Intestinal dysbacteriosis - how to get rid of painful symptoms. Effective treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults at home

Surprisingly, many experts do not consider it a serious disease, referring to a trivial indigestion. This is an erroneous opinion, since everything is much more complicated, but first things first.

To begin with, let us clarify that dysbacteriosis means a violation of the normal microbial composition of the intestine. Let us define in more detail the clinical picture of this pathological process.

So, in a healthy body, the normal one is represented by lactic acid and bifidobacteria, which take an active part in the digestive process, as well as in the processes of synthesis of certain vitamins and However, the number of these “civilians” can rapidly decrease under the influence of various pathogenic factors, and instead of them in the intestines " settle" pathogens that can disrupt the usual processes of digestion. As a result, such anomalies prevail in the body as increased fermentation and gas formation processes, decreased immunity, and increased sensitivity to stress.

When deciding how to cure dysbacteriosis, one must clearly understand that this disease makes a person more susceptible to various infections, and also rapidly depletes his vitality.

Among the revealing symptoms, it is necessary to specify diarrhea and anemia, which indicate the presence of a disease such as dysbacteriosis. How to treat this pathology, only the gastroenterologist should decide. It shows an integrated approach, which includes not only taking specific medications, but also proper nutrition.

First of all, it is necessary to determine what provoked the development of dysbacteriosis and eliminate this cause from the body as soon as possible. Such pathogenic factors can be malnutrition, the predominance of a number of chronic diseases in the body, prolonged use of antibacterial drugs, or intestinal obstruction.

So, how to cure dysbacteriosis? The first stage includes a change in the daily diet and the complete exclusion of "harmful" food from it. At the second stage, the leading specialist recommends the use of drugs, the action of which is focused on improving bowel function, normalizing the nutrition process. In some clinical pictures, antibiotics are shown for normalization, and for example, the drugs Cephalosporin, Tetracycline, Quinolon, Metronidazole. It is important to understand here that only a doctor should prescribe such antibiotic therapy, and it should last no more than a week.

The third stage of the treatment process, how to cure dysbacteriosis, is the restoration of the usual intestinal microflora, which is actively promoted by special probiotics containing beneficial intestinal bacteria, for example, Linex, Bifikol, Simbiter, Biogaya preparations. An alternative course of treatment with bacterial preparations lasts a couple of months, depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease.

The final step is the intake of pancreatic enzymes, which significantly accelerate intestinal motility and stabilize the walls of the intestinal mucosa. The following medications should be highlighted here: Imodium, Essentiale, Trimebutin, which should be taken for at least a month.

How to cure dysbacteriosis is not an easy task, but timely detection of the disease and the correct medical approach will significantly speed up the recovery process, that is, return the patient to a state of internal comfort.

Dysbacteriosis is a disease that occurs as a result of an imbalance of beneficial and harmful microorganisms in the intestine. The disease is manifested by multiple gastrointestinal problems - flatulence, bloating, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, lack of appetite, etc.

A person who is tormented by dysbacteriosis suffers not only from physical discomfort, but also is in a depressed moral state. In such a situation, it is very important to get rid of the symptoms of the disease as quickly as possible, and therefore, usually with a diagnosis of intestinal dysbacteriosis, traditional drug treatment and treatment with folk remedies are combined.

In this article, we will talk about the most popular and proven folk remedies that help cure dysbacteriosis.

However, before talking about how to treat dysbacteriosis, it should be explained what factors give rise to this disease, so that after the cure, the disease will never return.

Dysbacteriosis may be the result of an exacerbation of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or chronic viral infections, however, much more often, much more prosaic factors lead to the disease - malnutrition, stress, and poor ecology. Also, dysbacteriosis often develops against the background of long-term use of antibiotics.

As you can see, a person can influence most of the causes of the disease and prevent its occurrence.


Dysbacteriosis, as we said above, is an imbalance of intestinal bacteria. The fact is that bacteria live in our body, in simple terms, good and bad. Good bacteria support the immune system, help with digestion, vitamin synthesis, and more. If the number of good bacteria is reduced due to one or another negative factor, dysbacteriosis develops, which is manifested by stool disorders, poor appetite, abdominal pain, etc.

Treatment of the intestines with folk remedies

Treatment of dysbacteriosis is primarily aimed at restoring the balance of good bacteria, but it is also necessary to think about alleviating the symptoms of the disease. However, the attending physician must act very carefully, because many drugs adversely affect the intestinal flora, only exacerbating the problem. For this reason, they try to replace traditional medicines with a complex of folk remedies and a diet.

The diet of a patient with dysbacteriosis is based on lean meat and fish, light soups, fruits and vegetables (although some vegetables should be discarded, the forbidden ones primarily include radishes, radishes, beets, cabbage), cereals and dairy products (fresh milk, hard cheeses are prohibited).

From drinks are allowed - compotes, kissels, tea and coffee can also be consumed, however, it is better not strong, it is advisable to drink juices only freshly squeezed. As sweets, you can eat marshmallows, marshmallows, jams. It is recommended to refuse fresh bread, muffins and puff pastry buns, but shortbread cookies and dry biscuits are allowed.


Various herbs are often used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases - dysbacteriosis is no exception. To combat the disease in question, antimicrobial and enveloping herbs, as well as anti-inflammatory herbs, are used. All herbs are used in the form of decoctions, and they can be purchased at a pharmacy - the instructions for the "drug" will definitely indicate the rules for preparing the infusion.

Antimicrobial Herbs

Antimicrobial herbs play an important role in the treatment of dysbacteriosis, because pathogens are one of the culprits in reducing the number of good bacteria. As antimicrobial herbs are commonly used - anise, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, chamomile, sage. Also, fruit drinks from berries - cranberries, strawberries, raspberries - have an antimicrobial effect.

enveloping herbs

With dysbacteriosis, the intestinal walls can be injured, and for their regeneration, the appointment of enveloping herbs is a very effective measure. To solve this problem, flax seeds, elecampane, marshmallow and angelica are perfect.

Anti-Inflammatory Herbs

Dysbacteriosis is also often accompanied by various inflammations in the intestines. To cure them, decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow are perfect.

Herbs that relieve symptoms

A patient with acute forms of the disease can also be prescribed herbs that fight the symptoms of the disease. So, for example, if the patient suffers from constipation, he is recommended to drink an infusion of anise, mint, dill, fennel. On the contrary, if a person suffers from diarrhea, the doctor prescribes oak bark, pomegranate peel, bird cherry.

Treatment with dairy products

We wrote above that dairy products should appear in the diet for dysbacteriosis. Particular attention should be paid to whey and curdled milk - these two products are a great help in the treatment of the disease, they perfectly restore the microflora. Ryazhenka, koumiss, ayran, kefir also work well in this direction.

Curdled milk and whey are best cooked at home.

Here is one of the simple yogurt recipes. We take ordinary milk, boil it, and then cool it to room temperature and add sour cream (the proportion is about 4 tablespoons of sour cream per liter of milk). We close the resulting mix with a tight lid and put it in a warm place for several hours, ideally - place the container in a bowl of water - while you regularly need to add hot water to maintain the temperature. After the yogurt is cooked, you need to store it in the refrigerator.

Whey is prepared even easier - a container with kefir is placed in a bowl of warm water, the temperature is maintained, after a few hours the kefir will separate into curd mass and whey.

Treatment with honey and propolis

In general, honey is a very useful product, it also has a beneficial effect on the intestines, in which dysbacteriosis has “settled”. In this case, honey acts in three directions - it fights pathogenic microorganisms due to antimicrobial properties, removes inflammation due to anti-inflammatory activity, and, finally, normalizes digestion processes with the help of useful enzymes included in its composition.

It also helps with dysbacteriosis and such a beekeeping product as propolis - the complex use of honey and propolis helps to quickly restore the balance of microflora, as well as further improve the body's immunity as a whole.

Both honey and propolis are used very simply - a teaspoon of one or another product is dissolved in warm water and drunk.

Treatment with other folk remedies

Above, we have listed the most popular and proven folk remedies that cure intestinal dysbacteriosis, and below we will talk about slightly less popular, but also effective means of combating the disease.


Garlic is an excellent antibiotic that helps fight many diseases, including an imbalance of bacteria in the intestines. The recipe for using this product is very simple - eat in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed, one clove of garlic (it is allowed to drink kefir). This course of treatment should be carried out for no more than 2 weeks and with extreme caution in people with renal insufficiency, as well as ulcers and erosions in the gastrointestinal tract.

Tea mushroom

Kombucha has a lot of useful properties, including antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, thanks to which this product quickly kills pathogenic bacteria and restores the microflora.

To prepare kombucha - brew tea at the rate of 2 teaspoons of tea leaves (both black and green tea can be used) per liter of water, add 5 tablespoons of sugar. The solution must be infused for 15 minutes, then poured into a jar, covered with gauze, put in a warm, dark place. After a week, the mushroom can be drunk. It is recommended to drink a drink 30 minutes before meals three times a day for half a glass.

Pumpkin seeds


This plant perfectly relieves the inflammatory process. Aloe should be consumed in this form - grind the leaves of the plant, mix with sugar, the proportion is half a glass of aloe per glass of sugar. The mixture should be infused for three days, after which we add a glass of any wine and insist another day. The medicine is taken half an hour before meals, twice a day, 1 tablespoon.


Not only can this delicious berry be consumed in its pure form or with natural yogurt or sour cream to normalize bowel function, but its stalks (tails) can also be used with benefit. Pour the ponytails with water - 1 tablespoon of the stalks per glass of water - cook for 5-7 minutes. Leave the infusion on the stove for 2 hours and strain, the medicine is ready - drink it 50 ml before meals for a week.


Perfectly destroys pathogenic bacteria in the intestines and horseradish. It is recommended to consume the fruit in this form - horseradish is rubbed on a grater, poured with cool boiled water (300 grams of horseradish per liter of water). The mixture is left for a day, then filtered, a “drug” is taken in a teaspoon three times a day for a week.

Consultation with a doctor is necessary!

As you can see, there are really a lot of folk remedies, and in this article we have listed by no means all the ways to combat dysbacteriosis, dictated by folk wisdom. We have collected only the most popular and proven methods, but, one way or another, before treating intestinal dysbacteriosis at home, a doctor's consultation is required! The doctor, guided by the history of the disease and the characteristics of the patient, will help to choose the most appropriate methods of therapy in a particular case.

The best treatment is prevention!

Dysbacteriosis, like many other diseases, is easier to prevent than to cure. Take care of yourself and your health - eat right, do not let stress take over you, go in for sports, walk in the parks more often and go on weekends to nature, do not abuse antibiotics and the imbalance of bacteria is not terrible for you!

Dysbacteriosis is a violation of the beneficial intestinal microflora, in which the number of beneficial lactobacteria and bifidobacteria decreases, and the number of harmful microorganisms increases. This disease occurs quite often in adults, but with greater frequency in newborns.

Also, as a result of a sociological survey, it was revealed that intestinal dysbacteriosis, the symptoms of which may be different, was diagnosed at least once in 90% of the adult population of Russia. Some doctors believe that this disease can be both independent and concomitant, for example, accompany a duodenal ulcer or chronic gastritis.

In this article, we will tell you everything about intestinal dysbacteriosis in adults: consider its causes, first symptoms, as well as modern methods of treating dysbacteriosis with the help of drugs.

The reasons

What it is? There are many causes of intestinal dysbacteriosis in adults. In some, it appears due to some pathologies in the intestines (congenital or acquired), while in others, dysbacteriosis is caused by complications after a previous illness. In such situations, the number of bacteria living in the body increases. The overall balance is changing, and microorganisms find all the conditions for survival and further prosperity.

Nevertheless, dysbacteriosis most often develops after antibiotics. When taking drugs, damage to the intestinal epithelium and a change in the composition of the microflora occur. The consequence of uncontrolled consumption of antibiotics can be the emergence of strains of bacteria that are resistant to treatment.

Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in adults

The clinical picture depends on the severity of pathological processes in the intestine. The main symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in adults include:

  • an unpleasant feeling of fullness in the intestines;
  • constant feeling of nausea and headache;
  • altered composition of the consistency of feces, which becomes semi-liquid with.

All these symptoms can also be accompanied by fever, this is not always the case, but, nevertheless, it occurs quite often. With dysbacteriosis, digestion suffers the most. Since the food in the intestines is first broken down by bacteria, and only then absorbed into the blood. Without the help of microorganisms, the body simply cannot absorb many nutrients; it perceives them as foreign and rejects them. Therefore, nausea, vomiting, loose stools appear.

With intestinal dysbacteriosis, four stages of violations of the bacterial composition of the intestine can be distinguished:

  1. A slight increase in the concentration of pathogenic flora and a decrease in the number of obligate bacteria. Symptoms are usually absent.
  2. Critical decrease in the concentration of beneficial microflora, the rapid growth of pathogenic flora. This stage often presents with symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, and flatulence.
  3. Active reproduction of pathogens, inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.
  4. General depletion of the body, beriberi, obligate microflora is almost completely replaced by pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic fungi/bacteria.

Also, the following forms of dysbacteriosis can be distinguished downstream:

  1. Latent (compensated)- a latent course that does not lead to changes in the human condition.
  2. Subcompensated- the appearance of the first signs of disruption of the intestines due to local inflammatory phenomena.
  3. Decompensated- a drop in the body's resistance, covering the pathological processes of the large and small intestines.

The division into stages is very arbitrary, the disease is judged by its actual manifestations. The most characteristic symptoms of dysbacteriosis today are metabolic disorders, body heat supply, low energy supply of the colon epithelium, reduced synthesis of vitamins B12, pantothenic acid, as well as a decrease in antiviral, antitumor protection and local immunity.


To figure out how to treat intestinal dysbacteriosis, it is necessary not only to diagnose the symptom, but also to determine the cause of its development in adults. Therefore, after collecting anamnesis and finding out the possible causes of dysfunction of the intestinal microflora, the gastroenterologist prescribes a complete examination of the digestive tract, and in the case of a chronic course of dysbacteriosis, the immune system.

From laboratory diagnostic methods are used:

  • bacteriological culture of feces, culture for dysbacteriosis;
  • microscopic examination of feces;
  • coprogram;
  • examination of scrapings from the intestinal wall.

Determination of the ratio of microorganisms is carried out by sowing feces on a special nutrient medium that is favorable for the reproduction of bacteria. A few days later, the microflora is examined in detail under a microscope, after which the number of bacteria in one gram of the material is counted.

Unlike bacteriological research, biochemical analysis for dysbacteriosis is performed more quickly and simplified. The method is based on the detection of a spectrum of fatty acids that are the product of vital activity of microorganisms. A biochemical study allows you to determine not only the imbalance of the intestinal microflora, but also the specific section of the gastrointestinal tract, where the violations manifested themselves, as well as the stage of the disease.

Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults

The treatment regimen largely depends on the cause of the development of intestinal dysbacteriosis. However, therapy in adults should always be comprehensive and include all specific activities:

  • fight against excessive bacterial contamination of the small intestine;
  • improvement of intestinal absorption and digestion processes;
  • stimulation of the general reactivity of the body (increased immunity);
  • restoration of normal intestinal motility;
  • elimination of the imbalance of microorganisms in the colon.

It is also recommended to adhere to a strict diet that excludes foods that increase gas formation and contain coarse fiber. At least 4 times a week, and preferably daily, you should eat fermented milk products. Preference should be given to those that are additionally enriched with beneficial lactic acid bacteria.

Drug therapy

Drug treatment of dysbacteriosis in adults is aimed at eliminating its symptoms, restoring normal intestinal microflora and correcting the immune status. Drugs for the treatment of dysbacteriosis in each case should be prescribed by a doctor.

Symptomatic therapy includes taking antispasmodics (papaverine, drotaverine), antidiarrheal and laxatives (loperamide, lactulose, forlax). According to the indications, it is possible to take choleretic (legalon, choleretic fees) and enzyme (pancreatin, festal, mezim) preparations.

When using complex therapy to suppress pathogenic microflora, the following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Antibacterial drugs. With intestinal dysbacteriosis, they are prescribed exclusively for an established form of the disease. At the same time, it is very important to take into account the spectrum of sensitivity of the microorganism to antibiotics.
  2. Preparations from the group of bacteriophages are viruses that can enter the bacterial cell and gradually dissolve it.
  3. Preparations from the group of intestinal antiseptics. Fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin), nitrofurans (furazolidone, nifuroxazide) can be used.
  4. containing live bacteria.
  5. Prebiotics - substances that stimulate the development of normal microflora and inhibit the reproduction of pathogenic (lactulose, galactose);
  6. Herbal antiseptics are active against staphylococci. An alcohol solution of Chlorophyllipt is used, which is previously diluted in water.
  7. Immunomodulators- to raise local and general immunity and accelerate the process of restoring normal intestinal microflora (dibazole, echinacea tincture).
  8. Multivitamin complexes to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins A, D, E (decamevit, multitabs).

Undoubtedly, the main therapeutic measures for intestinal dysbacteriosis should be aimed at the underlying disease that caused the changes in the microbial landscape. Otherwise, all efforts will be ineffective, and short-term improvement will be replaced by the resumption of symptoms.


Probiotics are preparations for the effective treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis, they contain microorganisms that have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. In order for the microorganism to pass through the upper parts of the digestive tract with minimal losses, it is placed in an acid-sensitive capsule.

All probiotics can be divided into several groups:

  1. Monocomponent. They consist of one type of bacteria - bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, colibacteria - Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin, Colibacterin.
  2. Polycomponent. They contain several types of bacteria, colibacteria, bifidumbacteria, lactobacilli - these are Linex, Bifiform, Bifikol.
  3. Combined. They contain symbiotic communities of the main bacteria and strains that are immune to most antibiotics in combination with a nutrient medium and immunoglobulin complexes. Linex, Rioflora immuno, Bifikol.
  4. Synbiotics. These drugs are produced with a competent combination of pre- and probiotics, forming ready-made complex drugs, for example, Bifidobak, Maltodofilus, Laminolact.
  5. Antagonists. Probiotics can conditionally include antagonists, these are microorganisms that can also suppress the development of opportunistic flora, they include such antidiarrheal drugs as Enterol, Bactisporin, Bactisubtil.

It should be understood that in severe forms of dysbacteriosis, the use of probiotics and prebiotics alone is not enough, additional use of antibacterial agents, intestinal antiseptics is also necessary.


Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that promote health by stimulating the activity or growth of certain groups of bacteria that live in the colon. Prebiotics are processed by digestive enzymes and are not absorbed in the upper digestive tract. Prebiotics not only improve the metabolic activity of the natural microflora, but also inhibit the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, the body does not reject them.

Effective prebiotics include:

  • Indigestible disaccharides- these are Lactulose (Normaze, Duphalac, Goodluck, Prelax, Lactusan), Lactitol (Exportal), gastrointestinal tract transit prebiotic (it includes fructooligosaccharides, extracts of artichoke, lemon and green tea), lactic acids - Hilak forte.

Also, prebiotics are found in dairy products, corn flakes, cereals, bread, onions, field chicory, garlic, beans, peas, artichokes, asparagus, bananas and many other products. Their properties are most pronounced in fructose-oligosaccharides (FOS), inulin, galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), lactulose, lactitol.

Antibacterial drugs

Broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed in cases where an excess of pathogenic microflora in the intestine has caused malabsorption and led to digestive disorders, as well as in the development of infectious inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the most severe cases, preference is given to antibiotics from the tetracycline series, penicillins, cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones. In milder situations, a specialist may prescribe antimicrobial agents that have a bactericidal effect in the intestinal lumen (Furazolidone).

The standard course of such therapy does not exceed 7-10 days. After completing the intake of antibiotics or antimicrobials, adults are recommended to take sorbents (Enterosgel, Polyphepan) to cleanse the intestines from dead bacteria and their metabolic products.

In the treatment of dysbacteriosis caused by taking antibiotics, the main principle is the prevention of dysbacteriosis - the rational use of antibiotics: in no case should you drink them unreasonably.


At home, there are several effective ways to treat intestinal dysbiosis in adults with the help of diets. Food should be balanced, with the maximum amount of essential trace elements. More healthy and nutritious foods, less "forbidden" foods, convenience foods, confectionery and fast food products.

From the menu will have to be excluded:

  • alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • pickled and canned foods;
  • fatty meats;
  • fried food;
  • fatty and concentrated broths and soups based on them;
  • sand dough products;
  • potato;
  • pasta;
  • refined sugar;
  • mushrooms.

In addition, it is necessary to eliminate drinks and foods, gas-promoting:

  • white cereals (from semolina, rice);
  • muffin;
  • White bread;
  • whole milk;
  • sweets;
  • grape;
  • turnip;
  • bananas;
  • sweet apples;
  • gas-containing drinks (including mineral waters, sparkling wines), etc.

With the help of a well-chosen diet, intestinal motility is normalized. And, of course, we must remember that the therapeutic diet will require many restrictions, and be prepared for the fact that there are much more “no” than “possible” in it.


Preventive measures, as a rule, are aimed at eliminating the causes of dysbacteriosis. Therefore, they are:

  • rational antibiotic therapy (many doctors advise taking prebiotics along with antibiotics);
  • healthy eating;
  • normalization of the rest regime, psycho-emotional stress and work;
  • timely detection and treatment of digestive ailments;
  • epidemiological measures in infectious foci.

Also remember that the treatment of dysbacteriosis is effective and does not drag on for many months, you need to start it when the first symptoms occur. Don't ignore the warning signs: if you're having troublesome gastrointestinal symptoms and changing your diet to a healthier diet isn't helping much, it's best to visit a gastroenterologist.

There is no consensus on the causes of dysbacteriosis, however, doctors noted a number of negative factors that directly provoke the development of this pathological condition.

  1. Any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Taking medications, especially antibiotics.
  3. Hormone therapy, as well as long-term use of anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs.
  4. Chemo- and radiation therapy.
  5. Wrong, poorly balanced diet.
  6. Strong stress.
  7. Age-related physiological changes.
  8. Respiratory viral diseases.
  9. Frequent use of preservatives, poor-quality water, living in a territory with a poor environmental background.
  10. Intestinal infections.
  11. Severe physical or mental strain.

Symptoms and first signs of dysbacteriosis

The main symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in adults include:

Symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract

  1. Diarrhea, constipation, and alternation of these conditions.
  2. A significant change in the structure of feces - from a cork-type substance to a porridge-like substance with an admixture of stool. Also, stool with bisbacteriosis has a sour / putrid odor.
  3. Aching or dull regular pain in the abdomen.
  4. , vomiting and nausea.
  5. Essential.
  6. Incomplete bowel movement.
  7. , burp.

General signs

  1. Sleep disorders.
  2. Weakness and fatigue.
  3. Headache.

Allergic manifestations

  1. Eruptions on the skin.
  2. Feeling of itching on the mucous membranes and epithelium.


  1. Dryness of mucous membranes and skin
  2. Seizure formation.

The above symptomatology is not typical for absolutely every patient and manifests itself individually - some people do not feel discomfort at all, in the vast majority, dysbacteriosis manifests itself in the form of constipation / diarrhea, in some patients all groups of symptoms are detected.

The main stages of the disease

  1. A slight increase in the concentration of pathogenic flora and a decrease in the number of obligate bacteria. Symptoms are usually absent.
  2. A critical decrease in the concentration of beneficial microflora, the rapid growth of pathogenic flora. This stage often presents with symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, and flatulence.
  3. Active reproduction of pathogens, inflammation of the mucous walls of the intestine.
  4. General depletion of the body, beriberi, obligate microflora is almost completely replaced by pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic fungi/bacteria.


The main diagnostic method for determining dysbacteriosis is microbiological and coprological, PCR diagnostics, CMS and biochemical examination of microbial metabolites, a breath test, as well as a complete clinical examination of the patient.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis in adults

Medical treatment

The main stages of treatment:

  1. Eliminating the cause of the problem is most often an infectious disease, poisoning, or taking specific medications. In this case, at this stage, the doctor prescribes treatment strictly individually.
  2. Sorbents - pepidol, polypefan, activated carbon.
  3. The use of broad spectrum probiotics / prebiotics - Linex, Probiform, Bifidumbacterin Forte, Bifiform, Hilak Forte
  4. Intestinal and gastric enzymes for the normalization of digestive and splitting reactions - Mezim Forte, Pancreatin Forte, Hofitol, Festal, Enzibene, Gastrofarm.
  5. Elimination of dyspepsia and malabsorption in the event of their symptoms - gastric juice.
  6. Use of stimulants or antiperistaltics (corresponding to the symptoms of "constipation" or "diarrhea") - Trimedat or Immudon
  7. Drugs that suppress the reproduction of pathogenic flora - Nystatin, Levorin, Pimafucin, Amphotericin B.
  8. Vitamins and immunomodulators.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine knows hundreds of recipes for the treatment of dysbacteriosis, but before using them, you must always consult with your doctor.

The most famous and effective of the recipes:

  1. Take a glass of milk, 300 grams of Jerusalem artichoke, one tablespoon of flour and butter, as well as salt and herbs to taste. Peel the roots, finely chop them, put in boiling milk, previously diluted with water 50 to 50 and cook over low heat for about fifteen minutes. Pour the milk into another bowl, bring to a boil again, and add the flour sautéed with butter there, then simmer until thickened (similar to white sauce). Let the ingredients cool, then pour the prepared Jerusalem artichoke with sauce, garnish with herbs and eat.
  2. Take two parts of plantain, peppermint, chamomile, as well as one part of burdock seeds and St. John's wort. One tablespoon of this mixture, pour ½ liter of boiling water, let it brew for thirty minutes. Strain the resulting infusion and drink a glass three times a day.
  3. Brew a tablespoon of Potentilla in a glass of boiling water, boil the ingredient for fifteen minutes over low heat and let it brew for a day. Drink a third of a glass three times a day.
  4. Garlic helps a lot against bisbacteriosis - it must be consumed daily, one clove of garlic ½ hour before meals, washed down with a fermented milk product. Before going to bed, consume three cloves of garlic, immediately after dinner.

Diet for dysbacteriosis

Nutrition for dysbacteriosis should be clearly balanced - definitely exclude from the diet any foods that activate the increased formation of gases in the intestines - these are melons, grapes, cabbage, beans, beets, peas, coarse breads, soybeans, carbonated water, fermentation products, alcohol. Limit your consumption of apples.

You can eat sour-milk products, carrots, boiled meat, gray bread, various yogurts, eggs, herbs, onions, fresh berries, as well as other products that are not directly prohibited in limited quantities. It is advisable to eat fractional small portions, 5-7 times a day, evenly distributing the diet and not overeating.

Useful video

Elena Malysheva in the program "Life is great!" about the intestines

In a healthy human gastrointestinal tract, a huge number of beneficial microorganisms safely coexist. They help in the digestion of food and fight harmful bacteria.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis is a change in the qualitative and quantitative content of microflora, which leads to many different reasons. As a rule, there is a significant decrease in the population of lacto- and bifidobacteria. Without them, a person cannot digest food normally. In addition, this leads to a decrease in the resistance of the gastrointestinal tract to harmful microorganisms. The latter in this situation begin to actively increase their population.

Causes of violations

The death of beneficial microflora occurs in the following cases:

The most common causes:

  • bad eating habits;
  • the use of antibiotics;
  • chronic and acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • excessive drinking;
  • susceptibility to respiratory infections;
  • severe stress;
  • treatment with hormonal drugs;
  • undergoing chemotherapy;
  • age-related changes.

Manifestations of intestinal dysbacteriosis

The lack of useful microflora leads to the same consequences in both children and adults. External manifestations of pathology are as follows:

  • regular belching;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • heartburn is often observed;
  • flatulence;
  • stool problems;
  • characteristic taste and bad breath;
  • painful stomach;
  • the occurrence of allergies to previously harmless products;
  • temperature increase.

As a result of the occurrence of dysbacteriosis, the body begins to receive less nutrients, which leads to a violation of many functions. They are simply rejected, and this leads to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

A healthy gut is the key to good health. If you do not get rid of dysbacteriosis in time, a person's immunity is noticeably reduced, he easily gets sick with a cold, etc. In order to determine the cause of dysbacteriosis, you should consult a doctor and take tests. Only after that will treatment be prescribed.

Depending on the cause, the specialist may prescribe different types of drugs that will help get rid of the problem. For minor intestinal disorders, prebiotics will be effective. In fact, they are naturally found in dairy products and various cereals. They are food for microflora. A lot of them contain corn, wheat. A large number of prebiotics are found in garlic, onions, chicory.

Another method of therapy is the use of drugs that have live microorganisms in their composition - probiotics. They are able to repopulate the intestines and eliminate dysbacteriosis.

In more severe cases, antiseptic drugs can be prescribed that selectively fight pathogenic microbes, but do not interfere with the beneficial ones to function and multiply normally.

In some cases, treatment is with antibiotics. Usually they are resorted to when the cause of dysbacteriosis is precisely known.

In a situation where the intestines do not function properly, a person has problems with immunity. Here it will be useful to take an immunostimulating course. This will get rid of frequent respiratory diseases. These drugs are based on medicinal plants such as echinacea, ginseng, lemongrass. Propolis will also be effective.

Often, dysbacteriosis is accompanied by pronounced symptoms. Therefore, drugs that relieve the negative manifestations of the disease will be able to significantly make life easier for the patient.

Folk remedies can also help

If dysbacteriosis is treated in children, they should be helped with medicinal herbs. Normalize bowel decoctions from:

  • hypericum;
  • mint;
  • plantain;
  • chamomile.

The recipe for preparing decoctions that help to improve the functioning of the intestines is simple - you need to insist two tablespoons of herbs on half a liter of boiling water for 30 minutes and give them to the child instead of tea. Herbal decoctions will also help adults.

The ground pear, or Jerusalem artichoke, is considered very useful in the treatment of intestinal disorders. It should be boiled and eaten as a main dish at least once a day. Regular consumption of Jerusalem artichoke can significantly speed up recovery.

Just one clove of garlic can help with putrefactive processes in the intestines associated with the inability to digest carbohydrates. It will need to be consumed before meals.

Nevertheless, folk remedies that help solve the problem of dysbacteriosis should also be treated with caution - many of them are actually just as effective as the products of pharmacological companies. It is important to consult a specialist and take the folk remedies recommended by him.

In order to restore the microflora, you must use the following recipe - in 500 milligrams of heated, but not hot water, dissolve a tablespoon of bee honey and granulated sugar. The mixture must be infused for several hours in a warm place. The solution will begin to ferment a little. Then all the liquid must be drunk in one go. After that, for at least three hours, you should refrain from eating. This tool will not only help in the treatment of dysbacteriosis, but will also be an excellent preventive measure.

Curd whey is also considered an excellent folk remedy in the fight against dysbacteriosis. It can also be obtained at home. For a liter of milk, you need to take a tablespoon of kefir, and after mixing everything in a saucepan, put it on a slow fire. After some time, the milk will curdle. It is poured into a colander lined with two layers of gauze. The serum will drain after a few minutes and can be used. It is best to drink it warm and on an empty stomach.

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