which leads to stagnation of the lymph. Secondary- the result of diseases of the lymphatic system.

There are several reasons for swelling and heaviness in the legs.

It can be:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • excess weight, which puts a lot of stress on the heart and puts pressure on the legs;
  • monotonous or sedentary work leading to venous congestion;
  • gender predisposition: women suffer from varicose veins more often. This happens during pregnancy, a hormonal imbalance, or because of the constant walking in high-heeled shoes.

Diagnostics for edema

In the clinic "MedicCity" you will be provided with highly qualified medical care for lymphostasis and other phlebological diseases. Within the framework of one clinic, you can get a consultation from a vascular surgeon and, if necessary, doctors from other areas, as well as undergo a complete examination.

Studies that need to be done with lymphostasis:

  • biochemical blood test, urine test;
  • lymphography and lymphoscintigraphy to determine the patency of blood vessels (if necessary, as prescribed by your doctor).

Currently, every tenth inhabitant of the Earth suffers from fluid retention in the lower extremities. If the treatment of lymphostasis is left to chance, then such unpleasant diseases as eczema, erysipelas and trophic ulcers can be added to lymphostasis. Due to the disease with lymphostasis, a person can become disabled and move on crutches.

Treatment of lymphostasis

If the swelling on the legs that appeared in the evening did not disappear by morning, then these manifestations may well be lymphostasis. But do not rush to self-diagnose yourself, try to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Usually, patients are prescribed drug therapy, including phlebotropic agents (eg, detralex, troxevasin, etc.), diuretics, antibiotics, immunomodulators, etc. Lymphotropic therapy is also prescribed (injection of drugs into the lymph nodes, effective for erysipelas).

It is mandatory to wear compression underwear and loose shoes that do not constrain the affected limbs.

In addition, with lymphostasis, it is necessary to follow a special diet with a low salt content, an increased level of polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, etc.

Heavy lifting and static loads should be avoided.

Treatment for heavy legs

Speaking of heaviness in the legs, there are many reasons associated with various diseases. Therefore, the treatment of heaviness in the legs should be comprehensive.

This is weight control, obesity prevention. And a dosed load on the legs, timely rest, and good nutrition, refusal of food rich in cholesterol. The use of fruits, vegetables, vitamins. Walks in the fresh air, therapeutic exercises.

All types of massage are presented at the MedikCity clinic, and pressotherapy - the leading method in the treatment of lymphatic edema - is carried out on a high-quality QZ-9924 pressotherapy apparatus. The procedure is quite comfortable - the patient is located on the couch in a special suit, into which compressed air is injected with certain pauses. The number of procedures and the mode of exposure are selected by the doctor individually for each patient.

Try to be attentive to heaviness in the legs and swelling - these can be symptoms of serious diseases. Come to us and we will help you get rid of leg pain and other unpleasant manifestations!

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