The soles of the feet hurt what to do. Painful form of polyneuropathy. Recipes for therapeutic compresses

A lot of. When diagnosing a disease, the nature of the pain and its localization play an important role. Pain syndrome may cover the entire foot or some of its separate parts. Therefore, only a doctor can give an exact answer to the question of why the feet hurt after questioning and examining the patient.

pain diffuse type in the area of ​​the feet in most cases occur against the background of leg overexertion. In this case, they are most often observed while running or walking. The appearance of such pain in the feet is associated with a calcium deficiency in the body.

Also, often pain symptoms in the foot area can be observed in diseases such as rickets, osteomalacia, osteoporosis. main feature of these pathologies - pain that appears with light pressure on the bones.

Pain can also occur due to the immobility of the legs for a long time. AT this case the appearance of pain syndrome is caused by atrophy of the ligaments and muscles. As a rule, such pains quickly disappear, as soon as a person moves.

It is also worth noting that the feet hurt as a result of rapid weight gain.

This is due to a sharp and strong load on the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, often foot pain is caused by a disease such as osteoporosis, in which the bones, joints and surrounding soft tissues become inflamed. The treatment of this disease should not be delayed, as it can lead to a complete loss of motor function.

Other reasons

In the event that pain is observed in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foot, then the reason for this is various diseases. As a rule, during their diagnosis, the doctor performs palpation of the foot, which helps him determine the nature of the pain (according to the patient's reaction and his description), as well as exact location localization.

plantar fasciitis

This disease is accompanied by a feeling of pain in the arch of the foot and heel. It becomes more intense after waking up, when the person tries to get out of bed.

Plantar fasciitis occurs as a result of pronation (tucking the foot inward), which is formed due to sprains, wearing uncomfortable shoes, strenuous exercise and running.

If for a long time the treatment of this disease is not carried out, a complication develops against its background - which is characterized by the appearance of a bone protrusion. This protrusion prevents normal movement and is almost impossible to treat.

Nerve damage

This condition can also cause pain in the foot area. Most often, nerve damage occurs against the background of arthritis, impaired circulation and changes in the shape of the metatarsal bones.

This condition can also provoke bursitis and age-related changes in the body, which are characterized by a decrease in the shock-absorbing function of the fat layer in the area of ​​the heads of the metatarsal bones.

Oncological diseases

Feet can also hurt as a result of development benign tumor nervous tissue or neuroma. The latter is most often observed in women and is accompanied by burning, tingling and pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe index fingers.

The causes of neuroma development are not fully understood. However, experts suggest that its appearance provokes the wearing of high-heeled shoes.

Pain in the foot area can occur against the background of her traumatic injury. For example, dislocation of the Lisfranc joint or metatarsal bones. In this case, the patient has severe pain, a change in the shape of the foot and its expansion. With an external examination of the damaged foot during dislocation, you can see a slight protrusion, which, by its appearance looks like a step.

Chopard joint dislocation occurs sharp pain when trying to turn the foot. There is swelling and deterioration of blood circulation in the tissues. Upon receipt of such an injury, the patient must be urgently hospitalized and undergo an operation to reduce the dislocation.

Often, severe pain in the foot area also occurs with subtalar dislocation of the heel. This injury is accompanied by ligament rupture, sharp pain and a change in the shape of the foot.

Also, a dislocation of the ankle joint, which is most common in medical practice, should be noted separately. With such a dislocation, deformation of the foot and swelling of its back side are observed.

flat feet

This is one of the most common causes of foot pain. With flat feet, the arch of the foot droops and loses its shock-absorbing function. All this leads to aching pains in the legs, which are observed not only when walking or physical exertion, but also in a state of complete rest.

Many mistakenly assume that flat feet are a congenital disease. However, as practice shows, this pathology is acquired in 90% of cases and it occurs against the background of an uneven distribution of the load on the body, for example, when carrying heavy bags, or with the development of rickets.

Most often, the acquired form of pathology occurs in people whose professional activity associated with prolonged standing. In addition, the appearance of flat feet can provoke and overweight body.

This disease is especially common among middle-aged men. Unfortunately install exact reasons scientists have not yet succeeded in its development. However, they established some connection between the appearance of erythromelalgia and overheating of the extremities.

The main symptoms of this disease are burning, acute pain and redness of the foot. All these unpleasant sensations can disturb the patient for several years, but sometimes they lead to sharp deterioration conditions that often lead to disability.

A characteristic sign of erythromelalgia is that pain is eliminated almost immediately, after applying a cold compress to the painful area.

Soft tissue injury

Quite often, patients complain about the appearance of pain in the foot. During the external examination, they are found plantar warts, bursitis, and other growths that interfere with normal walking.

In this case, a procedure is required to remove neoplasms on the skin. Great for this laser therapy. It is painless and gives fast results.

What to do if your feet hurt?

Foot pain may be due to different reasons, among which there are serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as we have already seen. Therefore, self-medication does not make sense, since it simply will not give positive results.

At home, to eliminate pain, you can use and treat the diseased areas of the feet with topical painkillers. But again, only a doctor should prescribe them. After all, all drugs have their own side effects and contraindications. Some of them even have age restrictions and may cause an allergic reaction.

It should also be noted that with the appearance of pain in the feet, nutrition of the patient is also important. His diet should include raw vegetables and fruits, as well as foods rich in calcium and vitamin B12. You can start taking vitamin complexes, but this should be done only after consulting a doctor.

Remember that in most cases the appearance of pain in the feet is associated with the development of serious diseases that require an individual approach to treatment. Failure to act can lead to serious health complications and even disability.

Therefore, if your feet hurt, be sure to visit a doctor. Be sure to tell him about the intensity of pain, their duration, location. If, in addition to pain in the feet, you are also worried about other unpleasant sensations (itching, burning, rash, weakness, swelling, etc.), you should also tell your doctor about them. Based on the data received from you and the results of the examination, he will be able to put accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Foot pain video

It is quite difficult to answer the question why the feet hurt, it hurts to walk, and even to stand. Unpleasant sensations can occur for a variety of reasons, some of which are completely harmless, while others, on the contrary, are very dangerous. If you experience pain, you should consult a doctor.

Causes and symptoms

Unpleasant sensations in the legs often occur at the end of the day when wearing the wrong shoes, after physical exertion, long walks, during pregnancy. However, there are other reasons as well.

Feet can hurt completely or partially, for example, only in the toes, in the heel area, Achilles tendon. The foot contains 24 bones that form the longitudinal and transverse arches. During walking and a long stay in a standing position, these bones have an enormous load:

  • mitigation of shocks when running and walking;
  • maintaining balance;
  • repulsion.

Worth knowing! Foot pain is not a disease, but it may indicate the development of a rather dangerous states or injury.

It can be quite difficult to make a diagnosis on your own, but it is possible to assume the presence of a particular disease by the characteristic symptoms that appear systematically.

Disease Symptoms
flat feet Swelling, heaviness in the legs, severe fatigue at the end of the working day. There are difficulties when walking in heels, the foot expands
Injury Pain, swelling, swelling, hematoma formation. Is the most common foot injury
Sprain Severe pain and swelling, manifested after sports activities and intense physical exertion
Ligament rupture Sharp pain immediately after injury, severe pain even at rest, inability to step on the foot
fracture Intense pain in the foot, swelling, inability to step on the injured leg
Articular arthritis Pain under the fingers, stiffness in the joint, swelling. redness and hyperemia of the skin over the joint
Tendinitis Aching pain in the arch of the foot. which pass after rest on initial stage diseases, and are aggravated during walking. In the future, they become permanent and turn into a chronic form.
Valgus deformity Enlargement of part of the joint from the inside or outside stop, offset thumb or little finger towards other fingers
Metatarsalgia Intense pain in the area of ​​​​the sole, the inability to lean on the foot when walking
Fasciitis Pain in the heel and/or inside of the sole. The most intense discomfort occurs in the morning when getting out of bed and disappears during the day.
Heel spur Intense pain in the back of the leg that makes walking and standing difficult
Achilles tendinitis Sharp, shooting pain in the lower leg and back of the foot. Pain persists even after prolonged rest
Osteoporosis Moderate pain in calm state aggravated during physical activity. When pressing on the bones located close to the skin, the pain becomes acute
Varicose veins On the initial stage manifested by heaviness in the legs and feet. In the absence of treatment in the later stages of the disease, pain appears
Endarthyritis Constant persistent pain, lameness, numbness, acute pain syndrome with hypothermia, the appearance of ulcers
diabetic foot Pain and swelling in the feet, skin ulcers, leg weakness, numbness. Occurs as a complication diabetes
Ligamentite Pain in the side of the foot, sole, instep. ankle joint due to inflammation of the ligaments
Gout Sudden sharp pain, with a focus in the first toe, swelling and fever in the affected joint


To accurately determine the cause of pain in the foot, you should visit a doctor, primarily a therapist. The doctor should be told about all the disturbing symptoms:

  • pain (its localization, intensity, duration);
  • burning;
  • rashes;
  • swelling;
  • weakness;
  • fatigue

Based on the information received, referrals to specialized specialists will be issued, who will be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Among the narrow specialists who may need to visit:

  • orthopedist (treats flat feet, arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system);
  • surgeon;
  • traumatologist (if the pain was preceded by an injury);
  • nephrologist (treats pathologies of the excretory system, and the cause gouty arthritis often chronic kidney disease).

Can be used for foot pain various methods surveys, including:

  1. Collection of anamnesis. Questioning the patient, clarifying complaints and symptoms.
  2. Inspection. Assessment of the presence of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system on visual damage and assumptions about a possible diagnosis.
  3. Functional testing. Assessment of joint mobility, determination of the localization of painful reactions.
  4. X-ray. A snapshot of the bones in the painful area to identify injuries and pathological changes in the joints.
  5. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or CT (computed tomography). Informative method diagnostics that allows to determine the pathology of bones, joints, soft tissues and blood vessels.
  6. Laboratory diagnostics(biochemical and general analysis blood, urinalysis). Such studies are prescribed for suspected development of arthritis. With gout, urate concentrations will be increased, and with rheumatoid arthritis autoimmune processes, such as eosinophilia, can be detected.


Foot pain is treated in two ways:

  • elimination of the cause of discomfort (initial disease);
  • removal of the symptoms of the disease.

Therapy for foot pain can be:

  • medication;
  • orthopedic;
  • surgical;
  • physiological (hardware procedures, exercise therapy);
  • folk remedies.

Important! Treating foot pain on your own without making a diagnosis is very dangerous, as many remedies have side effects. Often the cause of pain is a serious disease that, without adequate treatment, can lead to complications. Up to disability.


With a moderate pain syndrome at home, you can make relaxing foot baths and use external painkillers, but only with the permission of your doctor.

Worth knowing! All medications have contraindications, age restrictions and side effects.

In the process of treating pain in the feet, it is often prescribed:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ("Ketorol", "Nise", "Ibuprofen", "Nimesulide").
  2. Analgesics ("Baralgin", and others) for pain of a neurological nature.
  3. Chondroprotectors (restore destroyed joints), due to high cost and features of the application are not used without appointment.


Orthopedic treatment of pain in the feet is resorted to in most cases after injuries, including sports ones. The orthopedist may prescribe:

  • wearing bandages (gypsum, elastic bandage);
  • the use of topical agents to eliminate unpleasant symptoms (edema, bruising, itching under the bandage).

In some cases, pain in the feet requires surgical intervention:

  • with complex fractures;
  • tendon injury;
  • complete or partial destruction of the tissues of the joint.

Folk methods

If the pain appeared suddenly, or it is impossible to visit a doctor in the near future for one reason or another, you can resort to alternative methods of treatment.

Effective Recipes for foot pain are:

  1. Vegetable compresses
    Grind to a homogeneous gruel (preferably in a blender) 200 g of horseradish leaves and 300 g raw potatoes. Add a few drops of medical alcohol to the resulting mass, then apply a thick layer on the feet. For a greater effect, the gruel should be heated for steam bath. Wrap your feet in cling film and warm blanket. Take a supine position and withstand the compress for 30-60 minutes. The frequency of application and the number of sessions can vary depending on the condition. Some time after applying the remedy, a moderate burning sensation on the feet is possible.
  2. Cold and hot shower
    Substitute your feet alternately under a stream of running cold and warm water. Always start with a cold one, keeping your feet under it for about a minute, and then turn on a warm one. The duration of the procedure is from 20 minutes.
  3. Fir oil
    The method used to eliminate pain in the feet not only in adult patients, but also in children and pregnant women. With a mixture fir oil and baby cream a foot massage is performed with thorough kneading of the tissues. After the procedure, you should put on warm socks and cover your legs with a blanket.
  4. Cold wraps
    Moisten a small towel with water, place in a plastic bag and put in the freezer. After about 30 minutes, take it out and wipe the feet with it until it gets room temperature.
  5. Herbal baths
    Pour boiling water over 2-3 tablespoons of dry chamomile and boil for 5 minutes under the lid. Pour into a large container and cool to an acceptable temperature (the broth should be hot, but not scalding). Steam your feet for 15-20 minutes.

Important! Folk remedies will help relieve pain for a while, but will not get rid of the causes that caused discomfort.

Possible Complications

In the absence of adequate treatment of pain in the feet, it is possible to develop very serious complications, depending on the underlying disease:

  1. Progressive flat feet can lead to foot deformity, chronic pain in the legs and spine, and the development of scoliosis.
  2. Complications varicose veins veins are thrombosis (blockage of the venous lumen blood clot- thrombus), phlebitis (inflammation of the venous walls) or both conditions at the same time.
  3. The neglect of gout often leads to the formation of kidney stones, severe renal failure, and even lethal outcome.
  4. Progression diabetic foot causes the formation of deep ulcerative lesions, tissue necrosis, loss of sensitivity, blockage of blood vessels, intense pain. It often becomes the reason for the need to amputate one or both legs at once.


For preventive purposes, to prevent foot pain, it is recommended:

  • swimming, jogging, skiing and cycling, hiking;
  • thorough warm-up of the feet before physical activity;
  • sports in special footwear, which should be changed every six months;
  • rest with pain and fatigue of the legs;
  • walking barefoot on grass and sand;
  • purchasing shoes for permanent wear in the afternoon (by this time the leg swells a little);
  • choose comfortable shoes, preferably from natural materials, make sure that it does not rub;
  • as rarely as possible, wear uncomfortable shoes and sandals with a high wedge (heel), with a narrow pointed toe;
  • eat rationally and balanced.

Ignoring pain in the feet is not worth it, since often their causes are hidden deep in the body and indicate the development of diseases that require medical intervention. Subject to preventive measures, regular medical examinations and healthy way lifetime risk of developing pain syndrome is minimal.

Discomfort in the feet may occur at any time, depending on the circumstances. When the sole of the foot hurts, a person cannot normally perform work duties, do household chores around the house. If the soles of the feet often begin to bother, this may be due not only to uncomfortable shoes from long-term wear, but also to a number of emerging pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The article will tell you why the soles of your feet hurt, how to treat, and what causes it. Causes of painful discomfort in the foot, great amount. Revealing by certain symptoms, you can not only quickly return to working capacity, normal movement when walking, but also avoid constant lameness in the future.


Disease due to microwounds in which viral organisms (papillomas) enter. Leaving this fact unattended, the tissue lesion begins to grow, leading.
The nature of the pain
Symptoms are manifested by direct pressure on the damaged surface of the foot on a hard surface.

In this case, there is a pain sensation of a cutting, piercing nature.

Additional features

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Irina Martynova. Graduated from the Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical intern and neurologist of BUZ VO "Moscow polyclinic".

  • On the surface of the foot, there is some compaction, which can be confused with banal corns.
  • The neoplasm, as it develops, protrudes above the surface of the skin, measuring in diameter from 2 to 10 mm.
  • On developed warts, there is a micro depression in their center.

Which doctor treats warts
The surgeon removes the warts. This doctor will do necessary examination will give the optimal course of therapeutic agents.

  • Visual inspection.
  • Dermatoscopy.
  • Ultrasound examination for the development of a wart.

At the initial stage of development of lesions of the skin of the foot, antiviral drugs(Famvir, Aciclovir). Treatment is supplemented with any of the following ointments:

  • Interferon.
  • Oksolinova.

Expert opinion

Prikhodko Arkady Arkadievich

Rheumatologist -- City Polyclinic, Moscow. Education: FGBNU NIIR named after V.A. Nasonova, Astrakhan State Medical Academy.

An alternative option for removing warts is the use of agents such as Solcoderm, Podophyllin, Ferezol.

The most radical method of removing a wart, when it becomes painful to step on while walking, is surgery. The wart can be removed with a radio wave scalpel or laser.


For the sake of fashionable, but not always comfortable shoes, some women have to put up with the appearance of corns. Pathology explained small size of purchased shoes, uncomfortable shoe etc. When wearing such shoes, a certain area of ​​the skin is rubbed, which leads to the appearance of a blister (from the bottom of the foot, on the sides, on the toes), or a seal is formed.
Painful areas
The pain from the callus worries in the places of its appearance. These can be different parts of the foot, starting from the heel, ending with the toes and instep.

The painful sensation has a cutting or burning effect.

Associated symptoms

  • Bright redness.
  • Slightly torn skin.
  • blisters. Depending on the duration of rubbing the skin, they can be small or very swollen with a large accumulation of watery mass.

Corns are not included severe forms injuries, so the qualifications of the therapist will be sufficient to assist the patient.

You can contact a highly specialized specialist - a surgeon.

Finding out about the presence of corns is not a difficult problem. It is enough for the doctor to examine the patient's foot.
When “wet” corns appear, which have characteristic swellings, a special anti-corn patch should be applied. The tool promotes quick withdrawal blister, dries up swelling. It is forbidden to open the corn so as not to bring dirt into the wound. If this happens, then it is necessary to treat with hydrogen peroxide. Plastering is not recommended.

You can remove the "dry" corn by softening the roughened skin area. To do this, a bandage is applied to the seal based on salicylic ointment. Alternatively, Bensalitin ointment is used. After softening the skin, the corn is carefully cut off by a surgeon.

Expert opinion

Prikhodko Arkady Arkadievich

Rheumatologist - city polyclinic, Moscow.

Education: FGBNU NIIR named after V.A. Nasonova, Astrakhan State Medical Academy.

To eliminate corns effective recipes funds traditional medicine. For this you can prepare special compound oil based tea tree and ordinary vegetable oil.


When running over rough terrain or when walking, easy to twist your leg. Because of this, you can get a sprain. Trauma is a micro tear in the tissues of the ligaments connecting muscle tissue with a skeleton.
Pain localization
The concentration of pain is at the joint. At rest, the foot "whines", but when moving, a piercing pain occurs.
Other signs

  • Visible redness.
  • Possible hemorrhage.
  • Weakness in the foot.

Which specialist will help
With dislocation of the foot with sprain, should see a traumatologist. The specialist will provide first aid, prescribe treatment.

In the future, you should contact the surgeon.

Stretching is determined by visual inspection.
After injury, avoid active movements giving rest to the foot. If it is not possible to completely eliminate walking, there is a reliable option for applying a bandage based on elastic bandage. Analgesics are taken to relieve severe pain. Special ointments ("", "Ketanol") contribute to the healing of tendons.

Joint diseases

The most striking example of foot restlessness with a painful effect is arthritis. This is a disease of the joints, explained inflammatory processes. Under certain circumstances, arthritis can lead to disability if appropriate measures are not taken in time.
The nature of the pain
In arthritis, the pain can be described as squeezing or "aching". Naturally, it occurs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diseased joint.
Additional features

  • Redness is visible on the affected area.
  • The joint deforms over time.
  • With the progression of the disease, edema is formed.
  • Walking normally without pain is simply not possible.

Who will help
To solve this problem with the joints of the feet make an appointment with a rheumatologist.

An orthopedist can become an alternative specialist.


  • Visual inspection.
  • X-ray.

The course of treatment and recovery
To restore the function of joint movement, doctors attribute two groups of drugs:

  • Painkillers.
  • Antibiotics that fight the infectious source of inflammatory processes.

During a partial or full recovery joint functions, physiotherapy is connected (paraffin pads, physiotherapy).

Tendon injuries

The most severe injury is Achilles tendon injury. The type of injury is inherent in football players. This tendon is responsible for posture at the foot when running and walking.

Tendon rupture leads to total loss movement functions of the injured leg.

Where is the pain located
The place of pain syndrome is the heel part of the foot. Pain sensations in the first minutes are characterized as cutting, piercing.
Additional symptoms
Except cutting pain, a person cannot stand on his toes. it clear sign Achilles tendon injury.
Who treats
The problem is dealt with by the surgeon, who conducts the necessary examination, and gives a course of treatment.

  • X-ray.
  • Visual inspection.

The course of treatment consists in the following actions:

  • Bed rest, complete rest of the leg.
  • A special operation is performed to connect the ends of the damaged tendon.
  • Plaster cast to prevent unnecessary movement of the foot.

After about 8 weeks, therapeutic exercises are prescribed.

Inflammatory diseases of the muscles of the sole

One of the most common diseases of this group is myositis. disease determined by inflammatory processes in the periskeletal muscles, characterized by the formation of micro nodules, which are not only a source of pain, but also interfere with the foot when walking.
Where the pain is felt
Pain syndrome is seen in the foci of muscle pathology.

The pain has a varying intensity and degree, depending on the neglect of the condition.

Associated symptoms

  • It hurts to walk.
  • Redness of the skin.
  • Puffiness.

Which specialist will help
Effective treatment can be provided by the cooperation of a neurologist, surgeon and therapist.

  • Examination by a doctor, including feeling the place of pain.
  • Biopsy.

Based on these studies, an accurate diagnosis is made.
The treatment course includes the following options:

  • Medicines, including ointments.
  • Specialized .
  • Physiotherapy with ultrasound.


The disease is inflammatory process in the metatarsal section of the feet. The disease is caused by permanent injuries, overweight body, flat feet, uncomfortable narrow shoes.
The nature of the pain
The patient may feel pain in the arch of the foot.

The negative effect is aggravated by walking.

The nature of the pain can be assessed as a squeezing burning sensation.

Associated symptoms

  • Discomfort when walking in shoes.
  • Increased pain under the 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers on the sole, if you walk barefoot.
  • The foot has swelling.

Which doctor treats
An orthopedist or rheumatologist will help to effectively eliminate the discomfort from this pathology.
For a more accurate diagnosis, there are the following diagnostic options:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • X-ray.
  • External inspection and palpation.

Treatment Options
To eliminate metatarsalgia, the following drugs are used:

  • "Nimesulide".

When taking the course with the indicated medications, you should choose shoes to wear loose, flat to eliminate unnecessary pressure on the painful area of ​​​​the foot.


Pathology occurs for a reason plantar nerve enlargement.

The disease is common among those who wear uncomfortable shoes squeezing fingers.

Area and nature of pain
The focus of the painful condition is the area of ​​the plantar part of the foot between the third and fourth toes. Unpleasant sensation occurs while walking, and has a burning effect.
Additional symptoms

  • Decreased sensitivity of the fingers in their sleepiness.
  • Some numbness in the foot.
  • Discomfort when running or walking.

Which doctor to contact for help
A neurologist will be able to competently solve the problem of foot neuroma. The specialist will accurately determine the degree of development of the disease, give the correct course of treatment.
Foot neuroma diagnosis

  • Foot examination.
  • Removing the foot X-ray.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

Foot neuroma treatment
You should immediately switch to wearing comfortable, loose-fitting shoes. The use of orthopedic insoles is recommended. When removing the pain syndrome, drink a course of one of the following drugs:

  • "Codelac".
  • Solpadein.

In case of special severe cases when the listed pain medications, shoes do not help, and the sole hurts a lot, a special operation should be performed.

flat feet

The peculiarity of the disease is expressed in characteristic form foot, in which the arch does not have a notch. Thus, a flat surface is observed on the sole of the foot. This pathology caused special condition ligaments, muscles and skeleton of the foot, which does not allow a person to move normally, delivering pain from time to time.
Where is the pain
In the case of flat feet, the foot hurts in the ankle area.

After labor day the pain is especially intensified, reminding of itself with a “aching” effect.

Additional features

  • Wearing high heels becomes impossible.
  • A bony thickening is visible at the base of the thumb.
  • By the end of the day, swelling appears.

Which doctor will help
Flat feet are treated by a special orthopedist. The professional skills of the doctor allow us to help with this foot defect.
Flat feet can be determined by plantography. A cream is applied to the foot, and then the patient steps on a white sheet of paper. The resulting print will complete picture flatfoot development. The smaller the arch in the figure, the more flat feet.
Therapeutic course
There are two ways to cure: ; operation. In the first option, you have to use spacious shoes without high heel, orthopedic insoles. In addition, therapeutic exercises should be carried out, aimed at training the feet.

The second option is radical, through which the operation is performed. This method used in case of unbearable pain on the sole of the foot.

Gouty arthritis

The ailment is explained deposition of uric acid salts in the joints stop. The disease affects, mainly according to statistics, the male half of humanity.
Painful areas
With gout, either the joint of the thumb begins to hurt, or ankle joint. The pain is characterized as "twisting" the joint.
Associated features

  • The pain comes on at night or in the morning.
  • A person begins to limp due to the inability to step on a swollen joint.
  • The foot began to swell.
  • Visible redness.

Which doctor will help
When the pathology develops, you have to contact the appropriate specialist.

This professional is a rheumatologist.


  • Doctor examining the patient's foot.
  • Carrying out magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Radiography.

These methods will be enough to establish gouty arthritis.
The principle of gout treatment is the elimination of pain and inflammatory process. If the pain is small, then you can endure it, but if it starts to “twist” the joint, then you can’t do without painkillers. In this case, "", "", "" is used.

To reduce the concentration of uric acid salts, doctors prescribe effective remedy Febuxostat.

Heel spur

Asking the question “why the soles of the feet hurt, how to treat, and what causes it,” one of the reasons may be the appearance heel spur. disease manifested by salt buildup on the heel bone. The larger the growth, the more it presses on the soft tissues of the heel.
Pain localization
The place of pain is the heel. The pain syndrome has a "dull" and "aching" effect at the same time.
Associated symptoms

  • Inability to start normal movement in the morning.
  • Visible lameness.

Which doctor treats
To solve the problem, it is enough to contact the surgeon. The specialist will make an examination, prescribe a treatment course.
An x-ray will help to give an affirmative answer for the presence of a spur. The diagnostic method will show the location of the growth, its size.
A course of treatment
Excessively salty foods should be avoided. Conduct special massage on the heel. For severe pain, take painkillers.

From folk remedies when removing a spur, ordinary wood lice are used - grass growing in swampy areas, or in dark places along fences in summer cottages. To use, pick up herbs, put it in a sock. Put a sock stuffed with grass on a sore leg. Stepping on the grass, it will secrete juice, which has a beneficial effect on the absorption of salt growth. It is enough to carry out three or four similar herbal procedures, and the heel spur will be done away with.

This method does not require any funding.

When should you not put off going to the doctor?

Specialist help is needed for injuries such as a fracture or deep cut. In these cases, you need to call a doctor or ask to be taken by car to the emergency room. This will help to avoid improper fusion of the bone when the plaster is applied on time, and when cut, it will prevent bacteria from entering the wound.

How to relieve pain on your own?

  • Release the foot from the shoes, giving freedom to the foot. This will help alleviate the discomfort.
  • In case of dislocation, apply a light bandage with an elastic bandage.
  • Give the leg rest (put on a pouffe, lie on the bed).
  • In case of a cut, disinfect the wound, stop bleeding with a sterile bandage and an antiseptic.
  • If a corn is found, a special patch should be applied.


Pain in the foot that appeared out of nowhere can be a harbinger serious illness. In this case, do not neglect going to the clinic. This may help to identify underlying pathology on early stage development. Thus, you can get by with a smaller purchase medicines in a pharmacy, which means it will help save the family budget.

You should always listen to minor tingling, pain in the soles, especially if they began to appear frequently.

Be sure to watch the following video

The foot is made up of 24 bones. The bones of the foot form two arches: longitudinal and transverse. Every day the foot endures heavy load. It softens the shocks when walking and running, helps to keep balance, push off. Feet hurt for a variety of reasons.

Why do my feet hurt

Foot pain is a symptom of injury or disease. Distinguish the following reasons foot pain.

Disease Manifestations of the disease
flat feet Fatigue, heaviness in the legs at the end of the working day, swelling in the ankles. Legs get tired quickly, it is difficult for women to walk in heels. The foot becomes wider.
Injury The most common foot injury. Causes pain in the foot, swelling, swelling, bruising on the skin.
Sprain Occurs after sports physical activity. calls severe pain in the foot and edema.
Ligament rupture Sharp sharp pain in the foot immediately after the injury. The foot hurts at rest, it is impossible to step on it.
fracture The feet are very sore, swollen, it is impossible to step on the leg.
Arthritis of the joints of the foot Pain in the foot, under the fingers, swelling and stiffness in the joint. The skin over the joint becomes red and hot to the touch.
Tibialis posterior tendonitis Aching pain in the arch of the foot disappears after rest. Without treatment, the pain becomes chronic, aggravated by walking, does not go away after sleep.
Valgus deformity of the thumb and little finger The thumb or little finger is shifted towards the other fingers. Part of the joint from the inside or outside of the foot is enlarged.
Metatarsalgia Pain in the sole of the foot. It is impossible to lean on the leg while walking.
plantar fasciitis Pain in the heel or inside of the sole. Sharp pain occurs in the morning after getting out of bed. During the day, the pain goes away.
Heel spurs Severe pain in the back of the foot. It is difficult for a person to walk and even stand.
Achilles tendinitis Sharp shooting pain in back of foot and lower leg. Feet ache when walking after long rest.
Osteoporosis The feet hurt at rest, the pain intensifies during physical exertion. Pain occurs when pressure is applied to the bones of the foot, which are close to the skin.
Phlebeurysm The disease begins with a feeling of heaviness in the feet and legs. Pain in the foot appears on late stages varicose veins.
Obliterating endarteritis Numbness, chronic pain in the foot, acute pain in the legs after hypothermia, the appearance of ulcers, lameness.
diabetic foot Complication of diabetes. Accompanied by pain and swelling of the foot, ulcers appear on the skin. There is numbness in the feet, weakness in the legs.
Ligamentite This is an inflammation of the ligaments that causes pain in the foot. The foot may hurt on the side, in the rise, in the area of ​​​​the sole, ankle joint.
Gout The pain in the foot comes on suddenly and is most felt in the first toe. Edema appears, the temperature rises in the area of ​​the affected joint.

Complications of foot pain

Without treatment, joint diseases of the feet lead to serious complications.

Due to flat feet, deformity of the foot occurs, pain in the legs and in the spine. As a result, a person may develop scoliosis.

If left untreated, varicose veins may develop thrombosis - blockage of the lumen of the vein by a thrombus. Another complication of varicose veins is phlebitis, or inflammation in the vein wall. Often two complications occur at the same time.

Gout in advanced cases leads to the formation of kidney stones. They may call kidney failure and lethal outcome.

With the progression of the diabetic foot, deep ulcers appear on the legs, the person ceases to feel a touch on the legs or, on the contrary, feels pain in the foot and at rest. Loss of sensation and blockage of blood vessels can lead to the amputation of one or both legs.

What to do in this case? We will talk about this in this article. The feet are the parts of the body that fall on most of loads while walking. Therefore, it is not surprising that pain in them is the most common reason for visiting an orthopedic doctor. The human foot has a complex composition. No wonder, because it consists of more than 15 different size bones. In addition, it has more than 10 tendons. This is one of the main parts of the body involved in the process of walking and running. In addition to the weight of a person, additional loads fall on the feet every day.

If your legs hurt, what should you do? It's no wonder when the feet ache, stabbing pains. They get in the way of just about everything. Starting with the inability to wear your favorite shoes and ending with serious difficulties while moving. In order to identify their cause, it is necessary to carefully understand the situation.

Doctor's appointment

If your legs hurt, feet, what to do first? Of course, see a doctor! In most cases, a person suffering from pain in the lower extremities goes to the doctor in orthopedic department. But before you make an accurate diagnosis and identify the cause, you need to tell the specialist everything about your illness in detail. For example, it is important to know exactly when the pains begin. This happens while walking or when the patient is in lying position? It may be that in these two cases the feet do not bring pain, but they come at the time morning run. Does the pain appear when you wake up or, conversely, when you go to bed? Have you had any recent injuries? Or maybe they took place in early childhood? All this will help the doctor accurately determine the causes of your illness, as well as its type.

The reasons

What could be the reasons why the legs and feet hurt? What to do in such a situation? The reasons can be both a lack of attention to your living conditions, and more complex chronic (or developing chronic) diseases. Before you go to the orthopedist, you can try to figure out the causes of pain yourself, but if you have reviewed everything possible factors, which supposedly could affect, and their elimination did not give any results, then the matter takes a serious turn. And this means one thing - you need to urgently go to the hospital for an appointment. Let's analyze the main reasons.

uncomfortable shoes

What causes foot pain when walking? There is nothing shameful in the fact that a person wants to comply modern fashion. To do this, he naturally makes sure that his shoes are in line with new trends. But there is one sad pattern. Fashionable shoes and comfortable shoes are rarely compatible concepts. In addition, there are frequent cases when, wanting to see on their feet latest model and not finding the appropriate size, man goes on such sacrifices as the purchase of a small size. Do not forget the expression "spread" when shoes are purchased. All of the above can be easily attributed to the causes of pain in the feet.

Considering such additional negative factors, how overweight, constant loads, then the matter takes a completely sad turn. Thus, the development of a violation in the legs only accelerates, the foot hurts more and more often when walking. It is the above factors that can be the answer to our question.

Legs hurt from knee to foot: causes. Morning/evening runs

It is very commendable when a person follows his physical form. And especially when we are talking about occasional runs. This kind of sport, without any doubt, is very good for health and keeps the body in good shape. However, unfortunately, this also has a downside (infrequently, but it is true), expressed in the development pathological diseases feet. This is especially true for those who neglect safety precautions. In other words, if a person does not comply normal conditions for choosing the route, equipment and running technique, then all this only brings harm, and in no way benefits. It can be tight shoes, which affects the incorrect distribution of loads. The reason may be the bumpy terrain, which also affects the development of deformity of the feet. Wrong staging feet while jogging also develops pain. Often beginners make mistakes such as distributing the bulk of the weight on only one part of the foot (either the heel or the toes). It is also not uncommon for a novice runner to bring his feet slightly to the sides, which, again, will bring nothing but the development of the disease. A person wonders why his legs hurt from knee to foot, he is looking for reasons, and they lie right on the surface. It happens that way too.

Why do feet hurt: reasons. flat feet

No matter how the majority argues that flat feet are an ailment received at birth, this is not so. This disease can develop over time. And any age category. Many factors can be the cause:

Uncomfortable shoes;

The presence of old injuries;

recent paralysis.

And much more.

If you have been diagnosed with such a diagnosis, then you need to seriously think about the conditions of your life. The sooner treatment begins, the sooner you can drown out the disease.

plantar fasciitis

This disease occurs on the heel and is expressed by sprain connective tissue located in the middle of the foot. If such an ailment is started, then the heel undergoes deformation.


This disease is as follows. During transitional age or in the process of aging, biochemical and biomechanical changes occur in the body as circulatory system, and bones. This causes pain in the feet and can further lead to the development of unpleasant consequences.

Problems with capillaries

This is especially true for diseases such as arthritis. Inflammation of the capillary vessels brings serious pain.


The disease is expressed by an increase in the nervous tissue along the perimeter, where the nerve itself is located. Painful sensations are noticeable in the forefoot. Especially in the gap between the third and fourth fingers. Often the cause is tight shoes. Pain with a neuroma can occur not only when moving, but also in a supine position.


Various kinds of bruises and dislocations, as a rule, do not pass without consequences. If the injury is fresh, then a tumor grows in the damaged area, which becomes the focus of pain. But there are times when an old injury makes itself felt. Good to use in this case x-ray examination, which determines the degree of severity. At serious injuries deformation is often observed lower limb, ligament rupture, which emphasizes the need for urgent medical intervention.


This disease manifests itself when high temperature. There is a sharp pain in the forefoot (between the toes). This ailment is characteristic of men aged 30 to 50 years.

Skin diseases

They are also common and contribute to the development of painful sensations. These can be both everyday corns, and more complex cases such as ingrown toenails into the skin. Also, the appearance of warts on the sole of the foot is not excluded. All this is a consequence of wearing uncomfortable narrow shoes.


Who would have thought, but this bad habit can develop foot problems. When smoking, circulation in the vessels is disturbed, which contribute to the proper flow of blood to the feet (and back). Thus, there is a problem in movement, which can lead to a whole numbness of the fingers, which can subsequently spill over to the entire area of ​​the foot. This cause of pain is often observed in smoking men. If your foot hurts, treatment may include avoiding bad habits and this must also be taken into account.

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