Radical cyst of the tooth symptoms. A tooth root cyst is a dangerous inflammatory disease. Pathological formation in the "eye teeth"

the main task in the treatment of cysts of the root of the tooth - to eliminate the source of infection. If you see a doctor for early stage inflammation, you can get by with the usual filling of the canals. In advanced cases, one has to resort to surgical intervention and remove the diseased tooth.

Methods for treating cysts on the gums

Therapeutic, or conservative, treatment is the only way to eliminate the cyst, while preserving the "live" tooth tissues. This method is appropriate when the capsule size does not exceed 8 mm. Then the doctor cleans the channels through which the infection enters the bone, and then fills the capsule with a cement-like composition.

It happens that for complete cure 2-3 visits to the dentist are required.

Unfortunately, a positive result therapeutic treatment achieved in only 70% of cases. If inflammation occurs secondarily, apply more radical way The solution to the problem is surgery. This method is also relevant if the initial diameter of the capsule exceeds 8 mm.

How is a tooth cyst treated?

Stages of conservative therapy:

    Opening of the crown of the tooth.

    Root canal expansion or filling.

    Canal cleaning and repeated rinsing with an antiseptic solution.

    Withdrawal of the drug from the top of the root - the antibiotic enters the capsule and "etches" the infected tissues.

    Temporary canal filling with calcium hydroxide.

    Remove after 1-2 weeks filling material and re-treat the cavity with an antiseptic.

    Root canals are sealed with gutta-percha.

    At the final stage - X-ray control and installation permanent filling.

It is very important to make post-treatment follow-up visits at 3, 6 and 12 months. An x-ray can be used to assess how recovered bone jaws.

Treatment of cysts with depophoresis

Depophoresis treatment refers to physiotherapeutic methods of therapy. it innovative way which needs special equipment. Guarantees absolute sterilization of root canals.

Procedure technology:

  • after removal of the pulp, the tooth canal is filled with copper-calcium hydroxide paste;
  • then a needle electrode is placed in the tooth cavity;
  • within a few minutes, the effect is weak electric shock, due to which the suspension penetrates into the cyst, destroying bacteria;
  • the procedure is carried out three times with an interval of 8-10 days;
  • at the end of the last session, the canal is sealed with gutta-percha and the crown part is restored.

The positive effect of depophoresis is observed in 95% of cases. Ultrasound can also be used as sanitation. However ultrasound therapy used only as an additional strengthening agent.

Surgical treatment of the cyst

Laser cyst treatment without removal

The most advanced method that guarantees 99% efficiency. The procedure lasts about an hour and a half, is absolutely painless and bloodless: laser ray kills all bacteria in the cyst cavity and sterilizes adjacent tissues. This technique, called transchannel laser dialysis, eliminates the possibility of refilling the cavity with pus.


  1. Channel cleaning.
  2. Introduction of a laser fiber with a disposable tip.
  3. Removal of a cyst with a laser beam.
  4. Depophoresis.
  5. Installing a temporary filling.

The use of a laser is effective only for teeth with good passable channels, whose crowns are destroyed by less than 50%. Another contraindication to transchannel laser dialysis is cystic cavities larger than 10 millimeters in diameter.

Cystectomy - complete removal cyst membranes


Prices for conservative treatment:

  • 3,300 rubles - for a tooth with one canal;
  • 4,400 rubles - with two;
  • 5,400 rubles - with three.

When treating with depophoresis, you need to pay an average of 1,000 to 3,000 rubles extra: a depophoresis session costs 250-350 rubles per channel.

The price of surgical treatment of a cyst is from 20,000 rubles.

Cost of laser treatment:

  • 50,000 rubles for the treatment of a single-channel tooth cyst;
  • 55,000 rubles - two-channel;
  • 60,000 rubles - three-channel.

The price does not include permanent fillings. You will have to pay an average of 2-3 thousand rubles for it.

Feedback on the treatment of tooth cysts

On this video - detailed review about the surgical treatment of dental cysts.

Is it possible to cure a cyst with folk remedies?

At home, it is impossible to eliminate the radicular (root) cyst, but the symptoms of the disease can be alleviated. To do this, regularly rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile, sage or calendula (room temperature).

In no case should you apply hot compresses to a sore spot, this will only accelerate the inflammatory process.

Remember, a cyst is a serious disease that often leads to bone tissue atrophy, tumor formation, or other deplorable consequences. Therefore, the sooner you go to the dentist, the more likely you are to save the tooth and do without it. surgical operation. After removing the infected tissue, the doctor may prescribe home antibiotic therapy (5 to 10 days) or rinses with chlorhexidine.

Periodontal abscess or radicular cyst of the tooth - frequent complication untreated pulpitis and periodontitis. This is a cavity under the problematic roots, filled with pus. At first, she does not make itself felt, but over time, pain occurs. In places where pus comes out, swelling is possible.

What is a dental cyst

Translated from Greek, "cyst" means "bubble". This pathological neoplasm is a cavity with a fibrous wall and contents. Roughly speaking - a bag filled with pus. Its dimensions vary from a few millimeters to several centimeters.

The cyst that appeared above the tooth is attached to the apex of the root and is located in the periodontal space - between the root and the bone tissue. Over time, it increases in size and affects the bone. And in upper jaw this happens faster because the bone tissue there is more porous.

Such neoplasms appear as a response of the body to an infection in the channels. The cavity retains dead bacteria and prevents them from spreading further. But without treatment, the rupture of the "bubble" is inevitable.

The reasons

As it was already written before, a tooth cyst is a direct confirmation that there is an infection in the canals. Through the top of the root, it enters the periodontal tissues. Why is this happening? There are several reasons:

  • untreated caries and pulpitis - goes into periodontitis;
  • chronic periodontitis;
  • heavy eruption of the "eight";
  • past infection, the causative agent of which has reached periodontal tissues through the bloodstream;
  • chronic inflammation under an artificial crown;
  • tooth injury due to impact, fall;
  • complication of chronic sinusitis;
  • poor quality endodontic treatment.

The last reason should be considered in more detail. According to statistics, in 60-70% of cases, the channels are sealed poorly. A cyst under the tooth may appear because the canals were not filled up to the very top of the roots (due to the carelessness of the dentist or due to impassable canals) or due to periodontal infection with non-sterile endodontic instruments.


For reasons

  • radicular cysts (at the root of the tooth - at its apex or on the lateral surface) - a complication of periodontitis;
  • retromolar or paradental - a consequence of difficult eruption of the "eight" due to chronic inflammation its germ;
  • residual - may form after incomplete removal, after which parts of the root remained;
  • eruption cyst - normally occurs in all children aged 7-10 years and resolves itself in the process of formation and eruption of the rudiment;
  • primary or keratocyst - appears when the development of the tooth is disturbed, consists of residual cells of the tooth-forming tissue;
  • tooth-containing or follicular - a consequence of an infection that has struck unerupted rudiments or supernumerary teeth.

By location

Most often there are cysts of wisdom teeth, frontal teeth (purulent cavities at the roots of the "fours" often grow into the maxillary sinuses), roots under artificial crowns.

To size

  • granuloma or cystogranuloma - up to 0.5 mm in diameter;
  • cyst - more than 0.5 mm in diameter.


All the insidiousness of a tooth cyst lies in the fact that its appearance at first is almost asymptomatic. It makes itself felt when the purulent sac has already reached a fairly large size. Active growth an abscess occurs when the immune system is weakened. Often they learn about it during acute respiratory diseases or viral infections when the body is weakened due to the fight against the disease.

In the early stages, pathology can be detected by the following signs:

  • slight pain in response to tactile stimuli - biting or pressing on the crown;
  • sore gums next to the problem area.

When the cavity has increased significantly, an acute toothache, swelling and swelling of the gums and cheeks. Since this disease infectious nature, there is an increase in body temperature, weakness, general malaise. A tumor may appear on the gum, which will gradually increase and sooner or later a fistulous passage will appear in it, through which pus from the cyst will enter the oral cavity.

The cyst of the tooth is diagnosed by the results of radiography. On the x-ray she looks like dark spot at the top of the root. Sometimes pathology is detected quite by accident, examining an adjacent tooth.

What is dangerous cyst under the tooth and its consequences

Possible complications:

  • root destruction followed by tooth loss;
  • periostitis - inflammation of the periosteum;
  • osteomyelitis of the jawbone - a growing cyst provokes purulent-necrotic processes that lead to the destruction of bone tissue;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes located next to the affected area;
  • chronic sinusitis(may appear during germination purulent sac in maxillary sinus);
  • spontaneous fracture of the jaw - occurs with an excessive increase in the cyst of the tooth;
  • the appearance of phlegmon - diffuse acute purulent inflammation.

In the worst cases, death is possible. When the contents of the cavity enter the bloodstream, sepsis develops - blood poisoning. In addition, the cyst benign tumor may develop into cancer.

Treatment at home

It is impossible to cope with the disease on your own. By no means traditional medicine the cyst cannot be cured!

In anticipation of a visit to the doctor, you can only rinse your mouth with a soda solution, a decoction of sage, chamomile and others. medicinal herbs. They have an antiseptic effect, but cannot "kill" the infection.

What to do?

AT without fail apply to dentistry. Not only the methods of treatment are important, but also the time when it starts. The larger the cyst, the longer and more difficult the therapy will be.

On the present stage similar pathologies are treated in two ways - conservative and operational (surgical).

Surgical treatment

If in root canal worth the pin artificial crown, the canals are not sealed at the root apex or the size of the cavity exceeds 0.8 mm, surgical treatment is indicated. There are several options:

  • resection - removal of the root tip and excision of the cyst;
  • hemisection - removal of a cyst along with a diseased root, after such an operation, prosthetics are required;
  • cystectomy - complete removal of the abscess and infected root area, the most best option in terms of performance, but difficult in terms of execution technique;
  • cystotomy - removal of the anterior wall of the cavity with the opening of access for its sterilization - the method is simple, but is used only for large abscesses and requires long-term postoperative treatment.

After all these procedures, doctors prescribe a course of antibiotics and antiseptic rinses.

If the cyst completely surrounds the roots or the crown is completely destroyed, the tooth must be removed.

Conservative treatment

A tooth cyst with a diameter of up to 0.8 mm detected at an early stage can be eliminated without surgical intervention. This is possible if the channels have not previously been sealed or if they were poorly sealed along the entire length.

Stages of therapy:

  1. Causal tooth preparation and canal opening. If the pulp has not been removed before, it is removed.
  2. Medical treatment channels with antiseptics.
  3. Disinfection of the cyst cavity. The medicine is taken out of the root directly into the cavity.
  4. At this stage, you can resort to depophoresis - the destruction pathogenic flora a medicine based on copper-calcium hydroxide. Under lung action current, it spreads through the tissues and kills bacteria and fungi.
  5. Canal filling with antiseptic paste.
  6. Placement of a temporary filling.

The third and fourth stages are repeated several times. As a rule, treatment takes at least three months. After the course, an x-ray is taken.

If the cyst has shrunk, the dentist can proceed to a permanent canal filling and a permanent filling.

If the cyst was too large, an artificial bone preparation is introduced into the cavity remaining after it before filling, which prevents the resorption of bone tissue.

Innovative Methods

To improve the effectiveness of treatment are also used modern techniques- laser and microwave therapy. In the first case, a laser beam is used to sterilize the canals and clean the cavity - the procedure is absolutely painless and lasts up to an hour and a half. In the second - a microwave emitter. Microwave therapy includes 3-6 sessions lasting 5-6 minutes.

The human dental system is very diverse. Each type of teeth and soft tissues performs only its specific functions. As a result, the same disease in different parts of the jaw can take place in its own way. A number of features are also characteristic of the cyst of the tooth, depending on which tooth it was formed in. Cyst anterior tooth, for example, is diagnosed and treated somewhat differently than if it arose on the root of a molar.

Features of the cyst of the anterior tooth

The disease itself is not much different. It remains the same tooth cyst. It forms in the form of a bubble soft tissues which is filled with liquid. Occurs due to the entry of harmful organisms into damaged tissues mucous. The differences between the cysts of the anterior and posterior teeth lies precisely in the structure of the hard tissue.
The front teeth are quite strong, even though they have only one root. On molars and premolars, there are usually two to three. This feature of the front teeth also affects the amount of soft tissues surrounding them. Even now, you can notice that the front of the dentition is much narrower.

There is less space for the development of a cyst in the conditions of the anterior teeth, which means that it will reach critical sizes earlier. It is on the front teeth that we most often observe such backfire like a fistulous tract. The cyst simply has nowhere to develop and it begins to come out and form an abscess, which we call a fistula. On the front teeth, the fistula is formed only in the gum area, while on the molars, premolars and canines, it can even come out through the cheek or neck.
Finding a front tooth cyst is easier, even if it has not yet transformed into a fistula. With a small size, it touches nerve endings. The patient begins to feel pain. The anterior teeth are used much more often, because they are located only on one part of the jaw, while the chewing teeth are evenly spaced on both. A person sometimes chews on only one side of the jaw, due to habit or the fact that, for example, a tooth is damaged on one side. If a cyst has formed on the opposite edge, it can develop for years, and the patient does not even suspect it. The cyst of the front tooth is diagnosed much earlier, because the patient notices the pain immediately.
Only in the case of the front teeth, the cause of the formation of a cyst can be an exacerbation of sinusitis. In other cases, it most often occurs due to injuries and improper treatment.

The treatment of the cyst of the frontal side of the jaw also has its own characteristics, and all this, again, due to the structure of the tooth itself. Since there is only one root, such radical methods as the removal of half a tooth are no longer suitable. This will not only spoil the whole aesthetics of a smile, but will lead to an early breakage and loss of the restored tooth.
More serious differences between the cyst of the anterior and other teeth can be found when analyzing their consequences. The fistula has already been said, but this is not the worst. The anterior teeth have fewer tissues that bind the tooth and alveolar ridge. They are easily destroyed by a cyst. As a result, it leads to tooth breakage, and this is not to mention an infection that can enter the bloodstream and lead to an exacerbation of a number of diseases.

Front tooth cyst treatment methods

On the this moment There are many methods for the treatment of tooth cysts. Unfortunately, not all of them are suitable for removing a front tooth cyst. Treatment, however, can still be divided into therapeutic and surgical.
Therapeutic methods are simpler and safer, but they take quite a long time. When a cyst is formed on the front tooth, cystotomy is used. During it, the front wall of the cyst is removed along with the gum. The pus is pumped out of the cavity, and the damaged tissues are treated with an antiseptic. Tissues after that heal for a long time.

The other two types of treatment are done through the root canal. One of the operations is called depophoresis. After pumping out the fluid from the cyst, a special substance is poured into it, which, under the influence of electricity, begins to move in a chaotic manner and penetrates into distant parts of the bladder. Substance kills most bacteria, but for the final result, the procedure is repeated at least three times.
The third type of therapeutic treatment is even simpler than the previous two. After cleansing the cystic cavity through the root canal, it is translucent with a laser. It simultaneously kills microbes and has a healing effect.
From surgical techniques when removing a tooth cyst, not all are used. One of the most popular is to remove part of the tooth. In the case of incisors, this approach is also effective, but after that it will not be possible to save the tooth. Most likely, in a few months it will come to be completely removed, even if restoration has been carried out.

Cystectomy is the second type of surgery. It, just the same, is used more often on the front teeth, because under such conditions it will be easier for the surgeon to get to the cavity. During the operation, all damaged tissues of the mucous membrane and the tooth itself are removed, including the tip of its root. Root resection does not affect the functionality of the tooth. Only cystectomy gives a 100% guarantee of recovery.
The cyst of the upper front tooth is not much different from common illness, but still, as you could already understand, there are a number of features during its development and during treatment.

Untimely treatment of patients to a doctor for the treatment of caries, unfortunately, is still an acute problem. One of the extremely unpleasant complications caries is considered dental disease, in which the infection from the carious tooth completely destroys the pulp (the nerve in the tooth) and goes beyond the boundaries of the root into the surrounding tissues (periodontium) and bone. hallmark symptom periodontitis is often the appearance of a rounded swollen formation on the gum. Not all patients understand that if a cyst has formed in the gum of the tooth, the consequences can be much more serious than they could have imagined.

Why does a cyst appear in the gum?

In fact, the formation, popularly referred to as a gingival cyst, is nothing more than a fistula, or a fistula. With the development of untreated caries, the infection penetrates through hard tissues tooth into the pulp, destroying and killing it, and then into the tissues surrounding the root of the tooth. The immune system organism, reacting to the attack of pathogenic microorganisms, mobilizes protective blood cells in the area chronic infection(causal tooth). Thus, pus forms in the root of the tooth and around it, which is a kind of battlefield between bacteria and defensive forces organism.

Cyst in the mouth - photo

Subsequently, the accumulation of pus spreads further, destroying the bone and forming a kind of cavity, which the dentist sees on the x-ray of the affected tooth. The resulting pus constantly strives to come out through the path of least resistance. If untreated, the infection, gradually dissolving the bone, will form a course from the root of the tooth into the oral cavity, passing through the bone and gum. A convex formation will become noticeable on the gum, often filled with reddish or white-yellow liquid. Then the gum wall will burst and the pus will pour out.

At this time most often pain are declining. However, this is far from being a reason to calm down and postpone treatment until later, since pathogenic bacteria are still in the infected tooth and continue to affect the surrounding tissues more and more. Subsequently, a new portion of pus is formed, which will again bleed from the previously formed fistula.

What are fistulas (cysts) in the gums?

Table. Cyst in the gum of the tooth - the main varieties.

Type of fistula on the gumReason for educationHow does it manifest
The beginning of the formation of pus occurs inside the root of the tooth, passes to the tissues connecting the root to the bone, and then to the bone. As a result, pus penetrates through the bone into the gum and is emptied into the oral cavity.The cause may be a carious tooth or a tooth that has already been treated (a filling was placed or a nerve was removed). It causes pain when chewing food, pressing and tapping. After the formation of a fistula, the pain usually subsides for a while.
Initially, a pocket is formed in the gum, in which plaque and bacteria accumulate, then pus forms in the depth of the pocket, which can form a passage, reaching the surface of the gum in the form of a fistula.The bulk of the symptoms will affect the gums - inflammation, bleeding, gum separation from the tooth, loosening of the teeth. Then, in the area of ​​​​one or more teeth, a fistula forms on the gum.
The rarest of fistulas. It is formed with improper eruption of the wisdom tooth and infection of the mucous membrane above it.Pain, redness, and swelling in the back of the jaw chewing teeth accompanied by a fistula on the gum in the same area.

Risk factors for the formation of a fistula (cyst) in the gum

  1. Delayed treatment of caries and its complications. The launch of diseases that destroy the tooth leads to their progression and the spread of bacteria in the oral cavity.

  2. Poor personal oral hygiene. Promotes the accumulation of plaque, in which they multiply pathogenic microorganisms. The gum becomes inflamed, periodontal pockets form, in which, among other things, food can get stuck, which will immediately cause the release of pus.

  3. Bad habits. Smoking significantly accelerates the formation of microbial plaque and impairs blood circulation in the tissues of the oral cavity, preventing them from fully fighting the infection.

  4. Weak immunity. May present as seasonal colds or serious illnesses caused by external or internal factors(sexual infections, blood diseases, autoimmune diseases, beriberi, exposure to severe conditions). In any case, the reactivity of the organism and the ability to destroy pathogenic bacteria decreases sharply.

  5. Strong stress. AT this case the body concentrates all its forces on fighting stress, not infection, and exacerbations of chronic diseases, including those associated with teeth, easily occur.

Signs of a fistula (cyst) in the gum

Signs and external manifestations will largely depend on the cause of the fistula formation. Here are some of the symptoms:

  • pain in the tooth when biting, chewing and tapping;
  • the formation of a rounded element on the gum containing a yellowish or red liquid;
  • swelling of the face on one side;
  • swelling of the gums;
  • pain in the gums or in the area where the fistula has formed;
  • bad breath;

Bad breath is the cause of many problems

  • gum irritation;
  • tooth sensitivity to cold or hot;
  • nausea;
  • swelling of the tonsils;
  • the appearance of painful rounded formations under the jaw (swollen lymph nodes);
  • ear pain;
  • bad feeling.

Diagnosis of a cyst in the gum

For staging accurate diagnosis the dentist will clarify the order in which symptoms appear, conduct a careful examination of the oral cavity, determine the presence of caries, fillings, and plaque on the teeth. Assuming a causative tooth, the doctor will x-ray examination, in which, to check the direction of the fistula, he can insert a thin and elastic pin from gutta-percha into it (the same one that seals the roots of the teeth). Thus, it will become immediately clear which of the next standing teeth caused pus to appear.

A more advanced diagnostic method is CT scan. It will allow not only to determine the direction of the fistula, but also to assess the integrity of the bone, the size and shape of the initial periradicular purulent focus, its proximity to the important structures of the jaws.

How is a fistula (cyst) in the gums treated?

Treatment will never be effective until the original cause of the disease is removed. That is why the most important step if a cyst occurs in the gum, contact a professional. No views home treatment and expectant tactics will not clean the causative tooth from infection, will not remove plaque accumulated above and below the gum, infected tissues. If pus appears in any part of the body, and in the oral cavity in particular, postponing treatment can lead to irreparable consequences.

So, what are the treatment options when visiting a dentist?

If the disease appeared in a running carious tooth, the doctor will drill out the destroyed enamel and dentin, remove the dead pulp, thoroughly and for a long time wash the infection with effective antiseptics and seal the canal to close its lumen for bacteria.

When a tooth suppurates with an already removed nerve and a sealed root canal, the dentist removes the existing filling, re-processes the canal with instruments and antiseptics and seals. There are many reasons for inflammation around the roots of such teeth - from the initially poor-quality processing of the canal to the features of the anatomy of the tooth (hidden, highly branched canals) and the abilities of the body's defense systems.

So, for example, if a tooth has too thin and crooked root canals, its treatment may not be possible, and attempts to fill will only lead to an aggravation. In this case, you should resort to surgical treatment of the fistula in the gums.

If the tooth is severely damaged, and the anatomy does not allow it to be cured, or there is a fracture in the root wall due to trauma, apply surgical methods treatment, with or without tooth preservation.

Methods for preserving the tooth may include removal of one of the roots, cutting off one of the root tips, separation and removal of the causative root along with part of the crown. These operations are quite expensive, have their own risks and complications, and are not applicable in all teeth. Their effectiveness is not always sufficient.

With severe inflammation and suppuration, frequent exacerbations and unsuccessful attempts fillings most often resort to the removal of the entire tooth. Unfortunately, in some cases this the only method delivering the patient from the focus of chronic infection, which affects not only the jawbone, but the entire body as a whole.

In the event that pus has arisen due to gum disease, the doctor will professional hygiene oral cavity, remove plaque above and below the gum, clean out infected tissues in periodontal pockets.

With any of the listed types of treatment, revision or excision of the fistula will be a mandatory step. At the same time, the newly formed tissues lining the passage through which the outflow of pus was made are removed, which prevents the appearance of re-inflammation and the development of complications.

Consequences and complications of a fistula (cyst) in the gum

It is extremely important to understand that any purulent inflammatory diseases must be treated without delay. What can happen if you don't see a doctor?

  1. The most “harmless” outcome is the loss of a tooth. It will occur due to the progressive destruction of the bone by pus and bacteria. It will lose its stabilizing support in the form of surrounding bone tissue and begin to loosen until complete loss from the hole.

  2. Penetration of infection into the maxillary sinuses. Thus, maxillary sinusitis (or, in other words, sinusitis) will develop. This disease is very difficult and long-term treatment, continuing to overcome the patient for years.

  3. Formation of cysts in the jaw. A jaw cyst is a large cavity-like formation that requires major surgery. In this case, a lot of bone tissue is lost and it is necessary to replace the loss with various materials.

  4. brain abscess. It can occur when bacteria spread through the bloodstream from a long-existing focus of infection.

  5. Bacterial endocarditis. Serious illness heart, often leading to lethal outcome. The connection between the teeth and the heart, again, lies in the blood flow, carrying the infection, constantly accumulating in one place (tooth root, inflamed gums).

  6. Abscesses and phlegmon in the face and neck. Wherein purulent infection moves to nearby tissues - in the cheek area, under the jaw, in the area in front and behind auricles. These processes threaten the life of the patient, significantly worsening general state. At the same time, pus melts everything in its path - vessels going to the brain, nerves, muscles, bones, eyeballs. The cause in most cases is decayed teeth.

  7. Blood poisoning or sepsis. In this case, pathogenic microorganisms enter from the purulent focus around the root of the tooth directly into the bloodstream, spreading throughout the body and often leading to the death of the patient.

Video - Treatment of a tooth cyst

A tooth cyst (from the Greek "kystis" - bubble) is inflammatory formation in the form of a granule, which results from defensive reaction body for infection or injury. Externally, the neoplasm is a bubble up to several centimeters in diameter, filled with liquid or pus. The fact is that when the body tries to fight inflammation on its own, the affected cells begin to die off, and in order to isolate them from healthy tissues, a shell forms around. You can see this cavity in the early stages on an orthopantomogram.

Why does a tooth cyst appear?

The main causes of cysts in the teeth are:

  • The development of infection in the root canal of the tooth
  • Injury
  • chronic diseases oral cavity and nasopharynx
  • Inflammation of the tissues around the teeth (periodontitis, periodontitis)
  • reduced immunity
  • Caries
  • Poor quality installed seal or crown
  • Difficult eruption of "wisdom teeth"

Symptoms of a tooth cyst

The difficulty in diagnosing a cyst is the absence of symptoms. In some cases, a person may pay attention to such signs of a tooth cyst as darkening of the enamel, a slight displacement of the tooth and discomfort when chewing solid food, but most do not attach any importance to this. By the time pain begins to appear with a tooth cyst, the granule can already grow up to 1 cm in diameter. From this point on, the patient begins to feel other quite noticeable signs. Here are the symptoms of a tooth cyst that can appear at this stage:

  • aching pain in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • puffiness, which can go to the face;
  • enlargement and soreness lymph nodes;
  • fever;
  • headaches - with the development of cysts in maxillary sinus;
  • general malaise.

In no case should these symptoms be ignored, otherwise serious consequences will arise, and the removal of a tooth with a cyst is not the worst of them. At the first signs of the development of the disease, you should consult a specialist.

What is the difference between a cyst and a granuloma?

A tooth cyst is often confused with a granuloma - another dangerous disease in which a formation forms in the root area. round shape. It is important to distinguish between them, since the diagnosis directly affects the treatment plan and its prognosis. With granuloma, in most cases, therapeutic treatment is sufficient. A cyst requires more drastic measures.

Here are the main parameters by which the cyst and granuloma of the tooth differ:

Difference parameters Cyst Granuloma
The size 0.9 - 3 cm 0.5 - 0.8 cm
Structure cavity with fluid or pus Solid formation, covered connective tissue
Clinical picture The tooth becomes mobile No movement seen
X-ray result The picture shows a round capsule with clear boundaries There are no strict outlines of education
The state of the peridental tissues The mucous membrane is usually not inflamed. This results in bone loss. Observed severe swelling and mucosal redness. But the bone tissue does not decrease so much that it can be detected clinically.

Types of tooth cysts

There are several varieties of molar cysts, which are isolated according to the place of localization and depending on the reasons for the formation.

According to the place of localization, the following types of cysts are divided:

  • Cyst on the root of the tooth: it can be interradicular, periradicular and basal. With a tooth root cyst, symptoms for a long time do not appear, and only on late stage a purulent capsule is formed and pain appears.

  • Cyst on the gum: with this type of tooth cyst, a fistula can form in any area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gums, filling with pus occurs a little later. A cyst near the tooth may be accompanied by tingling. As with other cases of fistula formation, the consequences of a cyst in the gum of a tooth are quite serious.

  • Cyst of the tooth in the maxillary sinus: can only be diagnosed with the help of special equipment, since otherwise it is impossible to notice even a large tooth cyst in the maxillary sinus. With a neglected tooth cyst, sinusitis can be a sad and very unpleasant consequence.

  • Cyst under the crown of the tooth: most often this is a cyst after a tooth treatment that was unsuccessful. In this case, the bubble is formed when the crown is incorrectly installed - as a result of the accumulation of food and the multiplication of bacteria. Pretty hard to spot this species cysts at an early stage. To treat a tooth cyst with a crown, the latter will need to be removed.

  • Wisdom tooth cyst: appears as a result of complex eruption or chronic inflammation of the "eights". The only treatment option is to remove the affected tooth.

The cyst of the anterior tooth should be noted separately. In general, the disease does not have strong differences from other types, however, due to the fact that the teeth in the anterior section are much narrower, this affects the volume of the surrounding soft tissues. Therefore, the cyst upper tooth(or cysts lower tooth) in the anterior part of the jaw there is much less room for localization, and it begins to come out only in the gum area. For comparison: a cyst on back teeth can form a fistulous tract even through the cheek or neck.

In accordance with the causes of appearance, the following types of cysts are distinguished

  1. radicular, or odontogenic cyst of the tooth: the most common variety. It is formed in the upper third of the dental root from a granuloma - as a result of pulp necrosis and periapical (in the region of the root apex) inflammation. The diameter of the radicular cyst of the tooth varies from 2 mm to 3 cm. If there is no secondary inflammation, the disease is asymptomatic, there is no displacement of the teeth, no effect on the bone tissue.

  2. residual: a cyst after tooth extraction, is formed in a situation where the root tip has not been completely removed or a granuloma has formed in the area of ​​the missing tooth. A cyst after tooth extraction has the same properties as a radicular cyst.

  3. Keratocyst, also called primary and primordial: formed due to a developmental disorder. Not a single tooth is immune from this, but most often it is a cyst due to inflammation in the area of ​​the premolars and the third molar mandible. With its development, the likelihood of relapse is high.

  4. teething cyst, or retention: is formed during the period of change of milk dental units by permanent ones. The retention cyst of the tooth looks like a swelling of a bluish tint, inside of which blood is contained. In most cases, the fistula is formed due to slow eruption and can open at any time.

  5. Follicular: it is formed in a situation when a tooth for some reason cannot erupt and grows inside soft tissues. As a result, a cyst forms on the gum around the tooth. Such a cyst grows rapidly, is able to move to other teeth and is fraught with their extensive damage. With the development follicular cyst tooth complications can be expressed in the inclination neighboring teeth, displacement of unerupted, resorption of roots.

  6. Lateral periodontal: exact reasons occurrence is not fully defined. As a rule, these are small cysts associated with the lateral surface of the tooth root.

  7. Calcifying odontogenic: formed in the zone of the supporting surface mainly of the lower jaw. The reasons for the appearance are also not fully understood.

What to do with a tooth cyst?

Since it is difficult to determine the cyst under the tooth, because it forms slowly and without bright severe symptoms, patients often turn to the doctor already at the later stages of the disease - when pain, malaise and other signs of inflammation are felt.

Previously, in such a situation, the only way out was the removal of the affected tooth. Today, there are different methods of treating cysts without losing the dental unit. Depending on the degree of the disease, you can get rid of it therapeutically or surgically.

Therapeutic treatment includes cleaning the cysts from the canals, their processing and filling. Surgery involves the removal of the damaged part of the tooth root while preserving the tooth itself. In this case, the cyst is removed and the missing tissue is replaced with a special material.

The indications for tooth extraction due to a cyst today are special cases, threatening complications, as well as a wisdom tooth cyst.

Can a tooth cyst be left untreated? Only if it appeared in a child before the change of milk teeth - over time, such a tooth cyst will burst on its own, due to the friction of the gums against each other.

Why is a tooth cyst dangerous?

The irony lies in the fact that, formed as a result of a protective reaction of the body, a cyst under the tooth can eventually lead to serious complications. The main ones are:

  • Periodontitis: running case tooth cysts, in which inflammation from the tissues of the tooth spreads to the bone.
  • Flux: purulent inflammation in the subgingival and subosseous jaw region. A similar complication of a tooth cyst is accompanied by a tumor of soft tissues, including the cheeks, and sharp pain.
  • Tooth loss: occurs if the cyst is left untreated. In this case, the damage extends to adjacent teeth(although the cyst itself is not an indication for removal).

In addition to the above, exacerbation of the disease can lead to even more grave consequences: purulent abscess, inflammation of the lymph nodes, osteomyelitis, sepsis and even a fracture of the jaw. Therefore, if you are diagnosed with a cyst, treatment should follow immediately.

How earlier cyst tooth has been identified, the higher the chances of its successful treatment. Therefore, instead of fighting the consequences of a tooth cyst, visit the dentist regularly and pass preventive examinations to maintain oral health.

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