The probability of contracting HIV with a single unprotected contact in men and women. Risk of acquiring HIV infection under different circumstances Acquiring HIV from one contact

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) cannot exist on its own and constantly needs a carrier. It needs a human cell to reproduce. It is important to know how HIV is transmitted in order to prevent infection. Indeed, if in the external environment the virus dies from the action of 70% alcohol or boiling, then in the human body the disease causes serious changes. For some time, this problem goes unnoticed when the immune system keeps the HIV virus. But after a few years, a person has a lot of health problems.

Main routes of HIV transmission

Mechanisms of transmission of infection:

  1. Unprotected intercourse (without a condom).
  2. Through a blood transfusion.
  3. By injecting drugs.
  4. From mother to child (through breast milk, in utero).

For prevention, you should know how infection occurs. Most likely through sexual contact. It is easier for women to get infected. The fact is that the area of ​​the vaginal mucosa is much larger than that of men. Moreover, sexual intercourse has a higher percentage of infection than other methods. The addict's needle is also very dangerous, so addicts use disposable syringes. An HIV-infected mother can infect a child during fetal development or through breast milk.

What is the likelihood of contracting HIV

Methods of transmission of infection and the likelihood of infection:

  • The chance of getting a disease by getting the blood of a sick person to a healthy one is 100%. A very small amount is enough to get the disease. A scratch or bloody wound, a blood transfusion, a reusable syringe - everything can cause infection.
  • Sexually. Unprotected sexual intercourse is especially dangerous for infecting women, since the area of ​​​​absorption of the virus is much larger (3 times more likely than in men). With a condom, the probability of getting infected is very small, but there is. Some scientific experiments have shown that there is a possibility of virus penetration through latex (from 0.01% to 0.1%).

  • Through what fluids is HIV transmitted, other than the above? The breast milk of an infected mother for an infant gives a 20% certainty of infection. You should give up lactation to avoid this by feeding the baby artificially.
  • Is HIV transmitted orally? With this act, the risk of infection is very small. For example, with a blowjob, the risk of infection is approximately 0.03%, if a woman has bloody wounds in her mouth, the probability increases. During cunnilingus, the likelihood of getting HIV is minimal if there are no wounds in the man's mouth, because saliva does not contain the virus. Otherwise, the risk is very high, because the secret fluid in women contains HIV.
  • The likelihood of infection during anal intercourse is extremely small. After the appearance of microcracks due to sexual intercourse, the risk increases to 1% (passive partner) and up to 0.6 for the active one.
  • Unborn children can become infected from infected mothers during pregnancy, this method is called "vertical". In this case, the risk is very high if certain drugs are not taken. Without special therapy, the probability according to statistics is 15-20%, thanks to drugs, the figure drops to 1-2%.

Can HIV be transmitted?

There are many misconceptions about how HIV is transmitted. For example, you can not get infected with it through a handshake, shared dishes, bed linen, in public transport, and so on. The myth that HIV is transmitted by airborne droplets has no scientific basis. To prevent the occurrence of a deadly disease, it is important to take preventive measures. But first, it is useful to know how the virus spreads, and in what ways it is not transmitted.

Through a kiss

The answer to the question: "Is it possible to get HIV through saliva?" quite affirmative - it is impossible. This liquid does not contain the immunodeficiency virus. With a kiss, the likelihood of infection is almost absent. However, it is worth remembering that the disease is transmitted through the blood. If, for example, the lips or mouth of both partners are damaged, there is a possibility.

Through a condom

If you protect yourself during intercourse with a condom, then the likelihood of infection is reduced to a minimum. However, some scientists have conducted experiments and found that latex in rare cases passes virus cells. The risk of penetration through latex reaches 0.1%. In this regard, it is recommended to refuse any sexual contact with infected people to prevent the disease.

At home

How is HIV transmitted in the home? The virus does not live separately from a person, so it is difficult to get it at home. But if you use a common razor or toothbrush with an infected one, the disease will be transmitted if infected blood enters a healthy person. The use of a personal razor, brush, and the absence of any contact with the blood of an infected person are the basic rules for those who live with an HIV-infected person.

From a mosquito

At the dentist

For twenty years, not a single case of infection in the dentist's office has been recorded. How HIV infection is transmitted is known. Blood contains virus molecules, but outside the human body they quickly die. Standard procedure for instrument disinfection, oven sterilization and dental gloves ensure the absence of live pests and the transmission of deadly diseases.

When manicure

Those who are afraid to remove burrs and file their nails in the salon do not need to be afraid of the manicurist's tools. There is no such way of transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus. The molecules of this disease quickly die outside the body, and the instruments are sterilized after each client. In the entire history of the discovery of a deadly disease, no one has yet received it during a manicure.

How not to get HIV

Compliance with the following rules will protect against infection with a deadly virus:

  1. Protection during sexual intercourse. It doesn't really matter if a man doesn't want to use a condom. Life and health is much more important!
  2. For medical procedures, use disposable syringes opened immediately before the procedure.
  3. Visit only proven beauty salons and dental clinics with a good reputation

Symptoms of HIV infection

The question of how long HIV manifests itself does not have a specific answer. Each body fights disease differently. Sometimes signs appear after 14 days in the form of:

  1. Elevated temperature.
  2. Inflamed lymph nodes.
  3. Drowsiness.
  4. Fever.
  5. Fear of bright light.
  6. Runny nose.
  7. Cough.
  8. Rash.

The first symptoms resemble colds and disappear after 15-30 days. Most infected people do not experience or notice discomfort at the initial stage. During the incubation period, HIV may not manifest itself in any way. Sometimes a person at this time does not even know about his illness. After some time, secondary diseases appear, the consequences of which for the body, as a rule, are severe.

The worst stage in the development of the virus is AIDS. The disease lasts within 6-24 months. It has individual features and forms:

  1. Lung injury (most common).
  2. Problems with the intestines.
  3. In the form of a nervous illness.
  4. Mucosal damage.
  5. Skin rash.

Depending on the form of AIDS, a secondary disease develops. Immunity is not able to fight it and the virus becomes fatal for a person. To live with such a problem, some get up to 25 years, it all depends on the body and methods of treatment. Individuals, in rare cases, die within a year. According to medical data, the average life expectancy of those infected is 12 years.

Video: ways of HIV transmission

Knowing about human immunodeficiency, stages of development and precautions is very important. Even children at school are informed about this in special classes. However, there are many myths about this virus that do not have scientific justification and factual confirmation. Numerous types of intimate relationships are dangerous to the human body to varying degrees. Consultation with a specialist on this topic is the best way to maintain health.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Based on the statistics, it can be said that men are more likely to become infected with HIV than women. This is due to the profession, position and lifestyle that representatives of a strong position are exposed to throughout their existence.

What is the percentage of HIV infection of a man from a woman and vice versa?

The percentage of HIV infection in men is much higher than in women. This is due to the fact that they are statistically more likely to inject drugs and have more casual sex. These two factors are the main causes of HIV in men. However, it is easier for a woman from a partner to become infected with a retrovirus due to anatomical features. This difference is justified by the fact that during sexual intercourse, seminal fluid enters the vagina, while spermatozoa containing the pathogen spread a huge number of viral units throughout the small pelvis, which equates the risk of infection to 100%.

What is the likelihood of HIV infection in men?

Transmission of a retrovirus is possible through any contact with an environment that may contain the pathogen. Of course, there are situations with a higher likelihood of infection, and there are times in which the risk is almost zero.

Life situations with a high probability of infection through sexual contact with an infected person:

Transmission of HIV from a woman to a man: risk in everyday life

Everyday and medical situations in which there is a small chance of catching an immunodeficiency:

Can a man get HIV from a man when sharing household items?

The probability of contracting HIV in men in such a situation is zero, since the virus is not on the surface of the skin, and for its penetration, an entrance gate is needed - injuries, wounds. Infection when using some cutlery for eating food is also impossible. Although it is believed that saliva retains the virus for some time, but such a transmission mechanism has not been confirmed by scientific studies. It is also worth noting that the likelihood of HIV transmission from a woman to a man during a kiss is minimal. Theoretically, this is possible only if two partners have a significant violation of the mucous membranes of the mouth.

The rate at which the infection progresses and subsequent therapy depends on how a man becomes infected with HIV. Therefore, do not neglect prevention and periodic testing for immunodeficiency.

The human immunodeficiency virus is a dangerous and insidious disease that requires immediate treatment. Not a single person is immune from the development of the disease. The likelihood of contracting HIV with a single unprotected contact is very high. According to statistics, pathology is more often diagnosed in young people of thirty years of age.

The disease may not make itself felt for a long time - it can be asymptomatic, but at the same time continue to progress. An infected person is a danger to others, because even in the absence of alarming symptoms, he is a virus carrier and can infect his partners, relatives and friends.

It is important to distinguish between the terms "HIV" and "AIDS". HIV is an illness caused by the penetration of the immunodeficiency virus into the body. Pathology is accompanied by the inability of the human body to resist various kinds of infections.

The disease is characterized primarily by damage to the immune system. Immunity is simply destroyed over time and is unable to resist either the immunodeficiency virus or other pathologies and pathogens.

The last stage of the progression of HIV - the destruction of immunity - AIDS. At this stage, the patient's body weakens so much that any illness, even a common cold, can lead to irreversible consequences and even death.

Despite the development of the pharmaceutical industry, today there is no such medicine that could cure AIDS. All that is in human power is to take measures to prevent the entry of the virus into the body.

How is it transmitted

You can only become infected from an infected person. For infection to occur, the virus must enter the bloodstream. In the human body, the infection can be present in various biological materials - vaginal secretion, seminal fluid, breast milk, blood.

Infection may be due to:

  • using non-sterile medical or cosmetic instruments;
  • contact with blood, blood transfusion;
  • general and reusable operation of a disposable syringe;
  • repeated or one-time unprotected contact (the probability of contracting HIV is especially high);
  • transmission of the virus from mother to child;
  • infection of the fetus during labor, breastfeeding or pregnancy.

A person for a long time may not even be aware of the presence of the disease, but at the same time infect others.

HIV in women can be accompanied by:

  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • malaise;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • deterioration in general condition and well-being;
  • loss of appetite;
  • cough;
  • headaches;
  • the appearance of rashes and spots on the skin;
  • weight loss
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • painful menstruation.

The disease for a long period can be disguised as other ailments. This is precisely the insidiousness of the disease. While a person treats a cold, HIV progresses and continues to destroy the immune system.

The disease in men proceeds somewhat differently and does not begin with an increase in temperature. The first manifestation of pathology in representatives of the strong half of society is the appearance of a rash all over the body. In addition, the disease is accompanied by an increase in the cervical and inguinal lymph nodes, the appearance of malaise, chronic fatigue, fatigue, as well as a decrease in efficiency and loss of appetite.

Risks of infection in women

According to scientific data, during sexual intercourse with an infected partner, in the presence of factors that increase the likelihood of infection (abrasions, wounds, inflammation of the mucous membranes), the risk of becoming infected is very high.

Unprotected intimacy is many times more dangerous for the representatives of the weaker half of society. This is due both to the characteristics of the female body and the presence of a larger number of pathogens in the seminal fluid of the partner compared to the female vaginal secretion.

In addition, the presence of a pathology such as cervical erosion increases the chances of becoming infected. As a result, due to the presence of an open wound, the infection will immediately penetrate into the bloodstream, and then spread throughout the body.

It is also erroneous to assume that during menstruation the risk of infection is low. It is menstruation that is one of the factors that increase the likelihood of infection.

Do not forget that the immunity of a woman, with any infectious pathology, is significantly reduced, which also becomes a factor in increasing the risk of developing HIV.

Risks of representatives of the strong half of society

The percentage of infection in men is several times lower than in women. But this does not mean that there is no risk at all. Infection of a man can be due to unprotected sex during menstruation, as well as the presence of damage to the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

In addition, do not forget about non-traditional sexual contacts. The probability of infection even with one-time anal sex is many times higher than with traditional. This is due to the presence of wounds, ulcers and microcracks on the mucosa.

Factors that increase the likelihood of infection

There are many reasons and factors that increase the risk of infection.

The risk group for being infected includes:

  • people suffering from drug addiction (when using a common needle);
  • those who lead an immoral lifestyle;
  • homosexuals, bisexuals and women who practice anal sex with unverified partners;
  • those who undergo a blood transfusion operation;
  • newborns whose mothers are HIV positive.

An increased risk of infection can also be triggered by: maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle (drug use, alcohol abuse), violation of the anus and vagina mucosa, the presence of wounds in the oral cavity.

Risk of HIV infection: AIDS prevention and statistics in the Russian Federation

Transmission of the virus often occurs sexually (through sexual contact). The risk of HIV infection increases with anal, (if the mucous membranes are damaged). Even if the unprotected contact was a single one, infection can occur.

In order to prevent the development of pathology, it is recommended:

  • use contraceptive methods (condoms);
  • avoid casual sexual contact;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • eat properly;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • treat viral and infectious pathologies in a timely manner;
  • do sport.

It should be remembered that the risk of contracting HIV is very high, so it is important to get tested at least once a year. Only with a timely examination, it is possible to identify the disease in time and begin treatment (often doctors prescribe Efavirenz or Viread tablets). And only after a study of blood or other biological fluids and a negative result, you can be sure of a good state of health.

Emergency prevention

Regardless of what the unprotected contact was - single or multiple, do not forget that there is always a risk of contracting HIV. With the help of special medicines, the likelihood of infection can be significantly reduced. But here you need to act without delay.

In case of accidental intimacy, the first thing to do is to contact a medical facility, undergo an examination and take tests. Emergency prevention consists in taking special medications. But they will be effective only in the case of a timely appeal to a specialist. If you go to the hospital three days after unprotected sex, the drugs will not work.

The duration of such therapy is a month. After this time, a re-examination is carried out. Emergency prevention really works and helps in preventing the development of pathology. But getting a positive result is also not excluded. In this case, an examination is carried out and, if an ailment is detected, therapy is prescribed.

Antiretroviral therapy in emergency situations (with the possible ingress of biological fluids on the damaged dermis or mucous membranes), helps to suppress the reproduction of the virus. In order for the drugs to work, it is recommended to start taking them no later than three days after the situation. The following ARVT medications are often prescribed: Lamivudine, Zidovudine, Ritonavir, Lopinavir.

Do not forget about the high risk of HIV infection and health workers. All procedures should be carried out with gloves, hands should be disinfected before manipulation. All tools must also be carefully processed.

AIDS statistics in Russia

The human immunodeficiency virus is a dangerous and insidious disease. To this day, no such tool has been invented that could destroy the virus. The disease is incurable.

When considering the risk of infection as a percentage, then almost 100% of infection and the development of pathology gives an operation to transfuse blood from an infected person.

Infection of a child during childbirth is approximately 30% (this is if the pregnant woman did not treat the pathology). If a woman, during the gestation of the fetus, followed all the recommendations of the attending physician and took medication, the likelihood of infection of the child is reduced by two to three times.

25% of the risk of infection comes from the sharing of narcotic drugs (administration of the drug with one needle). The probability of infection through vaginal and anal contact is no more than 1%.

Any household contact with the patient, kissing, using the same bathroom - represent 0 probability of infection.

According to statistics at the beginning of 2017, more than one and a half million infected people were recorded in Russia. And this is only official data.

Pathology is dangerous, every day the number of infected is growing. In order to prevent the risk of disease, it is necessary to lead a healthy and proper lifestyle.

In the world, this virus was nicknamed "the disease of homosexuals, prostitutes and drug addicts." However, heterosexuals are now much more likely to contract HIV. According to the World Health Organization, 90% of new infections occur among heterosexuals, and with this trend, the number of infected women will soon exceed the same figures among men. At the same time, women are at risk of contracting HIV 2-3 times more than men.

If we consider the probability of contracting HIV as a percentage, then almost 100% of the infection and development of the virus gives only a blood transfusion from the patient. The chance of passing from an infected mother to her child is approximately 30% if the virus is not resistant; if the expectant mother fulfills all the prescriptions of doctors and takes medication, then this risk can be reduced by a factor of three.

Joint drug use with an HIV-infected person by intravenous injection gives a 30% chance of infection. The risk of HIV infection in men and women through vaginal contact is about 0.1%. With anal intercourse, this risk is 1%, but in both cases, the one who takes in the seminal fluid is at greater risk.

In non-standard traumatic situations, the risk of transmission of the virus through wounds, abrasions, cuts and damage to the mucous membranes ranges from 0.03 to 0.3%.

Any household contact with an infected person - from kissing to sharing a bathroom - poses zero risk of HIV transmission. In general, the HIV virus itself is very weak, and, once in chlorinated tap water or in the open air, it quickly dies.

Groups at risk of HIV infection

The human immunodeficiency virus is transmitted exclusively through body fluids. They are blood, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk. In view of this, the risk groups for HIV infection are completely different people.

Increased risk of HIV infection:

  • drug addicts who use the same needles to inject drugs (parenteral route of infection);
  • prostitutes and other persons who have multiple sexual partners and have unprotected sex with them;
  • homosexuals, bisexuals and women who have unprotected anal sex with casual partners;
  • healthcare workers and caregivers of sick relatives (because they have to come into contact with semen, blood and genital secretions);
  • persons who received blood transfusions or organ transplants without prior verification of the donor;
  • persons who in the near future were ill with one or another;
  • infants who prefer breastfeeding.

There are also statistics that consider the likelihood of contracting HIV through a particular type of sexual contact. This HIV risk group, respectively, considers people who practiced unprotected contact with the infected. When compiling this list, every 10 thousand such contacts were considered:

  • anal sex: receiving partner/introducing partner - 50/6.5;
  • vaginal sex: receiving partner / introducing partner - 10/5;
  • fellatio: receiving partner / introducing partner - 1 / 0.5.

Sex is not protected if the integrity of the condom has been broken in the process.

The risk of infection increases with each subsequent sexual contact with a carrier of the virus, but even with a single unprotected act, the risk of infection is quite high. Fellatio in this sense is considered the least dangerous type of sex - provided that the sperm did not enter the oral cavity.

It is also important to remember that HIV cannot be contracted through food, insect bites or airborne droplets.

People become infected with HIV because of their behavior, not just because they belong to risk groups. Everyone has the opportunity to become infected with HIV, but no one has the inevitability of infection.

Behavior that increases the likelihood of contracting HIV.

HIV is transmitted through body fluids. Behaviors that bring the body fluids of an HIV-infected person into contact with a healthy person increase the risk of infection, such as:

1. Unsafe sexual behavior:

is one of the most common causes of HIV infection.

- during sex, HIV can enter through wounds, abrasions on the penis, vagina, anus.

- abrasions, wounds often occur during anal or rough or dry sex or sex with a teenager.

2. Unsafe drug use:

common syringe, common spoon.

3. Drunk sex

- a drunk person does not understand what he is doing, neglects security measures, has sex with anyone, is insensitive to pain (rough sex).

4. Violations of the terms of taking antiretroviral therapy, AIDS pills -\u003e increased amount of virus in the blood -\u003e increased risk of infecting other people.

Biological risk factors:

There are a number of factors that contribute to the penetration of HIV into the body.

  • the presence of sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc.).
  • the structure of the vagina, anus (narrow, with formations, irregular structure, contributing to injury).
  • viral load (the number of viruses in the blood - the more, the higher the likelihood of a healthy person being infected with HIV).
  • the state of the immune system of both partners - if reduced - the virus is greater in the patient and is easier to pass to the healthy.
  • the state of the barrier function of the skin, mucous membranes (abrasions, tears reduce the barrier function),
  • genetic characteristics of the virus itself (different strains (~species, varieties) of the virus have different ability to infect, different aggressiveness, speed of movement, ability to infect cells).

Psychological risk factors:

Individual psychological characteristics of a person affect the risk of HIV infection:

  • personal (impulsiveness, ardor, sexual and physical abuse in the past, abstinence, ability to control oneself, risk taking, pedantry (permanent and correct wearing of a condom for example)),
  • attitude towards HIV/AIDS,
  • imitating someone's sexual manners,
  • style of communication, communication with a sexual partner,
  • mental disorders,
  • depression.

With any method of spreading AIDS (sexual, blood, vertical), HIV transmission occurs only as a result of contact of a healthy person with virus-containing biological fluids of a patient with HIV infection or AIDS:

  • blood
  • sperm
  • vaginal secretion,
  • tissues or organs.

The most dangerous contact with blood - the probability of infection of the recipient even after a single transfusion of infected blood is over 90%.

Second placeaccording to the "efficiency" of infection occupies vertical, or transplacental (from woman to fetus), transmission of HIV: the probability of infecting a child from an infected mother is from 11% to 70%, on average - about 30%(This is evidenced by the results of the latest observations of French doctors for more than a thousand children).

During sexual contact the likelihood of HIV transmission is significantly lower. The results of the epidemiological analysis confirm that the probability of infection of a healthy woman from an infected man is about 2 times higher than the probability of infection of a man from a woman:
for stable sexual partners, this probability is 11% for men and 20% for women.

The likelihood of HIV transmission with a single sexual contact small from 1:100 (1%) to 1:1000 (0.1%).

The use of condoms significantly reduces the possibility of HIV transmission through sexual contact.

At single "blood" contact through common injection equipment (syringes and needles contaminated with the blood of a patient with HIV infection), the probability of HIV transmission is slightly higher than during a single sexual contact and is from 1:100 (1%) to 1:200(0.5%).

Finally lowest chance of infection with accidental needle pricks - about 0.3%, i.e. less than 1:300.

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