The best drugs to reduce bilirubin. Lowering the level of bilirubin with drugs and folk remedies. Diet with increased bilirubin in the blood - what is possible and what is not

You will need

  • - tincture of aralia;
  • - tincture of ginseng;
  • - lemongrass tincture;
  • - Leuzea extract;
  • - a decoction of rose hips;
  • - a decoction of corn stigmas.


The level of bilirubin in the blood, which exceeds 17.1 µmol / l, is considered pathological and adversely affects the well-being. The first sign of this is yellowing of the sclera of the eyes and skin, darkening of the urine. Other symptoms include nausea, headache, dizziness, fatigue, itching, pain in the right hypochondrium after exercise or eating, pain in the abdomen. If you notice such signs, immediately contact your doctor, who will prescribe tests to establish an accurate and competently draw up a treatment regimen.

Eliminate the root cause of the increase in bilirubin levels, without which it will be impossible to lower it. Most often, such a pigment increases in the blood and urine in violation of the outflow of bile into the intestines, jaundice, liver damage. different nature, including congenital or acquired anemia, Gilbert's syndrome and hereditary deficiency of liver enzymes. Some drugs also increase the level of bilirubin, for example, certain types antibiotics, Flurashepam, Deazelam, Phenytoin, etc.

Take the medications prescribed by your doctor based on your test results. So, to maintain liver function, hepatoprotectors are usually prescribed in the first place: Karsil, LIV52, Essentiale Forte, milk thistle extract. To reduce bilirubin, doctors recommend taking from 0.05 to 0.2 grams of Phenobarbetal and Zixorin per day. The duration of taking these drugs is 14-28 days. To improve digestion and gastric motility, prescribe enzyme preparations: "Festal", "Mezim", "Pancreatin". They are drunk 1-2 minutes before meals, during or after meals three times a day. If a high level bilirubin associated with immune disorders or infections, the patient is also prescribed a course of antiviral, anti-inflammatory or immunomodulatory drugs. In case of intoxication, it is necessary to take sorbents and antioxidants. To cleanse the body of a large number pigment and its degradation products, especially in severe cases showing intravenous effects of glucose.

Follow a strict diet, as it is important for a successful decrease in bilirubin A complex approach. Drink more plain water, forget about juices and sweet soda. Give up everything fatty, spicy, fried. It is strictly forbidden. Under no circumstances elevated bilirubin you can not eat marinades, pickles, so as not to injure the kidneys and digestive system. Limit your salt intake. Eat often, but in small portions. Replace black bread with gray, from wholemeal flour, eat cereals for food: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, but not wheat. You can't run them with anything. Drink any compotes and fruit drinks, except for cranberry. Categorically coffee, also limit the use of black tea, preferring herbal tea. At the same time, in no case do not starve and do not adhere to any other diets.

After consultation with your doctor, take decoctions of herbs several times a day: St. John's wort, mint, oak bark, rose hips. Also, when diagnosing problems with the outflow of bile, drugs such as tincture of aralia, ginseng, lemongrass, leuzea extract, motherwort are prescribed. Simply steep a couple of teaspoons of chopped herb in a glass of boiling water, cover, let steep, then strain and take half an hour before and between meals.

Patients suffering from biliary dyskinesia with the formation of stones are recommended to take the drug Ursosan, which has the ability to remove small stones from the bile ducts. Before buying a medicine, consult a doctor who will determine if there are any contraindications for taking it, calculate the right dosage.

Watch your lifestyle. Apart from drug treatment and compliance strict diet it is recommended to limit excessive physical activity, but at the same time do not forget about light daily gymnastics and walks on fresh air. Maintain your immunity to prevent the development of viral and infectious diseases. Avoid as much as possible stressful situations and nervous breakdowns, which also provide Negative influence to the work of internal organs.

Forget about using any alcoholic beverages, which are not only strictly contraindicated when taking medicines, but also destroy the already affected liver, which has long been a proven fact. Quit smoking and others bad habits.

Reducing the level of bilirubin in the body should be carried out only under the strict supervision of a physician. At prolonged absence effect of the treatment listed above and with acute currents disease shown surgical intervention. However, even with the improvement and stabilization of the condition, do not forget to control your diet and tests.


Elevated bilirubin often occurs in newborn babies. This may be due to the appearance of any pathology, for example, underdevelopment of the bile ducts. However, usually a small jaundice - normal condition in infants and resolves within the first two weeks of a baby's life. However, this cannot be ignored.

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Biliary dyskinesia ways(JVP) is an incomplete, untimely or excessive contraction of the muscles of the biliary sphincters ways or gallbladder, which in turn leads to a violation of the outflow of bile. There are the following variants (types) of JVP: hypertonic and hypotonic; hyperkinetic and hypokinetic.


Treatment of JVP it is necessary to start with the normalization of nutrition, rest and work. In the hypertensive variant, it is recommended with the exception of spicy, fried foods, various seasonings, smoked meats,. Eating is carried out in small portions, often. With the hypokinetic type of JVP, the diet is somewhat.

From the first days, a correction is carried out from the side of the vegetative nervous system sick. At hypertonic type JVP must be appointed sedatives: infusion of valerian, motherwort, bromides. hypotonic type JVP is recommended to take tonic drugs: tincture of ginseng, extract of eleutherococcus, leuzea, magnolia vine, aralia.

At pain syndrome antispasmodics are prescribed, it is also possible to collect medicinal herbs that have sedative effect. With a severe pain syndrome, it is necessary to spend in a hospital for two weeks, and then in a specialized local sanatorium. To get rid of bile, duodenal sounding. In the presence of intrahepatic cholestasis, tubage is recommended with a frequency of up to 2 times a week. At the same time, tonic, cholekinetics and choleretics are used. Choleretics are not prescribed for elevated ALT or liver enzyme.

In the hypertensive type of DZHVP, nicodine, oxafenamide, mineral water weak mineralization (Smirnovskaya, Slavyanovskaya, Narzan, Essentuki 20.4 heated or hot 5 times a day). Peppermint, chamomile flowers, licorice root, motherwort herb, rose hips, valerian root are used for herbal medicine. In the hypotonic type, magnesium sulfate, flamin, pancreozymin, cholecystokinin, mineral waters of high mineralization (Arzni, Essentuki 17, etc., slightly heated or room temperature 30 minutes before meals). From the means of herbal medicine used: immortelle flowers, chamomile, corn silk, nettle leaves, St. John's wort, rose hips.

With the hyperkinetic type of DZHVP, antispasmodic drugs a short course, preparations of magnesium and potassium, mineral waters of weak mineralization in a heated form 5 times a day. Medicinal herbs: licorice root, peppermint, chamomile flowers, valerian root, dill fruit. In the hypokinetic type, it is recommended to take sorbitol, xylitol, cholecystokinin, magnesium sulfate, as well as to take mineral waters of high salinity slightly warmed up or at room temperature 30 minutes before meals. Phytotherapy as in the hypotonic type.
When identifying helminthic invasion, giardiasis, anthelmintic therapy (pyrantel, vermox and other drugs) is mandatory.

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Bilirubin is a red bile pigment yellow color which is a breakdown product of hemoglobin. The breakdown process is carried out by reticuloendothelial cells located in the liver, spleen and bone marrow. Bound and thus rendered harmless by other substances, it is excreted by the liver as part of bile and leaves the body with feces, and it is precisely the presence that explains its dark color.


In blood serum, bilirubin is present in two fractions: direct and indirect, bound and unbound. Together they make up total bilirubin. Immediately after the breakdown of hemoglobin, indirect, free bilirubin is formed, which is very toxic to the body (and especially to the central nervous system). It then binds in the liver and into direct, conjugated bilirubin, which is less toxic and prepared for excretion from the body.

The blood normally contains a small amount of bilirubin, reflecting the processes of formation and excretion of this substance. The concentration should be in the range of 5.1-17.0 µmol / liter, direct - no more than 1.0-5.1 µmol / liter. Indicators normal values may vary from laboratory to laboratory.

A pathological increase in the level of bilirubin leads to the development of jaundice, which is characterized by yellowing of the skin, sclera and mucous membranes. At the same time, an increase to 85 µmol/liter indicates mild form jaundice, 86-169 - moderate, over 170 - severe.

An increase in the level of bilirubin is caused by three main reasons: increased or accelerated destruction of red blood cells, a violation of the processing of bilirubin in the liver, and a violation of bile. Hemolytic, which can be congenital or acquired, most often leads to increased destruction of red blood cells. At the same time, indirect bilirubin rises.

In the liver - hepatitis, cancer and others - indirect bilirubin cannot be neutralized by liver cells. The exchange of bilirubin is also disturbed with a hereditary deficiency of glucuronyl transferase, a liver enzyme. In violation of the outflow of bile from the liver or bladder, possible with cholelithiasis, pancreatic or gallbladder cancer, elevated bilirubin is also detected.

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In the first week of life, newborns often experience physiological jaundice, since at this time there is an active destruction of fetal hemoglobin, and the conjugating system has not yet fully formed.

Advice 4: How to eat with biliary dyskinesia

Biliary dyskinesia is a disorder of the gallbladder function associated with violations of the constant outflow of secretions. It can be manifested by stagnation of bile, slowed down or accelerated its excretion. To normalize the function of this internal organ, must be observed special diet.

What foods can not be eaten with biliary dyskinesia

Biliary dyskinesia does not pose a threat to, but significantly reduces its quality and creates conditions for the appearance of more serious violations. This may be due to malnutrition, overweight, which appeared as a result of the use of large quantities of simple refined carbohydrates and animal fats.

Dyskinetic disorders are exacerbated by coffee, strong tea, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, so you should exclude them from the diet or drastically reduce their use.

Therefore, with dyskinesia, it is recommended to exclude or drastically limit the use of following products: sugar, confectionery, fatty varieties meat, pork, beef, lamb fat, goose, duck, oily fish, sour cream, butter. Sharp spices (horseradish, pepper, mustard), fast food, ice cream, chocolate, nuts, mushrooms, legumes, all broths, pickles and smoked meats should be excluded from the diet (since its dense shells are digested). The use of manna and rice groats need to be limited. You can not eat fried foods, boil, steam or bake foods. Dishes should not be too cold or too hot.

What to include in a diet for biliary dyskinesia

Patients with biliary dyskinesia will benefit from cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal) - they contain complex carbohydrates and alimentary fiber. It is necessary to include in the diet any fruits and (except for radishes, radishes, onions, garlic), it is advisable to eat dishes from them during the day. At accelerated withdrawal bile to reduce tone smooth muscle you need to eat foods rich in magnesium (buckwheat and wheat cereals, bran or grain bread, vegetables).

From sweets, honey, marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallow, caramel, jam are allowed.

Be sure to eat beets, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, tomatoes, colored and Brussels sprouts. Some patients do not tolerate rough, so they are not recommended to use white cabbage a lot. The menu should include vegetarian soups, milk cereal soups, lean varieties meat, poultry, fish, low-fat dairy and dairy products, steam omelette, soft-boiled eggs, vegetable oil, white stale bread, biscuits, dry biscuits, ripe sweet fruits, weak tea, dried fruit compotes, juices diluted with water.

Bilirubin is formed in the liver during hemolysis (destruction of old red blood cells). It is a yellow pigment that gives urine its characteristic color. Normally, it is contained in the urine in very small quantities, so the reagents do not detect it. With the development of pathologies, the concentration of bilirubin increases.

How is bilirubin detected in urine

In human blood there are red bodies - erythrocytes, some of which dies off all the time and is replaced by new cells. When they break down, they release hemoglobin, which breaks down into heme molecules and globin chains. Heme is exposed to enzymes and converted into indirect bilirubin, which is fat soluble. toxic substance. Indirect bilirubin in the liver turns into direct (water-soluble), then it is simultaneously excreted into the bile. duodenum. In case of impaired function, direct bilirubin is thrown into the blood from bile, enters the kidneys and is found in the urine. The indirect fraction cannot penetrate them, since it is not water soluble.

Bilirubin in the urine is detected by several methods: the Rosin test and the Fouche test. When conducting a Rosin test, 2-3 ml of urine is layered alcohol solution iodine (1%). If a green ring appears at the border of two fluids, this means that bilirubin is elevated in the urine. The Fouche test is performed using a solution of "Barium Chloride" (15%). It is added to urine, mixed and passed through a filter. Fouche's reagent is then dropped onto the filter. The appearance of green crystals indicates the presence of bilirubin in the urine.

Causes of increased bilirubin in the urine

The appearance of bilirubin in the urine (bilirubinuria) is a symptom of liver dysfunction. In particular, this happens when obstructive jaundice when the duct narrows, through which bile is excreted into small intestine. The reason for this is usually inflammation of the pancreas. Bilirubin in the urine rises due to inflammation of the liver (hepatitis) of a bacterial, viral or toxic nature, due to cirrhosis, trauma, liver metastases. In these cases, urinalysis reveals only direct bilirubin, which has entered the bloodstream and kidneys. Its content in the blood is also above the norm. There are disorders in which there is an excess of not direct bilirubin(for example, when hemolytic anemia), in which case a blood test shows it, but a urinalysis does not.

A symptom of bilirubinuria is jaundice: in a patient, the sclera of the eyes, mucous membranes and skin become yellowish. This is visible to the naked eye. Liver diseases are also accompanied by heaviness in the hypochondrium, fever, nausea, bitter belching. Urine becomes dark in color, and stool becomes light. Itching of the skin appears, sometimes observed hepatic colic. If one or more symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, as bilirubinuria is a sign of a serious one. Depending on the root cause of the increase in bilirubin in the urine, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

A person whose sclera of the eyes turned yellow, the therapist must send for analysis blood. But if, and his skin has acquired a yellowish-gray color, we are talking about inpatient examination and the beginning of treatment even before the first test results are received.

After all similar sign- the clearest evidence that the blood has accumulated very a large amount of bilirubin formed as a result of the breakdown of hemoglobin and red blood cells. At normal operation liver, biliary system, the product of the breakdown of blood cells that poisons the body is neutralized in the liver and excreted from the body with bile.

However, even a small failure is enough for bilirubin to begin to accumulate, posing as changes in the skin and mucous membranes. Raise total bilirubin in the blood can occur not only with liver diseases, but also due to the large number of deaths as a result of poisoning with poisons or erythrocyte disease.

Direct bilirubin is very toxic, insoluble in water, it interacts well with fats and can penetrate into any cells, indirect bilirubin, already neutralized in the liver, will dissolve in water and is normally excreted with bile.

Total bilirubin level obtained by summing the direct and indirect. Each of the values ​​is important for making the correct diagnosis.

Bilirubin, accumulating in the blood, requires the attention of specialists. If this happened for the first time, it is imperative to find out the cause of the increased pigment formation.

it may be caused:

  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • disturbances in the work of the gallbladder, slowing down or stopping the excretion of bile;
  • taking large amounts of certain drugs.

Sometimes a problem lies in heredity.

Having found out the reasons, only a doctor can prescribe medications, recommend a course of treatment that must be followed. Indeed, among the consequences of an increase in bilirubin in the blood, there can be serious poisoning, irreversibly disrupting the liver, causing oncological diseases, pancreatitis, cholecystitis with a life-threatening course.

If a person knows about the diseases he has that could cause high bilirubin in blood, then surely he realizes how important it is to quickly reduce his level. It is better to talk about methods for improving blood composition with the doctor observing the patient in advance. Sometimes the situation develops in such a way that it is simply not possible to get to the hospital, and the jaundice in a person has become more noticeable and urgent measures must be taken.

Physicians are required give recommendations to chronic patients on how to act in such situations, if it is not necessary to urgently hospitalize the patient, but bilirubin must be reduced. Continuing the appointed ambulatory treatment, you can remove jaundice with the help of medicines prescribed by doctors.

If the problem is in violation of the outflow of bile, help choleretic drugs, for example, Allochol. Doctors also prescribe Karsil, Essentiale Forte, which normalize the liver.

Among the medicines who help quickly, and Phenobarbital with Zaxorin, but it is dangerous to take them on your own, you can start the course described in detail in the instructions only after a doctor's recommendation.

Normalize well-being and improve the content of bilirubin will help Pancreatin, Cholenzim or Festal.

Sometimes doctors advise to clean the biliary tract and prescribe Ursosan. Can help plentiful drink and diuretics.

For infections and inflammation prescribe antibiotics, antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs, products containing enzymes that are not enough for the body.

However, without a doctor's prescription, any of these drugs can turn out to be poison, cause many complications, and in case of cholelithiasis, provoke acute attack when urgent surgery is required.

How can folk remedies help?

To reduce bilirubin people who suffer chronic diseases and are regularly forced to “help” the body to control the pigment of the blood, they use the well-known activated carbon and other absorbents that bind these cells and help remove them.

It is believed that the sun has a good effect on bilirubin: a quarter of an hour sunbathing daily, but very carefully to avoid burns, help to normalize the blood. Can be used lamps with ultraviolet radiation , in strict accordance with the instructions and with careful observance of the procedure time, this is useful even for babies suffering from neonatal jaundice. Useful and walking in cloudy weather, when sunlight scattered and unable to burn.

Children, pregnant women First of all, a remedy such as mineral water is suitable. However, no one should neglect their intake: Essentuki, Borjomi and others, properly selected for the body, help to avoid exacerbations of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Be sure to pay attention to what source the water is from, because each of them is useful for certain diseases stomach, intestines, liver and pancreas.

Decoctions and infusions

  • Grind dried chamomile flowers, mint leaves, take 1 tbsp. and brew 1 tbsp boiling water. Insist 1 hour. Drink 2 times a day for half a glass.
  • Shredded dry motherwort pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave for 1 hour. It is also drunk 2 times a day.
  • Brew 1 tbsp. chopped oak bark 1 tbsp. boiling water, let cool. Take 3 times a day, but not more than 1 tbsp. per day.
  • You can also insist St. John's wort, calendula, wild rose, birch leaves, mix these herbs and drink several times a day.
  • Milk thistle and tansy are indispensable for high levels of bilirubin, they not only improve liver function, but also help normalize the outflow of bile, so decoctions of these herbs should be taken constantly, but not more than 1 tbsp per day, dividing the intake into 2 or 3 parts.

These plants will help not only normalize bilirubin levels, they cleanse the liver, bile ducts, have a beneficial effect on many organs of the gastrointestinal tract, and are rich in vitamins. Diet is prerequisite for the treatment of diseases associated with increased levels of bilirubin in the blood.

Needed without starvation. Physical exercise should be commensurate with the capabilities of the body, no excessive training, only gentle exercises. We must try not to subject the immune system to additional tests, any infection can provoke an exacerbation. Stress and nervous strain can worsen the situation.

From the diet should be excluded fried, pickled, salty, spicy, giving preference to dishes sparing the liver.

Coffee, radishes, mushrooms, citrus fruits, products that contain acid or baking powder are prohibited.

Dairy products are very useful egg white, mineral waters, poultry meat, vegetable side dishes and broths, pureed soups. Rice, oatmeal and buckwheat - best friends and the liver and pancreas. Their use, among other things, helps to burn excess fat, normalizes glucose levels, and helps to cope with excess weight.

Bilirubin level in adults

Not only herbs and medicines will help reduce bilirubin for adults, but also compliance with the most simple rules. Need to exclude:

  • coffee, salt, which increase direct bilirubin;
  • alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • black bread (it is better to eat bran).

drink more pure water, this will help to reduce the level of pigment. Seafood, boiled fish with cereals will unload the liver. Compotes and juices (beetroot, carrot and cabbage) will replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals, renew the blood.

no alcohol and healthy lifestyle life will help restore health. It is best not to test the body if there were problems with bilirubin, not to expose it, so as not to provoke the development and exacerbation of life-threatening diseases, undergo examinations on time and take all the drugs prescribed by doctors, follow the recommendations.

Bilirubin is a yellow hemoglobin fiery pigment. Bilirubin is released as a result of the decomposition of erythrocytes, which has ceased its activity in the body, and is also released after the destruction of myoglobin, cytochromes.

Breakdown of red blood cells

The vast majority of erythrocytes breaks down in the spleen, liver and bone marrow. During the day, one hundredth of the erythrocytes decays. They contain hemoglobin, from which about 300 ml of a pigment called bilirubin is produced. Bilirubin is part of the blood, but its concentration should not be more acceptable level. At the moment, the bilirubin pigment and its features, as well as all the causes of bilirubin metabolism failures, have been carefully studied and described in detail by specialists.

Jaundice - main symptom elevated levels of bilirubin (hyperbilirubinemia), therefore, as a rule, diagnosis does not have any particular difficulties.

Permissible value of bilirubin in the blood:

  • For a newborn child, the norm of bilirubin does not exceed 150 μmol / l.
  • For a child, the norm will be 15.4 micromol / l
  • In an adult, the norm is 4.6-20 micromol / l.

There are a lot of reasons for an increased amount of bilirubin in the blood, but almost all of them are associated with impaired liver function. You should first identify the cause of bilirubin in the blood, since in some cases the content of this pigment can exceed the norm ten times, which is serious danger for the life and health of the patient and he needs urgent medical care.

Main reasons high content bilirubin in the blood:

Newborns often have increased amount bilirubin. In the vast majority of cases, this occurs due to small deviations and passes without medical intervention, but this does not negate the close supervision of the pediatrician.

Symptoms high quantity bilirubin:

  1. Frequent headaches.
  2. Cardiopalmus.
  3. Periodic increase in body temperature.
  4. The mucous membrane of the eye acquires a yellow tint.
  5. Dizziness.
  6. Pain in the region of the liver.
  7. Darkening of the urine.
  8. Lethargy. Dejected state.
  9. deterioration or complete absence appetite.
  10. Skin itching.
  11. Unpleasant sensations in the left side, in the hypochondrium, after and during various physical activities.
  12. Yellowing of the skin.
  13. Enlargement of the spleen.

Ways to lower bilirubin

In order to use the methods effective reduction the amount of bilirubin in the blood, first you need to establish the main cause of the increase. Some diseases with similar symptoms require complex treatment. If you lower the amount of bilirubin, but do not eliminate the very cause, then the effect will not be long-term, after a short time bilirubin will increase again.

Important! If there are signs of jaundice, you can not self-medicate, but immediately seek help from a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

Medications that lower the level of bilirubin in the blood:

  • Antibacterial drugs such as Furazepam and Diazepam.
  • Drugs that improve digestion, such as Festal or Mezim.
  • Cholagogue drugs, including Allohol and Hovitol.
  • Preparations for the liver, such as Karsil.
  • Drugs to fight pathological condition such as Activated Charcoal and Enterosgel.
  • Hepatoprotectors, including Pancreatin.

Attention! Medicines to reduce the amount of this pigment in the blood should be taken only as directed by a specialist, depending on the cause of the disease and the patient's condition. Do not self-medicate, it can harm your health.

Diet for high bilirubin

To effectively lower bilirubin in the blood, it is necessary not only to take medications, but also to follow a special diet.

The main principles of the diet:

  • Regular meals. Around the same time, four or five times a day.
  • Do not eat at least two hours before bedtime, ideally four hours.
  • Small portions of food, do not eat until you feel full.
  • Increase fluid intake to at least two liters. It also includes soups, various drinks and even juicy fruits.
  • Limited salt intake. No more than ten grams per day. To make it easier to count right amount salt in a separate container, when cooking do not add salt, salt directly in already in the plate.
  • Complete exclusion of fried foods, including fried soups.

Products contraindicated in:

  • Meats that are difficult to digest, such as pork, lamb, and duck.
  • Oily fish.
  • Raw seafood.
  • Sweet (chocolate, cocoa and ice cream).
  • Complex baked goods containing baking soda or baking powder.
  • Onion, garlic and radish.
  • All legumes, sorrel.
  • Sour fruits and berries.
  • Hard cheese, with high content fat.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Nuts.
  • Rich meat broth.
  • Alcohol in any quantity.
  • Sweet highly carbonated drinks.
  • Sharp, spicy and smoked.
  • Pickles and various marinades of any production.
  • Sausages.
  • Crisps.
  • Fast food.
  • Vinegar.
  • Citrus fruit.
  • Sauerkraut.

Products that lower the amount of bilirubin in the blood:

  • Meat and fish boiled.
  • Cereal porridge. Dairy and light vegetable soups without frying.
  • Bread from flour of the second grade, preferably dried.
  • Vegetables.
  • Vegetable oil. As well as butter can only be used in small quantities.
  • Fruity natural drinks such as compote, jelly or fruit drink.
  • Dietary meats, which include turkey, veal, chicken protein and rabbit meat.

Folk remedies to combat elevated levels of bilirubin in the blood

Alternative medicine is widely used to reduce bilirubin. Basically, such treatment is based on the use of various herbal decoctions. Briefly about the most popular:

  • Tincture on birch leaves. A full tablespoon of crushed dry leaves is brewed in one glass of boiling water for about thirty minutes and consumed before bedtime. This remedy helps to remove toxins from the liver, including bilirubin.
  • A decoction of chamomile flowers, motherwort and St. John's wort. Dry the mixture of herbs, chop, insist one tablespoon of the resulting mixture in one glass hot water. Consume twice a day, thirty minutes before meals. The result of such an infusion is noticeable after ten days of admission.
  • A decoction of corn stigmas. The stigma is the fluffy part of the head. Infuse 50 grams of corn stigmas in a glass of boiling water. Strain and top up again to a full glass. Drink a little throughout the day.

2 10 676 0

Bilirubin is a bile pigment produced due to damage, as well as the death of red blood cells, being a product of heme grinding.

The place of its concentration is mainly the liver and spleen. From the cells of these vital important organs bilirubin is released into the blood bile ducts. Important is the fact that it is the metabolic products of bilirubin that give the stool Brown color and urine is yellow. When the pigment concentration is within the normal range, the skin has a natural color, and when elevated level the skin has a characteristic yellow color.

We determine the reasons

Bilirubin is divided into three fractions: direct, indirect, total. There may be several reasons for its increase:

  • Exceeding the norm of direct bilirubin means that a person has a problem or a series of problems with the liver of an infectious and non-infectious nature. emergence similar situation due to: viral, alcoholic, drug-induced hepatitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, liver cirrhosis and other diseases.
  • A high level of total bilirubin is alarm signal that a person may have a disease of the blood or internal organs.
  • The most dangerous because of its toxic effects on the body is considered to be a high level of indirect bilirubin in the blood, the reason for which is an unnatural, overestimated decomposition of red blood cells (hemolysis). In addition, increased indirect bilirubin may be due to a lack of a special liver enzyme.

Diet for high bilirubin

Stick to proper nutrition.

The first step on the way to the treatment of the disease is proper nutrition and diet.

From your diet, you must eliminate or at least reduce the use of foods such as salt, White bread, butter, products with large quantity cholesterol, including flour products that contain baking powder and soda.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to eat mushrooms, sorrel, garlic, radishes, green onion, spicy and sour dishes chocolate, alcohol, smoked meats, sweets and canned food.
  2. It is recommended to include in your diet: milk, sweet fruits, lean meats, vegetable broth soups, vegetables and foods high in fiber.

Lowering bilirubin at home

The process of lowering the pigment in the body is quite long. The methods used to treat the disease at home are to increase the outflow of bile and support the liver from negative factors influence on her.

Mandatory medical consultation.

  1. This can be facilitated by taking medicines for the liver from milk thistle, for example, Karsil. It restores damaged liver cells, contributing to the production of the necessary enzymes and the correct flow of bile.
  2. It will not be superfluous to take absorbent drugs to bind and further remove bilirubin. One of these drugs is Enterosgel.
  3. It is important to use it with activated carbon to avoid flatulence.
  4. With the low effectiveness of these drugs, it is possible to use barbiturates, but only after the consent of the attending physician.

Folk remedies to reduce bilirubin in the blood

How additional remedy for the treatment and prevention of elevated bilirubin is considered treatment herbal decoctions and phyto teas. Recipes proven for centuries that help today are simple and harmless to the body. Here are a few of them:

  • Decoction of chamomile and mint. For cooking you need:
  • Chamomile 1 tbsp
  • Mint 1 tbsp
  • Boiling water 200 ml

Leave the decoction for half an hour and take 0.5 cup twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

  • A decoction of corn stigmas and St. John's wort. For cooking you need:
  • Chopped corn flakes 3 tsp
  • St. John's wort 2 tsp
  • Boiling water 200 ml

Infuse for half an hour and take on an empty stomach in the morning and before going to bed for 0.5 cups.

  • Decoction of motherwort. For cooking you need:
  • Motherwort 25 g
  • Boiling water 250 ml

Boil motherwort with boiling water. After 45-60 minutes, take 50 grams of decoction on an empty stomach three times a day.

If the concentration of bilirubin in the blood is increased long time, it can cause hemolytic jaundice. The bile pigment, bilirubin, is toxic to tissues, so its excess can significantly harm the body. So the question arises, how to lower bilirubin in the blood? We will try to answer it in an accessible and complete way below.

How to lower bilirubin folk remedies

next step in the normalization of bilirubin levels is ethnoscience. Its advantage over the traditional one is that treatment can be carried out without leaving home, moreover, the cost of folk remedies is usually much lower than the price of medicines.

  1. Herbs

The most common way to lower bilirubin in the blood quickly is herbal medicine. It is recommended to use medicinal plants in mixtures brewed with boiling water and infused for at least half an hour.

Some herbs have a positive effect on several organs at once, thereby contributing to the removal of pigment from the body. These are chamomile, St. John's wort, motherwort, corn stigmas, birch leaves, etc.

For 1 teaspoon of a mixture of herbs, there are 100 ml of boiling water. The drink should be drunk before meals 1-2 times a day. Each time you need to prepare a new decoction. If add herbal teas to the other methods listed above, how to reduce bilirubin in the blood, the result can be seen in 1-2 weeks.

  1. Soothing therapy

Elevated bilirubin levels may be caused by unstable psycho-emotional state. Try to avoid stress. If necessary, take a course of therapy with a psychologist or drink sedative drugs.

  1. Phototherapy

This method does not apply to folk ways, but also traditional medicine it's hard to name it. Phototherapy involves exposing a person to special lamps. This method is used if it is problematic to find means that can reduce bilirubin in the blood in pregnant women or newborns. Under the influence of radiation (that is, insoluble and toxic), bilirubin turns into, which freely leaves the body along with waste products.

Before lowering bilirubin at home, coordinate your actions with your doctor, however, healthy diet in any case will not harm your body. Important note- the fact that you refuse fatty and salty foods does not mean that you need to starve. Eat normally, but with healthy foods.

If you know effective ways and means to further lower the level of bilirubin in the blood, leave them in the comments.

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