Why does the stomach ache so much. Treatment of colic in the abdomen

Our body is a very complex system that often sends us signals about various malfunctions in its work with the help of painful sensations in various parts body. The reasons due to which the colitis of the lower abdomen can be the most heterogeneous from harmless (spasm of muscle fibers) to quite serious, requiring surgical intervention. Therefore, even if the pain has receded, take the time to be examined by a specialist, because a problem detected in time is a 70% guarantee of it. successful treatment. Many organs are concentrated in the peritoneum, such as the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, intestines, organs of the urinary system, a violation in their work can just cause your lower abdomen to colitis. Let's look at the causes of origin and ways to eliminate stabbing pain in the lower abdomen.

Why does the lower abdomen colitis

The pain is not formed in specific internal organs that are directly undergoing disease or inflammation, but with contractions of the muscle fibers located around them, therefore, the same tingling pains can be signs various diseases. This is because many of the organs in abdominal cavity have a similar structure: the walls of these organs make up 3 shells:

  1. The outer shell that lines the outside of an organ
  2. The middle muscular layer, which is formed by smooth muscle fibers. It makes it possible to move the internal contents of the organ (urine, food in the intestines, etc.)
  3. The inner mucosa that forms the inner surface of an organ.

This whole shell is contracting to ensure the execution individual bodies their functions. In the presence of various diseases, inflammatory processes or disorders in the work of these organs, during contractions of the muscular membrane of these organs in the lower abdomen, a feeling of pain appears. Due to the fact that the source of pain is muscle spasm, antispasmodic drugs will help eliminate this pain.

Anyway, unpleasant feeling the fact that you have colitis in the lower abdomen can signal various malfunctions in the digestive tract, urinary, reproductive or nervous system. Therefore, if you just endure or drink unpleasant pain pills, you risk later getting serious diseases of the organs of the systems described.

Colitis of the lower abdomen: possible causes

  • Inflammationintestines

With an inflamed intestine, during the passage of food through it, stabbing, but not long-lasting, moderate pains are observed. They can be felt both on the right and on the left.

  • Urolithiasisdisease

Sand or stones formed in the body pass through the urethra, irritate their internal mucous membrane, and spasms appear in response to this, accompanied by stabbing pain. Also, pain is felt during urination. If a large stone has formed, then it blocks the passage, in which case the feeling of pain becomes strong and cramping (renal colic). The patient may also experience nausea or vomiting. With such symptoms, it is necessary to be examined by specialists.

  • Cystitis

This disease can be caused by: bacteria that have entered the bladder, intense sexual intercourse (due to irritation urethra) or inflammation of the external opening of the urethra, which may appear as a result of an allergy to soap, talc, intimate deodorants, etc. Cystitis is characterized by frequent urination With painful sensations. There is also a stabbing pain with heaviness in the lower part of the abdominal cavity. This disease is treated by a urologist, mainly by taking antibiotics.

  • InflammationBladder

The feeling of pain is concentrated in the lower abdomen (in the female in the pubic area) mainly at the end of the urinary process. Pain occurs because after emptying the bladder, its inflamed walls touch each other.

Colitisgirl's lower abdomen: reasons

  • ectopicpregnancy

This disease is characterized by the fact that the fetus matures in one of the tubes of the uterus and at about the 2nd month, 2 development options are possible: the first is a rupture of the tube, which causes sharp tingling in the lower abdomen on the right or left (this is due to which of the tubes is affected) , the second option is a tubal abortion, during which an acute sense of pain is manifested by contractions, while it is so strong that it is comparable to acute appendicitis. The difference between an ectopic pregnancy and appendicitis is that the pain radiates to the external organs of the reproductive system and the rectum. Also outside uterine pregnancy accompanied by the following symptoms: delay critical days, bloody discharge, low blood pressure, dizziness, dullness (pallor) of the skin. Treatment requires surgical intervention, and immediate, otherwise a fatal outcome is possible.

  • Apoplexyovary

In this case, the integrity of this organ is damaged, in other words, the ovary ruptures, resulting in an internal hemorrhage. This disease is quite rare and its symptoms are very similar to an ectopic pregnancy: bloody issues, the concentration and intensity of pain is the same, because of this, this disease is difficult to diagnose. If the bleeding is not profuse, there is no increasing anemia, then inpatient treatment otherwise, surgery is required. There may also be pain syndrome, without internal hemorrhage, as a result of which the pain is concentrated in the lower abdomen and is observed, in most cases, in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The causes of the disease can be different: pathological changes vessels, trauma, weight lifting, active sexual intercourse.

  • Inflammationuterus and appendages

Harmful microorganisms: bacteria, fungi, viruses that have entered the genital tract excite this disease. Often this disease occurs after an abortion or the transfer of sexually transmitted diseases. Mostly girls are exposed to it in young age. The disease described is inherent in: the presence of pain in the lower abdomen, an increase in body temperature, bloody discharge (not menstrual), impaired urination. Lack of appetite, irritability, fatigue may also be present. Painful sensations in this case often appear as a result of hypothermia.

  • Myomauterus and endometriosis

Endometriosis is a disease in which the cells of the lining of the uterus grow beyond its borders. The symptoms and effects are similar to those of uterine fibroids.

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors in the muscular lining of the uterus. She is accompanied by pain (stabbing) in the lower part of the peritoneum, which can increase before menstruation, bleeding (not being monthly), menstrual irregularities, pain during urination or defecation, constipation, discomfort during sex. Not timely treatment fraught with infertility. Causes of the disease: hereditary predisposition, hormonal disorders, prolonged stress, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

  • Cystor an ovarian tumor

Early symptoms include the presence of pain or a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen without specific localization, which can be aggravated by physical overload. The feeling of pain is not strong and may subsequently be absent long time. There may also be an increase in the abdomen. Another sign of this disease may be a sudden sharp feeling of stabbing pain on the right or left, this occurs as a result of torsion of the leg or even rupture of the tumor (or cyst). The disease is diagnosed with an ultrasound.

Colitislower abdomen on the right: causes

  • Inflammationliver

The focus of pain is usually located in the upper abdomen on the right, but can also be observed in the lower peritoneum. With an increase in the size of the liver, pain is observed under the right hypochondrium.

  • Chronicor acute appendicitis

With such an ailment, there is not a strong, prolonged or spasmodic stabbing pain in the right lower abdomen or in the area around the navel. The feeling of pain may, in addition, occur in the lower back, right thigh, or groin. In many cases, the disease is accompanied by a violation of the stool, namely: constipation or diarrhea. With these symptoms, it is necessary to see a doctor who, after the examination, will choose treatment: inpatient or surgical intervention is required. Also, the chronic form can flow into an acute one, while pain are heterogeneous: a feeling of pain in the entire abdomen, pain can also be concentrated on the right, along with this, nausea and vomiting may be present. In the acute form of appendicitis, a sharp stabbing pain is felt at the location of the appendicitis (lower right) when raised in a supine state right foot or with point pressure and sharp release in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bappendicitis. If you have any of the above symptoms, you should immediately go to the hospital.

  • Chronicor acute diverticulitis

During this disease diverticula become inflamed, the so-called “sacs”, which are connected to the intestines using thin channels, due to which intestinal contents can stagnate inside these sacs, which irritates the intestinal walls and causes inflammation. Signs of diverticulitis are similar to appendicitis. This disease can also spread to sharp shape and requires immediate medical attention.

  • Appearanceintestinal tumors

At the junction of the thick and small intestine there is a kind of partition, called the buginian damper, which prevents the chyme (food bolus) located in the large intestine from getting into the small intestine. In the area of ​​this septum, a tumor can occur that prevents the septum from performing its functions, as a result of which the contents of the large intestine enter the small intestine and irritate its walls. During this process, you feel the fading, then reappearing pains of a stabbing nature, observed during muscle spasms around the irritated small intestine.

  • DiseaseCrohn's, Ulcerative colitis

These diseases are characterized by the presence of inflammatory processes that disrupt the work of the same septum. With these diseases, a person, in addition to pain, complains of diarrhea (often with blood), as well as an unsatisfactory general condition of the body.

Colitislower abdomen on the left: causes

  • Proctosigmoiditis

This is the name of the inflammation of the lower part of the large intestine. Various phenomena can serve as causative agents: infection, impaired blood flow, autoimmune process, etc. The disease occurs with the presence of pain in the lower left part of the peritoneum, which can be stabbing, pulling or cramping. An unpleasant painful feeling is often observed after shaking, as well as before or after the end of the bowel movement. Patients complain of frequent and nagging urge to defecate, lightheadedness, increased body temperature, and impurities of blood or mucus may appear in the feces. Treatment is prescribed after identifying the causes of the disease.

  • Return periodically
  • Are getting stronger
  • Occurs along with other symptoms: weakness, nausea, fever, pain before, after, during urination or defecation, dizziness.
  • Girls also have: spotting, menstrual irregularities, discharge with pus or mucus, unpleasant pain in the external genitalia
  • In the described cases, an immediate examination and consultation of a specialist is necessary!

    If this is not done on time, there is a high probability of acquiring severe forms of the disease, sometimes even fatal.

    Stitching pains in the abdomen can be the result of many diseases that affect mainly the structures of the abdominal cavity. At the heart of the occurrence of such sensations are spastic contractions of the muscle fibers of the wall of the internal organs.

    Stab in the abdomen can be for problems with the stomach, intestines, bladder, ureters, as well as internal genital organs, especially during pregnancy.

    Stitching pains in the stomach

    The severity of the pain syndrome in epigastric region can be different and most often depends on the extent of the lesion and the course of the pathological process. As a rule, mild pain sensations are characteristic of chronic gastritis. Sometimes they can occur with malignant neoplasms and a sluggish course. peptic ulcer.

    Stitching pain of high intensity is a sign of acute gastritis, duodenitis, ulcerative changes with an aggressive course.

    Pain may be caused by:

    1. physical activity;
    2. neuropsychic overload;
    3. food intake.

    Most often, stomach pain occurs after eating. Depending on the location of the lesion, it can focus not only along the midline of the abdomen, but also shift, localizing more to the right or left. The so-called "hungry" or "night" pains are characteristic of duodenal ulcers.

    The quality of the food you eat also matters. For example, boiled meat and dairy products delay the appearance of pain in time. Remove discomfort in the stomach "soft" foods - minced meat, mashed potatoes, vegetable soups. But after a meal rich in extractive substances (canned food, marinades, broths), the pain will appear faster.

    genitourinary system

    Stab in the abdomen during pregnancy can be as a result of transient contractions of the muscle fibers of the uterus. As a rule, such pain is physiological.

    However, in order to exclude the pathology of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, it is still advisable to contact the doctor in a timely manner. women's consultation. In addition, the localization of pain, its intensity and nature do not always correctly reflect morphological characteristics process.

    It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor with the appearance of stabbing pain in the abdomen during pregnancy if the following symptoms appear:

    1. irradiation of pain sensations;
    2. spotting from the vagina;
    3. a sharp unreasonable deterioration in well-being.

    If in pathological process the fallopian tubes are involved, the injection in the abdomen will be on the right or left (depending on the location of the lesion). The pain will be most pronounced in the lower abdomen and may radiate to the genitals, legs.

    As for organs excretory system, here a common cause of stabbing pain in the abdomen is urolithiasis.

    The pain syndrome may be accompanied by dysuric manifestations (urgent or frequent urges to urination). Its severity depends on the size of the stones and, accordingly, the degree of violation of the outflow of urine.

    Surgical pathology

    Enough common cause stabbing pain in the abdomen is chronic appendicitis. This disease can develop after a catarrhal inflammation of the appendage, in connection with which an operation was not performed, as well as as a result of inadequate treatment and more severe clinical forms appendicitis. In the vast majority of cases, the pain will be localized on the right.

    A similar course has chronic diverticulitis - inflammation of a congenital or acquired defect in the wall of the colon. With this disease, it will also be pricked in the lower right abdomen.


    Stitching pain in the lower abdomen in women can be a symptom of many different diseases. Often this can be a sign of acute pathology.

    A feature and difference of this condition in women is that more often stabbing pains in the lower abdomen are pathognomic symptom of gynecological diseases.

    With the appearance of a pain syndrome of this nature, it is necessary to timely seek advice from a qualified gynecologist.

    Short description

    An ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy is pregnancy outside the uterus. The fertilized egg is most often attached to the wall of the Fallopian tubes (tubal pregnancy), less often to the wall of the abdominal cavity or to the ovary. Stitching pain in the lower abdomen may indicate an advanced ectopic pregnancy, a normal uterine pregnancy should not normally cause pain. Per medical assistance you need to see a gynecologist.

    A tubal pregnancy can lead to a rupture of the tube.

    Pain localization

    Stitching pain in case of ectopic pregnancy will be located in the lower abdomen, to the left or right of pubic symphysis depending on which Fallopian tube implantation occurs. If the embryo was implanted on the left, then there will be pain in the lower abdomen on the left in women. Soreness increases with palpation of the zone of attachment of the fetal egg.

    Additional symptoms

    An ectopic pregnancy is accompanied by the same symptoms as an ordinary one: menstruation disappears, nausea appears, and the mammary glands increase. When examined on the mirrors by a gynecologist, a cyanotic shade of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal and vagina is noted. The cervical canal and the body of the uterus are soft. In the zone of attachment of the embryo, a formation is palpated that resembles a dough.

    The uterus may be slightly enlarged, but the increase will be less than expected at the expected gestational age.


    • Ultrasound (transvaginally),
    • assessment of the level of hCG in the patient's blood (the level of the hormone will be lower than it should be at one time or another),
    • laparoscopy.


    • therapeutic and diagnostic laparoscopy: tubotomy or tubectomy.
    • at a rupture of a pipe the salpingotomy is shown.


    Short description

    Proctosigmoiditis is inflammatory pathology , the process is localized in the area of ​​the intestinal mucosa, namely the rectum and sigmoid colon. This pathology is presented as the most frequent manifestation of colitis. The disease tends to relapse. Along with proctosigmoiditis, inflammation develops in other areas digestive tract(gastroenteritis and enteritis). You need to seek help from a proctologist.

    Pain localization

    The pains are stabbing in nature and are more often localized in the lower abdomen. Strengthening the intensity of the pain syndrome occurs after the act of defecation.

    Often the pain radiates to the sacral or coccygeal region.

    Additional symptoms

    Other symptoms of proctosigmoiditis include:

    • body intoxication,
    • fever
    • myalgia,
    • general malaise,
    • tenesmus (imperative urge to perform an act of defecation),
    • feeling incomplete emptying intestines after defecation
    • feeling of having a foreign object in the intestines,
    • impurities in the feces in the form of blood and mucus,
    • constipation,
    • nausea.


    • rectoscopy - the "gold" standard of diagnostics,
    • cytological examination of the contents of the intestine,
    • sowing feces,
    • biopsy of the intestinal mucosa.


    • diet plan,
    • setting microclysters,
    • antibiotic therapy,
    • rectal suppositories with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen),
    • hormonal drugs,
    • suppositories with novocaine.

    Acute appendicitis

    Short description

    Acute appendicitis refers to local inflammatory process, localized in the appendix. The cause of the development of inflammation is the intestinal microflora. Acute appendicitis is the leader among acute surgical abdominal diseases. Women are more likely to suffer from inflammation of the appendix than men. You need to see an abdominal surgeon.

    Pain localization

    Pain is localized classic version process flow in the right iliac region. However, the pain syndrome can radiate to the lower abdomen. Most often, the pain is stabbing in nature and is characterized by high intensity, which gradually decreases.

    Additional symptoms

    Disease starts with dyspepsia. Patients complain of heaviness in the abdomen, diffuse spastic pain. Under dyspeptic disorders it is worth understanding the violation of appetite, the appearance of nausea and vomiting, belching, the discharge of liquid feces.

    The body temperature rises to subfebrile values, the heart rate increases.


    • Clinical analysis of blood: leukocytosis and an increase in ESR are noted in the blood.
    • Abdominal X-ray: performed to exclude other pathologies (eg, perforated stomach ulcer, intestinal obstruction).
    • CT (computed tomography): visualization of the inflamed appendix - expansion of the diameter appendix, infiltration of its walls, the presence of free fluid.
    • Ultrasound: expansion of the diameter of the appendix, infiltration of its walls, the presence of free fluid in the appendix area.
    • Videolaparoscopy - the method is highly informative.


    Treatment acute appendicitis carried out in an operative way.

    Patients are shown the implementation of appendectomy - removal of the inflamed appendix.


    Short description

    Diverticulitis is understood as inflammation in the zone of hernial protrusions of the intestinal walls (diverticula). In sac-like protrusions, food chyme stagnates along with intestinal microflora, which potentiates inflammation of the diverticulum wall. For advice, you should contact a gastroenterologist.

    Pain localization

    Diverticulitis is characterized by stabbing pain in the lower abdomen. Most often, pain is localized on the left, since sigma and descending colon which are more likely to be affected. Pain is localized pointwise and does not subside within a few days. The intensity of pain increases after physical activity, sneezing, laughing, coughing. Due to muscle tension in the anterior abdominal wall the level of pressure in the abdomen increases, and the organs compress the diverticulum, causing pain.

    After the act of defecation, the pain also intensifies due to the tension of the abdomen.

    Additional symptoms

    • Disorders of defecation, manifested by alternating constipation and diarrhea. Constipation is due to the fact that the damaged segment of the intestine spasms, its lumen decreases in diameter. When the bowel relaxes, diarrhea occurs. This is due to the fact that the process of fluid absorption is carried out precisely in the large intestine. In the case of diverticulitis, the ability is impaired, the feces acquire a liquid consistency.
    • Blood appears in the feces. The inflammatory process in the diverticulum is combined with the formation of bleeding ulcer defects and erosive damage. The blood is not in large numbers can be found in feces or on underwear.
    • Subfebrile fever is noted. The inflammatory process potentiates the release of pyrogens into the bloodstream, causing an increase body temperature.
    • Developing general intoxication body, expressed in nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, apathy.


    • Colonoscopy: deformity of the mouth of the diverticulum, visualization of inflammation of the mucous membrane, hyperemia, visualization of bleeding.
    • Irrigoscopy: visualization of diverticula, hyperemia, swelling of the mucous membrane of the intestinal wall.
    • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs: visualization of an increase in the thickness of the intestinal wall, a diverticulum filled with feces, free fluid in the abdominal cavity.
    • Laparoscopy: visualization of a hyperemic diverticulum.


    • antibiotic therapy (Timentin),
    • antimicrobials (Salofalk),
    • histamine receptor blockers (Tavegil),
    • drugs with a laxative effect (Mukofalk),
    • antispasmodics (Drotoverin).

    Passage of sand through the ureter

    Short description

    The passage of sand through the ureter occurs at urolithiasis kidney. Changes in metabolism are the main prerequisite for the formation of stones. As a result, salts are formed that cannot dissolve. Stones (oxalates, urates) are subsequently formed from these salts. To diagnose and prescribe treatment, you should contact a urologist.

    Pain localization

    When sand passes through the ureter, in the course of sand migration, the pain goes from the lumbar to groin, passes into the lower abdomen and even to the medial side of the thigh. The strength of pain sensations increases with physical activity, a change in body position in space.

    Additional symptoms

    Patients have traces of blood in the urine (gross hematuria).

    The pathology is characterized by subfebrile and febrile fever, a feeling of chills, a feeling of malaise.


    • general urine analysis,
    • analysis of urine for the presence of salts in it,
    • Ultrasound of the excretory system,


    • endoscopic contact lithotripsy,
    • ultrasound lithotripsy,
    • urotonic preparations (Urolesan).


    Short description

    By cystitis is meant inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the bladder. The main cause of cystitis is an infection caused by pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora. More often, women suffer from this pathology.

    Pain localization

    For cystitis, the character is intense pain in the lower abdomen, in the bladder area during an act (dysuria).

    Additional symptoms

    The disease is characterized by frequent imperative urge to empty the bladder. The temperature can rise to 37.5 degrees. Disturbance of balance between a diuresis at night and in the afternoon is characteristic.

    Rarely, during an exacerbation of cystitis, gross hematuria is present.


    • urinalysis: leukocyturia, red blood cells in the urine (microhematuria), bacteria in the urine (bacteriuria),
    • cystoscopy: visualization of the hyperemic, edematous wall of the organ.
    • Ultrasound: visualization of foci of local inflammation, adhesions, pus in the bladder cavity.


    • drink two liters of fluid per day,
    • antibacterial drugs(Ceftriaxone),
    • diuretics (furosemide),
    • mineral water,
    • injection of antiseptic solutions into the bladder.

    Ovarian apoplexy

    Short description

    By ovarian apoplexy understand sudden hemorrhage into ovarian tissue. In this case, the ovary is damaged, its integrity is violated, blood tends to the abdominal cavity.

    The cause may be coitus, excessive physical activity, the pathological position of the uterus, compression of the ovary.

    You need to seek help from a gynecologist.

    With ovarian apoplexy, massive bleeding with significant blood loss is possible.

    Pain localization

    For the disease, the characters are pronounced pains in the lower abdomen, on the side of apoplexy. The pain syndrome often radiates to the lumbar region.

    Additional symptoms

    Apoplexy is characterized by bloody discharge from the genital tract, general weakness, dizziness, malaise.


    • general blood test: decrease in hemoglobin level, signs of anemia, blood loss,
    • diagnostic laparoscopy.




    • laparoscopy
    • adnexectomy (removal of the ovary).

    Inflammation of the uterus and its appendages

    Short description

    Inflammation of the uterus and appendages is an inflammatory process. The cause of this pathology is often infections urinary tract obtained during unprotected sexual intercourse. The leading role is played by hypothermia, a decrease in the protective functions of the body. You need to seek help from a gynecologist.

    Pain localization

    Patients complain of high-intensity pain in the lower abdomen. The pain tends to increase during intercourse and when emptying the bladder.

    Additional symptoms

    Develops febrile fever, chills, bloating.

    Pathological discharge from the vagina (pus, brown blood) is typical for inflammation of the uterus and appendages.


    • Ultrasound - visualization of the inflammatory process in the uterus and its appendages,
    • laparoscopy.


    • ultrasound (impulse therapy);
    • electrophoresis,
    • ultraviolet,
    • non-narcotic analgesics;
    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac),
    • antibacterial drugs,
    • surgical treatment (removal of the affected tissue).


    Short description

    Endometriosis involves the growth of benign tissue. In its structure, the overgrown tissue is similar to the uterine endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus). The disease is considered chronic. The main symptom is permanent pain. Usually after surgical removal site of endometriosis symptoms disappear, a woman can become pregnant. It is necessary to consult with a gynecologist.

    Pain localization

    The pain is stabbing in nature and is localized in the lower abdomen. The pain syndrome is aggravated after the end of menstrual bleeding and during it.

    Patients complain of soreness during intercourse, during the act of urination.

    Additional symptoms

    Characterized by bleeding from the genital tract. In terms of volume, they are scarce, have the color of bitter chocolate. menstrual bleeding in patients suffering from endometriosis, long and abundant. When the newly formed tissue grows into the wall of the rectum or into the wall of the bladder, traces of blood can be found in the feces and urine.


    • Ultrasound (transvaginally, transrectally),
    • hysteroscopy,
    • colposcopy,
    • laparoscopy.


    Treatment includes drug therapy and surgery.

    Drug therapy includes analgesia and hormonal drugs.

    • Hormone drugs (dienogest), combined oral contraceptives, gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists).
    • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen).
    • Selective COX-2 inhibitors (Paracetamol).

    First aid, how to relieve pain

    You can stop stabbing pain in the lower abdomen with the help of non-narcotic analgesics (Ketonal). It is effective to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which also have analgesic properties (Nimesulide, Ibuprofen).

    The intensity of pain decreases when ice cubes are applied to the abdomen.


    Stitching pains in the lower abdomen in women can be a symptom of many diseases. First of all, it is necessary to exclude gynecological diseases as the most likely.

    For diagnosis and therapy, you need to seek help from a antenatal clinic or a therapist.

    Watch a video that might be helpful

    Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon.

    Colitis is a disease that is often encountered by gastroenterologists. A lot of patients go to the doctor with complaints that their stomach hurts. What does the word "colitis" mean? People who are not interested in medicine believe that this is what colic is called. In fact, the name of the disease comes from the Latin kolon (large intestine) and the ending -it, meaning inflammation. It turns out that colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine.

    It can be caused by allergies and infection, poisoning, worms and even stress. Inflammation proceeds in different ways - it can be acute or chronic. Depending on what caused the disease, the methods of therapy differ.

    Colitis in adults

    Colitis in women

    Colitis during pregnancy can be a manifestation of an exacerbation of a chronic process or a first-time disease. The reason is a decrease in immunity, characteristic of pregnant women, and sometimes the need to take special medications that affect the condition of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Symptoms of the disease do not differ from those in non-pregnant women: patients complain of a feeling of bloating, pain, impaired stool, and sometimes blood and mucus in the stool.

    Treatment of colitis during pregnancy is carried out with drugs that do not harm the expectant mother and baby. Women are prescribed agents that envelop the mucous membrane and adsorb harmful substances from its surface: smecta, coal, pepidol. To normalize the state intestinal microflora, bifido drugs are used - linex, bifiform, bifidumbacterin, primadofilus, etc. If you are worried about pain, you can drink antispasmodics allowed during pregnancy, and when the disease has led to the appearance of anal lesions (cracks, hemorrhoids), medicines based on sodium alginate will help.

    In addition, in the treatment of colitis during pregnancy, a diet is needed - for nutrition during chronic form diseases require compliance with table No. 1 or 2 according to Pevzner, and in exacerbation the diet is narrowed to table No. 1a, 2a and 1b. Any diet food with colitis (regardless of the table number) involves the exclusion of smoked, over-fried, spicy, pickled.

    Colitis in men

    Men get colitis less often than women, however, among them it is quite frequent illness. Contribute to the development of colitis bad habits, which, as a rule, are more common in men - smoking and alcohol abuse. Tobacco smoke and alcoholic beverages have a bad effect on the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract cause irritation and ulceration. Chronic colitis can be caused by inaccuracies in nutrition, which are also typical for men - eating on the run is their strong point. Yes, and life in stress, neuroses, fatigue and lack of sleep do not add health to the intestines. It is worth mentioning that, unlike women, men go to the doctor less often. All together - bad habits, malnutrition, unwillingness to be examined and treated - leads to the fact that the representatives of the stronger sex get to the gastroenterologist already with extensive inflammation of the intestine, often chronic.

    Treatment of intestinal colitis in men in this case takes a long time and is aimed at relieving inflammation, relieving pain and normalizing the gastrointestinal tract. For this, patients are prescribed a diet, it is recommended to get rid of bad habits, deal with the diet and rest. Drug treatment of adult colitis depends on the form and severity of the disease: to normalize the stool, a laxative is prescribed or, conversely, a fixing agent, for pain - antispasmodics, to soothe the mucous membrane - enveloping drugs, and if colitis is caused by an acute intestinal infection, it is treated with antibacterial and antimicrobial agents.

    Chronic intestinal colitis is very common in older people. What is it connected with? With age, a person may develop atherosclerotic lesions of the arteries that feed the intestines (usually mesenteric artery). If the artery is completely blocked, blood does not flow to the large intestine, which causes gangrene (necrosis). Ischemic gangrenous colitis is characterized by severe abdominal pain, then intestinal obstruction develops, and rectal bleeding may occur. The disease can be complicated by peritonitis (when part of the intestine dies, its wall ruptures and feces enter the abdominal cavity). If the blockage of the artery is not complete, colitis proceeds in a chronic form and manifests itself as pain more often in the left side of the abdomen, bloating, pain when probing the intestines.

    In older people, colitis is common, accompanied by diverticulosis. Diverticula are special protrusions on the surface of the intestine, one of the reasons for their appearance is the weakening of the muscular apparatus of the intestine and dysmotility that occurs with age. Diverticulosis in combination with colitis is manifested by abdominal pain, indigestion and defecation. It can be complicated by inflammation of the diverticulum, the formation of a purulent abscess and perforation.

    Another disease that occurs predominantly in older women is microcolitis (microscopic colitis). It can be reliably diagnosed only by doing a biopsy of the large intestine and examining the obtained samples under a microscope - patients have either an accumulation of lymphocytes on the surface of the intestine (lymphocytic form of the disease), or an additional layer consisting of collagen (collagenous form). The main symptom of colitis is persistent watery diarrhea that does not stop with conventional means against diarrhea.

    Colitis in children

    Colitis in childhood is characterized by pain, nausea, stool disturbance, rumbling and bloating in the abdomen, and general malaise.

    The disease can be diagnosed with:

    • Laboratory tests (general and biochemical blood tests, electrolyte composition, coprogram, fecal occult blood test).
    • Inspection and palpation (palpation) of the abdomen.
    • X-ray examination (irrigoscopy), in which the rectum is injected contrast agent and then take pictures.
    • Endoscopy(colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy).
    • Endoscopic biopsy of the colon (allows to detect inflammation of the intestine associated with Crohn's disease, celiac disease, cystic fibrosis).

    Treatment for colitis depends on the underlying cause. The goal of therapy is to eliminate this cause, restore bowel function and prevent exacerbation or relapse.

    Symptoms and treatment of intestinal colitis is a well-known topic for gastroenterologists: almost all of their patients complain that they have a stomach ache, and everyone wants to get better as soon as possible. But the stomach can hurt in different ways. What happens in the patient's intestines?

    The mucous membrane of the organ is damaged and inflamed. The walls of the intestine become edematous, cease to contract normally and begin to produce mucus. A person complains of rumbling in the stomach, false urges to bowel movements, constipation or diarrhea (sometimes the stool contains mucus and blood). Sometimes diarrhea alternates with constipation.

    Severe pain occurs, as a rule, in the acute form of the disease: with acute colitis injections, cuts and painful spasmscommon occurrence. Chronic colitis is manifested by a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, pains are in the form of colic and stop after bowel movement.

    Symptoms of ulcerative colitis

    When acute or chronic colitis takes on an ulcerative form, they are accompanied by specific symptoms:

    • Frequent diarrhea or, conversely, constipation. Pus and mucus may be present in the stool - these are signs of severe inflammation.
    • A false feeling of fullness in the intestines and the urge to defecate, after going to the toilet instead of feces, patients observe a meager amount of blood and pus (“rectal spitting”). Sometimes patients complain of stool incontinence. Some are tormented by nighttime urge to go to the toilet, interfering with a good sleep.
    • Blood in the stool - its appearance suggests that ulcers are quite common, and the surface of the intestine is highly inflamed and injured. The volume of blood affects the way stools look - they can be liquid if there is a lot of blood, or normal in both consistency and color with little bleeding. Sometimes blood remains only on toilet paper.
    • Ulcerative colitis can present with bloating and pain, and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen.
    • If the inflammation and ulceration is extensive, patients lose weight, lose their appetite, they may experience nausea and vomiting, fever.

    Forms of colitis

    With the flow

    Acute colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine that occurs quickly and quite severely. There are several reasons for its appearance:

    • Acute intestinal infections (salmonellosis, staphylococcal infection, dysentery, etc.).
    • Poisoning with toxic substances.
    • Acute food allergy.
    • Reaction to certain types antibiotics causing colony growth pathogenic microorganisms Clostridium difficile.

    The disease begins acutely and suddenly with diarrhea, fever, sometimes nausea and vomiting appear. The concentration of pain depends on which part of the intestine is affected by colitis - in the lower abdomen, in the left or right side of it.

    It is quite easy to diagnose the acute form of the disease - it is enough to examine the patient, find out what he ate, whether there was such a reaction before. A coprogram and stool culture, a general blood test will help clarify the diagnosis.

    The treatment of the disease is to eliminate the cause due to which it arose (exclusion of allergens, cessation of contact with toxins, suppression of bacterial growth). Antibiotics for colitis are prescribed if it is obvious that it has arisen due to an intestinal infection. In addition to the main treatment, drugs are used to reduce the manifestations of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting - cerucal, loperamide, imodium, etc. After the acute symptoms subside, bifido drugs can be taken. It is also necessary to follow a diet - from complete hunger at the very beginning of the disease to the treatment table No. 1 and 2 at the stage of recovery.

    chronic colitis

    Unlike the acute form, chronic colitis of the intestine proceeds for a long time and is sluggish. The reasons for its occurrence may be:

    Chronic colitis develops slowly, it can take a long time from the onset of the disease to the appearance of the first tangible symptoms. What worries patients?

    • Alternating constipation and diarrhea, or one of the two disorders.
    • Bloating.
    • Pain during colitis aching, dull, moderate. Worse after eating and before going to the toilet.
    • Rumbling that appears steadily 2 hours after eating.
    • Rash and itching of the skin of unknown origin.
    • Feeling weak and weak, headaches.
    • Lack or decrease in appetite.
    • White coating on the tongue.
    • Weight loss

    Chronic, long-term current colitis can take an ulcerative form.

    Diagnosis of the disease is carried out using the entire arsenal of tools: laboratory tests of blood and feces, examination and history taking, instrumental examinations (irrigoscopy, colonoscopy).

    The method of treatment depends on the cause of the colitis. Symptomatic treatment and diet are prescribed in all cases.

    Non-specific ulcerative colitis, or UC, is a chronic disease of the colon, in which its mucous membrane becomes inflamed and ulcerated. The course of NUC is usually recurrent, that is, exacerbations are replaced by an improvement in the condition.

    The exact cause of the onset of the disease has not been established, but various researchers believe that genetics, immunity, infections and viruses influence its development. psycho-emotional state person. Of greatest interest are theories that link colitis with genetic mutations and autoimmune disorders - scientists who put forward them provide quite strong evidence.

    Nonspecific ulcerative colitis of the intestine begins to develop in the rectum, and then spreads to other departments. As a result, the disease affects the entire mucous membrane, and the severity of inflammation and ulceration is most pronounced in the descending and sigmoid colon. Ulcers can be of different shapes and sizes, but most often they are elongated, long and narrow, stretched out in rows along the muscular tape of the intestine.

    What are the first symptoms of colitis that attract attention?

    • Diarrhea or loose stools containing pus, mucus, or blood inclusions. The number of bowel movements per day can vary without any visible reasons and not depend on the prescribed treatment.
    • Pain with colitis of this form is usually on the left.
    • Decreased appetite and weight loss, pallor.
    • Feverish state.
    • Violations of water and electrolyte balance.
    • Diseases of the oral cavity (different types of stomatitis).
    • The defeat of the biliary system.

    Diagnose non-specific ulcerative colitis with:

    • Examination and collection of anamnesis.

    The doctor finds out how long the disturbing symptoms began, what treatment was carried out, how much it helped. Examination and palpation of the abdomen allow you to assess the current state of the intestine.

    • Endoscopy:
    1. Sigmoidoscopy. Here you can find discharge (blood, pus, mucus), ulcers with a clean bottom or pus and fibrin, a change in the vascular pattern and swelling of the mucous membrane,
    2. Colonoscopy (its advantage is that the entire colon).

    Both types of studies during an exacerbation are carried out without preliminary enemas.

    • X-ray methods (plain radiograph, irrigoscopy).

    X-ray allows you to see the mucosal pattern altered by ulcers, narrowing of the intestinal lumen, changes in haustra (protrusions) on the surface of the intestine.

    • Laboratory tests of blood and feces:
    1. AT general analysis blood is determined by a decrease in the level of hemoglobin, an increase in the number of leukocytes.
    2. In smears and cultures from feces, a significant increase in the number of pathogenic staphylococcus, enterococcus, Escherichia coli and a decrease in lactobacilli are determined.

    Treatment of nonspecific ulcerative colitis can be conservative or surgical. First of all, conservative therapy is prescribed:

    • Antibiotics.
    • Hormonal drugs (corticosteroids) intravenously with severe forms, and in the form of enemas - with a disease of moderate severity.
    • Immunosuppressors.
    • Sedative (sedative) drugs.
    • Medicines to reduce diarrhea.
    • Preparations based on sulfasalazine (an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent).

    Surgical treatment is indicated if colitis is complicated by perforation of the intestine, obstruction, bleeding, or cancer has begun to develop. The type of operation is chosen by the surgeon and directly depends on the location and size of the damaged area of ​​the intestine.

    radiation colitis

    Radiation or radiation colitis occurs when a person has received a dose of radiation exposure. This usually happens when radiotherapy prescribed for the treatment oncological diseases. Epithelial cells sensitive to radioactive effects are destroyed, an inflammatory process begins. It can hurt with radiation colitis in the lower abdomen, in the right and left parts - where the radiation zone was located.

    Diagnosis of the disease can be based on anamnesis - pain that occurs during or shortly after a course of radiation therapy indicates the development of radiation colitis. If you perform a colonoscopy on a patient, you will see atrophic changes mucous. In addition to the pain syndrome, patients with radiation colitis are concerned about stool disorder, blood impurities in the stool, and weight loss.

    The tactics of treating the disease is similar to the treatment of ulcerative colitis: sulfasalazine or salicylic acid derivatives are prescribed, symptomatic drugs for the relief of spasms and diarrhea, and in case of addition bacterial infection– antibiotics

    Allergic colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine associated with exposure to allergens. Contrary to popular belief, allergies are manifested not only on the skin - under the threat and internal organs, and the disease can begin from the first days of life, especially if the baby is fed formula milk (in this case, the most likely allergic reaction for cow's milk protein). Sometimes allergies begin after the introduction of complementary foods. The appearance of food allergies in adulthood is also possible.

    Pain in colitis of allergic origin does not differ from others - they usually have an average intensity and duration, intensify after eating food containing allergens. The patient is also concerned about the violation of peristalsis, alternating constipation and diarrhea, nausea and vomiting are possible.

    Diagnosis consists of examination and palpation, laboratory tests, instrumental examination. On colonoscopy, you can see characteristic inflammatory changes, and on biopsy, the accumulation of eosinophils in the tissues.

    Treatment of acute and chronic colitis of an allergic nature consists in following a diet that excludes the allergen. Sometimes antihistamines are prescribed.

    Toxic colitis

    Toxic colitis develops when the intestines are damaged by harmful substances. They can enter the body from the outside (arsenic, mercury, radiation, infectious agents, etc.), but sometimes they can be formed in the body (for example, if the kidneys fail). The symptoms of colitis depend on its cause:

    • If inflammation of the intestine is due to ingestion chemical elements, the patient has all the signs of poisoning: intoxication, weakness, vomiting, nausea, severe abdominal pain.
    • With endogenous (internal) causes of colitis, signs of intoxication and poisoning are blurred, weight loss, fatigue, and signs of vitamin deficiency come to the fore.

    Treatment of colitis in case of poisoning with chemicals includes detoxification and removal of inflammation, and when the cause of the disease is disturbances inside the body, they need to be corrected, because otherwise the intestines will become inflamed again and again.

    Pseudomembranous enterocolitis

    Pseudomembranous colitis is a severe inflammation caused by the specific bacterium Clostridium difficile, which results in the formation of specific fibrin plaques in the large intestine. white-yellow color. enhanced growth colonies of bacteria Clostridium difficile occurs against the background of antibiotic treatment (lincomycin, tetracycline, 2-3 generation cephalosporins) of any other disease.

    The development of pseudomembranous colitis is possible both from the first days of treatment, and a few weeks after its completion. The course of the disease can be quite mild, and be expressed only in moderate diarrhea. This form does not require any treatment, except for symptomatic remedies for diarrhea, and bifido drugs.

    The severe course of colitis is extremely life-threatening, since severe intoxication has a bad effect on the patient, diarrhea dehydrates and causes a breakdown. To put a person on his feet, all antibiotics that the patient received before (which resulted in colitis) must be canceled. Metronidazole and / or vancomycin are prescribed, symptomatic therapy aimed at regulating protein and electrolyte metabolism, neutralizing toxins, and correcting disorders in the functioning of internal organs. A good result is obtained when metronidazole is used simultaneously inside (in tablets) and vancomycin intravenously.

    spastic colitis

    Spastic colitis is called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). With the seeming harmlessness of this disease, it can bring the patient a lot of inconvenience and worries. In fact, who likes it when the guts boil at the most inopportune moment, and you have to run to the toilet from an important meeting? Communicating on the Internet, patients with IBS describe many cases when the disease spoiled their lives - interfered with personal plans, caused stiffness in the intimate sphere.

    What happens to the gastrointestinal tract in spastic colitis? Motor function and motility are impaired, and because of this, unpleasant spasms occur in different departments intestines, and this is repeated over and over again. Doctors believe that the cause of spastic chronic intestinal colitis can be a hormonal problem, stress, overwork, phobias, neurological disorders.

    The disease proceeds with alternating constipation and diarrhea against the background of increased flatulence and bloating. Sometimes mucus and blood can be seen in the stool. Pain in colitis that occurs with spasms can appear at any time of the day and is usually of moderate intensity. A feature of pain in IBS is relief after a bowel movement.

    The examination reveals spasmodic areas (this can be determined by probing), swelling and redness of the intestinal mucosa (with colonoscopy).

    Treatment consists of following a diet and nutrition culture, taking antispasmodics, symptomatic remedies to combat diarrhea, and sedatives.

    The causes of colitis are very diverse, and for some forms of the disease they have not yet been studied - so, it is not known for certain why nonspecific peptic ulcer occurs. It is very important to correctly establish what caused inflammation of the colon, because the treatment of intestinal colitis depends on the circumstances that caused it.

    The main reasons why colitis develops are:

    Colitis can be diagnosed with the help of a number of medical manipulations:

    • History taking
    • Palpation and examination
    • Laboratory analyzes
    • Endoscopic and X-ray examination
    • Intestinal biopsies

    It is very important for the diagnosis to correctly collect an anamnesis. The doctor should be interested in:

    • Has the patient had a recent intestinal infection?
    • Are there other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and which
    • How long, how often and with what intensity the stomach hurts. Where exactly does it hurt
    • Are there problems with bowel movements (constipation, diarrhea, blood and mucus in the stool or on toilet paper)
    • Is the patient abusing alcohol or smoking?
    • Have you taken any medications recently (which ones), has there been contact with toxic or toxic substances

    If there is a suspicion of colitis during pregnancy, the doctor will take an interest in how the gestation is going, whether or not there were such pains before, whether the gynecologist examined. This is necessary to determine whether future mother the intestines are disturbing, or the matter is something else, because during pregnancy the growing uterus moves all the internal organs, and the projection of pain is distorted.

    Laboratory research

    Laboratory tests for colitis include:

    An important role in the diagnosis of colitis is assigned to instrumental methods:

    • Irrigoscopy with contrast agent

    This is a series of pictures of the large intestine when it is filled with barium, and then after emptying. Double contrasting means that in the second stage the intestine is filled with air and pictures are taken again. Unlike colonoscopy, barium enema is less traumatic and can be performed even in bright conditions. severe symptoms colitis in the acute stage. The disadvantage of the method is that x-rays in some cases, they are less informative than colonoscopy - they allow you to see only gross changes in the contours of the intestine.

    • Rectromanoscopy

    Examination of a section of the large intestine using a sigmoidoscope (tubes with an air blower and lighting). Sigmoidoscopy allows you to examine the distal part of the large intestine (about 0.5 meters) - the rectum and diagnose inflammation, cracks, polyps.

    • Colonoscopy

    Most modern method diagnostics, which makes it possible with the help of an endoscope inserted through anus, examine the entire large intestine, and at the same time carry out minor manipulations (removal of polyps, sampling of materials for biopsy). During the examination, the doctor sees on the screen an image of the internal surface of the intestine, and can examine it in detail. There is also a virtual colonoscopy, the essence of which is the reconstruction of the image according to MRI and CT data. However, some doctors believe that the diagnostic capabilities of the examination are small, and it is impossible to take a biopsy, remove tumor polyps during such an examination. The use of virtual technology is justified if the patient is contraindicated in the usual procedure.

    Colitis treatment

    Medical treatment for colitis

    antibiotics for colitis

    Treatment for colitis depends on the underlying cause. Regardless of why the disease arose, the patient is prescribed a diet and drugs to normalize the digestive function, and for pain - antispasmodics.

    Antibiotics for colitis are indicated when the cause is an acute intestinal infection. As a rule, drugs are prescribed a wide range actions that can suppress the reproduction of bacteria of various kinds. In addition to antibiotics, antimicrobials (metronidazole, nifuroxazide) are used, which kill protozoa. Prescribing medications should be done by a doctor, because uncontrolled use of antibiotics leads to the fact that microbes develop resistance to them. If you take drugs uncontrollably for any reason, quit the course without drinking, after a while they will cease to act, and in case of real need, you will have to switch to heavier drugs.

    When a doctor prescribes injections or antibiotic tablets for colitis, you need to remember that antibacterial drugs can kill not only pathogenic microbes, but also beneficial microflora for the body. Therefore, it is desirable to combine taking medications with a course of bifidopreparations.

    Treatment of intestinal colitis is usually conservative. But there are times when surgery is necessary:

    • At heavy bleeding associated with ulcer perforation. In this case, the surgeon looks for a place where blood flows from and sutures it.
    • When perforation of the intestine has led to peritonitis, sanitation of the abdominal cavity and suturing of the intestine are required here.
    • In the event of acute intestinal obstruction, which cannot be managed conservatively. During the operation, the doctor removes dead parts of the intestine, examines the abdominal cavity and eliminates the causes of obstruction.
    • With infringement or inflammation of protrusions (diverticula) of the intestinal wall, the formation of an abscess. The surgeon removes inflamed diverticula, sanitizes the abdominal cavity.
    • When did acute ischemia intestines due to atherosclerosis or thrombosis of the vessels feeding it. In this case, surgical treatment of colitis consists in eliminating the cause of thrombosis and removing necrotic areas of the intestine.

    Operations can also be performed with ulcerative lesions of the intestine, because its long course can lead to intestinal cancer (if the duration of the disease is more than 8 years, the risk increases significantly). Usually ulcers are treated conservatively. But with pronounced agonizing symptoms and treatment of colitis in a conservative way, which does not bring results, the patient is offered an operation to remove a section of the colon.

    Treatment of ulcerative colitis

    Ulcerative colitis of the intestine can bring a lot of suffering to the patient. Apart from acute pain, the patient suffers from constipation or diarrhea with blood, and under unfavorable circumstances, blood loss can increase and threaten life. There is also a high probability that ulcerative colitis will be complicated by intestinal perforation and peritonitis. To avoid all of the above, timely and adequate treatment is necessary. What is it?

    • Hormones (corticosteroids)
    • Immunosuppressants and anti-inflammatory drugs (sulfasalazine)
    • Compliance with a sparing diet with restriction of fruits, vegetables, prohibition of excessively cold or hot food, spicy, smoked, pickled, fatty
    • Sedatives
    • Medicines for diarrhea

    If the treatment of colitis in adult patients does not work, or the disease is complicated by perforation of the ulcer and massive bleeding, peritonitis, intestinal obstruction, surgery is necessary. During the surgical intervention, the doctor examines and sanitizes the abdominal cavity, eliminates the causes of obstruction (removes adhesions, tumors, polyps, etc.), sutures perforated organs.

    Treatment of pseudomembranous colitis

    Treatment of pseudomembranous colitis begins immediately after diagnosis. First of all, you need to stop taking antibiotics that provoked the disease. The causative agent of the disease - the bacterium Clostridium difficile - is suppressed by metronidazole and vancomycin (it is used when the first drug is not effective or in combination with the first drug). It is advisable to prescribe these drugs only for severe symptoms. Clostridium difficile that does not appear in any way does not need to be treated.

    If the patient suffers from severe diarrhea, fasting is prescribed for him, after a few days mashed cottage cheese, unsweetened jelly are added to the diet, and then diet No. 4a is prescribed. During recovery, the diet is slightly expanded.

    With pronounced pseudomembranous colitis of the intestine, treatment should consist in eliminating symptoms dangerous to health - dehydration, protein metabolism disorders, intoxication, changes in the electrolyte composition of the blood. For this purpose, intravenous injections of nutrient solutions and drugs (albumin, potassium chloride, cholestyramine) are prescribed.

    Normalization of the intestinal microflora is carried out by a long 3-4-week course of bifido drugs, and the drugs are prescribed in a double dosage. Such treatment helps to avoid recurrence in the future. You need to start it when the course of metronidazole (vancomycin) is completed. If metronidazole or vancomycin was not prescribed, you need to wait for improvement with the stool, and then drink bifido drugs.

    In pseudomembranous colitis, it is forbidden to use antidiarrheal drugs that suppress intestinal peristalsis, because they can increase intoxication and lead to the development of complications (toxic expansion of the intestine). If this occurs, the treatment of the dilation must be surgical. The operation is also performed with intestinal perforation, as well as in the case when conservative therapy does not bring results.


    Colitis can be dangerous disease. Doctors know it can cause a lot severe complications. One such complication is peritonitis, when the abdominal cavity becomes inflamed. Why might this happen? As a rule, the cause of peritonitis is perforation (the appearance of a hole) in a hollow organ, which appears due to perforation of an ulcer in intestinal ulcers. As a result, the contents of the intestine, rich in various bacteria, enter the hole formed, and inflammation begins with all accompanying symptoms- Abdominal pain, intoxication, high fever.

    The prognosis for peritonitis is very poor, especially if health care provided at the wrong time - and since the diagnosis is difficult, precious time for saving life and health is lost. The complication is treated mainly surgically - the abdominal cavity is opened, sanitized, and the gaping organ is sutured. After the operation, the patient is prescribed drugs for detoxification and replenishment of moisture, antibiotics, painkillers, drugs to maintain cardiac function, sometimes plasmapheresis and hemosorption are performed.

    Peritonitis is a complication that is better to know about by hearsay, rather than experience it for yourself.

    Therefore, the main way to avoid it is the timely treatment of adult colitis and intestinal ulcers.

    intestinal bleeding

    One of frequent complications ulcerative colitis of the intestine - bleeding. It occurs when the surface of the intestine is damaged so much that it cannot withstand the load of food moving along it, and begins to bleed heavily. Depending on what area the damage has, the volume of blood lost and the prognosis for the patient depend.

    Sometimes small intestinal bleeding becomes chronic and can only be detected by a stool test for the presence of hidden blood, which is done when the patient complains of pallor of the skin, fatigue and weakness. If the volume of blood loss is large, and it occurs abruptly, patients are worried severe dizziness, weakness, throws them into a sweat. The doctor can diagnose a complication based on laboratory tests blood and feces, examination and questioning of the patient (stomach and duodenal ulcers, intestinal colitis with a history of ulceration should alert).

    Treat bleeding surgically or conservatively. Surgical treatment is necessary when the patient is rapidly losing a large volume of blood. Conservative therapy is indicated for a small amount of bleeding, which is well controlled - in this case, prescribe bed rest, cold on the stomach, hemostatic drugs, drugs for healing the intestinal mucosa.

    Bowel obstruction

    Intestinal colitis, if left untreated, can be complicated by obstruction, when the contents stop moving normally through the gastrointestinal tract and clog its lumen. The patient complains of pain and bloating, nausea, vomiting, delayed stool and gas. The reason why obstruction occurs in the case of colitis is dysmotility (spasms, paresis) due to intestinal inflammation.

    This complication is diagnosed based on complaints, after an examination and anamnesis. X-ray methods of examination help to determine the obstruction, when a gas or a contrast liquid is injected into the intestine, and the pictures judge whether there is an obstacle.

    Treatment can be conservative (without surgery) and surgical. They usually start with conservative methods (probes, siphon enemas), and if there is no effect, an operation is performed, where the surgeon eliminates the cause of the obstruction, and, if necessary, removes the dead parts of the intestine.

    How to prevent the development of intestinal obstruction? The main method of prevention is the treatment of adult colitis: you need to regularly see a gastroenterologist and follow his appointments.

    Diet in the acute period

    Chronic intestinal colitis often occurs with exacerbations. Those who do not adhere to a diet during remission are especially at risk of getting a deterioration in health. Having abused spicy peppered shish kebab, abundantly poured with ketchup, and seasoned with a slide of onions marinated in vinegar, after a couple of hours they bend in half in pain, and rush to the home first-aid kit, and if it hurts very badly, then to the hospital, in the hope of fast healing. However, colitis is treated not only with drugs. First of all, the patient needs proper nutrition.

    The diet for colitis in the stage of severe exacerbation should be strict. Patients are prescribed food according to the treatment table No. 1A. The purpose of such a table is to protect the intestines from mechanical, chemical and thermal irritation as best as possible in order to accelerate the healing of ulcers that have appeared and reduce inflammation.

    The diet for colitis during an exacerbation involves a rather meager diet. Patients are allowed only mashed warm dishes, portions should be small, and meals should be frequent. Bread and bakery products, vegetables, coffee and carbonated drinks, sauces and seasonings are prohibited. You can eat soft-boiled eggs or in the form of a steamed omelet, cottage cheese soufflé, steamed beef and poultry soufflé, slimy soups on water (egg, milk, butter are added for calorie content), liquid cereals on water with milk. Fruits are allowed to be consumed in the form of jelly and jelly. At night, patients are advised to drink milk, as it has an enveloping effect and soothes the intestinal mucosa.

    When the treatment of colitis with severe exacerbation gave the first results, and the patient got better, he is transferred to table No. 1B. Here the patient is waiting for a greater variety: from bakery products crackers are allowed, from meat - steam cutlets. Also, fish, previously banned, fresh cottage cheese, milk sauce and non-acidic sour cream, mashed potatoes or carrots are returning to the diet.

    When colitis goes into remission, the patient is allowed to eat on the main diet: No. 1 - with increased secretion or No. 2 - with insufficient.

    Diet during remission

    The best way to prevent exacerbation of chronic intestinal colitis is to follow a diet. Features of nutrition are determined depending on how intensively a person produces gastric juice:

    • With increased secretion, diet No. 1 is prescribed, the purpose of which is to reduce acidity and ensure sparing of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Exclude from the diet foods that irritate the mucous membrane, hard to digest foods. The menu should consist of steamed or boiled dishes.

    A diet for colitis with an increased secretory function allows the patient yesterday or dried bread, unsweet pastries and cookies, soups on water or vegetable broth, lean meat in various forms, non-acidic ripe fruits and berries, most cereals, some vegetables and dishes from them. You can not eat fatty meat, abuse vegetable oil (in addition to what is added to dishes), sauces and spices.

    It is forbidden to drink carbonated drinks and coffee.

    • Reduced production gastric juice- the reason for the appointment of diet number 2.

    The purpose of this diet is to provide a person a complete diet and at the same time stimulate the secretory function, improve the digestion of food. To do this, the menu includes soups on a weak broth, dishes from meat, fish, poultry, vegetables in any form (even fried ones are allowed, but without a hard crust). You can eat inedible flour products, fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese and sour cream, fresh vegetable salads and ripe fruits. Diet for colitis decreased secretion involves the exclusion of fried and spicy food, products that linger in the stomach for a long time and irritate the mucous membrane. Can't eat fresh bread, strong broths, pea, bean and millet soups, duck and goose meat, fatty pork, hard-boiled eggs.

    Prevention of colitis includes the following recommendations:

    • doctor's supervision, timely detection diseases of the stomach and intestines (including infectious and acute) and their treatment.

    Obviously: it is better to cure an acute form of intestinal inflammation than to live with it later. chronic colitis. Unfortunately, people are not always guided by common sense: they play for time, self-medicate, and as a result, they come to the doctor not with banal catarrh and colitis, but with a stomach ulcer. You shouldn't do that! A visit to the doctor should be timely.

    In addition to a gastroenterologist, a dentist will help prevent colitis: teeth must be healthy. Otherwise, the quality of chewing and assimilation useful substances from food drops significantly.

    • Proper nutrition.

    Nothing pleases the intestines like healthy food. If the patient has hyperacidity, he is prescribed a diet according to table number 1, and with a reduced production of gastric juice, table number 2 will help. Both diets are, in fact, balanced diet, which is useful to any person, and not just those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. So do not mourn your gastronomic life, if the doctor advised a diet, it is better to look delicious recipes and diversify the menu with beautiful healthy dishes.

    • Food culture.

    In addition to the quality of food, it is important how to use it: you need to eat by the hour, do not long breaks and don't overeat. Choking on pieces and swallowing in a hurry is also undesirable: this way you can injure and burn the mucous membrane.

    • Healthy lifestyle.

    Everything is clear here: smoking, alcohol abuse, chronic stress, neurosis and lack of sleep will not decorate anyone. For the stomach and intestines, bad habits are also destructive. Smoking and alcohol directly irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, causing colitis, and nerves and improper daily routine worsen the secretion of gastric juice, increase intestinal spasms. Therefore, so that the intestines do not seethe, do not disturb it with smoking, alcohol, long breaks in food and excitement over any trifle.

    Colitis is a common disease: not a single inhabitant of the world can boast that he has never had a stomach ache in his life. Small sins in nutrition, stress and unrest, infections - this is far from complete list causes of pain. How to get rid of them? The symptoms and treatment of intestinal colitis are well studied by modern medicine, and doctors have accumulated sufficient experience in this matter. Depending on the type of disease, treatment may be different: spastic form requires the appointment of a diet and antispasmodics, with infectious colitis, injections or quickly put the patient on his feet, and nonspecific ulcerative lesion treated with special anti-inflammatory drugs. Correctly determine the cause of abdominal pain and prescribe appropriate medications can only experienced doctor, so do not engage in self-diagnosis - it is better to seek medical help.

    Colic is an uncomfortable pain that often occurs in the abdomen. Even newborns are familiar with them, in which unpleasant manifestations are associated with the formation of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. In older people, colic may be accompanied by certain diseases ( hepatic colic and pancreatitis), as well as occur in response to certain foods that are difficult to digest and break down. In what situations does the stomach colitis, why it happens, and what kind of pain they have, we will analyze further.

    On the left side

    In most cases main reason- this is one that can not cope with the load. Pain occurs 10-15 minutes after eating, and is also aggravated by drinking alcohol. Attack acute pancreatitis always accompanied severe colic left hypochondrium. Additional symptoms there may be manifestations such as:

    • nausea and vomiting;
    • spasm of the abdominal cavity;
    • increase in body temperature.

    In the case when there are no problems with the pancreas in the form of diseases and pathologies, the cause of colic should be sought in food. Abuse of fatty and sweet food, devoid of fiber, has increased load on the pancreas, which is accompanied by pain after eating.

    On the right side

    To the right of the stomach is the liver, so if there is colitis in the side in this particular area, the cause should be sought in this organ, more precisely in a disease that causes discomfort. There are 4 of them:

    1. Viral infections of the liver.
    2. Necrosis.
    3. The presence of neoplasms in the organ itself and in nearby tissues.
    4. Abscess.

    Also, colic of the right hypochondrium can be triggered by diseases of the gallbladder. The pain is pulling, aching. Increases with movement and during the process of digestion. In the presence of acute conditions, hepatic colic can provoke pain shock.

    In a stomach

    In a healthy person, colic in the abdomen can be associated with such manifestations as:

    • wearing tight squeezing clothing;
    • poor diet;
    • prolonged fasting;
    • lack of daily routine;
    • nervous strain, frequent stressful situations.

    If these unpleasant symptoms appear systematically, and each attack is stronger and longer than the previous one, problems can be:

    1. Dysbacteriosis - characterized by an increase in the number of pathogenic microflora in the intestine, due to which the digestion process slows down significantly.
    2. Irritable bowel syndrome - occurs against the background of emotional overstrain, as well as improper unbalanced nutrition.
    3. Oncological neoplasms of the abdominal organs that affect the digestive process.

    The upper part of the abdomen belongs to the stomach and pancreas, but colic in its lower part is the lot of the intestines.

    Colitis stomach

    If the pain is localized in the area of ​​the solar plexus, does not spread and does not radiate to other parts of the abdominal cavity, then the problem is in the stomach. Discomfort and pain are caused by diseases such as:

    1. Gastritis - is determined by the presence of an inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa, which provokes pathogenic bacterium genus Helicobacter.
    2. Gastroduodenitis is a complex disease that covers inflammation of the stomach and duodenum.
    3. Gastric ulcer - characterized by the presence of thinning of the walls of the stomach, which bleed.
    4. Adenocarcinoma is a malignant disease of the stomach.
    5. Bulbit.

    Many stomach diseases are difficult to self-medicate, and painkillers and antispasmodic drugs only relieve symptoms, but do not treat the cause and appearance.

    Colitis liver

    It is easy to determine what is. If colic intensifies after eating heavy and junk food, is localized in the right hypochondrium and does not go beyond the abdominal cavity, this may indicate liver pathologies such as:

    • hepatitis A, B, C, H;
    • neoplasms of the liver;
    • cirrhosis;
    • vascular diseases of the body;
    • fatty degeneration;
    • blockage of the bile duct (stones).

    The pain may increase with physical exertion, which indicates a large blood flow to the organ, which does not have time to cope with the increased load.

    Under left and right shoulder blade

    Colic in the shoulder blades is rarely associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Usually the causes are pathologies such as:

    1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system - acute heart failure, thrombocytosis, arrhythmia and tachycardia can provoke colic in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades and between them.
    2. Kidney disease - if colic is aggravated on inspiration, and the back hurts in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, which is accompanied by rapid painful urination So the problem is in the kidneys. This is how an infection can appear. urinary tract or oncology.
    3. Biphasic rupture of the spleen - dangerous pathological condition characterized by a violation of the integrity of the body.

    Sometimes colic in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades is a sign of a peptic ulcer of a chronic type of flow, which is in the acute stage.

    Colic in the throat

    Unpleasant sensations when swallowing, when even crushed food requires some effort when swallowing, the reason may be as follows:

    1. Drying of the mucous membrane oral cavity and esophagus.
    2. Jar of Hearts.
    3. Enlargement of the thyroid gland.
    4. Allergy, manifested in the form of swelling of the mucous membranes and respiratory tract.
    5. Irritation vagus nerve, which results in the contraction of the muscles that provide the swallowing mechanism.
    6. Aortic aneurysm.
    7. Sinus cysts and neoplasms in the esophagus.
    8. Diaphragmatic hernia.
    9. Reflux, as a result of which part of the contents of the stomach, along with air, enters the oral cavity.

    Colitis tongue

    Unpleasant sensations in the tongue, tingling or an increase in its size most often indicates its irritation with an allergen. This is how an allergy manifests itself, but the reasons may be different:

    • infectious disease of the oral mucosa;
    • tumors;
    • irritation external factors: thermal burn, puncture, insect bite;
    • integrity damage;
    • neuralgia of the tongue.

    In some cases, discomfort in the tongue, especially in the process of grinding food, may indicate an existing disease of the digestive tract, which occurs in a latent form.

    Colic after eating

    If colic accompanies the process of eating food, then a person has serious health problems, namely with the digestive tract. Diseases can be one, and can cover several organs at once. AT this case it is important to understand that colic is a response to an irritant and a signal for a person that something is wrong in the body. Therefore, do not ignore the body's clues, attributing discomfort in the stomach to malnutrition.

    Colic after eating can occur even in healthy people, especially in childhood. Such symptoms are explained by the immaturity of the digestive tract, which is not able to produce the required amount of secretion necessary for the full digestion of food. To avoid discomfort and pain, as well as reduce the risk of colic, it is important to eat right, and also not to eat "foreign" dishes, the digestion of which is a whole problem for the body. The fact is that food that is atypical for the body requires the production of certain enzymes, which already causes a load on the pancreas, stomach and intestines.

    In the solar plexus

    A stabbing symptom that increases in intensity after eating indicates the presence of diseases of the stomach and pancreas, since they are the closest to the solar plexus. In most cases, this is manifested by pancreatitis and peptic ulcer.

    In the anus

    Discomfort and painful bowel movements, accompanied by colic, indicate the presence of inflammation of the hemorrhoids due to varicose veins. Also, colic can indicate the presence of neoplasms in the rectum and intestines, which indicates the blood secreted along with the feces.

    A disease such as paraproctitis can also be accompanied by colic, pain and a feeling of pulsation in the anus. There is a feeling of fullness in the intestines, in which there are false urges to defecate.

    In the pancreas

    Pancreatic colic occurs in two cases:

    1. In the presence of pancreatitis.
    2. When there are stones in the ducts.

    Both cases are life-threatening, so a comprehensive and long-term treatment. If colic occurs more than once a month, has a paroxysmal course, provokes pain and discomfort in the abdomen, then it's time for an examination.

    Thus, colic in the gastrointestinal tract can be caused not only by dietary habits, but also by diseases. If their appearance is systematic, this cannot be ignored by drowning out the symptoms with painkillers. Taking painkillers only temporarily relieves the symptom, but does not treat the cause of its occurrence.

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