Lunar calendar for planting cucumbers in June. Planting cucumbers for seedlings according to the lunar calendar. Garden work, activities for the care of vegetable plants

Favorable days for sowing cucumbers according to the Lunar calendar of 2017: March 1, 6-7, March 29-31; 9-10, 27-28 April; May 26-27; June 6-7, 8-9.

When to sow cucumbers according to the Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener 2017?

Cucumbers are plants native to the tropics, so they love warmth. Seedlings of cucumbers can be planted in the soil with a temperature not lower than + 15 ° C. Without measuring the soil temperature, the time of planting cucumbers can be determined by folk signs or other signs - when the air temperature at night does not drop below + 10 ° C during the week, or when dandelions bloom en masse.

In addition, cucumber varieties are selected according to the type of growth and fruit quality.

Planting dates for cucumbers in the middle lane

In Moscow and the Moscow region, cucumbers are sown with germinated seeds in glass and film greenhouses in mid-May, under temporary film shelters - at the end of May, in open ground - until June 5. Ready seedlings in open ground can be planted after June 10. Or in the same period, film shelters are removed. Unfortunately, in the middle lane, cold weather can drag on until mid-June. Given the general recommendations, it is still better to keep an eye on the weather.

Optimal planting dates for cucumbers in the Leningrad Region: sowing for seedlings - the end of April-the first days of May, seedlings are planted in an unheated film or glass greenhouse on May 20-25, cucumbers are planted under film tunnel shelters on May 20-25. You can remove film shelters from cucumber plantations on June 10-15.

Sowing seeds of cucumbers for seedlings and in the ground

How to calculate the correct sowing time for cucumbers? The optimal age of seedlings is 25-30 days. Quality seedlings should be at least 30 cm high, with 3 to 4 leaves. To calculate the time of the beginning of fruiting, it is necessary to take into account the early ripening of the variety. By early maturity, all varieties and hybrids of cucumbers are divided into:

  • Early ripe cucumbers bloom 32-45 days after sowing.
  • Mid-ripening cucumbers bloom for 50-55 days.
  • Late-ripening cucumbers bloom for 55-70 days.

Planting cucumbers in the Middle Urals

The favorable period for the growth and fruiting of cucumbers in the Urals, where the climate is harsh and rather cold, is very limited: frosts can be until the first decade of June, and sometimes until the end of the second decade of June, and already in the third decade of August they begin again. Therefore, in the northern regions, cucumbers are grown mainly in greenhouses and very often through seedlings. Seedlings are planted no earlier than the third decade of May. To quickly warm the soil in the beds, you can use the following method: immediately after the snow melts, the beds are shed with warm water and covered with a film or lutrasil.

Cucumber seedlings are planted in the Urals: May 20 in film greenhouses without biofuel, May 1 in film greenhouses with manure. Cucumbers can be sown in open ground in the 20th of May in the presence of shelter. Cucumbers are planted in the ground until June 10. In the same period, you can plant zucchini and pumpkins. Early ripe varieties of cucumbers (38-45 days after germination) can be planted in three terms: the first sowing on May 20, the second - on June 1-5 and the last sowing - on June 15. This will help stretch the fruiting period of cucumbers until September.

In the Urals and Siberia for planting cucumbers, it is better to select hybrids with increased resistance to adverse weather factors and diseases. The most productive in the conditions of the Far East are mid-early and mid-ripening varieties of cucumbers, for example, Far East–27 or Erofei selection of the Far Eastern Research Institute of Agriculture. In addition, to increase the resistance of plants, it is useful to carry out pre-sowing preparation of seeds - hardening.

In the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine cucumber seeds are sown directly in open ground from mid-April to early May. The optimal time for sowing seedlings is the last days of March.

In the Rostov region cucumber seeds can be sown in open ground as early as the end of April. In the same period, seedlings can be planted. When sowing cucumbers for seedlings, keep in mind that they do not tolerate transplanting well: it is better to sow cucumbers in separate peat pots.

AT Crimeacucumber seeds are sown in open ground in early May, at the same time ready-made seedlings are planted, at the age of 25-30 days. For seedlings, seeds are sown in early to mid-March.

If the timing of planting cucumbers in the ground depends on the weather, then when growing cucumbers at home - on a balcony or on a windowsill, cucumbers can be sown much earlier. Step-by-step guide and photo for growing cucumbers at home:

The most favorable lunar days for sowing cucumber seeds and planting seedlings of cucumbers in the ground in 2017 according to the lunar calendar:

March 2017: 1, 6-7, 29-31, conditionally favorable: 4-5;
April 2017: 9-10, 27-28, conditionally favorable: 1-2;
May 2017: 26-27, conditionally favorable: 2-3;
June 2017: 8-9, conditionally favorable: 3-4.

Caring for cucumbers according to the lunar sowing calendar 2017

Cucumbers require constant attention: they need to be watered, fed, constantly tied up and formed into whips.

Watering cucumbers according to the lunar calendar. Cucumbers need constant watering. Especially during the period of active fruiting, about once every three days. With a lack of moisture, cucumbers begin to taste bitter, grow crooked or pear-shaped. But with watering, and even more so with sprinkling, you need to be very careful on dangerous days when the Moon falls under the influence of the sign of Libra and Gemini: March 4-5, March 13-14; April 1, 9-11; 7-8, 16-17 May; June 4-5, 3-4, June 29-30; July 1, 10-11, 29-30; 16, 25-26 August.

Top dressing, mulching and weeding. Feed cucumbers 5-6 times during the entire growth period. Feed the first time when the second true leaf appears, the second - at the beginning of flowering; the third, fourth and fifth - during the formation of ovaries and fruiting, with a frequency of once every 2 weeks.

The most favorable days for fertilizing according to the Lunar sowing calendar of 2017: 4-5, 9, 13-16, 18-21, 23-28 March; 12-13, 22-23 April; May 19-23; June 8-9; 2-5, 20-21, July 24; 3-4, 9-12 August.

You can not feed cucumbers: March 21–22; April 17–18; May 14–15; June 10–12; 8–9 July and 4–5 August.

It is useful to mulch all plantings on April 12-13, 17-18; May 9-10, 12-13; June 28-29; 25-26, 29-30 July; 8, 17-18, 29-30 August 2017. On these days, weeding will be very effective. After weeding, the soil can be mulched with mowed lawn grass, sawdust or humus.

Cucumber shaping. For the formation of cucumbers, it is better to choose days on the waning Moon in Taurus (May 23-24, June 20-21, July 17-18) or on the waning Moon in Aquarius (April 19-20, May 16-17, June 13-14, 10 -11 July).

Spraying against diseases and pests cucumbers will give the greatest result if it is carried out: March 2-3, 8-9, 18-21, 23-24, 29-30 March; April 24-25; 16-17, 21-22, 30-31 May; 3-4, 18-19, 21-22 June; 4-5, 10-11, 20-21, 27-28 July; 15-18, 29-30 August 2017.

First cucumber day of the year. On this day, cucumbers are planted in the beds: “If there is a lot of dew on Job, the day is clear, and the night is warm, there will be a big harvest, and if the night is cold, it will not be a cucumber year.”

May 27 (May 14, old style) - Sidor-borage or Sidor-Bokogrey: "If the day is clear on Sidor, expect a good harvest of cucumbers. If the weather is cold, then the whole summer is expected to be cold."

June 1 (May 19, old style) Ivan Dolgiy. P continue to plant cucumbers. If it rains on Ivan the Long, then the whole month promises to be dry.

June 2 (May 20, old style) Falaley the borage or Timofey Gryadochnik. Continue planting cucumbers in the beds. But in the Northern regions, cucumbers are just beginning to be planted on Timofey: "Timofey came - this cucumber soon." There is also a sign: if it rained on the first two days of June, the whole month will be dry.

June 5 (May 23, old style) Levon Ogorechnik, Levon Konoplyanik- Deadline for planting cucumbers. On Levon (Leontia) it was customary to plant cucumbers for pickling, because cucumbers planted during this period, according to popular beliefs, are the most crispy, strong and sweet. There is an interesting cucumber sign: the first row of cucumbers must be sown secretly, then the harvest will be great!

August 17 (August 4, old style) - Avdotya Malinovka, Cucumber, Senognoyka. By this time, the last harvest was ripening in the beds. Now, in the presence of greenhouses and tunnel shelters, the cucumber season can be extended until September.

Spring is in full swing - it's time to switch to the summer menu, which is rich in vegetables and herbs. It is almost impossible to imagine a summer meal without green, crispy, tasty and very healthy cucumbers.

It will not be difficult to buy cucumbers in season, but it will be much more pleasant to grow them with your own hands and serve fragrant and tasty vegetables on the table right from the garden.

Growing cucumbers at home is not so difficult, subject to basic recommendations. But in order for a vegetable crop to give a stable and large harvest, first of all it is necessary to pick up good cucumber seeds, then prepare them for sowing and grow the right seedlings.

Sputnik Georgia asked when to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2017, including according to the lunar calendar, in order to get a quality harvest.

Landing dates

Planting horticultural crops, including cucumbers, for seedlings in each region begins at different times. Therefore, when planting seeds for seedlings, it is worth considering the variety of cucumbers, the climate of your region, and where the seedlings will be transplanted in the future - in a "greenhouse" or open ground.

In order for the seedlings to be strong, but not overgrown before transplanting to a permanent place, it is important to choose the right time and favorable days for sowing.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Kryazhev

The timing of the sowing will directly depend on the date of planting the seedlings in a permanent place. Cucumber seedlings are on average ready for transplanting 25-35 days after planting, when the sprouts have two or three leaves.

Remember, the time of planting cucumbers for seedlings is very important, because if you miss it, the plants, most likely, will not take root well and will not produce any crop.

In areas with a temperate climate, cucumber seeds are planted for seedlings in separate containers in early May, so that by the time the plants are planted, the soil evenly warms up to at least 13-15 degrees at night.

According to the lunar calendar of 2017, May 4, 15, 19, 24, 21 and 30 are considered favorable days for planting cucumbers for seedlings.

Cucumber seeds are planted at a depth of about one centimeter - one per seedling container if they are sprouted, and two if they are dry. Then the ground is lightly sprayed with water.

Plastic bags are put on the cups and, before the formation of the first shoots, they are transferred to a warm place, where the temperature is in the range of 25-28 degrees. For example, you can turn on an electric heater.

When transplanting from one container to another, the roots of seedlings are often damaged, so transplants are not desirable, therefore, the timing of planting seedlings should be optimally calculated.

About a week before transplanting cucumber seedlings into open ground, it must be hardened - lower the temperature, take it out to the balcony, but do not put it in direct sunlight.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Subbotin

Do not forget that cucumbers are very thermophilic, so if you want to grow large crops of cucumbers, after planting the seedlings, be sure to cover the beds with polyethylene or special covering material at night and on cool days.

It must also be remembered that cucumbers are a vegetable that cannot do without a sufficient amount of moisture, so you should immediately organize correct and timely watering. Cucumbers can be bitter without enough water!


Cucumbers are an ancient vegetable crop that appeared more than six thousand years ago. Cucumbers are native to the tropical and subtropical regions of India and China, where this vegetable still grows naturally.

Cucumber was brought to Europe thanks to the conquests of Southeast Asia by the ancient Greeks. The Greeks called the cucumber "aoros", which translates as "unripe", because the fruits were eaten unripe.

Cucumbers were used with pleasure by the ancient Chinese, Romans, Egyptians, Greeks. The Roman emperor Tiberius demanded that he always be served fresh cucumbers for dinner. In those days there were no greenhouses, so boxes with cucumber seedlings were placed on wheels that turned towards the sun.

In France, cucumber began to be grown around the 8th century, a little later - in Germany and Spain. In Russia, cucumber began to grow about 500 years ago.

It is not known when the cucumber appeared in Georgia, but to this day it is grown with pleasure in the country and fragrant and juicy vegetables are served on the table all year round.

Beneficial features

Cucumber is the most dietary of all foods - it is 95-98% water, which means it contains a minimum of calories. The remaining percentages in the cucumber are a source of valuable alkaline salts that can slow down the aging process and the formation of kidney and liver stones.

© photo: Sputnik / Denis Abramov

Cucumbers also contain a lot of fiber, so they improve intestinal motility, and also cleanse the walls of blood vessels from excess cholesterol. This vegetable is rich in various vitamins - cucumber contains sugar, protein, vitamins B1 and B2, C, carotene, manganese, zinc, copper and so on.

Cucumbers perfectly “drive” excess fluid due to the high content of potassium, relieve swelling, lower blood pressure, and have a slight laxative effect.

Cucumber, due to its low calorie content, is an ideal product for those who want to lose weight. Cucumber seeds also have healing properties, which remove excess cholesterol from the body.

Cucumber juice contains many mineral salts, as well as calcium, phosphorus and sodium. It has a healing and rejuvenating effect on the body and skin, improves memory, strengthens the cardiovascular system, helps maintain healthy teeth and gums, and also gives freshness and maintains skin tone.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

The lunar calendar is a great way to determine the most suitable period for working in a summer cottage. Depending on what stage the moon is in, you can carry out various activities: weeding, feeding or harvesting.

The waxing moon has a positive effect on the development of the crop; it is not recommended to plant plants on the waning moon. There is a time when it is strictly forbidden to plant cucumbers. These days fall on the location of the moon in such signs of the zodiac as Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Leo. During this period, the moon is able to influence the germination of seeds.

The best days are:

  • March: 2-3, 6-7, 29-30 numbers (in the first decade of March, it is worth sowing seedlings only in the southern regions or for growing cucumbers in greenhouses);
  • April: 1-3, 11-13;
  • May: 2, 9, 10.

Favorable days for planting cucumbers in open ground in 2017 according to the lunar calendar

The end of spring and June are the best months for sowing cucumbers in their summer cottage. The most suitable days for planting cucumbers with seeds are the following numbers:

  • May: 21, 26-28;
  • June: 8, 9.

It is advisable to devote these days to planting seeds immediately in open ground. Read about in a separate article.

bad days

Turning to the lunar calendar for help, it is possible to determine unfavorable days for landing. This time is recommended to be avoided and it is desirable to postpone the work associated with the landing to a later period. Unfortunately, the lunar calendar often does not coincide with the gardener's personal calendar, and you may not find time to plant a plant exactly in the allotted period. However, there are days that are definitely better to avoid so as not to harm the crop.

They fall on the following numbers:

  • March: 4, 5, 25, 26, 31;
  • April: 10, 21, 22, 26, 29.
  • May: 20, 24, 29.

When to plant seedlings in the ground

To start planting seedlings of cucumbers in open ground, it is necessary to observe the appropriate sowing dates. The best time is April-May. The appropriate timing depends on many factors:

  • from the variety of culture;
  • seed germination;
  • climatic conditions;
  • selected area;
  • soil fertility.

Seedlings are planted in open ground, provided that the night temperature is within +5 degrees. On average, this occurs in the month of April.

The timing of sowing should be given special attention. When planted early, seedlings can stretch out a lot and be weakened. Late planting is also undesirable, the seedlings will not have time to gain strength by the right moment.

It is necessary to plant seedlings in the ground after the formation of several true leaves.
Also, the sowing time can be determined by folk signs: with the mass flowering of dandelions.

Care after landing

In order to obtain a high yield of cucumbers, you must carefully consider the cultivation of crops. The main crop care is as follows: watering, top dressing, garter, whip formation, pest and disease control.


Culture prefers constant watering, it must be carried out in a timely manner and with high quality.
A special need for moisture is manifested during the period of active fruiting. During this period, watering should be carried out daily. With insufficient soil moisture, cucumbers will be bitter and grow disproportionately.

However, care must also be taken with watering. There are days when the Moon falls under the influence of zodiac signs such as Libra and Gemini. During this period, it is recommended to refuse watering.

Favorable days for feeding cucumbers

For the entire period of development, cucumbers need to be fed about 5 times. For the first time, top dressing is carried out when several true leaves are formed. The second is necessary during the flowering period. Subsequent top dressing is needed during the formation of ovaries and mass fruiting. The frequency of feeding is once every two weeks.

The most optimal days for this event:

  • March: 19-21, 23-28;
  • April: 12, 13, 19-23;
  • June: 8, 9;
  • July: 3-5, 21, 24;
  • August: 3-4, 12.

Planted cucumbers must be mulched. This procedure is carried out after weeding. As a mulch, cut grass, sawdust, humus are perfect.

Weeding also plays an important role in crop care. It consists in the destruction of weeds.

Formation of cucumbers

For this event, you should choose a period when the moon is waning. According to the calendar, this falls on the following dates:

  • April:19-20 ;
  • May: 16-17, 23-24;
  • June: 13-14, 20-21;
  • July: 10, 11, 17.

Control of diseases and pests

In order for the harvest to be of high quality, it is necessary to carry out the fight against diseases and pests in a timely manner. The best result from spraying can be obtained if the activities are carried out at the optimum time.

A rich harvest can be obtained if the appropriate cultivation technology is followed and further care measures are taken in a timely manner. In order for all caring procedures to bring maximum benefit, you should seek help from the lunar calendar. So it will turn out to increase the yield of the crop several times, and, accordingly, to collect a higher yield.

The number of planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2018 depends on the region of residence and climatic conditions. Proper sowing determines the quality of the crop in the future. According to the moon phase calendar, it is easy to determine the best days for sowing planting material into the soil. Below you will find a lunar cucumber planting calendar for 2018.

Sowing seeds of cucumbers according to the lunar calendar in April 2018

It is recommended to plant cucumbers according to the lunar calendar in April on April 2, 3, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 29. It is not recommended to plant and transplant anything during the full moon on April 30 and during the new moon on April 15, 16, 17.

Planting cucumbers for seedlings according to the lunar calendar in May 2018

In May, it is already warm enough and the seeds can be sown directly into the ground under a film shelter. The most suitable days for planting cucumbers are May 6, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 May. Prohibited for sowing and planting days: new moon on May 14, 15, 16 and full moon on May 29.

When is the best time to plant cucumbers according to the lunar calendar in June 2018

Auspicious days for planting cucumbers according to the lunar calendar 2018

There is a lunar calendar for planting cucumber seeds in the soil. In it, based on the phases of the moon, you can see days favorable for agricultural work. There is an opinion that crops are planted on the growing moon, in which the fruits are located above the ground, and on the waning moon - underground. It is desirable to sow the seeds of cucumbers on the growing moon. But it is possible to transplant seedlings to a permanent place in a decreasing one.

Auspicious days for planting cucumber seeds in 2018 according to the moon position calendar:

  1. The optimal time for landing in March: 10, 14, 19, 24, 25, 26th.
  2. In April, it is preferable to choose the following dates: 17th, 18th, 22nd, 27th, 29th.
  3. In May, seeds for seedlings are planted on the 18th, 19th, 24th, 25th, 26th.
  4. The most successful days for sowing in June are 10, 16, 17, 19, 23rd.

These dates are considered the best time for agricultural work. According to the lunar calendar 2018, it is easy to find out which specific day to choose for agricultural work and planting material. The data is adjusted annually depending on the influence of the moon. You can familiarize yourself with the calendar for sowing cucumbers before planting. But whatever the timing and favorable numbers, you always need to be guided by the weather. If you plant the seeds on a good day, but at the same time if it is still cold outside, then it is better to transfer the work until it gets warmer.

How to choose good cucumber seeds?

First of all, if the gardener plans to use his own seeds in the future, it is advisable for him to purchase seed material of varietal, rather than hybrid, cucumbers. If the varietal seeds of the last year are preserved, they will sprout. But you just need to keep in mind that cucumber bushes will not give the same harvest. In this sense, it is better to use the material of the year before last. When buying material in a store, you need to carefully make sure that this variety or hybrid is suitable for your conditions, namely, the temperature regime (presence / absence of a greenhouse) and the possibility of sufficient watering. As always, the old rule applies: if you need to get stable yields, it is better to choose proven varieties. And for the experiment, you can plant new material in a small amount.

Unfavorable days for planting cucumber seedlings in 2018

The moon calendar for planting cucumbers suggests the presence of unfavorable days when it is recommended to postpone sowing to another date. It also contains information about unsuccessful periods for the cultivation of seeds.

Bad days for growing cucumber seeds in 2018:

  1. It is not advisable to plant crops in March on the 8th, 10th, 13th, 15th, 18th.
  2. In April, unsuccessful dates will be 4, 5, 6, 14, 17, 19th.
  3. In the last month of spring, such days will be 2, 4, 11, 12, 17, 26, 27th.
  4. It is necessary to refrain from sowing planting material in June 2018 on the 4th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 13th.

On a waning moon, the planting of planting material leads to the fact that the harvest is meager, and the fruits are not the largest. The lunar calendar will help grow a rich harvest of cucumbers in the summer. But a successful result depends not only on the phases of the moon. Do not forget about caring for plants throughout the entire period of fruiting.

Seedling care according to the lunar calendar 2018

After the gardener has been able to choose a suitable date and schedule his time accordingly, it is useful to remind once again what conditions for growing seedlings must be met. Following a few simple tips helps to get a very good harvest - at least 2 kg from each square meter of land. Here are the tips:

  • The temperature of the soil and the surrounding air layer should be approximately + 18 ... + 20 ° C. Frosts below +14°C are unacceptable.
  • Water abundantly - the soil should always be noticeably moist. At the same time, in the very first week, it is better to pre-defend the water (keep it all night at room temperature).
  • The earth is periodically loosened to avoid caking and clumping.
  • Expose the container with seedlings to open sunlight. And if there is a clear drawback in the natural rays, they are additionally illuminated with incandescent lamps for at least 10 hours a day.
  • They are fed with a special complex fertilizer, which is intended for seedlings. The second portion is applied immediately after planting in open ground.

Care after planting cucumbers according to the lunar calendar 2018

In the first days after moving to open ground, seedlings should be shaded from direct sunlight and high soil moisture should be provided for better rooting. To prevent the influence of cold, cultures are covered overnight with any non-woven material. Such shelter is removed after about two weeks. Watering of crops is carried out as the earthen clod dries up once a week, using up to 6 liters of liquid per square meter. During the flowering of the crop, the interval between waterings is halved. It is recommended to moisten the soil in the evening hours with water infused in the sun. You need to water the crops under the root using a watering can with a special sieve. Try not to get on the leaves of the plant, because droplets of water can cause burns. A day after each moistening, it is recommended to loosen the soil, which will prevent the formation of a dense crust. It is necessary to fluff up the earth with special care, because the root system of crops has a surface inception. To prevent evaporation of moisture, and also as an obstacle to the growth of weeds, the site is covered with a thick layer of mulch from broken straw or peat.

When growing cucumbers in bags or barrels, it is necessary to tie the crop lashes to supports, which will not only save usable space, but also prevent the development of certain diseases. Plants begin to tie to the trellis after the appearance of 4 true leaves. Depending on the cultivation method, the lash garter is either vertical or horizontal. In the latter case, to hold the cucumber bushes, a special trellis is used in the form of a grid, which is securely fixed between the posts. All the gardener needs is to periodically throw lashes into the mesh cells. In the second case, a solid construction is used, in the form of the P symbol. It is made of several vertical supports, on the tops of which a wire is stretched. Ropes will be tied to it, fixing the stems of cucumbers. During the growth of the culture, the stems are captured with shreds of tissue and pulled to the wire. Another important procedure for caring for cucumbers is top dressing. Such activities are carried out up to 8 times during the growing season, using organic and mineral nutrients. The first time cucumbers are fed in the flowering phase, then every two weeks. The best top dressing is an organic solution of mullein in a ratio of 1 to 10 with water or bird droppings in a ratio of 1 to 25. During irrigation, up to 6 liters of such fertilizer are used for each meter of usable area. An alternative option is the destruction of superphosphate between rows of plants with further embedding in the ground.

Such a vegetable crop as cucumbers is very popular with Russian gardeners. This is due to the fact that they can not only be grown quite easily on their site, but also by the breadth of their application. Scientists have proven that these vegetables contain many substances useful for the human body. However, it should be remembered that a bountiful harvest of cucumbers can only be obtained if they are grown according to all the rules. Growing through seedlings contributes to the fact that you will receive a crop of cucumbers much earlier than usual. Find out, .

Favorable days according to the lunar calendar 2019 for sowing cucumbers

But at the same time, it should be understood that on other days it is also possible to plant this vegetable crop. It’s just that it’s best to do this on these days according to the lunar calendar of 2019. However, it is worth considering that it is categorically not recommended to plant absolutely any crops on the full moon and new moon.

Planting cucumbers for seedlings 2019, how to

For growing cucumbers, experts recommend using peat-based soil. This soil mixture can be purchased ready-made in a specialized store for summer residents. However, if you have a desire, you can make a similar soil mixture yourself. To do this, you need to combine the soil collected in the garden with humus and sawdust, which should be taken in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. But of course, the purchase of ready-made soil mixture will save time and effort. It is recommended to pour land from the garden into such purchased soil, while taking them in equal shares. Before sowing seeds, it is necessary to pour the prepared soil with a pre-prepared weak solution of potassium permanganate (it should be slightly pinkish in color).

Cucumber seeds have a relatively high germination rate. Most summer residents, in order to increase the percentage of germination and speed up the process itself, resort to seed germination. This process is quite simple. So, you will need to moisten a piece of cotton wool, put seeds on it, and place it in a warm place. In this case, you need to regularly check the cotton wool, as it must always be slightly moistened (not wet).

When to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2019 according to the lunar calendar? In the event that you do not want to engage in germination, then before proceeding with sowing, it is recommended that you at least check for germination. To do this, you will need a five percent salt solution (1 small spoonful of salt is taken per 1 liter of cold water). Pour cucumber seeds into the resulting solution. They should be checked after 5-10 minutes. Seeds that have not sunk to the bottom of the container can be safely thrown away, as they are not viable. The same seeds that were at the bottom should be sown.

The process of sowing cucumber seeds is quite simple. To begin with, the prepared soil must be watered with lukewarm water. Seeds are planted to a depth of 1–2 centimeters. You need to make a depression on the surface of the soil, put a seed in it and sprinkle it. Everything is very simple.

After sowing is done, the container must be covered with a transparent plastic wrap. The first shoots should appear 4-7 days after sowing.

Planting cucumber seedlings video


Now you know, when to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2019 according to the lunar calendar, it remains only to apply all the knowledge gained in practice, and get a rich harvest of this crop. After all, we have already told you all the main points, but be sure to check all your plans with the weather forecast, because you need to double-check everything several times, otherwise unexpected frosts or cold snaps will take you by surprise. On this we say goodbye to you, all the best and see you again, we wish you.

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