Why dream that a person smokes. Rest or challenge? If a man, girl, woman smokes in a dream: what does it mean

Would you like to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about Smoking in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Smoking

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

Why dream of Smoking, interpretation of sleep:

Means emotional anxiety, negative emotions. To accurately determine the meaning of sleep, pay close attention to its context, as the dream book says about this dream, for details, if Smoking is a dream, see below.

Psychological dream book

If you dreamed that you were smoking, it means that all matters will be resolved very soon, and successfully.

Cigarettes or cigars - to success in the business you have begun

Modern dream book

Why dream of Smoking in a dream book?

If you dreamed that you were smoking, then in reality you will need to make a lot of efforts to achieve your goal. I dreamed that in a dream you experience an acute desire to smoke, then in real life you will encounter problems that will scare you. And yet you will overcome them! Dreams about smoking are often dreamed by people who decide to quit smoking. In this case, such a dream means that you have not completely parted with the habit that is deeply embedded in your subconscious.

I dreamed - Smoking inhaled - to commit an unforgivable sin or goof off in front of friends.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why dream of Smoking in a dream?

To success in business, as the dream book says about this dream.

Autumn dream interpreter

Smoking inhaling - to the acquisition of another bad habit.

Smoking - To successful negotiations.

An ashtray filled with cigarette butts after smoking is for money.

To light a light in a dream from a lighter - to fall in love.

Spring dream interpreter

Take a puff of smoking - someone will have a serious distrust of you.

To loss of health; blow money up the drain.

Ashtray - to separation.

To light a cigarette means to provoke the enemy on your head.

Summer dream interpreter

Smoking in a dream and blowing smoke through the window - throwing money for the evening.

Smoking ashtray - Seeing an ashtray filled with cigarette butts is a dirty gossip.

Ask someone to light up to borrow money and not give it back.

Dream interpretation of A. Mindell

What does it mean if you dreamed of Smoking:

You dreamed of Smoking - you see a smoking person in a dream - some event will disturb your peace of mind; you will constantly return in your thoughts to whether you are acting correctly; doubts and anxieties will overcome you for several days. You yourself seem to smoke, and it gives you pleasure - a dream warns that due to some bad habit you may have health problems. You dream of a smoking woman - soon you will be informed that one of your friends tried to commit suicide.

Jewish dream book

What does it mean if you dreamed of Smoking:

What does it mean in a dream Smoking to - trouble. Smoking a pipe with a long chubuk - to a state of indifference to everything in the world.

A dream in which a person smokes can be seen by him, even if he has never had this bad habit. It is not often necessary to smoke in a dream, however, if this happens, you must definitely get acquainted with the interpretation of such an image. To do this, you should look into the dream book.

A dream in which a person smokes can be seen by him, even if he has never had this bad habit.

If a person dreams that he smokes a cigarette, it means that in real life he will soon have an event that will bring peace and tranquility.

  1. A man dreamed about how one of the passers-by struck a match in order to light a cigarette - at work he would show wisdom and restraint.
  2. Smoking often dreams of idleness and tranquility.
  3. A dream about a cigarette portends the dreamer to peace and a calm course of life.
  4. Smoking weed in dreams means being ridiculed in reality. Hiding grass - to the fear of condemnation.
  5. A smoking person in his nightly dreams feels calm, releasing cigarette smoke - this means that in the near future everything will be fine with him.
  6. A man in his dream is trying to find a cigarette to smoke - in reality he will become depressed and start to mope.
  7. The dreamer's mother caught him with a cigarette - soon he will commit a rash act, for which he will be very ashamed.
  8. Watching someone exhale cigarette smoke is a sign of endurance that you will need to show while in a new environment. Perhaps the dreamer will have to communicate not with not the most pleasant people.
  9. To experience the joy of smoking in night visions means to enjoy life in reality. But a dream in which a person feels depressed during this activity promises him nervousness and stress.
  10. Buying cigarettes in dreams means changing your mind about an old friend. If the dreamer was satisfied with the purchase, then the relationship with this person will become stronger, and vice versa, dissatisfaction with cigarettes in a dream promises disappointment in his waking friend.

To release smoke rings - the dreamer will be smart at work and this will not go unnoticed by the authorities. Perhaps very soon he will be promoted or raise wages.

Smoking in a dream book (video)

Why does a non-smoker dream of smoking?

For a non-smoking dreamer, these dreams can promise both positive and negative changes in life. It all depends on the specific details of sleep. Some of the more common values ​​will be discussed below:

  • Strong experiences caused by humiliation will be experienced by the person who, in a dream, picked up a fallen half-smoked cigarette. Perhaps the dreamer recently crossed the path of one of his friends. This person has long been saving up evil for the dreamer, and now he is ready to throw it out. The dream interpretation recommends that a person avoid communication with his enemy as much as possible, ignoring him completely if possible.
  • Smoking a few cigarettes in night visions means passing a serious test in reality. The more cigarettes the dreamer smokes at a time, the more difficult it will be for him to cope with bad luck. However, it is too early to panic, because this dream means the successful completion of the work begun.

For a non-smoking dreamer, these dreams can promise both positive changes in life and negative ones.

Carefree life and peace - that's what awaits a person who lit a cigar, thanks to the help of another. If he was helped with this small request in a dream, then in reality the dreamer can certainly count on the support of his friends, they are wonderful with him.

Psychological explanation of the image of smoking in dreams

A person who does not have this bad habit may be surprised by such a dream. But in fact, there is nothing surprising in this. Perhaps the dreamer recently experienced some kind of stressful event and therefore needs to be reassured. And the image of a cigarette in a dream is an attempt by the subconscious mind to help a person cope with stress and fatigue.

A person who does not have this bad habit may be surprised by such a dream.

When a person lights a cigarette in his night visions, this means that he strives for relaxation and rest. It is necessary to satisfy this need, otherwise the dreamer will be too exhausted by everyday life and will not be able to feel the true taste of life.

If a man, girl, woman smokes in a dream: what does it mean?

The gender and age of the dreamer are important for interpreting a dream about a smoking person.

  1. A man who smokes symbolizes endurance, calmness and comfort. If recently the dreamer was busy with some business, and this greatly exhausted him, he can count on a long-awaited rest.
  2. A woman lighting a cigar symbolizes the desire for pleasure and idleness. The dreamer to whom this image came in his visions probably does not feel happy. For a woman, such a dream portends a vice. Perhaps she decides to commit adultery in order to make up for the lack of emotions.

A woman lighting a cigar symbolizes the desire for pleasure and idleness.

For a girl, a dream in which she wants to smoke a cigar portends danger. Due to inexperience, she can commit an act, which she will later regret very much. The dream interpretation recommends that the young dreamer refrain from communicating with unfamiliar people after such a dream.

Smoking a cigarette, cigar or grass, marijuana in a dream: what does it mean?

  • Smoking a cigarette in night dreams means spending a lot of time talking about your life and being beaten in general. No wonder these dreams are more often seen by mature people who have already seen life. The dream interpretation recommends that people stop worrying about the mistakes made in the past, and start living on. The future for a person is possible only if he says goodbye to his past.
  • But if a cigarette falls on the floor all the time, that is, a person cannot smoke it, this means that he devotes his life not to the activity that he would like. Most likely, he does not enjoy work. But all is not lost yet! This image is a sign that tells the dreamer about the need to be decisive and take action.
  • Smoking a hookah means getting into a rather tense situation in life. The more hookah smoke the dreamer releases, the more difficult it will be for him to cope with his problems.
  • Smoking marijuana, hemp, or any other drug is an object of ridicule. To avoid this, the dream book recommends being less frank with unfamiliar people.

Smoking marijuana, cannabis or any other drug is an object of ridicule

Smoking a cigar means striving for wealth and luxury. To extinguish it means to successfully complete the work begun.

I dreamed of a smoking mother: what is this dream about?

The image of a mother who behaves unworthily, drinks alcohol or smokes cigarettes, worries the dreamer very much. A person can fall into a real blues after such a dream, as he will think that he portends the parks and the fall of his mother. In fact, this is far from the truth, but such dreams are very important. What does this image say in dreams?

A dream in which the smoking mother was the central image means that the dreamer's demands on his person are too high. The person clearly suffers from unhealthy perfectionism, striving for perfection. His bar is clearly overstated and this is reflected in his entire life. The dream book advises a person to slightly reduce the level of requirements for himself and others, since it is impossible to find the perfect person.

Why dream of smoking (video)

Despite the fact that most dreams about smoking have a positive interpretation, many of them carry an important warning for a person. You should never neglect the recommendations of the dream book, because thanks to them you can not go astray.

Attention, only TODAY!

Means idleness, a short stop, stagnation or peace, if a man smokes, wisely sitting and resting after work.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

Dream about smoking

Seeing people smoking in a dream portends long doubts about the correctness of your actions, which will dissipate when your style of work is set as an example.

Buying tobacco products for a smoking husband in a dream means that in reality you will outlive him for many years.

To dream about someone smoking a pipe portends a meeting with an old friend or reconciliation after a long quarrel.

Seeing yourself smoking a pipe - you will reach a respectable position. If smoking seems pleasant to you, and tobacco is fragrant, you will find yourself in a society where you will be successful. If smoking makes you disgusted, you will have great misfortune.

Seeing people smoking a hookah means you will soon receive important and pleasant news. Seeing smoking cigars - improve your health, smoking a cigar in a dream yourself - to a deterioration in well-being. Seeing a smoker with a pouch is the joy of a new acquaintance.

Smoking cigarettes means that your desires come down to one thing: to find peace of mind and the opportunity to indulge in calm reflections alone.

Smoking cigarettes - such a dream portends the appearance of ridiculous rumors about your involvement in a scandalous incident.

Smoking with a mouthpiece - a pleasant surprise awaits you. Smoking incense is a sign of piety, peace and success in business.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream about smoking

If you dreamed that you smoke, then in reality you will need to make a lot of efforts to achieve your goal.

If in a dream you experience an acute desire to smoke, then in real life you will encounter problems that will scare you. And yet you will overcome them.

Dreams about smoking are often dreamed by people who decide to quit smoking. In this case, such a dream means that you have not completely parted with the habit that is deeply embedded in your subconscious.

Interpretation of dreams from

You see a lighted cigarette in a dream - your most beautiful impressions can be the most deceptive; you tend to idealize people - that's why you are so often disappointed.

It’s like you are smoking a cigarette - a dream suggests that you will stumble more than once on the path to success.

You hold a cigarette in your mouth - you will have problems with your teeth, you will have to visit a dentist.

It is as if you burned your fingers or lips with a cigarette - you will soon suffer from someone's betrayal. The cigarette seems to have gone out in your hands - you will rest your soul in the company of old friends.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Dream Interpretation - Smoking

To well-being, a peaceful carefree life, sweet illusions, good health.

Wanting to smoke is a sign of blues, melancholy.

Someone smokes - you will find yourself in a society where strength and endurance will be needed.

Smoking a pipe is a dangerous hobby.

To smoke a cigar - to joy, to enjoy peace of mind, just to keep it in your mouth - to lose your teeth, burn your lips with a cigar - to treason, betrayal.

To buy cigars - you will have to drastically change your mind about a familiar person.

To release the right circles of smoke when smoking - to make a profit thanks to your imagination.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why dream of smoking a cigarette? A dream vision warns of a difficult situation, stagnation in business, difficulties in implementing plans, quarrels, deceit. But the dream book also promises achievements at work, common interests and help.

Need a rest, beware of harmful hobbies

A dreaming bad habit may indicate fatigue, longing. The dreamer really needs rest or a change of activity in order to continue his daily worries with renewed vigor.

To dream that you are smoking a cigarette means that in reality you can become addicted to something dangerous. Such a habit or harmful hobby will provoke bad consequences.

Stagnation, extraordinary situation

Why does a non-smoker dream of such an action? The dream interpretation explains: there will be a stop, stagnation in business, but it will turn out to be short-lived.

Smoking a cigarette to a non-smoker in a dream portends some kind of extraordinary situation when, when making a decision, the dreamer will be overcome by doubts. It is better not to take trouble to heart, but to look for a way out of the situation.

Think well about actions, do not quit what you started

Did a non-smoker dream about blowing cigarette smoke? The dream book says: the sleeper wants to try the "forbidden fruit". This applies to any previously unknown pleasure that is not encouraged by conventional morality. You need to think carefully before rushing to try everything, because the result can be very disappointing.

Smoking a cigarette in a dream for a person who does not have such a habit in reality is a warning. He will soon give up some undertaking, which with a high probability could become successful.

Interpretation according to Miller

Why dream of smoking a cigarette? Miller's dream book warns: overcoming difficulties, in order to achieve your plan or realize your project, you will need to make a lot of effort.

What they were doing?

For a correct interpretation of sleep, remember the dream details:

  • light up - you will move towards something new;
  • put out half-smoked - negative news;
  • to see smoke rising from her is a false opinion about a recent acquaintance;
  • blowing smoke in someone's face - to a quarrel;
  • someone treats you with a cigarette - according to the dream book, expect deception;
  • light a cigarette and give it to a friend - there will be joint interests with him;
  • take a new one when the old one is not finished smoking - you grab onto a lot of things at once;
  • put out a cigarette butt - a nervous breakdown is possible;
  • throw it away - often put off small things for later.

Recklessness, frivolity

Why dream of seeing an unknown girl smoking? This means: soon you will learn something new and very unpleasant about the habits of a relative or friend.

A vision in a dream where a girl takes a drag on a cigarette indicates, according to the dream book, your frivolity. Try to get serious.

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