What can cause blood in the stool. Hidden blood in the feces of a woman: causes of blood during bowel movements without pain. If blood is seen in the stool - the reasons

The causes of blood in the stool in an adult can be different. bloody stool, or hemocolitis - a symptom of many diseases affecting different departments gastrointestinal tract and flowing with a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane. The systematic appearance of blood in the feces is usually a sign of a serious pathology, therefore, at the first similar symptoms a comprehensive examination is required.

With the repeated appearance of blood in the stool, you need to consult a doctor - a general practitioner, proctologist or gastroenterologist. If necessary, a gastroenterological examination, consultation with an oncologist, infectious disease specialist or surgeon will be scheduled.

Bleeding in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract

By appearance fecal masses can be assumed in which area digestive tract bleeding has occurred. For this, the color of the blood is evaluated: the higher the lesion is located, the darker the blood. Feces containing dark blood (tarry feces, melena) indicate diseases in upper divisions gastrointestinal tract - stomach small intestine or primary departments large intestine.

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Ulcer perforation

If dark blood in the stool is accompanied by intense abdominal pain, a perforated gastric or intestinal ulcer may be suspected. In this state, the stool will be significantly liquefied, saturated dark in color. Ulcer perforation - severe complication peptic ulcer leading to the development of peritonitis acute inflammation peritoneum. This is the most common cause of dark blood in feces.

Perforation of an ulcer requires urgent medical intervention, so you need to know its signs. There are three periods:

  1. Pain shock- occurs at the time of perforation of the ulcer. Suddenly there is a sharp, sharp pain in the abdomen, aggravated by movement. Initially, it is localized in the upper abdomen, then spreads down, recoil is possible. right shoulder, supraclavicular region and right shoulder blade. The patient in this period cannot get up in bed and takes forced position- Lying on your side with your legs pulled up to your stomach. The abdomen is pulled in, the abdominal muscles are sharply tense and cease to participate in breathing. Body temperature rises, forehead protrudes cold sweat, arterial pressure falls, pulse slows down.
  2. Imaginary well-being– pulse, pressure and temperature are aligned. acute pain subsides, although pain persists when feeling the abdomen.
  3. Purulent diffuse peritonitis- begins 10-12 hours after the attack in the absence of treatment. The first symptom is vomiting. The skin and mucous membranes become dry, the body temperature rises, breathing quickens. In this period health care may already be too late.
Urgent medical care is needed when bleeding does not stop for a long time and threatens with large blood loss.

At the first sign of perforation of the ulcer, you need to call an ambulance.

Scarlet blood in stool

Bright scarlet blood in the feces indicates the development of pathologies of the lower gastrointestinal tract: ulcerative colitis, intestinal diverticulosis, infectious inflammation, benign or malignant tumors, Crohn's disease.

Ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis - inflammatory disease, which affects the mucous membrane of the colon and is manifested by a destructive-ulcerative process. Ulcerative colitis always occurs in chronic form, so patients may not notice its symptoms for a long time or do not attach importance to them. It is the appearance of blood in the stool that often becomes the sign of ulcerative colitis with which patients go to the doctor. Bleeding in ulcerative colitis occurs in 90% of patients, but the amount of blood can vary from barely noticeable marks to toilet paper or streaks of blood in the stool to large blood loss.

In addition to bleeding, ulcerative colitis is characterized by:

  • mucus and pus in the stool;
  • diarrhea several times a day;
  • constipation - occur less frequently than diarrhea, their appearance indicates inflammatory process in the rectum and / or sigmoid colon;
  • false urges on bowel movements, in which instead of defecation, blood comes out of the intestine with pus or mucus;
  • nighttime bowel movements that interfere with sleep;
  • pain in the left side of the abdomen, moderate or low intensity;
  • signs general intoxication- fever, vomiting, heart palpitations, weight loss, dehydration.

Intestinal diverticulosis

Intestinal diverticulosis is a disease in which sac-like protrusions form in the wall of the large intestine. This disease is typical for older people, since with age the elasticity of the intestinal wall decreases, and pressure on it, associated with flatulence or constipation, leads to the formation of diverticula.

Admixture of blood in feces may be latent, for its detection, an occult blood test is prescribed.

Diverticulosis can occur without pain, unnoticed by the patient, less often there are moderate pains in the left side of the abdomen. There may be stool disorders in the form of constipation or diarrhea, as well as bloating.


anal fissure

Symptoms similar to hemorrhoids have another lesion of the lower intestine - a fissure in the anus. It may be the result of trauma to the intestinal mucosa. hard stool at chronic constipation, infectious diseases(syphilis, gonorrhea, AIDS), leukemia and other pathologies leading to poor blood supply to the rectal mucosa. The development of anal fissures also contribute malnutrition leading to constipation, alcohol abuse and tobacco products, anal sex, sedentary image life. This disease is more common in women.

Anal fissures can be acute or chronic. An acute anal fissure usually results from trauma to the rectum. She does not require special treatment and heals for several weeks.

Chronic anal fissure tends to progress.

Bleeding in ulcerative colitis occurs in 90% of patients, but the amount of blood can vary from barely visible traces on toilet paper or streaks of blood in the stool to large blood loss.

In the absence of adequate treatment its depth is constantly increasing. Her symptoms:

  • severe pain during and after the act of defecation;
  • edema anus;
  • spasm of the anal sphincter associated with an inflammatory lesion of the nervous tissue.

Crohn's disease

Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease that is characterized by damage to all layers of the digestive tube, the formation of ulcers and scars of the mucosa, and inflammation of regional lymph nodes. Possible perforation of ulcers, which leads to the formation of fistulas and abscesses.

Crohn's disease can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract, including oral cavity, but its most common localization is the final section of the small intestine, ileum. This disease develops in both children and adults. The symptoms of Crohn's disease are similar to those of ulcerative colitis, making diagnosis difficult. It is characterized by:

  • stomach ache;
  • constant or nocturnal disorder of the stool;
  • bloating, rumbling of the abdomen;
  • streaks of scarlet blood and mucus in the feces;
  • false urge to defecate;
  • vomiting that leads to dehydration;
  • signs of general intoxication - fever, sudden loss weight, lack of appetite general weakness and apathy;
  • anemia;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and oral cavity;
  • inflammation in the perianal region;
  • pain in the joints;
  • enlargement and soreness of the lymph nodes.

The admixture of blood in the feces may be latent; to detect it, an occult blood test is prescribed.

colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer can be asymptomatic for a long time, in such cases, the tumor is detected by chance during dispensary examination. A screening study that allows diagnosing bowel cancer at a comparatively early stage, is the analysis of feces for occult blood - it is the appearance of an admixture of blood in the feces that often serves as the first manifestation of the disease.

If hemorrhoids were not diagnosed in the early stages, and also if the treatment for one reason or another did not have the desired effect, the disease gradually becomes more complicated and becomes chronic.

As the tumor progresses, the blood in the feces becomes more and more, it becomes visible in the feces in the form of streaks, join pain during a bowel movement. In the future, bleeding intensifies, violated intestinal functions, there is pain. It is important to diagnose cancer at an early stage, so all patients at risk (people with a family history of colorectal cancer, as well as all people over 50 years old) are recommended to take a fecal occult blood test once a year.

What to do if blood is found in the stool

With the repeated appearance of blood in the stool, you need to consult a doctor - a general practitioner, proctologist or gastroenterologist. If necessary, a gastroenterological examination, consultation with an oncologist, infectious disease specialist or surgeon will be scheduled.

You should immediately apply for medical assistance if the appearance of blood in the stool is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increase in body temperature to feverish values;
  • intense pain in the abdomen, regardless of the department;
  • other bleeding, such as from the nose;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages, hematomas;
  • general deterioration of well-being, impaired consciousness, weakness;
  • nausea, vomiting, blood in the vomit.

Also, urgent medical care is needed when bleeding does not stop for a long time and threatens with large blood loss.

If blood appears in the stool in an adult or a child, one should not self-medicate - this will not lead to recovery, it will only increase the risk of developing serious complications.

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Blood during bowel movements in women without pain is a symptom of a variety of proctological diseases. It manifests itself one of the first, but rarely causes excitement in a person. And completely in vain.


Blood excreted during a bowel movement or immediately after it can be a manifestation of a number of diseases. Therefore, a doctor's consultation is mandatory. For light bleeding anus only a few drops of blood flow out. With moderate discharge in the feces, bloody clots may be noticeable, with a strong one, serious blood loss, anemia and loss of consciousness are possible. Among the main reasons for the appearance of blood in feces in women can be noted:, polyps, oncological diseases, anal fissures, diverticulosis.

  • Haemorrhoids

The disease occurs when varicose veins veins located in the rectum. The basis of the symptom of the disease is scarlet blood, which the patient can notice on paper. It appears due to damage. hemorrhoids stool masses. In this case, a woman may not feel pain at all. Bleeding with hemorrhoids is almost always moderate or profuse, and as a result leads to the development of anemia.

Treatment of hemorrhoids is carried out using anti-varicose agents that normalize blood supply and ensure the outflow of blood from the pelvic organs.

The disease is most common in those who suffer from chronic constipation. Solid feces cause damage to the skin and mucous membranes. Blood discharge in this pathology is insignificant, occurs after emptying and does not mix with feces. Bleeding rarely occurs directly during a bowel movement. The diagnosis is made after the discovery of a crack in the intestinal mucosa.

it benign neoplasms which, if left untreated, can develop into a cancerous tumor. For a long time they do not manifest themselves in any way, rarely patients may have constipation. They are due to a decrease motor activity intestines. When the polyps are damaged, the patient has bleeding of varying profusion. The larger the size of the neoplasm, the stronger they are. Most often, blood is mixed with feces.

  • Diverticulosis

Pathology in which small protrusions form on the walls of the intestine. When they become inflamed or damaged in women, blood is noticeable during bowel movements. In addition, there are other symptoms:

  • increase in body temperature, etc.

The first thing to do is to normalize the work of the intestines in order to prevent the formation of new diverticula. Therapy depends on the severity and neglect of the disease: therapy is possible medications or surgical intervention to remove damaged tissue.

  • colon cancer

The most common oncological disease, during the development of which blood comes out of the anus. Bleeding is possible at any stage of the disease. They may have bright color or mixed with feces. The intensity of the secretions also varies. If the tumor breaks up and bleeds, they are strong enough, since the disease affects large vessels.

Blood in the stool in women can be different, and its nature largely depends on the underlying disease. With anal fissures, the discharge is carried out in small portions and is most often noticeable on napkins. If the appearance of blood is caused by proctitis, streaks of mucus will be visible in the stool. When a patient is diagnosed with polyps, the volume of blood released and its features are affected by the size of the neoplasms. But always in women during the stool, blood is noticeable. A similar situation is typical for oncological ailments.

specific disease in which ulcers form on the mucosa. Pathology manifests itself liquid stool in which blood is present. A stomach ulcer is often accompanied by severe anal bleeding.

The nature of the discharge is directly related to the characteristics of a particular disease.

Therefore, when diagnosing, doctors must take into account the nature of the discharge.

Blood during bowel movements in women

Blood secretions in the weak half of humanity have their own characteristics. In addition to the reasons listed above, they can appear in the following situations:

Toward the end of pregnancy, the growing uterus puts pressure on all organs, as a result of which the walls of the rectum lose their elasticity and are easily damaged. Another provoking factor is increased blood supply and a slight decrease in blood clotting, which is important for normal course pregnancy. As a result, women have feces with blood. In some cases, bleeding does not stop, which requires immediate medical attention. In order to prevent the development of pathology, it is necessary to treat constipation in time, eat foods containing fiber, and use soft wipes.

Blood during bowel movements can occur with intestinal endometriosis. With this disease, foci with cells are formed in various organs that are very similar to the elements of the uterine mucosa. Due to damage to the rectum, the patient suffers from abdominal pain. In the future, blood with mucus inevitably appears in the feces.

What to do if women have feces with blood

When women appear, you should not delay a visit to the doctor and engage in self-treatment. Women should be examined by a number of specialists. Only they can install true reason appearance in feces blood secretions, spend necessary research and prescribe appropriate treatment.

The reasons why a woman bleeds during and after a bowel movement can be different. The main ones are diseases of the digestive tract or infectious diseases.

Feces with blood is not an independent problem, but a manifestation of complications from organ diseases digestive system. But the consistency of the discharge is especially important. If the feces are liquid and at the same time with impurities of blood, this may serve as a sign internal bleeding. But if the faeces normal consistency- this may indicate hemorrhoids or anal fissure. In the second case, such diseases do not pose a threat to human life and health, but cause discomfort. Therefore, they should be treated as soon as possible.

The blood in the feces can be pronounced and remain on the toilet paper, or it can be hidden. Often, feces with blood are observed in newborn babies. The main cause of occurrence is allergic reactions. Women during pregnancy are also prone to this disorder. This is due to the fact that the vessels distill blood several times more intensively. Feces with blood may appear after childbirth, because a woman experiences a tremendous load during this process.

Unlike adults, blood in the stool in children is not the cause serious violations functioning of the digestive tract. Appearance given symptom in the adult population, it can mean pathologies in the structure of the structure of the intestinal mucosa or a sign of the appearance of an oncological neoplasm in the duodenum.


Blood with feces is bright red, black or burgundy. It can be clearly visible to a person or, conversely, be hidden, that is, invisible to the naked eye. There are also several reasons for the occurrence, and the factors for the manifestation of blood in the feces in a child and an adult will differ. Reasons for the appearance this feature in adults are:

Similar processes can cause blood in the feces in women during pregnancy, but most often this pathology occurs after childbirth due to high pressure during this process.

Blood in the stool in infants and older children appears in the following cases:

  • an allergic reaction, most often to dairy products. In a newborn with artificial, and not breastfeeding;
  • (in infants is extremely rare);
  • . In this case, it is necessary to immediately carry out a surgical operation;
  • intestinal infections. Usually appear in children from the age at which complementary foods begin.

Quite rarely, causes such as fissures and hemorrhoids can cause bloody stools in children.


Blood in the stool in an adult and a child can be:

  • hidden - blood clots or particles are so small that they are not noticeable when ordinary look on faeces;
  • weak - blood with feces is excreted in just a few drops and does not cause pain to a person;
  • moderate - blood looks like clots of dark red or burgundy color;
  • strong - feces are excreted with large quantity blood.

These manifestations of feces with blood are characteristic of both adults, in particular women during pregnancy, and children.


In the initial stages, the blood in the feces of a child, adults, in particular women during pregnancy, does not cause any discomfort. Often a person does not even know that he may be a carrier of any disease, because not all adults monitor the appearance of their feces. But when they start joining additional features, this becomes a reason for seeking help from a doctor. Thus, the appearance of feces with blood is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • decrease or complete absence appetite (often there is an aversion to food);
  • drawing pains in the lower abdomen;
  • significant loss of body weight;
  • constant anxiety and crying are characteristic of infants;
  • false urge to emit feces;
  • a feeling of heaviness and fullness of the intestines, despite the fact that the emptying process has recently been performed;
  • bouts of dizziness;
  • the appearance of rashes on the skin - feature feces with blood in children under one year old;
  • general weakness of the body.

Blood streaks in the feces in infants and in adults are such a sign that you should immediately consult a doctor. At baby it is easier to detect them, since parents must monitor the consistency and composition of the feces of the baby. In middle-aged people, they may not be noticeable, especially since not all people monitor the form in which they have feces.


Similar to the symptoms diagnostic measures for infants and adults will be different. In young children, such a process will consist of a set of methods:

  • counseling - you should definitely visit him, because it is he who can prescribe effective methods of treatment;
  • consultation with a specialist in allergic diseases- carried out when the child has a rash on skin, which is an unmistakable sign of an allergy;
  • examination at - must be carried out to confirm or refute bleeding and congenital anomalies structures of the digestive tract;
  • consultations at - if there are suspicions of blood clotting disorders in infants;
  • analysis to determine lactose deficiency - most often leads to the release of blood with feces;
  • sowing on ;
  • analyzes for microorganisms and helminths.

Adult patients are prescribed a fecal occult blood test - before this process, strict measures must be observed, because the food eaten with high content iron or medication can change the value of the analysis. Preparation for delivery should last at least one week, this is the only way to guarantee a true result. The main purpose of the analysis is to detect hemoglobin in the feces. If the analysis becomes positive, then this indicates that gastrointestinal diseases are occurring in the body or there are cancerous tumors. But if the result of the analysis was negative, this does not mean at all that the person does not have disorders in the work of the digestive organs.


After receiving all the test results, the doctor prescribes rational treatment. In no case should you try to eliminate blood in the stool in an adult (especially in women during pregnancy) and a child on your own, since this can only aggravate the situation.

Therapy can take place in several ways. If bleeding, ulcers or oncological tumors appropriate medical intervention must be carried out immediately. If these pathologies were found in a pregnant woman, she should be under the constant supervision of the attending physician and, and operations are prescribed after childbirth. In cases where other factors have become the causes of blood excretion with feces, therapy is prescribed. medicines, which are selected individually for each patient (especially carefully for women during pregnancy). In addition, a special diet is drawn up. If the causes are hemorrhoids and anal fissure, no surgery is required, you just need to enrich your diet with vegetables in boiled, fermented milk products and vegetable oil.

In the case when the bleeding in a child or an adult has passed on its own, it is still necessary to consult a doctor for a preventive examination. In women, the appearance of blood in the excrement can occur during pregnancy and be eliminated on its own after childbirth.

In order to verify the presence of blood in the stool, remember what you ate the day before you found the blood. Tomatoes, blueberries, and beets can turn feces red. If you are taking multivitamins or other medicines that contain iron, they also change the color of your stool. But it's just coloring.

If you are convinced that this is blood, then read on to find out the list of diseases that can cause such a reaction in the body. Feces with blood in an adult can be a sign of the following diseases:

We already wrote about salmonellosis and dysentery in the article Feces with blood in a child, since these diseases are mainly found in children.

Hemorrhoids and fissures

I84, K60

With hemorrhoids, scarlet blood is released during emptying, due to rupture of hemorrhoids. If the bleeding is severe, then iron deficiency anemia may occur in the patient. Patients with hemorrhoids feel the constant presence foreign body in the anus. Also, this disease is characterized by itching and burning. Hemorrhoids can be internal and external. For treatment internal hemorrhoids suppositories are used, and for the treatment of external ointments. These can be anesthesol suppositories or proctosan ointment, respectively.

With cracks in the anus, the blood is bright red and is released into the small quantities, and during defecation there are burning pains, which can last for hours after emptying. Used to treat and alleviate the condition rectal suppositories with sea buckthorn or glycerin suppositories with anesthesin. To prevent anal fissures in your daily diet turn on bran.

Codes for the International Classification of Diseases: K25, K26

During a stomach ulcer, feces with blood are not clearly observed. But in 20% of patients with stomach ulcers, black feces are observed. This is the feces with blood, since the black color indicates the presence of latent blood in the feces. This color results from the contact of hemoglobin with gastric juice. During exacerbations, hematemesis may also occur.

in the treatment of stomach ulcers and duodenum medications are used and surgical methods treatment. In drug treatment, antacids, blockers of gastric secretion and cytoprotectors are used. Surgery shown mainly in the complications of the disease. But poorly healing stomach ulcers, especially in the elderly, are also treated. surgically, as there is a high probability of transition to stomach cancer.

Code according to the International Classification of Diseases: K51

Under ulcerative colitis refers to inflammation of the colon, which affects the mucous membrane of the rectum and some parts of the colon. This intestinal pathology has recurrent and chronic. The etiology of the disease is still not exactly known. Scientists do not exclude the version of the impact on the body of a certain infectious agent, but it is not known what kind of infection this is. There are versions of the transmission of ulcerative colitis genetically. The cause may be intestinal dysbacteriosis, psychological disorders, and decrease defensive forces organism.

Symptoms of ulcerative colitis

In ulcerative colitis, both intestinal (or local) and general symptoms. From intestinal signs the most basic is feces with blood. It occurs as a result of rectal bleeding. Immediately, we note that feces with blood are even in the stage of remission of the disease, and are noted in all patients. The difference is that during remission, much less blood is observed than at the time of exacerbation. The color of blood is scarlet. Rectal bleeding occurs as a result of impaired blood circulation in the colon. This is also facilitated by ulceration, or erosion. Also the cause of rectal bleeding there can be both a slight vulnerability of the intestinal vessels, and a violation of the stool. The patient has diarrhea, sometimes followed by constipation. With ulcerative colitis, patients complain of frequent false urge to defecate. Abdominal pain is another sign pathological condition, which is noted in the left side of the abdomen. After defecation, the pain subsides.

Speaking of common features this pathology, it should be noted frequent depression, general malaise, excessive weakness, decreased performance, weight loss. If treatment is delayed for a long time, complications such as peritonitis, tumors, massive intestinal bleeding, polyposis and liver damage may develop. For treatment, the patient is prescribed special diet, but as drug treatment immunosuppressants, glucocorticoids, sulfasalazine and its derivatives are used.

Codes for the International Classification of Diseases: K62.0, K62.1

The cells of the intestinal mucosa are regularly updated. Once every three to four days there is a complete change of cells of the inner lining of the intestine. As a result of violation of this process, polyps are formed. polyps There are two types - on the leg and on broad base. Polyps of the first type are small in size and look like a mushroom. Polyps on a wide base are flatter and larger. Polyps are diagnosed mainly by colonoscopy. To do this, the endoscope is passed through the anus and a section of the intestine up to one meter deep is examined. Every person over the age of 50 must undergo this procedure.

Polyps at first glance are peaceful and painless, but this is a deception and soon they begin to cause inconvenience and pain. They are dangerous and disturbing normal function organism. If this disease is ignored for a long time, it can degenerate into cancer. Therefore, the polyp is considered precancerous disease, i.e. predisposing to cancer.

With polyps of the intestine, feces with blood can rarely be observed.

Colon polyps

Most often colon polyp discovered by accident preventive examination. But the later it is discovered, the more likely transformation into malignant tumor. According to statistics, 20% of colon polyps found turn into cancer. AT rare cases colon polyp in initial stage may cause bleeding. But at large sizes 35% of patients have rectal bleeding.

Rectal polyps and sigma

Polyps of the rectum, like other types of polyp, have signs benign tumor. In the initial stage, these tissue growths are not atypical and there is no metastasis. Influence at general state the patient, also insignificant. However, a long-term polyp can easily develop into a malignant tumor - colorectal cancer.

Feces with blood is still with bowel cancer. Colorectal cancer is considered one of the most common causes people dying from cancer. It kills about 55,000 people every year. Most cases of colorectal cancer occur in older people, but it can also occur in younger people. Among young people, it occurs in people with a hereditary predisposition. Typically, colorectal cancer develops from benign education intestinal walls. Therefore, early diagnosis of a colon polyp is important, and timely disposal of it. This is achieved through surgical intervention. Today, in many countries there is a program of prevention and early diagnosis this form of cancer, thanks to which experts are trying to reduce the number of deaths from cancer to a minimum.

Clinical picture of colorectal cancer

One of the first signs colorectal cancer considered excessive accumulation of gases in the colon and pain in the abdomen. Another sign is bloody stools. The blood may be mixed with the stool, or envelop it on top. Often, with the aforementioned malignant neoplasm, patients complain of constipation or diarrhea. They complain about the feeling incomplete emptying. But all these signs are nonspecific. Therefore, symptoms alone cannot be used to diagnose the presence of this disease.

How to detect colorectal cancer in time?

Most effective method early diagnosis of this disease, this is a regular screening examination. Otherwise, it is called a screening examination. As noted above, this examination is recommended for everyone after fifty years. To do this, you need to examine the feces for occult blood at least once a year. If feces with blood are found, a colonoscopy should be performed. In order to prevent, you need to constantly fight constipation, because due to permanent constipation the period of contact of the intestinal mucosa with the toxic components of feces increases. As a result, given area constantly inflamed. Therefore, it is recommended to use every day a large number of liquids, include fiber in food and exercise.

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The appearance of blood from the anus or stool may be due to distension blood vessels(with hemorrhoids) or a small tear near the anus. But there are more serious reasons the appearance of blood in the stool, which cannot be ignored.

Don't let prejudice get in the way of your examination. Always see a doctor if you have bloody stools to rule out serious illness.

In most cases, blood marks on the toilet paper or a few drops of blood from the anus that stains the toilet water in pink color, are signs of hemorrhoids, or a small tear in the skin near the anus. Both of these diseases are very common, however, before visiting a doctor, you can never be sure that the cause is in them.

Remember, bright red blood in the stool is a sign that the source of bleeding is very close to anus. If the blood is dark and thick, then the damage is located in the higher parts of the digestive system. Then your stool can be stained black or plum. Kal of this color is called melena. The appearance of black or plum stools requires immediate medical attention.

Is blood in stool a sign of cancer?

The appearance of blood from the anus often raises the suspicion of bowel cancer. Blood in the stool can indeed accompany oncology. Other risk factors malignant neoplasm in the intestine can be:

  • age over 40 years or more, bowel movements have become more frequent in the last 6 weeks;
  • Age over 60 and bleeding for 6 months or longer
  • the doctor discovered an atypical tumor during the examination;
  • you suffer from anemia (not enough red blood cells);
  • you are weighed down by cancer heredity;
  • you have ulcerative colitis.

Feces with blood: the main causes


Hemorrhoids are a disease associated with the expansion of the veins around the rectum. They can bleed with a bowel movement, leaving bright red streaks of blood in the stool and also on toilet paper. Hemorrhoids are also characterized by itching around the rectum. The symptoms of hemorrhoids often go away on their own.

anal fissure

An anal fissure is a small tear in the skin near the anus severe pain because this area is very sensitive. The blood is always bright red and the bleeding stops quickly. There may be a false urge to defecate, even if the bowels have already been emptied. An anal fissure usually heals within a few weeks.

anal fistula

anal fistula is a small canal that comes from the anus (anal canal) and opens on the skin near the anus. An anal fistula can be painful and cause bleeding when you have a bowel movement.


Angiodysplasia is an overgrowth of blood vessels in the large intestine that often causes painless bleeding from the anus in the elderly.

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