The scalp shines under the hair. Remedies for oily scalp and hair loss. Decoctions in the treatment of oily seborrhea

Today we list the main diseases of the scalp, names and symptoms, in total 27 possible causes of diseases of the scalp, but everything in order. Most scalp diseases result in hair loss of varying intensity or a specific type. skin rash. Many pathological conditions of the scalp are hereditary. Malnutrition or infection can also cause disease state skin. Treatment and prognosis depend on the underlying cause of the problem.

Often, hair and scalp problems are not independent disease, but only a symptom of some disease, the focus and cause of which is far from the head.

Scalp problems leading to hair problems

  1. Hair loss.
    • A large amount of hair is combed out after you wash your hair. Strands in whole bunches remain in the hands if they are pulled.
    • Obvious thinning hair.
  2. Baldness in men.
    • Hair loss occurs at the temples.
    • The bald head gradually recedes, forming a shape resembling the letter "M".
  3. Alopecia Areata.
    • Hair loss occurs in spots that have delineated boundaries and a variety of shapes.
    • Dropout is observed in random, most different places on the head.
  4. Ringworm (Tinea Capitis).
    • Itching spots on the head.
    • Scaly and red bald patches.
    • Sore scalp.
  5. seborrheic eczema.
    • Scaly patches are yellow or white in color and flake off.
    • The affected areas may be red, itchy, and oily.
    • The prolapse may occur in the affected area with a rash.
  6. Psoriasis manifests itself in different forms.
  7. Head lice infestation.
    • The head louse is about the size of a sesame seed.
    • Itching of the head.
    • Head wounds from scratches and insect bites.
    • Feeling like something is crawling over your head.
  8. Body lice infection.
    • These lice differ from head or pubic lice in larger sizes.
    • Rash caused by allergic reaction to body lice bites, can spread to the head.
    • Red bumps on the skin.
    • Thickened or dark skin.
  9. Hashimoto's disease.
    • Caused by lack of activity thyroid gland.
    • Thinning hair, feeling sluggish, tired and hoarse voice.
    • Constipation, high level cholesterol, depression or weakness of the muscles of the lower extremities.
  10. Hypothyroidism.
    • Symptoms gradually worsen as the disease progresses.
    • Brittle hair and nails, fatigue or weakness.
    • Hypersensitivity to cold, constipation, depression.
  11. Addison's disease.
    • Rash on the skin.
    • Nausea, loss of appetite.
    • Periodic vomiting.
  12. Hodgkin's disease.
    • painless swelling lymph nodes.
    • Night sweats.
    • Constantly itchy skin.
    • Unexplained fever.
    • Fatigue.
    • Unexplained weight loss.
    • Persistent cough.

  13. Insufficiency of the pituitary gland (hypothyroidism).
    • The pituitary gland secretes eight different hormones.
    • Symptoms depend on which hormone is synthesized in insufficient quantities.
    • Only after the doctor has done everything necessary tests blood, it will be possible to find out which particular hormone is deficient.
  14. Malnutrition.
    • Hair loss, pallor, fatigue or weakness.
    • Difficulty breathing, unusual eating habits, or periods of lightheadedness.
    • Constipation, drowsiness or palpitations.
  15. Hyperthyroidism.
    • Quick heartbeat, weight loss and heat intolerance.
    • Hair loss, itching, sleep problems, or irregular heartbeat.
    • Nausea and vomiting.
  16. Skull fractures.
    • Bleeding from a wound or eyes, ears, and nose.
    • Pain, swelling, redness, or heat at the site of injury.
    • Headache, nausea or vomiting.
  17. Leishmaniasis.
    • It is transmitted through the bite of an infected gerbil. Infected sand flies are typically found in tropical and subtropical climates.
    • Cutaneous leishmaniasis: painless skin sores, shortness of breath or runny nose, nosebleeds or difficulty breathing.
    • Visceral leishmaniasis: weight loss, weakness, enlarged spleen or liver.
  18. Systemic lupus erythematosus.
    • Butterfly symmetrical rash on cheeks and nose.
    • Massaging hair loss.
    • Painful or swollen joints.
  19. Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma).
    • On the early stages thickening of the skin is observed.
    • Narrow, shiny areas around the mouth, nose, and fingers.
    • As the condition progresses, limited movement develops in these areas.
  20. Syphilis.
    • A small, painless pimple or sore that appears where the bacteria has entered the body.
    • Rash that does not itch on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.
  21. age-related arteritis.
    • It occurs in people over 60 years of age.
    • There are various visual disturbances, sudden permanent loss of vision in one eye or a drooping eyelid.
    • Fever, weight loss, or facial pain.
  22. Ito syndrome (Incontinentia Pigementi Achromians).
    • Loss of pigmentation on various parts body.
    • Small lesions, white or colorless.
    • Blaschko lines (long, spiraling patterns around the arms and legs).
  23. Bamboo hair (Tricorrhexis nodosa).
  24. Celiac disease (gluten sensitive enteropathy).
    • Children and adults have different symptoms.
    • In children: weight loss, vomiting, bloating or pain, persistent diarrhea.
    • In adults: pain in the bones and joints, fatigue, numbness and tingling in the arms and legs, wounds and ulcers in the mouth.
  25. Kwashiorkor.
    • A form of malnutrition caused by not enough protein in the diet.
    • Change in skin and hair color (red-orange tint).
    • Fatigue, diarrhea, loss muscle mass or swelling.
  26. Allergy.
    • Dark red rash on the body, including the head.
    • Redness and itching.
    • Dry and irritated eyes.

What is dandruff?

Separately, it is worth talking about dandruff, which annoys many people, both men and women, although this is not a disease of the scalp and hair. But dandruff can be annoying when white and highly visible flakes fall on dark clothes. But dandruff is just a buildup of loose, dead skin. The causes of dandruff can be varied, they are not fully understood, but it may be due to a fungus on the skin.

You can't get dandruff from someone else, and it's not dangerous, but it can be itchy and irritating. Dandruff does not cause any redness or so severe itching to leave scratches on the scalp, which can become infected and inflamed.

There is no cure for dandruff, but flaky skin is fairly easy to control and treat. Washing curls is best with a medicated shampoo. You just need to leave it on your head for 5 minutes, then rinse. Also, before rinsing, you can hold one of the following drugs on your head for 5 minutes to choose from:

  • Coal tar.
  • Zinc pyrithione.
  • Selenium sulfide.
  • Ketoconazole (Nizoral AD) is available as a 1% OTC shampoo or 2% prescription drug.

You may need to apply two or three products to completely clear your head of dandruff. If it doesn't go away after a few weeks of shampooing, see your doctor. Dandruff can be a manifestation of the initial stage of seborrhea of ​​the head, and this condition requires serious treatment. What is seborrheic dermatitis, you can easily imagine if you remember the crusts on the head of babies. These crusts are also seborrhea, only infantile.


It is one of the few contagious diseases that affects hairy part heads. The causative agent is a microscopic fungus. The manifestations are encoded in the very name of the disease of the scalp - areas with fallen hair appear on it, as if cut off. The skin in these places is reddened and inflamed. People of all ages are affected, but most often - 3-7 year old children. This is partly because ringworm can be contracted from dogs and cats.

To kill the fungus simple treatments head is not enough. You will have to take the medicines prescribed by the dermatologist orally. Infection occurs only through close contact. Children who are being treated for ringworm, it is allowed to attend school, while it is not necessary to cut your hair bald. It is only important not to use personal hygiene items that an infected person uses. First of all, these are combs and towels, bedding.

Brief Summary

Most hair diseases are treatable. The only exceptions are very rare cases when hair follicles are exposed to irreversible destructive effects. Also, most problems are personal and non-contagious, only rare ones are contagious. fungal diseases, lice and some other problems. Therefore, the sooner you contact a trichologist, the faster and easier you can find out the cause and get rid of your problem.

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Seborrhea of ​​the scalp is a chronic pathological condition skin associated with dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. latin word"Seborrhea" is translated as "outflow of fat" and is characterized by active secretion sebum, or vice versa, insufficient work of the sebaceous glands (dry seborrhea).

changing chemical composition secreted by the skin, this causes constant irritation of the skin. Seborrheas appear - red inflamed areas of the skin, they cause constant itching and a feeling of tightness.

What causes seborrhea?

Clinical studies have found that seborrhea is caused by fungi Pityrosporum. These fungi live in healthy skin and feed on the components of sebum. At adverse conditions and violations correct operation glands, excessive reproduction of these fungi begins, leading to dermatitis.

Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp may develop in healthy person For example, during puberty. In adolescents, the number of sebaceous glands increases. A hormonal explosion causes their hyperfunction and, as a result, seborrhea. Such seborrhea will pass by itself with sedation hormonal background.

Causes and predisposition to seborrhea

  • genetic predisposition. If one of the relatives suffers from seborrhea, there is Great chance that you will develop this disease.
  • Hormonal causes. Men suffer from seborrhea several times more often than women. This is due to specific male hormones. Hormonal dysfunction due to, for example, testicular cancer can stimulate the sudden development of seborrhea. In women with seborrhea, it is also often found elevated level male hormones.
  • State nervous system. Those who say: "All diseases are from the nerves", in this case, are right. Nervous attacks and weakening of the nervous system provoke the development of seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Wrong hair care. Frequent washing with harsh alkaline products causes disruption of the sebaceous glands. Washing too infrequently leads to clogged pores and can also cause seborrheic dermatitis.

To find out true reason seborrhea, it is best to contact a qualified trichologist.

Types of seborrhea of ​​the scalp

  1. oily;
  2. dry;
  3. mixed.

At bold type of seborrhea stands out excess amount sebum. Almost immediately after washing, the hair becomes greasy, stuck together, untidy, the skin in the partings shines. The thickness of the skin increases, redness, inflammation, itching appear. Large scales that separate from the scalp in flakes are a characteristic feature of the oily type.

If you delay the treatment, seborrhea will increase, profuse hair loss will begin. In particular advanced cases risk of baldness.

Dry seborrhea is characterized by reduced sebum secretion. The scalp flakes off, the hair gradually becomes thinner, appears a large number of split ends. Falling off the head small white dandruff. A layer of dandruff interferes with the nutrition of the hair follicle. If you rarely wash your hair, dandruff becomes more pronounced, hair falls out more intensely. The burning sensation of overdried scalp accompanies this process.

At mixed seborrhea, certain parts of the head (often the parietal and frontal) are subject to excessive sebum secretion, and in other areas the secretion of sebum is reduced or moderate.

Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp

Medical treatment

Treatment is prescribed by a trichologist depending on the manifestations of this disease. The most effective local antifungal therapy that affects the pathogens of seborrhea. Usually the doctor prescribes specialized shampoo containing zinc, tar or ketoconazole. This shampoo is used for at least one month until the symptoms disappear completely. In the future, shampoo is used for prevention 1 time in 2 weeks.

With absence therapeutic effect from antifungal agents may be appointed hormonal ointments , and in particular severe cases apply combined treatment hormones and antifungals.

Folk remedies

Natural recipes can also be effective, especially when combined with medical method treatment.

Burdock root known for its anti-seborrheic properties. 4 tablespoons of burdock root powder pour 0.5 liters of water and boil for 10-15 minutes. The decoction should be rubbed into the scalp three times a week and rinsed with hair after each wash. This decoction is especially good for the treatment oily seborrhea.

Henna beneficial effect on hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands. colorless henna brewed with water cooled to 80 degrees and applied to hair after washing. Keep 30 minutes. Such a mask will dry the skin well with oily seborrhea and make weakened hair thicker and more voluminous.

Decoction oak bark counts effective tool for the treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp. Two st. l. boiled in a liter of water for 30 minutes. Wash your hair with this decoction. Repeat this procedure two to three times a week for two months.

With dry seborrhea rubbed Burr oil. Apply to the scalp and keep under a plastic bag and cap for about 30 minutes. After that, rinse your hair thoroughly.

the washing up egg yolk normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands of the head and nourishes the hair with a dry form of seborrhea. Separate the yolk from the protein and beat well, dilute a little with water and rub into wet skin heads. Massage thoroughly.

At initial stages seborrhea you can try yourself folk remedies, however, if the condition of the hair worsens, do not waste time and urgently consult a trichologist.

Running seborrhea causes great discomfort, not to mention hair loss, and a qualified doctor will help you choose effective methods to combat this unpleasant condition.

One of common causes appeals to dermatologists and, somewhat less often, to cosmetologists - diseases of the scalp and hair, which are associated with defects in the structure and shape of the latter, their fragility, early baldness, dandruff, itching of the scalp, and loss and many other symptoms.

Diseases of the scalp, accompanied by the listed clinical symptoms, for many people become an important source of psycho-emotional discomfort, contributing to a decrease in the quality of life. They often lead to social self-isolation and difficulties in finding a job.

What are the diseases of the scalp and their causes

A large number of them are known, but the main and most common of them are:

  1. Seborrhea.
  2. Psoriasis, or psoriasis.
  3. Mycoses, or diseases caused by fungi.
  4. Pustular diseases.

Many dermatological diseases arise due to circulatory disorders hair follicles and dysfunction of the sebaceous glands with impaired sebum secretion, which can occur under the influence of various factors:

  • genetic predisposition, which determines the type of structure and functioning of the elements of the skin;
  • diseases endocrine glands and hormonal imbalance, especially androgens and estrogens;
  • instability of the function of the autonomic nervous system;
  • frequent stressful situations and prolonged psycho-emotional stress;
  • some mental illnesses - schizophrenia, manic-depressive state, epilepsy;
  • metabolic disorders, malnutrition and lack of vitamins A and E, and trace elements, especially selenium, zinc, magnesium;
  • decrease in the level of general and local immunity;
  • systemic autoimmune diseases connective tissue(collagenoses) and diseases internal organs;
  • fungal infections, acute infectious diseases and the presence in the body of foci of chronic infection;
  • improper use of scalp and hair care products or their poor quality, frequent use of a hair dryer;
  • excess influence various kinds electromagnetic radiation and high content chemical aerosols in the air, etc.

Treatment of the scalp and hair depends on the type of disease, causative factor, expressiveness

process, nature of the course and associated pathologies.

Brief description of the most common pathology


This dermatosis is a disease of the scalp, most hallmark which is a disorder of the processes of formation of sebum. It can be expressed both in a violation of the amount of its production, and in a change in the chemical composition.

In the normal state, after secretion by the sebaceous glands, fat fills the ducts of the hair follicles, mixes with sweat, emulsifies and distributes along the skin grooves over almost the entire surface of the scalp. As a result, an emulsion water-lipid film is formed that provides a certain acidic environment and performs protective functions: preventing excessive negative effects of ultraviolet rays, drying and waterlogging of the skin, chemical elements external environment.

Insufficient production of sebum does not provide full protection, which leads to dryness and increased vulnerability. Hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands creates Greenhouse effect, as a result of which the stratum corneum softens, its porosity increases and its permeability increases. Due to expansion excretory ducts sebaceous and sweat glands bacteria, masses of detached epithelium and dirt penetrate them more easily, plugs are formed that clog the mouths of hair follicles.

In addition, with seborrhea, not only violations of sebum secretion occur, but also its qualitative changes. For example, the ratio changes fatty acids- the concentration of linoleic acid is significantly reduced, resulting in an increase in acidity by skin surface. This further increases the permeability of the stratum corneum and causes irritation.

Such conditions are ideal for the activation and development of saprophyte fungi on the scalp, reproduction and growth of staphylococci and other infectious agents who are representatives normal microflora on the surface of the skin. Microorganisms cause damage to the walls skin glands and their ducts, secrete the enzyme lipase, which breaks down triglycerides of fat into free fatty acids, and the latter, in turn, increase skin irritation and reduce its protective functions.

All these mechanisms contribute to an increase in the severity of seborrhea, the formation of seborrheic dermatitis and eczema. There are three forms of seborrhea:

  • oily;
  • dry;
  • mixed.

Oily seborrhea

Depending on the composition and physical and chemical properties fat, can be liquid or thick form. In the first case, the fat has a liquid oily consistency due to the increased concentration of free fatty acids. With a thick form, the consistency of fat has a doughy character.

The disease manifests itself in a change in the scalp: it is glossy, compacted, elasticity is reduced, the pores are enlarged, its color becomes brownish or yellowish-gray. Hair becomes greasy, shiny, stick together in strands, quickly, 2-3 days after shampooing, covered with mud. Particles of desquamated epithelium (dandruff) stick together into plates and form rather large yellowish scales, which are abundantly covered with hair.

These symptoms are accompanied by itching of the head, sometimes severe. Frequent washing is ineffective and provokes an even greater increase in the function of the sebaceous glands and hair pollution.

Dry seborrhea

This scalp disease is accompanied by such basic subjective signs as slight itching and a feeling of tightness, especially after washing the head with cool water.

With this form of seborrhea, a decrease in the function of the sebaceous glands is possible, which usually occurs in children before puberty. It is mainly associated with insufficient development of the sebaceous-hairy apparatus. In adults, the function of the skin glands is usually preserved, but their secretion has a high degree of viscosity and is poorly distributed over the scalp.

As a result, the superficial epidermal layers become dry, the skin acquires hypersensitivity and susceptible to even minor stimuli. The horny epithelium in the form of small scales covers all hair. Less commonly, they overlap each other, forming grayish and yellowish plates and crusts. Peeling develops over the entire surface of the scalp or only in the parieto-occipital zone.

Dry hair becomes thin with a split end and brittle. Reddish or pinkish patches (seborrhea) may form on the skin. Often noted increased prolapse hair.

Sometimes dry seborrhea is unexpressed and is accompanied only by moderate dryness and somewhat increased flaking, resembling dandruff.

Mixed form of seborrhea

Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish and is a combination of manifestations of both previous variants of the disease or their combination with localization on the head and other parts of the body.

Seborrheic dermatitis, or eczema, and dandruff

It is considered an independent dermatosis, and according to some experts - a complication of seborrhea. The occurrence of pathology predisposes to the presence of one form or another of seborrhea, various endocrine disorders accompanying it, as well as factors that provoke the development of seborrhea. A milder form of seborrheic dermatitis is dandruff, which occurs as a result of pathological accelerated process cellular regeneration of the epithelium.

If normally the transformation of basal keratinocytes and their rise to the stratum corneum occur on average within 25-30 days, then with seborrheic dermatitis it lasts only about 1-2 weeks. Small whitish cells of dead epithelium are separated ahead of time. Many of them do not have time to lose water and stick together, forming small whitish or grayish flaky scales, which are dandruff. At the same time, the number of layers of the horny epithelium is reduced by more than half, and the layers themselves and the cells in them are not located tightly to each other, but loosely and chaotically.

Seborrheic dermatitis primarily affects the scalp and, to a lesser extent, other parts of the body. The disease is chronic and long time. The main cause of exacerbations are most often stressful conditions and mental overwork.

Typical symptoms of the disease:

  1. Dryness of the scalp.
  2. Spots of redness.
  3. Pityriasis peeling.
  4. Serous-purulent and serous-hemorrhagic (bloody) crusts. If they are removed, a solid pinkish weeping lesion of the skin surface is exposed.

When foci occur in the behind-the-ear region, significant redness with swelling develops, deep painful cracks, weeping and scales with crusts form in the skin folds.

Head psoriasis

The disease is chronic with a recurrent course. It is manifested by specific papular rashes of a pinkish-reddish color, on which silvery scales are easily removed. The lesions consist of plaques with clear boundaries and irregular, bizarre outlines. Their size ranges from 1-2 mm to 1-2 cm or more.

Psoriasis can be hereditary, i.e. caused genetic reasons, or acquired mainly in violation of the function of the liver, endocrine or nervous system. Exacerbations are facilitated by unfavorable climatic conditions, digestive disorders, and mental stress.

The disease is considered incurable, but it is quite possible to reduce the frequency and severity of exacerbations, as well as eliminate the consequences.

Mycoses, or fungal diseases of the scalp

Mycoses of the head are caused by pathogenic fungi. They most commonly affect children and women. young age, much less often - men. These diseases are infectious and are transmitted from sick animals or from a sick person when using common hygiene and hair care items (combs, underwear, towels, hats). Symptoms of fungal diseases of the scalp are not the same and depend on the infectious agent.

These lesions include:

  1. Microsporia.
  2. Trichophytosis.

Favus, or scab

The causative agent of the disease is highly resistant in the external environment and is able to exist for a long time, without losing its activity, in the dust of residential premises, carpets, and furniture. Infection occurs through direct contact or through the use of contaminated objects.

The disease is manifested by peculiar crusts on the scalp, from which an unpleasant odor emanates. They have the appearance of saucer-shaped shields with an impression in the central part. The crusts are often riddled with hair. The latter take on a dull appearance and resemble a dusty wig. The crusts tend to merge, the hair roots under them atrophy. The hair itself is not prone to breakage, but is easily removed. Persistent focal alopecia develops.

The lesions are sometimes covered with bran-like small scales, and on smooth areas purulent or yellowish-brown crusts are formed, in the center of which there are fluffy hairs.


This scalp disease is caused by a fungus transmitted through contact with sick pets or a sick person and is contagious. On the skin there are foci of skin pityriasis peeling with clear boundaries, accompanied by itching. Hair in the area of ​​lesions break off at a distance of 5-7 mm from the surface of the skin, covered with a whitish film and have a dull grayish color.


Its other name is "". It is transmitted through direct contact with sick dogs or cats, as well as through things belonging to a sick person. It can be superficial, which affects adolescents more often, and deep, affecting mainly young people. surface form manifested by small rounded foci, in the zone of which the hair is broken off at different heights from the skin surface. Their occurrence is accompanied by itching and peeling of the epithelium.

The deep form of the disease is characterized by small rounded foci of complete baldness. At the border of the foci, suppuration of the hair follicles occurs, accompanied by an unpleasant sweet smell. Along the edge of the foci, the hair is easily removed, and the rest of the scalp is covered with multiple crusts.

Pustular diseases of the scalp, or pyoderma

They make up large group a variety of lesions caused by various microorganisms. The latter are present on the surface of the skin or are brought into it from other foci of infection. These pathogens are often Staphylococcus aureus, less often - group A, C, F streptococci, pyogenic (pyogenic) streptococci or their association with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, coli, Proteus and other types of pathogenic microorganisms.

Pustular diseases can occur independently with low general or local skin immunity, especially with endocrine disorders and diabetes. However, they are often a complication of seborrhea, psoriasis, in which there are all conditions for the rapid reproduction and development of bacteria.

The main types of pyoderma


Represents a superficial pustule in the area of ​​the mouth hair follicle. It is preceded by the appearance around the hair of a reddish inflammatory spot with a diameter of up to 7 mm. A few hours later, an element (pustule) of a hemispherical shape with a diameter of up to 5 mm with a dense tire and a pinkish corolla develops. As a result of the opening of the pustule, yellow purulent contents are released and the ulcerative surface is exposed. After this, a crust is formed, which is subsequently rejected. In this place, a brownish-pink stain and slight peeling of the epidermis remain. Ostiofolliculitis in a few days (3-4) passes on its own without scar formation. In some cases, it can be complicated by other forms of pyoderma, such as folliculitis.


It is an acute purulent inflammation of the hair follicle. Unlike the previous form, it is accompanied by swelling (infiltration) around the pustule and significant soreness. After the process is resolved and the outflow of pus, a crust forms. In the future, resorption of the infiltrate or scar formation occurs. More deep process characterized by the spread of inflammation in the dermal layers and resolution within 1 week with the obligatory formation of a scar.


This is already a purulent-necrotic acute inflammatory process that affects the follicle, sebaceous gland and surrounding subcutaneous tissue. adipose tissue. It often occurs as further development ostiofolliculitis and/or folliculitis. An increase in the volume of the pustule is accompanied by severe pain and a significant infiltrate. After opening the lid of the pustule in the center of the latter, you can see a greenish necrotic core, which gradually separates along with liquid purulent contents. As the pus and rod are separated, the size of the infiltrate and the intensity of pain decrease. Healing ends with the formation of scar tissue.

The duration of the reverse development of the boil largely depends on the state of the body and its reactivity. Boils on the head are a risk of complications such as sepsis or thrombosis of superficial and / or deep veins, which are connected with the sinuses of the brain through anastomoses (connections).


Also purulent inflammation with tissue necrosis, but already several follicles. Inflammatory process spreads not only in the direction of the periphery of the main focus, but also in the depth of tissues. Around several hair follicles that are located in the center of the focus purulent inflammation develops deep skin necrosis. This area becomes purple-blue or black. In several of its sections, the tissue “melts” with the formation of multiple holes and the release of purulent-bloody contents from them. After that, at first a superficial ulcer with uneven outlines and greenish-yellow necrotic rods is formed. After their slow, in comparison with the boil, rejection, a deep ulcerative surface remains with “undermined” cyanotic tint, uneven and irregularly shaped edges.

Gradually, the ulcerative surface is completely cleared and covered with granulations, followed by the formation of a scar. The presence of a carbuncle is accompanied general intoxication, fever and, in some cases, an increase in the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes. This type of purulent inflammation on the head is also greater danger in terms of the occurrence of the above complications - sepsis and venous thrombosis.

All these dermatological diseases of the scalp require a thorough examination, ascertaining the presence concomitant pathology, specific individual approach in the choice of treatment and exclusion of cosmetic procedures, the consequence of which may be a deterioration in the course of the process and its spread.

Self-confidence and attractiveness to other people are two closely related concepts. And in many respects they depend on appearance. In fact, unkempt hair can alienate others and prevent you from building any kind of relationship: work, friendship or love. But the problem is that it is not always appearance hair depends on the degree of care. Sometimes visible unkemptness is a consequence of the disease, this is how oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp manifests itself, the symptoms and treatment of which we will discuss in more detail, give reviews, and also consider possible reasons her appearance.

Under oily seborrhea, dermatologists and trichologists mean a condition in which the sebaceous glands located in the skin of the scalp begin to work especially actively. As a result, the composition of sebum changes, and the skin is covered with many fairly large scales of light yellow color that line the head under the hair. The hair on the head begins to shine. Why does hair get oily?

What causes oily seborrhea? The reasons

In fact, doctors do not exactly know the factors that provoke the occurrence of such a pathology. But they have some guesses. Thus, physicians believe that similar condition may occur during the period of natural hormonal changes occurring in adolescence. After stabilization of the level of hormones in the blood, the condition of the scalp returns to normal.

Also, the reason for the development of oily seborrhea of ​​​​the head may lie in the presence of a genetic predisposition. More this disease can occur with hormonal disorders, namely with an excessive amount of male hormones (androgens) in the body. In women in this situation, there is a parallel decrease female hormones(estrogens), the pathology can be explained by ovarian disease, obesity, etc.

There are also a number of other ailments that can provoke the appearance of oily seborrhea. They are mainly represented by:

Violations in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;

Various pathologies of the central nervous system;

mental disorders;

Pathologies of the endocrine or thyroid gland;

Chronic fatigue syndrome;

Chronic infectious diseases;

And more serious ailments, such as cancer, Parkinson's disease.

Provoke the occurrence of oily seborrhea can be a violation of the diet, for example, eating a significant amount of spicy, salty, sweet and fatty. Consumption can be dangerous alcoholic beverages. Of course, oily seborrhea can develop with poor hygiene.

Symptoms of oily seborrhea

The disease makes itself felt quite characteristic symptoms of seborrhea. With such a disease, the scalp becomes shiny, which indicates excessive secretion of subcutaneous fat. When touching oily skin, sebum can remain on the fingers. Seborrhea usually causes severe itching, accompanied by hair loss. With this violation fat head seems to be constantly wet. And the hair becomes oily already a few hours after washing and the head quickly becomes unkempt. Clogged pores can cause acne.

The affected areas of the head are covered with large scales of light yellow color. If you exfoliate them forcibly, you can notice pink, inflamed skin under them. Of course, such a state of hair on the head is not healthy. What to do with hair and scalp?

Treatment methods for oily seborrhea

A specialist trichologist or a dermatologist will help you choose an effective method of treating oily seborrhea. Shampoos designed to care for especially oily hair help to cope with the external manifestations of the disease. Basically, they contain herbal ingredients represented by horsetail, nettle, shawl and coltsfoot. They can also contain a variety of vitamin components and minerals. Special medicated shampoos With antifungal components, zinc, tar, etc. (Nizoral, Sulsen, Sebuton, Zincon, etc.).

Of course, for successful correction disease, it is important to identify the cause of its occurrence in time and treat seborrhea. So, with hormonal disorders, you may need to take hormonal drugs, disorders in the gastrointestinal tract require adherence to a strict diet and taking medications prescribed by a specialist. Diagnosed infectious lesions chronic forms also require appropriate correction to achieve stable remission.

Patients with oily seborrhea are strongly advised to adhere to the correct balanced nutrition, accept vitamin complexes(Zinc Lozenges, as well as the Super Complex can be an excellent option), group B vitamins are considered especially useful, products with bismuth and bromine can be used.

The scalp is exposed various diseases no less than any other part of the body. Any of the following diseases delivers a mass discomfort, worsens the condition of the hairline.

With the timely detection of a problem and with the necessary knowledge about how the disease proceeds and what its causes are, the disease can be eliminated at the earliest stages. For correct setting diagnosis and treatment appointment, a visit to a specialist is very important, since when self combat with the disease, there is a chance to worsen your condition.

Types of diseases of the skin of the head

Depending on the causes, there are general views heads:

  • Dermatological diseases.
  • Fungal diseases.
  • Diseases of the autoimmune system.
  • Infectious diseases of the skin.

Dermatological diseases

This type includes:

  • Hyperkeratosis.

The consequence of disruption of the sebaceous glands of the skin, leads to reproduction conditionally pathogenic microflora. It is the most common skin disease of the head.

Causes of scalp seborrhea include:

  • Heredity, since often seborrhea is a family disease transmitted at the gene level.
  • Hormonal changes, and during puberty the disease is functional in nature, and the symptoms disappear with the restoration of normal hormonal levels. However, if the level of androgens is disturbed, testicular tumors in men, ovarian diseases in women, such as polycystic disease, can be the cause of seborrhea.
  • Diseases of the nervous system, stress.
  • Violations in the digestive tract, lack of vitamins, malnutrition.
  • Problems endocrine system.

Types of seborrhea:

  • Oily.
  • Dry.
  • Mixed.
  • Sign of oily seborrhea is thickened thick skin heads. Hair becomes stiff. The mouths of the sebaceous glands expand, the skin is dirty gray. Comedones and acne appear. The hairy surface of the skin is covered oily dandruff. If the disease is started, oily seborrhea can provoke pustular formations, furunculosis.
  • A sign of dry seborrhea is dandruff.. Causes peeling, sometimes severe, with abundant appearance dandruff, the patient is itchy, the hair becomes thinner and breaks off.
  • With mixed seborrhea, the skin of the face in the nasolabial triangle is oily, with wide polluted pores, the skin of the cheeks is dry. The hairy surface is often oily.

To avoid seborrhea, you must adhere to such measures:

When signs of seborrhea appear, it is better to consult a specialist. Depending on the causes of occurrence, this may be a dermatologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, etc.

To identify the causes and eliminate the symptoms of seborrhea, the following measures are taken:

  • A visit to a specialist is required: a dermatologist, an andrologist for men, a gynecologist for women, an endocrinologist, a neuropathologist.
  • A diet is prescribed: fats, carbohydrates and salt are minimized. The diet should be dominated by fiber (fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, buckwheat, bran), protein (lean meat, fish, cottage cheese), dairy products; restriction of alcohol and nicotine.
  • Problems of the CNS and digestive tract, are eliminated chronic lesions diseases.
  • Medical therapy.
  • Physiotherapy.

Medical methods include:

  • Treatment with antifungal drugs, the most effective is ketoconazole. In tablet form, or as part of shampoos and ointments, it kills the fungus, normalizes the sebaceous glands, eliminates itching and excessive peeling.
  • Help with difficult cases hormonal antiandrogenic drugs, the course of treatment will be determined by a specialist.
  • For general strengthening action vitamin and mineral complexes enriched with zinc, copper, and sulfur are prescribed.
  • For oily seborrhea help rubbing the solution into the scalp salicylic acid, Naftalan oil, Sulsena paste.
  • Dry seborrhea treated with creams and ointments containing sulfur, salicylic acid.


One of the dermatological diseases of the scalp is hyperkeratosis. This disease is characterized by repeated thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Excess keratin does not allow dead scales to peel off, but sticks them tightly together. As a result upper layer skin is abnormally thickened.

Hyperkeratosis can be determined by visual inspection. On the scalp, the presence of small pimples and brown bumps is noted, roughness and irregularities appear. With hyperkeratosis of the scalp, the hair becomes dull, brittle, the ends are split, dandruff appears.

This ailment is pathological condition, bearing serious harm health. On the aesthetic side - an unattractive appearance, partial and complete baldness is possible if the disease is started or treated incorrectly. On the other hand, violate metabolic processes in the skin, the localization of the disease increases, as a result of stress and insomnia, the nervous system of the patient suffers.

The causes of hyperkeratosis often lie in diseases of internal organs, tissues or systems:

  • Violation of the liver.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system: improper functioning of the thyroid gland or diabetes mellitus.
  • Diseases of the hematopoietic system.
  • Genetic diseases of the ichthyosis group.
  • Lichen varieties.
  • Violation of the digestive tract, unbalanced nutrition.
  • Pathological conditions of the nervous system: stress and depression.
  • External factors, such as the constant and excessive pressure of the headgear, the tight tightening of the hair with rubber bands, improper hygiene and care, can provoke the development of this disease, aggravate the condition.

The disease is chronic and therefore cannot be completely cured. However, at right approach, you can stop its flow and spread, minimize unpleasant symptoms and aesthetic manifestations of this disease. The course of treatment is selected individually, by a qualified specialist.

Methods of dealing with hyperkeratosis of the scalp:

  • vitamin therapy(prescription of retinoids, ascorbic acid, tretionin, calpotriol). These and many other drugs are prescribed both orally and as ointments and creams, they help fight dry skin, normalize, relieve irritation and heal damaged areas.
  • hormone therapy(drugs of the corticosteroid group). It is applied topically to the affected areas. Relieves inflammation, normalizes the condition of the skin.
  • Creams and ointments rich in fats, to improve the lipid composition of the skin and retain moisture.
  • In particular cases, a course of laser therapy is used.
  • Salon procedures: peelings based on salicylic and fruit acids.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases leading to the development of hyperkeratosis.

fungal diseases

It has the following properties:

  • Eliminates itching and flaking of the scalp
  • Awakens dormant hair follicles
  • Stops hair loss
  • Restores hair health, strength and beauty!

Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases of the skin are contagious, are the result of contact with the patient, his things, non-compliance with hygiene.

The following infectious diseases affect the scalp:

  • Pediculosis
  • Folliculitis


It is difficult to determine the disease in the early stages, however, lice multiply very quickly.

The main signs of a head lice infestation are:

Choice pharmaceutical products for the treatment of pediculosis is wide enough - shampoos, ointments, sprays. The preparations effectively act both on lice and on their larvae.

The most common drugs include:

  • Pair plus.
  • Nyuda.
  • Medifox.
  • Spray-pax, etc.


The disease has infectious nature pathogens can be bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites. It is characterized by inflammation of the hair follicle, suppuration, and the formation of crusts at the site of the pustule.

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