Pink discharge before menses. Pink discharge before menstruation: the norm, a sign of the disease. What does heavy discharge before menstruation mean yellow or white

Discharge from women can have a different color, texture and smell. Various kinds of vaginal discharge speak of the physiological processes that take place inside the female body.

If you are attentive to your body, then the alarm signal sent by it can be recognized at the moment when the disease is just beginning to progress.

Pink discharge is normal

During normal functioning of the body, the secretions either have no color or have a whitish tint. But as soon as droplets of capillary blood get into them, the mucus acquires a pink tint.

Ovulation. In the process of ovulation, a small amount of blood may appear in the secretions, as a result of the rupture of the follicle when the egg is released. Ovulation, as a rule, occurs 10-14 days before the onset of menstrual bleeding and does not bring any discomfort to the woman. The daub that appeared during this period indicates the course of the ovulation process, without which pregnancy cannot occur.

Beginning and end of menstrual bleeding. The pink spotting that appeared before menstruation, which subsequently turns into menstrual bleeding itself and continues for several more days after the end of menstruation, is also the norm and has nothing to do with pathology.

Reaction to contraceptives

The result of taking hormonal contraceptives. The use of hormonal contraceptives that prevent unwanted pregnancy can lead to pink discharge in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Often such a daub is a reaction of the body to the contraceptives taken, which is observed in the first few months of using the drugs.

Consequences of the introduction of an intrauterine device. Often, women who have chosen an intrauterine device as a means of preventing unwanted pregnancy have a pink spot that appears before menstrual bleeding. Minor irregularities in the menstrual cycle should normalize over time, otherwise you should consult a gynecologist for advice.

Early pregnancy

The presence of light pink discharge before the onset of the expected menstrual bleeding and a clear delay in menstruation are often symptoms indicating a possible pregnancy. During implantation fertilized eggs in the uterine mucosa, small vessels are damaged, and the released scarlet blood droplets color the discharge pink.

In addition, the appearance of pink discharge in early pregnancy may be the result of the body's reaction to changes in hormone levels. This is possible at the beginning of the rejection of the fetal egg, that is, with the threat of miscarriage. If such symptoms appear during pregnancy, in order to avoid undesirable consequences, it is imperative to consult a gynecologist.

Diseases and infections that cause bleeding


The appearance of the inflammatory process of the uterine mucosa can be facilitated by mechanical effects on the intrauterine region:

  • abortion;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • insertion of an intrauterine device.

Acute endometritis is accompanied by fever and heavy menstrual bleeding. Vaginal discharge is mucopurulent in nature and may well have a pale pink hue.

Endometritis can become chronic under the following conditions:

  • repeated curettage of the intrauterine membrane;
  • endometritis, which arose after childbirth or abortion, was not subjected to proper treatment;
  • a long period of stay in the uterine cavity of intrauterine contraceptives;
  • reaction of the body to the suture material after caesarean section.


Endocervicitis is an inflammation of the mucous tissue that covers the cervix. This disease can be chronic or acute and is a consequence of the following conditions:

  • intrauterine intervention;
  • injuries received during childbirth;
  • abortion;
  • inflammatory processes of the uterine appendages;
  • inflammation of the vagina

For development endocervicitis also affected by the following microorganisms:

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, purulent or mucopurulent spotting discharges are observed, sometimes stained with drops of blood in a light pink color.

If no action is taken to treat the disease, then it takes a chronic form and is quite capable of leading to the development of cervical erosion.


In endometriosis, an amount of tissue that resembles the endometrium in structure extends beyond the lining of the uterus. If such lesions occur in the muscular uterine layer or in the cervix, before the onset of menstrual bleeding and after them, a pink or scarlet daub is observed. In addition to spotting, the following symptoms indicate the progression of endometriosis:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • unusually heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding.

uterine fibroids

Myoma is one of the most common diseases of the uterus, which is a benign neoplasm. Myoma manifests itself in the form of nodes consisting of cells of smooth muscle tissues. In the presence of uterine fibroids, premenstrual daubing and scarlet bleeding are observed, accompanied by cramping pains. When the cells of the formed node die, the spotting discharge acquires a brownish tint and an unpleasant odor.

Uterine cancer

With the development of a malignant tumor, whitish discharge of a liquid watery character first appears. This daub occurs due to the destruction of the lymphatic vessels located in the surface layer. As time passes, blood impurities are added to the spotting secretions and they acquire a pink tint. The main symptom of uterine cancer is recurrent uterine bleeding, at a serious stage of cancer development, they begin to be accompanied by painful sensations.

To identify the real cause of the appearance of pink discharge before menstruation, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist. After passing the examination, which allows to identify various pathologies, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.

They can cause anxiety and even panic. But is this fact worth the worry?

Vaginal discharge, including pink ones, occurs periodically in every woman, sometimes as a confirmation of the normal functioning of the body, and sometimes as a signal of any failures and pathologies. How to understand this issue and know when to worry and when not?

Discharge during pregnancy planning

It has already been mentioned that the mucus of the secretions can be colored pink in the event of pregnancy. Women who are planning fertilization are very interested in this issue, so it is worth clarifying the situation whether pink discharge will be a 100% guarantee of pregnancy or not.

In gynecology, such a sign does not exist, most likely, this symptom may indicate a threat of abortion in the early stages. To find out at this moment whether there is a pregnancy or not, only a blood test for hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin can. Its indicator will clarify the situation even before the delay of menstruation, already a week after sexual contact.

The female body is a delicate and fragile organization and requires special attention and attention. Pink discharge before menstruation can be quite harmless, but only in some cases. Therefore, even minimal streaks of blood, in addition to menstruation, should alert and cause an unscheduled visit to the antenatal clinic.

Pink discharge before menstruation can be provoked not only by physiological, but also by pathological factors. This phenomenon is often associated with the peculiarity of the course of the monthly cycle. But perhaps this is a sign of a gynecological disease. Then you should not hesitate with treatment.

Normal vaginal secretion is transparent. It does not have a pronounced odor. The presence of smearing mucous secretions of a light pink color cannot but be alarming. But do not panic ahead of time, because the reasons for their appearance may be associated with the peculiarities of female physiology.

To analyze the impact of this symptom on health, you need to pay attention to the shade of pink discharge. If it is bright, then menstrual bleeding is likely to occur. But the translucent vaginal secret is associated with the process of loosening the uterine walls.

So, in order to understand whether this symptom is a health hazard, you need to take into account the period of the cycle during which it manifested itself.

1-2 days before

Usually a light red secret is released from the vagina 2 days before menstruation. This is a normal physiological phenomenon.

Pink discharge before menstruation (3 days before them) is associated with the process of loosening the uterine mucosa. During this period, the endometrium begins to slowly flake off. These are the features of the onset of menstruation.

Since the outer lining of the uterus slowly separates, pink discharge appears a couple of days before the onset of menstruation. If such a vaginal secret does not have a pronounced odor, then there is no need to worry. But availability is a cause for concern.

Spotting before menstruation is the result of vascular damage due to endometrial rejection. After its complete separation, critical days begin.

A week before menstruation

Abundant pink discharge a week before menstruation is an alarming sign. The reasons for their appearance:

  1. . This is an inflammation of the uterine mucosa that occurs due to non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene or mechanical impact. In this case, a light red vaginal secret makes itself felt 4 days before menstruation.
  2. . This is when the endometrium grows outside the uterine membrane. Pink vaginal secretion appears 5 days before menstruation.
  3. The presence of an intrauterine device.
  4. Increased hormonal activity.
  5. Long-term use of oral contraceptives.
  6. Sudden change in weather.
  7. Postponed operation.

Also, such a vaginal secret is often observed before menstruation due to psycho-emotional stress.

When the endometrium begins to separate from the uterus a week before menstruation, a woman is faced with pulling discomfort that occurs in the ovaries. And if this phenomenon occurs due to gynecological pathology, it becomes necessary to take painkillers, as the discomfort becomes unbearable.

In the middle of a cycle

Pale pink discharge before menstruation is often associated with physiological changes in the body that occur during ovulation. The appearance of blood in the middle of the cycle is the result of rupture of the follicle. During this period, the vaginal secretion mixes with blood droplets, resulting in a light pink color.

But in the presence of gynecological pathology, such discharge sometimes occurs in the middle of the monthly cycle. For example, this phenomenon is often observed in endometriosis. In this disease, the endometrium grows outside the outer shell of the organ, resulting in minor bleeding.

When the vaginal secretion turns pink due to the rupture of the follicle, the woman does not experience discomfort. But if this is due to a pathological process, pain in the ovarian region will occur regularly.

Instead of menstruation

In the absence of pregnancy, pink discharge instead of menstruation is an alarming sign indicating a violation of reproductive function. Factors provoking the manifestation of this symptom:

  1. Failure of the monthly cycle. Delayed menstruation and pink discharge are the result of a broken cycle. Such a failure is provoked by various reasons, for example, long-term use of contraceptives.
  2. The simultaneous use of antibiotics and oral contraceptives is a common cause of pink discharge and delayed menstruation.
  3. Infection of the genital organs. When a pathogenic infection enters the mucous membrane of the reproductive system, there is a risk of premature loosening of the endometrium. Separating from the uterus, it stains the vaginal secretion in a light red color.
  4. Malfunction of the thyroid gland. This provokes hormonal disorders. To restore the cycle, the failure of which happened due to a malfunction of the thyroid gland, you need to take hormonal drugs.

If a woman is faced with pink discharge instead of menstruation, then the first thing she should do is a pregnancy test. If the result is negative, you should not postpone going to the doctor.

after sex

Scarlet usually occurs due to gynecological diseases. For example, this symptom manifests itself:

  • with carcinoma of the cervix (in situ);
  • erosion of the uterine neck;
  • uterine myoma;
  • uterine ectropion.

Discharge before menstruation, arising from gynecological diseases, is accompanied by severe discomfort. With the pathology of the cervix, sex is always painful. For this reason, girls suffering from gynecological ailments refuse to have sexual intercourse.

The cervix may bleed after a pap smear. Do not worry, because this is a normal phenomenon. Usually, minor blood loss stops on the 2nd or 3rd day after taking a smear.

Also, the occurrence after sex of a scarlet vaginal secretion is often associated with the use of an intrauterine device, which mechanically affects the mucous membrane. If such discharge turns into bleeding, then it is removed.

Other reasons

We found that in most cases, pink discharge at different periods of the monthly cycle appears after hormonal preparations, as a result of the use of an intrauterine device, and also due to infections.

Normally, after taking smears, pink discharge disappears on the 2-3rd day. If this does not happen, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

There are other reasons that provoke staining of the vaginal secretion in this color. For example, this happens due to certain diseases during menstruation:

  1. Chronic form of candidiasis. With this disease, pathogenic bacteria spread rapidly, penetrating deeply into the upper layer of the reproductive system. There is inflammation of the reproductive organs. The disease provokes damage to the mucous membrane. Under the influence of Candida fungi, it becomes loose, as a result of which bleeding begins.
  2. Uterine cancer. The oncological process in the genital tract leads to necrosis of the internal tissue. With this disease, pink discharge is accompanied by acute pain. The occurrence of spotting due to uterine cancer is associated with damage to the lymph.
  3. Endocervicitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous tissue of the uterine cervix.

Pink vaginal secretion appears in early pregnancy. When an egg is fertilized, several blood vessels in the lining of the uterus are damaged. Also, discharge often occurs in women in the postpartum period.

What to do

If the appearance of a pink vaginal secret, observed during a certain period of the monthly cycle, does not indicate pregnancy and is accompanied by poor health, it is recommended to undergo an examination.

The development of gynecological pathology is associated with symptoms such as fever, pain in the ovarian region, and nausea. The presence of these symptoms should be reported to the gynecologist.

To exclude or confirm the development of the pathological process, the doctor will take a smear for oncocytology. An ultrasound examination of the small pelvis will also help to establish the cause of staining the vaginal secretion in pink. On ultrasound, the doctor will see what provoked this phenomenon, after which he will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

As you know, normal discharge from the genital tract of a woman should be transparent or have a slightly whitish tint. They are a liquid that partially exudes from the lymphatic as well as blood vessels located directly under the epithelium of the vagina. It is joined by a mucous secret produced by glandular cells located in the body and cervix. Also, normally, the composition of vaginal discharge includes epithelial cells, a small number of leukocytes and lactic acid bacteria, which determine the state of the microflora of the female vagina.

As a rule, a change in the color and consistency of daily vaginal discharge may indicate a violation in the work of the woman's reproductive system. So, for example, pink discharge before menstruation should make a woman worried, because. quite often this is a sign of pathology. Let's take a closer look at this situation and tell you what pink discharge in women before menstruation can say, and what are the reasons for their appearance.

When is pink discharge before menstruation normal?

Not always the appearance of pink discharge before menstruation is regarded by gynecologists as a sign of a disease. So in some girls, mucous, pinkish discharge before menstruation can be observed directly at the time of ovulation. The reason for this is a change in the hormonal background in the body. In particular, an increase in estrogen levels often leads to the fact that a small, insignificant part of the uterine lining is rejected, leading to a violation of the integrity of the blood capillaries, which burst, begin to bleed a little, which gives color to the discharge. Therefore, if pale pink discharge is observed not before the menstruation itself, but 12-14 days before the date of menstruation, the ovulatory process is most likely the reason for this.

It must also be said that some girls, shortly before menstruation (2-3 days), appear light, pink discharge. After that, they gradually, increasing in volume and changing color, pass into menstruation. Simply put, this phenomenon is called "daub". This is an individual feature of the female reproductive system and does not go beyond the norm.

With long-term use of hormonal contraceptives, many women also notice the appearance of mild, pink discharge. However, it is most often observed in the middle of the menstrual cycle. This can also happen in those girls who use an intrauterine device as a means of contraception.

When is pink discharge before menstruation a reason to visit a gynecologist?

Ideally, when discharge appears, the color, volume and consistency of which does not correspond to the norm, a woman should consult a doctor about this. However, in practice, most women seek medical help when the gynecological disease is already in full swing.

A symptom such as pink-brown discharge before menstruation may refer to such disorders as:

  • endometritis;
  • and erosion of the cervix;
  • endometriosis;
  • polyps of the endometrium and cervix;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms.

At the same time, most of these diseases are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, deterioration of the general condition.

If we talk about yellow-pink discharge before menstruation, then, as a rule, they are a sign of infectious diseases of the reproductive system. These include:

As can be seen from the article, there are many reasons for the appearance of pink discharge before menstruation. Therefore, in order to correctly determine the one that led to the violation in a particular case, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

By the nature of vaginal discharge, it can be determined whether a woman has any deviations in her reproductive health. There are significant differences between normal and pathological secretions, and by the shade of the discharge, their smell and appearance, one can more or less reliably assume what kind of violation is present in the genitals. The appearance of pink discharge before menstruation indicates damage to the smallest vessels and a small amount of blood entering the mucus. The reason for this may be not only a disease, but also a completely natural process.


When pink leucorrhea is the norm

Ordinary discharge from the genital tract is colorless or white. During the cycle, their consistency is unstable, which is associated with a change in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone. The discharge may appear slightly creamy, yellowish, or pinkish in color. This is due to the individual characteristics of the composition of the microflora of the vagina, the acidity of the mucus, and blood clotting. The shade also appears when a woman uses certain medications and even products. But the main signs of the norm are the absence of an unpleasant odor and heterogeneous consistency in the discharge (they should not have lumps, blood clots, foam).

Pinkish mucus at different periods of the cycle

To understand when pink whites are normal, you need to know in what period they appeared, whether they are related to menstruation or any physiological processes occurring in the body. The appearance of pink discharge is considered the norm in the following cases:

  1. If they occur 2-3 days before menstruation. At this time, the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium) loosens and begins to flake off little by little. The color of the spotting secretions depends on how quickly the blood coagulates, how many vessels are damaged. Menstruation begins when the endometrium is completely shed.
  2. In adolescents during the formation of the menstrual cycle, it is quite possible for such whites to appear on the eve of menstruation (and even instead of them) within 2 years from the onset of puberty.
  3. Smearing pink discharge after menstruation appears due to the remnants of menstrual blood getting into the mucus. If a woman's uterine contractions during menstruation are strong enough, then there may not be such secretions.
  4. Before menstruation, approximately in the middle of the cycle, pink discharge may appear, the color of which is due to the ingress of blood droplets into them when the follicle shell breaks at the time of ovulation. The process is natural and painless, should not cause any anxiety.
  5. If a woman has a delay, and instead of the expected menstruation, scanty pink leucorrhoea suddenly appears, this may be a sign of pregnancy. Traces of blood appeared as a result of a slight damage to the endometrium at the time of the introduction of the embryo.
  6. After childbirth, the occurrence of pink whiteness before menstruation may be the norm, a consequence of the restructuring of the hormonal background, returning it to its normal state. But such staining often speaks of pathology: the presence of poorly healed tears in the cervix.
  7. The norm is the appearance of pink daub before and after menstruation, as well as in the middle of the cycle, if a woman takes birth control pills. They suppress ovulation by changing the hormonal levels. This restructuring affects the state of the endometrium, blood vessels. The body adapts to the action of hormones within 2-3 months. If the discharge does not disappear after this, becomes reddish, dark brown in color, then it is necessary to consult a gynecologist about changing the contraceptive.
  8. If an intrauterine device is used as a contraceptive, then its hormonal effect on the body is similar, in addition, a mechanical effect on the mucous membrane is possible. If the pinkish daub turns into bleeding, then the spiral is removed.

Warning: The appearance of pink leucorrhoea after a delay in menstruation should not be ignored. If a woman plans to conceive, then she must definitely consult a doctor, since blood impurities in the secretions in such a situation can be a harbinger of the termination of a pregnancy that has just begun. Timely treatment will help to save it.

Physiological causes

Pink leucorrhoea may appear before menstruation if a woman lifts weights, overloads her body during sports training, or is very nervous. Stress affects the state of the hormonal background.

Pink leucorrhoea after intercourse often occurs due to vaginal dryness. But the reason is also more serious. The presence of contact bloody whites sometimes becomes a sign of diseases of the cervix, endometriosis, malignant tumors.

Vaginal dryness is one of the main symptoms of menopause. If a woman does not use a special gel, then damage to the superficial vessels and the formation of pinkish mucus during sexual contact is possible.

Addition: Women aged 45 years and older should be especially attentive to the appearance of any unusual (especially bloody) discharge, since menopausal hormonal shift significantly increases the risk of exacerbation of previously appeared gynecological diseases, prolapse of the uterus, and the occurrence of malignant tumors.

Video: Causes of blood after sex

When to see a doctor

The appearance of pathological pink discharge before menstruation, as well as on other days of the cycle, should alert the woman. In this case, only a doctor, by examining various laboratory and instrumental methods, will be able to say exactly what the cause of the pathology is and how to treat it.

An unusually thick color of pink discharge, turning into brown, the presence of bloody streaks in them, dark clots indicates diseases of the uterus.

An increase in the intensity of whiteness, a transition from pink to scarlet or bright red are signs of uterine bleeding, which cannot be the norm in any case.

A bad smell, a greenish tint of pink whites, indicate the presence of an infection in the genitals. Unlike normal, pathological discharge irritates the skin of the external genital organs, causes itching and burning in the vagina, pain in the lower abdomen. With uterine bleeding, acute pain, nausea and vomiting may occur.

Video: Causes of bloody whites in the middle of the cycle

Pink discharge as a sign of pathology

Pinkish-brown discharge before menstruation, as well as between them, may indicate diseases of the uterus or ovaries (inflammatory processes, hyperplasia, polycystosis, polyposis, papillomatosis, and others). Endometrial diseases are directly related to the processes of the cycle and menstruation.

Endometritis. The inflammatory process occurs when bacteria and viruses enter the uterine cavity from the external genitalia. This is facilitated by a weakening of the immune system, a violation of the microflora of the vagina, and non-compliance with the rules of hygiene. The appearance in pinkish secretions of impurities of pus, foam indicates the development of sexually transmitted infections (gonococci, chlamydia, trichomonas).

Endometriosis. With this disease, a pathological proliferation of the functional layer of the mucous membrane occurs. Damage to the vessels causes pinkish-brown spotting before and after menstruation, as well as bleeding in the middle of the cycle.

Myoma of the uterus. If its nodes grow in the cavity or in the wall of the uterus, then damage to small vessels inevitably leads to staining of the whites, their transition to uterine bleeding.

Diseases of the cervix(erosion, leukoplakia, mucosal dysplasia, cancer) are the cause of tissue damage and vascular bleeding.

With a careful attitude to her health, a woman can notice signs of such pathologies in time, start treatment and avoid the appearance of many complications.

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