What herbs can be used to rejuvenate the female body. Herbs for skin beauty

Since ancient times, people have been interested in the issue of preserving youth for many years. All organisms are aimed at slowing down the aging process and raising vitality. If you study the properties of medicinal plants, you can find herbs to rejuvenate the body. Some of them stimulate the immune system, others contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that fight the destroyers of healthy cells, others purify the blood, maintain heart health and restore blood pressure.

Grind birch buds, chamomile, St. John's wort and immortelle flowers in a coffee grinder (100 g each), mix, pour into a glass dish and close the lid. Brew 1 tbsp. l. in 0.5 l of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes. Drink one glass (with the addition of a teaspoon of honey) on an empty stomach, before dinner and at bedtime daily (until the mixture is finished). The course is repeated every 4-5 years. It is aimed at enhancing metabolism, cleansing from toxins, losing weight, strengthening blood vessels.

Tea made from raspberry leaves, wild strawberries and rose hips has excellent anti-aging properties. These plants improve the synthesis of estrogen, which is responsible for the blood supply to the skin, controls the level of its moisture and normalizes the synthesis of collagen.

Mix (100 g each) four types of medicinal herbs (chamomile, birch buds, immortelle, yarrow). One tablespoon of the mixture pour 250 ml of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then divide into three doses and drink before meals.

Take 1 tbsp. l. large plantain herbs, pour 250 ml of water, boil for two minutes and let it brew (30 minutes). Drink before meals (for people with low acidity) or after (for people with high acidity). Every 2 months take a break of 2-3 weeks. This is an excellent prevention of aging.

This collection of herbs for rejuvenation of the body restores intellectual and physical strength, promotes longevity. In equal proportions, mix walnut leaves, stalks of the field talaban, sainfoin branches, buckwheat leaves and flowers, knotweed grass, echinacea stalks. Pour a tablespoon of the composition with 20 ml of water, boil for 5 minutes and leave for 4 hours. Take before meals 3-4 times a day. It is used to prevent impotence, gastritis, hypertension, diseases of the genitourinary system and metabolic polyarthritis.

Older people are recommended rejuvenation with sage officinalis. You need to prepare a tincture of 300 g of vodka, 400 g of water and 90 g of sage. Insist 40 days in the sun in a closed glass container. Take a tablespoon in the morning and evening.

Mix equal parts of lavender and sage leaves, pour 100 g of the resulting mixture into 1 liter of dry red wine and insist in a dark place for 14 days, shaking from time to time. Then strain and squeeze out the remainder. Take 30-50 g in the morning and evening half an hour before meals.

Add a handful of coniferous branches, a tablespoon of onion peel and a teaspoon of licorice root to an enamel bowl. Pour 2 liters of water and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Then add two tablespoons of rose hips and boil for another 5 minutes. Pour into a thermos and leave for 10 hours, then strain. The decoction should be drunk in two days. It enhances immunity and cleanses the body of pathogenic microbes.

For attractiveness and maintaining hormonal balance, a collection of equal parts of chamomile, horsetail, sage and linden is useful. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Drink three times a day for half a cup.

Herbs for rejuvenation of the body do not require large financial costs and help to stay healthy and young. However, we should not forget that these are medicinal plants that have their own contraindications. Therefore, before using them, you need to carefully study all the indications and contraindications.

Mankind learned to extract the very first medicines from plants, having learned their healing power empirically. That is what it stands to this day: all the most effective means to maintain the health of the body are created on the basis of natural ingredients.

There is no need to talk about cosmetology: the herbs used or allegedly used as part of the latest beauty products have become a real publicity stunt. But this is not about the tricks of product manufacturers, but about the properties of medicinal herbs known to us.

Each herb has its own properties.

If you start listing herbs that are useful for the body as a whole, you will have to give almost the entire list of known plants. But what properties each of them has is the subject of a separate study. One thing is for sure: you should not grab all the recipes without considering.

Here is some basic knowledge from the herbal field

The most popular in folk cosmetology, our native simple herbs - chamomile, dandelion, marigold, yarrow, sage, St. rinsing and compresses on the skin of the face and neck.

With problematic, inflamed skin, the help of vapors from verbena, bedstraw, leaves and fruits of black currant, Veronica officinalis is indispensable.

The same chamomile, calendula, plantain, dandelion have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. For complexion, from age spots and freckles, there are beauty herbs such as parsley (infusions and masks with fresh herbs), red currants, strawberries, marigolds.

A mixture of parsley and dandelion juice removes spots on the skin, while the complexion becomes fresh and beautiful.

With an infusion of chopped dandelion stems, you can wash your face and wipe your face at least every morning, and your face will become clean, and freckles will disappear imperceptibly. All parts of this miracle plant are healing. In folk recipes for beauty and health, there are flowers, stems, and leaves, and dandelion roots. They are used in the form of infusions, tinctures, steams, decoctions for a variety of problems and diseases of the body.

Herbs for internal use

You can not ignore teas and herbal infusions for drinking. As you know, every disease is primarily reflected on the face, and those who start skin care begin with a general improvement of the body are right. Herbal teas are both tasty and healthy. The basis of fees most often - herbs with a laxative and diuretic effect, cleansing the intestines and blood vessels from toxins and toxins. Improvement of the skin, getting rid of excess weight is a side effect.

In pharmacies, you can buy ready-made teas and teas, but many people prefer to make their own teas, and rightly so. With only one condition that it is better to buy herbs for beauty in pharmacy packages, and not in bunches on the road. There are a lot of healing fees for cleansing and healing from ailments, their recipes are not difficult to find.

Let's share one, universal composition for rejuvenation, cleansing, boosting immunity.

  • Grind 100 g of chamomile, immortelle, birch buds and St. John's wort in a coffee grinder, mix, pour into a ceramic or glass dish and close the lid.
  • In the evening, brew 1 tablespoon of the collection in 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and strain.
  • Add a tablespoon of good honey to a glass of infusion and drink at night.
  • In the morning, heat the rest of the infusion in a water bath and drink it with a tablespoon of honey half an hour before meals.

Drink in this way without interruption until the entire supply runs out. After a few days, the effect will begin to be felt: the body is cleansed of toxins, lightness appears in the body, weight begins to decrease, complexion improves. Try it.

What's good for us is good for our skin

An experienced woman knows that tasty and healthy food should not be eaten to the last crumb. Leave a little for the face and hands.

Cooked oatmeal - it's a sin not to pamper your skin with this useful mask.

We boiled potatoes - a warm compress under the eyes, to remove bags under the eyelids, and a potato broth is an excellent bath for hands.

Everyone loves berries, but you can’t feel sorry for a berry or two for rubbing your face. Strawberries, viburnum, cherries - we can't even imagine how our skin loves them. What about blackcurrant? Don't think that its juice will paint our skin inky color, nothing like that.

  • Dip a napkin moistened with water in fresh currant juice, squeeze lightly and put on your face for half an hour. After that, wipe the skin with a piece of ice and look in the mirror. Tired skin is refreshed and rosy again.
  • With dry, aging skin, this cream is very useful: 2 tablespoons of currant pulp, 1 teaspoon of honey and olive oil.
  • You can make a vitamin mask from blackcurrant juice in its pure form: moisten a napkin folded in several layers in it and put it on a cleansed face for 20 minutes. Then wipe with a cotton swab with mineral water and apply a nourishing cream. This is an extreme mask for enriching the skin with vitamins.
  • With the help of compresses with the juice of this berry, acne on the face can be cured. Infusions from its leaves are also useful - regular rubbing of the skin of the face with them provides it with elasticity and elasticity.

This is an example with just one of the berries. Almost all delicious plant products are pleasant and healthy not only for the stomach, but also for the skin. And in general, you need to treat yourself well, and tried-and-tested remedies from nature itself will help us in this. Health to everyone!

Women's health and beauty. Folk remedies

Women's health and beauty. Folk remedies.

Female beauty is a loose concept, but each of us dreams of velvety, healthy skin and it is desirable that wrinkles do not appear longer. All this is real, especially if you nourish yourself from the inside, and not just with creams, masks and massage.

An alternative to synthetic hormones are phytoestrogens, which are synthesized in plant tissues. Phytoestrogens include sterols, flavones, flavonones, isoflavones, coumestans, lignans, and chalcones. In addition to estrogen-like action, phytoestrogens exhibit antioxidant activity.

Soy, red clover, grapes, alfalfa, pomegranate, wild yam, dwarf palm, hops and some others are rich in phytoestrogens. Fat-soluble phytoestrogens (phytosterols) are found in oils: soybean, peanut, corn, sesame, olive, palm, avocado, wheat germ.

There are wonderful folk remedies for female beauty:

The secret to beautiful skin.

If you want the skin of the face to be clean and stay young for a long time, then you need to follow the regular cleansing of the intestines, add internal cleansing to the external cleansing of the skin. To prevent congestion and putrefactive processes in the intestines, you need to eat foods rich in fiber. For example, daily consumption of one carrot at night will insure against constipation and will have a rejuvenating effect on the entire body - the main thing is that this consumption of carrots is constant, enters your regimen.

Beetroot seeds for youthful skin.

To look younger, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. beet seeds, brew 1 cup boiling water, leave for 1 hour, drink in small sips. Drink every 3rd day. Just drink 9 glasses.

The following salads are recommended for people who have skin problems (earthy complexion, acne, tired look). You only need to remember one condition to eat such salads, preferably in the morning, drinking green tea, and for at least 3 weeks. Then the result is not long in coming.

French salad will improve the skin.

This salad improves the skin beyond recognition in a month. Pour 2 full tablespoons of oatmeal with 6 tablespoons of boiled cold water. After an hour, add 3 tbsp. l. cold boiled milk, st. a spoonful of sugar, a large apple with a peel grated on a coarse grater and juice squeezed from a lemon. Mix the salad thoroughly and eat it for breakfast, chewing slowly and well.

American Beauty Salad.

Pour at night 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal 3 tbsp. spoons of boiled water. In the morning, add 3 tablespoons of low-fat yogurt (no additives) or kefir, 1 teaspoon of honey, 5-6 hazelnuts, 1 teaspoon of sunflower seeds and some raisins.

Canadian beauty salad.

Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal 3-4 tbsp. spoons of hot milk, leave for 1 hour. Add raisins, chopped dried apricots and prunes, honey and sunflower seeds to taste.

Tincture of youth and beauty.

If you drink the following tincture, a woman will remain young, healthy and attractive for a long time. Take one glass of juice - carrot, beet and black radish. Mix, add a glass of honey and pour the mixture with a liter of vodka. Leave to infuse for two weeks, then carefully pour into clean bottles, discard the sediment. Take one tablespoon 2-3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. Repeat the course six months later. This drug has a great effect on overall well-being and appearance. This tincture also helps with hypertension.

Carrot juice for beauty.

You can give your face freshness like this: Mix carrot juice, honey and cream in the same proportion. Take 50 ml in 30 minutes. before meals 3 times a day.

Linden for women's health and beauty.

A woman, if she is over 40 years old, must definitely drink a cup of linden tea brewed like regular tea every 6 months in the morning for 6 weeks.

Wine of youth.

Prepare a collection of equal parts by weight of sage and lavender leaves. 100 g of the dry mixture should be poured over 1 liter of dry red wine and infused in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks. The contents of the jar should be shaken periodically. At the end of the infusion period, strain the tincture, squeeze out the rest. Take this wine 30-50 g in the morning and in the evening half an hour before meals.

A recipe for health, youth and beauty.

Beat 0.5 l of cold milk, 2 tbsp. any fruit juice, 1 tbsp. apricot juice and raw egg yolk. Cocktail to drink during the day. Keep refrigerated.

Cleansing collection that will improve complexion.

An excellent cleansing collection, which it would be nice to drink for everyone once a year, if there are no contraindications for herbs, the effect is wonderful: not only the body is cleansed of toxins, but even the complexion improves!

Take in equal parts the flowers of immortelle, chamomile, calendula, black elderberry, walnut leaf and lingonberry, herb Veronica officinalis, knotweed, horsetail, succession, yarrow, buckthorn bark, rose hips. 1 tbsp collection brew in a thermos 1 tbsp. boiling water, insist three hours, strain and drink 0.5 tbsp. three times a day half an hour before meals. Course - from 3 to 6 months (drink a month, 2-3 weeks break).

Indian rejuvenating drink.

This drink made from fresh autumn apples has a rejuvenating effect. Take the pulp of 2 apples, chop it, add 25 raisins and boil in 1 liter of water over low heat. When 1/3 remains of the original volume, strain the drink, add 2 tsp. powdered sugar, 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon and cardamom. Fresh broth take 1 tbsp. morning and evening throughout the apple ripening season.

The recipe "7 glasses" will cleanse the vessels, blood and rejuvenate the entire body.

Prepare a mixture of juices, Cahors wine and honey in a volume of 200 ml of each component:

1. Wine Cahors
2. Garlic juice (about 15 heads)
3. Carrot juice
4. Beet juice
5. Lemon juice
6. Radish juice
7. Honey

Take this mixture for 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day for 30 min. before meals. It cleanses the blood and blood vessels, rejuvenates the entire body, improves the general condition of the body. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. It lasts for about a month and a half.

Youth products.

Broccoli, Blueberries, Nuts, Sea buckthorn, Tomatoes, Garlic, Sea buckthorn, Cocoa, Fruits, Citrus fruits, Greens (basil, parsley, dill)

Pine nuts for youth.

The recipe will help prolong youth and beauty: Take 1 kg of pine nuts and pour 1 kg of granulated sugar, pour 1 liter of vodka. Insist in a warm and dark place, shaking every day, for 3 days. Pour the resulting brownish liquid into another container and save. With the remaining nuts in the jar, repeat the cycle 2 more times. After that, all 3 liters of extract are mixed and bottled in dark glass. Store in a dark place. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals for a month.

Rejuvenating tea.

Take 1-2 teaspoons of finely chopped dried watermelon rinds. Pour 1 glass of boiling water, let it brew for 10-15 minutes and drink instead of regular tea (but no more than three glasses a day!). Drink the whole watermelon season and the result will delight you until next summer!

Products for women.

Some medicinal herbs contain phytoestrogens that are beneficial for women. These substances are also found in food.
One of the types of female sex hormones - estrogens - is responsible for the regularity of the menstrual cycle, the formation of an hourglass figure, youthful skin. To maintain youth and femininity, you can use phytoestrogens - plant analogues of female sex hormones. There are quite a lot of them in legumes (most of all in soy) and grains (wheat is the champion), cabbage (especially broccoli), seeds and nuts.

Dairy products are another storehouse of phytoestrogens. Especially a lot of such substances in fat milk, cream and hard cheese.
All of these foods can be good for you, but don't overdo them. If too much phytoestrogens comes from food, the production of your own sex hormones will not be stimulated, but blocked. And this threatens with disruptions in the menstrual cycle and early aging. So observe the principles of moderation and variety. If you cook dishes from different products (containing and not containing phytoestrogens), the components you need will come in normal portions, and the hormonal balance will not be disturbed.

And remember that not all products that stimulate the reproductive system are good. So, nutritionists are increasingly criticizing the hobby for soy. Yes, it is rich in proteins and other beneficial substances. But, like any other genetically modified food, it can be hazardous to health in the long run.

At whatever age a woman is, she always feels a natural desire to maintain her attractiveness as long as possible. Unfortunately, many representatives of the fair sex pay attention exclusively to external rejuvenation. But it has long been proven that only rejuvenation with medicinal herbs can achieve a longer effect.

general information

Nothing can deprive a young lady of peace of mind like “crow's feet” under her eyes or thin, almost invisible to the naked eye, wrinkles on her forehead. The natural desire of a woman in this case is to get rid of the defect, and as soon as possible. Alas, not all store cosmetics are useful, and salon procedures are quite expensive.

According to doctors and cosmetologists, a more correct approach is when a young lady uses time-tested folk remedies designed to rejuvenate the whole body.

How to help your body

Folk remedies used to rejuvenate the whole body of a young lady involve, first of all, the cleansing of the cardiac and vascular systems. This favorably affects both all vital organs and the condition of the skin of the face.

A variety of products can be used to achieve this goal. Most often, one simple but quite effective recipe is used:

  • take ten fresh lemons, the same number of heads of garlic and 1 teaspoon of May honey;
  • peel and finely chop the garlic;
  • squeeze juice from all lemons;
  • mix all ingredients thoroughly;
  • close with a tight lid and put in a dark place.

After seven days, the medicine can be started. You need to drink it before eating food, four teaspoons at a time. The drug has a rather specific, but rich taste. It should not be taken in one fell swoop, but slowly, trying to absorb the honey. The course of cleansing the body is sixty days. At the end of the course, you can take a break.

The use of medicinal herbs

A considerable number of herbs can delay the onset of diseases typical of the elderly. Many folk remedies help stimulate the immune system. This leads to the rejuvenation of the body, since the herbal collection stops the wear and tear of internal organs.

In order to choose the right herbal collection, you need to consult with your doctor. Many folk remedies help to increase immunity. To prepare the drug, you can use an old recipe that has been very popular among the people for many years. The recipe involves doing the following manipulations:

  • take one handful of young coniferous branches;
  • pour needles into a capacious container;
  • mix needles with 1 teaspoon finely chopped licorice root and onion peel;
  • pour 2 liters of water and boil over medium heat for twenty minutes;
  • gently crush the rose hips and add them to the decoction (2 teaspoons);
  • boil for another 1/2 minute, then pour the medicine into a thermos, insist for a day, then strain.

It is necessary to use coniferous decoction, which helps to rejuvenate the body and cleanse the skin of the face, within twenty-four hours.

Other recipes

Some folk remedies allow you to maintain a balance of hormones. For this, it is recommended to use a collection of chamomile, linden, sage and horsetail. These ingredients are recommended to be used in equal proportions.

Then you need to pour two tablespoons of herbs with two hundred milliliters of boiling water and insist for thirty minutes. Take the infusion should be 3 times 1/2 cup during the day.

Other folk remedies help improve liver function. Thus, the condition of the skin of the face also improves.

In order to prepare such a tool, you need:

  • take in equal proportions chamomile, currant leaves, bitter orange, cornflower and sage;
  • pour the herbal collection with 1 glass of fresh boiling water;
  • insist collection for half an hour, then carefully strain.

The wisdom of Tibetan healers

In the early seventies of the twentieth century, an old Tibetan recipe was discovered that helps rejuvenate the body and improve facial skin. The Tibetan recipe, known to the inhabitants of this country since the fourteenth century, only at first glance seems simple. The essence of the recipe is to strictly follow the regimen of administration and scrupulous observance of the dosage. This is the only way to achieve a rejuvenating effect.


In order to prepare a rejuvenating agent, you need to prepare an infusion of 4 herbs, each of which must be taken strictly in ten grams:

  • St. John's wort;
  • chamomile;
  • immortelle;
  • birch buds.

All ingredients must be thoroughly chopped and mixed. Then pour 1 table spoon with 0.5 liters of boiling water. You need to insist the drug in a thermos. The infusion time is three to four hours. Then the product must be carefully filtered.

You need to take a Tibetan decoction every day until it ends. Re-purification is possible only after 5 years.

What effect can be obtained

Tibetan decoction improves metabolism and vision. In addition, a person gets rid of excess fat, the condition of the facial skin becomes much better.

This medicine can also be used prophylactically. Doctors say that the risk of getting atherosclerosis while taking this remedy is significantly reduced.

It is important to understand

Tibetan medicinal decoction is not shown to everyone. Before you start a course of treatment, you need to know what contraindications exist.

So, long-term use of this drug contributes to an increase in pressure. For this reason, you should first consult a doctor.

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