The latest drugs for adenoma. Medicines for prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Doctors gave a list of the most effective

Despite the fact that prostate adenoma refers to benign tumors, its treatment is still necessary. In the process of therapy, you can resort to radical surgical treatment, or you can use drugs and medicines.

Since the adenoma begins to compress the urethra during growth, the first thing to do is to stop the growth of the tumor.

How is the diagnosis

Before prescribing drugs for the growth of prostatic hyperplasia, it is necessary to accurately diagnose.

First of all, the doctor must not only accurately diagnose the tumor, but also determine how quickly the tumor grows and at what stage it is.

As a result, you can start prescribing drugs.

In particular, in the diagnosis it is important:

  • Determine the speed and pressure of the flow of urine during urination.
  • Determine if urine remains in the bladder, and how much.
  • How enlarged is the prostate.
  • What is the level of prostate hypertension.
  • How far have the prostate changes gone.

All this is necessary, since in men it is possible to treat prostatic hyperplasia with drugs only if the tumor is in the first stage.

Types of medicines for prostate adenoma

First of all, all drugs and pills for treating a tumor at an early stage are designed to relieve symptoms.

This applies to relaxing the smooth muscles of the prostate, facilitating the process of emptying the bladder, and relieving inflammation.

As an option for treatment in the first stage of adenoma, there are three most common groups to which they belong.

  • α-blockers;
  • 5α-reductase inhibitors;
  • herbal preparations.

Medicines α-blockers

Drugs of this type are responsible for the outflow of urine and reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of the bladder.

In other words, they provide a normal urination process. It can be immediately noted that drugs of this particular type are suitable for men with the first stage of prostate adenoma.

They do an excellent job with the task, if the pathological changes in the gland are minimal and there are practically no symptoms.

By the way, the first stage of prostatic hyperplasia can develop in men up to 3 years old, without much concern.

Below is a list of drugs of this type.

  • Doxazosin.
  • Alfuzosin.
  • Terazosin.
  • Omnic.

Doxazosin is a broad-spectrum drug. It is prescribed when considering the individual characteristics of the course of the disease. The tablets have an antispasmodic and hypolipidemic effect.

"Alfuzosin" - tablets of prolonged action. They have a positive effect on the outflow of urine, improve urination. Their appointment is fully justified in the development of the first stage of prostate adenoma in men.

"Terazosin". Treatment with this drug allows you to expand the veins and blood vessels, eliminate the stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs.

In addition, these pills help in the flow of urine from the bladder.

During the course of treatment, the doctor prescribes tablets, which will need to be gradually increased in dosage.

"Omnik" is a drug that has a major effect on the walls of the bladder. It consists in the fact that:

  • The hypertrophy of the bladder walls decreases.
  • Increases the elasticity of the body.
  • Reduces the risk of surgery as a result of complications.

5α-reductase inhibitors

Treatment with drugs of this group seriously affects the growth of the prostate in size. Alternatively, the risk of urinary outflow disturbance is minimized.

The drugs are designed to stimulate the production of testosterone, which stops the growth of prostate adenoma in men.

The main treatments are here:

  1. "Dutasteride" - the drug stops the growth of the tumor. The course of admission is at least six months, answers the question -.
  2. "Alfinal" - designed to stimulate the production of testosterone. With prolonged use, the outflow of urine normalizes and the prostate decreases.
  3. "Proscar". It is used as a means of controlling the development of adenoma and as a drug to minimize the risk of complications in urology.

It is important to emphasize that all these means should not only control the state of hyperplasia, but also reduce the likelihood of surgical intervention.

Otherwise. if the tumor continues to grow, it becomes an inevitable option!

The effectiveness of drugs is quite high for men, and they can treat adenoma not only at 1, but also at the second stage of the tumor.

Herbal products

It is possible to treat prostate adenoma with plant-based preparations.

Means of this type consist of natural, natural components that have an extremely beneficial effect on the condition of both the prostate gland and the bladder - the two main "players" of adenoma.

Naturally, treatment with such drugs is justified only if it is.

List of drugs:

  • "Speman". A very interesting drug, since the effect of the drug occurs not only on the adenoma, but also on the reproductive capabilities of a man. More precisely, the drug has a beneficial effect on spermatogenesis (sperm production).
  • "Gentos" - refers to a homeopathic remedy that affects the smooth muscles of the prostate gland in men.
  • "Afala". The drug not only regulates the functions of the prostate and bladder, but also enhances male attraction, raises the libido of men!

Choosing an adequate treatment for prostate adenoma in men, doctors prescribe medications of different groups. A pronounced therapeutic effect is achieved due to the fact that pharmaceutical preparations work in combination with each other. Only a qualified specialist can choose the right course of therapy. Self-medication with such a diagnosis will be ineffective or even lead to aggravation of the development of the disease.

At the first signs of prostate adenoma, it is necessary to begin to act. At the initial stages of the development of the disease, an effective medicine is selected that will help stop the pathological process and improve the condition of the affected tissue. If the adenoma is in advanced form, then drug therapy will only alleviate the symptoms. For a full recovery, drastic measures will be required. More detailed information about this can be found in reference books or on the Internet if you go to the thematic forum.

If the drugs were chosen correctly, then the quality of life of a man will improve significantly. The risk of developing other diseases of the genitourinary system will be reduced to a minimum.

To choose the right medicine for a newly diagnosed BPH in men, a doctor must consider a number of factors:

  • The age of the patient;
  • The susceptibility of the body to various substances that may be in the composition of the tablets;
  • The stage of development of a tumor-like formation;
  • Features of the location and size of the tumor;
  • Signs of illness that bother a man;
  • Tendency to allergic reactions.

The complex of drugs is selected individually

If you go to the medical forum, you can see a lot of useful information on the basis of which this or that medicine is selected for patients with adenoma.

What medicines are considered the best

It is difficult to say unequivocally which drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma in men are the best and most effective. After all, they all affect the body of a particular person in different ways. That is why it is very important to select therapy according to an individual plan for each patient.

In the treatment of prostate adenoma, the use of several medications is required. They may be issued in the form of:

  1. Tablets;
  2. Microclyster;
  3. Rectal suppositories.

The best, many experts call drugs that have a pathogenetic property. They have gone through many clinical trials. A huge number of patients were satisfied with the result that these drugs give. These include:

  1. Alpha receptor blockers. They help to quickly get rid of spasmodic pain in the muscle tissue of the urethra. Thanks to them, the process of excretion of urine becomes less problematic;
  2. 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. With their help, the enzyme is suppressed, which provokes the accumulation of dihydrotestosterone. It is he who causes active reproduction of cells in the prostate gland.

Some drugs are aimed at combating the growth of the gland, others relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Additionally, drugs for prostate adenoma are required, which are designed to combat the symptoms of the disease. In this case, we are talking about the following drugs:

  • Decongestants;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antispasmodics;
  • Painkillers;
  • Vitamin complexes;
  • Immunomodulators.

When drawing up a plan for drug treatment, a specialist must pay attention to the patient's problems in the work of other organs and systems. It is especially important to consider this point when monitoring prostate adenoma in an elderly man. Prescribed drugs should not have too pronounced negative effects on other internal organs, otherwise such treatment will bring a lot of serious complications.

Medical therapy

Pharmaceutical preparations that are prescribed for prostate adenoma belong to different pharmacological groups. Working together, they are good at removing obvious symptoms of the disease. Information about many modern remedies that help with this disease can be found if you visit the thematic forum. In the same place, patients and doctors leave their reviews about certain medicines.

With a timely detected prostate adenoma, it is possible to get rid of the disease with the help of drugs alone. Surgery is not recommended for these patients. It has to be resorted to in the event that drug therapy does not give a positive result or the disease has passed into a complicated form. To understand this, it is enough to study the symptoms that disturb the patient and conduct an examination of the prostate gland.

Alpha blockers

The tablets that are included in this group are designed to alleviate the painful symptoms that bother the patient with adenoma. They perfectly relax the muscles of the bladder and urinary tract. Thanks to this, spasms in the affected area and sharp pains stop. And the process of urination becomes more natural.

Alpha blockers help to regulate urination. But they are not able to solve the problem that led to this discomfort. That is, such drugs are not intended for the treatment of the prostate gland.

Alpha-blockers are prohibited for men diagnosed with hypotension. This is because they can lower blood pressure. Also, such a medicine is not prescribed in the presence of an acute violation in the work of the organs that are responsible for the process of urination. This condition occurs against the background of a significant increase in the prostate gland.

It makes sense to take alpha blockers if there is slight hyperplasia. Specialists usually prescribe such drugs:

  • "Omnic";
  • "Lokren";
  • "Flosin";
  • "Segetis".

"Omnik" helps to normalize urination

The most popular tool is Omnic. You can read about it if you go to the thematic forum dedicated to medicine and medicines. Omnic contains tamsulosin. The active substance blocks the receptors that belong to the neck of the bladder. Due to this, the spasm passes, and the outflow of urine immediately normalizes.

This drug, like many other drugs of the alpha-blocker group, is well tolerated by the body. Since it has a small list of contraindications, such a remedy is suitable even for elderly patients. It has no side effects. This is due to the fact that "Omnik" affects only the organ that needs therapy.

5-alpha reductase inhibitors

Treatment of prostate adenoma without surgery is carried out with the help of 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. They help to stop the development of the pathological process in the organ, as well as restore damaged tissues. That is, after taking such drugs, a regression of the disease is observed. In addition, inhibitors fight signs of adenoma. Therefore, as a result of such therapy, the patient begins to feel much better.

More than half of the patients managed to avoid surgical intervention due to the use of drugs in this group. Such treatment leads to a better prognosis. To achieve a pronounced effect, it is necessary to take medications for at least 6 months. The first results will become noticeable no earlier than 2-3 months from the start of the therapeutic course.

Doctors recommend treating BPH with inhibitors, which include finasteride and dutasteride. Both substances are designed to reduce the amount of dihydrotestosterone in human blood. This hormone affects the growth of pathological tissue in the prostate. Therefore, when it is suppressed, the disease stops developing.

The selection of inhibitors is a complex process. This is due to the fact that they have many side effects. In some cases, drugs adversely affect the prostate gland, sperm quality and intimate life. To reduce the likelihood of developing such reactions, the attending physician must conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient before prescribing the drug.

  • "Avodrat";
  • "Finasterite Teva";
  • "Prosterid".

The most famous and sought-after remedy among them is Finasteride Teva. It is suitable for all patients, except for those men who plan to conceive a child with their spouse. Reception is not recommended, since the active components of the drug can adversely affect the development of the baby.

When taking the drug with paternity will have to wait

Combined drugs

Since it is necessary to treat hyperplasia in a complex way, the doctor can additionally prescribe combined preparations for a man. If you visit a medical forum, you can get acquainted in detail with the action of these funds.

Combination drugs should be taken for 6 months to 1 year. The most famous representative of this group is the Soniride Doe. It combines the properties of an alpha blocker and a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. Due to this, the medication quickly removes the acute symptoms of the disease and helps the prostate recover faster.


Effective in prostate adenoma are drugs called androgens. They are not able to have a direct impact on the process of tissue growth of the problematic organ. But with their help, it is possible to normalize the tone of the muscles of the bladder. This helps to improve the process of urination.

The best drugs of the androgen group include:

  • "Sustanon";
  • "Testobromlecit";
  • "Methyltestosterone";
  • "Omnadren".

You can be treated with such drugs for 1 month. It is very important to avoid an overdose of the drug, as it causes a dangerous condition due to the inhibition of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. To prevent this, you can not take more than 5 mg of the drug at a time.


Medicinal preparations that are made on the basis of natural ingredients are very popular. They help to suppress the development of a small adenoma. Herbal medicine has the effect of:

  1. Antibacterial;
  2. Anti-inflammatory;
  3. Anesthetic;
  4. Decongestant.

The list of drugs for prostate adenoma, which are suitable for herbal medicine, includes drugs that have a positive effect on blood vessels, which is their additional advantage. With the help of natural medicines, it is possible to eliminate spasmodic pain, suppress the growth of pathological tissue and improve the process of urination.

You can cure prostate disease with the help of the following herbal remedies:

  • "Tykveol";
  • "Adenostop";
  • "Peponen";
  • "Prostagut Form";
  • "Prostamol".

The main ingredient is pumpkin seed oil.

The drug "Tykveol" is in the greatest demand among men, as it quickly removes painful symptoms and helps to reduce neoplasms in the prostate. It should be treated with this medication for 3 or more months.


Although the drug treatment of prostate adenoma is often recommended, in some cases it may be contraindicated for the patient. Men who have such disorders will have to choose a different method of therapy:

  1. Suspicion of a malignant tumor in the prostate;
  2. The presence of scar tissue in the pelvis;
  3. Renal failure, occurring in an acute form;
  4. Launched hyperplasia.

All decisions regarding the choice of a particular treatment option should be made by a competent specialist. If the patient adheres to all the requirements of the doctor, then he will be able to cope with prostate adenoma in a relatively short time. It is very important not to miss taking the medicine in the prescribed dosage. If during the course of treatment the patient has side effects, the doctor will replace the problematic drug with a similar remedy that will not act so aggressively on the weakened body.

Until August 10 The Institute of Urology together with the Ministry of Health are implementing the program "Russia without prostatitis". Within which the drug is available at a reduced price of 99 rubles. , to all residents of the city and region!

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also known as prostate adenoma, is a histological diagnosis that is characterized by the proliferation of cellular elements of the prostate.

Simply put, the tissues of the diseased organ begin to grow and nodes appear in the prostate (benign neoplasms, tumor).

The cause of BPH has not yet been found.

  • how the symptoms interfere with the patient's life;
  • the stage of BPH (the size of the patient's prostate);
  • his age;
  • general well-being;
  • any other medical conditions.

For the complex treatment of disorders in BPH, the following are jointly prescribed:

  • alpha-adrenergic blockers;
  • 5-alpha reductase inhibitors.

It is worth noting

An example of a complex drug is Soniride Duo. The price of combined therapy averages 800 rubles per month of treatment.

The most commonly prescribed drugs for prostate adenoma:

  • 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, in particular dutasteride or finasteride, help reduce the volume of the prostate, but this process stretches for up to 6 months. In particular, they reduce the level of the hormone dihydrotestosterone associated with prostate growth.
  • Alpha-adrenergic blockers, such as "Cetazine" (the active ingredient is terazosin) and "Omnic" (the active ingredient is tamsulosin), relieve common symptoms of the disease by relaxing the smooth muscle tissue in the prostate and the surrounding capsule. This takes the pressure off the urethra and allows urine to flow out more easily.
  • Androgens, such as "Sustanon" and testosterone propionate, are used as injections for urinary disorders and improve libido.

Any folk remedies and medicines for BPH and relapse prevention should be used under the supervision of a urologist.

Remedy for prostate adenoma: drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma in men

Of the alpha-blockers, the following drugs are usually prescribed for the treatment of prostate adenoma in men:

  • "Prazosin". Increases the rate of urine flow by relaxing smooth muscles. Relaxation is produced by blocking alpha-adrenergic receptors in the bladder neck and prostate gland. The advantage of "Prazosin" over non-selective alpha-blockers is a lower level of side effects. Subjective improvement is observed in 82% of treated patients.
  • Tamsulosin ("Omnic"). This alpha-adrenergic blocker is specifically designed for alpha-α receptors. Its advantage is less pronounced orthostatic hypotension (improper regulation of blood pressure).

Before taking these drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma in older men, you should carefully read the instructions, as they have a number of contraindications.

Proven and effective remedies for prostate adenoma (drugs-inhibitors of 5-alpha reductase):

  • Finasteride (Proscar). Prevents testosterone from being converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). As a result of taking the symptoms of the disease are reduced and the size of the prostate is reduced by at least 20%. The reduction in prostate size is maintained for 5 years after treatment.
  • Dutasteride (Avodart). It is used for the treatment of BPH, both as a single agent and in conjunction with tamsulosin. Reduces urinary retention and inhibits the conversion of testosterone to DHT by more than 95%.

The latest drugs for the symptoms of prostate adenoma

One of the newest drugs for prostate adenoma is "Sonyrid Duo", which entered the Russian market in 2013. The drug combines the 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor finasteride with the alpha-blocker tamsulosin.

This is more effective than taking Omnic or Propecia alone.

The main side effects include: dizziness, headache, fatigue and hypotension (rarely).

Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors(PDE-5), such as tadalafil ("Cialis"), help reduce the clinical symptoms of BPH, if the constant pressure of the prostate on the urethra has caused erection problems in a man. Such drugs are well known as male power drugs.

But before taking, you need to read the detailed instructions for the medicine, they all have contraindications.

The side effects of taking Cialis include: headache, hyperemia, indigestion, nasal congestion, temporary disturbances in the perception of colors.

In general, compared with surgical procedures, treatment with the latest drugs for BPH has a low risk of adverse effects, which is what prompts most men to choose drug therapy as their initial treatment.

The best herbal remedies and useless herbal medicines for the treatment of prostate adenoma

The main herbal remedies for the treatment of prostate adenoma include:

  • beta-sitosterol;
  • cernilton;
  • African plum;
  • With palmetto.

Herbal preparations are used only as an adjuvant treatment in the initial phase of BPH. They are not a blocker of the growth of glandular tissue of the prostate. Before taking any traditional medicine, you should discuss the choice of drugs with a specialist who will direct the course of treatment in the right direction.

In addition to herbal medicine, the urologist may refer the patient to a procedure such as prostate massage and prescribe antibiotic pills that help fight infections that accompany the formation of tumors in the prostate.

  • Beta-sitosterol- an organic substance obtained from peanuts, pumpkin seeds, rice, wheat germ, etc. Men who took drugs for prostate adenoma with beta-sitosterol noted a higher rate of urination than people from the placebo group.
  • Cernilton is a plant extract made from fermented pollen. According to the reviews of many men who took cernilton, their symptoms of BPH decreased. But there are no clinical studies proving the effectiveness of this traditional medicine for health.
  • African plum. A review of 18 studies shows that taking this herbal remedy increases urine flow and reduces the number of nightly trips to the toilet. However, detailed observations of patients with BPH were short-term, the type of extract and its amount varied from study to study, so the results are difficult to compare.
  • Some men with BPH report that Saw Palmetto supplementation has helped them make fewer trips to the bathroom at night.
  • However, the results of several studies show that in men taking higher doses of Saw Palmetto there was no difference in BPH symptoms and problems with urination compared with patients who were given a placebo.

The most effective drugs for treating symptoms of prostate adenoma: the best of the drugs

Alpha-blockers and 5-alpha reductase inhibitors have different effects on prostate tissues.

Therefore, it is impossible to choose with certainty the best drug for the treatment of prostate adenoma.

  • Mode of action alpha blockers blocking the chemical signals that tell the muscles in the urethra, prostate, and bladder to contract. By relaxing the muscles, urine can flow freely.
  • 5-alpha reductase inhibitors"deal" with a growing prostate. They block the hormone responsible for the growth of prostate tissue. Such drugs act slowly, it will take up to six months to see their effect.

In many patients, alpha-blockers reduce symptoms much faster.

In general, alpha-blockers are the most effective BPH drugs for relieving urinary symptoms.

On the other hand, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors give a better chance that the patient will not need surgery or experience the complications that are characteristic of a greatly enlarged prostate.

Sometimes doctors prescribe both types of medicines to the patient.

Prostate adenoma is a more harmless disease than, but no less insidious. According to statistics, this is the most common pathology of the genitourinary system, which awaits men after 45 years. Prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) causes a lot of pain. Effective treatment of prostate adenoma in men is medication.

What is prostate adenoma and its symptoms

Prostate adenoma is expressed in the uncontrolled growth of prostate tissue. As a result, a neoplasm occurs. Moreover, this is not a “native” tissue, but an alien, modified one.

The tumor forms and grows without any hint of its presence, for quite a long time.

The direction of development of this neoplasm can be different: both inside the prostate and from its outer walls. Depending on the direction of growth, the adenoma may or may not cause problems with urination.

The statistics are as follows:

  • More than 60% of men over 60 years of age have histological signs of adenoma;
  • More than 40% have its clinical signs;
  • 20% of men feel a decrease in the quality of life due to urination disorders.

For a full recovery, you need to know exactly what to treat. Symptoms of adenoma and prostate cancer are largely identical. In order to exclude oncology, several studies must be done:

  • Take a test for total and free PSA;
  • Undergo a digital rectal examination;
  • Get an ultrasound
  • To make in order to take biomaterial for histology.

Symptoms of prostate adenoma

The first signs of a developing pathology are the complexity of the process of urine outflow. They can manifest themselves in different ways, but most often - in numerous false urges to urinate throughout the night. In this case, pain syndrome may be present. A characteristic symptom of adenoma is repeated nightly trips to the toilet.

In some cases, men have to wake up at least 7 times.

All this adversely affects the emotional and physiological state of the patient. Chronic lack of sleep provokes depression, causes systematic fatigue. The patient may experience increased irritability, which directly affects the quality of communication with others.

The most serious complication of a developing adenoma is acute urinary retention, which is expressed in the impossibility of spontaneous urination, despite the strong urge to urinate. As a result, urine begins to accumulate in the bladder. Its quantity can reach 3 liters. There are two ways out: catheterization, and if it is impossible, a puncture in the lower part of the abdominal wall.

With the progression of the disease, a man begins to be disturbed by severe pains in the lower abdomen, an admixture of blood may appear in the urine and semen. All this cannot but frighten, and a person begins to intensively look for an opportunity to get rid of the disease. At the same time, men often ignore the need to visit the clinic and turn to the doctor in the most extreme and neglected cases.

Methods of treatment of prostate adenoma

There are only three ways to get rid of adenoma.

  1. drug therapy;
  2. Operative (surgical) intervention;
  3. Phytopreparations.

With self-medication, there is one danger: you can choose the wrong recipe or it will be incorrect, with distorted data on preparation, dosage and schedule of administration (for traditional medicine). During treatment with such a drug, the pathological process will develop. And precious time will be wasted.

It is better not to tempt fate, but immediately start with proven medicines. However, there are some "pitfalls" here as well.

Being treated "blindly", not knowing the real state of affairs, is fraught not only with uselessness, but also with the possibility of getting serious side effects.

In order to avoid complications, you should consult a doctor. To make an accurate diagnosis, it is enough to do three things:

  • Visit the nearest laboratory on your own and get tested for PSA;
  • Visit the nearest medical center and do;
  • Come to the clinic at the place of residence or visit a commercial medical institution and get a consultation with a urologist, providing the doctor with research data.

Most men give up on the thought of going to the doctor because of a possible rectal palpation procedure. According to the medical standards of urological reception, it is a mandatory research method for suspected pathology of the prostate gland.

But there are many doctors who, realizing the uninformativeness of palpation, refuse it and immediately refer the patient to (biomaterial sampling with simultaneous ultrasound). The data obtained as a result of this procedure allow an accurate diagnosis to be made.

Drug treatment of adenoma

Prostate adenoma is a steadily progressing pathology. The growth of a benign neoplasm is constant, but the speed of the process can be different. As the patient ages, the risk of a variety of complications increases. At the beginning of the development of the disease, drug treatment is most effective, which consists in taking medications prescribed by a doctor. It is guaranteed to eliminate violations of the urination process.

At the moment, there are three groups of drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma:

  • Alpha blockers;
  • 5-alpha reductase inhibitors;
  • Means based on natural ingredients: phytopreparations.

The choice of therapeutic technique depends on two characteristics of the disease: its stage and the complexity of the course. The action of drugs is aimed at eliminating the cause and symptoms of this insidious disease.

Probiotics (preparations and dietary supplements containing live microcultures) are often prescribed as concomitant treatment. These remedies will help restore the intestinal microflora, which will increase immunity.

It is important to understand that alpha blockers can only eliminate the symptoms of BPH. And inhibitors of 5-alpha reductase affect the cause of this pathology. Therefore, the drugs of the first group quickly provide assistance, eliminating pain in the lower abdomen and cramps. And drugs of the second group eliminate the cause, treat.

Alpha blockers in the treatment of prostate adenoma

Alpha blockers are effective medications that can quickly eliminate the symptoms of pathological processes in the prostate. But eliminate the symptoms, not the cause of the disease.

These drugs are prescribed for sluggish outflow of urine, intermittent, painful.

The help of these drugs is expressed in the relaxation of the muscles of the prostate and bladder, which contributes to the free outflow of urine. At the same time, alpha blockers do not affect the neoplasm itself. They are not able to reduce the size of the tumor or stop its growth.

The action of alpha blockers

A significant role in the functioning of the genitourinary system of men is given to alpha-adrenergic receptors of the bladder neck and proximal calving of the urethra. There are three types of receptors:

  1. Alpha-1A-adrenergic receptors. Located in the prostate, prostatic urethra, bladder. The function of these receptors is to regulate the activity of the smooth muscles of the prostate, the base and neck of the bladder, seminal vesicles and ejaculatory ducts.
  2. Alpha-1B-adrenergic receptors. They are located in the blood vessels and control the tone of the arteries during the redistribution of blood. The number of receptors increases with age.
  3. Alpha-1D-adrenergic receptors. Located in the bladder, spinal cord and sinuses. The purpose of these receptors is not fully understood, but it is known that they play a significant role in the functioning of the muscles of the bladder.

Alpha-adrenergic blockers

Drug CARDURA "Kardura"

Release form - round tablets of small diameter. Supplied in doses of 1.2 and 4 mg. On one side of the 1mg tablets is the inscription CN 1, on the other - Pfizer. 2 mg tablets have CN 2 and Pfizer. 4 mg tablets have CN 4 and Pfizer.

The active substance is mesylate. The drug affects all groups of alpha-adrenergic receptors, normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system. The initial dose is 1 mg per day, taken in the morning or evening, at night. Focusing on urodynamic indicators, the dosage can be up to 2 and 4 mg per day.

  • Artezin;
  • doxazosin;
  • Kamiren;
  • Urocard.

The drug "Omnik"

Most in demand in blocking alpha-1 receptors. Removes spasmolytic phenomena, normalizes the bladder. Available in yellow-green capsules at a dose of 400 mg. Take 1 capsule 1 time per day before meals. One pack may contain 10 or 30 capsules.

The drug has a wide range of contraindications, caused a lot of negative reviews.

Possible side effects such as nausea, vomiting, itchy skin. diarrhea, headaches and dizziness.

  • Alfater;
  • Cornam;
  • Bazets;
  • Adenorm;
  • NetworkSizes.

The drug "Dalfaz Retard"

The active ingredient is alfuzosin hydrochloride. It has a pronounced effect on adrenergic receptors, contributes to the normalization of the genitourinary system, eliminates the symptoms of BPH. Effective for prostate adenoma 1 and 2 degrees.

Daily dosage 10 mg. The drug is taken twice: in the morning and in the evening. Release form: capsules.

  • Urorek;
  • Alfuprost;
  • Sonizin.

5-alpha reductase inhibitors: how they work and why they help

The second group of drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma are inhibitors (blockers) of 5-alpha reductase. This is a protein compound and there are two types of its enzymes (ioenzyme): 5-alpha reductase type I and type II.

Ioenzymes of the first type are concentrated mainly in the tissues of the liver, in hair follicles, and skin. Ioenzymes of the second type - in the prostate. Specifically: in the nuclei of her stromal cells. Type II 5-alpha reductase inhibitors are needed to treat benign enlargement of the prostate.

The pharmacological industry offers several types of drugs for the treatment of adenoma. Among them:

  • Proscar (analogues of Finasteride, Propecia);

Long-term urological practice has shown that Finasteride and Dugasteride have the most effective action. Each of these drugs has its own pharmacological and clinical features.

The recommended duration of taking the drugs is 5-6 months. Comparative analyzes of the effectiveness of these drugs have not been conducted. It is noted that the effectiveness of taking "Finasteride" and "Dugasteride" is almost the same. One of the positive effects: lower PSA levels.

Possible reactions to taking 5-alpha reductase inhibitors:

  • Depressive states;
  • Decreased libido;
  • Violations of potency;
  • Cardiopalmus;
  • Skin itching.

Side effects of drugs can be expressed in various disorders in the genitourinary system.

Often there are varying degrees of pain in the testicles, in the mammary glands. There are cases of a decrease in the quality of sperm, less often - male infertility.

Efficacy of 5-alpha reductase inhibitors

Since these drugs act on the cause of the pathology, a lot of time passes before complete recovery. Depending on the size of the benign tumor and the rate of its progression, it takes from 5 months to 1 year.

At the initial stages of adenoma development, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors are able to completely stop the development of the neoplasm and subsequently eliminate it. On average, these treatments can reduce the adenoma symptom index by 3 points on the AAU scale.

Phytopreparations for the treatment of adenoma

Phytopreparations are more prophylactic than curative. They can help in the initial stages of the disease. So, at the first violations with urination, you can take Prostamol Uno. This is a completely natural remedy, made on the basis of serena serenoi. It helps quickly, but the cause of the pathology is not able to eliminate.

Any means, which include, are guaranteed to provide assistance at the initial stage of pathological processes in the prostate.

The most popular is "Tykveol", which not only normalizes the outflow of urine, but also has an analgesic effect.

Decoctions of hazel or hazel leaves will also help to cope with minor disorders in the genitourinary system. Preparing a healing agent is simple: you need to pour 1 tablespoon of the plant with 1 cup of boiling water. Insist for 30-40 minutes. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

Useful for the prostate turn. A decoction of this herb can be taken as a tea, several times a day. The effect will not be slow to manifest itself: urination will become easy and painless. A decoction of thorns is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of herbs is brewed with 1 liter of boiling water. They insist all night. Taken during the day.

Effective for congestion in the pelvic area and the growth of prostate tissue stinging nettle. This ubiquitous plant can be of great help in the initial stages of the disease and stop the growth of the tumor.

Combined drugs

A relatively new therapeutic agent is Soniride Duo. It contains two main active ingredients: finasteride and tamsulosin. This medicine is able to quickly eliminate the symptoms of BPH, while simultaneously affecting the cause of the disease. But there is a wide list of contraindications and side effects, which affects the popularity of this drug in clinical practice.

It is almost impossible to cure adenoma on your own

For a successful result, constant therapeutic control is required. It is necessary to undergo studies that reveal the degree of effect of a particular drug.

It is impossible to predict how taking pills will affect the body. Only a doctor can correctly assess all the risks. Self-medication is fraught with serious complications. Therefore, at the first signs of prostate adenoma, it is recommended to consult a urologist.


In the treatment of male diseases, various means are used. In many cases, drugs for BPH in men are quite effective and can avoid or delay it. With drug treatment, side effects often occur, which must be taken into account when choosing drugs.

When medication is indicated

Drugs for the treatment of male ailment are prescribed according to indications as the main or auxiliary treatment. Be sure to take into account the characteristics of the disease, the condition of the patient's body and contraindications to the use of medications.

Drugs are prescribed as the main or auxiliary treatment

Indications for medical treatment

  • No renal complications
  • The inability to perform the operation
  • Re-development of adenoma after surgical treatment.

Drug treatment is prescribed at the initial stages of the development of pathology, when dysfunctions are minimal, and there are no complications that affect the work of the kidneys. There are contraindications to surgical therapy - the advanced age of the patient, the state of the cardiovascular system.

Problems with urination


  • The volume of residual urine is more than 100 ml.
  • Acute urinary retention.
  • Hematuria.
  • Stones in the bladder.

Until recently, the main method of treating a male ailment was surgery. With the progress of the medical method of therapy, only 20% of men with such a diagnosis are operated on, the rest receive effective treatment with drugs.

Drugs for the treatment of adenoma

Drugs and medicines for treatment

There are such groups of drugs for the treatment of the disease:

  • alpha-blockers;
  • antibacterial agents;
  • 5-alpha reductase inhibitors;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • herbal remedies.

When antibiotics are needed

Antibiotic therapy is indicated in cases of bacterial infection. In this case, Gentamicin, Levorin, drugs from the group of cephalosporins are used. With the help of antibiotics, it is possible to extinguish inflammation and improve urodynamics. When choosing a drug, one should take into account possible contraindications for admission.

Gentamicin for injection

Alpha blockers

Preparations from this group have a relaxing effect on the muscle fibers of the prostate. Muscle spasms stop and the process of urination normalizes. Relief with alpha-blockers is achieved quickly. Many drugs from this group cause a significant decrease in blood pressure, so they are contraindicated in men with low blood pressure. Tamsulosin-based products are deprived of this effect. These drugs for prostate adenoma are more gentle and can be prescribed to elderly patients, as well as to those who have concomitant problems such as diabetes, bronchial asthma, as they have a minimum number of side effects.

Tamsulosin-based drugs

  • Lokren.
  • Flossin.
  • Adenorm.

Flosin capsules

Alpha-blockers are often prescribed in combination with Picamilon to increase the effectiveness of the drug.

Drugs from the group of adrenergic blockers quickly eliminate the symptoms. But they do not affect the pathological process itself. They are most effective for small prostatic hyperplasia. For men with severe forms of urination disorders, genitourinary infections, alpha-blockers are not prescribed.

Possible side effects

  • Headache.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Digestive disorders.

Digestive disorders

Omnic drug

One of the most commonly used drugs for the treatment of pathology from the group of alpha-blockers is Omnic. A drug is prescribed to eliminate functional disorders of the urinary organs. The effect of the treatment is manifested after 2 weeks of admission. In the initial stages of the development of the disease in patients, the effect occurs after the first dose. The drug is highly selective, that is, it acts selectively, precisely on those organs for which it is used, so side effects are rare. Omnic does not affect blood pressure.

Omnik is available in capsules. One capsule is taken once a day after meals in the morning. This drug is contraindicated in severe liver failure and in case of hypersensitivity to the components that make up the composition.

Omnik - a drug from the group of alpha-blockers

5-alpha reductase inhibitors

The drugs of this group allow you to get rid of the symptoms of the development of the disease, as they prevent the progress of the disease, lead to a decrease in the size of the development of the pathology. This is achieved by reducing the level of the hormone dihydrotestosterone, which provokes prostate hyperplasia. After treatment with 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, more than half of patients do not need surgery. When treating with these drugs, it should be remembered that it takes time to achieve an effect. Relief of symptoms may occur only after 3-6 months of therapy. An important advantage of such drugs is their effectiveness in large adenomas in men.

Possible side effects are associated with the inhibition of sexual functions, there is a weakening of erection, a decrease in sperm formation. After the end of taking the drugs, the negative effects disappear, and the male's sexual function is fully restored.

At the moment, preparations based on dutasteride or finasteride are produced:

  • Avodart.
  • Alfinal.
  • Prosterid.
  • Finasteride TEVA.

Finasteride TEVA - the drug is indicated for prostate adenoma

The most popular drug is Finasteride TEVA, which is available in tablets. For treatment, take one tablet once a day. Contraindications are hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, with caution it is prescribed for liver failure, with a large amount of residual urine. If a man plans to have a child, then he is prohibited from taking Finasteride, as there is a threat of fetal pathology. The danger is this drug for the male fetus in case of contact of a pregnant woman with crushed tablets.


The undoubted advantage of this drug is the ability to achieve a stable long-term remission and complete restoration of urinary function.

Hormones in the treatment of prostate adenoma

The use of hormonal drugs in the treatment of prostate adenoma is due to the fact that hormones regulate the growth of the glandular tissue of the organ. In some cases, it is required to block the synthesis of testosterone in order to limit the androgenic effect on the prostate. In others, it is necessary to increase the amount of male sex hormones. Such drugs are not prescribed to all patients, as they have a long list of side effects.

Hormonal agents can be used in the form of injections or suppositories, in each case the form of the drug is selected individually.

Hormone-based drugs

  • Raveron is effective in the initial stages.

Prostatilen suppositories and injections
  • normalizes circulation in the prostate, eliminates swelling, stabilizes urination.
  • Sustanon has a prolonged action, allows you to administer it as an injection once a month.

Herbal preparations

For the treatment of pathology, herbal medicines are used, which are quite effective, but have fewer side effects. They can improve the process of urination, increase the speed of urine flow, and eliminate inflammation. Some drugs effectively eliminate swelling, improving urinary function without reducing sexual desire.

Herbal preparations are effective in the fight against adenoma!

The action of herbal remedies

  • Suppression of growth factors of prostate cells.
  • Androgen receptor blocking.
  • Suppression of the action of enzymes involved in hormonal metabolism.
  • Effects on tissue growth factors.

Phytopreparations today are produced in convenient forms, quite often they are prescribed both as an independent remedy, if a gentle effect is needed, and as part of complex therapy.


  • Trianol stimulates the restoration of the epithelium, reduces inflammation, activates the excretory function of the gland, improves urodynamics.

Tykveol capsules
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood supply to the pelvic organs, tones the muscles of the bladder.
  • effective in the initial stages and with weakness of the sphincter of the bladder.
  • Prostabin is a protein-vitamin complex rich in zinc, which is so necessary for the normal functioning of the prostate gland. In addition to a positive effect on the functioning of the prostate, this remedy has a strengthening effect on the entire body, improves immunity.

Afala tablets

Homeopathic medicine Afala

This remedy improves the functional state of the organs of the genitourinary system, sexual functions, eliminates symptoms and dysuric phenomena.

The effectiveness of Afala has been proven in stages 1 and 2 of prostate adenoma. Suitable for the prevention of exacerbations in chronic processes. The drug is available in lozenges to be taken twice a day. The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

With prostate adenoma, the timeliness of the measures taken is of great importance in the success of treatment. When the first signs of trouble appear, you should consult a doctor. Today, men often prescribe treatment themselves, after reading articles about medications, reviews about their use. On the forums of sites devoted to men's problems, you can find a lot of advice on the treatment of adenoma. However, self-medication is not worth it, as this can only worsen the situation. The most effective is complex treatment with several drugs. Only a specialist can choose them correctly after analyzing the data obtained during diagnostic studies.

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