What is Ayurvedic massage and how is it done? Ayurvedic oil head massage

Massage treatments have a healing and restorative effect. An important element ayurvedic medicine is a massage. Indian massage has long been used in medicinal purposes doctors of many peoples of the world. It relieves stress, restores strength and has a general healing effect on the human body, in fact, it prolongs youth.

Ayurvedic massage is one of the main elements of ancient Indian medicine. The word "Ayur" is translated as "Life", and the second part of the word "Verda" is "science". With medicinal properties ayurvedic massage has become widespread throughout the world.

Treatment according to Ayurveda is not aimed at curing the disease and relieving symptoms, but at maintaining the health and youth of the human body.

According to the ancient Indian teachings of Ayurveda, the human body and mind are one. And in order to be physically and mentally healthy, a person needs to achieve harmony and balance. And so the main goal of Ayurverda massage is to restore balance and harmony.

What is the benefit of massage

Ayurvedic massage is useful not only for the physical, but also for mental health human, normalization psycho-emotional state.

Massage procedures performed according to ancient Indian technology contribute to:

  • Normalization of blood circulation.
  • Strengthening human defense systems.
  • Normalization of respiratory processes
  • Prevention of digestive problems.
  • Getting rid of accumulated salts and toxins in the body.
  • Removal of symptoms of many diseases (migraine, neurosis, osteochondrosis).
  • Relieve fatigue and improve sleep.
  • Massage also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin: it makes it soft and supple. Permanent Ayurvedic massage allows you to prolong the youthfulness of the skin.
  • Massage also helps rapid decline weight, even in critical situations.

Ayurvedic massage provokes the production of the hormone of joy, relaxes muscles and relieves stress, which improves a person’s mental health, stabilizes resistance to irritability.

Types of massage according to Ayurveda

Depending on the execution technique, the necessary equipment and the area of ​​​​impact

Ayurvedic massage is classified as follows:

  1. Abhyanga. This type massage is the most widespread all over the world. A feature of Abhyanga massage is the use of a large number warm essential oil. The Abhyanga technique involves the procedure in 4 hands. With this massage, the whole body is rubbed, starting from the head and gradually moving to the legs. Thanks to this, a person finds harmony, the work of the body is adjusted and the body is charged with energy.
  2. Mukha Abhyanga. The difference between this type of massage and Abhyanga is expressed in the fact that with this massage only the head, neck and décolleté area is worked out. Mukha Abhyanga provides for exposure to certain areas of the face, head, neck and décolleté. The massage is also carried out with a lot of warm oil. Makha Abhyanga massage is recommended for people suffering from insomnia, frequent headaches, depression, fatigue. Also, this type of massage is often used by cosmetologists, as it is also aimed at rejuvenating and nourishing the skin of the face.
  3. Marma. This type of Ayuavedic massage is the most ancient. Marma massage involves the impact on certain points on the human body. The technique of performing the massage depends on which particular dosha was unbalanced. Massage only certain parts of the body. The impact turns out thumbs hands Marma massage restores energy balance. Thanks to this, massage has a general healing effect (toxins are removed, digestion and blood circulation are normalized, the immune system is strengthened). Marma massage is recommended for such diseases as: asthma, arthrosis, migraine. It will also help people suffering from pressure.
  4. Kativasti. This type of massage is recommended for people suffering from back pain, as well as people who have problems with the spine. Since during the procedure, all the impact is only on the lower region of the spine. Black lentils are superimposed on this area, the lentils are laid in a ring, tightly adhering to the body. Warm essential oil is poured into the center of the ring. What makes the pain go away and prolonged exposure warm oil has a beneficial effect on the spine, strengthening it.
  5. Panchakarma. Panchakarma massage helps to prevent many diseases. Panchakarma massage is aimed at strengthening immune system human, elimination of toxins, improvement of vision, improvement of mental health. This type of massage is recommended for people suffering from gynecological diseases, diseases of the stomach, anemia, diabetes. It also helps in the treatment mental illness. Panchakarma is not only a massage, besides it, the treatment also includes enemas, the use of laxatives, bloodletting and rinsing the nose. This is all aimed at completely removing toxins and harmful substances from the body, which are the cause of many diseases.
  6. Shirodhara. Shirodhara is recommended for people suffering from diseases of the nervous system, diseases of the heart and intestines, migraines and constant stress. Also, this type of massage is recommended for people suffering from dandruff and baldness. The Shirodhara massage technique is as follows: on special areas of the forehead, heated oil is poured in a thin stream. At the same time, the head is massaged. Therefore, Shirodhara is also useful for hair.
  7. Netra tarpana. Netra tarpana is recommended for people suffering from eye diseases. Since massage is aimed at strengthening optic nerve, improvement of vision, normalization of blood circulation. In addition, Netra tarpana is also used in cosmetic purposes, as massage helps to prevent premature appearance of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, smoothes existing wrinkles and eliminates black circles under the eyes. The procedure is carried out as follows: a ring of dough is made around the eyes. Warm oil is poured into this ring. After the procedure, light should not fall on the eyes for some time. Therefore, the eyes should be kept in a dark bandage for 60-80 minutes.
  8. Kizhi. Kizhi is recommended for people experiencing constant stress and mental stress. Massage is performed with bags filled with various medicinal herbs. The effect of the procedure depends on the contents of the bags. General useful properties Kizhi is: cleansing the body, normalizing blood circulation, skin rejuvenation, relieving mental stress.
  9. Honey. In Ayurveda, 8 types of honey are used, each of which has medicinal properties. Honey massage helps fight many diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, viral infections), relieve tension and improve skin condition. Most often, warmed honey is used in Ayurveda. The technique of performing honey massage depends on the area of ​​influence and the type of honey (light, dark, mountain).
  10. Segmented classic. Segmental-classical massage is recommended for people who have problems with the spine. During the procedure, each section of the spine is worked out.
  11. Ratna Abhyanga. Ratna Abhyanga is recommended for people who experience constant stress, as well as those people who spend a lot of time on their feet. Massage is performed using stones, cold and hot stones are used. For some parts of the body, both cold and hot stones are used at once (for example, for the face). This type of massage relaxes muscles, relieves leg fatigue and tones.

What oils are used

Regardless of the type, Ayurvedic massage is always carried out using therapeutic essential oils.

Depending on the constitution of the body, the type of human skin, gender and age, the following oils are used:

  1. All essential oils are suitable for vata. However best effect from procedures can be achieved using oil hazelnuts and sesame oil.
  2. For pita type, coconut and olive oil. You can also use jasmine, lavender, cumin oil.
  3. For kapha type, almond and mustard oil, oil of cinnamon, myrrh, basil. For kapha type people, it is not necessary to use oils, as people of this type have the least need for oils. Oil can be replaced with alcohol.

There are also mixed types, oils recommended for these types can be used for them. Oils are recommended to be used together with medicinal herbs to achieve best result.

Execution technique

Kizhi massage technique is carried out according to the following procedure:

  1. Before the procedure, bags are prepared. Medicinal herbs are put in them, and oil is poured.
  2. After that, the back is smeared with essential oil.
  3. The back is massaged for a while with hands (without exerting pressure), for about half an hour.
  4. After that, a cold decoction is poured on the head from medicinal herbs. And then the head is wrapped with a cloth. This is necessary so that the head remains cold, otherwise it may become bad during the procedure.
  5. After that, the bags are dipped in hot oil or a decoction of medicinal herbs. And they affect the body. Movements are directed from top to bottom. Particular attention is paid to energy points.
  6. At the end of the procedure, a few minutes of clapping on the back.

The whole Kizhi procedure lasts more than 1 hour.

Ratna Abhyanga massage technique:

  1. Stones are prepared before the procedure.
  2. The head is covered with a special bandage.
  3. The area is lubricated with oil.
  4. For about 20 minutes, circular movements are performed on the entire back (counterclockwise).
  5. After that, warm stones are applied to special areas.
  6. From time to time the stones change to hotter ones.
  7. At the end, the affected area is lubricated with essential oil.

It is important to ensure that the stones are constantly hot, this is the most important thing in the process of body massage.

Self massage technique

Mukha Abhyanga is a type of Ayurvedic massage that you can do on your own.

It is done like this:

  1. A small amount of oil (1 tablespoon) is poured onto the crown. After that, the oil is rubbed in a circular motion on the rest of the head, the movements are the same as when washing the head.
  2. Gradually, you need to move to the temples and work on them for a while. At the same time, you need to use your ears, giving Special attention lobes.
  3. After you need to slowly move to the face. From the ears you need to gradually move to the chin and lips. Then back to the earlobes. Then from the ears to the corners of the lips and nostrils, forehead. From the center of the forehead to the temples and outer corners eye.
  4. After you need to move on to the neck. Movement should be directed from the bottom up. Slowly move to reverse side neck.
  5. After the neck, you need to move on to the neckline and shoulders. Here you can use the whole palm, making circular movements with it with a little pressure.
  6. At the end of the procedure, the oil is removed with a towel, and only after that you can take a bath or shower.

Scheme of Ayurvedic facial massage.

Each part of the body during the massage should be well worked out. But not by force, but by technique. Movements should be soft and accurate. The whole procedure should last about 20-25 minutes.

How to do Ayurvedic massage for a child

Ayurvedic massage can be done even for small children. However, it is important that the child is completely calm and relaxed, tuned in to the procedure. For massaging a child, sesame and linseed oil.

To massage a child, you need to do the following:

  1. First of all, you need to carefully work out the neck area. The oil is rubbed into the neck with soft circular movements. The child should sit on his back.
  2. Gradually, the area should increase, and descend lower. Thus, the entire back should be worked out.
  3. After the back, you need to go to the chest. The range of motion can be slightly increased.
  4. After the chest, the stomach is worked out. It is undesirable to put pressure on the stomach, in this area the movements should be especially soft.
  5. And then you need to go down to the hips and legs. Feet can be rubbed more vigorously.
  6. At the very end, you need to work out the hands, including the fingers.

After the procedure, the remaining oil is removed with a towel. And then you need to take a warm shower.

Useful and important points

Ayurvedic medicine has been helping to cure many diseases and prolong the youth of the body since ancient times. The mainstay of Ayurvedic medicine is precisely body massage. The technique of performing an impact on the muscles and tissues of the body, the oils used, the atmosphere in which the procedure is carried out, affects not only the body, but also the psychological background.

The procedure is a kind of meditation, during the massage a person forgets about problems and completely relaxes. Also during the procedure, pressure is applied to special points on the human body that affect the state of the whole organism. Thanks to this, the body establishes work, a person finds harmony and peace.

Approximate cost of procedures

The price of a massage depends on the means used, and on who will perform it and where. In different areas, the cost of natural oils different, also the experience of the massage therapist affects the price. Since in Ayurvedic massage the main influence is correct technique execution, and only experienced specialist able to do it right.

The approximate cost of a massage is as follows:

  • In Moscow - from 2000 to 8000 rubles.
  • In the Moscow region - from 1500 to 6000 rubles.
  • In St. Petersburg - from 1500 to 6000 rubles.
  • In Kazan - from 1500-4400 rubles.

The cost of a massage course is approximately 15,000 rubles. However, if several types of massage are carried out at once, the cost of the course may exceed 30,000 rubles. Ayurvedic treatment will help eliminate the symptoms of certain diseases, relieve anxiety and fatigue.


Ayurvedic massage is good for health, but has many contraindications.

These include:

  • Allergy to oils and medicinal herbs.
  • Cold.
  • Flu.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Cough.
  • Diseases skin.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Oncological diseases.

In such cases, it is recommended to refrain from the procedure, as it may adversely affect health. When allergic reaction skin with the oils used, you can replace them with others that are more suitable.

Ancient Indian medicine is effective to this day, one of the most effective is Ayurvedic medicine.

Massage according to Ayurveda helps with many diseases (diabetes, arthrosis, arthritis), it also helps to relieve stress and restore mental health. Such procedures have a beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenating and nourishing it. Frequent holding Such procedures will help prolong the youth of the body and preserve beauty.

Video about Ayurvedic massage, its techniques and effects on the body

Massage technique:

Ayurveda head massage:

Hair can look bad due to insufficient blood circulation in the scalp. Increased blood flow to it helps nutrients achieve hair follicle for hair growth and health. The key ingredients found in scalp massage oils are well absorbed to promote healthy hair. Head massage stimulates nervous system in general, increasing the ability to resist stress. According to Ayurveda, applying oil to the head prevents hair loss and graying, while at the same time making it soft and shiny. Carry out this procedure once a week, and if your hair needs intensive treatment then every evening for a week, and then once a week.

Oil blends for head massage
Mix essential oils (no more than 10 drops) with 1 1/2 tablespoons of carrier oil. Choose a mixture depending on the condition of your hair.
For dry, damaged and colored hair: essential oils of sandalwood, chamomile, jasmine and rosemary with coconut or sesame oil-base; geranium and frankincense oils with macadamia oil; lavender and chamomile - with almond oil.
For oily hair: lemon, lime, juniper and mint essential oils with sesame oil.
For gray, thin and falling hair: essential oils of chamomile, lavender and rose with avocado oil; sandalwood essential oil with wheat germ, almond and coconut oil; essential oils of juniper, rosemary and black pepper with jojoba oil.

Aroma massage anti-dandruff
. 2h. spoons of jojoba oil
. 2 teaspoons almond oil
. 5 drops each of mandarin and lavender essential oils
. 2 drops each of juniper and rosemary essential oils
Mix carrier oils in a bottle. Drop some essential oils in there. Shake the bottle to mix the contents.

Massage oils according to your doshas:
Before use, warm the oil by placing the bottle in a container with hot water.
Cotton wool: sesame or coconut oil.
Pitta: sunflower or coconut oil.
Kapha: mustard or sesame oil.

Ayurvedic massage technique
1. Prepare a mixture of oils of your choice. Cover your shoulders with a towel. Make tapping movements with your fingers on the head, starting from the eyebrows, then up the forehead, to the top of the head and down to the base of the neck.
2. Pour some oil into your palm. Rub it into the top of your head. After adding a little oil, run your fingers from the top of your head to your ears, and then from the top of your head to the back of your head, running them through your hair like a comb.
3. Grab a tuft of hair on both sides of your head with your hands. Twist them first clockwise, then vice versa. Tilt your head forward, apply the oil to the back of your head and spread it with your fingertips over your scalp, moving up to the crown and forehead, and then back.
4. Make tight rotational movements with the fingertips of your left hand from the hairline above the left ear to the back of the head. Do the same right hand on the right side of the head. Twist and pull a section of hair at the crown, at the nape and below.
4. Connect your fingertips in the middle of your forehead. Swipe them towards the temples to distribute the oil on the forehead. With your middle fingers, make point circular movements counterclockwise in the direction from the temples to the crown. Repeat at the temples. index fingers do the same movements behind the ears towards the base of the occiput; gently press on end point. Now massage the points behind the earlobes in the same way.
6. With light pressure, move your fingertips from the top of your head to the base of your head, and then back. Twist a strand of hair and pull it.
7. Relax for 15-20 minutes and then wash off the oil with shampoo. If you are going to bed, do not remove the oil at night, and to avoid staining the pillow, cover it with an old towel. Wash off excess oil with shampoo in the morning.

At the Ayurvedic Medicine and Yoga Therapy Center Atreya Ayurveda procedures are usually prescribed by an Ayurveda doctor after an initial or repeated consultation.

Massages are the exception to the rule.

You can choose any type of massage in the list of clinic services and make an appointment by phone.

Before the massage, an Ayurveda doctor will talk to you for 5 minutes to prescribe suitable for YOU oil and make sure there are no contraindications.

This express consultation is free..

The duration of the session is from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the type of massage.

Well THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE usually includes 7 sessions.

You can independently choose any number of sessions of any type of massage with any frequency, as you wish.

We are waiting for you for Ayurvedic Massage!

Abhyanga (Abyanga)

Classic Ayurvedic oil massage. General massage body in 4 hands with therapeutic oil, selected individually.

The cost of the session is 3900 rubles

Abhyanga (Abyanga)

Classic Ayurvedic oil massage. Total body massage in 4 hands with therapeutic oil, selected individually.

Two masseurs in 4 hands oil the patient's body with individually selected warm medicinal oil enriched with herbal decoctions. medicinal oil nourishes and rejuvenates the skin and soft tissues. Abhyanga massage gives the body softness and strength, and the skin has a healthy tone, improves sexual energy, improves sleep, enhances blood circulation, makes joints flexible, tones muscles.

Indications: diseases of the musculoskeletal system and joints, recovery from injuries and operations, stress, insomnia, neuroses.

Duration: 60 minutes.

The cost of the session is 3900 rubles


Udvartana powder massage helps reduce body fat.

The cost of the session is 5900 rubles.


Udvartana powder massage helps reduce body fat.

Indications for the procedure:

  • varicose veins: a positive effect on blood vessels, strengthens them;
  • getting rid of cellulite and its prevention;
  • lethargy and flabbiness of the body: udvartana slows down the aging process, “revives” the skin, tightens the muscles;
  • muscle "clamps", joint pain, pain relief from sprains and bruises;
  • excess weight and body volume;
  • fatigue, nervous tension: udvartana relaxes, replenishes vital energy.

The principle of udvartana is simple - under the influence of massage movements in combination with the action of medicinal herbs, blood circulation is enhanced, the skin is cleansed, toxins are removed from the body. Massage affects the biologically active points of the body, tones the nerve endings.

The procedure stabilizes the work of all body systems.

Udvartana is performed by one or two masseurs who, with intensive movements of the hands, elbows and feet, rub the powder of medicinal herbs with various additives into the skin of the body. Spices, clay, soy flour, etc. are used as additives. Udvartana is a full-fledged massage, its technique includes kneading the skin and rubbing the dry mixture with pressure. At the same time, it is a scrub that cleanses and revitalizes the skin.

Duration: 60 minutes.

The cost of the session is 5900 rubles.

Massage with warm oil-filled bags herbal powders. When heated with oil healing substances herbs are activated and give the maximum of their beneficial properties.

The cost of the session is 5650 rubles

Massage with warm bags of herbal powders heated in oil. When heated with oil, the healing substances of herbs are activated and give the maximum of their beneficial properties.

During the massage, the bags are periodically heated in hot water. medicinal oil in a special frying pan. Masseurs press them to the body, massage. The result is a deep warming of the skin and soft tissues. A special performance technique contributes to the harmonization of emotions and the psyche, fatigue and mental stress are relieved.

Indications: back pain, joint and muscle pain, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, consequences of injuries. Helps to get rid of body fat, tighten the body, remove cellulite. Pody makes the body more flexible and mobile, gives it energy. This is a great peeling, cleansing and skin rejuvenation!

Duration: 60-75 minutes

The cost of the session is 5650 rubles

Massage with warm oil-filled rice bags. Nyavara rice is cooked on herbal decoction and milk and fill massage bags.

The cost of the session is 5650 rubles

Massage with warm oil-filled rice bags. Nyavara rice is cooked in herbal broth and milk and filled into massage bags.

Linen bags rhythmically massage the body pre-soaked with oils. The pouches are constantly heated in milk and herbal tea and cause increased sweating. Nyavara massage is used in rejuvenation therapy, improves skin, normalizes muscle tone and gives the body harmony and good posture.

Indications: Nyavara massage helps relieve stress, muscle cramps and pain, relieves rheumatism, joint diseases, stimulates blood circulation, removes toxins from the body, activates metabolism, improves immunity, saturates the skin with nutrients.

Duration: 60-75 minutes.

The cost of the session is 5650 rubles

Pada Abhyanga

Oil foot massage. Foot massage before bed in India is a traditional procedure.

The cost of the session - 2000 rubles

Pada Abhyanga

Oil foot massage. Foot massage before bed in India is a traditional procedure.

Art Indian massage stop is passed down from generation to generation and includes the impact on special points - marmas. These are places of accumulation of energy, directly connected with various organs and systems of our body.

Indications: Helps improve vision (since many active points located on the feet), sleep quality, relieves swelling, fatigue and stiffness of the muscles of the feet, moisturizes the skin and eliminates cracks, stabilizes the energy balance, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular, immune, nervous systems, improves peripheral circulation, stimulates venous outflow, has a general calming effect .

Duration: 30 minutes.

The cost of the session - 2000 rubles

All you need for the procedure is natural oils and some free time. If you massage regularly, 1-2 times a week, very soon weak and lifeless strands of hair will turn into healthy and silky curls. Massage stimulates blood flow to the scalp, which improves nutrition hair follicles. Vegetable oils will enhance the effectiveness of the procedure. Unlike others cosmetics working on the surface of the skin, they are able to penetrate much deeper.

How to make head massage oil

Mix 10 drops of essential oils (oils are taken in approximately equal proportions) with 1 1/2 tbsp. l. base oils (any vegetable). Combine oils according to your hair type and problem.

For dry, damaged or color-treated hair:

* Oils sandalwood, jasmine, chamomile, rosemary + coconut or sesame oil.

* Geranium and frankincense oils + macadamia oil.

* Oils of lavender, chamomile + almond oil.

For oily hair:

* Lemon, lime, juniper and mint oils + sesame oil.

For graying, depleted hair:

* Chamomile and rose oils + avocado oil.

* Sandalwood, wheat germ, sweet almond oil + coconut oil.

* Juniper, rosemary, black pepper oils + jojoba oil.


* Lavender, rosemary, tangerine oils + jojoba oil.

Ayurvedic head massage techniques

* Pour a little oil mixture into the palm of your hand and rub it with your fingertips on the crown of your head. Take a little more oil and massage it into the skin in the direction from the crown of the head to the ears and further from the crown of the head to the back of the head. After that, comb your hair with your fingers, distributing the remaining oil.

* Tilt your head and, after applying some more oil to the back of your head, spread it with your fingers over the top of your head.

* With the fingers of the left hand, run with pressure over the scalp in the direction from the left ear to the back of the head, then repeat this movement with the right hand with right side heads.

* Grab a few strands of hair at the crown of the head and pull them slightly, also pull the strands in the back of the head and the base of the neck.

* Connect your fingers on your forehead. To evenly distribute the oil on the skin, pull them to the sides. Use your middle fingers in a counterclockwise circular motion to massage the area of ​​​​the head between the temples and the crown of the head. Repeat the same in the temple area.

* With index fingers, massage the area behind the ears in a circular motion in a clockwise direction, then gently rub the back of the neck with the palms of your hands. in a circular motion Rub your earlobes in a clockwise direction.

* Run your hands through your hair from the top of your head to the back of your head.

A good scalp oil massage has a number of benefits, including providing peace of mind, improving sleep, being a headache remedy, helping people suffering from baldness and hair loss, preventing premature graying of hair, relieving stress, and other diseases associated with the nervous system. . Applying hair oil and massage is one way to improve hair strength and hair quality according to the principles of Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic head massage helps restore healthy hair

Exposure to direct sunlight in summer, use of a hair dryer, regular coloring, etc. negative impacts on the hair can make hair dry and brittle, with split ends. Ayurveda gives us excellent methods to counter the above problems. One such method is head and body massage with warm oil. There are certain points on the human body called “marma”, and massage at these points with warm oil has certain advantages:

  • lubricates and soothes the scalp;
  • helps prevent dandruff and dry scalp;
  • improves blood circulation in the head and neck;
  • helps to relax the scalp;
  • strengthens and nourishes the hair roots;
  • softens hair;
  • protects hair from the damaging effects of the sun and wind;
  • soothes Vata dosha, balances Pitta dosha and related problems, depending on the herbs used to massage the scalp (for example, Pitta soothing herbs promote emotional balance, relax the muscles in the head area);
  • reduces body heat;
  • promotes healthy sleep in nighttime.

Massage of the head and hair with warm oil is desirable to do with the addition of herbs that are beneficial for hair, which is the best remedy to nourish the scalp and hair, and also helps to relax the mind and nervous system. The base oil must be chosen according to the type of constitution (Prakriti). As a rule, people with Vata constitution have thin, dry and curly hair, with split ends. Pitta-dominated people have Thin hair prone to premature thinning or gray hair. For people with a Kapha constitution, the hair will be thick and greasy.

The right choice of massage oil is already half the battle.

If your constitution is Vata, choose almond or sesame oil as base oil.

Sesame oil
Sesame oil is the preferred base oil for almost all massage oils used in ancient times. traditional Ayurveda and is perfect choice for hair. The main reason for this choice lies in the fact that those who use sesame oil regularly do not suffer from headaches, gray hair, baldness, dandruff or hair loss. Hair becomes silky, long, deeply rooted, and regular use of sesame oil also helps to improve sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, make it a habit to massage your feet and head with sesame oil before bed. Sesame oil is also safe for massaging babies as it promotes deep relaxation and relieves headache. In addition, it has antibacterial and antifungal properties and protects hair from harmful effects chlorine found in tap water.

Almond oil
Almond oil is also used as a base oil to restore thin, dry and frizzy hair in Vata people. Thanks to great content vitamin E, calcium and magnesium, it is used on its own as a head and hair massage oil, or used as a carrier oil to add shine and strength to the hair.

Representatives of Pitta constitution can choose as a base oil for massage Coconut oil , as coconut has and is very good at soothing Pitta. Coconut oil can also slow down hair thinning and prevent premature graying of hair, which in turn are associated with an imbalance of Pitta dosha. The use of coconut oil also prevents dandruff and dryness of the scalp, nourishes damaged hair and also acts as an air conditioner. Because of its cooling properties, coconut oil is simply indispensable in the summer. In colder seasons, the use of coconut oil can increase Kapha dosha, especially in people prone to colds, allergies, coughs, runny nose, asthma, etc. Even some relatively healthy people Those who do not have cold problems may experience runny nose problems when using coconut oil during the cold season, especially if the oil is left on the hair and scalp all night. The longer the oil stays on the scalp and hair, the more oil is absorbed into the hair. Therefore, head massage with warm oil will bring more benefit if done overnight. In the period from 2 pm to 6 pm, and from 6 pm to 10 pm, and the use of coconut oil at this time can worsen both Vata dosha and Kapha dosha. Therefore, if you want to use coconut oil for massage, it is better to do it in the morning.

Some Ayurvedic experts advise to neutralize the cooling properties of coconut oil by mixing 1 tsp. ground black pepper with 100 ml coconut oil, and heat for 5 minutes, filter and use in winter time of the year.

For Kapha constitution the best choice as base oil sesame or mustard oil.

So, we have decided on the choice of oil. In addition to the above oils, you can use Ayurvedic oils with one or more hair friendly herbs. Traditionally, for the preparation of such oils, herbs are added to base oils and heated for a long time, cooled and filtered.

Herbs used in Ayurvedic hair oils

1.Brahmi Calms the mind and nervous system, soothes Vata and nourishes the hair. Brahmi is used to prevent premature hair loss and increase hair thickness and volume. Brahmi oil is made by mixing it with sesame oil or other base oils and applied to hair and scalp.

2.Amalaki- has cooling, nourishing and cleansing properties. Suitable for all hair types, especially Pitta types. Oil, with the addition of amalaki, is used to eliminate most hair problems, as well as to relieve headaches, dizziness. Most Ayurvedic oils contain amalaki as their main ingredient. Amalaki is also used with coconut oil and is great for protecting hair from the sun's rays.

3. Bringaraj - occupies a strong place in Ayurvedic hair products. Bhringaraj is often mixed with sesame or coconut oil and used as a scalp massage oil. Bringaraj has high content protein and stimulates hair growth, restores black shine to hair.

4. Hibiscus- Cools and helps maintain hair color and vitality.

5.Nim- prevents dandruff and has cleansing properties, has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, stimulates hair growth, contains essential fatty acid and vitamin E.

6. Rosemary - is an excellent hair stimulator, promotes hair growth, prevents premature graying .

7. Lavender- prevents dandruff, has anti-inflammatory properties, reduces itching, swelling and redness, inhaling the smell of lavender helps to fall asleep, reduces heart rate and blood pressure and acts as a sedative.

Self-massage of the scalp and hair

AT ideal Self-massage should be done every day before taking a bath in the morning. But most of us work, and there is not always time for a morning massage. You can also massage in the evening, but never do a massage in a hurry. It is better to do at least once a week, but a quality massage, and after the massage at least 15-20 minutes of rest is required before you return to normal activities.

Step 1. Pour some oil into a bowl and heat the oil in a water bath by placing the bowl in hot water. The oil should be warm and comfortable to the touch, but not too hot. Or put oil in plastic bottle and then dip it into hot water to heat up the oil. Store leftover oil in the refrigerator.

Step 2 Relax, take a deep breath, tune in for a massage. Rub your palms together, feel the warmth and energy fill your palms.

Step 3 Pour a little oil on the point called the fontanel (located in the middle parting at a distance of eight fingers from the eyebrows), and rub the oil on both sides of the head from the fontanel towards the ears.

Step 4 Pour some more oil on the top of the head (three fingers from the fontanel to the back of the head) and rub the oil again on the head towards the ears.

Step 5 Tilt your head forward, pour the oil on the point where the skull joins the neck, rub the oil on both sides towards the back of the ears.

Step 6 Now that all hairy part covered with oil, gently pat your head with your fingertips to stimulate blood circulation and improve hair nutrition.

Step 7 Massage well with your fingers the entire surface of the skin on the head, collect the hair in a bun and gently pull the hair to relax the muscles. Pull the hair in the same way at the three points where the oil was applied.

Step 8 Now cover your head, leaving the oil on your head for 30-60 minutes. You can wrap your head on top terry towel. After that, wash off the oil with a mild shampoo.

1. Protect your hair from the direct rays of the summer sun by covering it with a hat or cap every time you go out.

  1. Comb your hair with a sparse comb in the morning and evening.

3. Hair loss may be due to permanent stressful condition. Avoid stress and anxiety. Breathing exercises and meditation are very helpful to keep stress free.

4. When washing your hair, try to avoid shampoos with strong chemicals. natural herbs such as nettle root extract, licorice (licorice) extract, horsetail, green tea, ginger, Apple vinegar, rosemary and sage are best for preventing and treating hair loss.

5. Diet plays important role in eliminating nutritional deficiencies that lead to hair loss. Your diet should contain plenty of seeds, nuts, vegetables, fruits, grains, milk, vegetable oils, yeast, wheat germ and honey, foods rich in vitamin B, iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium.

  1. Eating large amounts of carbohydrate-rich foods can lead to hair loss.

7. Drink up enough water when you feel thirsty. This will help flush harmful toxins from the body.

8. Avoid using a hair dryer when drying your hair as exposure to hot air will weaken the hair and cause hair loss.

  1. Do not wash your hair with very hot water. The water should be slightly cooler than for washing the body.

Our hair is a reflection of our health. It is the result of what we eat and drink. Eat healthy foods and drink enough water, remember to cover your hair when you go out in the sun in the summer, keep calm and enjoy life.

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