How to get rid of back pain. Physical exercise helps to get rid of back pain. Strengthen your core muscles

But for some of us, this nuisance becomes a regular problem. And while occasional pain can be brushed aside or simply swallowed a painkiller, chronic torment can make life hell before you realize you need to tackle your back globally. Below are a series of questions to help you determine if you are one of these people and if you need to make additional systematic efforts to feel better.

Take the Back Pain Quiz

  • Constantly worried about back pain?
  • Smear your back with cooling ointments, apply a heating pad, take regularly great amount painkillers?
  • Do you often tell family and friends that your back hurts?
  • Are you already a broken record?
  • Worried that the pain will become unmanageable?
  • Do you regularly go to the gym and sometimes stretch your back muscles during grueling workouts?
  • you happened work injury at work and now your back hurts all the time?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you know how depressing back pain can be. When a person experiences suffering, the future seems rather bleak. Until you give up and stop reading this article...

The good news is, if you haven't had a car accident or other serious injury, if you haven't been obese, you don't have to endure back pain!

The good news is that if you haven't had a car accident or other serious injury, if you're not obese, and you don't have other health problems, you don't have to put up with this kind of back pain. We must tell ourselves that it is time to end the disease and move forward with bright thoughts!

Fortunately, there are many ways to get rid of back pain, including. Methods do not require a prescription from a pharmacy or surgical intervention. There are millions of people in the world who have found a way to alleviate the condition, and they have coped with it on their own. Here are 7 ways to deal with back pain on your own.

1. How to sit properly for back pain

First, if you often have back pain, you need to learn how to sit correctly! You often spend the whole day in a sitting position. Or maybe you're on your feet most days, so sit for a long time in the evening. In fact, most people sit incorrectly. If you pull your shoulders into your head, you need to learn how to sit properly again. You need to sit straight, shoulders slightly back. To do this, mentally draw a straight line from the hips to the shoulders so that they are on the same level.

2. How to stand correctly for back pain

If we work hard at the table, then we are worth little. Doctors recommend that if you have regular back pain, sometimes you should work while standing near the table, if possible. This will help your back relax after sitting for a long time in a chair if you can’t take a break from work. The ideal option is to get up and walk for a few minutes every half hour or at least, every hour, so that the body moves. The more you sit motionless at the table, the worse your back pain will be a little later.

3. How to sleep properly when pain bothers

Perhaps you will be surprised that it is time to learn how to sleep properly. But it's true. Exist . In a dream, you most likely lie in one position for several hours. Prolonged muscle tension even in sleepy state leads to discomfort. But at this time, a person may not realize that you need to change the position of the body. This leads to muscle stiffness and pain in the morning after waking up. The good news is that this situation can be corrected. If you are a side sleeper, use a pillow between your legs. You can use a regular pillow or buy a special one for back pain. If you sleep on your stomach or back, place a pillow under your lower back or under your stomach to balance your body weight. You will probably have to practice for a couple of nights to get used to it. As a reward, in a dream, the muscles will relax.

4. How to maintain posture with back pain

5. How to properly warm up the lower back for pain

If you have frequent, simple, cheap and easy way to solve the problem with the lower back - heat. you can buy electric heating pad Or make a rice paddle at home. Before using a home heating pad, put it in the microwave for a couple of minutes. This will immediately relieve the condition in the lumbar region, but not for long. A hot bath also helps relieve back pain. If the symptoms are mild or you only experience them occasionally, these methods are quite effective. But if you suffer from constant pain in the back, the warmth will help you for a while. Better try something else later.

6. How an Epsom Salt Bath Helps with Pain

Baths with addition medicinal salt, especially English can become beautiful way relieve back pain in the lumbar region. Stay in hot tub even without salt excellent tool for many. And the addition of salt just works wonders. This is because the salts relax tight and tense muscles.

7. The best exercise for back pain

AT recent times many people have heard about such a way to relieve back pain, like. This exercise is similar to push-ups from the floor. You need to lie down on a flat surface, then rise on your elbows, on bent arms directly under your shoulders. Then you need to tighten the main muscles, as if tearing the body off the ground. Tighten your abdominal muscles and hold this position for at least 1 minute. Only the toes and hands touch the floor. This exercise will strengthen the core muscles and relieve back pain. It's a tried and tested method that exercise therapists use to help their clients cope with back pain.

The seven methods listed above are effective in dealing with back pain. If symptoms persist and you don't feel better, see your doctor. He will be able to guide you further. Alternate between work and rest, and your back will thank you for it.

Back pain, or dorsalgia, may be a symptom various diseases and one of the most frequent complaints. And at an older age, a back without pain is a rarity; age-related disorders are observed in almost every second person.

The structure and function of the spine makes the back prone to pain and injury. The spine is made up of 33 vertebrae separated by flexible cartilage called intervertebral discs, while it is surrounded and permeated with ligaments, muscles and nerves. Unsuccessful, abrupt movement, too much load(for example, carrying weights) or poor posture can cause sharp back pain(in everyday life they say this: “Shot through the back”).

Rapid relief of acute back pain

  • Road to recovery

In many cases, back pain is not serious violation and it can be easily prevented, unless, of course, it is associated with serious diseases and injuries of the spine (including osteochondrosis), and in some cases with diseases gastrointestinal tract or urinary system (eg, kidney stones).

It is known that in 95% of cases sharp pain in the back associated with muscle spasm or pinching of the nerve root by the vertebrae. The pain is so intense that the first priority is the question of removal pain syndrome. This is quite natural, since it is pain that makes its own adjustments to the usual way of life, significantly affecting a person’s motor abilities, and the question of the causes of its occurrence is already secondary.

The first thing to do is to unload the spine as much as possible. During an exacerbation, observe bed rest. During this period, even own weight- a solid load for the spine.

Find a comfortable position in which relief will come, the pain will subside. Usually, with lumbar localization of pain, this position is lying on your back with one or more hard pillows placed under the shins. Sometimes it is more convenient to lie on your side, attaching a pillow or cushion under your waist or between your legs bent at the knees.

But remember that strictly limited exercise is necessary to reduce inflammation and prevent immobility.

Since the causes of pain in different people are different, you need to try each pose and each exercise and in this way find the ones that work best for you. If you feel that the pain has subsided with any change in body position during the exercise, take this position to rest.

Conversely, do not remain in any position if the pain increases. Try the movements on the bed if you have it with a hard mattress, otherwise use a gymnastic mat or rug.

The most popular methods of dealing with back pain

Before moving on to folk methods dealing with back pain, I propose to consider the most popular and most effective methods.

1. Massage mats. Such a rug as - Tibetan or Kuznetsova. Or a very popular modification of these mats - the LYAPKO APPLICATOR (you can read more at the link). It's not the best cheap way, but one of the most effective, judging by the reviews of people and doctors.

2. Creams. There are effective and ineffective, expensive and cheap - very hard to find good cream from back pain and not stumble upon a fake. When choosing a cream, I advise you to use the recommendations of friends and certainly not advertising.

3. Massage. It's generally 50/50. Got to good specialist, got the effect, didn’t hit - money down the drain. I do not advise you to go to the first person you meet, since you can not only not get therapeutic effect for your back, but also exacerbate the situation.

Posture for pain relief

This position provides rest to the muscles of the back and intervertebral discs, due to which the muscles relax, the spasm decreases somewhat and the pain subsides.

1. Lie on your stomach with your arms extended at your sides.

2. If the pain persists, place a pillow under your stomach. If this does not help, turn slightly on the hip, try both on the right and on the left, since the effectiveness of one or another movement is determined by the location of the damage. Rest your head in your hands if that's more comfortable for you.

Warning. If any exercise causes pain to appear or increase or spread more, stop it immediately. Continuing may make the problem worse.

For the first two days, the exercises suggested here should be repeated no more than three times each, about three times a day. The rest of the time, just relax.

As the pain subsides, gradually increase the number of repetitions to a maximum of 10 times each exercise.

Pelvic tilt

1. Lie on your back and bend your knees at a right angle, while your feet should remain on the floor.

2. Arch your lower back, lifting your back off the floor, and then press it firmly into the floor. Keep your chest still while your hips rock back and forth.

3. Repeat the exercise three times, at the end of the exercise, the lower back should take a neutral position in the middle between the extreme ones.

After two days, begin to gradually increase the number of repetitions of this exercise to 10.

Rolling knees

1. Lie on your back and bend your knees, as in the previous exercise, but your hips should be on the floor.

2. Shift your knees from side to side, lowering them to the floor as low as is comfortable. Repeat the exercise three times. After two days, begin to gradually increase the number of repetitions up to 10 times.

How to deal with severe back pain

After reducing the severity of pain, be sure to consult a doctor who will correctly determine the nature of the disease. Do not forget: acute back pain is a symptom characteristic not only of osteochondrosis, but also of many other diseases.

You can alleviate your condition on your own, without harming your health, only if you know the diagnosis for sure, with the resumption or intensification of chronic pain that you already know well.

  • In the first hours of an exacerbation, if possible, seek help from a specialist in manual therapy . With this method, you can relieve an attack, stop the pain.
  • During an attack acute pain it is necessary to cool the place of pain. Great in such cases, a cool shower or just cold (ice) on the lumbar region is suitable. If you use ice, then it must first be wrapped in a towel so as not to cause frostbite. upper layers skin.

If additional heat is applied at the site of injury, this will only increase blood flow, and, consequently, aggravate the damage and increase pain.

  • If the back pain is very severe, unbearable, take painkillers, what is in the home first aid kit.
  • 20-30 minutes after the first dose of the medicine, there was no relief? Take 1-2 analgesic tablets again. If the pain still does not subside, you will have to use more strong means. How to take and in what doses, you will learn from the instructions attached to the drug.

Attention: All medicines have side effects. In addition, they do not eliminate the cause of osteochondrosis, but only its symptoms. Therefore, it is not recommended to take them longer than 3-5 days.

  • To reduce inflammation, you can use anti-inflammatory ointments on the area of ​​pain. They will reduce the swelling that will be present at the site of the root infringement. spinal cord and thus speed up the healing process.

But the use of painkillers should be only according to indications (severe pain). And we must remember that by drowning out the pain with the help of drugs, our body will not be able to receive a signal about possible violations in the back area.

  • You will probably have to move around the house. Corsets, even elastic ones, are not often used in modern times. medical practice, the more you can not wear them for a long time (more than 3-7 days, depending on the severity of the disease).

In a stationary state, the muscles weaken, quickly atrophy, and cease to serve as a support for the spine.
For pain in the thoracic and lumbar regions, each time be sure to wear a wide (8-10 cm) tight leather belt, an officer's belt, a weightlifter's belt or a special one - the so-called lumbar stabilizer.

  • To reduce stress on affected lumbar or thoracic intervertebral discs , do not inflict additional injury on them, use crutches to move around the house. Don't be scared, there's nothing wrong with that.

On the contrary, when sagging, the spine will stretch a little, the pressure on the nerve roots slightly less pain. This "mini crutch traction" can be very effective.

If the condition allows, perform a hang (or half hang) on ​​the crossbar, gymnastic wall. The intensity of pain in the cervical, thoracic and upper lumbar regions will noticeably decrease.

When the back pain subsides a little, approximately on the 2-3rd day after the exacerbation, perform the complex with great care. physiotherapy exercises depending on the location of the pain.

Doctors once believed that the best treatment acute back pain is absolute rest, but it is now found that it is much more effective to alternate rest with exercise. If you do not feel better after 24 hours, call your doctor, but if the pain has improved, add the exercises below to the recommendations above. They will help prevent stiff back muscles and therefore reduce the likelihood of future problems, as well as support muscle tone and strength.

Lying backbends

1. Lie on your stomach, on a mat or hard mattress, propped up on your elbows. Relax and stay in this position until the count of 10.

Get down, relax; repeat the exercise three times.

2. Repeat the first exercise, but this time raise yourself on your palms, not on your elbows.

Pulling up the knees

Lie on your back, hard surface. Bend your knees at a right angle and pull them towards your chest.

Hold them in this position until the count of 10, then slowly lower your feet to the floor.

Back extension

1. Starting position as when tilting to the side, hands on hips. Bend back slightly, bringing your shoulder blades together and lifting your chin slightly, but not so high that you look up at the ceiling. Repeat three times.

2. After completing the last repetition, before completing the exercise in a neutral, upright position, lean forward slightly, rounding your shoulders.

Tilts to the side

Stand up straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart.

Slightly moving one thigh to the side, on the same side slide your hand down the leg, you will feel a stretch on the other side of the body.

Repeat three times. Then do this exercise on the other side.


Stop immediately if any exercise causes pain to appear or increase or spread more. Continuing may make the problem worse.

For the first two days, the exercises suggested here should be repeated no more than three times each, about three times a day. The rest of the time, just relax. As the pain subsides, gradually increase the number of repetitions to a maximum of 10 times each exercise.

Road to recovery

If the pain gradually subsides (if not, consult a doctor), then after two days of rest and exercise, you can resume your normal lifestyle. To regain mobility and flexibility, it is important that you are as active as possible; of course, nothing should be done that could interfere with the final recovery. But even now it makes sense to rest on your back for an hour or so every day to give the tissues time to heal and repair itself.

  • If the pain returns:

If you are not careful and adhere to the rules that are listed in the table below, there is a danger that by making an awkward movement, you will cancel all the work done, and this will lead to a relapse of back pain. If this does happen, stop immediately and lie down on a hard surface face down or on your back, or take the position that previously best contributed to the elimination of pain.

  • Lying on your side

This position is not as favorable for your spine as others, but it happens that you are comfortable only in this position. In this case, place a pillow between your knees to prevent the upper thigh from rolling forward, twisting the lower spine. It may also be helpful to place another pillow against your stomach and chest, like a bolster, as if you were hugging it, to support your spine from the front. Don't put more than one pillow under your head, especially if you have neck or upper back pain.

What to do and what not to do to get well

After two days, you should get out of bed completely and return to normal activities. However, don't forget the following:

What not to do:

  • Do not lift heavy objects or bend over.
  • Don't do heavy housework: don't vacuum, don't clean, don't iron.
  • Avoid steep ascents and descents.
  • Do not carry heavy loads, such as shopping, suitcases, mountains of wet laundry.
  • Do not resume strenuous activities.
  • Do not sit or stand for a long time without changing your posture.

What do we have to do:

  • Keep doing the exercises and include in the complex exercises to increase the flexibility of the spine.
  • Watch your posture.
  • Take walks every day, increasing the distance.
  • Return to your normal duties, with the exception of those listed in the "What not to do" section.
  • If you work at a desk, take frequent breaks. Stand up, walk around and straighten your back.
  • go on intimate relationship with a partner, making sure that the position does not hurt you, for example, use positions in which no additional weight is placed on you. sexual activity includes movements that are similar to tilting the pelvis and help increase flexibility and relaxation lower divisions spine.published .

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

Today, 80% of the adult population of the Earth experience sharp or chronic back pain at least once a week. Of course, you can put up with a bad back and endure it all your life, but there is another option - using simple and proven methods, control the situation yourself and prevent a bad back from worsening the quality of life.

Back pain can be caused by two main causes - overworked muscles and pinched roots of the spinal cord. Tired and stiff back muscles modern world- this is the destiny of not only people involved in active physical labor, but also office workers. The reason is simple: when sedentary work back muscles experience unnatural static tension long time, which in the end can lead to back pain in the evening. Pain from overworked muscles - pulling, unsharp, chronic - spreads along the spine or captures the area between the neck and shoulders.

When the roots of the spinal cord are pinched, the pain is sharp, unexpected, spreading along nerve fibers. If the pinching has occurred in the cervical spine, the pain may radiate to the arm; if in the thoracic region - encircle the body along the line of the ribs; if the lumbar region is affected, very often the pain extends to the leg. This problem occurs when the distance between the vertebrae decreases, which eventually presses and irritates. nervous tissue spinal cord.

At various types back pain needs to be used different approaches to solve the problem.

Get rid of back pain caused by muscle stiffness.

Our muscles are designed to work in a mixed mode: tension - relaxation - tension - relaxation. If the muscles are constantly relaxed, they atrophy, if they are constantly tense, they become exhausted. In order to get rid of muscle pain in the back, it is necessary to periodically (this can be done at work, and it is especially important when returning home) to do exercises that stretch problem muscle groups.

Usually this type of pain is localized in the shoulder girdle or in the lumbar spine. Consider exercises that will help get rid of this problem.

Exercises that eliminate excessive tension in the shoulder girdle.

1. Starting position - sitting or standing. Need to do circular motions head, rolling it over the shoulder girdle. The nose describes a circle with as large a radius as possible. Start the movement with a minimum amplitude, gradually increasing the angle of the head. Run 7 - 10 times, first in one direction, and then in the other.

2. We make circular movements with the head in a horizontal plane. The chin moves parallel to the floor, the nose looks only forward. Perform 7 - 10 repetitions in one direction and the other.

3. Starting position - standing or sitting. Perform 7 - 10 rotations of the shoulders forward, and then back. Raise your shoulders as high as possible, take them back, while bending your back and trying to bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible, lower your shoulders down and move them forward, bending your back back.

These exercises are useful to do several times during the day.

Exercises that will help get rid of pain in the muscles of the lower back.

1. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder width apart. Perform 10 - 15 torso forward bends, while lingering a little in the lower position, legs at the knees can be bent. Focus on the lower back - feel how the muscles in this area are stretched. Then bend back 10 - 15 times - we take the shoulders and head back, and move the pelvis forward, you can help with your hands, placing them on the lower back or buttocks. After that, perform 10 - 15 torso tilts to the left and the same amount to the right. When lateral bending, do not tilt the body forward.

Thanks to such prevention, excessive stiffness and fatigue in the back muscles can be almost completely eliminated.

We get rid of back pain caused by pinching of the roots of the spinal cord.

AT evening time a person's height is about 2 - 3 centimeters less than in the morning - this is due to the fact that the distance between the vertebrae decreases. Usually this situation does not cause pain, but sometimes, when the vertebrae are displaced, they press on the spinal cord, and the person feels a sharp, piercing pain. In this case, first of all, it is necessary to give the human body a certain position that will help the vertebrae to fall into place: lie on your back, bend your knees and hip joints, put a rolled up blanket under your knees, so that the feet do not touch the support. A small, soft pillow should be placed under the lower back - so that the lumbar spine fits snugly against it. Put a pillow under your head too. In this position, excluding any movement, it is necessary to be until sharp pains pass.

After the sharp pain has passed, it is necessary naturally increase the distance between the vertebrae. The easiest way to do this is with special stretching exercises. various departments spine. Exercises should be done without jerking, gently; if possible, several times a day.

Decompression Exercises cervical spine.

1. Starting position - standing or sitting. Tilt your head down while inhaling and, having reached the extreme position, try to move it even further with 2-3 short jerks. Exhaling, return the head to its normal position. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

2. Starting position - sitting or standing. Move the head forward parallel to the floor so that it resembles a “duck head in flight”. Having reached the extreme position, try to move it even further 2 - 3 short forward movements. Then return your head to its original position. Repeat 3-4 times.

Decompression Exercises thoracic spine.

1. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder width apart. We compress the brushes into fists, wind them behind the back and press them on the spine area, while serving chest forward. We move the hands up and down along the spine, trying to bend the back as much as possible (but at the same time comfortably). Perform 2 - 3 repetitions.

2. Starting position - sitting on the floor, legs crossed in front of you ("Turkish"). We roll on our backs back to the cervical spine and return to the starting position. Perform 5 - 7 such movements.

3. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging relaxed. Rotation of the body to the sides, movement (twisting) starts from the shoulder girdle. Perform 10 - 15 repetitions in each direction. Then perform the same movement, only the arms are bent at the elbows and located in front of the chest.

Decompression Exercises lumbar spine.

1. Stand up straight, hands on the belt. Move the pelvis back and forth for 30 - 40 seconds.

2. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms freely lowered. Lateral tilt to the left left hand slides down, right - overhead. Repeat the same movements to the right. Run 7 - 10 times in each direction.

3. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs. Bend over and reach your socks with your fingers, feel the tension of the lower back. Helping yourself with your hands, try to bend down as low as possible. Legs at the knees can be slightly bent.

4. Lying on your back, legs bent, heels near the buttocks, arms to the sides. Tilt both hips to the right, and then to the left, do not tear your head and hands off the floor. Perform 7 - 15 movements in each direction.

Folk remedies for getting rid of pain in the spine

1. An analgesic effect has a compress of grated raw potatoes with honey (1: 1), which must be kept on a sore spot for 1 - 2 hours.

2. Overlay pepper patch to the area of ​​pain. Capturing at the same time part of the painless surrounding space. At severe burning the patch must be removed and the skin lubricated with petroleum jelly. Do not apply pepper patch on birthmarks.

3. Apply to sore spot crushed garlic compress. You need to take it off when it starts to burn.

4. Rub into a sore spot water solution horseradish juice (1: 1), immediately after that, tie with a woolen cloth.

5. Grind the peeled black radish. Apply to a sore spot like a mustard plaster.

If the back pain is persistent and does not go away within a few days, you should definitely consult the appropriate doctor.

The lower back is a part of the spine, which often becomes the object of specific debilitating pains. Today's article is devoted to the topic of how to get rid of back pain.

About the specifics of pain

Nowadays, back pain is known not only to the adult and elderly part of the population, but also to children. Sometimes they appear suddenly and also disappear, creating a false appearance that the problem has receded, but time passes, and everything returns to normal. The spine, or rather, its condition, plays a major role in the development of pain. This phenomenon can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • received and untreated injuries (blows, compression fractures);
  • pathology;
  • diseases chronic nature(with osteochondrosis, arthrosis);
  • abrasion of cartilage, accompanied by destruction intervertebral discs;
  • consequences of infectious diseases;
  • deficiency in the body essential minerals and vitamins, in particular calcium;
  • in women, pain appears due to severe pregnancy and prolonged childbirth.

This is the primary list. possible causes, and it can be substantially expanded, depending on the circumstances. According to their etiology, pain varies in type and intensity.

They can be pulling, "shooting", radiating into lower limbs, aching, sharp, involving the sciatic nerve in the process.

Any person who is faced with this problem dreams of one thing - how to quickly and permanently get rid of this nightmare.

Going with the flow in this situation is an illiterate decision, as well as self-medication without an appropriate examination. The most striking consequences may be:

  1. Osteochondrosis, left to chance, leads to a process associated with the destruction of intervertebral discs of varying intensity. The discs are poorly moistened, less elastic and do not perceive physical activity, even minimal ones. Their height gradually decreases, which helps to reduce the distance existing between them. All this provokes injury to the nerve roots emanating from the spinal cord, and, as a result, pain occurs.
  2. Violation of the functionality of the joints - a decrease in the intervertebral distance causes accelerated wear cartilage tissue. This is a direct road to a disease called "spondylarthrosis." The disease is characterized not only by acute drawing pains, destruction of joints and discs, but also spasm of the muscles of the entire back. Patients feel stiffness of movements. The primary task in this case is aimed at how to restore the vertebral discs and return them to their former functionality.

About risk-reducing measures and treatment

Firstly, the appearance of pain is a signal of the body, to which it is necessary to immediately respond by conducting all necessary research. Secondly, only when the picture becomes clear, you can use measures aimed at reducing the risks of deterioration, the development of the disease and getting rid of exacerbations:

  • the load on the back is doubled;
  • joints and discs experience high blood pressure, which is unevenly distributed when a person stoops, crosses his legs;
  • overstrain of the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle, which causes headaches.
  1. No hypothermia! Stay for a long period in conditions low temperatures causes spasm spinal muscles, which ultimately affects the state spinal column.
  2. Long live the constant movement! Constant exercises, walks, sparing workouts in the gym, yoga will help strengthen the spine, thereby preventing the possibility of pain. A patient who does not move much creates all the conditions for weakening the muscular corset of the back. Therefore, the main part of the load is switched not to the muscles, but to the spine, which becomes the basis for the wear of cartilage tissue. Ideal Options problem solving are swimming, daily hiking, a set of stretching exercises selected by a specialist.

In spite of everything, no connection therapeutic treatment this is not enough, but what it will be - the right to decide only a vertebrologist, neurologist, therapist, orthopedist. It is based on chondroprotectors that improve the metabolism in cartilage tissue and enrich it with all essential substances. It is also allowed to use physiotherapy, massage, spa-type procedures.

Many people suffer from back pain. Such diseases are very common. Pain can be both acute and chronic. Acute pain usually comes on suddenly and is intense. And chronic gives a person inconvenience for a long time. How to get rid of back pain?

Causes that cause back pain

How you can get rid of Initially, you need to establish the causes of its occurrence. Pain in the lower back, even in older people, is not a sign of old age. In many ways, this is considered neglected health problems.

Factors causing discomfort in the lumbar region, are not always due to age. Back pain can also occur in children. The reasons are as follows:

  • Pain can be disturbing even after treatment.
  • Poor posture can cause curvature of the spinal column. With scoliosis, there is a shift in the center of gravity and an uneven distribution of the load on the vertebrae.
  • Inflammatory processes in the tissues of the vertebrae or intervertebral hernia often cause back pain.
  • Diseases internal organs(kidney, liver) may also be accompanied by painful sensations in back.

There are a number of other reasons that are due to external factors:

  • Incorrect load distribution when lifting and carrying heavy loads can cause lower back pain.
  • Prolonged stay of the body awkward position leads to tension in the muscles of the back and, accordingly, the occurrence of pain.
  • The appearance of discomfort can provoke drafts in the room.

How to get rid of back pain? Therapy should be selected taking into account the etiology of the disease. For example, another type of lower back pain can occur in pregnant women due to the displacement of the vertebrae, which pull the muscles of the back along with them.

How not to start the pain?

How can you get rid of back pain? You can get rid of it when installed exact reason. Self-diagnosis is not always possible.

One of right decisions there will be a visit to a neurologist or orthopedist. Having studied all the symptoms, he will be able to determine real reason discomfort. And in this case, treatment will be prescribed. After all, it is necessary to fight not only with the consequences (symptoms) of the disease - it is necessary to determine the factors that cause it.

It is possible at first, before making a diagnosis, to use painkillers ("Analgin", "Aspirin", "Ibuprofen").

In addition to medications, there are several methods that can help relieve pain at home.

Sharp pain that comes on suddenly can be caused by sudden movement person or lifting weights. This can lead to stretching of the back muscles and severe pain.

In such a case, it must be observed for several days. If it is not possible to seek help from a specialist, use a few simple tips.

How to get rid of back pain? To reduce pain, ice can be applied to the lower back. There are several ways:

  • as a compress, you can use a wet cloth in a bag, kept in the refrigerator for half an hour;
  • put cubes of people in a bag and attach to a sore spot;
  • you can apply various frozen foods (vegetables, meat).

Applying such a compress to a sore spot, you need to wait until the pain decreases.

How to get rid of back pain? In some cases, heat can be used instead of cold. 3 days after the onset of acute pain, you can do thermal wraps. The patient lies on his stomach, and a warm towel is placed on his lower back, which is moistened with an infusion of anti-inflammatory herbs. A package is placed on top and placed on it. The procedure time is no more than 30 minutes.

Very effective method- alternation of heat and cold, since such a contrast stimulates the normalization of blood circulation.

How can you get rid of chronic back pain?

How to get rid of back pain forever? Very often people suffer from constant pain. To completely get rid of it, you should change your lifestyle.

Often, discomfort occurs when a person sleeps on a soft bed. In order not to experience pain, it is better for him to sleep on an orthopedic mattress and pillow. In this case, the weight of the body during sleep will be distributed evenly throughout the spine.

A proven remedy that can be used at home for back pain is considered acetylsalicylic acid. A drug based on it will help relieve inflammation, which can be the cause of discomfort. Sometimes Ibuprofen helps to completely get rid of pain.

Lower back pain during pregnancy

How to get rid of back pain during pregnancy? Unpleasant sensations in the back, which a woman experiences during the period of gestation, can not always be removed. After all, the cause of pain is changes in the body.

There are several reasons for this pain:

  • the belly growing with the fetus, pulling up part of the muscles, creates tension in the back;
  • during pregnancy, the spine arches, as a result, it takes an unusual position;
  • the growing fetus begins to put pressure on urinary organs women, which can also cause pain.

How to get rid of back pain? Here are some tips to help relieve back pain for pregnant women:

  • wear shoes only with low heels;
  • sleep on a hard mattress;
  • fulfill special exercises for pregnant women who are able to reduce back pain;
  • compresses, especially hot ones, should not be used.

Physical activity for back pain

Swimming and special exercises help to get rid of back pain.

How to get rid of back pain? Yoga helps relieve lower back pain if practiced 2-3 times a week for 30 minutes.

Physical exercises help stretch the muscles. Movement improves blood circulation. In this case, the person is completely distracted from pain.

Walking is the easiest form of physical activity. You need to walk for an hour every day.

For acute pain, a person should lie on a hard surface. Then, lying on your back, raise your legs up and lean them against the wall. This completely removes the load from the spine. Tighten your muscles in this way:

  • alternately pulling up the toes of the legs;
  • relaxing and squeezing the muscles of the buttocks.

How to get rid of stretch marks helps to relieve pain. It is recommended to perform such exercises in a sitting and lying position, alternately bending one or the other leg. It is forbidden to do the following:

  • swing your legs;
  • squat;
  • download press.

We get rid of pain in the back and neck. When the cause of the pain is completely unknown, you can use the methods of therapy at home:

  • Diet. In some cases, the cause of pain can be a violation of blood flow due to increased cholesterol and a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels. To solve this problem, it is necessary to exclude from the diet fatty foods, eggs, pork, meat broths.
  • You can get rid of back pain with psychological methods. You should imagine pain in the form of an object that disappears, dissolves. The most important thing is to believe. You can try to transfer pain to another place. Imagine how the pain is transferred to the ear, nail, head.
  • To relieve pain, coffee and tea should be completely abandoned. To reduce vasospasm, you need to completely stop smoking.
  • To restore blood circulation, it is necessary to apply compresses, constantly engage in physiotherapy exercises.

To reduce back pain, you need to completely change your lifestyle and give up bad habits.

How to relieve back pain with traditional methods?

How to get rid of back pain forever? To relieve pain in the back, you need:

  • Mix camphor and Coconut oil, boil for 5 minutes. Cool and store in a glass bottle. Once a week, apply with massage movements on the lower back.
  • in the bath with warm water add a few drops eucalyptus oil. Periodically taking such a bath, you can get rid of back pain.
  • Massage your lower back before taking a shower mustard oil. It is better to take a shower with hot water.
  • Put rice in the sock and tie it. Put in the microwave for a few minutes. Then you need to attach the sock to the sore spot.

These methods of pain relief should only be used by a healthy person.

Dangerous symptoms of pain

In some cases, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • when the pain in the back is accompanied by fever, pain in the chest, shortness of breath;
  • pain bothers more than 3 days, and its intensity does not weaken;
  • pain sensations of a chronic nature are observed for 2 weeks without improvement;
  • pain radiates to the foot or leg.

When there is back pain and there are no serious illness, at home, gentle physical exercises should be performed, compresses and other procedures should be done.

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