A small rash on the body of a child. The most likely causes of a rash in a child on the body. Factors that cause a red rash on the body

How to figure out what kind of rash a child has? Below you will find a photo with explanations of the main skin diseases in children.

Have you been taken by surprise by baby rashes under diapers or red dots on your baby’s palms? Now you will not have any questions about what kind of rash your child has.

Rash in children: photo with explanations

How to distinguish acne with chickenpox from a pustular rash, and atopic dermatitis from allergies - see the photo and read the explanations for them in our material.

Baby acne

Small white pimples usually appear on the cheeks, and sometimes on the forehead, chin and even the back of a newborn. May be surrounded by reddish skin. Acne may appear from the first days up to 4 weeks of age.

Toxic erythema
The rash is characterized by small yellow or white rashes on the reddened area of ​​the skin. It can appear anywhere on the child's body. The rash disappears on its own within two weeks, and is common in newborns, usually on the 2nd to 5th day of their life.

Erythema infectiosum (Fifth disease)
In the initial stage, there is fever, aches and cold symptoms, and in the following days there are bright pink spots on the cheeks and a red, itchy rash on the chest and feet.

Most often, such a rash occurs in preschoolers and first graders.

Pimples or crusted pustules appear around the hair follicles. They are usually located on the neck, in the armpit or inguinal region. Rarely seen in children under 2 years of age.

Rashes on the hands, feet and around the mouth
They are characterized by fever, lack of appetite, sore throat, and painful blistering wounds in the mouth. The rash may appear on the feet, hands, and sometimes the buttocks. Initially, the rash appears as small, flat, red dots that may develop into bumps or blisters. It occurs at any age, but is most common among preschoolers.

Raised, red patches of skin characterized by itching may come and go on their own. Usually they appear from several hours to several days, but there are cases when they drag on to weeks or months. May appear at any age. The cause of urticaria is an allergic reaction to some allergen.

Small red bumps that may itch. They often appear near the nose and mouth, but can spread to other parts of the body. Over time, the bumps become pustules, which can boil and become covered with a soft yellow-brown crust. As a result, the child may have a fever and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Most often, impetigo occurs in children from 2 to 6 years old.

The rash in children is characterized by a yellow tint to the skin. In dark-skinned children, jaundice can be identified in the whites of the eyes, on the palms or feet. It is most common in children in the first and second week of life, as well as in premature babies.

This disease begins with fever, runny nose, red watery eyes and cough. A few days later, small red dots with a white base appear on the inside of the cheeks, and then the rash appears on the face, passes to the chest and back, arms and legs with feet. At the initial stage, the rash has a flat red character, gradually becoming lumpy and itchy. This continues for about 5 days, and then the rash takes on a brown tint, the skin dries up and begins to peel off. Most common among unvaccinated children.

Mile are small white or yellow bumps-balls on the nose, chin and cheeks. Often occurs in newborns. Symptoms go away on their own within a few weeks.

molluscum contagiosum
Rashes have a hemispherical shape. The color matches the normal color of the skin or slightly pinker, having a pinkish-orange hue with a pearly top. In the middle of the hemisphere there is an impression, somewhat reminiscent of a human navel.

Unusual for children under one year old.

papular urticaria
These are small, raised skin rashes that thicken over time and become a reddish-brown hue. They occur at the site of old insect bites and are usually accompanied by severe itching. May appear at any age.

Poison ivy or sumac
Initially, small areas or links of swollen and itchy red spots appear on the skin. The manifestation occurs after 12-48 hours from the moment of contact with a poisonous plant, but there are cases of a rash appearing within a week after contact. Over time, the rash turns into a blister and crusts over. Sumac is uncharacteristic for children under one year old.

As a rule, the first symptom is a sharp rise in temperature (39.4), which does not subside for the first 3-5 days. Then a pink rash appears on the torso and neck, later spreading to the arms, legs and face. The child may be nervous, vomit, or show symptoms of diarrhea. Most often occurs between the ages of 6 months and 3 years.

A rash in the form of one or more red rings, ranging in size from a penny in denominations from 10 to 25 kopecks. The rings are usually dry and scaly at the edges and smooth in the center and may grow over time. It can also appear as dandruff or small bald patches on the scalp. Most common ages 2 and older.

Rubella measles
A bright pink rash that first appears on the face and then spreads to the whole body and lasts 2-3 days. The child may have a fever, swollen lymph nodes behind the ears, a stuffy or runny nose, headache, and sore throat. Vaccination reduces the risk of contracting rubella.

Red rashes that are accompanied by severe itching usually occur between the fingers, around the wrist, under the armpits and under the diaper, around the elbows. May also appear on the kneecap, palms, soles, scalp or face. The rash can cause white or red mesh marks, as well as the appearance of small blisters on areas of the skin around the rash. Itching is most intense after taking a hot bath or at night, preventing the child from sleeping. May occur at any age.

Scarlet fever
The rash begins as hundreds of tiny red dots on the armpits, neck, chest, and groin and quickly spreads throughout the body. The rash feels like sandpaper to the touch and can be itchy. Also, it may be accompanied by fever and redness of the throat. During the initial stage of the infection, the tongue may have a white or yellowish coating that later turns red. Roughness on the tongue increases and gives the impression of a rash. This condition is commonly referred to as strawberry tongue. The child's tonsils may swell and become red. As the rash disappears, peeling of the skin occurs, especially in the groin area and on the hands. Scarlet fever is rare in children under 2 years of age.

Small bumps, like grains, appear singly or in groups, usually on the arms, but can go all over the body. Warts usually have a shade close to skin tone, but may be slightly lighter or darker, with a black dot in the middle. Small flat warts can appear all over the body, but in children they most often appear on the face.
There are also plantar warts.

Such defects disappear on their own, but this process can take from several months to several years. Warts are not characteristic of children under 2 years of age.

Usually a rash on the body of a child causes a lot of anxiety in parents. Indeed, a frequent symptom of various infections, causing a lot of discomfort. However, timely treatment of skin rashes allows you to quickly forget about itching and burning.

A rash in a child can appear not only on the whole body, but also affect only one area. The number of acceptable diagnoses is reduced, and recovery is faster

On the head

The rash worries babies in different parts of the body.

  • On the back of the head, small pink dots most often indicate overheating and the development of prickly heat.
  • Abundant vesicles and blisters on the back of the head or cheeks indicate an infection with scabies.
  • Inflammation in the cheeks, and on the beard, speak of an allergy to food or medicine.
  • If a rash in a child has formed on the eyelids, it means that unsuitable hygiene products have been selected for the child. If the rash on the eyelids looks like scales or crusts, dermatitis is likely to develop.

around the neck

On hands and wrists

In the abdomen

A rash on the abdomen in the form of red vesicles occurs in newborns from toxic erythema, which passes on its own. The area of ​​the abdomen, and the area of ​​the hips, most often suffers from pemphigus. The disease begins with slight redness, blisters appear, and begin to burst. Similar symptoms are characteristic of exfoliating dermatitis.

When the bacterial microflora is disturbed, erysipelas appear in the abdomen. Do not forget about the permissible small rash from allergies, prickly heat and infections such as chickenpox or scabies.

On the lower back

On the inner and outer thighs

Rashes on the hips of a child usually appear from poor hygiene. Often the baby just sweats in his diapers, suffers from poor-quality clothes. As a result, sweating appears. Allergic reactions often provoke inflammation on the inside of the thigh.

A rash on the thighs indicates the presence of measles, rubella, chickenpox or scarlet fever. In rare cases, rashes speak of diseases of the circulatory system.

In the groin area

A rash in the groin is the result of infrequent diaper changes or skin contact with dirty diapers. Red diaper rash appears on the skin, bacteria multiply in them. Prickly heat in the groin area in the form of pink spots often appears in a baby as a result of overheating in the sun. Sometimes the source of the rash is candidiasis. Finally, the baby can develop an allergy to diapers.

On the buttocks

The rash on the pope has a nature similar to the causes of groin irritation. A rare change of diapers, violation of hygiene rules lead to the occurrence of an inflammatory process. The area of ​​the priests can suffer from allergies to food or diapers, from prickly heat and diathesis.

On the legs, knees and heels and can itch

A small rash on the legs usually appears as a result of dermatitis or allergies. If it itches and resembles mosquito bites, most likely the baby really suffered from insects.

The cause of a rash on the legs can be an infection or trauma to the skin. If your child has itchy heels, the rash is most likely caused by a fungus. An allergic reaction on the heels manifests itself in the form of flaky spots, itching and causing swelling of the foot. On the knee joints, a rash can appear with eczema, lichen and psoriasis.

On all parts of the body

Inflammation of the skin throughout the body often indicates an infection. If the child is covered with a small rash and it itches, the cause is probably an allergic reaction (see: allergic rash) of the body to a strong irritant. If there is no itching from the rash, these causes can be excluded. Most likely there is a problem with the metabolism or the work of internal organs.

When the rash all over the body is also colorless, most likely the baby's sebaceous glands are too active. Vitamin deficiency and hormonal disruptions in the child's body can make themselves felt through rashes without color.

The nature of the rash

If you look closely at a baby's rash, you will notice distinctive signs. Color, shape and structure.

Like nettles

A rash resembling nettle spots indicates a special type of allergy - urticaria. Pink blisters on the skin are very itchy and are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Most often, urticaria is provoked by hot water, stress, strong physical exertion. The rash at the same time resembles small blisters on the chest or neck.

Like a mosquito bite

If the rash resembles a mosquito bite, the baby has an allergy to malnutrition. In newborns, this reaction often indicates violations in the menu of a nursing mother. Mosquito bites - talk about the impact of any blood-sucking insects on the skin, such as ticks or fleas.

In the form of spots

A patchy rash is a very common form of skin inflammation. Most often, the reason lies in the disease of the integument itself or in the presence of an infection. The size of the spots and their color play an important role. Rashes that look like spots appear with lichen, allergies, dermatitis and eczema.

Rough to the touch

A rough rash is most often caused by eczema. In this case, the back of the hands and face suffer. The cause of rough rashes, resembling sandpaper, sometimes becomes keratosis - one of the forms of allergies. Small pimples at the same time affect the back and side of the arms, but sometimes there is inflammation of the inner side of the thighs.

In the form of bubbles and blisters

A rash in the form of blisters appears on the baby's body as a result of hives (see: hives in children), prickly heat, pemphigus. Among infectious diseases, rashes with vesicles are caused by rubella and chickenpox.

Under skin color

Flesh-colored lesions on the skin are called papules. A rash of this color is indicative of eczema, psoriasis, or contact dermatitis. Sometimes a colorless rash is caused by hormonal changes in the child's body.

Redness due to infections

The signs accompanying the rash often indicate the development of a serious illness in the baby.

With angina

Often, observing the primary signs of a sore throat (fever and cough) in a baby, after a certain time, parents notice a rash on his body. Here, the development of an infectious disease is likely against the background of a weakened immune system. Sometimes redness appears due to tonsillitis. Do not forget that the baby in the process of treating angina often has an allergy to antibiotics.


The appearance of a rash in combination with the usual symptoms of SARS has similar causes. The child is able to have intolerance to the components of drugs or an allergy to folk remedies. Most often, redness occurs after a course of antibiotics for SARS.

From chickenpox

From chicken pox, babies develop spots with itching, almost immediately becoming large blisters. The rash occurs on the palms, face, torso and even in the mouth. The disease is accompanied by high fever and headaches. When the bubbles burst, the baby's skin becomes covered with a crust.

The answer to the question of how long the rashes completely disappear depends on the timeliness of treatment. Usually 3-5 days is enough.

With the development of measles

In the case of measles, the baby usually suffers from fever and large red spots that almost merge with each other. The measles rash appears first on the head, and then passes to the trunk and limbs. The first signs of measles resemble the common cold. This is a strong dry cough, sneezing and tears. Then the temperature rises. How many days does the rash disappear? As a rule, the skin is restored on the third day.

From infection with scarlet fever

Scarlet fever signals itself by the appearance of small dots on the 2nd day of illness. Especially a lot of small rash in the area of ​​the elbow and knee bends, on the palms, in the folds of the skin. The speed of treatment usually does not affect how many days the redness disappears. The rash disappears on its own after 1-2 weeks.

For meningitis

A bright red or purple rash appears on the body of children with meningococcal infection. The disease affects the vessels of the skin, so inflammation on the skin forms in various forms. With meningitis, there are rashes on the mucous membranes, on the legs and arms, on the sides of the body.

When to Call a Doctor

  • The child develops a fever and the temperature rises to 40 degrees.
  • The rash appears all over the body and there is unbearable itching.
  • Headache, vomiting and confusion in the baby begin.
  • The rash looks like stellate hemorrhages.
  • There are swelling and difficulty in breathing.

What absolutely cannot be done

  • Self-squeeze pustules.
  • Rip or burst bubbles.
  • Scratch rashes.
  • Apply brightly colored preparations to the skin (make it difficult to diagnose).

In general, a rash is a symptom of many diseases. Sometimes it leads to serious problems, and sometimes it goes away on its own. In any case, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor.


  1. Timely vaccinations can protect the child from infections (But remember, vaccinations are not always beneficial, everyone is individual!). Now there are already vaccinations against meningitis and rashes on its soil. Learn more from your doctor.
  2. The correct introduction of complementary foods can protect a small child from allergic reactions. It is recommended to teach the child to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. This will not only prevent many diseases and strengthen the immune system, but also reduce the risk of an allergic rash.
  3. If you suspect that your baby has caught an infection, immediately limit his contact with a potential source of infection.

Summing up

  • An important role in determining the cause of the rash is played by its localization. The areas of the body most in contact with clothing or diapers usually suffer from dermatitis and prickly heat. The baby's face is often covered with a rash from allergies. A rash all over the body indicates the development of an infection or a metabolic disorder in the body.
  • Pay attention to the shape of the rash and its color. Small spots indicate allergic reactions, and large spots indicate infections. A colorless rash is not contagious, and a rough one indicates disorders in the child's body.
  • Monitor the general condition of the baby, because other symptoms allow you to accurately determine the factor that causes reddening of the skin. However, keep in mind that these diseases, like SARS and tonsillitis, very rarely cause a rash on their own. It is worth observing the daily routine of the child, because the rash often appears after visiting the pool and similar public places.
  • If the rash in a child is accompanied by cough, vomiting and high fever, we are talking about an infectious disease. In this case, the whole body is covered with spots and itches. With proper treatment, rashes in children disappear after 3-5 days. Sometimes a rash and vomiting are signs of dysbacteriosis.
  1. If the rash has become a cause of concern for a newborn baby, the range of its causes is small. Often, pimples without pus appear on the neck and face of children 2 weeks after birth, disappearing by themselves. In children under one year old, a small rash is most often caused by prickly heat due to wearing diapers or tight clothing. Red and pink rashes in a small child are associated with an allergy to new foods.
  2. When the rash appears after the sun, they talk about the presence of photodermatosis in the baby. Solar allergy is accompanied by itching, redness of the skin and abscesses. On the extremities, on the face and chest, the rash is usually rough. Crusts, scales, bubbles are formed.
  3. Allergic reactions in a child's body can manifest themselves in a variety of irritants. Often, after visiting the pool, a rash appears on the body of the kids due to the abundance of chlorine in the water. It has already been said that rashes can also form after a course of antibiotics for angina. If we are talking about the treatment of serious diseases such as leukemia, allergies appear after a month.
  4. A small bright rash in children under the third year of life can appear when new teeth erupt. Here, the rash is accompanied by a slight temperature and a weakening of the immune system due to the appearance of teeth. Most often, a rash from teething is localized on the neck.
  5. If the rash in babies does not differ in constancy (appears and disappears), most likely, there is contact with an irritant that causes allergies or dermatitis, is carried out periodically. In addition, the rash disappears and reappears with the development of infectious diseases (measles and scarlet fever), urticaria.
  6. To prevent a severe rash in a child, do not try to introduce new foods into his diet too quickly. If the baby shows signs of allergies after the pool, choose another institution where the water is not treated with chlorine.

For parents, their baby is the best. They try to do everything possible to protect it from the negative effects of the environment. However, this does not always work out. Sometimes the baby has spots of unknown origin on the body. It could be a teething rash, an allergic reaction, or something else. In any case, parents need to know what types of rashes exist in order to be able, if necessary, to diagnose the condition of their child.

There are many types of rashes that occur on the abdomen, neck, chest, back, buttocks, groin, arms and legs, chin, and around the mouth.

To determine for what reason these pimples appeared, you need to contact a pediatrician. Only he can clearly determine what the child has for the rash and how to deal with it.

The main types of rashes:

  1. Infectious rash.
  2. Allergic reaction.
  3. Dermatitis (contact, atopic, diaper).
  4. Rash resulting from the use of drugs.
  5. Neonatal eruptions on legs.


All types of rashes can be divided into two main groups: hormonal and allergic. Consider the causes of the rash in each case.

The manifestation of allergies

Allergic rash is most common among infants. There can be many reasons for its appearance.

  1. Mom wants to diversify her child's diet, trying to constantly add something new to it. Of course, this is worth doing, but gradually. If you introduce a new product, wait for the reaction of the baby's body, whether redness appears at the mouth or not. Only then can you try something else.
  2. Often pimples on the back can appear after a massage using baby creams and oils. Carefully study their composition, there may be allergens. Only when you are sure that the baby is not allergic to the components, you can use the purchased massage products.
  3. If a child is breastfed and he has a small red rash around his mouth and on his neck, this is a reaction to infant formula.
  4. Too early introduction of complementary foods. An allergy near the mouth can be a signal for parents that the child's body is not ready for new products.

Hormonal rashes

Acne is very common in young children, especially in the first few weeks after birth. Most often, a hormonal rash can be seen on the baby's neck, on the cheeks and under the hair. It is important to know that these spots on the skin are not dangerous and do not put other people at risk of infection.

The simplest rules of hygiene will help get rid of the problem. If after a few weeks of their observance the spots do not disappear, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist, he will prescribe special ointments. After them, everything can pass the very next day.

Types of rash

Skin rashes in a child can be of different types. After determining the desired, the causes of occurrence are also identified.

Spots of red

small rash

Almost always, babies develop a small rash against the background of an allergic reaction of any origin. In this situation, it is important for parents to eliminate the root cause.

The use of various ointments will only remove external signs, and identifying the allergen and isolating the child from it is already a solution to the problem.

Often spots on the body and chest appear after massage. Parents believe that it should be done with various purchased oils, but do not look at the composition of the product. Try using natural ingredients for massage - and the allergy will pass.

Locations of the rash

You can determine why the child has spots on the body by their location.

On the face

  • a sharp change in temperature;
  • genetic disorders;
  • infectious diseases;
  • allergy;
  • disturbances in the work of the stomach and intestines.

Very often, a rash appears on the neck and around the mouth in infants due to diathesis. Moreover, children are susceptible to illness both on breastfeeding and on artificial feeding. Having received a share of the allergen, the body reacts with rashes around the mouth and on the neck - red. To get rid of them, the child must follow a diet for some time.

On the body

  1. If the spots on the abdomen and back, on the chest are of a light shade and do not merge together, this means that contact allergies have become the cause of their occurrence. Maybe it's washing powder or other detergents. Try to eliminate the cause and see if the spots on the stomach and back disappear.
  2. If the spots on the stomach and neck first had a white color, then they turned red and merged together - this is already a reason for panic. This symptom is evidence of intoxication of the body. The baby needs to be urgently hospitalized to remove the allergen.

On the stomach

Minor rashes in the abdomen sometimes indicate serious diseases. Only a qualified doctor can establish the true cause of their occurrence.

Possible ailments:

  • prickly heat;
  • staphylococcus;
  • blood diseases;
  • rubella;
  • lichen;
  • scarlet fever.

If symptoms are found in the form of a rash, you should consult a doctor to diagnose the disease of the baby.

On the pope

If small pimples began to appear in the baby on the priest and in the groin, this indicates a failure to comply with hygiene standards and rules. Intimate children's places require constant care, otherwise it is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

What can help with a rash in the groin and on the pope? It:

  • drying ointments;
  • constant change of diapers, panties and bed linen;
  • air baths;
  • bathing with herbs (if there is no allergy).

If you follow these simple rules, the rash on the pope will pass very quickly. The most important thing is to never forget about them.

The best prevention for any rash is hygiene. If you don’t want to further treat your child for allergies after massage, for spots on the pope, on the chin and at the mouth, on the chest, just bathe the baby more often and always follow the composition of the products and food used.

Small, red rash in a child: photo with explanations.

Diseases begin to accompany a person from the first days of life.

The presence of many can not be guessed, but some are indicated by symptoms, among which an important place is given to rashes on the body.

The manifestation of a rash on the body of a child with various skin diseases

Often, people who find a rash on their body or the body of a child mistakenly believe that it is caused by an allergic reaction and buy antihistamines.

At this time, serious changes can occur in the body caused by the development of viral infections.


Most often this disease occurs in children living in metropolitan areas and large cities.

Rubella is transmitted by airborne droplets, through contact with an infected person, and also passes from mother to child through the placenta during pregnancy.

It most often occurs in children from 6 months to 10 years.


For the first six months, the child's body is protected by antibodies transmitted to it with mother's milk, so rubella at this age is a rarity.

In order to identify the presence of rubella in a child, first of all, you need to pay attention to his behavior.

The first signs of the disease:

  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • Bad mood;
  • overwork.

The temperature gradually rises, rashes appear on the face and head, and then they move to other parts of the body.

The rash has a round or oval shape, does not exceed 3 millimeters in diameter.

The incubation period for rubella is about 14 to 23 days.

Rash in scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is an acute infectious disease, the causative agent of which is a pathogenic microbe - streptococcus.

It is transmitted by airborne droplets through the upper respiratory tract.

In most cases, scarlet fever occurs in children from one to 12 years of age.

Rash in scarlet fever

Typical symptoms of the disease:

  • a sharp jump in body temperature;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • sore throat.

Associated symptoms may also appear:

  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • malaise.

The rash with scarlet fever begins to spread to the face and neck, gradually moving to the trunk and limbs of the child.

It is a small reddish spots that become more saturated to the lower abdomen, under the knees and on the elbow creases.

On the face, the rash is more pronounced in the cheek area - there it forms bright spots, passing along which white traces remain, gradually returning the color back.

The period of time from the moment of infection to the onset of the first symptoms is from 2 to 7 days.


An acute viral disease of an infectious nature, the source of which is a person who himself suffers from measles.

The greatest risk of infection occurs between the ages of 2 and 5 years.


Measles does not start with a rash, but with cold-like symptoms:

  • the temperature rises;
  • no appetite;
  • the child suffers from a dry cough;
  • and runny nose with purulent mucous discharge.

Somewhat later, conjunctivitis, redness of the eyelids and swelling of the eyes occur.

After about 3 weeks, small rashes appear in the mouth, on the mucous membrane of the cheeks.

A few days later, on the face, behind the ears, on the neck, gradually moving to the trunk, to the arms and legs, you can see spots reaching 10 mm.

The rash covers the child's body in 4-5 days.

The latent period of the disease is from 10 days to 3 weeks.

Chicken pox - chickenpox

Chickenpox, as everyone used to call it, is caused by the herpes virus.

It is able to be transmitted by airborne droplets, from sick people to healthy people who have not yet been ill.

Basically, this disease affects children under 5 years of age.

It is transmitted from a sick person or objects with which the infected person has come into contact.

Young children are most susceptible to scabies, as they have a weak unstrengthened immune system.

It is quite simple to identify scabies in a child over 3 years old: a single or merged rash with peeling and crusts, pronounced in the buttocks, genitals, axillary folds and between the fingers.

All this is accompanied by itching and sleep disturbance.

In infants, the rash does not have clear localization boundaries - it can be seen on the hands, on the side of the fingers.

The latent period is from several hours to 2 weeks, depending on the type and age of the tick.

Prickly heat

Prickly heat is a skin irritation caused by excessive sweating and occurs mainly in newborns.

The reason for its appearance is the adverse impact of external factors: hot weather, and the child is warmly dressed, or he is wearing tight diapers that are not the right size, clothes made of synthetic fabric.

In addition, many parents do not pay due attention to the hygiene of the baby, do not bathe him when necessary, and do not use specialized hygiene products.

Sweating is of three types:

  1. crystalline - characterized by the presence of small watery bubbles on the child's body, not exceeding 2 mm. in diameter;
  2. red - the bubbles on the skin become inflamed, turn red, cause discomfort and can worsen the baby's condition;
  3. deep - represents flesh-colored bubbles, sometimes in the form of spots with reddish bases.

Rashes with rubella begin with the face, gradually moving to the trunk and limbs, the temperature rises sharply.

An allergic rash appears immediately on all parts of the body, while the child's condition does not change.

Rashes during measles, as well as during rubella, are accompanied by a high temperature.

A sick child develops weakness and headache, his voice may hoarse.

And only after 4-5 days they appear.

It does not make you wait long, the body reacts to it much faster.

Not to be confused with allergic reactions and chickenpox - the rash during it resembles blisters with a reddish border, filled with a clear liquid.

One of the most unpleasant and dangerous diseases - meningococcal infection - differs from allergies in the presence of a rash with subcutaneous hemorrhage, and is accompanied by a serious condition of the child - fever, vomiting, severe headaches.

Another type of skin disease is that most of the parents confuse with allergies.

However, it can also be distinguished - scabies itching bothers mainly at night.

It is at this time that the mites that cause the infection become most active.

The same allergy symptom accompanies the baby throughout the day.

In addition, scabies does not cause runny nose and watery eyes, characteristic of allergic diseases.

A rash in a child on the body, requiring an immediate call to the doctor

If a child develops the symptoms described below, seek help from qualified professionals without delay:

  • fever and a sharp rise in temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • unbearable itching of the skin of the whole body;
  • nausea, lethargy, vomiting, delayed reaction;
  • rashes in the form of asterisks with subcutaneous hemorrhages and edema.

What not to do if there are rashes in children

To prevent the possibility of infection and not cause more harm to the health of the child, in no case should you:

  • squeeze;
  • pick;
  • comb pustules, and other rashes;
  • remove crusts;
  • and also treat them with drugs with bright colors (iodine, brilliant green).

It should not be ignored, because it can indicate the presence of serious diseases, many of which are a threat to the life of the baby.

Do not self-medicate - the list of diseases accompanied by rashes is quite large.

The main thing is to be able to recognize the main symptoms by which you can quickly navigate and provide primary medical care.

You should treat the problem with attention and sensitivity and show the child to the doctor as soon as possible.

Rash in a child


All parents at least once experienced skin rashes in their baby. How serious are these conditions and what should be done when they occur? The need to take remedial measures will depend on whether the rash is found in the child throughout the body or is localized in one area, and what additional symptoms accompany it.

Types of skin rash in children

According to the form in which the rash appears on the body of a child, they distinguish:

  • spots - areas of the skin that differ from the surrounding cover in color, for example, red, pink or pale and colorless;
  • vesicles - small vesicles with serous fluid;
  • blisters - develop on the skin due to acute inflammation, for example, with hives;
  • bubbles - formations with a large cavity;
  • abscesses, or pustules - acne on the skin containing pus;
  • papules - nodules on the surface of the skin without internal cavities;
  • tubercles on the skin - formations without a cavity of red-yellow, bluish hues.

In each case of a rash, the child must be shown to the doctor. So, only an experienced specialist will be able to accurately determine whether a child’s red rash on the body is a symptom of rubella, erythema, or an allergic reaction. Parents should not immediately start self-medicating the baby, because the struggle for clean skin will be effective only when the pathogen that caused the irritation is identified.

Causes of a rash on the body

All the variety of causes in which children develop skin rashes can be divided into the following groups:

  • manifestation of an infectious disease that is caused by:
    • viral pathogen - measles, rubella, chicken pox, mononucleosis;
    • bacteria - scarlet fever;
  • an allergic reaction that has developed due to food, hygiene products, or contact dermatitis;
  • reaction to insect bites and mechanical damage to the skin;
  • a rash in the form of small hemorrhages, reflecting problems with blood clotting, for example, with meningococcal meningitis.

Rash with allergies

The modern world is literally full of factors that can greatly irritate the delicate skin of children. A rash on the whole body of a child, as an allergic reaction, is a frequent phenomenon, and it can manifest itself in different ways: spots, pimples, small bubbles. As for localization throughout the body, foci of irritation can appear on various parts of the skin. So, often with food allergies, a rash is observed on the back and stomach of a child, and in case of a reaction due to the material of the clothing, rashes can cover the arms, shoulders, legs, and even the baby's feet.

Why, even in those cases when the mother has no doubt that her baby was sprinkled because of the food, it is necessary to consult a doctor? You need to understand that an allergic rash in a child is only an external expression of the body's reaction to the pathogen. At the same time, with severe allergies, malfunctions of the internal organs can occur and even Quincke's edema can develop. Examination by a doctor of irritated skin will help prevent possible negative consequences, and prescribed drugs will help relieve itching and irritation. Also, the doctor will exclude the development of an infectious disease in the baby.

After an insect bite

A rash in children when they are out of town in the summer, and even after a regular walk in the park, is a very common phenomenon. Bites from mosquitoes, midges or ants often leave marks that are very itchy and can be visible on the skin for several days. Such irritations in most cases can be prevented by using mosquito nets, fumigators, protective aerosols.

Much more trouble for a child will be delivered by a bee, wasp or hornet sting. These insects pierce the skin with a sting and inject poison into the body, which causes severe pain, swelling, and swelling. Such bites are also dangerous because if a child develops an allergy after a bite, the rash can quickly spread throughout the body, causing severe itching and pain. At the same time, respiratory disorders, fainting and even anaphylactic shock are possible. For these reasons, in the event of a bite, it must be examined, the sting removed, the child given an antihistamine and monitored.

Childhood diseases with skin rashes

Diseases that manifest themselves in this way can be of a very different nature. Some go away on their own, even without any treatment, without particularly changing the baby's well-being, while others are dangerous for their complications and serious consequences, up to death. Read the information about what diseases a rash on the body of a child may indicate.



Chicken pox

Lots of chickenpox blisters appear all over the body. They are very itchy, after a while they become covered with crusts.

The rash appears along with fever and cold symptoms. Rashes from the face spread throughout the body, and after 5 days they begin to peel off and go away.


For several days, the child has a fever, cough, sore throat. Then, behind the ears, on the face, and then - all over the body, a small-dotted rash appears. The number of red dots starts to decrease after 3 days.

Scarlet fever

The disease begins with fever, redness and sore throat. Then red spots appear on the body of the child. Often they are located in places where the body naturally bends: in the groin, armpits, bends of the elbows and knees. A small punctate rash also appears on the face, with the exception of the nasolabial triangle.

Infectious erythema

With this disease, first on the face, and then on the arms and legs, pink spots appear, which grow and merge into one spot. The rash resolves within 10 days.

The infection proceeds with a very high temperature, a red rash spreads over the body slightly above the level of the skin.

On the lips and skin around them, small blisters appear with a liquid that gradually becomes cloudy, then the rash dries up.


There is a purple, star-like subcutaneous eruption that does not disappear with pressure. This is how bleeding from small vessels that occur with this disease is manifested. The baby tenses the muscles of the neck, the temperature rises, drowsiness and photophobia appear. Seeing at least one of these signs, you need to urgently take the child to the hospital. With meningitis, children who do not receive timely medical care can die within a day.

Rash on chest

An active hormonal restructuring occurs in the baby's body in the first weeks after birth, and evidence of this can often be seen on his skin. So, many parents are forced to see a doctor by a rash on the body of a newborn, which is called prickly heat. This is a common occurrence in infants. At high temperatures, their sweat glands actively secrete sweat, and in places of natural skin folds (in the groin, under the arms), often on the face and buttocks, a small reddish rash appears. The skin feels moist when touched.

Sweating is not a dangerous ailment and passes with time, but we must remember that exposure to factors such as prolonged exposure to too hot clothes or in a wet diaper can provoke diaper rash in a baby. When caring for a newborn, mothers must be very careful, notice changes in rashes. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that often the smallest can develop an allergy to food, hygiene products, and clothing materials. At this age, when their immunity is being formed, it is especially important to protect children from external stimuli.

What to do if the child has a rash

If the baby's body is covered with a rash, you should immediately assess whether he has signs of an infectious infection, for example, high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat. Next, it is determined whether the rash on the whole body of the child is located or localized in some areas of the skin, and what it looks like: in the form of spots, vesicles with liquid, purulent formations, etc.

Such an examination will help to understand how urgently it is necessary to show the baby to the doctor. Even if you are sure that the skin rash is an allergy after eating, still consult a specialist. The doctor, comparing all the available signs and symptoms, will dispel your fears or start treating the disease in time. If an infection is suspected, it is better to call the doctor to the house, and, if possible, isolate the sick child in a separate room. Before the arrival of the doctor, it is advisable not to treat irritations with medications, so as not to complicate the diagnosis.

Video: skin rashes in children

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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