White fluff on the face of men. How to shave so that the stubble grows faster, and does the frequency of shaving affect the beard. What to do to increase the growth of stubble on the face

In adolescence, boys often encounter such a problem as the absence of some signs of puberty, which cause anxiety for the stronger sex. Most often, such a problem is the absence of signs of stubble growth or, in other words, a beard. Why this happens and what needs to be done if the bristles do not grow, you will learn by reading this article.

Why is the beard not growing?

Many men consider the beard a symbol of their strength and courage. Also today, facial hair is also part of the image of stylish and self-confident men. But it happens that the beard does not grow at all, and there are several main reasons for this. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them.
Reasons for lack of growth:

  • Improper shaving;
  • Uneven sexual development or delay;
  • Age-related changes in the body;
  • Heredity;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • Obesity.

All these reasons are important and worthy of your attention. So our advice is to study each of them in detail, because with the help of this information you can determine the true cause and try to fix it.

Wrong shave

Improper shaving is one of the reasons for the lack of hair growth in the chin and neck area. This rarely happens, of course, but it can still happen. What's the matter?
The fact is that with improper shaving, the structure of hair growth is destroyed. That is why hair either grows unevenly or stops growing altogether. How to be?

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Make sure you shave your stubble correctly. The blade while shaving the stubble should be directed from the beginning of the stubble to the chin, from top to bottom. It is also very important that your razor is sharp. If you do everything right, you can get one step closer to a luxurious beard.

Uneven sexual development or growth retardation

It often happens that, despite age, in adolescents of the stronger sex, facial hair does not grow due to a violation of the hormonal process or due to the poor functioning of the hormonal system. We also note that similar failures in the body are accompanied by other problems of a similar nature. In order to avoid an unpleasant situation and do so in order to completely get rid of this problem, you should contact qualified specialists who will prescribe you the necessary course with the use of hormonal drugs. After such a course, your beard will grow immediately.

Age features of the body

It often happens that teenagers of the same age have different age characteristics of the body. For example, let's take two guys of the same age. One of them periodically shaves and already in adolescence (at about 14 years old) has stubble in the chin area, and the second, on the contrary, still does not know how to use a shaving machine or has a slight fluff above the upper lip or on the cheeks, which itself in and of itself is just annoying. Why is this happening?

The fact is that such a manifestation of the difference between the guys is explained by the fact that each of them has a turning point at a different time. In other words, all the signs of puberty will come at the right time, and sooner or later every boy will start to grow a beard and change his voice.
It’s just that every young man has his certain time and facial hair will begin to grow only when the hormonal system is ready for it. But there are also cases when, after overcoming the threshold of a hormonal fracture, the beard does not grow, or sparse hairs appear in the place of the neck and chin. In such cases, you should not worry and get upset, because soon the beard, in the absence of other problems, will grow after some time, and quite quickly. As the saying goes: "Everything has its time!". You just need to wait a little.


In some cases, the presence of facial hair depends on heredity. That is, if your father began to appear facial hair late enough, then this can also happen to you. But not always growth depends on heredity. Perhaps you have completely different reasons. After all, some fathers may have, for example, “fluff” instead of bristles, and their sons have a completely courageous beard, which you just have time to shave off or correct.

genetic predisposition

The main problem is called genetics. Indeed, scientists have proven that a change in voice and the presence of facial hair can directly depend on this factor. So you can watch guys at 16 who don't know how to use a razor, and guys who have to shave every day after 25 because their stubble grows very fast. In this case, the nationality of a person can also play a key role.
I think many paid attention to the fact that in men from the southern regions of the Russian Federation, facial hair begins to appear much earlier than in the rest. That's genetics for you. Nothing can be done about her.


Yes Yes Yes. And this is not a joke at all. Sometimes this factor also plays a role in growth. It happens that in overweight men facial hair grows unevenly. Therefore, if you want to grow a beautiful beard, you need to start monitoring your weight and lead an active lifestyle.

obesity is another reason

What needs to be done to grow stubble?

Some men suffer from lack of facial hair or uneven growth. In order to find out the cause, you should initially contact your doctor, who will give you a referral to the right specialist.

But there are ways to solve the problem yourself:

  • First you need to organize the correct drinking regimen and, of course, make the right diet. After all, the lack of certain vitamins and minerals can lead to poor beard growth or cause its shortage.
  • Also, do not forget about proper skin care. Do not take this advice as a joke. Men's skin also needs masks, scrubs and peels. Here, for example, with the help of peeling, you can remove dead skin and thereby open access to the growth of bristles.
  • Stress is not the first reason for not having a beard. Try to be less nervous, get enough sleep and move more.

We use burdock oil

  • Vitamins can also help you with your problem. Ask the pharmacist which complex is needed in this case.
  • The lack of facial hair can be caused by a lack of testosterone in the body. In this case, you should contact a specialist who will prescribe the necessary tests for you and help you solve the problem.
  • Bad habits also negatively affect beard growth. So, if possible, avoid them.

What to do if a woman has a beard?

This issue is rather delicate and painful. After all, what woman would like to walk with facial hair and shave it off almost every day. And it's even worse to catch the looks of stunned passers-by. After all, this is indeed an unusual sight. Why does it happen that stubble begins to grow in women?

Everything is quite simple. In the female body there are male hormones, and in the male body female hormones are observed and this is natural. But there is their limit. And when the limit is overcome, then the problem arises.

So it turns out that when there are more males in the female body than necessary, a hormonal failure occurs and the bristles begin to grow. In science, this problem is called hirsutism.

stubble on woman's face

Causes of hirsutism in women:

  • Violation in the endocrine system
  • Taking strong or hormonal drugs without a doctor's prescription
  • Taking large amounts of sedatives

And that, unfortunately, is not all the reasons. But in any case, only a specialist will help. He will prescribe the necessary tests and find out the cause of the problem and, accordingly, help to solve it.
We hope that this article was useful to you.

The facial hair of a man is a sign of masculinity, strength and good genetics. Many women note that it is precisely by the mustache and beard that they determine the firmness of character, brutality and charisma in a man. In addition, the latest fashion trends favor bearded men, as beards of all kinds and types are again popular. But what about men whose stubble does not grow evenly and thickly?

First you need to consult a trichologist or endocrinologist. It is the medical specialist who will be able to accurately determine the reasons why the bristles on the cheeks and chin do not grow. Further, starting from the established factors, you can select suitable methods for enhancing the growth of facial hair. These can be folk recipes, home care or the use of cosmetic and medical products.

Psychologists and sociologists note that a man's beard makes its owner sexy and attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. Many people manage with the help of a thick beard or stubble to hide the flaws in appearance, some flaws and asymmetry of the face. But in order to grow a beard, many men have to put in a lot of effort and work to stimulate hair growth.

For all men, the period of the beginning of the growth of mustaches and beards begins at different ages. Someone is lucky, and the first fluff breaks through at the age of 16, others fail to grow a beard even at 30 years old. Much depends on the nationality of a man, genetic factors, lifestyle, as well as the course of puberty. It starts at the age of 14 and lasts up to 20 years, during this period of time the growth of facial hair may begin.

Main Factors Affecting Bristle Growth

To predict the age when the stubble will start to grow or to establish why it does not grow, you need to pay attention to the influencing factors. Experts note several such reasons, it can be hereditary characteristics of a man’s body, his age, health status, lifestyle, hormonal and psycho-emotional background, and much more.


If the bristles do not grow well, you must first analyze your nationality and what features are typical of it. For example, for men of oriental blood and type of appearance, there should be no problem with a beard and other vegetation on the body at all. These guys manage to grow mustaches and stubble as early as adolescence. But for northern peoples, Slavic nationalities, Chinese and Japanese, stubble and mustache are not at all typical, it can appear much later.

For reference! There are peoples whose bristles do not grow at all, for example, Indians, Asians and peoples of the far north.


Many men so want to grow a thick and courageous beard, but only a rare fluff grows. You need to pay attention to your genetics and heredity, since many features of appearance and character are passed down through the generations along the family branch. And if there were no men with a thick and long beard in the family, it is unlikely that a man will have the opportunity to change this trend.

Lack of testosterone

If the beard does not grow well in places or even all over the face, a hormonal imbalance is most likely the cause. The sex hormone testosterone is responsible for facial and body hair. With its excess, men often begin to lose hair on their heads, forming bald patches, and with a hormone deficiency, stubble and mustache do not grow thickly and evenly. Excess weight, malnutrition, low mobility or exhausting workouts, as well as bad habits can affect testosterone levels.

Young age

Many guys believe that a beard should already be actively growing at 18 years old. In fact, much depends on the period of puberty, the health of the young man and his hormonal levels. At the age of 14-18 years, the highest level of testosterone is observed, which is also not entirely beneficial for stubble growth. Therefore, in most men of Slavic nationality and type of appearance, the beard begins to grow after the end of puberty, that is, at the age of 18-20.

Delayed puberty

For some men, due to heredity and genetic predisposition, puberty may begin a little later and be delayed. This is also facilitated by various diseases, chronic illnesses and other disorders in the body. Accordingly, due to the delay in the sexual development of the guy, the growth of the bristles is also delayed for some time.

Wrong way of life

An important factor in why stubble does not grow on the cheeks is the lifestyle of a man. In this case, a man needs to reconsider his rhythm of life, habits, addictions, nutrition and much more. It is known that smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, as well as excessive consumption of products containing caffeine can affect the hormonal background and testosterone levels. Particular attention should be paid to weight, as it also disrupts the balance of hormones. .

vitamin deficiency

Doctors note that for the full and timely growth of bristles, it is necessary to eat a balanced diet so that the body replenishes its reserves of resources. In addition to food, a vitamin-mineral complex or simple multivitamins from a pharmacy can become a source of the necessary vitamins. For bristle growth you need:

  • vitamin A to moisturize hair follicles;
  • vitamin B3 to speed up blood flow;
  • vitamin B5 to improve metabolic processes;
  • vitamin E to saturate hair follicles and improve blood flow.

Also, vitamin B9 or folic acid helps hair grow faster and thicker, and biotin or vitamin B7 prevents baldness and hair loss. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C cleanses the body of toxins and harmful substances, protects blood vessels from fragility, promoting normal blood flow.


Depressed psycho-emotional state, stress and neuroses have a negative impact on general well-being, immune system and health. The body spends more resources on recovery, leading to vitamin deficiency and deficiency of the necessary substances. All this causes hair loss, deterioration of a person's external data, exacerbation of chronic diseases, which negatively affects the growth of a man's bristles.

Skin damage from improper shaving

Every man must be able to properly shave the stubble, otherwise it will negatively affect its further growth. Improper shaving damages the structure of the hairs, leading to the appearance of ingrown hairs.. Over time, the beard will begin to grow unevenly, with rare patches with bald spots.

What to do with poor growth?

In fact, there are only options for what to do in the absence of bristle growth - it is to be patient and wait until the age comes for the first facial hair to appear, as well as contacting a specialist in this field, that is, a trichologist. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis to exclude any internal disorders and diseases, after which the situation should change radically.

Particular attention should be paid to your lifestyle, which can delay the period of beard growth. Ideally, a man’s morning should begin with a charge, the food will be varied and balanced, outdoor walks are long and frequent, and there should be no place for bad habits and junk food. Physical activity speeds up blood flow, improves metabolic processes and increases testosterone levels.

You can take care of your skin with the help of oils - and, as well as esters. After mixing the components, the oil solution is heated with the palms of the hands and rubbed into the skin of the face along the growth line of the bristles. Wash off the mask after an hour with warm water and soap. Mustard powder, eucalyptus or pine needles oil, red pepper can be added to oils. Any medication should be prescribed only by a doctor.

For reference! Cosmetic products and preparations that contain a substance can accelerate the growth of bristles. But you need to use them after the appointment of a doctor and for a long time to consolidate the results.

When should you start worrying?

The maturation of the male body falls on a period of 25 years, and if by this time the growth of bristles has not begun, it is worth visiting a doctor and undergoing a comprehensive examination in the clinic. Most likely, there are some internal disorders or genetic features that inhibit puberty and beard growth. In a healthy man at this age, the beard should grow evenly and thickly.

Doctors advise all men to look at their fathers and grandfathers, at their facial hair, in order to understand what kind of stubble they themselves should have. And in order not to delay this moment, you need to avoid stress, insomnia, neuroses, poor nutrition and exhausting loads in the gym. Periodically, you need to take vitamins for the male body, as well as check the state of health in the clinic.

The hormonal background affects all the criteria of a man - fertility, sexual activity, appearance, weight, hair on the head and body, voice, strength and much more. Therefore, to normalize the level of sex hormones, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat well, maintain physical activity and regularly donate blood to determine the level of testosterone in the body.


If the stubble on the face does not grow, although the age of the man implies a thick beard, mustache and sideburns, it is worth paying attention to the internal state of health and genetics. Someone along the family line should wait for the appearance of bristles much later, while someone simply does not have enough testosterone in the body or the necessary vitamins. A thick and long beard is primarily a sign of a healthy and strong man without bad habits and internal pathologies.

Every man once has a desire to be the owner of a beautiful, lush beard. But sometimes the causticity grows poorly, men despair. Completely wrong! After all, modern capabilities allow you to grow a thick mane in many different ways: both with medicines and folk therapy. What to do to grow stubble on the face, this article will tell you.

Lush male growth has always been associated with courage. Here the choice is for each separately: to shave smoothly, to have a small mustache, or maybe a little unshaven. Be that as it may, a well-groomed haircut adds success, sexuality to the look. But when the vegetation is of a sparse structure, the man begins to worry. Let's put an end to this, taking everything apart in order.

When the time of sexual development comes in the life of a young man, the growth of bristles is observed. This happens due to the active production of testosterone - the male sex hormone. Further, thin pricklyness is formed by the growth of voluminous. Then they begin to shave smoothly. But some people prefer to perform an attractive beard hairstyle better.

Sometimes the hairline grows late or unevenly. This may indicate a malfunction in the production of testosterone. The reasons for the situation are:

  1. Unbalanced diet.
  2. Chronic fatigue.
  3. Alcohol abuse.
  4. Stress, emotional disturbances.
  5. Sleep deprivation.

If a man has no hair at all, the endocrine functions of the body may be disturbed. Then the situation requires an urgent appeal to the doctor.

Remember! When the mane grows poorly, ask your grandfather or father when their beard began to grow fully. Often weak vegetation is due to genetics. But there is no reason to worry, because there are a number of natural, medical remedies that accelerate the increment of skeins.

What can I do to make stubble grow faster?

Smoothness is now losing ground. Now the strong representatives of this world create a slightly daring, brutal look, which is characterized by pricklyness. For a successful, respectable mind, it is important not only to create such an image, but also to skillfully maintain it. First, let's look at how to make the hair of the guise grow faster.

For this we use the following instructions:

  1. meal. A balanced diet is the simplest, easiest way. Eat more vegetables and fruits. They will give the body vitamin "C", saturating it with pectin. It is recommended to eat foods with protein content more often, drink enough water. But the consumption of sweet, semi-finished products is better to exclude. .
  2. No stress. Disordering cases suppress the normal growth of hair, making them brittle, brittle. Temper the spirit with a sports load, breathing exercises. Get enough sleep. Sleep preferably for eight hours. Then the body will have time to restore strength, relax.

For reference! The cultivation of skeins is directly influenced by the nationality of a man. Representatives of the countries of the East have always had dark, lush curls of the face from an early age. The Slavs and the peoples of the North tend to mature in appearance later.

What are the means to increase the growth of facial hair?

How to grow a lush, voluminous mane? To do this, you will need auxiliary methods, which include pharmacy, folk. Shampoos, ointments, creams - an abundance of drugs activate hair growth:

Advice! For the density of the bristles, make masks from dry mustard or pepper infusion 3 times a week. Such ingredients irritate skin receptors. Then the cheeks are filled with blood, feeding on oxygen, useful substances.

  1. . Useful properties tested on castor, sea buckthorn, peach oils. Oils from almonds and olives also help. But it is recognized as the most effective. Its ingredients saturate the hair follicles, strengthening them, stimulating curl growth. You can rub it in a massage way or make masks with compresses. Before applying, thoroughly cleanse, steam the skin. Then we wet the edge of the gauze, wrapping the chin. A bandage is applied on top. So you need to stay 60-90 minutes. Then remove the bandage, gently washing off the remaining oil with soap and warm water.

Proper Care

What should be done to properly care for the beard in order to accelerate its growth? Apply the following topical tips:

Good to know! Reception of the above drugs is carried out only after examination by a doctor. The tablet dose of aspirin is 100 to 500 mg. Be carefull! After all, you need to drink less. An overdose of aspirin is not only harmful, but also dangerous.

  1. Avoid conflicts. Often, due to nerves, our hair growth stops or they fall out. Growing a magnificent image, maximize all the possibilities of the body. We exclude stress, eat only healthy food, take vitamin B complexes (B5 is great). Also attend yoga classes, play outdoors more often, exercise the body physically. Listening to your favorite music or other uplifting activities will do.

Decided to grow a beard: expectation and reality

What should be done first when stubble appears? To begin with, realize that the future voluminous beard has its advantages, bringing health benefits. Its function is to protect against ultraviolet radiation. It also cools the cover when it's hot by absorbing sweat. But itching is more difficult to bear.

Important! Most funds can begin to work after a few months. Sometimes the process takes up to a year. It all depends on the characteristics of your body. If all else fails, go through a detailed examination, finding out what can be done to build, what is the likelihood of success.

On a lush hairstyle, the particles of the saw will linger, which will protect you from microbes and infections in the upper respiratory tract. Also, the hairstyle will stand up for you in strong winds, cold weather. Having decided to grow prickly, get ready for real discomfort:

  1. Untidy swirls will look very untidy. The people around you will keep talking about it. This is a kind of psychological pressure that tests your stamina.
  2. At first, an appearance unaccustomed to large vegetation will itch a lot. Get rid of this lotion, light massaging.
  3. With severe inflammation of the skin, the use of cosmetic care products, facial massage is recommended.

It must always be remembered that the situation in reality is different than expectations. Only after carefully weighing all the pros and cons, feel free to make a decision, making bristles worthy of a successful man.

Success is not far off

Dear representative of the strong half of humanity! If you have read this material to the end, then sooner or later you will definitely get a chic, attractive stubble. After all, now you have all the trump cards in your hands: you know why hair may not grow properly, how to avoid long-term growth, with the help of what care products to increase facial hair. Dare, future bearded man!

Stubble on the face is a sign of masculinity and puberty. Despite the fact that the strong half of humanity has to spend a lot of time caring for hair growth, none of them can imagine themselves without it. Men prefer to shave their stubble, others grow beards, and still others create their own image with a mustache. But what if the hair on the face of a man does not grow?

If stubble does not grow on the face, what should I do?

Why is the stubble not growing?

The first hairs on the face of young men begin to appear during puberty. This suggests that the male hormone testosterone began to be produced in their body. Subsequently, fine hairs turn into real stubble, which men either carefully shave in the morning, or style into a beautiful beard or mustache. This is the norm. The lack of hair growth may be a cause for concern. If the bristles on the face do not grow, then the body has failed and the important male hormone has ceased to be produced.

Reasons for insufficient testosterone production can be:

  • poor, unbalanced diet;
  • stress;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • lack of sleep;
  • excessive alcohol consumption.

The absolute absence of facial hair in men can be a wake-up call about problems with the endocrine system. Therefore, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

What to do to increase the growth of stubble on the face?

Sometimes problems with hair growth are temporary, and the stubble begins to grow back as soon as positive changes occur in a man's life. If there are no obvious signs of health problems, you should not panic. There are several options for what to do to grow stubble on the face.

  1. Review your diet. Eat more seafood, nuts, sunflower seeds. These foods help testosterone production.
  2. Go in for sports and spend more time in the fresh air.
  3. Start taking ginseng tincture.
  4. Give up smoking and alcohol, drink less coffee.

Sometimes hair growth can be stimulated with folk remedies. To grow bristles, use burdock oil. It stimulates the activity of the hair follicles, which means it will help hair growth.

Many male representatives do not understand why the bristles do not grow everywhere, in uneven shreds? When you want a thick, healthy, beautiful beard, but the body cannot cope with this task - do not flatter yourself, in the modern world there are a huge number of methods that cope with this ailment. But first you need to find out the reason why the hairs do not appear on your face in the right amount. There are many factors that negatively affect the stable development of hair follicles. The following harmful causes are often referred to as the main ones.

Quite often, situations arise when some guys have full bloom of hairline in the lower part of the cheeks, neck, chin, while others do not grow stubble everywhere, in rare shreds. Therefore, many young men are wondering why this is happening? It turns out that each young boy has his own individual schedule, according to which puberty occurs. Only after the end of this maturation can one begin to judge the density of the hairline. Therefore, young guys should not immediately expect a thick, uniform beard. After the end of maturation, the hormonal background stabilizes, therefore, it becomes clear how much vegetation has developed on the neck, chin, and cheeks. At this time, it is not recommended to carry out various medical procedures that stimulate hair growth.

genetic predisposition

Many representatives of the stronger sex wonder why the stubble on the cheeks and neck does not grow in places? Features of hair growth are strictly individual for each guy. One of the most important factors that determine these features is precisely the genetic predisposition. The presence of dense vegetation varies by nationality. Therefore, representatives of the Caucasian appearance have a fairly thick, uniform beard, while blondes, the inhabitants of the east, have practically no dark, dense, evenly spaced hair surface on their cheeks, neck, and mustache. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to influence this factor, since even modern medicine is not able to deal with such a concept as genetics.

delayed sexual development

When a hormonal disorder occurs in a young body, then the bristles do not grow everywhere, in uneven shreds. In this situation, it is recommended to visit an endocrinologist who will conduct the necessary tests, identify the exact reason for the failure in the hormonal system. Then he will prescribe the right treatment. Often, specialists prescribe hormonal therapy, which in a short period of time will help stabilize the work of hormones, therefore, improve the functioning of the hair follicles. Also, regular physical activity, which increases the level of testosterone in the blood, will help to cope with hormonal disorders. Testosterone is a male hormone responsible for the direct, normal growth of hairs not only on the cheeks, but throughout the body.

Bad heredity

Often, the growth of a beard in adolescents is similar to the puberty of the father. Guys whose stubble does not grow everywhere should find out from their ancestors at what age they began to develop a beard. Therefore, heredity is an important factor affecting the thickness of the cheek cover. Bad genetics is not a sentence, you can grow healthy stubble with the help of special folk methods that are quite effective, and in the event that they do not help, medical methods will come to your aid. With the help of medicine, you can more effectively influence the growth of hairline.

Wrong shave

Due to improper shaving, the structure of the follicles can be damaged, as a result of which the hairs will stop growing. That is why, when the guys do not grow stubble in places, it is important to pay attention to the shaving technique. Always use only sharp blades that quickly and effectively shave off unwanted vegetation. It is also recommended to use only high-quality shaving gels, which have a softening effect on the hairs. After shaving procedures, it is recommended to apply vitamin B lotions to the skin. This type of cosmetics has a calming effect on the hair follicles and skin.

What to do with uneven stubble growth

One of the very first rules is proper nutrition. Eliminate from your diet all harmful, fried foods that have a negative effect on the functioning of the hair follicles. When a male’s bristles do not grow in places, it means that the body has an acute shortage of nutrients and vitamins. The diet should include only those foods that contain a large amount of magnesium, biotin, vitamins A, C, E, B, iodine, calcium. These products include:

  • dairy;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • beans;
  • whole grain products;
  • liver.

By eating this food, you once and for all say goodbye to poor hair growth in the cheeks, chin, mustache. Also try to avoid stressful situations, they have a negative effect on beard growth.

To fully restore the structure of the hairs, it is recommended to stop shaving for four weeks. During this time, the structure of the hairs is completely restored, improved, strengthened. Many guys torment themselves with the question why stubble does not grow everywhere, what methods prevent this ailment? The answer is quite simple, let it grow a uniform beard. It is in a month that hairs begin to appear in those places that have not grown before that time. It is allowed to level the vegetation with a trimmer in two weeks, then the beard will acquire a more beautiful, uniform shape.

Follow all the recommendations, then you will never be tormented by this problem again. The most important thing, when you set a firm goal to grow a healthy, beautiful, thick, brutal, courageous beard, to reach the victorious end. To do this, it is necessary to fulfill all the prescriptions of doctors with mandatory regularity, drink all the necessary courses of vitamins at the specified time, and follow the recommended procedures. Then you will forget once and for all about the painful question, why does the bristle grow not everywhere, has such a meager, miserable appearance, grows in uneven shreds, spoils your style?

Published: 21.01.2016
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