Drugs for allergic bronchial asthma. Allergic bronchial asthma - what to do. What can a doctor do

Allergic asthma is a common form of asthma. About 80% of all cases of asthmatic diseases, both in children and adults, occur against the background of allergies. Let's look at the main types of asthma, how they are diagnosed, treated and prevented.

Appearance allergic asthma provoke various substances and microorganisms that enter the body when inhaled and cause allergies. Allergens or allergy triggers exacerbate symptoms various diseases and cause asthma attacks this case allergic asthma. With allergic asthma, it is very important to diagnose the disease in time and start treatment. Since allergens are present everywhere, and the diagnosis is asthma, it worsens the quality of life and can lead to very serious consequences.

ICD-10 code

J45.0 Asthma with predominant allergic component

Causes of allergic asthma

The causes of allergic asthma are associated with the action of allergens on the body. Under the influence of allergens in the respiratory tract occurs inflammatory process which makes breathing difficult and causes shortness of breath. This reaction of the body occurs due to violations in the work immune system. As soon as the allergen enters the respiratory system, bronchospasm occurs and the inflammatory process begins. That is why allergic asthma is accompanied by a runny nose, cough and severe shortness of breath.

There are many reasons that could trigger allergic asthma. The disease can be caused by plant pollen, animal hair, mold spores, and much more. Asthma can start not only from inhaling an allergen, but even from a slight scratch or cut on the skin. Many people develop asthma due to frequent inhalation tobacco smoke, polluted air, perfume aromas or the smell of household chemicals. In addition to allergens, other factors that do not cause diseases, but provoke asthmatic attacks, also affect the occurrence of asthma. The most common of them:

  • Physical activity - cough and shortness of breath appear with active and prolonged exercise.
  • Medications – Some medications trigger asthma attacks. Therefore, before using any antibiotics and even vitamins, you should consult a doctor and carefully read the contraindications for use in the instructions with the drug.
  • Infectious diseases - colds cause coughing and asthma attacks.
  • temperature and polluted air.
  • Emotional condition - frequent stress, tantrums, laughter and even crying provoke asthmatic attacks.

Allergic Asthma Symptoms

Symptoms of allergic asthma manifest themselves in different ways, but most often it is coughing, shortness of breath and runny nose. The first symptoms of the disease make themselves felt as soon as the allergen enters the respiratory tract or on the skin. The immune system reacts immediately, causing itching, redness and swelling (if the allergen has come into contact with the skin) or bouts of choking cough (if the allergen is inhaled). Let's look at the main symptoms of allergic asthma.

  • Severe cough (in some people, due to exposure to allergens, asphyxia begins, as the throat swells).
  • Breathlessness.
  • Chest pain.
  • Rapid wheezing.

The appearance of the above symptoms is influenced by such allergens as plant and grass pollen (especially during the flowering period), saliva and animal hair, as well as scratches, excrement of ticks, cockroaches and other insects, mold spores. If symptoms of asthma appear, you should immediately seek medical help and undergo a diagnosis at an allergy center to determine the cause of the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

Infectious-allergic asthma

Infectious-allergic asthma has a peculiar mechanism of development. The presence of chronic infection plays a special role in the development of this disease. respiratory tract rather than inhaling the allergen. That is why infectious allergic asthma is most common in older people. Due to exposure to infection and chronic inflammation, changes occur in the bronchi that lead to their reactivity. The bronchi begin to react sharply to any irritants, and the walls of the bronchi thicken and become overgrown with connective tissue.

The main symptom of infectious-allergic asthma is a long course of respiratory diseases, possibly even with exacerbations. Infectious-allergic asthma can also appear due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or chronic bronchitis.

Allergic form of bronchial asthma

The allergic form of bronchial asthma develops against the background of the action pathogenic mechanism hypersensitivity. Main difference allergic form bronchial asthma from simple asthma or allergic in that only a few seconds pass from the moment of the action of the allergen to the onset of an attack. The main factor that contributes to the appearance of the disease is chronic infections with complications or frequent illnesses respiratory tract. But the disease can also occur due to long-term use medicines, ecology or occupational hazard (work with chemicals and other).

The main symptoms of asthmatic disease are manifested in the form of a strong cough, which causes chest cramps. In addition, temporary attacks of suffocation and shortness of breath may occur. The presence of these symptoms indicates serious problems in the body that require immediate treatment.

Allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma

Allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma are common allergic diseases. Rhinitis appears against the background of a pronounced inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Some patients have inflammation of the conjunctival membranes of the eyes. In addition, the patient has difficulty breathing, profuse nasal discharge and itching in the nasal cavity. The main symptoms of bronchial asthma are choking, coughing, wheezing, sputum production.

These are clinical manifestations of one disease, which is localized in the upper respiratory tract. Many patients who suffer from allergic rhinitis, after a while there are attacks of suffocation. Please note that doctors distinguish three types of allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma - permanent, year-round and periodic. Each type depends on exposure to allergens that provoke diseases. Therefore, the most important step in the treatment of the disease - the definition of the allergen and its elimination.

Atopic allergic bronchial asthma

Atopic allergic bronchial asthma appears due to exposure to pathogenetic mechanism hypersensitivity immediate type. The basis of the disease is that very little time passes from exposure to an allergen to an attack. The development of the disease is influenced by heredity, chronic diseases and infections, occupational hazards on the respiratory tract and much more.

Against this background, four types of allergic bronchial asthma are distinguished: mild intermittent, mild persistent, asthma. moderate and severe disease. Each type of disease is accompanied by symptoms that, without proper treatment, begin to worsen.

Asthma with a predominance of an allergic component

Asthma with a predominance of an allergic component is a disease that occurs due to exposure to a specific irritant. Disease occurs in both adults and children due to inhalation house dust, drugs, plant pollen, bacteria, food products and much more. Unfavorable conditions can also provoke the disease environment, pungent odors, emotional upheavals and nervous overload.

Patients with this disease have chronic inflammation. Because of this, the airways become very sensitive to any irritants. In addition, swelling may appear in the airways, which is accompanied by spasms, and strong mucus production. To cure the disease, you need to seek medical help. But, there are recommendations that will avoid exacerbation of asthma with a predominance of an allergic component. Allergists recommend spending more time outdoors, avoiding synthetics in clothing and bed linen, regularly ventilate the room and do wet cleaning, remove synthetic products with a high content of allergens from the diet.

Allergic asthma in children

Allergic asthma in children can occur at any age. As a rule, the disease occurs in children older than one year. Allergic asthma often masquerades as Chronical bronchitis and treated radically wrong. If the baby has up to four or more episodes of bronchitis (obstructive) within one year, then this indicates the presence of an allergy. In this case, you should immediately contact an allergist and start treatment.

Treatment begins with the determination of the allergen that caused the disease, that is, allergic asthma. Treatment is with injections of drugs and inhalations. Treatment of allergic asthma in children should be under the supervision of an allergist and an immunologist. Regular preventive procedures increase the immunity of the child and protect against allergens that cause asthma.

Diagnosis of allergic asthma

Allergic asthma is diagnosed by an allergist or immunologist. The doctor learns about the symptoms that disturb the patient, takes an anamnesis and, based on the results of the survey, uses certain research and diagnostic methods. So, the suspicion of allergic asthma appears with symptoms such as cough, pulmonary rales, severe shortness of breath, frequent heavy breathing, swelling of the throat and more. X-rays are most often used to diagnose allergic asthma. chest. In cases of exacerbation of the disease or severe course, the x-ray will clearly show a slight enlargement of the lungs due to a reduced ability to release air.

Also, for the diagnosis of allergic asthma, use skin tests. To do this, an allergist with a sterile needle injects extracts of the most common pathogens into the skin to study the allergic reaction to them. After determining the causative agent of the disease, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment and preventive measures.

Treatment of allergic asthma

Treatment of allergic asthma is a set of measures aimed at restoring health and the full functioning of the body. To date, there are methods of treatment that can completely stop the development of the disease and alleviate the symptoms. These treatments allow people diagnosed with allergic asthma to full life. The basis of treatment is the detection and elimination of the allergen. During treatment, drug therapy and injections may be prescribed.

Concerning general recommendations for the treatment of allergic asthma, it is necessary to ensure the cleanliness of the house, get rid of dust, wool and animal odors, since they most often provoke the onset of symptoms of the disease. It is necessary to be in the fresh air more often, eat only natural products and do not wear synthetic clothing.

Medications for allergic asthma

Medications for allergic asthma are prescribed by an allergist. The goal of this treatment is to control the disease. Taking the medicine will help to avoid asthma attacks and eliminate a number of symptoms, such as cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis, shortness of breath. All drugs that are used to treat allergic asthma are divided into two groups.

The first group includes drugs that eliminate muscle spasms and expand the lumen of the bronchi, which allows you to breathe freely. Such drugs have a short duration of action and are used to relieve painful symptoms.

  • β2-stimulants are used to relieve spasms of the smooth bronchial muscles. The most commonly prescribed are terbutaline, berotek and ventolin. The main form of release is an aerosol.
  • Theophylline drugs - effectively eliminate attacks of acute allergic asthma.
  • Anticholinergic drugs - most often prescribed for children, as they have a minimum side effects and show excellent treatment results.

The second group of drugs is used to relieve inflammation and prevent the onset of an asthmatic attack. Such medicines must be taken regularly, since only in this case, they have an effect. The drugs gradually eliminate the symptoms and inflammation, stabilizing the state of the body. But unlike the above drugs, the second type has no effect during an asthma attack.

  • Steroids - reduce inflammation and other symptoms of the disease. They are prescribed for a long course, but have a lot of side effects.
  • Sodium chromoglycate is one of the safe drugs for the treatment of allergic asthma. It can be administered to both children and adults.

Please note that medications for the treatment of allergic asthma can only be prescribed by the attending physician. Self-medication will aggravate the symptoms of the disease, cause a number of complications and serious pathologies.

Treatment of allergic asthma folk remedies

Treatment of allergic asthma folk remedies used for many centuries. This treatment is safer. drug therapy and, according to many patients, it is more effective. The peculiarity of the treatment of allergic asthma with folk remedies is that such treatment does not put a strain on the kidneys and liver and does not cause side effects. We offer you the most effective and popular recipes of traditional medicine.

  • If allergic asthma is accompanied severe runny nose and conjunctivitis, then you will need bran for treatment. Pour a couple of spoons of bran with boiling water and eat on an empty stomach, after drinking a glass of water before that. After 10-20 minutes, tears and snot will go away. Action this tool that bran removes allergens from the body.
  • Allergic rhinitis is an integral companion of allergic asthma. To cure the disease in the morning, you need to drink milk with tar. The course of treatment assumes that every day in the morning you will drink half a glass of milk and a drop of tar. On the second day, two drops of tar must be added to the milk and so gradually increased to twelve drops. After that, the countdown should go to reverse side. Such treatment will give you free breathing and purify the blood.
  • If you have allergic bronchial asthma, then this way treatment will permanently rid you of the disease. The treatment is long, the remedy must be taken for six to nine months. Take a bottle or a three-liter jar and put a kilogram of chopped garlic into it. The contents are poured with clean water and infused for 30 days in a dark, cool place. As soon as the tincture is ready, you can begin treatment. Every morning, add a spoonful of tincture to hot milk and drink half an hour before meals. The main rule of such treatment is not to skip taking the remedy.
  • If other than heavy breathing, runny nose and shortness of breath, allergic asthma caused skin rashes this recipe will help you. birch leaves are poured with boiling water, infused and used as tea. A week of treatment with this method will save you from signs of allergies.

Relieve an asthma attack

Removing an attack of allergic asthma is a set of actions and activities that eliminate the symptoms of the disease. The very first thing to do during an asthma attack is to calm down. Try to relax, inhale and exhale slowly, if necessary open a window, lie down or sit down. If you have an inhaler with medicine, then use it. Inhalation quickly relieves an asthma attack and restores the smooth muscles of the bronchi.

To relieve an asthma attack, taking the drugs we talked about is suitable. One tablet will effectively eliminate shortness of breath and chest cramps. If drugs and methods for relieving an asthma attack do not help, you need to call a doctor. The doctor will do an intramuscular or intravenous injection, this will allow you to calm the attack. But after that, you need to go to the allergy center and be treated in a hospital, as it is possible to repeat attacks of allergic asthma and exacerbate them.

Prevention of allergic asthma

Prevention of allergic asthma is aimed at eliminating allergens and contact with pathogens. You need to start at home. Clean, dust and mop floors. Replace synthetic bed sheets natural. If you have pillows and blankets made of feathers and down, then they must be changed to synthetic winterizers, since down and feathers can cause allergic asthma. The bed should be changed every two weeks and the room should be regularly ventilated.

If you have pets, it is better to give them to friends for a while or try not to be in the same room with them. Synthetic clothing also causes allergic asthma attacks and allergic dermatitis. This also applies to artificial food, give up fast food and convenience foods, let only fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products. If you play sports, you need to temporarily change intense loads for more moderate workouts. All these methods of preventing allergic asthma will make life easier for allergy sufferers and will allow you not to think about the disease.

Prognosis of allergic asthma

The prognosis of allergic asthma depends on the age of the patient, the severity of the disease, symptoms and treatment methods. If the disease was diagnosed and prescribed in time competent treatment, then the prognosis of allergic asthma is favorable. If allergic asthma is not correctly diagnosed and treated as another disease with similar symptoms, then the prognosis is poor. Please note that inadequate treatment or its absence is a serious risk of pathological processes in the body that can lead to lethal outcome, and severe forms of allergic asthma can cause disability.

Allergic asthma is a disease that can be treated. But this is possible only with proper diagnosis and compliance with all the rules of treatment. A clean home, the absence of pets and a number of other allergens that cause the disease, is a guarantee that allergic asthma will not make itself felt.

allergic asthma- the most common form of asthma, which is expressed by hypersensitivity of the organs respiratory system to any allergens.

By inhaling allergen particles, the human body receives a signal about contact with an irritant, and the immune system response is triggered, expressed by contraction of the muscles around the respiratory tract. This process is called bronchospasm. As a result, the muscles become inflamed, and the body releases a sufficiently viscous and thick mucus.

is the disease of the present. In total, about 50% of adults and 90% of children suffer from various manifestations of allergic reactions.

Every person who suffers from an allergic form of asthma experiences a condition similar to its other varieties: the state of health worsens in cold air, after physical exertion and due to the inhalation of strong odors, dust or tobacco smoke.

Allergens are quite widespread, so it is important to determine the range of irritants in time, thereby preventing the aggravation and development of the disease in severe form.

The asthma code with a predominance of the allergic component according to ICD 10 is J45.0.


Progression of the disease - hypersensitivity (its immediate variety). It is characterized by the rapid development of the disease, the reaction occurs almost immediately after the penetration of an unfavorable allergen into the body. The process usually takes no more than a few minutes.

Heredity also plays a significant role genetic predisposition. According to medical statistics, 40% of relatives of allergic people have the same ailments.

The main factors that contribute to the progression of allergic bronchial asthma:

  • Active or passive smoking.
  • Infectious diseases affecting the respiratory tract.
  • Direct contact with allergens.
  • The use of certain medications for a long period of time.

The manifestation of symptoms is observed due to the penetration of the allergen into the body during breathing. Such harmful substances can be divided into several groups:

  • household. These include dust, feathers from pillows, and others;
  • epidermal. This group includes bird feathers, dandruff, wool;
  • fungal;
  • pollen.

Causes of an attack of atopic (allergic) asthma:

  • Smoke from tobacco, incense or fireworks.
  • Dust.
  • Evaporation.
  • Flavored substances that are part of air fresheners, perfumes, etc.


Allergic asthma has four degrees of severity:

  1. Intermittent. Symptoms of progression appear no more than once a week, night attacks are observed twice a month.
  2. Persistent. Symptoms of the disease appear more than once a week. Because of this, daily activities and sleep of a person are disturbed.
  3. Average degree. It is characterized by the daily manifestation of symptoms of the disease. Daytime physical activity and full-fledged night sleep. At this stage, Salbutamol is shown, it prevents the development of the next stage.
  4. T I desired degree. Symptoms are permanent. Suffocation is observed 4 times a day. Also, seizures often occur at night. The person cannot move normally during this time.

The most dangerous thing is the progression of status asthmaticus. There is an increase in seizures and an increase in their duration. In this case, traditional treatment shows little effectiveness. Due to the inability to take a normal full breath, the patient may lose consciousness. In the absence of the necessary emergency care, there is a risk of death.


Symptoms vary, but the most common are shortness of breath, a runny nose, and a bad cough. The first symptoms of the disease appear immediately after the allergen enters the skin or respiratory system.

The immune system reacts instantly, causing redness, swelling and itching (if the allergen comes into contact with the skin) or a suffocating cough (if the allergen is inhaled).

In general, it can be noted the following symptoms allergic asthma:

  • The appearance of a cough (sometimes, due to the action of allergens and swelling of the throat, asphyxia begins).
  • Whistling on breathing.
  • Rapid inhalations/exhalations.
  • Strong shortness of breath.
  • Chest pain.
  • Feeling of tightness in the chest.

These are the main signs of the disease, which any allergen can provoke.

For example, allergens such as animal hair and saliva, fungal spores, pollen of grasses and other plants (especially during flowering), as well as excrement, scratches from cockroaches, ticks and other insects can cause the above symptoms.

When the first symptoms of infectious allergic asthma appear, you should immediately seek professional medical help, having undergone a diagnosis and received a treatment appointment.

allergic attack

An asthma attack is a reaction of the immune system in which the response to the action of an allergen is bronchospasm. It is bronchospasm that is directly an attack, which is accompanied by a contraction of the muscles surrounding the airways. Due to this state muscle becomes inflamed and also filled with thick viscous mucus. At the same time, the supply of oxygen to the lungs is sharply reduced.

To eliminate an allergy attack, a set of measures is required. First of all, they are aimed at relieving the symptoms of the disease. relaxed and calm state patient during an attack is required component, and if a person is worried and worried, then his condition only worsens. Slow inhalations/exhalations, flow of non-cold fresh air and horizontal position help to get rid of an asthma attack in a few minutes.

Ideally, you should have an inhaler with a suitable medication with you. Using an inhaler will quickly relieve suffocation and restore the functioning of the smooth muscles of the respiratory system.

asthmatic status. Dangerous for a person is a form of atopic asthma, which is accompanied by the development of a condition called status asthmaticus. It's a long suffocation that won't give in conventional treatment and in which the patient is simply not able to exhale air. This condition develops from a clouding of consciousness to its complete loss, and the general well-being of the patient is extremely difficult. If the necessary treatment is not available, it can cause disability or death.


When symptoms appear this disease The patient should immediately seek help from medical institution. A pulmonologist and an allergist-immunologist deal with such people.

It is necessary to identify the allergens that provoked the development of an attack as soon as possible. For this, the patient is prescribed tests that determine sensitivity to aggressive agents. After identifying the pathogen, treatment is prescribed directly.

How to treat allergic asthma?

Asthma treatment should be qualified specialist, because self therapy medication and can only aggravate the course of the disease. For the treatment of this type of asthma, the same drugs are used as for other types of the disease, but it is important to consider the allergic nature of the disease.

Timely intake of antihistamines can reduce the severity of the course and manifestations of atopic asthma. In conditions modern development pharmacology, the drug market offers a rich choice similar drugs, so finding the right medicine will not be difficult. Antihistamines block receptors, due to which either the release of histamine into the blood is completely absent, or its dose is so small that it does not provoke any reaction.

If a situation arises when it is impossible to avoid contact with an irritant, it is necessary to take an antihistamine in advance, then the risk acute reaction is significantly reduced.

  • Modern medicine offers a technique that involves introducing an allergen into the body With gradual increase dosage. Thus, a person’s susceptibility to an irritant is formed, thereby reducing the risk of allergy attacks.
  • The most common way to deal with allergic asthma is to use blockers. beta-2 adrenergic receptors and inhaled glucocorticoids. This is a basic treatment that contributes to long-term control of the course of the disease.
  • elimination high sensitivity bronchi, as well as the prevention of possible exacerbations for a sufficiently long period of time serve immunoglobulin E antagonist antibodies.
  • In the treatment of allergic asthma in children, drugs of the group of drugs are actively used. cromons. However, treatment with these drugs of the disease in adult patients does not bring the desired result.
  • Used in exacerbation of asthma methylxanthines. They act very quickly by blocking adrenergic receptors. active substances This group of drugs are oral glucocorticoid and adrenaline.

On the background medications have higher priority inhalation drugs, penetrating directly into the respiratory tract of a patient who suffers from atopic asthma, using a special device. At the same time, it produces therapeutic effect. Another important advantage of inhalation is the absence of side effects often associated with conventional drugs.

Atopic asthma can and should be treated, but the course of therapy must be built in such a way that the characteristics of the course of the disease in a particular patient are taken into account. This can only be done by a qualified doctor, who, when prescribing, is based on diagnostic tools, clinical picture and medical history. Untimely or incorrectly performed treatment increases the risk of developing in the body pathological conditions, as a result of which allergic asthma can become severe and lead to disability or death.

In general, with a competent approach to treatment, a fairly favorable prognosis is offered. The main complications of atopic asthma are pulmonary emphysema, heart and lung failure.

Atopic asthma and children

Asthma can appear in a child at any age, but most often the disease affects the body after the first year of life. The main factor risk - allergic reactions different etiology.

Atopic asthma, which appeared in a child, has one unpleasant feature - the disease can be hidden by obstructive bronchitis. Asthma can be identified by the number of manifestations per year. If the number of manifestations of bronchial obstruction is more than 4, then this is a good reason to make an appointment with an immunologist or an allergist.

The specificity of the treatment of childhood atopic asthma is the use of inhalations as the main means. Such procedures contribute to the elimination of the allergen that triggered the disease and increase the body's resistance to various kinds negative influences.


The main task in the prevention of allergic asthma is the exclusion of contact with allergen substances.

To this end, the following measures can be taken:

1. During the flowering period of plants, if possible, it is recommended not to go outside. It is better to close the windows of the house.

2. Do not use evaporative coolers, it is better to take new air conditioners with a clean filter.

3. Live in carpets and fabrics dust mites , but they are so small size that they cannot be seen with the naked eye. So it is highly recommended to put hypoallergenic covers on mattresses, pillows and bed netting. Wash at least once every 7 days hot water all bed linen.

If possible, get rid of existing carpets and other dust collectors: upholstered furniture, thick curtains, etc. Store clothes in closed cabinets. Ifthe child has atopic asthma, it is better not to keep soft toys or buy only those that are allowed to be washed.

4. Control the humidity in the apartment(for this purpose, you can purchase a special device - a moisture meter). When the humidity is above 40%, it is recommended to use an air conditioner or a dehumidifier.

These measures will significantly reduce the growth of mold, as well as the reproduction of dust mites and cockroaches. If necessary, repair leaks in water pipes and roof.

5.If you have pets, then you should undergo tests that will determine the presence of allergies. There are no completely hypoallergenic animals, so in case of positive results test is better to remove the pet. Or, at the very least, do not allow the animal to enter the sleeping area.

Unfortunately, the amount of allergens inhaled is not reduced by weekly bathing of the dog or cat, and aerosols and other products are not effective in reducing total number allergens. Enhanced level the content of allergens in the air remains in the apartment or house for a long time even after the removal of the animal.

6. The bathroom and kitchen must be kept dry and clean.- this will eliminate the appearance of cockroaches and mold.

If you notice the presence of cockroaches in the kitchen and you have an allergic reaction to them, contact a company that specializes in exterminating insects. The use of insecticides alone in this case is not enough. Food should be protected from cockroaches, there should not even be drops of oil and small crumbs on the stove. After every shower or meal, turn on the exhaust fan to reduce the humidity level.

7. Effectively remove smoke and other tiny particles(such as pollen) from indoor high-efficiency air filters, although their use will not replace a dehumidifier and will not protect against dust mites.

Advice! Avoid using electric air purifiers, as they usually produce ozone, which can cause inflammation in the airways.

8. Care must be taken when performing garden work . For example, raking leaves can raise mold spores and pollen. When working outdoors, it is recommended to wear a mask that will prevent allergens from entering the lungs.

In conclusion, it should be noted that this moment does not exist absolutely effective measures prevention, which can completely eliminate the risk of developing allergic asthma. This problem is solved only by eliminating allergens and proper treatment aimed at reducing exacerbations and stabilizing the course of the disease.

Allergies and asthma often go hand in hand. Asthma is a disease of the branches of the windpipe (bronchioles) that carry oxygen to and from the lungs. There are several forms of asthma.

Allergic asthma is a form of asthma that is caused by an allergy (such as pollen or mold). According to the Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, for every 20 million people with asthma, there are 10 million with allergies.

Air usually enters the body through the nose and bronchioles. At the ends of the bronchioles are small alveolar (air) sacs called alveoli. The alveolar sacs supply the blood with oxygen and also collect stale air ( carbon dioxide), which is then exhaled. During normal breathing, the muscle groups surrounding the airways are relaxed and air moves freely. But during an asthma episode, or "attack," three major changes occur that prevent air from moving freely in the airways:

  1. The muscle groups surrounding the airways tense up and cause them to constrict, a process called bronchospasm.
  2. The lining of the airways swells and becomes inflamed.
  3. The cells lining the airways produce more mucus, and it is thicker than normal.

With narrowed airways, air circulation in the lungs slows down. As a result, asthma patients feel like they are out of breath. All these changes make breathing difficult.

Main symptoms of asthma

Asthma symptoms strike when the airways are subject to changes from the previous three points above. Some people experience symptoms every day, while others may go several days between attacks. The main symptoms of asthma include:

  • shortness of breath.
  • Wheezing.
  • Tightness of the chest, pain or pressure.

Not all people experience symptoms in the same way. You may not have any symptoms of allergic asthma, or you may experience them in different time. Symptoms can vary from one asthma episode to the next. They may be strong in one episode and weak in another.

Mild symptom severity is most common. The airways usually open within minutes or hours. Severe episodes are less common, but they are long lasting and require emergency treatment. medical care. It is important to recognize even minor symptoms asthma and treat them to prevent severe episodes and keep asthma under control.

If you have allergic asthma, then a reaction to any substance allergic may worsen symptoms.

Signs before an asthma attack

There are early signs that precede asthma symptoms and signs that asthma is getting worse. early signs and symptoms of an asthma attack include:

  • Frequent cough, especially at night.
  • Loss of ease of breathing or its increase.
  • Feeling severe fatigue or weakness when playing sports in addition to wheezing, coughing, or shortness of breath.
  • A decrease or change in maximum expiratory flow is a measure of how quickly air is expelled from the lungs when you exhale forcefully.
  • Symptoms of a cold or other upper respiratory infections or allergies.
  • Inability to sleep.

If you have any of these asthma symptoms, seek help as soon as possible to prevent the possibility of a severe asthma attack.

Who has asthma?

Anyone can get asthma, although it tends to be predominantly hereditary. Approximately 14 million adults and children in Russian Federation have asthma (data for 2012). The disease is becoming more common.

Factors that provoke bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is a complex of respiratory problems that arise due to many factors. The respiratory tract of an asthmatic is very sensitive and reacts to many things that are called pathogens. Contact with these pathogens often provokes asthma and leads to the manifestation of its symptoms.

There are many types of causative agents of allergic asthma. The reaction differs from person to person, and the time of manifestation varies. Some respond to many triggers, while others have none that they can identify. One of the most important aspects of asthma control is avoiding contact with such pathogens whenever possible.

Common pathogens are:

  • Infections: colds, flu, sinus infections.
  • Sports exercise, especially common in children (note below).
  • Weather: cold air, temperature changes.
  • Tobacco smoke and air pollution.
  • Allergens are substances that cause allergic reactions in the lungs, including dust mites, pollen, animals, mold, food, and cockroaches.
  • Dust and objects that create it.
  • Persistent odors from chemical products.
  • Strong feelings: anxiety, frustration, screaming and strong laughter.
  • Medications: aspirin, ibuprofen, beta-blockers used to treat high blood pressure, migraines or glaucoma.

While exercise can trigger asthma, exercise should not be ignored. With a good treatment plan, children and adults can exercise for as long as they want, but not during the onset of asthma symptoms.

Diagnosis of allergic asthma

Doctors can use many ways to diagnose asthma. First, the doctor takes your medical history, symptoms, and performs a physical examination. Then can be made and held general analyzes and procedures for checking general state your lungs, including:

  • A chest x-ray that takes a picture of the lungs.
  • Lung function test (spirometry): A test that measures the size and function of the lungs, including how well air is getting out of the lungs (lung function).
  • Maximum expiratory flow: An analysis that measures the maximum speed at which air can be exhaled.
  • The methacholine test is a sensitivity test for methacholine, an irritant that constricts the airways.

Other analyzes such as allergic tests, blood analysis and pH of the environment of the larynx, x-rays of the sinuses and other pictures. They help the doctor identify side causes and conditions that can influence asthma symptoms.

Treatment of allergic asthma

In order to reduce symptoms or avoid them altogether, it is necessary to limit or get rid of contact with the pathogen, take medications, so that the daily symptoms of asthma can be carefully controlled.

Asthma attacks can be avoided or minimized by limiting exposure to pathogens and by taking medication to keep daily symptoms under close control. The correct approach to treatment is a thorough control and medication. Drugs used to treat asthma include bronchodilators, anti-inflammatory agents, and leukotriene modifiers.

Bronchodilators (bronchodilators) in the treatment of asthma

These drugs treat asthma by relaxing muscle groups that tighten around the airways. They quickly open the lungs, letting in more air, and improve breathing.

Bronchodilators also help clear the lungs of excess mucus. When the airways open, the mucus moves more freely and is easily coughed up. Produced in the form fast action, bronchodilators relieve or stop the symptoms of asthma, so they are indispensable for attacks. There are three main types of bronchodilators - beta-2 agonists, anticholinergics and theophyllines.

Rapid-acting bronchodilators should not be used to control asthma because long-term use may reduce their effectiveness.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

They reduce tissue swelling and musk release in the lungs, are available as corticosteroids in the form of inhalers, the main effective drugs are:

  • Asmanex.
  • Beclofort (beclomethasone).
  • Azmakort.
  • Florent.
  • Pulmicort.
  • Alvesco.

When treated with this group of drugs, the airways become less sensitive and less likely to respond to possible pathogens. Anti-inflammatory drugs must be used daily for several weeks before persistent healing effect to help control asthma. These asthma medications also reduce symptoms, damage, increase air flow, make the airways more resistant to irritants and reduce the number of asthma episodes. If used on a daily basis, they can reduce or even prevent asthma symptoms.

Another type of anti-inflammatory asthma medication is called cromolyn sodium. This type of drug is a mast cell stabilizer, which means it helps prevent the production of chemicals produced by mast cells organism. One such remedy is cromoglycic acid (Intal), which is commonly used to treat children or exercise-induced asthma.

Leukotriene modifiers

Leukotriene modifiers are used to treat allergic bronchial asthma and include the following drugs:

  • Accolate.
  • Singular.
  • Zileuton.

Leukotrienes are chemical compounds that our body produces, they cause constriction airways and excessive mucus production during an asthma attack. The job of leukotriene modifiers is to limit these reactions, improve oxygen flow, and reduce other symptoms of asthma. They are taken as tablets or as oral granules mixed with food once or twice a day, reducing the need for other asthma medications. The most common side effects are headache and nausea. Leukotriene modifiers may interact with other medical preparations such as coumadin and theophylline.

Tell your doctor what medications you are taking.

Monoclonal antibodies and asthma

Xolair is an antibody that blocks immunoglobulin E (IgE) so that allergens are unable to trigger an asthma attack. Xolair is given by injection. In order to receive antibody therapy, a person must have elevated immunoglobulin E and be allergic. Allergies must be confirmed by a blood test and a skin test.

How are asthma medications taken?

Most asthma medications are administered using a special device - an aerosol inhaler - an automatic dispenser in the form of a small aerosol vial in a plastic container, which dispenses medicine when a button is pressed on top.

Some drugs come in the form of a powder that is inhaled through the mouth from a device called a powder inhaler. There are also drugs in the form of tablets, liquids and injections.

How to use an aerosol inhaler?

  1. Remove the cap and shake the inhaler.
  2. Inhale deeply and exhale completely.
  3. Place the inhaler in your mouth and close your lips around it.
  4. As soon as you begin to inhale, press the inhaler, thus giving the medicine to the lungs. Hold your breath for a count of 10. Now exhale slowly.

How to use a powder inhaler?

  1. Add the required amount of medication to the inhaler following the instructions that come with the device.
  2. Exhale while holding the inhaler away from your mouth, lift your chin up.
  3. Place your lips around the opening of the device through which the medicine is delivered. Do deep breath through an inhaler without using the nose. You may not be able to taste the medicine or what its medicine is.
  4. Remove the device from your mouth. Hold your breath and count to 10.
  5. Exhale slowly, but do not exhale through the inhaler. Moisture from the mouth can cause the powder inside the device to harden.
  6. Make sure you close your device after use. Store it in a dry place.
  7. Do not wash your inhaler with soap and water. Wipe with a dry cloth as needed.

What else can I do to keep my asthma under control?

Peak flowmeter.

In order to control asthma, you need to monitor how well your lungs are working. Asthma symptoms can be checked using a special device called a peak flow meter, which measures the speed of air that leaves the lungs when you forcefully exhale. The resulting value is called maximum speed exhalation (MSV) and is calculated in liters per minute.

The MRV can alert you to changes in your airways, which may be a sign of worsening asthma before you have symptoms. By measuring against daily peaks, you can more accurately calculate drug dosages to keep your asthma under control. Your doctor can also use this data when drawing up a treatment plan.

Can asthma be cured?

There is no cure for asthma, but you can treat it and keep it under control. In most cases, people with asthma can live without experiencing any symptoms by following their treatment plan.

Allergic asthma is the most common form allergic disease among children and adults.

The history of the development of this type of asthma is characterized by the spread of allergens, so in such patients it is important to identify an attack of the disease in a timely manner. Given the symptoms it is necessary to start early treatment.

In addition, the allergic form of asthma is sometimes associated with some infectious diseases which have very similar symptoms.

Classification of the severity of the disease

From what symptoms of the disease stand out, an allergist (immunologist, homeopathic doctor) can distinguish 4 stages of the disease, which determine the conduct of drug therapy.

1. Intermittent allergic asthma. In this form of the disease, asthmatic attacks are quite rare. During the day - no more than once every 7 days. During sleep - no more than twice a month. Attacks are very fast and do not affect the physical condition of the patient.

2. Light persistent. The disease worsens more than 1 time in 7 days (not more than 1 time during the day). At night, an attack can be observed no less than 2 times within 1 month. In this case, the patient experiences insomnia and increased fatigue.

3. Persistent asthma (moderate). A daytime attack of the disease can be repeated every day, and at night - more than once a week. This is accompanied by a violation of the physical condition.

4. Persistent (severe). Night and daytime suffocation with allergies is repeated almost daily. The activity of the patient after the attacks of the disease is sharply reduced.


Allergic bronchial asthma can develop as a result of many reasons.

  • As a rule, atopic asthma is expressed by severe allergic manifestations, as well as a chronic inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract. In the bronchi, an obstructive process is noted, accompanied by suffocation, in which it is recommended to use an inhaler. Most often, atopic asthma appears if unbalanced diet and the diet prescribed by the doctor is violated;

  • heredity is of great importance. However, it should be remembered that the history of the disease is expressed only by a predisposition to the appearance;
  • history of developing allergic asthma may be complicated infectious diseases respiratory system, which increase the sensitivity of the bronchial walls;
  • an unfavorable environmental situation and activities associated with harmful substances. In addition, smoking in all its forms, including passive smoking, is not recommended. The history of medicine confirms the fact that smoking parents dramatically increase the risk of allergic asthma in the baby;
  • in some cases, the atopic form of bronchial asthma manifests negative symptoms that provokes malnutrition and the presence of a large number of preservatives, aromatics and other additives. Therefore, if there is a predisposition to asthmatic manifestations, it is necessary special diet and careful handling of household chemicals.

An allergy attack with suffocation can increase when the bronchial system interacts with allergens, which are absolutely individual for each patient. Most often, atopic form of bronchial asthma can be triggered by household allergens. Often there are cases when atopic asthma occurs as a result of contact with fungal spores.


As a rule, the doctor at the first appointment finds out the causes of the disease and characteristics. He is also interested in the patient's medical history. The symptoms of allergic asthma are not specific. They may not differ from asthma with a non-allergic etiology.

  • in the first place, asthma with a predominance of an allergic component is accompanied by paroxysmal cough, which does not contribute to relief. It remains possible that these symptoms result from comorbidities;
  • when coughing, a minimum amount of vitreous (clear) sputum with increased viscosity is characteristic;
  • wheezing and choking with allergies. Allergic asthma with shortness of breath appears a few minutes after direct contact with allergens, as well as with strong physical activity. These symptoms result from narrowing of the airways through which air passes;

  • asthma with a predominance of an allergic component forces the patient to take a specific posture during an attack so that it can be removed as quickly as possible. To do this, the patient rests against a wall, table or window sill with his hands;
  • As a rule, atopic asthma lasts with varying frequency and duration, depending on the type of allergen with which there is contact. For example, this allergen may be the pollen of flowering plants, which is typical for seasonal exacerbations.

Severe symptoms require treatment emergency assistance. If the attack is not cured, then as a result of insufficient oxygen supply, the patient may fall into a coma.

The course of asthma in a child

Asthma with a predominance of an allergic component can develop at any age, but most often it occurs in children from one year old. This is due to the increased risk of allergic manifestations among children.

Often, allergic bronchial asthma in a child resembles obstructive bronchitis. If young children have more than 4 asthma attacks per year, a highly qualified specialist should be consulted. An allergist, an immunologist and a homeopath, working in close contact, are able to choose the best tactics to treat the disease.

The brightest allergen is identified first. Often they have an unbalanced diet and a diet with substances harmful to the body.

Children are advised to administer medications using an inhaler. The whole process of treatment is controlled by specialists: an allergist and a homeopath. It is important to note that the inhaler allows you to treat acute attack asthma with maximum efficiency.

Therapeutic measures

The treatment of the disease can be carried out similar means, which are used for preventive purposes and eliminate other pathological types of the disease. Huge imprint on holding therapeutic measures has a medical history, patient nutrition, and an unbalanced diet. Therefore, nutrition and diet should be hypoallergenic, excluding increased allergic danger.

  • There is a special tactic, according to which, the homeopathic doctor can administer medicines in increasing numbers so as not to provoke severe symptoms illness. However, despite the fact that the homeopathic doctor uses his own remedies, one should not neglect traditional methods treatment;
  • The most common treatment for allergic asthma is antihistamines(Claritin, Erius, Zirtek, etc.) to relieve acute symptoms;

  • in recent times an inhaler with glucocorticoids and adrenoreceptors of prolonged exposure is actively used. These drugs are basic and allow you to keep the disease in adult patients and children under strict control. Choking with allergies is much more effectively removed by means taken through an inhaler. Oral medications require a higher dosage than those inhaled through an inhaler;
  • an allergist, a homeopath and an immunologist prefer to prescribe medicinal product using an inhaler. Most often, an inhaler-nebulizer is used for illness, the use of which is simplified as much as possible and allows you to cure an acute attack in initial stage development. This avoids some of the side effects that can occur if the drug is taken orally. Medicines taken through an inhaler are absorbed 20-25 times faster.

In addition, inhalation through an inhaler is recommended even for small children. Other types do not provide this.

Treatment with folk remedies

Some patients prefer to treat asthma with folk remedies, which is acceptable if the history of the disease suggests complex treatment. Therefore, for the period of the disease, the patient is prescribed special food. The diet limits the intake of salt, dairy products, etc.

Fortifying agents can serve as herbs sold in pharmacy network, and self-prepared folk remedy. Breastfeeding can be used as a medicine. To do this, you need to make an infusion (1 tsp collection) with the addition a small amount honey. This folk remedy is infused for 2 hours, and then taken orally.

The initial signs of allergic asthma are often neutralized with lemon and garlic. To do this, it is recommended to chop 2 heads of garlic and mix with 5 lemons, passed through a meat grinder along with the peel. This folk remedy is poured with 1 liter of boiling water and infused for 5 days. Then the solution is taken in 1 tbsp. spoon 20 minutes before meals.

As preventive measure you can make an infusion of aloe leaves. This folk remedy in the first 2 days is taken 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times during the day, and then reduced to 1 teaspoon until such time folk treatment will not give positive results.


Recently a large number of patients suffering from allergic asthma is interested in folk remedies prescribed by a homeopathic doctor. It is quite clear that such drugs cannot completely cure the disease. However, these drugs may well become an alternative for chemical treatment.

  • In order to stop the symptoms of the disease, a homeopath can prescribe a remedy called Sambucus. This homeopathic form is available in solution and diluted in the third decimal proportion. In addition, this drug is able to cure an asthmatic attack, which most often begins at night and, in addition to suffocation, is manifested by fears, increased sweating and pain in the abdomen;
  • if the asthmatic history is observed in the elderly and in children, the homeopath recommends the drug Lobelia;

  • in the case when the attacks of the disease, in addition to shortness of breath, are accompanied by frequent dizziness, nausea and pallor of the skin, the homeopath recommends using a drug called Moscus. The history of the disease indicates that these remedies can be trusted.

It is important to remember that allergic bronchial asthma requires hypoallergenic diet and special nutrition excluding fatty, salty foods, as well as Exotic fruits and vegetables. Such a diet is prescribed only by a highly qualified specialist.

Allergic asthma is the most common form of asthma, occurring in almost 85% of the child population and half of the adult population. given time reside in the country. Substances that enter the human body during inhalation and provoke the progression of allergies are called allergens. In medicine, allergic asthma is also called atopic.


The main reason for the progression of the disease is immediate type hypersensitivity. It is characterized by the rapid development of the disease, as soon as an unfavorable allergen has entered the human body. This whole process usually only takes a few minutes.

Genetic predisposition also plays a significant role in the development of this type of asthma. According to medical statistics, in 40% of cases, relatives of allergy sufferers have the same ailments.

The main factors contributing to the progression of atopic asthma:

  • ailments of an infectious nature that affect the upper respiratory tract of a person;
  • passive or active smoking;
  • direct contact of the individual with allergens;
  • taking certain drugs for a long period of time.

In atopic asthma, the manifestation of symptoms occurs due to the fact that a person has been in contact with allergens for some time, which penetrated the body during the act of breathing. Such specific substances can be divided into 4 groups:

  • household. These include feathers from pillows, dust, and so on;
  • epidermal. AT this group includes dandruff, bird feathers, wool;
  • pollen;
  • fungal.

Causes of the progression of an attack of allergic (atopic) asthma:

  • dust;
  • smoke from fireworks, incense or tobacco;
  • flavored substances that are part of perfumes, fresheners, etc.;
  • evaporation.


A person suffering from allergic (atopic) asthma is hypersensitive to certain specific allergens. If these substances enter the respiratory tract, they immediately cause a reaction from the immune system. The body "responds" to the allergen with bronchospasm - the muscle structures located near the respiratory tract are sharply reduced. Inflammation develops, and a large amount of mucus is formed in the bronchi. Next appear specific symptoms allergic asthma:

  • breathing accompanied by a whistle;
  • cough;
  • chest pain.

The above symptoms most often occur when the body is exposed to the following allergens:

  • mold spores;
  • plant pollen;
  • excrement of field mites;
  • wool;
  • saliva particles.


Atopic asthma has 4 degrees of severity:

  • intermittent. Symptoms of the progression of the pathology appear no more than once every 7 days. Attacks at night develop 2 times a month;
  • persistent. Symptoms of the disease appear more than once every 7 days. The daily activity of a person, as well as his sleep, are disturbed because of this;
  • average degree. It is characterized by the daily manifestation of symptoms. Physical activity during the day and good sleep is violated. On the this stage it is shown to use salbutamol to prevent the transition of the disease to the next stage;
  • severe degree. Symptoms are constantly observed. Choking develops 4 times a day. Attacks also often occur at night. A person cannot move normally during this time.

The most dangerous is the progression of status asthmaticus. Attacks become more frequent, becoming longer. Traditional treatment is ineffective. Due to the fact that there is no way to take a full breath, the patient may even lose consciousness. If in urgent order don't give him emergency care, then death is possible.


If a person shows signs of this disease, then he should immediately contact the honey. institution. Such people are supervised by an allergist-immunologist and a pulmonologist. It is important to identify the allergens that provoke the development of an asthma attack as soon as possible. For this purpose, the patient is prescribed tests to determine sensitivity to allergens. After identifying an aggressive agent, treatment is prescribed.


The treatment of allergic asthma includes a number of activities that need to be reviewed every 3 months. The dosage of drugs, the duration of administration is determined strictly by the attending physician. It is forbidden to take drugs uncontrollably, as you can only aggravate the condition.

If asthma is detected, SIT therapy is carried out. Its main goal is to create immunity to specific allergens that provoke the progression of inflammation and the recurrence of pathology. This therapy is most often carried out in autumn-winter period, and also in the event that a person does not have an exacerbation. The essence of therapy is that for some time an allergen is introduced into the patient's body. His dose will increase. As a result, tolerance develops. It is worth noting the fact that the earlier SIT therapy is carried out, the more favorable the prognosis will be.

Stages of treatment:

  • completely exclude patient contact with the allergen;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • induce the production of protective antibodies.

Medical therapy includes:

  • inhalation drugs without a therapeutic effect;
  • inhalation drugs with a therapeutic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • combined funds;
  • antihistamines;
  • inhaled bronchodilators;
  • inhaled glucocorticosteroid drugs.


In order to prevent the development of the disease, you should follow some simple recommendations:

  • change synthetic underwear to natural;
  • carry out daily wet cleaning in the house;
  • do not have pets;
  • it is better to block window openings with a frame with mesh or gauze to trap dust;
  • balanced diet. It is necessary to completely exclude fast food, semi-finished products from the diet. Food should be natural and contain the required amount of vitamins and minerals.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Asthma - chronic illness, which is characterized by short-term attacks of suffocation, caused by spasms in the bronchi and swelling of the mucous membrane. certain risk group and age restrictions this disease does not. But, as it shows medical practice, women suffer from asthma 2 times more often. According to official figures, there are more than 300 million people with asthma in the world today. The first symptoms of the disease appear most often in childhood. Older people suffer the disease much more difficult.

Inflammation of the lungs (officially pneumonia) is an inflammatory process in one or both respiratory organs, which usually has an infectious nature and is caused by various viruses, bacteria and fungi. In ancient times, this disease was considered one of the most dangerous, and although modern facilities treatment allows you to quickly and without consequences get rid of the infection, the disease has not lost its relevance. According to official figures, in our country every year about a million people suffer from pneumonia in one form or another.

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