Chemical methods of contraception (spermicides). Modern methods of contraception. Complications and contraindications

Modern methods contraceptives are differentiated into a group of reliable contraceptive methods protection from unwanted pregnancy and a group of unreliable funds.

Four methods of protection are considered reliable methods - birth control pills, surgical intervention, refusal of sex and intrauterine contraception. The group of unreliable types of contraception includes all types of condoms, interruption of sexual intercourse, chemical contraceptives, calendar and lactational amenorrhea.

Until the middle of the last century, barrier methods of contraception were considered the only reliable means of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

The rapid development of technology has given impetus to the emergence of new contraceptive methods leading to a decline in popularity barrier contraception. To barrier contraceptives include funds that block the path of sperm to the mucus of the cervix, and from there to the egg, in order to avoid the inevitable conception.

Barrier contraception:

  • male condoms;
  • female condoms;
  • uterine caps;
  • vaginal diaphragms.

Modern contraceptives are still far from perfect. Not all modern types of protection protect against sexually transmitted diseases. In this regard, barrier methods of contraception - best view protection from sexually transmitted diseases.

The main advantages of barrier means include:

  • local simple application;
  • lack of systemic changes in the genital organs;
  • absence side effects, with the exception of individual latex intolerance;
  • do not require specialized advice from medical staff on use.

Barrier contraceptives have some disadvantages, which boil down to less effectiveness of action compared to oral medications and intrauterine devices, as well as the need to use immediately before sex.


From the entire arsenal contraceptives, male methods contraception includes only one type - the male condom.

The main advantage of the modern condom is 100% protection against sexually transmitted diseases, such as AIDS or HIV infection, which other methods of contraception do not have.

There is also a female condom, but its level of popularity is much lower than that of the male one. Its effectiveness also suffers, and is only 90% protection against unwanted pregnancy compared to 98% from the use of a male condom.

Caps and Diaphragms

Contraceptive devices are installed on the cervix. Disadvantages: lack of protection against sexually transmitted diseases and difficulty in installation.

Latex caps, although they have various forms, not The best way protection for a woman. Firstly, there is a high risk of developing an inflammatory process in the area where the cap is installed between the diaphragm and the walls of the vagina. Second, the risk of infection urinary tract quite high due to the pressure created by the diaphragm on the urethra.

Means of intrauterine contraception

A common contraceptive is the intrauterine device.

To date, there are more than 50 types of spirals, which can be divided into 4 generations:

  1. Spirals made of so-called inert materials. The main disadvantage of such spirals was the risk of their loss from the uterus and a relatively small degree of protection.
  2. Spirals containing copper in their composition. Copper alloys have a detrimental effect on spermatozoa. Install them for up to 2-3 years.
  3. Spirals with the addition of silver. The action is similar to copper-containing ones. Such a contraceptive is allowed to be left in the uterine cavity for up to 5 years. The efficiency of such a spiral is high.
  4. Hormonal coils. They contain a hormone that provides a contraceptive effect. The location of this hormone is in the leg of the helix. The principle of operation is simple: with the daily release of hormones into the uterine cavity, the process of release and maturation of the egg is suppressed and the viscosity of the mucus from the cervical canal increases, which significantly slows down or completely stops the movement of spermatozoa. This type of spiral is installed for a period of 5 to 7 years.

Copper and silver alloys have a detrimental effect on spermatozoa. But if, nevertheless, the sperm penetrated the uterus, and fertilization occurred, the spiral will not allow the embryo to gain a foothold on the uterine wall and get further development.

The disadvantage of the method is high risk development of infectious inflammatory processes in the zone of contact of the spiral with the walls of the uterus.

The spiral is not installed with relative contraindications, indicating anomalies in the development of the reproductive system:

  • anemia;
  • with blood diseases;
  • in the presence of uterine fibroids;
  • with endometrial hyperplasia of the proliferative type;
  • with hyperpolymenorrhea.

Absolute contraindications to the installation of a spiral:

  • a pronounced inflammatory process of a subacute or acute nature;
  • suspected pregnancy requiring confirmation;
  • malignant neoplasms.

biological methods

Calendar method of contraception

The method is based on the calculation of the estimated timing of ovulation and abstinence from sexual intercourse in particular auspicious days for conception. The effectiveness of the method is observed only with a regular menstrual cycle.

To create a personal calendar safe days, should be considered:

  1. The lifespan of the egg and sperm.
  2. Basal temperature indicators.
  3. The moment of appearance of mucous discharge from the uterus.

Interruption of sexual intercourse

Natural methods of contraception include the most popular and least effective method interruption of sexual intercourse. Its essence lies in the extraction of the penis from the vagina a moment before ejaculation. This method can be resorted to after childbirth, until the doctor allows you to put a spiral or use other methods of contraception.

The method is unreliable, because it depends entirely on the level of self-control of a man. It should be noted that at the time of sexual intercourse there is a release of pre-seminal fluid containing a small amount spermatozoa.

The effectiveness of the method of interrupting sexual intercourse ranges from 72-96%.

Methods of surgical contraception

Surgical methods lead to irreversible changes in the body, depriving the reproductive function.

The procedure for tying the vas deferens in the scrotum is called a vasectomy. Only in rare cases this species operations can be shown, with medical point vision.

Possible consequences of a vasectomy:

  • testicular hematoma;
  • inflammation of the epididymis;
  • infringement nervous tissue leading to pain during intercourse.

Sterilization - dressing fallopian tubes at a woman. AT exceptional cases when a woman has experienced difficulties in the process of giving birth, she may be shown sterilization. In other cases, tubal ligation is done to prevent serious gynecological diseases, threatening woman's life.

Possible complications in women:

  • bleeding;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • bladder dysfunction;
  • peritonitis;
  • disruption of the intestines;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • premature menopause.

To positive moments should be attributed to the reliability of the method, as a means of contraception. It should be remembered that, unlike vasectomy, female sterilization irreversible.

Hormonal contraception

There are many hormonal contraceptives available. Hormonal Methods contraceptives are divided into two types - estrogen-containing and their analogues, and not containing estrogen.

Hormonal oral contraceptives

Combined oral contraceptive methods, or COCs, containing two types of hormones, progestin and estrogen, are very reliable. They inhibit the process of ovulation. When taking COCs, pregnancy is impossible.

In general, taking COCs is safe and works better than the spiral and similar methods of contraception. They can be taken after childbirth if hormonal background within the normal range. The remedy is contraindicated for hypertension and a predisposition to thrombosis, as well as for varicose veins veins.

Hormonal patches

Modern patches containing estrogen are glued to the body. The contents penetrate through the pores directly into the blood. The patches are absolutely harmless after childbirth.

mini pili

Hormonal contraceptives in the form of tablets have a completely different principle of action. The composition contains progestates that do not affect the vessels. Because of this, they can be used by women for whom estrogen-containing products are contraindicated.

Subdermal implants

Hormonal implants without estrogen are for strong and desperate women. Valid for 3 years. Installation of a subcutaneous implant is possible immediately after childbirth. It acts like a spiral, and is an analogue of the action of the Mini-pill.

Chemical contraceptives

Means whose activity is aimed at the destruction of spermatozoa are chemical methods of contraception for vaginal use:

  • creams;
  • candles;
  • tablets;
  • sponges;
  • foam.

The main advantage of chemical contraceptives is their ability to prevent some sexually transmitted diseases.

Birth control pills

Oral contraceptives theoretically have 100% positive effect to prevent pregnancy, if you do not skip taking the pills.

Contraceptive oral tablets- this is modern look contraceptives that have:

  • high level of efficiency;
  • ease of use;
  • reversibility of impact.

the only relative contraindication is the impossibility of using birth control pills after childbirth during lactation, because active ingredients pass into mother's milk.

Alternative methods of contraception

If the partner, during unprotected intercourse, still could not interrupt the sexual intercourse in a timely manner and the sperm penetrated the vagina, there are folk remedies to prevent unplanned conception.

  1. Low percentage of efficiency. After ejaculation, sperm healthy man, are able to penetrate deep into the cervix within a few seconds after ejaculation. No acidic remedy will simply have time to “catch up” with them.
  2. Side effects. Lemon juice has a certain amount of aggressiveness acid environment. the same can be said about potassium permanganate. An insignificant concentration of potassium permanganate can seriously burn the mucous membrane, which will entail at least vaginal dysbacteriosis.

Features of postpartum contraception

In the recommendations of obstetricians, it is repeatedly emphasized that next pregnancy should come, not earlier than in two years.

The main requirement for contraceptives during this period is their absolute harmlessness to the mother's body and infant and their maximum efficiency. Almost all contraceptives are prohibited during lactation.

Lactational amenorrhea method

On average, a woman breastfeeds her baby for about six months. During lactation female body does not produce eggs. This state organism refers to the natural measures that resist conception. But over time, the effectiveness of the lactational amenorrhea method decreases.

Hormones and lactation

With a decline in lactation as an effective contraceptive for a woman in postpartum period Mili-drank tablets are recommended, containing progestins in their composition. Means Mili-drank is recommended for admission no earlier than six weeks after childbirth.

In conclusion, it should be noted that modern contraception includes a wide variety of contraceptive forms and methods. For women provided large quantity contraceptives than for men. The choice is always with the woman, but necessary condition selection of contraceptives remains a consultation with a gynecologist or obstetrician.

Useful video about contraceptive methods


Most modern women prefer modern means chemical contraception. These include not only hormonal drugs, but also spermicides, which are barrier methods protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Chemical contraceptives are drugs that are unique in their action, combining contraceptive, antimicrobial and antiviral effects. In fact, they contain an antiseptic that kills sperm, most known bacteria and pathogens of viral infections.

Spermicides are chemical means of female contraception. Their composition contains active substance, which destroys spermatozoa within 60 seconds. As you know, sperm after ejaculation reach the fallopian tubes within 90 seconds, after which pregnancy can only be prevented hormonal drugs. That is why speed is so important. chemicals contraception.

However, do not forget that, despite the convenience and ease of use, chemical contraceptives for women do not have a sufficiently high contraceptive effect. Vaginal spermicides should not be considered as an independent method.

Regular sex life requires combination of chemicals with condoms, caps, diaphragms or oral contraceptives. Only such a method of protection can compensate for the shortcomings of various means of protection, and therefore reliably protect against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Spermicides are available in the following forms:

Before you start using drugs of this kind, you should find out a few facts about their features. The composition of almost all chemicals includes acids, which means that when exposed to them alkaline environment they lose their activity. That is, when using chemical contraceptives before and after sexual intercourse, in no case should soap be used as an intimate hygiene product.

If we talk about the time of action of spermicides, then the figures indicated in the annotation are usually overestimated several times. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it should be borne in mind that the effect of these drugs decreases or even ends after 40 minutes of contact with internal organs women. That is, before starting a second sexual intercourse, you will need to use a new candle or a portion of the cream. It is worth noting that this nuance does not apply to tampons - the activity of the drugs that make up their composition lasts 12-16 hours after administration.

There are some inconveniences when using suppositories, tablets and films: after the introduction, you must wait at least 15 minutes before starting sexual intercourse. In addition, some types of spermicides can cause skin irritation and even allergic reactions. If you experience discomfort after use, you should consult your doctor about changing the method of protection.

Keep in mind that chemical contraceptives are highly undesirable for long-term regular use, as they affect the natural microflora of the vagina. The antiseptic contained in spermicides kills sperm and harmful bacteria just as good as beneficial flora. This can lead to vaginal dysbacteriosis and other disorders. Such drugs are suitable for women who have contraindications to other methods, as well as for women during lactation. In addition, such funds can be used by couples who do not live an active sexual life.

The scheme of effective treatment of genital herpes
For each patient, the doctor draws up an individual treatment regimen for genital herpes, taking into account the frequency of relapses.

The use of chemical contraceptives, or spermicides, is quite widespread. Spermicides are chemicals that inactivate sperm in the vagina and prevent it from passing into the uterus. Like any other contraceptive, spermicides have their positive and negative sides.

Chemical methods of contraception - advantages and disadvantages

Disadvantages of chemical methods of contraception

  • Low efficiency compared with the effectiveness of hormonal and intrauterine contraceptives. Pregnancy occurs in 21% of women who constantly use this method of contraception during the first year due to errors in the application. With constant and correct use spermicide pregnancy occurs only in 6% of cases;
  • chemical contraceptives may cause local irritant effect;
  • some spermicides, especially foaming ones, create discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Benefits of chemical methods of contraception

  • Spermicides are easy to use;
  • their action is short-lived;
  • spermicides do not cause serious side effects;
  • they can be used during the period of withdrawal of hormonal and intrauterine contraceptives;
  • some of them have protective properties - they create a chemical barrier for intravaginal infections.

Spermicides provide some protection against many sexually transmitted diseases (such as gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia) and reduce the risk of developing inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

Frequent or permanent use spermicides can irritate and damage the vaginal mucosa, which facilitates the transmission of HIV infection. If irritation or an allergic reaction occurs in women, it is recommended to stop using spermicides, especially if there is a risk of HIV transmission.

Features of the impact of chemical methods of contraception

Every chemical contraceptive consists of an active principle (chemical substance) and a base, or filler, i.e. the substance on which it is prepared this remedy. For the preparation of the bases of chemical contraceptives, glycerin, cocoa, gelatin, polyethylene oxide, cellulose derivatives, etc. are used.

The mechanism of operation of chemical methods of contraception

As the active principles of chemical contraceptives, the most different substances, since spermatozoa are very sensitive to changes in the external environment and to many chemical agents. So, for example, if the vaginal environment is changed from slightly acidic to sharply acidic or alkaline, then the spermatozoa will quickly die. This is the basis for the use of acids and alkalis for contraceptive purposes. In addition, antiseptic substances (alcohols, etc.), quinine, various salts (sodium chloride, copper sulphate, potassium permanganate, salicylic sodium, etc.). The most famous chemicals, which are part of spermicides, are nonoxynol-9, octoxynol-9, menfegol and benzalkonium chloride.

Spermicides are available as creams, gels, dissolvable or foaming tablets, aerosol foams, films, and condom lubricants.

Candles and tablets are available in sealed packages, other spermicides - in special tubes. Various drugs have different physical properties. The duration of the contraceptive effect, as well as the length of time required for the formation of a barrier and distribution of the spermicide in the vagina, depends on the characteristics of the spermicidal filler. There is a certain time interval during which spermicides are effective after their administration. If sexual intercourse occurs outside the established period of validity, then an additional dose of spermicide must be injected into the vagina.

Spermicides can be used with condoms, diaphragms, caps, and on their own. Spermicides are injected into upper part vagina 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse. For one sexual intercourse, a single use of the drug is sufficient. With each subsequent sexual intercourse, additional administration of spermicide is necessary.

The failure rate for spermicide use alone ranges from 3 to 5 pregnancies per 100 women per year. correct application this method. On average, it is about 16 pregnancies per 100 women per year.

Modern means of contraception: barrier, chemical, biological, hormonal, intrauterine contraception, surgical - there are a lot of them, but often a woman cannot decide what to choose. And in the end, unexpectedly, she becomes pregnant. We will briefly describe the different contraceptives for women, their advantages and disadvantages.

Intrauterine systems

These are those that are installed in the uterine cavity for a long time. Usually recommended exclusively for women who have given birth due to possible side effects. But we'll start with the benefits.

1. You can not worry about unwanted pregnancy for several years, it has a positive effect on sexual relations.

2. High reliability. Slightly less than 100%.

3. Availability. The most inexpensive intrauterine device costs about 200-300 rubles. Purchased once.

And these are shortcomings.

1. Unpleasant sensations when installing. Some women require local anesthesia.

2. The possibility of falling out and displacement of the spiral, which provokes a decrease or termination of its contraceptive action.

3. Inflammatory diseases. The installation of the system can provoke the penetration of pathogens into the uterine cavity, which sometimes causes endometritis, the occurrence of adhesions in the intestines, fallopian tubes. Accordingly, the risk of infertility in the future increases. Therefore, spirals are usually recommended for women who have given birth.

4. Probability of occurrence ectopic pregnancy. A fertilized egg cannot be fixed in the uterine cavity due to the spiral and can return back to the fallopian tube and implant there.

5. Increasing Probability heavy menstruation. Therefore, non-hormonal intrauterine systems it is not advised to put women who have severe cyclic and acyclic uterine bleeding.


Barrier contraceptives have a number of advantages and can be used without consulting a doctor. Always welcome.

1. Reliability. Almost 100% protection not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from sexually transmitted infections.

2. Ease of use and availability. Can be purchased at any pharmacy, supermarket. The abundance of models allows any couple to choose the right contraceptive for themselves.

3. Absence of contraindications. Only sometimes they have allergic reactions. More often than not, it's the lubricant, dye, or flavor that's coated on the condom. In this case, you need to try another, ordinary, without "bells and whistles".

But there are downsides too. They are usually especially frightening for couples who have previously used other types of contraception.

1. Negative influence erection, sensitivity. Usually in this case, a condom with ultra-thin walls helps.

2. Falling off the condom during intercourse. Again, due to poor erection. It happens when a condom is put on with insufficient sexual arousal.

3. Damage to the condom. Often happens if you try to apply on it various substances in the form of a lubricant that is not intended for this. But damage can also be the result of a defective product. If the condom breaks, emergency contraception is used to prevent pregnancy.

Incidentally, as emergency contraception can be used intrauterine device. It should be installed a maximum of 5 days after unprotected intercourse. Naturally, this way suitable for those women who already thought about installing an intrauterine system.


They have no contraindications and can be used, if necessary, by women who are breastfeeding. chemical method contraception also has pros and cons.

Some benefits.

1. Availability. ten vaginal tablets(or candles), for 10 sexual acts, cost about 300 rubles. Sold in all pharmacies.

2. They do not affect the body, like hormonal contraceptives, that is, they have only a local effect.

3. Have some antimicrobial and antibacterial action.

4. Have no contraindications and can be used in cases where no other contraception is suitable.

And these are the cons.

1. Often cause irritation of the vaginal mucosa and glans penis.

2. With regular use, 2-3 times a week or more, the vaginal microflora is disturbed.

3. Efficiency is significantly lower than stated if sexual intercourse is started earlier than the time specified in the instructions. After the introduction of the drug into the vagina, you need to wait a bit for it to start working.

Hormonal remedies

They are considered one of the most reliable and convenient, but at the same time having many contraindications and side effects. We will talk about oral contraceptives. First about the good.

1. When correct reception birth control pills are almost 100% effective.

2. Do menstrual cycle regular.

3. It is possible sometimes to postpone menstruation, to delay its onset, if necessary. To do this, a break that is taken in taking pills for 7 days every month is transferred.

4. Render positive influence on the endometrium. Also, hormonal contraception is the prevention of the formation of certain types of ovarian cysts.

5. Can be taken indefinitely, with interruptions only for pregnancy. Reception ends with the onset of menopause.

And cons.

1. Sometimes they provoke the development of varicose veins.

2. Should be taken without gaps, and preferably at the same time, so that the effectiveness does not decrease.

3. In parallel with oral contraceptives, you can not take some medicines, for example, antibiotics, as protection against pregnancy is reduced because of this.

4. Diarrhea and diarrhea are also undesirable effects, especially in the first three hours of taking the pill.

5. Occasional reception hormonal contraception causes weight gain.

6. Spotting discharge outside of menstruation. A common side effect in the first three cycles of taking the drug. If they persist longer, you need to think about taking a drug with a higher dosage of the hormone estrogen.

7. Decreased libido, vaginal dryness. We'll fix it. A longer foreplay and the use of water-based lubricants will decide this problem. In some cases, women switch to triphasic drugs or no estrogen at all. It can also help in the return of sexual desire.

And that's not all. Full list side effects can be found in the instructions for the drug. But, of course, it is not at all a fact that any of them will affect you or be pronounced.

Ineffective and unreliable methods of contraception

Sex to conceive children is a much rarer thing than intercourse for pleasure. That is why not every sexual intercourse should end in pregnancy. It's always been that way, but modern facilities contraception appeared relatively recently. That is why in ancient times people tried with all their might to come up with at least some reliable way fight against unwanted conception.

Undoubtedly, some folk contraceptives worked, but most of them were real obscurantism. Unfortunately, despite modern development contraception, some people still try to use the old methods. And this is bad, because an unplanned pregnancy is a big stress for both partners, and let alone the dangers of abortion for women's health and there is nothing to say. reliable contraception we discussed, and now let's talk about the most stupid methods of folk contraception, in order to completely get rid of stupid delusions and not use them as a means of contraception after childbirth and in other situations.

1. Sex while standing. There is a myth that standing sex does not allow the male seed to reach the egg, as it simply spills out of the vagina. In fact, this is not at all the case. Spermatozoa are quite able to achieve their goal. Thus, trying to protect yourself from an unplanned pregnancy due to a standing position, and any other one too, is impossible.

2. Coitus interruptus. The most popular method of folk contraception is interrupted intercourse. However, popularity is not the key to success. The fact is that during arousal, a certain amount of lubricant containing sperm can be released from the male genital organ. Therefore, conception can occur even at the very beginning of intercourse.

3. Lemon. There is such a very unusual recipe chemical contraceptive. A slice of lemon is inserted into the vagina and remains there until the very end of sexual intercourse. It is believed that lemon juice will easily kill all spermatozoa and conception will not occur. There is still some truth in this myth: lemon acid capable of destroying spermatozoa. But first, not all. And secondly, the impact lemon juice can cause severe burns of the vaginal mucosa, head of the penis, etc.

4. Free week or calendar method of contraception. It is believed that after menstruation, a girl has from three days to a week during which she can make love without fear of pregnancy. Purely theoretically, the way it is, because ovulation usually occurs no earlier than the 12th day of the cycle. In practice, things are not so clear cut. Indeed, in so many women, the menstrual cycle does not follow a clear schedule, and in such cases, this method of contraception is completely pointless.

Sexual intercourse during menstruation is more reliable in this regard, but only if the woman's bleeding is not prolonged. After all, it happens that menstruation continues for 7-8 days. Well, spermatozoa can safely be in active state in the female genital tract for 3 days. That is, if ovulation occurs on day 11, then the egg may well meet a sperm cell on its way.

But after ovulation, already after 3 days (the egg lives a maximum of 2 days), really “barren days” begin, this convenient period lasts until menstruation, on average 7-10 days. That's just not every woman can accurately determine the day of ovulation.

5. Urination after intercourse. This method is suitable more for men, moreover, in order to "expel" the infection from urethra, which he could receive as a result of sexual intercourse. How is the female urethra connected to the vagina? Science does not know this. The method is absolutely hopeless.

6. Vaginal douching. Often, women choose antiseptics for these purposes, such as chlorhexidine or miramistin. But it's useless. These substances can only protect against infections, and even then not always. Well, they are not terrible for spermatozoa. Within 1-2 minutes after sexual intercourse, many hustlers will enter cervical canal. And you can't get them from there.
Well, the most unpleasant thing is that douching violates the microflora of the vagina and leads to the reproduction of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms i.e. inflammation.

Nevertheless, many women continue to argue that medically approved methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy are by no means 100% effective. Remains only surgical contraception- tubal ligation, which can be done in some cases. However, doctors consider this approach to be wrong, folk contraception in any case, it loses to the officially recognized one in terms of effectiveness. And yet - often seriously injurious to health. Is it worth the risk?

Chemical contraception(creams, suppositories, tampons)

Appeared relatively recently on the domestic pharmacy market, chemical contraceptives are a unique combination of contraceptive, antimicrobial and antiviral agents. These drugs are an antiseptic that equally kills spermatozoa, and almost all bacterial and viral pathogens, including even AIDS and hepatitis viruses.

One of the easiest to use means, which also have not only contraceptive properties, but also protect against bacteria and viruses, in particular against chlamydia, staphylococcus, herpes type 2. However, this type of contraception is more suitable for people who live an irregular sex life , since the antiseptic not only destroys spermatozoa and kills some viruses, but also disrupts the microflora, which can lead to vaginal dysbacteriosis. It is best to use these drugs in combination with a condom, because they have a short duration of action (the exception is tampons) and repeated intercourse requires re-introduction of the contraceptive. It is also important to remember that upon contact with soap (with any alkaline environment), the active substance of the drugs is destroyed, so all washing before and after sexual intercourse is possible only with clean water.

Flaws: with frequent use of chemical contraceptives, a change in the natural microflora of the vagina occurs. Under the influence of an antiseptic, beneficial bacteria die along with sperm, which can lead to vaginal dysbacteriosis or other disorders. Therefore, this method cannot be used for regular contraception.

Preparations of chemical contraception: "Pharmatex" (vaginal suppositories, cream, tampons); "Patentex-Oval" (candles); "Nonoxynol" or "Conceptrol"; "Sterilin" (candles).

Reliability: 75-80%

3. Hormonal (including mechanical hormone-releasing) contraceptives.

Hormonal contraceptives- these are drugs that contain sex hormones - estrogens and progestogen. They are prescribed not only as a means of contraception, but also as a means of replacement therapy for the prevention and treatment of menopausal disorders.

Their action is based on the suppression of ovulation and the thickening of the mucous secretion secreted by the cervix. thick slime interferes with the entry of sperm into the uterine cavity, and the flow of sex hormones from the outside prevents the production of its own sex hormones, so that the egg does not mature.

Only female hormonal birth control drugs are now widely available. Men's hormonal contraceptives exist, but are still under investigation and not widely used.

Combined oral contraceptives(COC) contain 2 hormones estrogen and gestagen. Depending on the composition, they are divided into (Appendix A):

    Monophasic oral agents contain the same doses of estrogens and progestogens for the entire cycle.

    high-dose - estrogen content more than 35 mcg (Ovidon, Non-Ovlon)

    low-dose - estrogen content less than 35 mcg (Yarina, Yarina Plus, Midiana, Lindinet-30, Femoden, Silest, Jeanine, Silhouette, Jeanetten, Minisiston, Regulon, Marvelon, Microgynon, Rigevidon, Belara, Diane-35, Chloe, Bellune-35 , Desmoulins)

    microdosed - estrogen content less than 20 mcg (Zoeli, Jess, Jess plus, Dimia, Minisiston 20 fem, Lindinet-20, Logest, Novinet, Mercilon)

    Biphasic contain different doses estrogens and gestagens the whole cycle. The first 11 tablets contain one dose of estrogen and progestogen, then 10 tablets in which the estrogen content remains the same, and the progestogen content increases. (Anteovin)

    Three-phase contain different doses of estrogens and gestagens, the content of which changes three times during the entire cycle. (Tri-merci, Triquilar, Tri-regol, Triziston)

Gestagen oral contraceptives(mini-pills) (Appendix B) are preparations containing only one hormone - a progestogen (Exluton, Charozetta, Microlut, Lakinet). Microdoses of progesterone provide effective contraception in women without suppression of ovulation due to the effect on the viscosity of the cervical fluid. They have fewer side effects, quickly restore fertility after discontinuation.

Reliability: 96.5-97%

Injections hormonal contraceptives are done every 2-3 months. They are shown only to women who have given birth over 35 years of age, as they can disrupt the menstrual cycle. The injections do not protect against STDs either.

Preparations: Depo-Provera, Net-En (Noristerat).

Reliability: 96.5-97%

Postcoital tablets, or funds emergency contraception - this is a way to prevent unwanted pregnancy and its development after fertilization of the egg in case of unprotected intercourse or ineffective use of permanent contraceptive methods. The drugs are used immediately after unprotected intercourse no later than 12-24 hours, after 12 hours the reception is repeated.

    Postinor is a contraceptive, antiestrogen and progestogenic agent, the basis of which is the artificial hormone levonorgestrel.

    Ginepreston (Zhenale, Agest) is a remedy that prevents the fertilization of an egg.

    Escapelle - modern medical preparation based on the hormone levonorgestrel.

Reliability: 97%

Mechanical contraceptives that release hormones.

1. Ring "NovaRing" It is made of elastic material and, when inserted into the vagina, adapts to the contours of the woman's body. The ring does not reduce the sensitivity of partners, does not prevent a woman from playing sports, does not affect blood clotting (varicose veins lower extremities, which in one way or another happens from birth control pills), but it does not protect against STDs.

One ring is designed for one cycle, on the 22nd day it is removed, and a new one is introduced a week later.

Reliability: 99%

2. Patch "Evra" small in size, it can be glued to almost any part of the body. The patch is changed every week and is not used during the fourth week of the cycle.

Flaws: contraindicated in women who smoke 10 or more cigarettes a day. Safe and effective only for women aged 18 to 45. Does not protect against STDs.

Reliability: 99.4%

implant(Norplant) - these are 6 silicone thin capsules containing the hormone levonorgestrel, which enters the bloodstream for 5 years. It is injected under the skin of the shoulder through a small incision, under local anesthesia and removed after 5 years. A side effect is uterine bleeding.

Reliability: 98%

Hormonal injections(Depo-Provera) - consists of an aqueous fine-crystalline suspension that contains high doses of progestogen, administered intramuscularly 1 time in 3 months. Easy to use, long-acting. The negative point is the need to see a doctor to perform an injection, the inability to stop contraception at any time.

Reliability: 99%

Hormonal intrauterine system (Mirena)- a plastic coil with a container containing the hormone levonorgestrel (gestagen). Installed in the uterine cavity, where it operates for 5 years. Mirena combines the advantages of intrauterine devices and hormonal contraceptives. It does not cause inflammatory reactions in the endometrium and significantly reduces the intensity of menstrual bleeding. Levonorgestrel, which is part of the composition, protects women from osteoporosis.

Reliability: 98.9%

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