Pain in the Achilles tendon than to treat. characteristic features of the disease. In both cases, there may also be

Achilles tendonitis (tendopathy) This is an inflammatory process in the calcaneal tendon. In violation of tissue conductivity ( poor breeding metabolic products, salt accumulation) there is a decrease in the strength of ligaments, loss of elasticity of collagen fibers. Under such conditions, excessive loading leads to the occurrence of microscopic tears.

Cracked tissue heals over time, but becomes less elastic and has many small scars. In the absence of adequate measures, chronic inflammation and tendinosis occurs.. This is a degenerative change resulting in tendon rupture or separation from the heel bone.

There are 3 forms of Achilles tendinitis:

  • Peritendinitis is an inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tendon, often accompanied by their degeneration.
  • Tendinitis is a tendon lesion in which adjacent tissues remain healthy.
  • Enthesopathy is an inflammatory and degenerative process that occurs at the site of attachment of the tendon to the bone. Sometimes there is calcification (deposition of calcium salts in the tissues) and the development of plantar fasciitis (bone growth on the calcaneus in the form of a spike or wedge).


The reasons

  1. Excess loads. This cause causes tendonitis even in professional athletes and trained people. This is because without the necessary rest, the tissues do not have time to recover and lose their ability to relax.
  2. Age changes. Fine Achilles tendon stretches up to 5% of its length, which helps it perform a shock-absorbing function. After 35 years, its extensibility decreases, and loads without prior warm-up and warming up of the muscles lead to fiber damage and microscopic tears.
  3. Flat feet with hyperpronation (physiological collapse of the foot inward). With such a disease, the tendon, when walking and any other loads, experiences excessive stress and is damaged.
  4. Haglund's deformity, in which a kind of bony outgrowth in the form of a bubble forms on the heel, near the attachment point of the Achilles tendon. Due to such a defect, the tendon is greatly stretched under loads. The growth may be soft or hard, depending on the presence or absence of inflammation of the tendon bursa.
  5. Wearing uncomfortable shoes. For this reason, Achilles tendonitis can develop in athletes, as improperly fitting shoes during training greatly affect the distribution of the load on the legs.
  6. Women who wear high-heeled shoes all day are also at risk of developing the disease. In the evening, when they switch to a flat sole, they experience pain, which is associated with the fact that the tendon muscles have been in a shortened state for a long time, and when stretched, it is difficult for them to adapt.

  7. Sharp and chronic infections that are the impetus for the development inflammatory process in the Achilles tendon.


  1. History taking and interview with the patient. Most often, you can hear complaints of ever-increasing pain in the area located 2-6 cm above the point of attachment of the Achilles tendon to the bone. The junction area is swollen.
  2. Physical research. Palpation determines the localization of pain. The disease is characterized by a slight shift in pain during the movement of the foot due to the fact that the muscles and tendons are stretched. Peritendinitis is characterized by the absence of movement of pain in the ankle during movement, since the inflammatory process is observed along the entire length of the tendon.
  3. The definition of rupture or separation of the Achilles tendon from the bone is determined using the Thompson test. It is performed with the patient lying on his stomach, in which the feet hang off the table. When squeezing the calf muscle, the foot should bend, in which case the test is considered negative. A tear is diagnosed when the sole of the foot cannot be flexed.

  4. Radiography. Shows the presence of degenerative changes and inflammation, but only if there are foci of calcification, which in the picture look like an extended shadow of the tendon. Enthesopathy is characterized by the appearance of calcifications in front of the junction of the Achilles tendon and bone. The absence of calcification makes the use of this method meaningless, since it does not clarify the diagnosis.
  5. Magnetic resonance imaging. It is done instead of an x-ray or simultaneously with it and allows you to distinguish between degenerative changes and inflammatory processes. In the presence of inflammation, a lot of fluid accumulates in the tendon, soft tissues not enlarged, which characterizes the acute form of the disease. If a thickening of the tendon is found, then the tissues have already been replaced by a scar, which greatly increases the risk of rupture.
  6. Sonography - ultrasound procedure, which determines the degree of contraction of the tendon, a change in its structure. When conducting an examination, it is important to follow the direction sound wave so that it does not cross the Achilles tendon along an oblique diameter.
  7. Laboratory studies of blood tests (general and rheumatic tests). They are prescribed during the development of the disease due to an infectious or rheumatoid process.


If you experience pain in the area of ​​the Achilles tendon, you should interrupt the training once and allow your legs to rest. For some time, it is necessary to stop the load, and to relieve swelling and eliminate skin hyperemia, apply ice for 10 minutes 3-4 times a day. Applying an elastic bandage to the affected area will help reduce pain.

After measures taken pain should disappear. If this does not happen and they increase under load, then a tendon rupture can be suspected. In this case, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

Conservative treatment

Shown at occurrence acute form tendinitis.

  1. After symptoms are identified, a tight bandage is applied to the area of ​​the Achilles tendon and cold compresses are applied. The leg should be in an elevated position and complete rest for 1-2 days. This is necessary in order to avoid the appearance of hematomas, leading to scarring.
  2. Reduces stress on the Achilles tendon. For this purpose, the injured limb is immobilized in various ways:
    • Taping (using special sports tapes or tapes that fix muscles, joints and limit their stretching).
    • With the help of orthoses, which can partially or completely restrict movement. They fix the leg at a 90 degree angle and are indicated for use at night while sleeping. AT severe cases- around the clock.
    • Tire placement.
    • Gypsum.
    • Elastic bandage.
    • Using crutches.
  3. Lifestyle adjustment. It is forbidden to lift and carry heavy objects for the entire period of treatment. A change of everyday shoes is recommended: they should have a low heel (not a completely flat sole!), which allows you to unload the tendon.
  4. Drug therapy is prescribed, including:
    • Antibiotics in the presence of inflammatory processes.
    • Compresses from Analgin, Dexamethasone and Novocaine in the same proportions or their intramuscular injection to relieve pain at night.
    • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Naklofen, Ibuprofen, Nimesil, etc. They are used no more than 7-10 days, since with prolonged treatment they begin to interfere with the restoration of the tendon. Not recommended use of NSAIDs people suffering from asthma, kidney and liver diseases.
    • Glucocorticoids (Methylprednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Kenalog, Diprospan, etc.). Injections are given while scanning the affected area with ultrasound with great care. Such drugs help to significantly reduce inflammation and inhibit the activity of tissue-destroying enzymes. Steroids should not be injected into the tendon and the area of ​​its attachment to the bone, as they provoke a rupture and prevent the healing of damaged tissues.
  5. Physiotherapy: laser, shock wave, magnetic, ultrasonic and ultraviolet. Apply paraffin and mud applications. Electrophoresis with Lidase and introduction into the tendon area using ultrasound are effective various ointments(Solcoseryl, Voltaren, Dolobene gel). It helps to break scar tissue around the damaged area.
  6. After removing the pain syndrome appoint:
    • massage, stretching and strengthening the tendon;
    • Exercise therapy: exercises aimed at restoring and strengthening muscles.

Surgical treatment

With no effect from conservative therapy within six months, in case of tendon rupture or MRI detection of degenerative cystic lesions (tendinosis), surgery is indicated. It is carried out in planned in the conditions of orthopedic or traumatology department.

During surgical intervention the tendon is exposed through a median skin incision along the posterior surface of the lower leg. The thickened zones and the affected tissues located next to the tendon are excised.

If more than half of the tendon is removed, the excised areas are replaced with the tendon of the plantar muscle. In order to avoid tension in the tissues when suturing the incisions, they are loosened at the front, which allows them to close at the back. To operate on enthesopathy, a lateral incision is used to excise the tendon bag.

If the cause of the disease was Haglund's deformity, then the bone outgrowth is removed, which puts pressure on the place of attachment of the tendon. Such a defect is eliminated with the help of an osteotome (a surgical chisel for dissecting bones).

AT postoperative period the patient wears an immobilizing orthosis in the form of a boot for six weeks. After 2-3 weeks after surgery, it is allowed to step on the foot. When the period of wearing the orthosis ends, they begin to conduct a rehabilitation course (physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage) lasting 1-3 months.

Exercises for Achilles Tendonitis

The complex is aimed at strengthening the muscles and tendons during the course drug therapy provided that there is no pain syndrome, as well as for their rehabilitation after surgery or conservative treatment. Exercise makes it easier connective tissue, reduce the load on the tendon and stretch it.

  1. Walking. It is carried out in comfortable shoes with the obligatory observance of the rule: a soft roll from heel to toe should be carried out without turning the toe outward. In the postoperative period, walking time, stride length and load force increase gradually.
  2. Half squats on toes: lifting and lowering.
  3. Run. Perform only after warming up and stretching the muscles and tendons.
  4. Exercises to increase the elasticity and strength of the tendon.
    • Become heels on a step platform or a small elevation and squat.
    • Become socks on the edge of the platform, lower and rise up and down.
  5. Do both exercises 3 sets of 12 times daily. It is better to start performing them with an instructor so as not to make dangerous mistakes. These exercises are eccentric (aimed at tension and stretching at the same time) and are good at restoring the Achilles tendon.

  6. Muscle stretching exercise. Starting position: facing the wall with support on hands. Bend one leg a little, and stretch the other back and focus on the toe. Hold the position for 30 seconds and return to the starting position, then change legs. Perform 3-5 times.

Any exercise is useful to do in the water, because in these conditions the human body loses most your weight. You can start "water" training 1-2 weeks earlier than "dry".


It is prescribed simultaneously with therapeutic exercises. He improves lymph and blood circulation, as a result of which the process of tissue nutrition is normalized. It is carried out in several stages:

  1. Stroking the affected area.
  2. Semicircular and spiral rubbing thumbs and pads of four fingers.
  3. Kneading the area up and down.
  4. Stroking the bases thumbs and pads of 4 fingers.

Massage is performed within 10-15 minutes. All techniques are performed very slowly.


To prevent the development of Achilles tendonitis, you must follow some rules:

  1. Choose high-quality shoes for training, and if pain occurs, take a break.
  2. Wear comfortable casual shoes. If you want or need to use shoes with heels, periodically rest the tendon.
  3. Any physical exercise should be done, increasing the load gradually. Before playing sports, you should perform a warm-up: exercises to warm up and stretch the tendons and muscles.
  4. Periodically perform stretching exercises for muscles and tendons to strengthen them.


Inflammation of the Achilles tendon is a fairly common disease that is most often observed in athletes after serious physical activity. Despite this, even in people who do not play sports, the development of this disease is possible. Let us consider in more detail the causes of inflammation of the Achilles tendon and ways to eliminate such an ailment.

Symptoms and signs of inflammation of the Achilles tendon

Usually inflammation of the Achilles tendon is accompanied by the following symptoms:

1. The appearance of an acute cutting pain, which is localized in the heel area and extends to the area under the calves. The nature of the pain is burning, growing, pulling. Wherein pain syndrome sometimes so high that a person is completely unable to fully step on his foot.

2. An increase in body temperature is possible when inflammation is running.

3. Redness of the skin in the area of ​​the inflamed tendon.

4. The appearance of a characteristic crunch of bones in the ankle, which manifests itself when moving the foot.

5. Development severe swelling soft tissues in the Achilles tendon.

6. Feeling of pulsation in the leg.

7. Discomfort when stepping on the foot.

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon: causes

As a rule, the Achilles tendon becomes inflamed for the following reasons:

1. Congenital pathologies the development of this tendon in childhood leads to the fact that the child constantly walks on fingers alone. At the same time, even in comfortable flat-soled shoes, the baby will not be able to fully step on the leg. Usually with age this problem does not disappear anywhere, since the tendon is greatly shortened. This leads to him chronic inflammation and even lameness.

2. Clubfoot or flat feet are also congenital defects in the development of the foot, which make it difficult for a person to walk. At the same time, he can not only become inflamed in the tendon, but also experience constant swelling of the feet, pain when walking and rapid fatigue legs.

3. Constant wearing uncomfortable shoes that are too small or rub, extremely negatively displayed on general condition feet and can easily cause inflammation of the tendon.

More great danger represents wearing high-heeled shoes. This is explained by the fact that when wearing shoes with heels, the Achilles tendon gradually shortens, since it simply no longer needs to stretch to walk on a normal flat sole. Over time, the problem is so prolonged that when a woman decides to go in for sports and puts on sneakers, it is simply uncomfortable for her to walk. This is what leads to inflammation.

4. Excessive physical load on the foot leads to its overstrain and the development of inflammation in the tendon. This is usually seen in athletes during intense training.

5. Metabolic disorders in the body.

6. Increased content cholesterol in the blood.

7. Previous foot injury.

Methods for the treatment of inflammation of the Achilles tendon

Before starting treatment, the disease should be diagnosed. To do this, the patient should conduct such studies and procedures:

1. General analysis blood and urine.

2. Ultrasound of the foot.

3. Radiography.

4. Examination and palpation of the foot by a traumatologist and surgeon.

After the diagnosis is established, a person is prescribed treatment depending on the neglect of the disease and the observed symptoms.

Drug therapy involves the appointment of such groups of drugs:

1. Painkillers (analgesics) are used for severe pain.

2. Antispasmodics can be used for sudden pain attacks.

3. Antipyretic drugs are prescribed for high temperature.

4. Anti-inflammatory drugs.

5. Drugs to improve blood circulation.

6. Vitamin complexes.

Physiotherapy treatment is prescribed after drug therapy. It provides for the following procedures:

1. Massage. It must be done by a specialist. The duration of the massage treatment course should include at least ten sessions.

2. Treatment with mud.

3. Ozokerite.

4. Usage paraffin applications.

Traditional treatment inflammation of the Achilles tendon has the following features:

2. If it is impossible to step on the foot for better immobilization, it is recommended to wrap the foot tightly with an elastic bandage. You can also apply a plaster splint instead.

3. At the time of treatment, it is important to completely exclude any physical activity on the sore leg.

4. Applying cold compresses to the sore leg.

5. Wearing special fixing shoes.

Surgery prescribed to patients in the absence of the expected effect from drug treatment. Usually it is carried out with a severe lesion of the tendon and its rupture.

The operation itself consists in stitching the ends of a torn or injured tendon synthetic threads. In this case, the operation is usually closed method(no open surgical incision).

The duration of recovery after such treatment is usually from one to three months. AT given period A person should follow these guidelines:

1. Avoid any physical exertion on the legs.

2. Treat area from operation antiseptic solutions so that the wound heals faster. You can also apply sterile dressings and healing ointments. In this case, all the means that are used should be discussed with the attending physician, especially oral intake painkillers.

3. Within a month after the operation, it is necessary to constantly wear a fixing bandage made of gypsum.

4. To improve blood circulation, the foot should often be raised above the level of the pelvis. To do this, it will be enough just to put a high pillow under the sore leg.

5. If severe pain or suppuration occurs, it is important to immediately inform the doctor about this.

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon: treatment and prevention

To prevent the development of inflammation of the Achilles tendon, you should follow the following medical recommendations:

1. Temporarily stop playing sports if they cause pain in the leg. Usually 1-2 weeks are enough for the muscles to “rest” and return to shape to resume sports activities. If during this time the pain does not go away, then the break should be extended. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to train with visible pain.

2. If swelling of the legs occurs, they must be rewound with an elastic bandage to restore blood circulation. Cold compresses with ice will also help, which are allowed to be pinned for no more than twenty minutes.

3. To relieve tired legs, massage should be done. Massage oils can also be used for this.

4. Should be used orthopedic insoles for shoes so that they take the load off the feet. In addition, now there are special heel liners that will reduce the tension of the tendon and help get rid of the already existing inflammation.

5. Shoes on high heels can be worn, but only in special occasions And then, not for the whole day.

6. Every time before a strong physical load on the legs, it is recommended to do a special warm-up for the feet.

7. You should choose shoes with a solid heel that will fix the foot well.

8. When the first suspicions of inflammation of the tendon arise, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and not delay your condition, otherwise, you cannot avoid dangerous complications.

With absence timely treatment Inflammation of the Achilles tendon in a person can develop such complications:

1. chronic pain in the leg, because of which he simply will not be able to step on the foot. This will lead to lameness.

2. Tendency to tendon rupture. At the same time, the tendon rupture itself will bring much more pain and significantly prolong the course of treatment.

3. The development of tendinitis or tendinosis - a condition in which the structure of the tendon is deformed. This leads to its fragility and tendency to break.

4. Chronic swelling of the lower part of the legs, which will not only lead to impaired blood circulation, but also significantly complicate the process of wearing shoes (due to swelling of the foot, it will simply not be possible to wear narrow shoes).

5. Fever and weakness appear as a consequence of permanent inflammation and stress in the body.

The Achilles tendon (AC) is the most affected by loads both in athletes (athletes, volleyball players, basketball players, etc.), and in ordinary people, especially women whose ankle is constantly in a tense-stretched position (ballerinas, lovers of high-heeled shoes). Also suffer are people who are accustomed to sitting all day, but sometimes loading the poor ankle with unusual tests for him - many hours of walking, digging the garden and other feats. The result may be sharp pain in the heel and swelling behind the ankle - often this is how Achilles tendonitis manifests itself.

  • Tendinitis of the Achilles tendon develops in over 10% of athletes, and the reason for this is disproportion dynamic load when a cool, relaxed triceps calf muscle contracts sharply, e.g. an athlete starts, pushes off to jump, etc.
  • In women, the elevated position of the foot throughout the day leads to a shortening of the Achilles tendon, and when the foot finally "returns" to the ground, the tendon is sharply stretched. That's why women always have sore feet at the end of the day.
  • Also detrimental to the tendon are tight, hard shoes, especially those with a high heel.
  • Contribute to tendonitis can be a calcaneus injury, congenital flat feet and hallux valgus feet.

In the Achilles tendon, inflammatory and degenerative processes can occur simultaneously, accompanied by coarsening of the tendon tissue and calcification. In this regard, several types of tendinitis are divided here at once, which are often combined into one group - tenopathy.

  • Achilles tendonitis is conventionally considered inflammation that does not cover nearby tissues.
  • Inflammation at the site of attachment of the tendon to the periosteum with subsequent processes of calcification and formation heel spur refers to enthesitis or enthesopathy.
  • Peritendinitis is a more widespread inflammation (with or without degeneration) that involves the surrounding tissues.

Symptoms of Achilles Tendonitis

  • Foot pain develops from primary symptoms after exertion to constant pain.
  • At acute inflammation there is lameness: the patient is careful not to step on the heel, pain causes climbing stairs and uphill.
  • Soreness, swelling, sometimes redness in the area located 2-6 cm above the tendon attachment site.
  • On palpation of the AS, the pain intensifies.
  • Dorsiflexion of the foot is limited.
  • With enthesitis, the patient's pain is disturbing at night, especially in the supine position with outstretched legs.
  • With calcific enthesitis, a creaking (crepitus) may be heard during palpation or walking.

Why is the Achilles tendon so difficult to heal?

AS tendinitis is characterized by a chronic course. If you do not start treatment immediately at the time of exacerbation, then it is extremely difficult to cope with the pathology. This is explained by the fact that the regeneration of the tendon at the site of microfractures, although it occurs quickly, leads to a very unstable healing.

In order for the tendon to get stronger, it must be immobilized in much the same way as with a normal injury, up to walking on crutches. But most people treat such a disease lightly, as a simple sprain. Meanwhile, this is very serious: the tendon that healed overnight on the second day is again injured, and this happens without end.

Rough fibrous scars grow in places of permanent micro-ruptures. The tendon thickens, calcifies, and eventually a ridge (Haglund's deformity) or heel spur appears on the back of the heel.

A tendon that has lost collagen and elastin is at risk of rupture over time.


For diagnosis, a physical examination by an orthopedist is important to determine points and areas of pain and differentiation of tendinitis from tendon rupture:

  • Bias pain point when moving the foot is characteristic of tendinitis.
  • Invariable localization of pain during movements indicates peritendinitis.
  • Tests for tendon rupture (reaction of the foot to the compression of the lower leg, needle test, determination of foot droop) reveal the rupture of the AC.

Verification of the diagnosis is made by X-ray, which shows coarsening of the tendon, the appearance of calcifications.

An MRI is required to diagnose inflammation.

Achilles tendinitis treatment

Conservative treatment

  • With exacerbation, all loads on the foot are immediately excluded
  • If there is swelling, this means inflammation and accumulation of fluid in the tendon bag, so you need to:
    • apply ice;
    • apply a tight bandage on the foot (according to a special technique that limits the dorsiflexion of the foot);
    • seek treatment with NSAIDs.
  • If a cast or brace (orthosis) is applied, then NSAIDs can be omitted, except in cases of particularly persistent pain.
  • In Achilles tendinitis, the use of corticosteroids is contraindicated, as they lead to degenerative changes and breaks.
  • For deformities of the foot with falling outward or inward, special fixators are used.
  • The decisive restorative value is physiotherapy, with stretching exercises (stretching) for tendons and strengthening exercises for the triceps.
  • For pain relief, physiotherapy is also possible:
    • electrophoresis,
    • electrical stimulation.
    • extrapolar shock wave therapy.
  • ESWT, in addition to anesthesia, can partially destroy calcifications in enthesopathy with calcification.


They resort to it if, within six months, success conservative ways is not achieved.

  • The tendon is exposed through a median skin incision.
  • The affected part is excised.
  • If more than 50% of the tissue is to be removed, then transplantation is performed using the tendon of the plantar muscle.
  • With enthesopathy, the tendon bag is excised from the lateral access.
  • If there is a bone ridge (spur), it is removed (osteotomy).
  • After the operation, a plaster boot or orthosis is worn for up to six months.
  • After two to four weeks, you can step on your foot.
  • The rehabilitation period is 6 weeks.

The return to the previous activity is done carefully, with the instant removal of any load when the symptoms of tendinitis return.

How to Prevent Achilles Tendonitis

  • Never abruptly engage in increased load mode:
    • athletes before training and competitions must definitely warm up the muscles with a warm-up.
  • Perform daily stretching exercises for the foot, starting from morning exercises and at least 5 minutes 3-4 times a day.
  • When taking off high-heeled shoes, do not immediately change into “flat” slippers: indoor shoes should have a small, stable heel.

How to bandage an injured tendon

To apply a bandage on the foot and wear it, you will need an elastic adhesive plaster and heel pads 0.6 cm thick.

The foot is bent at the sole as shown in Fig. 1 until discomfort occurs.

  • A. Around the lower leg and foot (in the region of the metatarsus and scaphoid) anchor strips are applied, and a protective lining is applied to the Achilles tendon.
  • B - D. To limit the dorsiflexion of the foot behind the ankle, 3 strips of adhesive tape are applied cross on the cross.
  • D. From above, fixing strips are superimposed on the anchor strips of the lower leg and foot.

On Fig. 2 shows the final fixation of the dressing using a softer version of the foot dorsiflexion restriction.

Tendopathy of the Achilles tendon is an inflammatory and degenerative process. In the absence of appropriate treatment, it becomes chronic.

The heel or Achilles tendon is one of the strongest ligaments in the human body. It is able to withstand a load of up to 400 kg, at the same time, it is most prone to injury. The Achilles tendon, along with the calf muscle, is responsible for movement in the foot. The pain that occurs in this area speaks of possible inflammation or ligament damage.

Forms of the disease

Inflammation occurs in middle age due to violations of elasticity and extensibility of the ligaments. More often, violations persecute athletes and people involved in heavy physical labor. The degenerative-inflammatory process is called tendonitis or tendinopathy. There are several forms of tendinopathy.

  1. Inflammation of the Achilles - tendinitis, nearby tissues are not affected.
  2. Inflammation and degeneration of ligaments and nearby tissues - peritendinitis.
  3. With enthesopathy, the inflammatory process extends to the calcaneus, calcification develops, and spurs appear on the heels.

Timely treatment allows for rapid recovery inflamed tendons, otherwise the process may develop into a chronic one. But mechanical cracks and tears require long-term treatment and subsequent rehabilitation until the tissues are fully restored. At chronic course the pain gradually increases, the process continues for several weeks or even months.

Causes of inflammation

The tendon fibers are twisted into spirals and are made up of the protein collagen and elastin. The first is durable and practically does not stretch. Elastin, if necessary, is able to lengthen and return to its original state again. Violation of the composition and integrity of elastic fibers cause pain and lead to tendopathies. The main causes of the disease are as follows:

  • overstrain of the calf muscles, excessive loads on the tendon;
  • age-related changes in collagen and elastin fibers;
  • physiological features feet (flat feet, clubfoot);
  • use of uncomfortable shoes;
  • metabolic disorders, infectious processes.

Heel pain can occur in athletes and physically trained people. This is observed with excessive tension of the ligaments of the foot. During prolonged stress, the tissues do not have time to recover and relax. A neglected problem can even lead to tendon rupture.

With age, the elasticity of the ligaments decreases, which leads to damage and microscopic tears of the fibers. It is especially worth paying attention if pain began to arise when walking. Achilles experiences permanent microtraumas with the physiological characteristics of the legs, for example, the collapse of the foot inward.

The wrong choice of sports shoes has an impact. Why do women's legs hurt when changing heels to low soles? In heels, during the day calf muscles and ligaments are in a shortened state. When changing shoes to slippers, they have to stretch.

Tendopathy symptoms

Why is the inflammatory process long time does it cause severe pain? Unpleasant sensations occur when increased loads and disappear after rest. After some time, as a result of microtraumas, scars form, the elasticity of the ligaments is disturbed. careless flick can lead to tendon rupture. Sudden severe pain is characteristic, it is impossible to move the foot from heel to toe, sometimes it is impossible to completely stand on the foot.

If the disease is not treated in time, it becomes chronic. Subsequently, pain in the heel occurs even after good rest. The place above the heel hurts at the slightest movement. Walking on sloping terrain, going up and down stairs becomes a real challenge.

The ligaments are compacted, there are pains in the calf muscle. Pain occur when palpating the heel ligaments. Mobility in the ankle joint is impaired, a creak occurs during movement. Edema, hyperthermia and redness of the skin are observed.


It is quite difficult to treat the calcaneal tendons, the blood supply in this area is weak. insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to relieve inflammation and healing. Through poor circulation, the healing process is complicated and delayed.

If the pain arose for the first time, you can treat the inflammation yourself. It is enough to temporarily limit the load on the Achilles tendon
impose cold compress. Secure the foot with an elastic bandage. Ointments and gels are used to relieve inflammation. good effect provide physiotherapeutic procedures - magnetotherapy, electrophoresis with hydrocortisone, ultrasound. Before treatment, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

If the cause of the disease is the physiological characteristics of the foot, quality orthopedic shoes. Help should be correct assessment pronation and subsequent correction of the position of the foot with the help of orthopedic tabs.

With a sharp severe pain you should immediately consult a doctor. After the diagnosis is made, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • exclude physical activity;
  • fix the foot to limit movements;
  • the appointment of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • physiotherapy;
  • in remission physiotherapy and massage.

Sometimes the only way out is surgery.

Folk remedies and methods

There are a number of ways traditional medicine to relieve inflammation in the Achilles tendon. Methods should be used as an addition to the main treatment, after consulting a doctor. A soft bump may form over the heel. Periodically, this place turns red, swells, there is a feeling of heat.

The main action of the funds is aimed at relieving inflammation and pain. On the elastic bandage apply the following composition.

  1. For one protein chicken egg add a tablespoon of flour and alcohol, beat thoroughly.
  2. Distribute the required amount of the mixture in an even layer, bandage ankle joint in the form of plaster.
  3. Change the bandage daily.

A cold compress with tincture of comfrey will help relieve pain when walking. A tablespoon of the product is diluted in a glass of water, soaked in a bandage and bandaged. Instead of comfrey, use shepherd's purse grass (a tablespoon per glass of boiling water), infused for 2 hours. The bandage is kept until dry.

Useful oil rubs. For the base you need a teaspoon vegetable oil. Adding two drops of fir and lavender oils, the mixture is easily rubbed into the area above the heel. You can use a different composition: a teaspoon of vegetable oil, with the addition of 5 drops of geranium, clove and lavender oil.

You can treat tendinitis with ointments made on the basis of pork internal fat. To 100 grams of the base, powdered calendula flowers and wormwood herbs, taken 30 grams each, are mixed. The mixture is heated in a water bath, applied to the affected area with a thin layer.

Prevention of tendonitis

The risk group includes athletes, hard working people, women who prefer high heels. If there are discomfort when walking, it is best to seek help immediately. Treat the disease for early stages simply. But if you start the problem, complications are possible up to a chronic process.

For prevention, you need to follow some rules.

  1. Loads should be increased gradually.
  2. Before performing complex physical exercises, it is necessary to warm up the muscles, stretch and warm up.
  3. Proper selection of shoes should be given special attention.
  4. If during the warm-up the legs hurt, the exercises should be suspended.

Middle-aged people need to pay attention to physical activity. Stretching exercises should be added to daily gymnastics to strengthen the calf muscles and calcaneal tendon.

It is important to correctly assess your capabilities, and to distinguish between mild sprains and excessive overexertion. Be attentive to your body.

The Achilles tendon, or calcaneal tendon, is considered the strongest in the human body. It has an enormous load, as a result of which it is vulnerable to various kinds damage. Most often, it becomes inflamed in athletes due to excessive physical exertion, but anyone can face such a problem. To be fully equipped, you need to know how the pathology manifests itself and how to treat the Achilles tendon at home.

Why does Achilles inflammation occur and how does it manifest itself?

A typical cause of the development of the inflammatory process in the Achilles tendon is its stretching, leading to rupture of the fibers as a result of excessive loads. The rupture of the connective tissue is due to short rest between sports training preventing them from recovering. There are a number of factors that provoke inflammation of Achilles:

  • age-related decrease in the elasticity of collagen and elastin fibers that make up the tendon;
  • flat feet with turning the foot inward (hyperpronation);
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes, as well as walking in high heels in women;
  • heel growth (Haglund's deformity);
  • congenital pathologies, for example, shortening of the foot, different length legs, etc.;
  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, the tendon ligament can become inflamed due to infection, disorders metabolic processes and earlier past injuries feet.

The inflammatory process can develop inside the fibers, in the area of ​​​​the junction of the bone and tendon, in the surrounding tissues.

The following symptoms will help to independently recognize the pathology:

  • severe pain syndrome, manifested during movement, acquiring a permanent character;
  • swelling and redness of the affected area;
  • crunch in the shin area when moving;
  • an increase in temperature in the damaged area.

In addition, inflammation of the calcaneal tendon is often accompanied by a general increase in body temperature. However, the symptoms in each patient manifest themselves individually, depending on the degree of damage and the characteristics of the organism.

How to deal with a calcaneal tendon injury

An elastic bandage will help reduce pain

If there is a sharp growing pain in the area of ​​the Achilles tendon, as well as a severe headache, accompanied by dizziness and blackouts in the eyes, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The specialist will determine the severity of the injury and prescribe the appropriate treatment. A torn tendon is rarely treated without surgery.

Important! Delay will complicate the situation and lead to the development of serious consequences.

When stretching a tendon, first apply cabbage leaf, make a tight bandage from an elastic bandage and wrap your leg in a blanket (plaid, woolen scarf).

It is important to ensure that the limbs are at rest.

After an hour, change the cabbage leaf and repeat the procedure.

Can be applied on the ankle for half an hour raw potatoes, peeled and sliced. Wrap gauze around the affected tendon, put potatoes on it and place the foot in heat. This compress normalizes blood circulation and relieves tension in the damaged area.

Treatment methods at home

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon is also treated with folk remedies. Immediately after giving first aid for a sprain, do not load the leg. Move less and use crutches, a cane or other means of support when moving.

Helps tendons recover faster proper nutrition. You need to eat more dairy products, cheese and other foods rich in calcium.

An excellent remedy for the treatment of the Achilles tendon at home will be healthy drink from goat's milk with honey (1 tablespoon per glass of milk). It improves general well-being, restores strength. Drink healing mixture can be at night or in the afternoon and evening.

Remember that you can treat inflammation at home only after the doctor makes a diagnosis.

Medical treatment

With inflammation of the Achilles, anesthetics and NSAIDs are prescribed

The main symptom that accompanies inflammation of the calcaneal tendon - a sharp pain syndrome - is removed with anesthetics. At home, you can take pills, suppositories, and also use local preparations: ointments, creams, gels.

In the treatment of inflammation of the Achilles tendon, drugs are selected individually in each individual case. Anti-inflammatory helps nonsteroidal drugs(NSAIDs/NSAIDs) in combination with painkillers.

Most often prescribed combined preparations for the treatment of inflammation:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Nimesulide;
  • Naklofen;
  • Nimesil.

Penetrating into tissues and preserving healing effect for a long time, they relieve inflammation well, relieve pain and have an antipyretic effect.

When diagnosing an extensive inflammatory process, a course of antibacterial agents is prescribed.

At home, anti-inflammatory ointments are actively used for inflammation of the Achilles tendon. Well proven:

  • Collagen ultra;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Dolobene gel;
  • Voltaren.

They are available as an ointment/gel and are used 5-7 days after the dressing has been removed.

Immediately after injury to the calcaneal tendon, a cooling gel can be applied that easily penetrates under skin, quickly removing puffiness and lowering the temperature.

Treatment with folk remedies

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon can be treated with folk remedies. Alternative medicine stores great amount effective recipes proven over the years.

  • Ice massage. Fill several small plastic/glass containers (glasses will do) with water and place them in the freezer. As soon as the liquid freezes, take out the container, drive for 10-15 minutes with the ice surface formed in the upper part of the container, along the affected tendon. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.
  • Home (household) gypsum will quickly relieve pain, swelling. You will need the protein of a raw chicken egg and 1 tbsp. l. alcohol (vodka). Add ethanol to whipped protein, shake, add a pinch of flour. Spread an elastic bandage with a creamy mass, wrap the inflammation center around it, walk for a day until it completely hardens. Tight bandaging is not necessary. It is recommended to change the "gypsum" mixture every day.
  • Bandages with saline solution. Stir 1 tbsp. l. salt in 250 ml. water. Moisten a cloth, then squeeze thoroughly, wrap in a plastic bag and place in the freezer for an hour. Wrap the frozen bag with a bandage, without tightening it, to the inflamed area, wear it until the bandage dries.
  • Lavender oil. Mix half a cup of vegetable oil with 2-3 tbsp. l. dry lavender mixture Shake it, then place it in heat for 7-10 days. Ready lavender oil lubricate the damaged area 2-3 times a day for a week.
  • Infusion of comfrey and calendula. 1 st. l. add herbs to a large glass hot water and bring to a boil. Let it brew for 6-8 hours, then 1 tbsp. l. dilute the decoction in 300 ml of water. Slightly wring out a gauze napkin moistened with infusion, tie it to a sore spot.
  • Ointment from calendula flowers. Mix dry crushed flowers of the plant with baby cream. Lubricate the affected areas before going to bed and they will hurt less.
  • Onion. Pass 2-3 medium onions through a meat grinder and mix with 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt. Put the resulting slurry on gauze (bandage), apply a compress on the inflamed area for about a week.

Quickly restore the Achilles tendon will help A complex approach and strict adherence to the recommendations of the doctor. Usage folk remedies in conjunction with medications will help to quickly cure and return to the usual and active image life.

To prevent damage to the calcaneal tendon, you need to constantly take care of the health of your legs, adhering to simple rules:

  • wear comfortable shoes;
  • after a hard labor day do a foot massage
  • start each exercise with a warm-up;
  • do not overcool your feet;
  • do not abuse heavy physical labor;
  • balance physical activity.

If you follow the above tips, Achilles tendon pain will never bother you.

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