What is rose oil for? Magic elixir of youth - rose oil. Contraindications for use

They make oil from roses and the oil is called “pink”, -

Help with various diseases, as well as in the cases of many;
"On the Properties of Herbs" Odo of Mena

General information

Rose is the queen of flowers and aromas, and in aromatherapy also - essential oils. A flower with a warm, slightly spicy, deep and sweet smell, was one of the first to be used for the production of essential oils.
rose oil produced from rosescentifolia (centifolia), which is grown in Morocco and in Grasse (the center of French perfumery). Rose gallica (Gallic) grown in France rose damascene (damask) in Bulgaria and Turkey. Oil of the best quality obtained from the Kazanlak rose RoseDamascene Mill, growing in Bulgaria, in the "Valley of Roses". Flowers are harvested early morning with dew drops and immediately used in production, the oil yield is 0.025-0.04%. To obtain 100 g of oil, 250-400 kg of petals are needed, so rose oil is very expensive.

That's why rose oil sometimes replaced by cheaper geranium. So, if you have fresh rose petals and desire, then you can make rose oil at home.

Oil obtained from different types roses, differs in smell and in the composition of its constituent components, and hence in properties. So, cabbage rose, compared with Damascus, has more strong bactericidal and soothing properties, and is also more powerful aphrodisiac.

History and myths

It is believed that for the first time essential rose oil was made by Avicenna in the 10th century. From the eastern countries, the rose was brought to Ancient Greece. Greek doctor Hippocrates and his students used rose oil to treat women's diseases, diseases digestive system. Roman and Egyptian medicine highly appreciated the aroma of roses. The floor in the rooms of Nero's palace was covered with rose petals with a layer of 10 cm, and there were special holes in the ceiling from which flowers and rose petals fell.

In the Middle Ages, annual holidays were held in honor of the rose. The oldest remedies made from rose petals were pink water, oils and ointments.

O medicinal properties Rose oil is written by Odo of Mena in his treatise On the Properties of Herbs. He wrote that rose essential oil used in the Middle Ages in diseases of the stomach, to relieve headaches and toothaches, elimination of itching and cleansing of wounds, as well as used in gynecological diseases.

Features of rose oil

Rose is ruled by the planet Venus, which is why the rose is considered a feminine essential oil. Unique properties rose oil, first of all, are in the treatment diseases reproductive system . Pink

oil regulates and tones the muscles of the uterus, promotes conception, used attreatment of infertility, frigidity, as well as impotence and even stimulates the process of sperm formation in a man's body.

The antiseptic properties of the oil are used in therapy to combat various skin infections(viral, fungal, bacterial), not treatable with antibiotics.

The oil has an intense effect and requires compliance with dosages and careful use.

Characteristics and healing properties, dosages, use of rose oil

Latin name Rose Сentifolia (centifolia rose), Rose Gallica (Gallic or French rose), Rose Damascene (Damask rose)
plant type Flower
Genus Rose hip
Family Rosaceae
Aroma floral sweet
Extract Method Distillation
Used part flower petals
Chemical composition, main components alcohols (nerol, geraniol, farnesol, citronellol), geranic acid, terpenes (myrcene), phenol (eugenol)
Planet Venus
Element Water
Zodiac sign Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Libra
Chinese horoscope Rat, Dragon, Pig, Tiger
Compatible with essential oils Orange, Lavender, Patchouli, Jasmine, Rose, Palmarosa, Sandalwood, Neroli, Pelargonium, Chamomile, Clary Sage


cosmetic Rejuvenates, regenerates, tones, refreshes the skin, smoothes wrinkles, restores facial contours
healing bactericidal, antiseptic, blood cleanser, antispasmodic, vasodilator, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, diuretic, laxative, sedative, tonic, antidepressant, aphrodisiac
Improves mood, relieves emotional stress and fatigue, improves relationships with people
bioenergy protects from ill-wishers, envy; restores aura; relieves of an inferiority complex; helps to overcome difficulties, to achieve success in work; fills the aura with warmth and light, creates a state of love, coziness and comfort in the house; increases sociability


aromatherapy Application methods
soothes nervous system, eliminates irritability, sadness, postpartum stress, insomnia aroma lamps, cold inhalation, bath, massage, internal application
reduces dependence on weather conditions
regulates cardiac activity, stimulates blood circulation, increases capillary tone aroma lamps, cold inhalation, internal use
relieves spasms of blood vessels, improves coronary circulation aroma lamps, cold inhalation, internal use
lowers blood pressure aroma lamps, internal use
acts as an antiseptic for bronchitis, asthma, cough, sore throat aroma lamps, cold inhalation, massage, internal use
normalizes metabolic processes, helps to improve the processes of digestion, with dysbacteriosis, peptic ulcers Gastrointestinal, reduces vomiting, nausea aroma lamps, cold inhalation, bath, internal use, compress, abdominal massage
tones the liver, gallbladder, spleen; aroma lamps, cold inhalation, bath, internal use
pain reliever for arthritis, rheumatism aroma lamps, cold inhalation, massage, bath, compress, massage, internal use
for migraine and headache oil compress on whiskey, cold inhalation
soothes ear pain warm compress
removes toothache with caries, used in the treatment of pulpitis, periodontal disease applications, rinsing
governs menstrual cycle, reduces excessive bleeding, increases the ability to conceive, is used in the treatment of infertility, frigidity aroma lamps, cold inhalation, internal use, douching

Cosmetic and dermatological action

Refreshes, improves firmness and elasticity of any skin, especially dry and sensitive
cleanses pores, relieves puffiness, swelling of the eyelids, blue circles under the eyes
compress, cream enrichment
Effectively treats dermatitis, eczema, herpes, acne, psoriasis, fungal infections skin, skin cracks compress


aroma burners, aroma lamps 3-5 drops per 15 m2
applications 1-2 drops
internal use* 1 drop with 1 teaspoon of honey 3 times a day
cold inhalation (aroma pendant, handkerchief) 2-3 drops
baths 6-7 drops
massage 2-3 drops per 10 ml base oil
douching 3 drops with ½ teaspoon of soda to 300 ml of distilled water
eye baths 1 drop per glass of distilled water
rinsing 1-3 drops per 1 liter of water 3-5 times a day
skin spray 1-2 drops per glass of distilled water, use daily
compress 8-10 drops per 10 ml base oil
cream enrichment, shampoo base, gel 8-10 drops per 10 g base
Contraindications when used for more than two weeks - take a break *; do not use
during the first 5 months of pregnancy
Precautionary measures with caution at low pressure

*ATTENTION! Use only natural 100% rose essential oil obtained by distillation. Do not drink specifics and "absolutes".

Internal application essential oil roses:

  • With menopause: in an infusion of herb cuff (1 teaspoon of grass pour a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes), add 2-3 drops of oil, take twice a day, the course is a month.
  • For angina attacks: add 2-3 drops of rose oil to a teaspoon of honey and dilute warm water up to 1/3 of a glass.
  • With depression: rose oil 1-2 drops diluted in a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, take before lunch once a day.


"Aromatherapy" by Denis Vicello Brown
"Treatment with oils" by A. Semenov
"Secrets of Cleopatra" M Kedrov
"Oil that heals" M. Kedrov
<Aromatherapy A to Z by Patricia Davis
Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Wanda Sellar
“Deceiving age. The practice of rejuvenation "Dmitrievskaya L.
"Fragrant pharmacy. Secrets of aromatherapy» Vladislav S. Brud Ivona Konapatskaya.
“Inhaling the marvelous aroma. Aromatherapy is a pleasant and easy way of treatment” Lavrenova Galina

Rose is the noble queen of flowers and the queen of fragrances, which reveals to us the secrets of beauty and gives us amazing rose oil.

A romantic legend says that rose oil appeared due to the love of Emperor Diyhangur for Princess Nur Diykhan. The emperor prepared a surprise for his beloved by ordering the royal gardens and fountains to be sprinkled with rose petals. During one of the walks, his beloved was pleasantly shocked by what he saw. The interest and admiration with which she examined all this charm brought an unexpected result: the princess saw an oily residue on the water in one of the fountains. After lightly touching the water, she noticed oil on the palm of her hand, which emitted a pleasant aroma as it soaked into the skin. After that, the emperor, like a real man who is ready for anything for his lady, began the production of rose oil in order to please his wife again and again and see a happy smile on her face.

In cosmetology, rose petal oil obtained by hydrodistillation is considered the most valuable, although there are no visible differences: the quality of the original product depends on the manufacturer. The second well-known method is steam distillation, which is widely used in Bulgaria, where this method can be called traditional.

Moroccan and Damask rose:

  • farnesol is used as a fixative with a persistent aroma of lilies of the valley;
  • stearopten, like camphor, is used in medicine, cosmetology, and cooking;
  • geraniol lowers blood pressure, repels insects well and kills fungus;
  • neroli has decongestant properties, and also prevents the appearance of herpes;
  • citronellol is widely used in perfumery and for the production of food components;
  • phenylethanol endows the produced perfumery products with fragrant properties.

Rose oil is ideal for smoothing wrinkles, it gives elasticity to the skin, and is also very beneficial for the eyelids. In order to endow the oil with additional beneficial properties, it can be combined with oils of jasmine, lavender, orange, bergamot, clove, chamomile, sage, neroli, palmarosa, patchouli, geranium and sandalwood.

Using this product, you can get a number of useful properties that will help you not only look good, but also improve the internal functioning of the female body:

  • improves sleep, and also relieves increased anxiety;
  • helps in the treatment of the female reproductive system;
  • stimulates menstruation and normalizes the heart rhythm;
  • relieves premenstrual syndrome, menstrual pain;
  • relieves postpartum stress and eliminates neuroses;
  • restores disturbed hormonal balance;
  • contributes to the normal functioning of the endocrine glands;
  • eliminates enzymatic insufficiency of the stomach.

Also, rose oil reduces absent-mindedness, improves memory, energizes and increases efficiency. It is able to heal mucous membranes, helps with coughs, migraines and headaches, can relieve spasms and be used as an antidepressant, as well as for the prevention of influenza. This excellent tonic has a positive effect on nausea, dizziness, periodontal disease, asthenia, stomatitis, problems of the alimentary tract.

Cosmetic properties:

  • improves skin elasticity, giving elasticity;
  • eliminates peeling, as well as skin irritation;
  • gives the skin a more beautiful, uniform color;
  • rejuvenates the skin and regenerates its cells;
  • helps to eliminate the formed scars;
  • improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Rose essential oil is endowed with antiseptic, antifungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, it can be used as an aphrodisiac to stimulate sexual desire. In addition, it is a good astringent and blood cleanser, whose fragrance will retain its scent for a long time both in the bottle and on your body.

Rose oil in aromatherapy

Application options:

  1. Oil burner. First, prepare a container for evaporation, preferably medium in size (in small ones, water evaporates quickly). After that, pour warm water into the aroma lamp. Add essential oil in an amount of about 2 drops per 5 sq. meters of room area. Next, you can light a candle, which, when the water is slowly heated, will provide a pleasant and lasting aroma. In order to get a better result of using an aroma lamp, you need to ventilate the room in advance and close all windows and doors.
  2. Aromatic bath. Fill the bath with water at the desired temperature, then mix the desired amount of rose essential oil with one of the emulsifiers. For this purpose, you can use, for example, honey or milk. After that, just dissolve the resulting mixture in a filled bath and enjoy the relaxation process, after which you will feel as if you were born again.
  3. Inhalation. The aroma of rose essential oil can be inhaled directly from the bottle, although it is much more convenient to apply it on a cloth. If you are just discovering this method, reduce the time of the first inhalations to five minutes. Once you get used to it, you can increase the duration to ten minutes. You can feel the beneficial properties of this method with proper breathing, which should be deep and even.

Maintain skin beauty

With the help of compresses, you can get tangible benefits for the skin: from the usual support of skin elasticity and ending with its smoothing from wrinkles and the resolution of scars. For 500 ml of warm water, 7-8 drops of rose essential oil are enough. Next, immerse a towel or cotton napkin in the resulting solution, after which you need to squeeze out a little excess liquid. Now you can start creating a compress: put your towel on the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, cover it with compress paper and fix it using a thin, dry cloth. While the compress is warm, lie down with it for about 30-40 minutes.

Massage helps aromatic substances penetrate the skin faster and have a complex effect on the body: the endocrine and nervous systems, the circulatory system, as well as some organs will thank you if you pamper yourself with a pleasant massage. First you need a massage or functional oil. Use the proportions of 50 ml of this oil to 15 drops of rose essential oil and shake well.

You can also easily prepare a cream: 15 drops of essential oil from rose petals is enough for 50 ml of a good cream. It is recommended to use a cream without an excess of its constituent components.

Hair care

Neutral Shampoo is a great essential oil solvent to help eliminate dandruff, strengthen hair and improve scalp health. Dilute 10-12 drops of oil in 100 ml of shampoo, and after a shower, you can feel a slight residue of the gentle aroma of your hair.

No less useful will be the process of rinsing the hair. In order to prepare the rinse liquid, take 5 ml. alcohol (70%), a liter of warm water and 8-10 drops of rose essential oil. This method is used after shampooing, which will perfectly complete the shampooing prepared in the manner described above.


As practice shows, rose oil is almost harmless, an individual intolerance to this product can become an obstacle to its use. In addition, there is one interesting point: some essential oils should not be used before going out in the sun, but if this happened, the rose will help you with this problem. Make a compress using 2 drops of rose oil per 1 tbsp. a spoonful of kefir Such a compress should be applied to the stain for 2-3 weeks, which will help to lighten it.

A rose is not only a beautiful flower with luxurious petals and a pleasant aroma: there is the same name in the world, whose owners are impulsive and belong to mysterious personalities. The superficial equanimity of the Rose hides under a veil a strong-willed nature, like a rose that hides its thorns and hurts only those who dare to disturb its peace. Perhaps this state of affairs is not a coincidence, but another legend of romantic love, as a result of which the flower got the name of a girl ... or vice versa.

Roses are one of the most loved flowers by women. These beautiful plants have always been famous for their delicate aroma. Their petals, rich in high content of B and C vitamins, carotene, calcium and various chemical elements, have especially useful properties. From fresh petals, using steam distillation, hydrodistillation or solvent extraction, an essential oil is obtained, which is widely used in cosmetology and perfumery.

As an additional remedy, rose essential oil can be included in various self-prepared masks, creams, oil formulations aimed at strengthening and moisturizing the skin. With regular use, the oil smoothes wrinkles, improves, restores elasticity, as well as firmness, removes inflammation, peeling and scars. In addition, rose ether helps with acne and herpes. Rose essential oil is a universal care product for every skin type, especially for aging, sensitive, dry skin.

Rose essential oil - use for the face as a tonic

The use of rose ether as a component of lotions and tonics helps to restore the water-lipid balance of the skin. Especially well this oil helps to care for the skin of the eyelids. You need to use these tools regularly.

Recipe 1. This ideal cleansing lotion has a positive effect on all skin types. Its basis in the preparation is made up of various oils:

  • almond (65 ml);
  • roses (up to 2 drops);
  • peach (2 tsp);
  • sesame (1.5-2 tablespoons).

Pour all ingredients into a sterilized bottle, stopper and shake for several minutes until completely mixed.

Recipe 2. To prepare a tonic that improves blood circulation and cleanses the pores, you will need the following ingredients:

  • chamomile infusion (0.5 tbsp.);
  • rose ether (up to 2 drops).

Strain the chamomile infusion into a bottle. Add pink ether to the liquid and shake to mix the ingredients. Infuse for about 48 hours, additionally shaking. After that, strain the liquid through a paper filter and pour into a newly sterilized bottle.

Recipe 3. A refreshing tonic using this ether is very easy to prepare. To do this, simply add 5-6 drops of rose ether to a glass of cooled boiled water. Wipe the face with this tonic should be after cleansing the skin.

Recipe 4. This cleansing tonic is more suitable for oily skin. To prepare it, you will need:

  • pink ether (up to 10 cap.);
  • boiled water (250 ml);
  • alcohol 40% (50 ml);
  • glycerin (1/2 cup).

Mix all ingredients. Wipe face after cleansing.

Recipe 5. By adding rose ether (6-8 drops) to mineral water (200 ml) you can get a refreshing tonic. And pouring it into a spray bottle, we get a fragrant spray.

Rose oil face masks

Pink ether is suitable for the preparation of masks for various purposes: cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing, toning.

Purifying mask

This mask helps to cleanse the skin, eliminate oily sheen. It is prepared from:

  • cosmetic clay (1.5-2 tablespoons);
  • oils:
  • hazelnut and wild rose (up to 1.5 tsp);
  • geranium and rose (up to 2 drops);
  • honey (1 tsp).

Thoroughly mixed composition, apply to the face. Wash off after drying. It is recommended to apply one to two times a week.

Nourishing mask

You can prepare such a mask suitable for any type of skin from:

  • yolk (1 pc.);
  • oils:
  • almond and avocado (0.5-1 tbsp each);
  • rose (about 3 drops);
  • lemon juice, honey (0.5 tsp each).

Mix all the ingredients together, apply the resulting mixture for half an hour, then rinse.

Moisturizing mask

This mask, penetrating deep into the skin, allows you to perfectly moisturize and nourish it. It consists of:

  • sour cream (1/2 cup);
  • rose ether (up to 4 drops);
  • lemon (1.5-2 tablespoons juice);
  • calendula oil (1.5-2 tsp).

The resulting mixture is applied for 10-12 minutes, after which it is washed off.

One of the options for a moisturizing mask is a mixture consisting of:

  • cream (1-1.5 tsp);
  • rose ether (about 2 drops);
  • yolk (1 pc.).

Apply the resulting mask for 20-25 minutes, then rinse. Apply 1-3 times a week.

Universal mask

This mask will nourish and smooth the skin. For its preparation, oils are needed:

  • calendula (1 tablespoon);
  • chamomile, roses (about 2 drops each);
  • cloves (1 cap.);
  • sandalwood (up to 3 drops).

Apply the composition on the face and neck for 10-15 minutes. Then blot the excess with a napkin.

Mask 5 lifting effect


  • yolk (1 pc.);
  • oils:
  • jojoba (0.5 tsp);
  • fennel, rose and neroli (about 2 drops each);
  • lime (up to 4 drops);
  • white clay (1.5-2 tablespoons).

The mask is applied after a small self-massage of the face for 10-30 minutes. Squeeze out the gauze soaked in cool water, and, putting it on the face, tie the ends at the crown.

Creams with rose essential oil

Creams for smoothing wrinkles

Such a cream can be made independently, it is prepared from:

  • glycerin (10 ml);
  • vitamin E (1 cap.);
  • oils:
  • apricot (3.5 tablespoons);
  • roses (up to 2 drops);
  • avocado (2.5-3 tablespoons);
  • almond (0.5 tsp);
  • lanolin (30 gr);
  • elderberry infusion (30 ml).

Warm the elderberry infusion in a small container. In another container, lightly heat 3 base cosmetic oils. Adding lanolin to them, stir until melted. Pour the infusion into the mass removed from the heat, whisking. Add glycerin, ether and vitamin E. Transfer to a small jar for storage.

Cream for dry skin

From dryness and peeling of the skin, a cream is suitable, the ingredients of which are:

  • badger fat (0.5-1 tbsp. l);
  • vitamin E (up to 3 drops);
  • oils:
  • St. John's wort (1.5-2 tablespoons);
  • rose (0.5 tsp).

Beat all the ingredients until a creamy mass is obtained. Use the cream before bed.

Nutritious cream

  • beeswax (30 gr);
  • oils:
  • avocado and peach (2.5 tablespoons each);
  • lemon (up to 12 cap.);
  • roses (about 2 drops);
  • grape seeds (0.5 tbsp. l.);
  • glycerin (10 ml);
  • chamomile decoction (30 ml).

In a suitable container, lightly heat 3 basic cosmetic oils and melt the wax. In the mixture removed from the fire, add a decoction of chamomile, and then glycerin and esters. Transfer the prepared storage to a small container.

One of the options for a nourishing cream is a mixture:

  • cocoa butter (1-1.5 tablespoons)
  • vitamin E (0.5-1 tsp)
  • rose ether (from 1 to 3 drops)

Heat cocoa butter in the microwave (1 minute), add vitamin E, ether, mix and pour into the prepared jar.

Balms with rose ether protect lips from drying out and cracking. These balms can be used as a separate product, or additionally on top of lipstick. The most suitable container for prepared balms are tubes from old lipsticks.

To prepare a restorative lip remedy, oils are needed:

  • lemon balm, rose (up to 2 drops);
  • macadamia (1 tbsp. l).

Lubricate the lips with the resulting composition 2-4 times a day.

To prepare a nourishing lip gloss, you will need:

  • beeswax (crushed, up to 2 tsp);
  • vitamin E (1 cap.);
  • hazelnut oil (1-1.5 tsp);
  • liquid paraffin (1 tsp);
  • rose ether (up to 3 drops).

Using a steam bath, melt the crushed wax with paraffin and jojoba. After that, the mixture, stirring constantly, cool. Pour in vitamin E, ether and mix everything. Carefully pour the resulting mass into a tube or jar prepared for storage, put in the refrigerator until it solidifies.

Soften and moisturize chapped or chapped lips with a nourishing balm. To prepare it, you need the following ingredients:

  • aloe (2 tsp of leaf pulp);
  • mineral water (without gases, 10 ml);
  • beeswax (5 gr);
  • oils:
  • avocado (4 ml);
  • hazelnut (5 tsp);
  • rose, sandalwood (about 2 drops each);
  • macadamia (4 ml);
  • natural lanolin (3 gr).

Add hazelnut, jojoba and wheat germ oil to the aloe pulp filled with water, heat over low heat. Melt anhydrous lanolin and wax in a steam bath. Add a mixture of oils and aloe to the melted mass, mix well. In a well-cooled mixture, add esters and beat until the balm cools completely. Pour into prepared storage container. Regular use of this balm heals and restores lips.

As with any essential oil, a preliminary skin reaction test should be performed by applying the ether to the wrist or crook of the elbow. In case of individual intolerance, the use of the drug should be discontinued. Rose ether should not be applied in its pure form. Regular use of rose essential oil for the face as an auxiliary component of lotions, masks, creams, balms allows you to moisturize the skin, restore elasticity and firmness.

Application, cooking recipes and healing properties of rose oil.

APPLICATION. rose oil - obtained from rose petals, which contain up to 0.02% essential oils quite complex composition.

Rose oil for the health and rejuvenation of a woman, the body inside and out, a child. Video

HEALING PROPERTIES OF ROSE OIL. rose oil as a remedy has been known since ancient times. The oil was used inside, liver,. Rose oil was also included in the composition of ointments and cosmetics.

Rose essential oil fights against hemophilia, against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. It is included in inhalation mixtures and ointments for physical procedures.

Rose oil. rose flowers - a source of valuable oil, which, in addition to emphasizing the beauty of the female body, has a calming effect on the senses, especially during depression, and also softens the manifestations of tension before menstruation. Rose fragrance to get rid of and fatigue.A mixture of rose oil and vinegar can be used in the treatment of infected wounds. , diseases in the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis and influenza.

Rose essential oil. Oil smell- sweet, tart. Oil helps to get into a romantic mood, promotes liberation. It relieves headaches, has a beneficial effect on the skin.
Rose oil has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and soothing effects. There is evidence that this remedy has an antiseptic effect. with catarrhal (not fibrous) types of gingivitis.

Rose oil. Video


For the manufacture of rose oil, such varieties of roses are used, such as the Damascus rose, the Kazanlak rose, and some other species.
For the preparation of rose oil according to the recipe below, the raw materials of the Damascus rose are used.
damask rose- shrub thorny in height up to two meters. It has pink or red petals. This species was bred in a special way by different varieties of crossing.


Natural rose oil can be called the most common and popular among all women. Rose cosmetic preparations are widely used in cosmetology, and it is not at all accidental, as the rose has a wonderful effect on the skin and makes it extraordinarily beautiful and well-groomed. Rose not for nothing that youth was also considered a symbol of beauty. Roman beauties lay for hours in a bath with rose petals, after which to Their skin became unusually fragrant, fresh, tender and elastic.
Cosmetic products with rose oil or rose water have a number of advantages and an extensive effect. Never does not cause allergic reactions, so if your skin is too sensitive and you can’t find a suitable remedy for caring for her, you can firmly be sure that rose oil will definitely help you out and give beauty to your skin and health.
Rose oil has an antimicrobial and healing effect, promotes rapid skin regeneration and renewal of the surface layer. . With rose oil, preparations for sensitive skin are ideal, as well as for aging, fading skin. You can use creams prepared on the basis of rose oil and special tonic lotions, which have a number of positive properties.

Pink water- This is a universal tonic lotion, which is perfect for any skin type. This product is excellent for sensitive skin care, because when used systematically, young skin is gradually cleansed, its protective properties are activated and the fat balance is normalized, due to which pustules and acne are completely prevented. In addition, rose water has a remarkable property: it moisturizes the skin, nourishes its tone, raises it and contributes to the disappearance of fine wrinkles.
rose water you can buy it ready-made in the store, but it’s better to make it yourself, at home. It can be used not only as a lotion, but also as an additional component added to the water when bathing.

RECIPE WITH ROSE OIL 1. Required: thirty gr. rose petals, four hundred ml. olive oil.

Manufacturing method and application: from impurities rose petals peeled with olive oil mix. Store the product in a tightly sealed glass container, exposed to the sun. This is a rare case when raw materials are placed not in a cool dark place for manufacturing, but are substituted under the sun's rays. Insist at least seven days.

ROSE WATER RECIPE 2. At home, you can get rose water, in which essential oil is contained in the form of dissolved. Process distillation of essential oil and obtaining aromatic water in its distillation is (oil) with water vapor.
This is one of the oldest and most reliable ways to obtain essential oils. In order to drive off volatile substances with water steam, load crushed raw materials into the apparatus, fill it with water and heat to a boil. Essential oil and water vapor enter the refrigerator, where the condensation process occurs. Thus the liquid obtained distillate is called. In a special vessel (florestine), it splits into water, in which oil particles are dissolved, and essential oil itself.
For rose water getting at home, it is necessary to have a glass flask with a wide neck (thirty to forty mm.) With a capacity of two to three liters (made of heat-resistant glass), a rubber stopper (for a flask), two to three meters of a rubber tube with an internal diameter of eight to ten mm, tripod.
Technological process fragrant rose water obtaining (distillate), in which are dissolved oil particles as follows: fill the flask with crushed raw materials by a third and add tap water until the flask is filled by 0.500. After that, close the flask with a rubber stopper and install it on the electric stove with the heating element closed, putting the asbestos sheet in advance.
When in a flask water will boil with raw materials together, essential oil stripping starts. Condensed essential oil vapor, and distillate flows into the jar.
Watch the intensity of boiling in the flask of the mixture. With rapid boiling, transfer is possible. Adjust the boiling intensity of the heating element, or raise the flask above the electric stove using a tripod.
To drive away essential oil completely, boil off half the water in about a flask.
Quantity insignificant essential oils from distillate separated in the form of a thin film due to their specific difference weight. Everything else remains dissolved in it. This is what d eared or aromatic water. For long-term storage, add thirty to forty ml to this water. 96% ethyl alcohol.

Rose essential oil:
- has an anti-inflammatory effect, antiviral and antifungal;
- attention concentrates, memory improves and tones;
- soothes when overexcited;
- system cardio - vascular activity normalizes;
- ;
- is an aphrodisiac;
- ;
- ;
- restores the hormonal background;
- eliminates dysbacteriosis.

OUTDOOR USE. INDICATIONS FOR USE OF ROSE OIL. Rose essential oil is called "feminine" oil , since the oil helps on days, darkened PMS, acts as an anesthetic and normalizes the amount of discharge on the days of menstruation, relieves thrush, relieves postpartum stress.
Rose essential oil is used in cosmetology for body skin and hair care. . Influencing the skin, it well rejuvenates and smoothes small wrinkles, increases its elasticity and elasticity. In combination with other components, it regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminates skin irritation and flaking, makes it healthy and beautiful. And moreover, they are used for removal scars, scars and stretch marks.


Treatment of thrush with rose essential oil. To eliminate thrush douching helps at home based on the following calculation: three drops rose essential oil(drop on a teaspoon of soda) for five hundred ml boiled water.

occurrence with rose oil. Rinsing your mouth with a solution at the rate of one drop will help. rose essential oil(drop half a teaspoon soda) per hundred ml. water. Rose essential oil for overall well-being take three times a day before meals - one drop of oil per piece of sugar.

Rose essential oil can be added to the bath (ten drops) for stress relief and relaxation and improvement of skin and hair condition. Due to the fact that rose essential oils molecules penetrate quickly into the epidermis, there is no need to take a bath for more than ten minutes.
Can do bath mix, which will make your skin soft and velvety. The composition of the mixture:milk(one litre), honey(one tablespoon), rose essential oil(ten drops). warm up milk with honey m and mix add rose essential oil and pour everything into the bath. For simplicity, instead of mixture of milk and honey glass of kefir fit or regular liquid yogurt.

MASSAGE OIL FOR LOVERS: rose essential oil (four drops), sandalwood oil (five drops), ylang-ylang essential oil (one drop), peach oil (fifty ml.).



PINK WATER. The simplest thing to do from rose essential oil- this is pink water, which can be wiped skin instead of lotion. It will take two hundred and fifty ml. boiled water and two drops of rose essential oil. Using a regular lotion of this oily shine will relieve the T-zone, narrow the pores, and remove “crow's feet” from the eyes. rose water moisten a couple of cotton pads and put on closed eyelids, this the swelling will be removed, and after several procedures, it will relieve the bags.

MASK - SCRUB FOR DEcolleté and FACIAL SKIN. Compound: honey(0.500 teaspoon), pink water(one teaspoon) ground almonds(a couple of teaspoons). Mix everything, apply on the skin gently, rinse with cool water after fifteen minutes.

NIGHT CREAM ANTI-AGING. Cream composition : rose essential oils o (three drops), (three drops), (two drops), neroli oil(two drops), (thirty ml.). Mix everything, close it tightly and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks, after that you can use it, applying it to previously cleansed facial skin before going to bed.

You can “enrich” your cosmetics with rose oil, add four drops to a cream, tonic, shampoo, hair mask, shower gel, or you can make your own completely natural products.

CREAM WITH ROSE OIL. Required: fifteen gr. beeswax, sixty gr. almond oil, ten ml. rose oil. Method of cream preparation and application. Beeswax and almond oil heat in a water bath and melt. Remove the saucepan from the heat and whisk the mixture vigorously with a whisk until homogeneous creamy mass education. Add drop by drop rose oil and keep beating. Store the cream in the refrigerator. Apply as moisturizing cream after the bath.

Be healthy!

Rose oil treatment. Video


Rose oil, application which can be found almost always and everywhere, is considered almost a symbol of aromatherapy, and the history of the use of rose oil goes back thousands of years. Indeed, along with lavender oil, rose oil has been used since ancient times, both as a remedy for various ailments, and as an incense.

While the natural essential rose is the most expensive oil from the entire range provided today, you will not regret for a minute that you bought it.

Essential rose has a truly unique combination of properties of the most diverse nature. Rose oil is used both as an incense and as a remedy in cosmetology, dermatology, and traditional medicine.

Rose oil - in cosmetology

If we talk about cosmetology, then here rose essential oil plays the role of a rejuvenating agent - rose oil helps slow down the aging process of the skin, relieves wrinkles, improves skin elasticity, normalizes the sebaceous glands, dissolves scars and scars.

Rose oil - application in dermatology

Eczema, dermatitis, skin inflammation, scabies, mouth ulcers, acne, insect bites, herpes, psoriasis will recede if aromatherapy sessions are periodically performed with using rose oil. Also, rose oil is able to restore hormonal balance, normalize the work of the endocrine glands.

Rose oil - application in phlebology

Rose oil strengthens the walls of the blood vessels, normalizes the processes of blood circulation, and is also an excellent tool for the prevention of varicose veins.

Rose oil - application in psychology

rose essential oil beneficial effect, first of all, on the central nervous system, while relieving feelings of anxiety, fear, jealousy, suspicion, anger, relieving depression, stress, neurosis. Rose oil also has a very beneficial effect on increasing sexual activity, which has been disturbed for psychological reasons.

Rose oil - application in gynecology

Although rose essential oil not recommended during pregnancy (as a menstrual provoking agent), it has been successfully used to treat genital infections such as thrush and vaginitis, as well as menstrual irregularities, during premenstrual syndrome. In addition, oil can help with impotence, frigidity.

Rose oil - use in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

Rose oil contributes to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates intestinal colic, nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea, constipation. In addition, rose oil can help with many liver diseases.

Rose oil - use in the treatment of respiratory organs

Rose oil has quite strong antiseptic properties, and therefore diseases such as bronchitis, laryngitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, flu, colds can be alleviated and eliminated when using rose oil.

Application of rose essential oil. Dosage

Before using rose oil, it should be heated in a water bath. This is done because, at room temperature, rose oil solidifies and crystallizes.

The greatest relaxation, and quite likely the effect, rose oil can give if you take a bath with oil dissolved in water. For a bath of warm, pleasant water (37 degrees), 9-10 drops of rose oil are recommended. However, since essential oils are rather poorly soluble in water, it would be optimal to dissolve these 9-10 drops in a glass of milk, cream, kefir or yogurt, and only then pour this mixture into the bath. If there are no fermented milk products at hand, a tablespoon of salt or a little honey can replace them. It is recommended to take a bath for 10 minutes.

Also in a good way uses of rose essential oil will serve as a massage. For 20 g of the base, 6-7 drops of oil should be diluted. In this case, as a base, you can take more fatty base oils, such as avocado, almond, peach, pine nut, jojoba, wheat germ. If the massage is carried out at home, such oils as olive, corn, soybean are quite suitable as a base.

The aroma lamp is more often used for incense, however, in this way, some signs of illness can be alleviated, and overall well-being can be improved. per sq. m. area should be added 1-2 drops of rose oil. It is necessary to ensure that the oil is heated, but not boiled, otherwise the essential oils lose all their healing properties.

And the last thing worth mentioning is about inhalations. Add 2-4 drops of rose oil to one liter of hot water and inhale, heal, calm down, rejuvenate!

Julia Ivanova
Women's magazine JustLady

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