Clary sage oil. Natural life saver - sage oil. Aroma lamps and aroma pendants

Sage - amazing plant, allowing you to preserve beauty, as well as step over from the space of non-existence into our world.

In ancient times, sage was called a flower that prolongs life, and Hippocrates believed that it was a "savior of life." Under the pharaohs, sage was included in almost every infusion, which was created by skilled herbalists, whose skill was equated to magical abilities. Women and girls in ancient Egypt successfully used the rejuvenating abilities of sage, especially appreciated the increase in female reproduction: they added sage leaves to food, thanks to which they could influence the scales of life, which warped after each war or epidemic. AT Ancient Rome couples were briefly separated to increase the likelihood of conceiving a child: they spent the days of temporary separation alone with infusions of sage. Probably, it was thanks to this flower that some historical figures known to us were born: commanders, thinkers and dreamers.

Composition of sage oil

The value of such a product as sage oil has been tested for thousands of years, therefore, even today it is customary to pay due attention to this substance. In the process of steam distillation of this plant, its flowers, as well as leaves, take part. Even now, scientists have not been able to discover full squad sage, which makes it more unpredictable and mysterious.

The main components of the oil:

  • salvin;
  • borneol;
  • cineole;
  • camphor;
  • thujone;
  • terpenes.

The most powerful component is salvin - natural antibiotic, which is able to restore the natural microflora and destroy many microbes. For example, a five-minute gargle of the mouth and throat with sage oil helps eliminate streptococcus and staphylococcus bacteria.

Benefits and Applications

By combining sage essential oil with complementary oils, you can reveal additional useful features of this plant. In combination with palmarosa, sage will help eliminate excessive perspiration, with red juniper - eliminate dandruff, with lavender - will help with hair loss. By combining in equal proportions sage, incense and cypress, you can achieve good effect with asthma; sage (2 parts), geranium (3 parts) and rose (1 part) - for PMS.

Some of the beneficial properties of sage oil are especially noticeable:

  • facilitates headache;
  • activates the brain;
  • increases efficiency;
  • has a calming effect;
  • removes nervous tension;
  • reduces the level of sweating;
  • cleanses the circulatory system.

Essential oil sage will help with muscular, rheumatic, neuralgic pain and also contributes effective treatment colds, cough and bronchitis.

Comprehensive effect on the female body:

  • helps to stop lactation;
  • removes pain with PMS;
  • restores the menstrual cycle;
  • eliminates thrush, genital herpes;
  • relieves the ebb and flow during menopause.

Also, the use of sage oil can resist initial stage cancer, can remove toxic lead from the body, and it is also good helper in drug addiction treatment. If a person has tuberculosis, sage oil will help restore hormonal balance.

"Butterfly effect", or Power in cosmetology:

  • excellent care for oily skin;
  • enhanced skin regeneration;
  • good remedy for dandruff;
  • prevention of hair loss;
  • acts as an antiperspirant;
  • assistance in anti-cellulite programs;
  • a reliable component in the treatment of acne.

If you suffer from sore throat, periodontal disease, stomatitis, gingivitis or laryngitis, gargling with sage essential oil can help, as well as restore your voice (with laryngitis) and relieve hoarseness. To prepare the solution, you need only 3-5 drops of sage oil and a glass warm water. For diseases genitourinary system can soak a tampon oil solution from three drops of sage oil and 5 ml. base oils.

Most often, the use of sage oil should be combined with other essential oils. By choosing the option that is right for you, you can make your hair flawless: shiny, strong, manageable and elastic. A few useful tricks:

Recipe 1. Mask for normal hair:
- sage oil: 4 drops;
- chamomile oil: 2 drops;
- almond oil: 2 tbsp. spoons;
- burdock oil: 2 tbsp. spoons.
Preparation: mix almond and burdock oil, heat them in a water bath. Add chamomile and sage oils.
Application: rub into the hair roots, then wrap the head in a towel and / or plastic wrap. After 35-40 minutes, the mask can be washed off with shampoo.

Recipe 2. Mask for dry hair:
- sage oil: 4 drops;
- lavender oil: 2 drops;
- burdock oil: 2 tbsp. spoons;
- Castor oil: 2 tbsp. spoons.
Preparation: mix burdock and castor oil, heat them in a water bath. Add lavender and sage oils.
Application: rub into the hair roots, then wrap the head in a towel and / or plastic wrap. After 40 minutes, wash off the mask with shampoo.
For oily hair a tandem of sage essential oil with bergamot, lavender or cypress oil is suitable.

Recipe 3. Hair Growth Shampoo Enrichment:
- sage oil: 5 drops;
- regular shampoo: 15 ml.
How to use: Simply add sage essential oil to your shampoo and wash your hair as usual.

Female beauty and youthfulness of the skin are the main weapons with which a lady can easily charm any man and become the attracting center of the universe. As you know, any weapon needs proper care.

We bring to your attention several simple ways how to do it:

Recipe 1. Slow down skin aging and increase elasticity:
- sage oil: 2 drops;
- base oil: 1 teaspoon ( suitable oil jojoba, blackcurrant, hazelnut and wheat germ).
Application: apply the mixture on cleansed skin, and after half an hour do not rinse, but blot with a napkin.

Recipe 2. To restore the skin:
- oil of sage, lemon, lavender and chamomile: 2 drops each;
- base oil: 2 tbsp. spoons.

Recipe 3. To soften the skin of the hands:
- oil of sage, lavender, lemon and magnolia: 2 drops each;
- base oil: 10 ml.

Recipe 4. For oily skin:
- sage oil: 2 drops;
- base oil: 1 teaspoon (grape seed or hazelnut oil is suitable).

Recipe 5. Enrichment of your favorite cream:
- sage oil: 3 drops;
- any cream: 15 ml.

Briefly about the important, several options for aromatherapy:

  1. for your personal aroma pendant, two drops of sage essential oil are enough. Perfect solution with depression or nervous disorders, promotes sound sleep and can be used as a prevention of colds, especially in cold period of the year;
  2. cold inhalations can also be performed - inhale the oil from the bottle for up to four minutes. The effect repeats the properties of the aroma pendant;
  3. it’s easy to make an aroma bath, because for its preparation you need only two drops of sage oil. Aroma bath with sage oil helps to relax the body, soothe pain in the joints or muscles, and also has an anti-cellulite effect;
  4. for an aroma lamp, add three drops of the substance for every 15 sq. meters of room area. It will soothe nervous system, and is also suitable for disinfection, prevention or treatment of respiratory diseases.


It is forbidden to use sage essential oil during pregnancy. it can cause bleeding. Its use is undesirable for hypertension, epilepsy or during breastfeeding. Not recommended for children under five years of age.

One of the legends tells of a certain Englishman who ate only sage, bread and butter, thanks to which he lived for about 150 years. Sage is also used in love divination: at noon on St. Mark is plucked sage leaves to the sound of the bell - 12 strokes, which means 12 leaves. In this way, girls want to see their future husband. Who knows, perhaps they will achieve what they want or see a certain image by which you can recognize the outlines of your future husband.

In any case, it is in our power to do everything possible so that at the first meeting he can no longer take his eyes off the beauty he has seen, which will deprive him of sleep and strike his heart through and through. The most important thing is that he takes care of you as versatile and diligently as sage essential oil.

Before starting an acquaintance and studying in detail the essential oil of sage, it is worth remembering that from time immemorial, the inhabitants of the Earth have used healing power plants. Infusions of herbs and various berries were treated, dried herbs drove out harmful insects from the premises. AT modern medicine folk plays a significant role, and on the shelves of pharmacies there is a wide range of medicines and dietary supplements, based on - active ingredients vegetable origin.

Sage is also on this list and occupies a leading role in it. Clary sage essential oil is widely used in the treatment folk remedies, his healing qualities, a variety of applications, as well as a number of contraindications should be considered more carefully.

Origin of sage

Translated from latin word"salvia" means "salvation." Initially, this is true unique plant, grew in Malaysia, and then it began to be grown in the Balkan and Mediterranean countries. In Egypt, with the help of it, they fought against the inability of the fair sex to reproduce offspring, they called sage sacred. There was confidence that the essential oil is effective in confronting such terrible disease like a plague. Then his popularity reached the north of Europe.

In the old days, it was believed that sage has occult powers, and with the help of oil, you can bewitch a fan. Sage was also present in religious ceremonies, houses and decorations of temples were decorated with sage. traditional healers used this plant in their potions and tinctures, and in the UK, sage was tea.

The beneficial properties of sage are possessed not only by itself, but also by the essential oil, which is not obtained in a complicated way distillation from the plant itself.

Today, sage is grown both in Russia and in the states of Eastern Europe. Component composition Substance essential oil herb sage varies depending on the place of growth. It has been established that the essential oil of clary sage contains the most useful and valuable properties and has a wide range of applications.

Oil of sage officinalis and clary sage: 5 differences

The main distinguishing features of these two oils, which must be taken into account when choosing a remedy for therapy.

  1. Compound. Salvia officinalis oil contains toxic components, while clary sage oil is non-toxic.
  2. Aroma. Sage officinalis has a sharp and clean herbal scent, while Clary Sage is spicy, slightly nutty, slightly herbal, weighty and cool.
  3. Type of influence on arterial pressure person. Sage officinalis raises blood pressure in humans, and clary sage oil, on the contrary, reduces it.
  4. medicinal qualities. Clary sage oil has a more diverse range of medicinal qualities.
  5. Contraindications. At medicinal oil sage contraindications are much more, in addition to pregnancy and lactation, it is contraindicated in persons suffering from epileptic seizures and high blood pressure.

Clary sage essential oil: medicinal properties and uses

It is necessary to highlight the fundamental medicinal properties essential oil of clary sage:

  • relaxing;
  • stimulating;
  • adaptogenic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • warming;
  • painkiller;
  • antispasmodic;
  • bactericidal;
  • choleretic;
  • healing;
  • expectorant;
  • lowering blood pressure.

The range of use of clary sage essential oil is quite wide. It enhances the mental and physical abilities of a person, relieves nervous overload, relieves migraine pain, eliminates convulsions. The tool helps to cleanse the blood of excess cholesterol. This drug has proven itself well in the treatment of bronchitis and asthma, various gynecological diseases, neuralgia and rheumatism, tuberculosis, arthritis. Used sage oil as additional therapy in the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction. Sage is an excellent immunomodulator, helps to remove salt from the body heavy metals. Essential oil of sage stops hair loss.

Dosage and methods of using clary sage essential oil

Reason for applicationMode of applicationDosage
Headaches, migrainesRub in a mixture of base oil with clary sage essential oil1-2 drops per half teaspoon of carrier oil
Angina, other diseases of the throatRinsing2-3 drops in a glass of warm water
Relieve stomach crampsMassage3 drops per 1 tablespoon of massage oil
Enrichment of cosmetic and cosmetic products for skin and hair careDepending on the medium1 drop per 5 ml of product
aromatherapyaroma lamp2 drops per 10 sq.m. rooms
InhalationInhaler, nebulizer, duration of exposure 4 minutes1 drop per 5 ml. saline or boiled water
aromatic bathAdding oil to warm bath water2 drops
IngestionIn a capsule of bread1 drop essential oil + 2 drops sunflower

Clary sage essential oil contraindications

Aromatherapy is very productive, however using essential oil clary sage can be strictly in accordance with the dosage instructions. And it is imperative to make sure in advance that there are no contraindications.

You should refrain from using clary sage when:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • epilepsy;
  • reduced blood pressure.

After using essential oil, due to its relaxing effect, you should not drive or engage in activities that require increased concentration.

Important! Clary sage essential oil is almost never used in pure form. It is only added to any base in the amount of a few drops.

About sage in cosmetology

It is useful to include clary sage essential oil in a hair care program and in various cosmetic and cosmetic products. cosmetic procedures. It is used as an additive in the amount of 1-2 drops in masks for the skin of the face and hands, scalp and hair, it is added to everyday creams. With the use of sage, the maximum antiseptic and wound-healing effect is achieved, products with sage rejuvenate, nourish the skin, make it elastic, and reduce pores.

Aroma lamps and aroma pendants

It is convenient to use sage essential oil with the help of aroma lamps and aromatic pendants. By adding just 1-2 drops to a lamp or 1 drop to an aromatic pendant, you can achieve stable results in the treatment of neurasthenia, fear, panic attacks, elimination stressful conditions. It is possible to use an aroma lamp not only for therapy, but also as aid to purify the air, especially during the autumn-spring periods of the mass spread of viruses.

What can you combine clary sage oil with?

For achievement maximum effect Clary sage oil can be combined with other essential oils. Oil extracts from geranium, lavender, tangerine will serve as a harmonious addition. Add notes of lightness oil of orange, grapefruit, limette, oregano. In order to aromatize a living space, it is useful to mix sage with cypress, sandalwood, cinnamon, and pine oils.

Using sage essential oil is simple, the main thing is to strictly control the dosage, and then it will become indispensable assistant and will only be beneficial.

Sage has been widely used since ancient times. The Romans and Egyptians discovered its medicinal properties. They treated infertility in women with this plant and considered the grass sacred. AT given time about useful characteristics chalvia is also not forgotten. On the contrary, they use modern methods fight diseases with sage essential oil. It is about him that we will talk further.

Characteristics of sage oil

Externally, the oil is transparent and almost colorless. The aroma of this mixture can not be confused with anything. It is felt: the smell of green nuts with bitter notes, a balsamic cooling fragrance, the appetizing spirit of roasted sunflower seeds with the smell of dust after a blind rain. The composition of sage oil has not been fully studied so far. Only a few components are known, which are contained in medicinal plant, there are about twenty of them. Namely: D-a-pinene, salvin, D-camphor, cineole, thujone, cedren, flavonoids, terpenoids, alkaloids, etc. According to doctors, one of the most powerful substances in sage oil is salvin (a natural antibiotic). Thanks to him, you can get rid of harmful microorganisms. The effect of the component is especially noticeable in the treatment of gums and throat. Scientists have practically proved that after a five-minute rinse in oral cavity streptococcus, staphylococcus bacteria die.

Contraindications when using sage oil

Essential oil is obtained through a distillation process. Depending on the plant variety, there are two main types of oil - medicinal and nutmeg. In general, their effects on the body are similar, the only difference is that medicinal sage toxic, and nutmeg is practically harmless. However, you should not use the second option with strong drinks, before going to bed and drivers.

Therapeutic essential oil has a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • kidney disease;
  • epilepsy;
  • hypertension;
  • allergy.

In addition to the above, it must also be added that an overdose of this product can cause negative impact on your body.

Application of sage oil

How to use sage oil

Sage oil can only be used diluted and in certain proportions:

  1. For cold inhalation, inhale it for no more than four minutes directly from the container.
  2. If you have a migraine, then olive oil(1 small spoon) add one drop of sage oil and rub it into the scalp.
  3. For sore throat, periodontal disease, prepare a solution of 200 grams of warm water and 2-3 drops of oil. Rinse the inflamed areas with this composition for two to three minutes.
  4. To take an aroma bath, drop two drops of oil into the water - this will help relieve fatigue, tension, get rid of stress and worries.
  5. For the prevention of colds, SARS, aromatize the room. It is enough to drip three drops for every fifteen squares of the room.
  6. At stomach cramps perform a massage using healing mixture. Recipe composition: 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, three drops of nutmeg essential oil.
  7. Use an aroma lamp if someone has caught the flu. To do this, put two drops on it at the rate of 6-8 m² of the room.
  8. To carry out cosmetic procedures for skin care, nails, hair, make a mixture of base oil and aromatic oil, at the rate of four drops per tablespoon.

Know that the shelf life of the drug is five years. Be sure to follow the storage conditions. It is recommended to put it in a cool, dark place. After the expiration date, do not use the essential aroma oil.

Fresh, strong, warm, spicy-camphor aroma of clary sage perfectly balances the nervous system, eliminates insomnia, weakness and depression, improves memory. Increases mental and physical performance. The ancient Romans called it "herba sacra" (sacred herb), as it was believed that sage was able to save people from illness and death. In cosmetics, it is used as part of oil mixtures to relieve skin irritation, slows down the processes premature aging, rejuvenates. It is a natural deodorant. Used for oily skin. Strengthens and stimulates hair growth. Used as a repellant: repels mosquitoes.

Clary sage essential oil is a light, fluid, rather liquid phyto-essence of a pleasant, very light yellow-green hue. The aroma of the extract is bright, saturated with distinct camphor notes, but not pure, but slightly vinous, similar to ambergris.

The refined smell does not limit the scope of the oil to the production of perfumes and aromatherapy. It is widely used in cosmetology and medicine.

Today, clary sage essential oil is considered one of the most popular in Europe.

Characteristics of clary sage

Clary sage is a semi-shrub with creeping and vertically growing shoots reaching a height of 90 cm.

Note: Clary sage is much larger than its medicinal counterpart, which grows no more than 60 cm.

The grayish-green leaves are large, slightly wrinkled, oval-shaped and covered with small villi. Small flowers of a beautiful blue-white or lilac-white combination of shades form elongated paniculate inflorescences.

Clary sage is decorative (today cultivars of white and pale purple hues have been bred), which has made it popular with flower growers using it as a border plant. In the production of essential oil, a traditional variety is used, which is grown on an industrial scale.

The homeland of the plant is considered to be Southern Europe, from where it spread throughout the continent, where it grows wild. Currently cultivated in the Crimea.

Medicinal properties of clary sage have been known for a long time. The first information was found in the sources of the Roman Empire. His Latin name translates to "save". The plant was used in diseases of the kidneys, female diseases to strengthen memory. Seed infusions have been used in the treatment open wounds.

Production technology

Clary sage essential oil is obtained from the green parts of the plant and its flowers. The latter have the highest aromatic properties. Production method - steam distillation, which allows you to isolate from the raw mass maximum amount useful substances.

Three schemes for processing raw materials are used to obtain a valuable product. According to the first, all the green and flower mass is distilled in order to isolate the ether. According to the second, both volatile and non-volatile substances are released during processing. According to the third, the raw material is processed with a volatile solvent, which allows the initial mass to be divided into the initial material for phytoessence (concrete) and waste used for the production of fertilizers. The first component is then steam distilled to produce an oil.

The third scheme is considered the most effective. Exit finished product maximum when used.

Composition and properties of sage oil

The essential oil of clary sage (and sage officinalis, which is also used to produce the extract, but of poor quality) contains mainly aromatic compounds. linalool and lanalyl acetate, borneol, cineol and camphor. Unlike sage oil, this ester contains no thujone, which is up to 60% in phytoessence from a common plant. Experts consider it a good antidepressant, but refer to natural drugs. It should be used with great care, since thujone has both positive and negative effects on the body.

The properties and application of the product depend on the composition of the essential oil of sage. The extract has antiseptic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory action. It is used as an analgesic and antispasmodic. Ether has the ability to reduce lactation.

In cosmetology, it is highly valued regenerating and antifungal properties.

In the psycho-emotional sphere, it is important antidepressants and soothing characteristics, the ability to work actively under sexual disorders.

Indications for use

The properties of clary sage essential oil allow it to be used for all female diseases, digestive disorders, problems associated with stagnation in the liver. You can also forget about sore throat after using healing ether. Rubbing with phytoessence helps for rheumatic and muscle pain . The extract is recommended for high blood pressure.

Used sage oil to stop lactation. Baths with ether will help to smoothly reduce and then stop milk production. The woman will be relieved of the troubles associated with the formation of lumps in the chest, the occurrence of pain.

The deterioration of the face and hair associated with age-related changes is another reason to discover healing properties sage.


The restriction to the use of sage extract is:

  • intolerance to the agent and its components;
  • low pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • children under three years of age.

How much does sage oil cost and where to buy it

For sage oil, the price in a pharmacy depends on different reasons. It includes the cost of delivering raw materials to the place of production and finished products to retail chains, brand popularity, the presence of intermediate stages on the way from the manufacturer to the seller. Finally, important indicator is the quality of the product.

Important: Unscrupulous manufacturers dilute clary sage oil with cheaper ether or offer artificial analogues that match in smell, but do not have medicinal properties.

You can buy sage extract for 140 rubles and more (up to 1500 rubles). A high price is not always an indicator of high quality, and a low one does not mean otherwise. Before choosing, it is recommended to learn more about the manufacturer of the goods, get acquainted with reviews on its products, find out whether the distribution network works directly or uses the services of intermediaries. Having figured out all the aspects, it is easy to buy high-quality sage essential oil at a bargain price.

Essential oil of sage "Oleos"

Compound: 100% clary sage essential oil obtained by steam distillation.

Volume and form of release: 10 ml in dark glass bottles.

Storage: store in tightly closed vials, at t from 5 to 25 ° C, in a place protected from direct sunlight.

Best before date: 3 years.

Sage essential oil is widely used in medicine for the production of astringent and anti-inflammatory drugs used in diseases of the oral cavity and larynx, respiratory system. Sage oil is added to cosmetics to preserve youth, freshness of the skin and strengthen hair.

Clary sage oil has found application in the medical field, cosmetology and aromatherapy. Its ability to work effectively in these areas has been time-tested and confirmed by scientific research.

ATTENTION! Essential oils are highly concentrated phyto essences. AT cosmetic purposes should only be used in combination with herbal base oils.

Before using an essential oil, it is necessary to test for the absence of an allergic reaction.

Mix 1 drop of essential oil with 1/3 teaspoon of vegetable oil and apply to inner surface forearms or behind the ear or apply 2-3 drops of essential oil on a handkerchief and inhale periodically throughout the day. The use of the test oil is possible if after 12 hours there is no allergic reaction on the skin, headache, cough, shortness of breath, runny nose, swelling of the face.

Joint pain

Sharp pain in the elbows shoulder joints, knees causes a lot of inconvenience. It hinders movement, limits the possibility of a full-fledged labor activity. Rubbing diseased joints will help relieve pain and quickly restore their mobility. As a massage oil, a mixture of olive (can be soy) oil and sage extract is used in a ratio of 10 ml: 5 k. The composition is applied with intense movements. Duration of application - until reaching positive result(until the pain stops coming back).

Pain in the stomach and intestines

In the event of pain in the stomach and intestines, a composition of 10 ml of vegetable oil and 5-6 k. of ether is applied to the stomach with massage movements. Within 20-30 minutes, the active substances of the extract are absorbed and, once in the bloodstream, begin to work.

Important : It must be remembered that pain in the stomach and intestines occurs not only as a result of overeating or diet violations. They may be associated with serious illnesses. It is recommended that you visit a specialist.

Women's diseases

Clary sage oil (aromatherapy sessions) is recommended for problems with reproductive function, uterine disorders (tones the uterus), during menopause. Baths with extract are used in the treatment of thrush (15 k. per bath).

With a cold

SARS, influenza, tonsillitis will pass faster when inhaled during treatment (5-7 drops per 300 g of hot water) and gargles (2 drops per 200 g of warm water).

It should be remembered: When gargling, do not swallow the solution. Sage oil is not recommended to be taken orally.

In cosmetology

Clary sage essential oil has a rejuvenating, regenerating and regenerating effect. It is used when wrinkles appear, the first signs of skin aging. Masks with extract are recommended for increased excretion from sebaceous glands.

When caring for hair, phytoessence helps to eliminate dandruff, eliminates oily sheen, strengthens the roots, restores the structure.

Sage oil for face

After 30 years, the first wrinkles begin to appear on the face. Sage oil will help prevent their appearance. It is added to the usual care products (creams, tonics, lotions), wipe the face, diluted with vegetable base oil, make masks, cold and hot inhalations.

For oily skin

To eliminate shine and normalize selection subcutaneous fat it is recommended to mix 5 ml of hazelnut oil (can be replaced with hazelnut oil grape seed) and 2 k. ether sage. Apply the composition twice a day (morning and evening) for 30-40 minutes or once (at night).

From wrinkles

Applying sage oil to the face from wrinkles, you can suspend age-related changes in the epidermis. A mask of clary sage extracts works well, and. Esters are mixed in equal proportions. 5 k. of the composition is diluted with 5 ml of oil (for oily skin) or (for dry skin). The composition is applied at night.

A similar mixture can be added to cosmetics (4-5 k. in a single dose).

For hair

Using sage essential oil for hair great way preserve their beauty and strength. Massage of the roots, combing, masks will help restore the damaged structure, get rid of dandruff.

For weakened hair

You can restore weakened hair by adding oil to the used shampoo or balm daily (1 to. in a single amount). For the simultaneous elimination of fat content, it is recommended to add 1 k. of ether to sage. For dry hair, you can add lavender extract (1 tbsp.)

From dandruff

A mixture of sage and oil oils will help get rid of the "snow coating" on the hair. Esters are taken in equal amounts (2 k.). The composition is mixed with 5 ml burdock oil and rubbed into the scalp. The hair is covered with a film and wrapped with a towel for 30-40 minutes. The procedure is carried out once a day for 10 days.

For oily hair

You can eliminate oily sheen and normalize the function of the sebaceous glands using sage and lemon oils. Prepare the composition by taking the ethers in equal parts. 5 k. solution is diluted with 10 ml of jojoba or almond oil. The product is applied to the hair as a compress. The duration of the procedure is about an hour. Duration of use - at least 10 days.

For body

Sage oil is used to eliminate cellulite deposits. The ability of the extract to remove excess liquid makes its use as efficient as possible.

Sage in aromatherapy

Important in aromatherapy sessions soothing properties clary sage oil. It is indispensable for nervous disorders, stress, depression. Baths (15 k.) and aromatization of air (5-7 k. per 15 m 2) will help restore peace of mind.

A useful composition will help improve memory, increase self-esteem.

The last property allows us to consider sage oil as good aphrodisiac. Procedures with it relieve the frigidity of women, increase male potency helping you to believe in yourself. The aroma of sage exacerbates sensuality, contributes to the emergence of a state of euphoria after intimacy.

In whatever corner of Europe or Asia you find yourself, you will meet this unpretentious plant almost everywhere and immediately recognize it.

It contains many valuable qualities, and sage essential oil is used as universal remedy against various ailments, to restore strength. The main thing is to arm yourself with the necessary knowledge and use this natural gift for its intended purpose, which allows you to quickly solve some life problems.

Sage has come down to us through the centuries. About him magical properties the pharaohs knew, and women ancient egypt used these properties to rejuvenate and increase fertility.

It will not be a mistake to call sage one of the most famous and widespread plants on the planet. In nature, there are more than 900 species of this herb. Most famous species sage is meadow, medicinal, oaky, nutmeg, narcotic. Southern countries are considered its homeland: Italy, Greece, Montenegro, Albania.

At all latitudes of our country, meadow sage is found in the wild, often used in traditional medicine. The more common medicinal sage is grown in the Krasnodar Territory, Crimea. To obtain the essential oil, clary sage, cultivated on plantations, is more often used. Central Asia, Caucasus and also Crimea.

Composition and properties of sage oil

Sage oil is extracted from the flowers and leaves of the plant. Passing through steam distillation of 100 kg of raw materials, the output is only about 1 kg of oil with a wonderful floral aroma with hints of walnut and musk.

If we talk about the chemical composition of sage oil, it is very diverse and contains about 20 active substances, differently and with great benefit affecting the human body.

Chemical composition sage oil

  • Salvin;
  • Camphor;
  • alkaloids;
  • Flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • Terpenes;
  • Linalool.

Possessing a wide range of useful components, sage elixir is rich in its miraculous properties. With it, you can forget about the headache, increase the efficiency of the brain. Acting soothingly, the oil “extinguishes” nervous tension, setting up pleasant positive thoughts.

Sage oil is an excellent antiseptic, and according to scientific research also a natural antibiotic that fights against staphylococcal and streptococcal infections.

Etherol has a hemostatic, wound-healing effect. Contains antioxidants, so it is on guard female beauty and perfectly copes with the aging process of the skin, improves the structure and appearance hair. It also helps in overcoming skin diseases- acne, eczema, psoriasis.

The use of sage essential oil for treatment

Sage essential oil has been successfully used in medical purposes. A rare cold, be it a runny nose, tonsillitis, bronchitis, does without the use of a magical extract. But even without waiting for a cold, you can preventive purposes regularly gargle with a solution with the addition of a few drops of the elixir, which helps to boost immunity and destroy germs.

  • If you have a sore throat, you can also add lollipops to the treatment. sage oil. They are great for pain relief when swallowing.
  • If there are problems in the functioning of the organs gastrointestinal tract, the oil will again come to the rescue, overcome constipation, eliminate intestinal colic.
  • If you suffer from gum disease, reminding you of this with bad breath, rinsing your mouth with a solution with the addition of two or three drops of sage oil will help.
  • If there are problems with hormonal background in women, oil to cope with unpleasant sensations PMS and menopause, and will also help in the fight against infertility, normalizing hormonal balance.

Differences between clary sage and medicinal

It is also necessary to add a few words about some of the differences between clary sage oil and sage oil, which sometimes have the opposite effect on the body.

When purchasing oil, remember that:

Etherol of clary sage

  • lowers blood pressure;
  • harmless;
  • balances the nervous system and eliminates stress;
  • is an aphrodisiac and increases male potency.

Etherol of sage officinalis

  • increases blood pressure;
  • it is used strictly for its intended purpose in accordance with the dosage, otherwise it can harm the body (it is toxic without a dosage!);
  • improves tone.

Meaning existing differences, always imagine exactly for what purposes the oil is purchased, what nuances will help in solving your specific problems.

Facial care

For cosmetic purposes for facial skin care, the features of clary sage oil are used to a greater extent. The oil is especially effective for women with oily skin and prone to wrinkles.

Previously, the effect of the extract as an antiseptic was noted. Due to this property, the oil is active in the fight against acne, eliminates any inflammation of the skin, narrows the pores and helps to cleanse them.

Under the influence of sage essential oil, accelerated regeneration skin, so it is especially effective in relation to age-related changes.

Try several recipes and you will quickly see the effects of the miracle drug.

For oily skin

  • Mix 1 tsp. lemon juice, avocado pulp with 1 tbsp. white cosmetic clay and 5 drops of sage ether. This is an excellent cleanser that narrows the pores.
  • For daily care perfect mix of 100 ml rose water, 3-5 drops of sage and tea tree.
  • Take for the main part 1 tbsp. vegetable wax (jojoba oil), combine it with 1 tsp. infusion of parsley and 2-3 drops of sage extract.
  • Add lemon juice to the pulp of a baked apple, 4-5 drops of sage and rosemary oil, apply a face mask and relax for 20 minutes. Then rinse with water.

It is important to note that pure sage oil should not be used due to the strong concentration of the product and the ability to cause allergies. The elixir is used only in a drop dosage as an addition to basic cosmetics.

Wrinkle mask

As a basis, use a mixture of chamomile, lavender, sage herbs, taking 1 tbsp each.

Add a little boiling water to the resulting mixture, grind it to a gruel state. And, when the mixture has cooled, combine it with 5 drops of sage ether. The mask should be kept for at least 15 minutes.

If you are worried about wrinkles, use sage oil in combination with avocado and grape seed base oils.

Hair care

Beautiful hair, which is an adornment of any woman, unfortunately, is becoming more and more a rare occurrence. Ecology, the crazy rhythm of life, unhealthy habits have a “hand” in this.

Many reasons can be listed causing problems with hair, but, most importantly, there are ways that partly eliminate these problems. This pleases women, of course. And such a “straw” of salvation, which strengthens the bulbs of the hair roots, stimulates hair growth, is just miracle oil sage.

  • For daily rinsing, just add 10 drops of oil to the water. The same effect will be achieved when using the usual shampoo with the addition of a few drops of the extract.
  • If the hair is oily, the effect on the hair of a mask based on oils of sage, bergamot, lavender is effective.
  • If the hair is dry, then it is better to mix sage ether with olive oil.

Using medical masks, you can significantly improve the appearance and structure of the hair, give it a lively and healthy look, eliminate dandruff.

Sage oil in aromatherapy

With such a refined aroma, sage essential oil has gained fame as one of the most beloved and popular oils when you want to calm down, get away from everyday life, forget about irritability and recover at the end of a hard day. The aroma of the oil is well revealed in combination with bergamot, lavender, juniper, patchouli.

Therefore, it is often used to restore tone, relieve stress reactions, raise good spirits and mood.

If you want to relax your muscles after prolonged tension, nervous or physical, try using magic elixir in the form of aroma baths, and you will immediately feel the effect of leaving fatigue, peace, a surge of spiritual strength. To this we can add an anti-cellulite effect, which is only rare woman can leave you indifferent.

What is the best way to use sage oil?

  • For Bath 3 drops of sage plus 3 drops of lavender are enough. Pre-dissolve in any emulsifier (milk, kefir, honey).
  • For aroma pendants- 1-2 drops of ethereal.
  • For inhalation- 1-2 drops of sage oil.
  • For aroma lamps- 3-5 drops of essential oil per 15 sq.m of room area.

Easy to use and powerful effect as a result - distinguishing feature essential oil of sage.

When purchasing a magical extract, be guided by the brand, its rating on the manufacturer's market and prices, which range from 100 rubles and more per 10 ml. Pay attention to what natural product cannot be cheap.

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