Green liquid stool. Causes of green diarrhea in an adult and methods of treatment. Video: Dark green stool pain in the intestines

Nature has endowed the human body with an amazing feature - to independently control the work of all systems and organs, to visually report any malfunctions, manifested by skin rashes, or through natural waste. After all, it is not in vain that, with any disease, diagnosis begins with a study of urine and stool tests.

The color, texture and smell of feces are one of the main indicators of pathological changes in the body.

A kind of indicator that reflects the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder is green feces in humans. It is the inflammatory processes in the digestive system that are characteristic of such a manifestation.

Causes of green stool in adults

The main role in changing the usual color of feces is played by bilirubin fat-soluble compounds that are part of the main structure of bile and penetrate into the gastrointestinal tract along with it.

Green stool in an adult

At the normal speed of food moving through the intestinal tract, bilirubin is oxidized, it pigments and turns the feces brown.

If the digestion process is disturbed or the processed food moves too quickly through the intestinal tract, bilirubin that has not had time to oxidize comes out in a natural, non-oxidized form, giving the feces a green color.

Several factors can provoke the cause of the manifestation of green feces in an adult. Among the main causes are iron-containing foods and medications containing an inorganic iron compound.

  • green vegetables, leafy salads, fruits and juices from them;
  • red varieties of fish and meat;
  • red bean varieties;
  • foods and drinks containing food coloring;
  • sweets based on licorice syrup;
  • iron supplements;
  • medicinal preparations based on seaweed;
  • multivitamin complexes;
  • preparations for iodine deficiency, sugar substitutes.

Pathogenic factors

In addition to products and drugs, the manifestation of green feces in an adult is also affected by pathological disorders in the gastrointestinal tract due to:

The development of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract causes a massive death of leukocytes, which give a green color to the feces. This process is accompanied by:

  • a sharp pain symptom in the peritoneum;
  • diarrhea
  • green mucus in the feces with purulent inclusions;

Green mucus in the feces is provoked by many factors, let's pay attention to the main ones:

1) Various intestinal infections in many cases are accompanied by mucus with a hint of green. Fermentation bacterial flora, feeding on carbohydrates, develops fermentation and putrefactive processes in the intestines. This disrupts the function of the intestinal mucosa and causes increased secretion of intestinal mucus.

2) IBS - is characterized by a symptom-complex of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. For a month, mucus in the feces can be noted, among many pathological symptoms. Fever and fever provoke a change in the color of feces.

3) In medicine, three types of hemorrhoids are noted with the formation of a unique mucus with a touch of green that accumulates around the anus.

4) Tumor neoplasms in the intestines of the first degree and accumulation, can manifest themselves as yellow or greenish discharge from the anus with mucus clots.

5) Contribute to the formation of this pathology - congenital intestinal fermentopathy or hereditary pathologies of the structure of the upper inner lining of the jejunum.

6) Congenital intolerance to the protein components of gluten (celiac disease) and milk sugar.

7) Hernial protrusions of the intestinal walls, provoking stagnation of food.

8) Gene mutation. Manifested by the development of atrophy of the glandular layer of the intestinal walls and the development of progressive fibrosis (cystic fibrosis). Due to the release of thick viscous mucus, greenish feces are formed, sometimes gray-green feces.

Causes of dark green stool and symptoms of diseases

Such a symptom is a harbinger of problems in the body, a sure evidence of infectious processes in the intestines. It is often a symptom of the initial form of dysentery.

Manifested by loose stools, pain in the abdomen, fever and impaired thermoregulation (temperature), followed by the addition of clinical infectious symptoms.

The darkening of green stools is preceded by small, chronic forms of bleeding, provoked by malignant tumors in the gastrointestinal tract or ulcerative pathologies. They contribute to the incomplete oxidation of iron compounds in the intestine, which gives the feces a dark green hue.

Dark green stools of a normal structure can manifest themselves due to the development of various pathological changes in the liver that reduce its functionality (fibrosis, hepatosis, etc.). This is due to the lack of formation of red blood cells due to the breakdown of their main component - iron-containing proteins (hemoglobin).

If the liver fails to timely utilize decayed proteins, it throws them into the duodenum, where iron compounds can be oxidized completely or partially, forming dark green feces.

Such a pathology is also noted with a combination of bleeding processes in the upper gastrointestinal tract with an acute form of dysbacteriosis, which provoke an incomplete amount of food processing, accompanied by its fermentation and purulent decay of food elements in the intestines.

Yellow-green feces: formation processes

The inconsistency of the processes of regulation of absorption and digestion of carbohydrates from the fibers and the connective tissue membrane of plant foods leads to functional disorders in the jejunum and pancreas.

Their enzymes do not cope with their duties, as a result of which a syndrome of fermentative dyspepsia develops with the formation of yellow-green feces.

This coloration of feces in breastfeeding children is considered the norm. In older children, feces acquire a yellow-green color when the child's diet is not appropriate for his age.

Or when eating too much food with which the still insolvent gastrointestinal system is unable to cope, while the structure of the feces changes, it becomes watery, frothy or mushy, covered with mucus.

Green feces in a child

Green feces in a child has its own characteristics of manifestation. In many cases, it is not considered a sign of pathology. In infants of the first, adaptive, month of life, feces of this color are the physiological norm due to the baby's addiction to breast milk.

In another case, when the child is artificial, violations in the color scheme of children's feces can be caused by milk mixtures. At the same time, both the consistency and the smell of feces change.

During the feeding period, careful monitoring of what the child eats, in what quantity, and what medications are attributed to him is necessary.

A greenish tint to the stool is very common when a child's teeth begin to erupt.

During this period, intense salivation in response causes a large release of bile into the stomach, affecting the shade and color of the feces. May be accompanied by colic and painful cramps in the baby's tummy. With the growth of the child, the number of provocative factors that cause the green color of feces increases.

For the most part, they are similar to the reasons inherent in adults. Green stools and a sharp deterioration in the child's condition require immediate diagnosis to determine the cause and appropriate treatment.

The reaction of the body in children can manifest itself as a serious problem - dehydration, since such changes are almost always accompanied by frequent diarrhea. It could be anything:

  • salmonellosis or dysentery;
  • escherihoses, lactase deficiency;
  • or intestinal dysbiosis.

Such pathologies can be suspected when mucous formations are detected in the feces. It is necessary to pay special attention to this in order to detect the disease in time.

What to do if green stool appears?

With a similar symptom, the first thing to do is to identify the cause. If you feel normal, there are no negative changes in the body, you should adjust the diet and exclude possible provocative medications.

If this applies to infants, the diet should be reviewed by mommy. Over time, the chair should improve.

If there are any symptoms that cause discomfort and deterioration in general well-being, manifested by: severe pain, weakness, fever and fever, gas accumulations in the intestines or mucus in the feces, an urgent visit to the doctor is necessary.

Only after a thorough diagnosis, the doctor will be able to determine the cause of the disease and draw up an effective treatment plan.

Quite often there is a change in the color of feces. Most people have a question: why is the feces green. There are more than enough reasons for the appearance of this pathology.

All of them indicate a violation in the digestive system. When the first signs of the disease appear, the patient must undergo an examination and, if necessary, a course of treatment.

Green feces appear with infectious diseases in the body.

- This is a fairly common problem. If the work of the digestive system is normal, then the stool is brown.

The appearance of a green color is due to the presence of bile pigments in the feces. In infants, the most common pathology is diagnosed with dysbacteriosis.

The causes of the disease are often infectious or inflammatory processes in the human body. This is due to the presence of dead leukocytes in the body, the excretion of which is carried out naturally.

With dysbacteriosis, green stools are observed as a result of the process of fermentation and decay. Quite often, the pathological process is observed with gastric bleeding. Feces can turn this color if the patient also has gastritis. Pathology can be diagnosed in adult patients and infants against the background of:

  1. food poisoning;
  2. Giardia;
  3. celiac disease;
  4. Salmonellosis;
  5. Rotavirus infection.

If the human body does not tolerate fructose or lactose, then this can lead to green stool staining. With specific ulcerative colitis or malabsorption syndrome, the appearance of a pathological process can also be observed. The cause of the pathology in adult patients may be GERD.

If a patient has an inflammatory process in the small intestine or thyrotoxicosis, then this leads to illness. The likelihood of developing a disease with significantly increases. This is due to the fact that innervation appears in the intestine. If the ileum was removed using a surgical path, then this can cause pathology.

If the process of absorption of bile acids in the small intestine is disturbed, then this is often the cause of the disease. There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of green stools in adult patients and children.

That is why patients need to be as attentive as possible to their health.

Symptoms of the disease

Inflammation of the intestines can cause green stools to appear.

Green stool is characterized by the presence of a pronounced symptom - its color. It should definitely cause anxiety in a person.

In some cases, additional symptoms of pathology may be observed. If green feces are accompanied by dysbacteriosis, then it is characterized by the presence of a putrefactive odor. In acute, green feces include mucus and pus.

Staining of feces in green is due to the presence of dying leukocytes in the human body. At the same time, patients complain about the appearance. Quite often, the pathological condition is accompanied by severe pain and diarrhea.

With intestinal infections, patients often complain of weakness. Also, the pathological process may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Some patients experience diarrhea and vomiting when green stool appears. When a pathology appears, the patient must be provided with urgent medical care, as it can lead to dehydration and death of the patient.

Symptoms of green feces in patients are quite diverse. That is why they are advised, when the first signs appear, to seek help from a doctor who can correctly establish the cause of the pathological condition and prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

First aid for pathology

Lactobacterin will help to cope with the disease.

If the patient's diarrhea attacks are pronounced and his condition deteriorates sharply. Then he must be given first aid without fail.

For this purpose, certain drugs are used. The most effective in this case are probiotics. Doctors recommend that patients take either Bificol.

The release of medicines is carried out in various forms - powders, tablets, rectal suppositories, capsules. With the help of these traditional medicines, the intestinal microflora is restored.

If the patient assumes that green feces arose against the background of food poisoning. To neutralize it, activated carbon is widely used, with the help of which the pathogenic microflora is neutralized. One tablet of activated charcoal is recommended for 10 kilograms of human weight.

If a patient with green feces observe nausea and vomiting. He needs application. Sometimes, when a pathological condition appears, the patient will only need to change the diet.

To avoid green stools in newborns, women are also advised to follow a diet. During this period, it is strictly forbidden to eat sweets, especially chocolate.

Doctors do not recommend that women eat citrus fruits. The introduction of other vegetables and fruits into a woman's diet should be gradual. One fruit or vegetable is allowed to eat no more than once a week.

Thanks to this strategy, allergic reactions in a child to certain are identified. Do not be afraid that an allergic reaction in a baby can remain for life. After a few months, you can again try to eat the product to which the baby was allergic.

First aid for green diarrhea is quite important. This is due to the fact that if it is not timely, serious side effects in the form of dehydration of the body can be observed.

Health care

Smecta is a drug for the treatment of green stools.

If a green color of blood and a persistent putrefactive odor are found in the feces, the patient must without fail seek help from a doctor.

In this case, the doctor prescribes diagnostics in the form of a coprogram. With its help, an assessment of the chemical, physical and microscopic parameters and properties of feces is given.

With the help of this analysis, it is determined why the feces have become green. Also, patients are prescribed an ultrasound examination of the digestive system.

To obtain confirmation of dysbacteriosis, patients are recommended to pass. In accordance with the results obtained, the gastroenterologist prescribes treatment. If the patient has acute inflammation of the intestines, then he needs to completely refuse food on the first day of treatment.

You can learn a lot about a person’s health from a person’s stool, and with its help, many troubles in the body are diagnosed. Green stool in an adult- this is a reason to be wary, because it can talk about very serious pathologies in the body.

May be associated with green stool altered hemoglobin which enters the liver. Under normal circumstances, human stool is brown, with a soft and smooth consistency. The color depends on the presence of bile, as well as on bilirubin enzyme which results from the breakdown of hemoglobin cells. The shade of bile can be from pale yellow to dark brown.

Passing through the gallbladder and ducts, bile reaches the intestines, and there chemical changes can occur that determine the color of the feces. If everything is going well, the color of the feces will not change. But if the rate increases, then the enzyme and the changes that have occurred can change the color of the feces. In particular, he can become green.

Much depends on the specific shade of feces:

  • Specifically, the green color of the stool can manifest itself in fans vegetables and vegetarianism. Diarrhea is possible, as well as elevated bilirubin and biliverdin in the masses.
  • If the color yellowish green, then this phenomenon can be associated with carbohydrate fermentation. In this case, we can say that the normal processes of assimilation of carbohydrates and their breakdown are disturbed in the body.
  • Black-green feces they say that there is too much iron in the body. This can occur if you take drugs that contain this microelement.

If the green color is not so obvious and characteristic, then the following pathologies should be considered as probable reasons for this:

  • Dysbacteriosis. This happens when the disease is medicinal origin, that is, it arose as a result of the use of antibacterial drugs, and the stage of the disease is already running. Then diarrhea can occur, in which the feces will have a greenish tint and a slightly putrid smell. In this case, one cannot do without the normalization of the intestinal microflora, for which bifidus and lactobacilli are needed.
  • Intestinal inflammation or enteritis. In this case, diarrhea may occur. Inflammation will be in any one area: in the large intestine, ileum or in the duodenum. Also, the cause may be a disease such as colitis.
  • Bleeding in the stomach or intestines. Then the stool becomes green. An ulcer or swelling is also possible. The reason for the green stool itself will be that the iron in the blood will not be completely oxidized. Chronic diarrhea may be accompanied by pallor of the skin, general weakness, fainting or semi-consciousness.
  • Diseases of the blood and pathology of the liver.

One of the possible causes of green stools is acute intestinal infection called dysentery. In this case, it will hurt in the intestinal area, vomiting and nausea, severe weakness are possible. It is possible to treat such a disease only in a hospital under the supervision of a specialist.

If we talk about bleeding, then the color will change due to the fact that iron molecules will be destroyed in the blood cells. And the symptoms can be the same as with anemia: weakness, increased heart rate, shortness of breath.

A symptom like green chair color, can greatly frighten a pregnant woman. It can appear if the expectant mother is on a diet or consumes certain vitamin complexes. If the complex contains a lot of calcium and iron, the stomach may not fully absorb them, which is why the feces will acquire such a color.

The green tint of the stool can indicate certain problems in the intestines. It could be irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease. In the presence of inflammation and bleeding, bile and blood mix, which causes a change in the color of the stool.

If you had a stool once, and did not affect the state of the body in any way, then this phenomenon, as a rule, is not dangerous and goes away on its own. If the stool does not return to normal within a few days, definitely go to the doctor, since this symptom can indicate a very serious problem that requires exclusively medical or even surgical treatment.

What should be the treatment?

Depending on what is the cause of the green stool, the necessary treatment measures will be selected. Only a specialist can determine the cause, so you should not engage in amateur activities. As a rule, in order to make an accurate diagnosis the doctor prescribes the necessary tests.

Usually this is a coronary program, general urine and blood tests, as well as an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity to identify certain pathologies in it. Already on the basis of the results obtained, as well as a conversation with you, during which important information can be clarified, the doctor will determine the exact cause of this phenomenon and prescribe necessary remedial measures.

Treatment can be based on the following areas:

  • Medications. If an infection in the intestine is determined, sorbents and drugs that kill pathogenic microorganisms may be indicated.
  • Normalization of the balance of microflora in the intestine. To do this, you will need probiotics, drugs that contain bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.
  • If the body loses a lot of fluid and salt due to a bowel disorder, intravenous drips may be indicated.
  • If the cause of such a pathology as green chair associated with bleeding, surgery may be needed. Sometimes it can prevent very serious consequences, including death.

What can be done at home?

Self action needs to be taken very carefully. If you are suffering from diarrhea, then you can take a drug that will stop it. Other medicines without the permission of a specialist should not be taken.

Also a very important measure that you can take at home is normalize the diet. It is advisable to give up fatty, fried and smoked, exclude spices and spices, alcohol and soda, sweets, pastries. Useful cereals, vegetable soups, jelly.

The body needs to get enough liquid, so drink enough plain water. This will help prevent dehydration and a number of problems that come with it. This is especially important if you have diarrhea, because with the latter, the body loses a lot of fluid.

Green stools can appear for various reasons. Some of them are dangerous, some are quite natural from a physiological point of view. Anyway don't ignore this symptom.. Contact a specialist and be sure to listen to his recommendations.

Green stool in an adult can be a sign of malnutrition, infectious diseases, or taking a number of drugs.

If the color of the feces changes once, most likely, the reason is the use of provoking foods. When a change in shade is observed for a long period, accompanied by diarrhea, mucus, or the release of drops of blood during bowel movements, you should consult a specialist to make an accurate diagnosis.

The main factors that provoke a change in the color of feces

The norm is considered to be bowel movements once every 1-2 days, while the color of feces should have a brown tint. What can be a slight deviation from accepted standards?

There are a number of physiological and pathological factors:

  • Eating food that affects various processes in the body or has a large amount of coloring substances in its composition.
  • An imbalance in the bacterial environment of the body, an infectious disease, poisoning, allergic reactions, the development of pathologies of internal organs, in particular those related to the digestive tract.
  • Taking certain medications.

Changes you shouldn't worry about

Fans of sweets, such as marmalade, jelly, and other foods high in dyes, may occasionally notice greenish stools.

In addition, other products also affect the color of feces:

In this case, a revision of the diet will help to normalize the situation. If a few days after the exclusion of provoking foods, the color of the feces has not changed, then other reasons must be considered.

Change in stool color when taking medication

Feces can turn green when consumed:

  • Iodine preparations.
  • Laxatives, in particular herbal medicines.
  • Sorbitol.
  • Glucose.
  • Chlorophyll.
  • Vitamin complexes.
  • iron-containing drugs.
  • Medicines based on seaweed.

Usually, a possible change in the color of feces is mentioned in the annotation to the drug. If you cancel such drugs, then within 5 days the feces acquire a characteristic dark brown hue. If you take a radiopaque substance, the stool may become gray, but after 2-3 days the condition returns to normal on its own.

Antibiotics with prolonged use disrupt the intestinal microflora, causing dysbacteriosis, which entails a change in the normal color of feces to green.

A consequence of the development of a pathological environment

Feces in an adult can acquire a peculiar shade with the appearance of gastrointestinal diseases.

Most often diagnosed:

  • Dysbacteriosis. Due to the imbalance of intestinal microorganisms, the process of digestion of food is disrupted, food residues rot, which may be accompanied by a violation of the frequency and color of the stool.
  • Dysentery. The condition is characterized by acute pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. The patient develops weakness, the temperature rises sharply.
  • Salmonellosis. Entering the body, an intestinal infection causes a sharp rise in temperature, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.
  • Rotavirus infection. The stools have a liquid consistency with an admixture of mucus and an unpleasant odor. The patient has signs of intoxication, weakness and a sharp rise in temperature.
  • Enteritis. The inflammatory process in the intestine is manifested by diarrhea, nausea, pain in the abdomen, weakness.
  • Tumors of various etiologies, internal bleeding or complication of an ulcer. Green color occurs when iron is oxidized in erythrocytes.
  • Diseases of the circulatory system. When the decaying red blood cells begin to produce insufficient amounts of bilirubin from hemoglobin, there is not enough pigment to color the feces, and they are excreted in an unchanged green color. Liver problems such as hepatitis also lead to the same consequences.

With infectious lesions of the intestine, a bright green hue of the stool, a rise in temperature, weakness and an admixture of mucus in the stools are observed. In case of poisoning, these symptoms are accompanied by vomiting and severe abdominal pain..

Allergies to food can be manifested by a change in the color of the stool, along with the presence of mucus and undigested food debris in it. With gluten intolerance, liquid feces with an unpleasant odor are observed. And lactose indigestion is characterized by the onset of diarrhea with green stools immediately after eating dairy products.

In babies under 6 months, green stools may indicate an increase in bilirubin. At this age, the condition can normalize on its own.

Often a change in shade is associated with a transition to another mixture. This is due to the immaturity of the digestive system. The food of a breastfeeding mother also plays a role in many respects, since all substances from the products penetrate into the milk.

What color of feces indicates a disease of the internal organs?

Many do not know what diseases change the shade of feces. It should be noted that these are mainly pathologies of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, stomach and intestines.

  • Green feces may be the result of inflammation of the intestine or the development of a tumor of this organ, intoxication of the body, celiac disease.
  • Red-brown indicates the presence of minor internal bleeding in the lower digestive tract. Observations show that this means damage to the intestinal walls. When the feces move through the intestine, the mucous membranes are injured, blood is released through small cracks and enters the feces.
  • Black may indicate bleeding in organs located in the upper parts of the digestive system.
  • Yellow-green indicates carbohydrate fermentation. This condition occurs with diseases of the pancreas, for example, diabetes mellitus.
  • Gray-green or white indicates the absence of bile in the intestine. Pathology occurs with liver disease and when the gallbladder has stones or a tumor that clogs the excretory ducts.

Symptoms associated with green stools

If the color change occurs due to the intake of medications or provocative products, then there are no other signs of the disease. When the problem is caused by the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms, the development of ailments of internal organs, hidden bleeding, the following symptoms occur simultaneously with green feces:

  • Abdominal pain. Usually its localization indicates the location of the diseased organ.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Bad smell of stool.
  • The presence of mucus or.
  • Elevated temperature.
  • General deterioration of health: headache, dizziness, weakness, fatigue.

green stool in pregnant women

Expectant mothers try to monitor their diet, so they consume a large amount of plant foods. Spinach and broccoli contain chlorophyll, which can cause faecal discoloration.

In addition, to prevent anemia and destruction of bone tissue during pregnancy, vitamin complexes rich in iron and calcium are prescribed. Also, black feces can be the result of taking activated charcoal during gas formation.

The color of feces, with a temporary change, does not affect the condition of the baby. But if, after the abolition of provoking foods and drugs, the condition does not change, this may indicate the presence of various diseases, and the tar-black shade indicates internal bleeding.

Dysbacteriosis is a frequent companion of pregnant women. In this case, diarrhea begins, stools are green.

When making this diagnosis, the doctor prescribes Smecta or Imodium to remove toxins. It is recommended to include whole grain cereals, sour-milk products, green tea in the diet.

In order to prevent serious complications during the period of bearing a baby, for any violations or changes in the color and consistency of the stool, you should consult a doctor.

First aid at home

When changing the color of feces, nutrition should be reviewed, excluding sweets and food rich in chlorophyll and containing dyes from the menu.

With diarrhea, you must take Smecta or Regidron. This will normalize the water-electrolyte balance and avoid dehydration.

Atoxil is an excellent sorbent, which is used to remove toxins, especially when vomiting. But the drug should be taken after gastric lavage.

With severe dysbacteriosis, it is useful to drink probiotics. If no improvement is observed within a few days or the condition is accompanied by a rise in temperature, stools with blood inclusions, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, then you should consult a doctor.

After a series of tests, the specialist will make a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. It can be anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drugs, antispasmodics, vitamin complexes. With internal bleeding, urgent hospitalization is indicated, followed by surgical intervention.

Tests to determine the cause of a change in stool color

For a correct diagnosis when green feces appear, when they are not associated with food intake, a series of examinations should be performed:

  • Complete blood count with the determination of the leukocyte component.
  • Analysis of urine.
  • Blood test for biochemistry and electrolytes.
  • Analysis of feces for bacterial environment.
  • Abdominal ultrasound.

If indicated, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, CT or MRI of the abdominal cavity may be prescribed.

The green color of feces, like other uncharacteristic shades, may be the result of a number of pathologies. To determine the cause and exclude the presence of the disease, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner and do the necessary tests. Self-medication can worsen the situation, lead to dehydration and damage to internal organs.

People often do not pay attention to the color of their own "stool". And indeed, when nothing bothers you in terms of health, it somehow doesn’t occur to look into the toilet bowl. But if there is a problem with the function of the digestive tract, you need to pay attention to the shade of feces first.

Excrement, their color, consistency, existing inclusions, smell, regularity of appearance - this is an indicator of the state of the digestive system and the health of the body as a whole. In particular, green stools may indicate various, rather dangerous diseases that cause severe consequences and complications.

Causes of green stool

Factors that contribute to the staining of feces in marsh color are divided into two groups:

  1. Pathological - the shade of excrement changes as a result of diseases, anomalies, disorders of the digestive system.
  2. Physiological - feces take on a different color due to the use of certain foods, dietary supplements, vitamin preparations, medicines.

To find out what exactly caused the persistent staining of the stool in a swampy or other shade of green, you need to see a doctor and undergo a diagnosis.


This is a zoonotic disease, the pathogens of which are transmitted to humans from animals or through the consumption of appropriate products - eggs, milk, butter, meat. Bacteria migrate through the bloodstream, affecting the intestines and other organs - the liver, kidneys, heart muscle, even the brain. Symptoms of pathology, the following:

  • High body temperature - up to 40 degrees.
  • Green stool.
  • Liquid, frothy excrement with a putrid odor - bowel movements up to 10 times a day.
  • Weakness and other signs of intoxication.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Pain in the upper abdomen - in the navel, bloating.

Due to the fact that salmonellosis threatens with intoxication and extremely dangerous dehydration, when the first symptoms appear, you need to urgently call an ambulance team.

This infectious disease is very dangerous, as the mucous membrane of the large intestine is affected, and intoxication of the body occurs. The kidneys, liver, and nervous system may also be affected. Clinical manifestations of pathology are as follows:

  • General malaise, weakness.
  • Increased body temperature, chills.
  • Cramping pain in the epigastric region, mainly on the left side.
  • Diarrhea - often due to the admixture of mucus and (or) blood, a dark green feces of a liquid consistency appears.
  • Nausea and urge to vomit.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Shortness of breath and low blood pressure.

This condition requires immediate hospitalization in the infectious diseases department of a medical institution.

This pathology occurs in both children and adults. Strictly speaking, this is not a disease, but a symptom that the balance of normal and pathogenic microflora that inhabits the digestive tract is disturbed.

Dysbacteriosis can occur in acute or chronic form, and to a large extent affect the function of the organs of the digestive system. Acute pain, nausea, prolonged diarrhea with disgustingly smelling green feces are standard symptoms of normal flora disorders.

Other possible pathological causes

The color of bowel movements may change due to the following diseases or conditions:

  • Poisoning by low-quality or expired products food, pharmaceuticals.
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Various enteritis (duodenitis, jeunitis, ileitis).
  • Internal bleeding due to abdominal trauma. In this case, the person will have black-green feces.
  • Allergy to food, including lactose.
  • stomach ulcer or duodenum.
  • Tumors localized in the gastrointestinal tract(in this case, the feces may acquire a gray-green or other shade).
  • Liver disease or gallbladder.
  • Functioning anomalies circulatory system.

There are many pathologies that can affect the shade of feces, their symptoms are similar. Therefore, to engage in self-diagnosis, and even more so to prescribe treatment for oneself, is inappropriate and dangerous to health. For this purpose, it is better to contact a gastroenterologist.

Physiological causes

There are two groups of causes that are quite normal triggers for changing the color of feces.

Consumption of certain foods:

  • Grains that are poorly digested by the body.
  • Food rich in iron.
  • Vegetables, fruits, greens - spinach, broccoli, dill, parsley, cilantro, cucumbers, sorrel, lettuce, pears, seaweed.
  • Products containing synthetic or natural dyes.

The use of medicines, dietary supplements, and other pharmacological or phytopreparations:

  • Teas, tablets, capsules based on herbal ingredients.
  • Medicines with a high content of iodine or iron.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • Sports supplements.
  • Seaweed preparations.

A swamp-colored stool often appears in vegetarians, as well as women who are fond of monotonous vegetable diets, adhere to an “too” healthy lifestyle.

When to Call a Doctor

If the feces turn green, but nothing else bothers the person, there is no reason to panic. However, in the case when there are additional alarming symptoms, or even one, you should not hesitate to contact the doctor:

  • Change in the consistency of stools - liquid, frothy stools, the appearance of blood, mucus, undigested food.
  • Persistent rise in temperature.
  • Weakness, drowsiness, apathy.
  • Syncope (fainting).
  • Anemia.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Change in skin tone - blanching, blue.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Pain in the abdominal or epigastric region.

Accurate diagnosis of the disease

To differentiate the pathology, the doctor prescribes a number of laboratory and hardware studies:

  • General clinical, biochemical blood and urine tests.
  • Bacterial culture, coprogram and stool microscopy. Study of faeces to detect any inclusions.
  • Ultrasound or MRI of organs located in the abdominal cavity.
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS, swallowing a special flexible tube - a gastroscope).

After an accurate diagnosis of the disease, the doctor determines the treatment regimen.


In this matter, it all depends on the reason that provoked a change in the color of the feces. The following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • Antibiotics for the destruction of pathogenic microflora - penicillins, cephalosporins, tetracyclines.
  • Sorbents for cleansing, detoxifying the body - Activated carbon, Smecta, Polysorb, Atoxil, Enterosgel.
  • Enzyme preparations to stabilize the processes of digestion - Creon, Pancreatin.
  • Medicines that restore the body's water-salt balance, which is disturbed due to vomiting and diarrhea - Regidron.
  • Antispasmodics - No-Shpa or Papaverine, which will help relieve attacks of pain.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs and antipyretics - Nimesulide, Paracetamol.
  • Immunostimulants - Dibazol or echinacea tincture.

Restoration of intestinal microflora

Treatment of dysbacteriosis and other diseases that are manifested by a change in the color of feces includes taking probiotics. Linex or Acipol drugs populate the gastrointestinal tract with microorganisms that are beneficial to humans. The course of therapy is about 30 days.

For the same purpose, the patient can use homemade natural yoghurts with lacto- and bifidobacteria.

Surgical intervention

Surgery is required if the green stool is due to internal bleeding. In this case, the patient must be urgently hospitalized and provided with medical care. Usually, a sparing method of radical treatment is used - laparoscopy.

And also surgical intervention may be needed to eliminate diseases (tumor, ulcer, hemorrhagic gastritis), the pathological course of which is reflected in the characteristics of feces.


If a person has green stool, this means that he should not consume the following foods and drinks:

  • Confectionery, including pastries.
  • Fresh bread from premium flour.
  • Mushrooms, pasta, cabbage, legumes, potatoes, bananas, garlic, onions.
  • Milk.
  • Soda, alcohol.
  • Dishes, the use of which negatively affects the function of the gastrointestinal tract - fried, spicy, spicy, salty, smoked, fatty.
  • Products that contain a lot of synthetic dyes, flavors, flavors, preservatives.

The daily menu should include:

  • Pureed vegetable soups.
  • Low-fat broths from dietary meats, fish.
  • Kashi on the water.
  • Yoghurts and dairy products.
  • Kissels, compotes, herbal decoctions.
  • Puree from vegetables and fruits.

You need to eat more than 4 times a day, but in small portions. Food should be home cooked, fresh and at a moderate temperature. In addition to diet, you need to follow the general rules of a healthy lifestyle, and these are:

  • Feasible physical activity - walking in the fresh air, morning exercises, yoga, fitness, cycling, swimming.
  • Regular preventive examinations by a therapist and narrow specialists, in particular, a gastroenterologist.
  • Hygiene - wash hands before eating and thoroughly rinse raw vegetables and fruits.
  • Rejection of bad habits.

green stool during pregnancy

The main reasons for changing the shade of excrement in women during the period of bearing a child are as follows:

  • Eating a large amount of plant foods with a high content of chlorophyll.
  • Uncontrolled intake of vitamins and minerals, in particular, iron, calcium.
  • Violation of the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, which occurs in connection with hormonal and physiological changes in the body of a woman.

A feces with a greenish tinge, if it appears for the reasons mentioned, is a harmless symptom. However, a pregnant woman may have diseases that she does not even suspect. Therefore, it is better not to take risks, not to engage in self-diagnosis, but to consult a therapist. Indeed, in this case, we are talking about the health of not only the woman, but also the baby she is carrying.

green stool in children

In infants who are breastfed, such an unusual color of the stool is a variant of the norm. This is due to the composition of mother's milk, and because of the unformed digestive system of the newborn. In formula-fed babies, green stools indicate that the formula is enriched with iron.

If a change in the shade of feces occurs in older children, this is most likely due to complementary foods and dietary habits. If the menu contains a lot of vegetables, fruits, greens, and the child feels well, this color of the stool should not cause concern. But in any case, it does not hurt to consult with a specialist. After all, intestinal infections are not uncommon, and maybe both a baby and a schoolboy can get infected.

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