Miraculous lavender oil for hair. Using lavender essential oil for the strength and beauty of your hair Lavender oil for hair

Derived from the purple flowers of the silver-scented plant, Lavender Fragrant Oil is a unique and popular ester.

Its action is universal, it is combined with many other substances. This allows it to be widely used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, and household chemicals.

It works very well for the condition of the hair.

Beneficial features

Lavender essential oil is often used in the industrial production of cosmetics, including those used for hair care. It is even more readily used for making homemade masks.

Light volatile lavender oil has a complex effect on the scalp and the hair itself.

  • nourishes, moisturizes the scalp and hair follicles, which favorably affects the growth and beauty of curls - they become shiny and obedient;
  • eliminates itching and seborrhea;
  • has a detrimental effect on dandruff, soothes the skin, heals wounds;
  • improves hair structure, making them stronger, eliminating brittleness and split ends;
  • regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, reducing the fat content of the strands, as a result of which they are less likely to get dirty;
  • protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • contributes to the prevention of diseases of the scalp;
  • prevents baldness.

Lavender oil has a healing effect, improves the appearance of hair, gives it an incomparable and light aroma.

This smell calms the nervous system, relieving stress, fatigue, headaches, which has a very good effect on well-being.

These properties are due to the rich composition of the elixir.

Among the substances that form it:

  • valeric acid, which is part of natural or industrial painkillers and sedatives;
  • ursolic acid, which reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • caproic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties, which is important in the fight against seborrhea;
  • citral, cineole - natural antiseptics that get rid of dandruff, removing toxins;
  • tannins and resins that protect strands from the harmful effects of the outside world (sunlight, low air temperature).

All components work in a complex, providing the versatility of lavender ether.

After combing, it is useful to massage the scalp a little with your fingers - this will improve the blood supply to the hair follicles and relieve stress. Curls will acquire a beautiful shine, lose their fragility, and will be fragrant.

This video demonstrates the aroma combing procedure:

For treatment, lavender can be used no more than 2-3 times a week in any form. No need to use 2 products at the same time. For example, after the mask, you should not use shampoo with the addition of oil.

It is better to alternate between different methods. For example, make a mask once, wash your hair with lavender a second time, and aroma-comb a third time.

There are several uses for lavender essential oil. More often it is added to prepared masks and for massaging the scalp, it is enriched with ready-made industrial products (no more than four drops per tablespoon of the main product).

It is often used for aroma combing.

Lavender ether is especially effective in combination with others - geranium, all citrus and coniferous oils.

In such a mixture, they complement each other, enhancing the overall effect. When preparing complex products, you need to remember that the amount of all esters taken should not be more than 7-8 drops.

The method of use is selected based on the problem and time. If it is limited, then you can add lavender to commercial hair products.

For problems with the scalp (wounds, seborrhea), aroma massage is used.

To quickly improve the appearance of curls, aroma combing is done. If time allows and you want to carry out a serious procedure for a complex effect, then it is better to make a mask from home remedies and essential oils.

A few recipes:

  • For 2 tbsp. heated (or, olive) take 3 drops of mint, 5 drops of lavender - heals curls, significantly reduces hair loss;
  • 2 tbsp. l. rub warm base oil with yolk, add esters (2 drops of rosewood, 4 drops of lavender) - nourishes the scalp and hair;
  • Jojoba oil (3 tablespoons) + 5 drops of lavender + 5 rosemary + 2 thyme - perfectly strengthens damaged hair.

With the help of lavender, you can even get rid of lice.

You need to take olive oil (3 tablespoons), mix it with lavender, rosemary esters (2 drops each), apply the mixture for 30 minutes, then rinse, comb your hair.

Precautions, contraindications

It must be remembered that lavender, like other esters, cannot be applied in its pure form.

This is a very concentrated remedy that causes severe burns.

Oil is used in very small quantities, adding a few drops to the main substance: shampoo, conditioner or base oil for masks and massages (olive, coconut,).

Without diluting, you can apply it only on a comb for aroma combing.

Expectant mothers should use it with caution in the first months of pregnancy, when the risk of miscarriage is high.

Lavender oil activates blood circulation, which leads to uterine contractions.

Do not use it for those who suffer from:

  • hypotension (low blood pressure), as it can cause weakness and drowsiness;
  • anemia, because its components interact with iron (for the same reason, it is not suitable for people taking iron supplements);
  • from a lack of iodine, drinks medicines containing it;
  • allergy to lavender or individual intolerance.

If you do not like the smell of the ether itself, then it is better not to use it, so as not to cause irritation instead of benefit. The effect appears after the first use.

This is especially noticeable after aroma combing. To do the procedure for the purpose of prevention is enough 1 time. If the hair is badly damaged, then you need to work hard 2-3 times a week.

After a couple of months, the structure and appearance of the hair will noticeably improve. and existing problems will disappear. Lavender oil for many women will be a great remedy.

With proper, regular use, it will eliminate dandruff and excess greasiness, heal the scalp, improve nutrition, making them strong, shiny and obedient.

A few centuries ago, it was widely used in medicine and cosmetology. If you believe some data, then in the old hospitals at the monasteries it was very popular. They were treated for numerous diseases, especially skin diseases and fevers. Lavender was one of the first plants to be used in perfumery. Its aroma improves mood and health. Recently, lavender oil for hair has been actively used. It allows you to make curls soft, shiny, strong and thick.

Beneficial features

Hair oil, which was known in ancient times, also improves the general condition of the body, overcome skin problems and diseases. Due to its special, incomparable smell, lavender helps to stabilize nervously excited states, soothe, relax and have an antidepressant effect on our body. Also, the oil from it has long been used to fight insomnia, flu, colds and acute respiratory infections.

Probably the most valuable and important property of lavender oil is its antiseptic effect. It helps to accelerate the regeneration of skin coatings, therefore it is actively used as part of homemade masks for the face and neck. Lavender can cure burns, bruises and eczema.

Lavender oil for hair helps moisturize curls, overcome dandruff. It is also used to heal the scalp. Since this plant has anti-inflammatory properties, ef. lavender hair oil relieves itching and possible redness. Thanks to its antifungal properties, this remedy actively and effectively fights dandruff. If you have thin, dull hair that is very split, it will help make it more "lively" and stronger. This is because the remedy heals the hair follicles, which helps to make them stronger and enhance their growth.

How to use a hair conditioner?

Lavender oil has been used for hair for a long time, so today there are several ways that help you take better and more efficient care of your hair. Very important is the fact that this tool is great for people with different types of curls. For example, lavender oil is used for oily hair, as it allows you to adjust the production of fat. But it can also be used by those who have dry hair to moisturize them a little and make them softer.

It should be remembered that lavender essential oil has a fairly high concentration, so it should not be used in large quantities very often. Although it happens that during a head massage it is taken in its pure form. In this case, a few drops will suffice. You can also create homemade combination products from it.

Massage with lavender oil

Lavender hair oil is used for this. To do this, heat a small amount of the product and slowly rub it with your hands into the skin. For greater efficiency, you can use a special wooden brush. In this case, apply a few drops of oil on her teeth. After a good enough and long-lasting should be left on the hair. After half an hour, it can be washed off with warm water.

For a more intense scalp massage, you can combine lavender oil with special blends that are sold in any cosmetic store. For example, lavender and mint oils mixed with a base would be an excellent option (it can be olive or In this case, the massage should last at least 7 minutes. Then the mixture is left on the head for another 20 minutes, after which it is washed off.

Thanks to this massage, the hair follicles will receive additional blood flow, which will provide them with oxygen and various important substances. Women say that hair stops falling out, their growth increases, they become shiny and strong.

Lavender oil in shampoos, conditioners and conditioners

Due to its properties and characteristics, this tool can be added to various shampoos, balms and conditioners. As a rule, lavender oil for hair is most often added to shampoo. At the same time, you only need 3 drops for one serving of the product. To treat dandruff or other skin conditions, adding lavender hair oil to your hair rinse is recommended. To prepare such a remedy at home, you will need to mix honey or salt, 1 liter of water and 5 drops of oil. But to make your hair more elastic and shiny, you should add 100 ml of apple cider vinegar and 2 drops of lavender essential oil to 600 ml of water. This conditioner is recommended to be applied to the hair after shampooing and washed off after 10 minutes. Girls who regularly use natural self-care products note the excellent results that this solution gives.

Homemade hair masks with lavender oil

Brittle, damaged and unhealthy hair needs extra care, and it is with the help of lavender oil that you can easily improve their appearance and condition. Masks are considered the most popular hair care products, and lavender is often added to their composition. If you have too thin hair that constantly falls out, you should try a mask with lavender and Beauties say that adding yolk to the mask helps to enhance the effect of it.

Treatments with lavender oil for hair

Lavender oil is great for numerous skin conditions and helps get rid of lice. To prepare a remedy for seborrhea, add a little honey and a few drops of oil to a liter of water. Women who have already tried this remedy confirm that if you rinse your hair with such a mixture daily, you can soon forget about the problem. Fighting hair loss, heat burdock oil, add mint and lavender oil to it and rub the mixture into the scalp. To get rid of lice, you need to take three tablespoons of olive oil and add a few drops of rosemary, lavender, tea and eucalyptus. Apply all this on your head, wrap it with a plastic bag and rinse with warm water after half an hour.

Benefits of using lavender oil for hair

It is thanks to the high nutritional and moisturizing ability of lavender that this oil helps to saturate the curls with life-giving power, make them more manageable and shiny. Even a few drops of it, added to any hair care product, will help make your hair obedient, strong and beautiful.


Despite the fact that lavender oil for hair, reviews of which indicate its effectiveness, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, we must not forget that it also has its own contraindications. You need to know about them before using this tool. For example, you should remember that:

  1. This remedy should not be used by people who are allergic, especially if it is an allergy to lavender.
  2. This type of oil is contraindicated in people with anemia, as well as those who take drugs with iron or iodine.
  3. It is undesirable to use lavender oil for women in the first trimester of pregnancy. You should take care before childbirth if you have ever had an allergy.
  4. If you have low blood pressure, use lavender essential oil with caution.
  5. When using lavender oil, drowsiness and lethargy may occur.

Healthy, chic curls shining in the sun are the dream of any girl. In order to achieve a dream, girls spend a lot of money on expensive salon procedures, take vitamin complexes, hair products at space prices. But, as practice shows, yet it is folk recipes that show the best results, and you do not need to spend a fortune on components for homemade healing mixtures. Consider the benefits and best recipes with lavender oil for hair. Natural concentrates in the form of extracts from plants and fruits are rich in essential oils, which are valued in hair care.

Benefits of lavender oil for hair

The legendary flower, Lavender, was sung by many famous poets, in ancient times it was valued for its healing properties for the body as a whole and for its pleasant aroma. Lavender essential oil can often be found in perfumes, household chemicals, cooking and cosmetology. The healing properties of lavender are easily explained, it is practically the champion in the number of natural ingredients, more than 250 items, the lion's share of which is occupied by the aromatic composition.

    • geraniol;
    • linalool;
    • caryophyllene;
    • cineole;
    • α- and β-ocimenes;
    • γ-terpinene;
    • acids: acetic, butyric, caproic, ursolic, valerian;
    • tannins;
    • resins.

This whole bunch of usefulness allows you to use the oil to treat various problems:

    1. Mask with lavender oil helps to get rid of lice and dandruff;
    2. Moisturizes hair, which is very important in the fight against dryness;
    3. Due to the stimulation of blood flow to the bulbs, it is effective against hair loss and for hair growth;
    4. Lavender cosmetic oil is recommended for oily hair to regulate the functioning of the external secretion glands;
    5. Heals cracks, small wounds;
    6. Relieves irritation;
    7. Topical use of lavender oil for hair restoration.

Contraindications for use:

    • plant intolerance;
    • early stage of pregnancy;
    • therapy with iron-containing and iodine-containing drugs;
    • anemia;
    • low pressure.

Using lavender oil for hair

Lavender oil for hair is not used pure, as you can harm yourself, it has a high concentration of ether. Basically, lavender oil is added to cosmetics for hair care. Lavender essential oil is dripped into the shampoo, conditioner, an essential mask is prepared, and aroma combing and massage are also carried out using this extract. Purchased cosmetics are enriched at the rate of: 4 drops of ether are taken per teaspoon of the product. Such machinations are not done for the future, due to the rapid evaporation of useful substances, enriched products are applied immediately.

Homemade hair masks with lavender oil

Lavender extract- a leader in the treatment of damaged, lifeless, dry strands. It is added to homemade masks against oily hair, for shine, in recipes for dry hair. Hair care oil can be easily found in an aroma shop or pharmacy, and purchased at a nice price. Recipes with lavender oil include mixing several available products with your own hands at home and applying to the head for at least 30 minutes, if you wish, you can leave it overnight.

Hair loss mask

Result: strengthens follicles, stops hair loss.


    • 2 drops of mint ether;
    • 3 drops of lavender ether;
    • 60 gr. Burr oil.

We heat the base oil in the bath, enrich it with essential oils, gently massage it with our fingers into the scalp, distribute the rest of the mixture with a comb along the growth of the strands. We put on a shower cap, a warm scarf, wear a mass on our heads for 30 minutes. We go to wash.

Hair Growth Mask

Result: supplies the bulbs with the necessary substances, encourages them to grow.


    • 60 gr. castor oil;
    • yolk;

2 drops of esters:

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades.

But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

    • rosewood;
    • ylang-ylang;
    • 4 drops of lavender
Preparation and method of application:

We mix all the ingredients, gently rub half of the mass over the skin, spread the rest over the strands, collect the bun, place it under a warm cap for 40 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

Mask for strengthening hair

Result: has a general strengthening effect.


    • 90 gr. jojoba;
    • 6 drops of rosemary;
    • 6 drops of lavender;
    • 2 drops thyme.
Preparation and method of application:

We add essential oils to the warm base oil, mix well and treat the entire surface of the head and strands with heat, warm up, hold for half an hour, rinse in the usual way.

End mask

Result: Helps moisturize very dry hair and save ends.


    • 60 gr. olives;
    • 5 drops of lavender
Preparation and method of application:

We mix the components, process the hair, warm up for 60 minutes. When rinsing, the ether can be added to the shampoo.

Mask for dry hair

Result: nourishes each hair with the necessary moisture, prevents breakage.


    • 3 eggs;
    • 90 gr. almond oil;
    • 5 drops of lavender
Preparation and method of application:

Separate the yolks from the proteins, beat, mix with the oil mass, generously apply to each strand. We collect in a bundle, put on a hat, warm it, walk like this for 45 minutes. Wash out.

Oily hair mask

Result: helps to get rid of fat.

3 drops of concentrates:

    • lemon
    • lavender;
    • tea tree;
Preparation and method of application:

We combine the concentrates, which as a result we add to the shampoo before washing, to the mask or conditioner. We apply the enriched product to the hair, foam it if necessary, hold for 10 minutes, and wash it.

Mask with lavender oil and burdock

Result: revitalizes damaged curls, promotes rapid regrowth.


    • 1 st. a spoonful of hair balm;
    • ½ teaspoon of burdock oil;
    • 3 drops of lavender
Preparation and method of application:

We mix the ingredients, apply, walk like this for 30 minutes, rinse off.

Mask with lavender and castor oil

Result: stops alopecia, makes hair thicker.


    • 90 gr. honey;
    • 1 teaspoon lemon juice;
    • 1 st. a spoonful of castor oil;
    • 5 drops of ether.
Preparation and method of application:

Knead the mass, apply on the head for 60 minutes. We delete.

Mask with lavender and olive oil

Result: moisturizes, nourishes.


    • 5 tablespoons of olive;
    • 4 drops of concentrate;
    • 2 large spoons of apple cider vinegar.
Preparation and method of application:

We warm up the base oil, mix it with concentrate and vinegar, process the hair, warm it for 30 minutes. Wash out.

Mask with lavender and jojoba oil

Result: strengthens, heals.


    • yolk;
    • 2 drops of ylang-ylang;
    • 5 drops of lavender
Preparation and method of application:

We mix the oil mass, add the yolk, carefully lubricate all the curls. We walk in a hat for 45 minutes, wash our hair.

Mask with lavender oil and glycerin

Result: gives shine, revitalizes.


    • egg;
    • 3 tablespoons of castor oil;
    • a teaspoon of vinegar;
    • a teaspoon of glycerin;
    • 3 drops of lavender extract.
Preparation and method of application:

We mix the therapeutic mass, at the end we enrich it with an extract, apply evenly on the head, walk in a hat for 30 minutes, rinse off.

The best oil for hair care is lavender essential oil. Lavender oil prevents hair loss and stimulates new hair growth. Thanks to the moisturizing properties of lavender essential oil, the hair becomes elastic and elastic, acquires shine and softness. Lavender essential oil can even cure alopecia (baldness) in some cases.

A study conducted by a group of dermatologists a few years ago in Scotland showed that 44% of patients suffering from baldness noted the growth of new hair. During this study, the experimental groups were asked to massage the scalp with a mixture of lavender essential oils with other oils for 7 months. The blend recipe consisted of essential oils of lavender, thyme, rosemary, cedar and jojoba oil as a carrier oil.

Recipe for the oil used in the study

2 drops thyme essential oil

2 drops of cedar essential oil

Mix all the ingredients and apply every evening on the affected areas of the scalp. To enhance the effect, cover your head with a towel. Keep this mixture for an hour. Use the oil mixture daily in the evening.

Lavender oil has antiseptic properties, so it can be used to treat fungal infections of the scalp.

Lavender essential oil also helps to eliminate itching of the scalp, and various inflammatory processes.

Mask with lavender essential oil for itching and dandruff

Mix 15 drops of lavender essential oil with 2 tablespoons of warm olive oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the scalp and cover with a plastic cap or film. Leave the mixture on your head for about an hour, then wash off with shampoo.

Moreover, lavender oil also improves blood circulation, hence scalp massage will definitely help in hair growth. Other than that, to improve texture and reduce hair fall, you can regularly use one of the hair mask recipes listed below.

Masks with lavender essential oil for hair

You can use lavender oil in combination with other essential oils, which are just as beneficial for the condition of the hair. These oils include: eucalyptus, sage, rosemary, cedar, thyme,. Jojoba, grape seed, olive and burdock oils are best suited for creating masks.

Mask with lavender oil for hair growth

10 drops of lavender essential oil

10 drops rosemary essential oil

5 drops of basil essential oil

120 ml of jojoba oil.

Mix all the oils in a glass bottle. Use this mixture for scalp massage and masks. This remedy effectively prevents, restores their structure and accelerates growth.

Oils with lavender essential oil for

Take ¼ cup of oatmeal and soak it in water (about 1 cup) for 20 minutes. Mix oatmeal with 7 drops of lavender essential oil and 5 drops of rosemary oil. Apply the resulting mass on the scalp for 20 minutes, then rinse your hair well. This mask moisturizes the scalp and helps get rid of itching and dandruff.

When using essential oil for hair growth, you will not notice an instant result. To achieve a noticeable effect, the procedure with lavender oil should be continued for a considerable time. On average, the course lasts 3-4 months, depending on the initial state of your hair.

Combing, rinsing with lavender essential oil can be used as auxiliary and preventive hair care procedures, as well as using oil to enrich cosmetic products (shampoos, masks, balms, conditioners, conditioners).

Combing hair with lavender essential oil

This method of using essential oil is aimed at moisturizing and adding shine to the hair. Combing is carried out as follows: apply 5-7 drops of lavender essential oil to a thick comb and comb your hair, repeat the procedure several times.

Rinse with lavender essential oil

Mix 2 cups of warm water and 10 drops of lavender essential oil. Rinse your hair with the resulting composition after washing. Then lightly wring out the hair and do not dry. This procedure will help moisturize the scalp, give a unique shine and aroma of lavender to your hair.

Enrichment of shampoos and other cosmetics

Home hair care allows you to strengthen their structure, give shine and a healthy look. Useful properties have lavender oil, which is obtained by distillation from the inflorescences of a medicinal plant. The cosmetic product has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect, helps to treat seborrhea, irritated, inflamed epidermis of the head. It is used in aromatherapy, in the production of perfumes, at home it is used for the preparation of therapeutic masks.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is achieved due to the unique composition of the active ingredients:

  • Terpineol, cineol have an antiseptic effect on fungal diseases, inflammation, irritation of the scalp, and help get rid of dandruff.
  • Camphor in the composition of lavender oil stimulates metabolic processes, increases tone, improves blood microcirculation in the deep layers of the epidermis. Relieves itching, has cooling properties, normalizes the sebaceous glands, reducing oily hair.
  • Linalool gives lavender oil a sophisticated aroma.
  • Tannins eliminate inflammation, create a protective film against the penetration of bacteria, have bactericidal, hemostatic properties.
  • Lavender essential oil contains ursolic acid, which is able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, is involved in lipid metabolism, relieves inflammation, swelling, and improves local immunity. The substance stimulates growth and prevents hair loss, activates frozen follicles. Ursolic acid provides antimicrobial protection and helps treat dandruff.

According to many reviews, the regular use of lavender essential oil for hair allows you to solve a large number of cosmetic problems, improve, accelerate the growth of strands and significantly improve their appearance, cure dermatological diseases of the scalp.

Indications for use

  • seborrhea;
  • oily hair, scalp;
  • dermatitis, psoriasis;
  • lavender essential oil eliminates itching, irritation of the dermis;
  • hair loss;
  • treats split ends;
  • lavender oil helps if curls grow slowly;
  • strengthens weak, dull, brittle strands;
  • restores after dyeing, perm;
  • gives volume to the hair.

It is contraindicated to use lavender oil for women suffering from epilepsy, thrombophlebitis, hypotension and pregnant women. The active components of the drug can cause allergic reactions. With caution, a cosmetic product is used for anemia, anemia.

Recipes for homemade hair masks

Lavender essential oil is not used in its pure form, as it is very concentrated. It is diluted with shampoo, balm or other useful ingredients. Apply masks to the roots with massage movements, then the composition should be distributed along the entire length of the strands with a fine comb.

How much to add lavender emulsion to the shampoo depends on the ingredients chosen. Usually, the following proportions are observed: 3-5 drops of hair oil are taken for 1 teaspoon of a store-bought product. At home, a freshly prepared mixture is used; a diluted composition cannot be stored for a long time, it loses its beneficial properties. After rinsing, it is not recommended to apply cosmetic balms.

1. Anti-dandruff mask recipe: heat 2 tablespoons of burdock oil in a steam bath, pour 1 tsp. honey, a few drops of lavender oil, chicken egg. Mix thoroughly and distribute a thin layer on the hair. After that, wrap the head with a film and a terry towel, keep the mask for 30 minutes, then rinse with running water and shampoo.

2. Recipe for hair loss: 4 drops of lavender oil, 2 drops of castor, olive and jojoba. The ingredients are mixed in a glass bowl and applied to the hair. The mask is used 2 times a week to treat weakened strands and 1 time to prevent hair loss.

3. Recipe for a lavender oil mask for oily hair: dissolve 5-10 drops of essential oil in 1 liter of warm water, add 2 tablespoons of liquid honey. Rinse your head with this product after using shampoo and then rinse thoroughly. Water can be replaced with a decoction of chamomile, calendula flowers, stinging nettle or birch buds. The composition is useful for eliminating excessive oily hair, treating seborrhea, strengthening the bulbs.

4. Recipe for the treatment of split ends: heat 2-3 teaspoons of coconut oil in a steam bath and add 5 drops of natural lavender oil. Apply the mixture in a warm form to half the length of the hair. The ingredients nourish the curls well, make them shiny, soft and fragrant, do not weigh them down.

5. Hair shine agent: dilute a few drops of lavender oil in shampoo, rub into the roots and massage the skin for 2 minutes, then carefully distribute with a fine comb over the entire length of the curls. Rinse your head first with soapy water, and then rinse with a concentrated decoction of chamomile, which additionally adds shine and silkiness to weakened, dull strands.

Hair masks with lavender oil help to get rid of a large number of problems with the scalp, restore shine, strength and beauty to the strands. The cosmetic product is easy to apply at home, its benefits are confirmed by the reviews of women who prefer folk recipes.

In the photo before and after applying lavender oil, you can evaluate the result.

Aroma combing with lavender oil

The benefit of this procedure is that the therapeutic effect is observed in two directions. The structure of hair and follicles is strengthened, the skin is saturated with useful vitamins and minerals, metabolic processes are accelerated, and blood microcirculation improves. Aroma combing with lavender essential oil also has a psychological effect, calming the irritated nervous system. Eliminates fatigue, invigorates, provides relaxation during stress, improves mood, has aphrodisiac properties.

For the procedure, you must purchase a comb with natural bristles made of wood. Metal and plastic tools are not suitable, as they injure the hair and react with the active components of lavender oil. It is useful to alternate aroma combing with applying homemade masks, the effectiveness is confirmed by the reviews of girls who managed to improve the condition of their strands.

A little essential agent is smeared on a comb and the curls are carefully combed for 5–8 minutes. You can not increase the procedure time, this can lead to drying out of the tips. Treatment is carried out 1-2 times a week. Adding the number of sessions is allowed only with severe hair loss.

Aromatherapy is contraindicated in low blood pressure, during pregnancy. Lavender oil is incompatible with perfumes, prolonged use indoors can cause headaches, nausea, so after the procedure, the room should be ventilated, do not apply perfumes, balms.

Feedback on the use of masks

“My hair gets oily quickly, there is no volume and it is difficult to style my hair. Store products are not always suitable: sometimes they cause irritation, then dandruff appears. I recently read about the benefits of lavender oil for hair and decided to make a healing mask at home with the addition of honey and yolk. I liked the result, the curls became voluminous, there is no oily sheen, dandruff is gone.

Ekaterina, Moscow region.

“I have a sensitive, irritated scalp. Lavender oil helps me get rid of problems and strengthen hair at home. I pour in the esters of coconut, tea tree, aloe vera extract into the mask. I use this recipe regularly, the strands are shiny, soft and silky.

Alexandra, Krasnodar.

“I often use essential oils for my hair. Lavender is suitable for giving strands of shine and aroma, relieving irritation of the scalp. I combine the drug with burdock, olive and grape seed oil. If there is not enough time, I just add it to shampoo or ready-made masks, keep it for 20 minutes, apply it 2 times a week. Excellent tool, I advise you to try. "

Margarita, St. Petersburg.

“I heard reviews that hair oils cannot be used for oily type of curls and they are difficult to wash off until I tried a lavender emulsion. The effect is amazing, the tool does not weigh down the strands, adds volume, treats dandruff, eliminates itching and irritation of the scalp. At home, I make masks with lavender oil, honey, decoctions of medicinal herbs. I am very pleased with the result, I was able to grow long, beautiful hair.

Maria, Moscow.

“After dyeing, my curls were weak, grew very slowly and did not look the best. For recovery, I used expensive shampoos and balms, but there was no effect. A friend shared with me the secret of her long hair - lavender oil. It should be applied diluted with jojoba, olive, peach, orange or lemon oil. After a month of home procedures, my strands are unrecognizable: strong, lush, silky.

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